Search results for ""Collective""
Collective Ink How to Be Happy – Finding a Future in Your Past
It's what everyone wants isn't it? To be happy? What people often don't realize is that there are two kinds of happiness. That which comes from without, and that which comes from within. The second kind is the important one. Happiness that comes from without is dependent on other people and the world you live in. Happiness that comes from within is dependent only upon the world that lives within you. This book shows you how to access your future happiness of the real kind, by discovering your complete evolution, over many lifetimes. Happiness from within can only be activated if you remember what you came here to do. Past lives need to be recalled and healed, so that we can remember what we came here to do.
Collective Ink Pagan Testament, A – The literary heritage of the world`s oldest new religion
Pagans often claim that their spiritual inspiration comes not from a written scripture but from personal experience and original creativity. Yet, there are many written works which also constitute its testament. Some of them are thousands of years old, such as the "Descent of Ishtar", and "The Homeric Hymn to Demeter". Others are more recent, such as "The Charge of the Goddess". "A Pagan Testament" collects these original works together, along with the poetry and prose that inspired the founders of the modern Pagan movement. It also includes the largest collection of circle songs and wisdom teachings ever published, which are the Pagan equivalent of the Biblical Psalms and Proverbs. They were collected by the author in a survey of Pagan folklore, from almost 2,000 people in twelve countries around the world. They show that Paganism is continually expanding and developing. Finally, the book includes an original and valuable philosophical commentary and interpretation.
Collective Ink Definitive Spa and Body Therapist`s Handbook, Th – 5 Keys to Energy, Balance and Bliss
As spas become hugely popular, trendy and busy environments designed to ease the stress of the weary, the spa therapist is often at the sharp end of a predominantly service oriented industry. The therapist's role is an intimate one and they can often become prone to imbalances in the body, mind and spirit as a consequence of the demands and pressure of the work. The physical proximity to clients, which is the nature of hands on body work, can bring up intense imbalances for the therapist that they are often not aware of. Training is usually inadequate and does not address the finer points of the therapists role on a psycho-physiological level as well as what is appropriate protocol.This book covers the 5 important key areas of their work giving valuable guidance, exercises, advice and information on how to take care of the body, prepare the mind, protect and utilize the spirit, channel the breath and provides a resource of legal and corporate matters to support the spa therapist at all times. Relevant in any culture and detailed to address the different type of spas, this book is the must have aid to support hands on therapy.
Collective Ink Last Tourist in Iran, The – From Persepolis to Nuclear Natanz
This is the first book on Iran to combine travelogue with in-depth historical reflection/getting to the heart of the Iranian Islamic mind. This is a reflective look at the cultural heritage and present nuclear crisis in Iran. Iran's cultural and spiritual heritage is now threatened by policies that may trigger international intervention. A source of Western civilization, it may be destroyed by its main beneficiary, Western civilization.This travelogue is a tour of Iran and explores the rich history of this pivotal country: the Achaemenians (Cyrus/Darius/Xerxes), the Sasanians, the Zoroastrian religion of 2,500 years ago; the Islamic period, the Safavids, and the Revolution which dethroned the Shah and made Iran an Islamic Republic. The Islamic idea is caught by observations of the well of the Hidden Imam and of its expression through the architecture, tiles and calligraphy of historical mosques. The Revolution is brought to life by visits to Ayatollah Khomeini's living rooms in Qom and Tehran, and to the Shah's White Palace. And the confrontational policy of contemporary Iran that threatens to engulf Iran's cultural heritage in the same way that Saddam's policy wreaked havoc on Iraq's cultural legacy is caught in a drive past the nuclear site at Natanz, which has many anti-aircraft guns round it.
Collective Ink Practicing Conscious Living and Dying – Stories of the Eternal Continuum of Consciousness
An uplifting collection of spiritually illuminating texts and powerfully thought- provoking real life stories, showing death as an integral part of life. Modern medical advances have resulted in death and dying becoming a taboo, which leaves us feeling isolated when the inescapability of death touches our lives. These touching observations of closeness to someone else who is dying, and personal accounts of near death experiences and after-death communication, illustrate how coming to terms with the inevitability of death is actually a life-affirming experience. These emotionally powerful and inspirational experiences address timeless questions and help expand our limited awareness of the nature of consciousness. They show how each of the individuals concerned has come to understand that death teaches us that the preciousness of life must be lived with a sense of purpose and meaning, as a celebration of our existence.
Collective Ink New Chakra System Handbook, The
Mankind is changing. The evolution has begun, and there is no stopping it. We are becoming Super Humans, possessing more senses and with more awareness of the universe. This Handbook is a simple guide that will take you from the Old Chakra system to the New System of energy. The meditation exercises are easy to practise and enable you to begin the process. Work through them at your own pace. Let's move forward and discard the old being we have been for too long. No matter what culture or religion you follow the handbook will assist you in becoming a Super Human, raising your energy to a higher vibration and making mother earth balanced again. Let's take an amazing leap into the future.
Collective Ink Other Buddhism, The – Amida Comes West
The Pureland schools are the largest Buddhist denominations in Japan, and yet this approach to Buddhism is hardly known in the West. Pureland centres on our relationship with Amida Buddha, the embodiment of measureless love, light and life. It offers a fresh view of spirituality, recognising us in our mundane lives, whilst lifting us into relationship with the eternal. As ordinary people, we cannot fathom our own depths nor can we know the immensity of the universe. We can but stand in awe and reach out to what we intuitively know to be beyond the small orbit of our lives. Pureland is a path of simplicity and beauty, poetry and nature. It is the path of faith.
Collective Ink Feng Shui Diaries
"The Feng Shui Diaries" are an account of the activities of Richard Ashworth, one of Britain's very few feng shui men: touching, informative, and very funny. They cover the human stories of why people call him in and what changes as a result. In his own words; "Sometimes I move a mirror, sometimes furniture. Usually I place water very precisely. Generally, I talk a lot. Stuckness, depression, addiction, ovarian cysts, infertility, lack of success are all grist to the mill, but above all, relationships: Moira wanted to be free of her ex-husband. I suggested the first step might be to stop sleeping with him. The house was full of shields and discs, yang metal symbols that in Chinese terms mean "mature man". Simply putting these on e-bay would move mountains." "The Feng Shui Diaries" shows how feng shui works for ordinary people in ordinary situations. There is nothing intimidating or inexplicable about it. And even if you don't follow the practice, they're a good laugh.
Collective Ink Spiritwalking: The Definitive Guide to Living and Working with the Unseen
"Spiritwalking" is a practical guide to working with the 'unseen', including spirits, entities and energies, be they human or otherwise. Drawing together the wild craft of the shamanic practitioner and the wise counsel of the medium or psychic, "Spiritwalking" takes the reader through a practical course in becoming an effective, empathic spiritwalker; one who can look beyond our physical existence in order to bring healing, balance and deeper understanding. It includes examples of 'unexplained' or 'paranormal' events from the author's own life and offers ways that we may understand them whilst giving instructions for how to deal with similar situations. This book is a highly original 'how to' manual that will enable anyone to deal with unwanted psychic intrusions, balance inharmonious energies or welcome in spirits who can work with us for positive ends. The personal examples from the author mean that this book is not a 'dry' read but rather is entertaining as well as instructional. It will give the reader an opportunity to understand how we may work with the unseen in everyday life and will bring a deeper understanding of our 'otherworldly' counterparts who share our space, be that indoors or in the landscape of city or countryside. It is an accessible course which is suitable for anyone with an interest in finding more meaning in life; a reader need have no beliefs for here is a pure, fresh approach to spirit-full living which only requires an open mind and a sense of adventure.
Collective Ink Marriage of Jesus
Was Jesus celibate, as the Church claims, or did he marry? If he had a wife, was she Mary Magdalene or someone completely unknown to us? In this knowledgeable and accessible book, Bible metaphysician, theologian and author Maggy Whitehouse puts forward a ground-breaking new theory; that just like any other Jew of the time, Jesus married at the age of 14. The "missing years" in the Bible are those he spent as a husband, raising his family. Given that the average life-span of a woman 2000 years ago was 27 years and two out of three women died in childbirth, Jesus was probably a widower when he began teaching. So what happened to Jesus' wife, this most forgotten of women? To find out, Maggy Whitehouse examines the legends, social and economic laws of the time on marriage and the legends of Jesus' celibacy and his marriage to Mary Magdalene. She explores the evidence in ancient Graeco-Roman and Pagan religions, the Gnostic gospels, the earliest known Christian scripts, the Jewish oral tradition and the commentaries on the Torah, demonstrating how the Christian world grew to need both the idea of a celibate God made man and the sacred union of male and female.
Collective Ink Boring Bible Series 3: Eggs–traordinary Easter
This book is packed with jokes, facts, cartoons and thought-provoking questions, even Easter can be interesting! After all, it's not every day someone gets up from the grave.
Collective Ink What Matters for Family Wellbeing
Collective Ink Pagan Portals The Fallen Women of Mythology
Within every ancient account of a 'fallen' woman, whether Divine or human, there is another fascinating side to their story.
Collective Ink Magic of the Seal The
To touch the heart of a seal, is to touch the heart of yourself.
Collective Ink Hiding in Plain Sight
Journey into the heart of language to reveal its power in shaping our existence and perception of reality.
Collective Ink Soul Connection with Horses
Horses teaching humans healthier ways of being, deepening innate wisdom and enabling soul-to-soul connection.
Collective Ink Love Outpouring
Relentlessly pointing you back to yourSelf, so for you to experience-directly the ever-present peace, happiness and love of yourSelf.
Collective Ink You Are a Frequency
Envisioning a new health paradigm.
Collective Ink Critical Introduction to Tarot, A: Examining the Nature of a Belief in Tarot
How does Tarot work? Why is it so popular today? Is it just for fortune tellers? Tarot has seen a recent uptick in interest that warrants explanation. This book, however, is not another take on the cards’ meanings and how to read them. Instead, independent researcher Simon Kenny presents Tarot to the incredulous and curious and those who wish to know the basis for its continued cultural relevance. A Critical Introduction to Tarot explains the practice in its historical and metaphysical contexts, and investigates its supporting belief structures, from witchcraft and magical practices to popular psychology. Throughout these pages, connections to politics, philosophy, psychology, numerology, astrology, Freemasonry, statistics, interpretative symbolism, self-help, social media -- even the nature of truth itself -- are explored. An accessible read aimed at demystifying Tarot for those unfamiliar with its magical, occult roots and growing use as a personal development tool.
Collective Ink Music of the Divine Spheres, The: The rediscovered ancient knowledge of human consciousness, sacred geometry, and the Egyptian pyramids that can change your life
The Music of the Divine Spheres is a rediscovery of ancient knowledge -- lost to humanity several millennia ago -- about our consciousness, its levels, and the laws of transition between those levels that elevate our mind. A revelation of the amazing laws of nature underlying the structures of space and consciousness, the main secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, and the true meaning of the ancient symbols such as the Flower of Life, the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, the Djed, and the Nine Egyptian Crystal Spheres. Discover the wonderful Laws of the Spheres and the Universal Law of Harmony of Vibrations while reading about the perception of sounds, colors, and proportions, as well as why their different combinations cause different feelings -- and how to heal using sound and light. Learn how to develop new levels of consciousness and make higher-level decisions in your life. This knowledge can be used to accelerate the evolution of everyone's consciousness and thereby change this world for the better.
Collective Ink By No Means Equal: Reclaiming the Soul
This is the age of equality, which this book argues directly opposes the idea of the individual soul as a spiritual reality. Equality is the rock on which our modern Western liberal democracies are built. When we talk of Western values, this is the one that underlies the rest. But what if this rock is made of sand? By No Means Equal explores the idea of equality and suggests it is an ideological belief with no foundation in reality. It may seem a progressive belief from the political point of view, but in reality, its acceptance is spiritually damaging, with consequences for the evolution of the soul.
Collective Ink Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil: What Humanity Can Learn from the Near Death Experience
Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil: What Humanity Can Learn from the Near Death Experience decouples spirituality from a religious context and perspective. It examines the intriguing accounts of people who have undergone a near-death experience (NDE) and what was revealed to them while outside their physical bodies. What those people vividly described went well beyond what can be found in religious scripture. The NDE accounts contain descriptions of Heaven and the higher spiritual realms, what interconnectedness/oneness means, the eternal nature and liberation of the soul consciousness, the gift of free will and its purpose, the nature of soul agreements, the universal laws of attraction, reincarnation, and cause and effect (karma), the nature of positive and negative energy, the significance of the death of our physical body as well as our spiritual rebirth and life review. The study and collation of more than 500 NDE accounts, and the identification of common observations and insights drawn therefrom, culminated in the writing of this book. Going beyond the current NDE literature, which mainly examines the historical, religious, philosophical, scientific and medical aspects of this phenomenon, Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil concentrates on the important messages brought back from beyond the veil for humanity's knowledge and benefit. Some of the learnings, observations and insights from the Other Side presented in this book are truly remarkable, and in a few cases, they test the limits of human, Earthly comprehension.
Collective Ink Itll Be Fun Youll See
More modern fairy tales and archaic breakthroughs for grown-up children.
Collective Ink Golden Phoenix, The: Russia, Ukraine and a Coming New World Order
In The Fall of the West Nicholas Hagger examined the evidence for the origin of Covid and whether it has been used as a bio-weapon between West and East. He saw the US, worried by China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative in 140 countries, as collaborating with the Western Syndicate’s New World Order based on the Great Reset advocated by Schwab’s World Economic Forum and the UN’s Agenda 2030. He saw an authoritarian New World Order that could accommodate Russia and China as being established before a democratic World State. In The Golden Phoenix (which completes a quartet that includes The Syndicate, The Secret History of the West and The Fall of the West and is also a sequel to Peace for our Time), Hagger carries the story forward from Ukraine’s being a corridor between the Black Sea and Europe for Russian natural gas to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In 2019 Hagger was invited to Russia to give a lecture in Moscow on a supranational World State to an audience which included men in military uniform, and he received several awards, including the Russian Ecological Foundation’s Golden Phoenix lapel badge. He was asked to write two letters to Putin and was in contact with Putin’s advisers. The phoenix rises from ashes, and Hagger considers whether the West is rising from the ashes of its withdrawal from Afghanistan to advance its technocratic New World Order by supplying arms to Ukraine and blocking Russian gas; or whether a Russian authoritarian New World Order is rising from the ashes of the defunct Soviet Union to dominate southern Ukraine, and eventually some former Soviet territories, in alliance with China’s Belt-and-Road New World Order in 140 countries; or whether the supranational democratic global New World Order he outlined in World State and World Constitution is rising from the ashes of the Second World War like a golden phoenix. The Russian Foreign Minister has said that NATO is in effect in a war with Russia, and that there is a real danger of a Third World War, and Hagger assesses the likely outcome of the current conflict.
Collective Ink Mindful Medium The
Collective Ink Higher Spiritual Path, The
Predicated on the immemorial core or "first" principles of the universal perennial philosophy, which finds expression from Lao Tzu to Ramana Maharshi in the East and from Pythagoras to René Guénon and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy in the West, The Higher Spiritual Path details how those on the higher spiritual path must address and master its requirements. This book is as practical as it is philosophical -- or theosophical -- since it is based on the specifics of “sacred science,” or spiritual science, an inextricable component of the perennial philosophy. Many of the requirements of the higher spiritual path are based on the truths of this ancient spiritual science, formulated over millennia by jivanmukti, or liberated beings, who serve as the teachers of those currently engaged in treading this hieratic path. The goals of ascending this path are the loftiest; the hierarchical order of its spiritual teachers is the holiest; and the totality of its evolutionary and compassionate purpose is the most sacred.
Collective Ink Braco and His Silent Gaze
"So I made up my mind to open my heart for at least five minutes to this man who just looks at people in silence. During the encounter I felt more love than I could have ever imagined -- pure love. I felt that I was loved. On precisely that day, all pain fell away from me." ... “It’s a very intense light he awakens in people.” ... "When he looked at me, I felt like someone was wiping away all my worries," said visitors from Germany, Austria and the USA after an event with Braco. It is impressive to stand in front of a person who gazes at the visitors of his events in silence. No gripping speech, no new teachings or wisdom -- especially no new religion -- just silence. Braco has the courage to stand in front of thousands of people at events and congresses. He has a gift some scientists say the world has not yet seen in this form. In 2012, Braco received a peace prize at the UN in New York. A German doctor wrote this book after his own intense experiences with Braco and his gaze. More than 70 visitors to the events with Braco have their say, including doctors, psychologists, scientists of physics, biochemistry and health sciences, as well as consciousness researchers and a theologian. The visitors' direct experiences and the scientists' expertises bring the reader closer to the unknown, which has no name but, through Braco's gaze, brings happiness and health back to people.
Collective Ink Lightbulb Moments in Human History - From Cave to Colosseum
Lightbulb Moments in Human History tracks humanity's big ideas and the eccentricities of those who conceived them. Along the way you'll find answers to questions such as: Why did the Sumerians have temple prostitutes? Just how psychotic was the God of the Old Testament? Why did parents in ancient Greece encourage their young sons to take older male lovers? And what on earth inspired the Mayans to have tobacco enemas? Funny. Irreverent. Never boring. This is not the history you were taught in school. Scott Edwin Williams' Lightbulb Moments in Human History engages, entertains, and provides hope that while times are tough, we're not all going to hell in a handbasket.
Collective Ink Artifice of Eternity, The: A Novel
War. Corruption. Overpopulation. Climate change. When Earth reaches a tipping point, the world's wealthiest man decides to reboot civilization on another habitable planet. Deemed "Project Exodus," the voyage includes 4,000 like-minded colonists, a political manifesto, and all the resources they can fit on their ship. But traversing the stars and establishing the first permanent colony on a new planet is merely the first step. The real challenge lies in their attempt at a sustainable utopia. The story spans three generations of colonists on planet Eden, from the first settlers of Project Exodus to the native-born and their own progeny. With each new generation comes an existential threat to their way of life, and one family always finds itself at the center of conflict. Meanwhile, an otherworldly figure lurks in the recesses of time and space, slowly working toward its own designs. The Artifice of Eternity is a sweeping science fiction narrative with elements of mystery, psychological fiction, and political commentary interspersed with media documents from Earth's past. It is an insightful appraisal of humanity's enduring pursuit to escape human nature.
Collective Ink Avoiding Apocalypse: How Science and Scientists Ended the Cold War
Avoiding Apocalypse: How Science and Scientists Ended the Cold War tells the little-known story of the worldwide scientists’ boycott of the Soviet Union that set in motion an astonishing sequence of events. Starting simultaneously with the rise to power of an obscure Soviet bureaucrat named Mikhail Gorbachev, the scientists’ boycott led to the end not only of the Cold War but also of the Soviet Union itself.
Collective Ink Staff of Laurel, Staff of Ash: Sacred Landscapes in Ancient Nature Myth
At the crossroads of nature and the human imagination, Earth is sentient, fertile, and eloquent. When ancient goddesses, outcasts, heroes, and poets speak, they speak on her behalf to reveal living myths that first enchanted sacred landscapes. Their primal stories emerge from wilderness and rise from buried libraries to jolt us awake. We meet a lone goddess battling fifty giants, a beguiling wife who is secretly a serpent, a radiant lyre about to sing her own poetry, and an ogre whose heart is his forest. When oaks and rivers call for justice, when furies and monsters counter king and plow, let us turn our ear to hear. As we listen, mythic fragments lead us from marble palaces to nymph-haunted gardens, on a quest that teems with strange immortals. Along the way, a goddess of desolation, a mistress of animals, ash tree spirits, and a trickster water god appear as guides. Primeval green wisdom emerges from abyss, forest, and borderland, hidden in myths we almost lost forever, in ancient images that say things we no longer can.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Breath of Spring: How to Survive (and Enjoy) the Spring Festival
Candlemas/Imbolc is the re-awakening of the Old Lass within Old Craft belief and also coincides with the Roman Candelaria and Fornicalia - a spring corn festival celebrated in honour of Fornax, goddess of ovens, and observed by each ward of the city. All this merging of primitive origins and rites, belonging to the European pre-urban agricultural culture, meant that it also commemorated the search for Persephone by her mother and the festival of candles symbolizing the return of the Light. So it continued to be performed until the Christian era, when it was transformed into Candalmas in AD494. In pre-Christian times, Imbolc observance began the night before 1st February, and celebrants prepared for a visit from Brigid into their homes by crafting an effigy of the goddess from bundles of oats and rushes. The clothed effigy was placed in a basket overnight, and the day was celebrated by burning lamps and lighting bonfires in tribute to her. Traditions from both the pagan celebration and the Christian observance of St. Brigid’s Day can be found in the modern Imbolc festivities - while celebrants sometimes make a Brigid’s Cross out of reeds, as well as a Brigid corn doll or effigy.
Collective Ink Journey Across Forever, The: A Magical Provocative Odyssey Across the Ages, Around the World & into the Great Beyond
A Magical Mystery Ride through the Prism of History in a Search for the Answers to Humanity’s Highest Dreams. The Journey Across Forever is a powerful collection of writings detailing the author’s metaphysical insights and paranormal experiences over the decades as he traveled the world in a quest for truth and enlightenment. Topics under discussion include the profound mysteries of consciousness, precognition, karma, reincarnation, the “Phenomenon” (UAPs), the Dreamtime of the Aborigines, Hermeticism, alchemy and the ‘secret knowledge’, shamanism, psychotropics and the three forms of magic. Saalman reveals what the physicist, the mystic and all seekers of truth have in common and explains why climate change, the power of social media, the threat of “apocalyptic” politics and the nefarious appeal of the dark web are a spiritual challenge for each of us. Above all, The Journey Across Forever deeply explores why it is crucial that we heed the words, here and now, of those who have had a near-death experience if we genuinely believe in the reality of spiritual immortality and wish to make our way to higher dimensions upon our own exit from this planet. In the meantime, the author argues, a Brave New Aquarian Age of promise is ours for the making if we really want it and are prepared to do what it takes to secure it.
Collective Ink Cult of the Yew, The: Tree of Life, Mystery and Magic
The ancients revered this sacred tree that has existed on Earth for 200 million years - some trees, still alive today, even survived the last ice age. This immortal tree was therefore venerated as the triple goddess of life, death and rebirth, and was believed to be the guardian of our planet. With climate change threatening our existence, many are now turning to the Tree of Life, identified with the ancient yew, for answers to our predicament. Through groundbreaking research, Janis Fry answers our modern yearning to make sense of life through a god/dess of Nature that guides our lives and connects us to people and events, to which we are answerable as custodians of life on Earth. The Cult of the Yew: Tree of Life, Mystery and Magic explores the spiritual history of this iconic tree and aims to change how those who read it think and understand life in these times.
Collective Ink Afterlife, The - a journey to: Now you know what will happen
'My name is Athar. At least it is now that I am here, in heaven. I can tell you the story only now. I couldn’t back then, when it was too painful, when it hurt too much. But now I know what happens. More than that, I now know why. I am not here to tell you what to believe. I am here to tell you what is true.' The Afterlife, a journey to is an inspirational voyage of discovery through heaven's many portals - you will experience heaven’s many levels BEFORE you get there.
Collective Ink On Her Silver Rays: A Guide to the Moon, Myth and Magic
The moon and witchcraft go hand in hand. Lady Lunar has long been both a guide and a companion, a sign by which we mark time, all the while she gently aids us in our explorations into the self and magical workings. She is a reflection of not only the sun’s light but also the endless cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. The ebbing and flowing energy of the moon influences our thoughts and emotions. Many people believe that this energy can also bring change and enhance our own lives, through knowing when and how to use it. On Her Silver Rays: A Guide to the Moon, Myth and Magick is a collection of science, myth, poetry, and ritual. It will guide you through working with the different phases of the moon in order to gain a better sense of wellbeing. Discover how best to harness the lunar energies for healing and emotional strength, as well as physical and mental wellness. Deepen your connection with Lady Lunar through making your own ‘moon water’, prayer beads, incense and anointing oils. Through the keeping of a lunar diary, learn how to effectively manifest and release with the endless changing energies of the moon. Create your own unique moon names regardless of where you live. When you are ready to take your moon magick deeper, this book will guide you through the differing astrological signs, cosmic events, including Blue and Black Moons, as well as working with both solar and lunar eclipses, and even how to make your own Kamea of the Moon. More than just another book about working with the moon, On Her Silver Rays: A Guide to the Moon, Myth and Magick is an informative guide to developing a deep ultimate connection with our night time companion.
Collective Ink Brutish Necessity: A Black Life Forgotten
Oswald Augustus Grey was a Jamaican immigrant. He was 20 years old when he was executed and 19 when the crime for which he was convicted took place. To talk to people who lived in the city at the time, or to scour the nostalgia forums that proliferate online, is to discover an episode that has almost entirely disappeared in terms of public remembrance. This book unearths something of a place and a society that allowed a young life to become expendable and forgotten. The Birmingham in which this happened is both alien yet familiar.
Collective Ink Quaker Quicks - Tending Sacred Ground: Respectful Parenting
Navigate through the sacred, the impossible, and the unexpected in these hard-won reflections on parenting with humility, connection, resilience and joy. Tending Sacred Ground: Respectful Parenting is a series of essays, each of which alights on the experience of parenting and is inspired by a Quaker perspective. Pamela Haines shows how to cultivate respect, resilience, humility, connection, discernment, and joy while encouraging and inspiring a wider view toward inclusion.
Collective Ink Jesus: A Life in Class Conflict
What made the Jesus movement tick? By situating the life of Jesus of Nazareth in the turbulent troubles of first-century Palestine, Crossley and Myles give a thrilling historical-materialist take on the historical Jesus. Delivering a wealth of knowledge on the social, economic, and cultural conflicts of the time, Jesus: A Life in Class Conflict uncovers the emergence of a fervent and deadly serious religious organizer whose social and religious movement offered not only a radical end-time edict of divine reversal and judgment but also a promising new world order ruled in the interests of the peasantry. The movement’s popular appeal was due in part to a desire to represent the values of ordinary rural workers, and its vision meant that the rich would have to give up their wealth, while the poor would be afforded a life of heavenly luxury. Tensions flared up considerably when the movement marched on Jerusalem and Jesus was willingly martyred for the cause. Crossley and Myles offer a vivid portrait of the man and his movement and uncover the material conditions that converged to make it happen.
Collective Ink To Sing with Bards and Angels: A Journey into the Creative Heart
To Sing with Bards and Angels is an invitation to travel through landscapes evoked by beautiful language, into the heart of nature and imagination. Step into the magic of a creative spiritual journey through the descriptive voice of a contemporary Bard, as she shares her quest to live and work in harmony with the Creative Spirit, writing her way into being, turning her life into poetry and story. With help from an angel and a full moon shining on the ocean, Iona Jenkins blends this potion of inspiration from a treasury of memories, her love of wisdom, sacred places, native landscapes, legends, the arts and nature, all served in a cup of creative possibility for those aspiring to live with wisdom and soul as spiritual artists. A few sprinklings of practical suggestions, optional meditations and tasks are added to help readers discover inspiration flowing through the unique song of their own lives.
Collective Ink Magic of Cats, The
Discover the Cat of the Night and the Cat of the Day. Over the centuries, the relationship between cats and humans has been one of profound change, of both darkness and light. In Ancient Egypt, we worshipped them as the physical embodiment of a goddess. In Medieval Europe, we tortured and punished them for being the familiars of witches. In the twenty-first century, we are obsessed with filming and posting their antics on social media. And while we may think of them as our pets, that doesn’t mean that we are in charge. Far from it. Cats know exactly how to get their humans to follow their orders! They have been an ongoing source of intrigue and mystery throughout human history. They are the stuff of myth and legend, as well as being our best friends. They sit among the stars and curl up on our laps. There is nothing so wonderful as the magic of cats.
Collective Ink Align: Living and Loving from the True Self
There is a fundamental core within each of us where our true nature resides. Our learned patterns of relating to ourselves and the world cause us to get pulled off our center, coming out of alignment with our True Self. While these conditioned patterns were at one time useful, continuing to live from them prevents us from experiencing the ease and beauty of our own true nature. In this remarkable exploration of the human condition, Harmony Kwiker provides a clear and comprehensive map to rediscovering how to live and love from the True Self, including how to come back to wholeness by accessing your subtle energy body, how to embody your alignment in all of your relationships and how to explore sexual intimacy in a sacred way.
Collective Ink Magic of Serpents, The
A remnant from the age of the dinosaur, the serpent was originally a symbol of arcane knowledge from the old gods. Transformed into the devil for tempting Eve to eat from the forbidden tree, the serpent has remained the villain ever since. Scott Irvines’s The Magic of Serpents is a profound search for the symbolism and worldwide mythology - at the religious, philosophical and spiritual levels - for which the serpent stands.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Freya: Meeting the Norse Goddess of Magic
The most popular of the Norse goddesses is the Vanic deity Freya, found across the Norse myths and into modern mass media, yet often obscured by contradictory tales and external moral coding. Freya is an alluring deity of magic and fertility, a being so important in the mythology that gods and giants fought over her, yet she is never shown as a passive prize to be won only as a forceful being with agency and will of her own. Who is this powerful goddess who has left such a profound mark across not only Norse culture but also wider Western culture? Pagan Portals-Freya is a basic introduction to the Norse Goddess Freya that covers her history, mythology, associations, and modern appearances, and offers readers suggestions for how to begin connecting to Freya in their own lives.
Collective Ink Relax Kids: The Dream Machine: Create your own Magical Adventures
This book helps children open the door to the magic of their imagination and gives them the keys to new and exciting possibilities. By developing their imagination, children can increase their ingenuity, creativity and ability to problem solve. With 100,000 combinations of story visualisations, children will have a different adventure each time they step through the portal of their imagination.
Collective Ink Earth Spirit: Confronting the Crisis: Essays and Meditations on Eco-Spirituality
If the human species has an evolutionary purpose that purpose is delight. Aren’t we constituted to experience and express conscious delight in the immensity and intimacy of creation, the diversity, abundance, and miracles of life? We have moved far from such purpose. Instead of imagination’s dreamers with the Earth, maturing into avatars of relationships, narrators of wonder, we are now a clear and present danger to all species. How do we change identity, direction, and move toward a future inclusive of Earth stability and Human responsibility?
Collective Ink How to Rejuvenate and Live Three Hundred Years and Beyond: A systematic blueprint for living beyond the human lifespan
Is it possible to live forever? Is immortality within reach of science and scientific breakthroughs? In How to Rejuvenate and Live Three Hundred Years and Beyond, world-class scientist Dr. Muzhi Shi discloses through philosophical discourse his systematic blueprint for living beyond today's human lifespan, illustrating the great potential of state-of-the-art technologies from an insider's perspective. Dr. Shi evaluates current technologies to select essential tools for such a grand goal and offers a unique view of trendy dietary supplements, longevity pills and other biotechnologies - and, most importantly, he answers some of the essential questions about life and death that everyone is curious about.
Collective Ink Fall of the West, The: The Story behind Covid, the Levelling-Down of the West and the Shift of Power to the East with the Rise of China
In The Syndicate (2004) Nicholas Hagger described how in the 20th century a Syndicate of élitist mega-rich families levelled down the leading Western countries by promoting revolutions, wars and independence movements against their empires, and planned a New World Order and world government that would control the earth’s resources for their own benefit. In The Secret History of the West (2005) he traced the Syndicate’s roots back to secret Freemasonic organisations and revolutions that undermined the West from the Renaissance to the early 20th century. In The Fall of the West (2022), the third book in his trilogy on the West, Hagger updates the story to include the pandemic and describes how Syndicate-driven 21st-century events from the War on Terror to Covid have brought the Western financial system to the brink of collapse and shifted power from the West to the East, and China. In this first impartial attempt to assemble all the evidence to date for the origin of Covid (like fitting together available pieces of a jigsaw to reveal the main picture) Hagger, the first to discover the Cultural Revolution in China in March 1966, finds that the three main features of Covid-19 were man-made by American NIAID-funded medics in 2002 and patented 73 times since 2008, and seem to have been surreptitiously used as a bio-weapon in a Syndicate plan to limit the rise of China and its expanding trade. A dangerous new Biological Age has been born, and the West faces being levelled down and a sudden fall. Hagger sees the post-Covid West’s dream of creating a good New World Order - a vaccine-protected democratic, presidential, part-federal world government and World State with sufficient authority to abolish war and solve the world’s post-Covid problems - as being challenged by the self-interested Syndicate’s levelling-down; and to survive, it first has to go along with the Syndicate’s plan for West and East to draw together into an authoritarian world government involving China, and democratise later. This is a thought-provoking work with a prophetic vision of the future.