Search results for ""Author Ink"
Collective Ink Zen Way of Counseling, The – A meditative approach to working with people
Svagito Liebermeister presents a way of counseling that is rooted in meditation. He examines the core aspects of a spiritual approach to therapy, beyond method and technique, focusing on the essentials of how personal growth and transformation occur. Important insights are offered to those who are interested in combining therapy and meditation, and who want to gain personal clarity and a new vision of how they work with people. This includes an understanding of how the human mind works in general, as well as the relationship dynamics between man and woman and the inner male-female polarity. The principles described in this book can be applied to any form of therapy or counseling. Practical examples are given from the author's own experience spanning more than 25 years as a therapist, a wide range of clients and many different countries. In this book, three major techniques of therapy body oriented, systemic and energy work are compared and evaluated.
Collective Ink Fall of the West, The: The Story behind Covid, the Levelling-Down of the West and the Shift of Power to the East with the Rise of China
In The Syndicate (2004) Nicholas Hagger described how in the 20th century a Syndicate of élitist mega-rich families levelled down the leading Western countries by promoting revolutions, wars and independence movements against their empires, and planned a New World Order and world government that would control the earth’s resources for their own benefit. In The Secret History of the West (2005) he traced the Syndicate’s roots back to secret Freemasonic organisations and revolutions that undermined the West from the Renaissance to the early 20th century. In The Fall of the West (2022), the third book in his trilogy on the West, Hagger updates the story to include the pandemic and describes how Syndicate-driven 21st-century events from the War on Terror to Covid have brought the Western financial system to the brink of collapse and shifted power from the West to the East, and China. In this first impartial attempt to assemble all the evidence to date for the origin of Covid (like fitting together available pieces of a jigsaw to reveal the main picture) Hagger, the first to discover the Cultural Revolution in China in March 1966, finds that the three main features of Covid-19 were man-made by American NIAID-funded medics in 2002 and patented 73 times since 2008, and seem to have been surreptitiously used as a bio-weapon in a Syndicate plan to limit the rise of China and its expanding trade. A dangerous new Biological Age has been born, and the West faces being levelled down and a sudden fall. Hagger sees the post-Covid West’s dream of creating a good New World Order - a vaccine-protected democratic, presidential, part-federal world government and World State with sufficient authority to abolish war and solve the world’s post-Covid problems - as being challenged by the self-interested Syndicate’s levelling-down; and to survive, it first has to go along with the Syndicate’s plan for West and East to draw together into an authoritarian world government involving China, and democratise later. This is a thought-provoking work with a prophetic vision of the future.
Collective Ink Advancing Conversations: Aubrey de Grey – advocate for an indefinite human lifespan
Advancing Conversations is a line of interview books documenting conversations with artists, authors, philosophers, economists, scientists, and activists whose works are aimed at the future and at progress. The biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey, as the world's pre-eminent longevity advocate, is nothing if not future oriented. De Grey is the founder of the SENS Research Foundation, an organization developing medical interventions to repair the damage the body does to itself over time. Stated more directly, Aubrey de Grey and his organization aim to defeat aging. In 2005 a panel of scientists and doctors from MIT, Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Microsoft, and the Venter Institute participated in a contest to judge whether de Grey's "Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence" were worthy of debate and verification or whether these ideas were wrong on their face. The panel found that de Grey's proposals for intervening in the aging process, while speculative, often "ran parallel to existing research" and were not "demonstrably wrong."
Collective Ink Weaving the Cosmos – Science, Religion and Ecology
"Weaving the Cosmos" traces humanity's journey from the mythical origins of religion, through the struggles to make sense of Christianity in the fourth century, and the strangely similar struggles to make sense of quantum theory in the twentieth century, to modern quantum cosmology. What we see, both in the human mind and in the cosmos which has given birth to that mind, is a dance between rational Form and intuitive Being. This present moment of ecological crisis opens to us a unique opportunity for bringing together these two strands of our existence, represented by religion and science. As the story unfolds, the historical account is interwoven with the author's own experiences of learning the principles through which we can bring about this integration in ourselves and in society. The final chapter surveys the many changes now emerging in society which give us hope that a transformation can be achieved from our dysfunctional past to a future in which we can be truly human, in harmony with the earth.
Collective Ink Scavengers of Beauty: A personal, cultural and symbolic exploration of the Moon landing
Why was the mission to the Moon named after the God of the Sun, and not after a Moon Goddess or God? In this unconventional work, Philippe Sibaud explores the symbolism behind the 1969 landing on the Moon. More than fifty years after this seminal event, and whilst the Moon is attracting renewed interest, the author offers a bold new interpretation of the iconic Apollo mission. Was the Apollo landing the ultimate triumph of solar consciousness over the ancient lunar ways, a concrete enactment of the god Apollo mythically slaying the mother dragon at Delphi, or can the whole venture be seen as the sacred union of Sun and Moon, birthing a new vision at a time of great need? By weaving his own personal story with a greater cultural and symbolic narrative, Philippe Sibaud invites us to reflect on the importance of myths and the power of the Imagination to unlock the deeper meaning of our individual and collective experiences. You will never look at the Moon with the same eyes again.
Collective Ink Spiritual Mind, The – A journey into awareness
We are all susceptible to negative external influences, but hidden within each of us is a spiritual power that is waiting to be rediscovered. In this insightful and practical book, based on the author's personal reflections and life-long experience as a pupil and teacher of spirituality, Jim Ryan presents a unique examination of the mind as it is now, together with practical ways to develop a more spiritual way of thinking and being. Firstly, he shows you how to recognize and change the five negative states of mind: the stone mind, the hollow mind, the coral mind, the fragrant mind and the sponge mind. Then he sets out the pathway to change, helping you to rediscover nine positive mind states, including the wisdom mind, the love mind, the divine mind and ultimately the angelic mind. Aimed at all spiritual thinkers, regardless of religious background, this book shows you how to move from one mind state and how to reconnect with your inner spiritual power.
Collective Ink Simply Being – One Year with Spirit
Essentially, the whole of humanity asks the same questions about life and living. What is truth? How do i handle stress? Can i forgive? How do i heal my fears? Now "Simply Being" leads us through the answers in a way that is accessible, timely and absent of religious doctrine and dogma. Spirit's voice is persistant here, teaching all that indeed everyone can easily access and remember the inner wisdom of God's love. "Simply Being" has been assembled as a progressive workbook. It contains 52 weeks of inspired material followed by prompts for insight. These prompts encourage the reader to journal, ask questions and receive their own answers. Additionally, each weekly reading, includes practical exercises for hands on use of the material and affirmations to keep insights fresh daily.Writing this journal each day, the author found herself happier, more peaceful and willing to offer herself and others love, understanding and peace. In the practice of this book's material, she offers the same joy, hope and practical knowledge to whomever crosses its path. Pamela Silberman has been a recreation therapist and group counselor since 1994. She is currently the Executive Director for an international self-development conference for 2008. She has written for "Chicken Soup for the Volunteer's Soul", "Miracles Magazine" and "The Christ Consciousness Journal". Her blog chronicles her experiences.
Collective Ink Date, Love, Marry, Avoid: Find Your Soulmate
Online dating is at an all-time high. Its industry is worth nearly $7 billion. And its popularity has increased in proportion to the increases of loneliness and social isolation brought on by Covid. Finding your soulmate in a largely online world can be tricky enough as it is, and this book aims to help you find a compatible partner without having to kiss too many frogs. Deciding to write the book she couldn’t find on the market, author Janine Lowe set her aim toward helping people find their way every day with relationships, life, health, and wealth through Chinese Horoscopes and Feng Shui. Using thousands of years of Chinese Zodiac knowledge to help you find your soulmate, Love, Date, Marry, Avoid is a funny, practical, irreverent, and accessible guide to Chinese astrology, geared to help you learn what makes your personal sign tick and which animal signs are your most -- and least -- compatible. In these pages, Janine will help you work out which animal you are -- the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, or Pig? -- and identify great date options, as she gives her verdict on whether to date, love, marry, or avoid. After all, there’s no point taking a Rat to the gym, you’ll never see him again!
Collective Ink Promised Land, The: Universalism and a Coming World State
During a visit to Jordan Nicholas Hagger stood on Mount Nebo where the prophet Moses stood, and looked down on the Promised Land of Canaan that Moses saw shortly before he died. It seemed as if all the kingdoms of the earth were spread out below him, a new Promised Land: a coming World State called for by Dante and Kant, and more recently by Truman, Einstein, Churchill, Eisenhower, Gandhi, Russell, J.F. Kennedy and Gorbachev - and Hagger himself in World State and World Constitution. Combining travelogue and historical reflection, Nicholas Hagger draws on previous visits to the Biblical Middle East and traces the development of his Universalism in his formative years and then in his “wilderness years”, when like Moses he spent 40 years in the wilderness setting out Universalism in 60 books and arriving at its ten commandments. He reflects on a remarkable life and its pattern and reaches some conclusions on the Providential nature of its direction and on the European civilisation. Weaving together his wanderings in Arabia and Egypt, his past travels and his writings, he presents a coming democratic, partly federal World State with sufficient authority to abolish war, enforce disarmament, combat famine, disease and poverty and solve the world’s financial, environmental and virological problems, and in a closing vision a coming Promised Land that like Moses he will not live to see. This is a stunning work with a prophetic vision of the future.
Collective Ink 2 Ennerdale Drive – Unauthorised Biography
2 Ennerdale Drive is a memoir of a house and the family that lived there; a work of text and image encompassing architecture, social and personal history, town planning, photography and representation, carving a space within and between new forms of memoir, cultural studies and creative non-fiction. The house in north London, built during the phenomenal interwar wave of suburban development, begins an exploration of public and private lives, architectural and family narrative, charting territory between documented evidence, personal and cultural memory, association and emotional response. 2 Ennerdale Drive questions the veracity accorded to 'documents' produced across institutional, public and private family contexts. Textual analyses of images relating to the house, the family (and its business: theatre) frame each chapter, generating stories and responses to the factual and the remembered. Visits to archives and to other houses document the existence and/or absence of such material. An epilogue locates the author, a family member and sometime narrator, in the frame and offers, perhaps, a final privileged glance into the family archive.
Collective Ink Resilience: The Life-Saving Skill of Story
Storytelling covers every skill we need in a crisis. We need to share information about how to be safe, about how to live together, about what to do and not do. We need to talk about what is going on in ways that keep us from freaking out. We need to change our behavior as a human race to save each other and ourselves. We need to imagine a possible future different from the present and work on how to get there. And we need to do it all without falling apart. This book will help people in any field and any walk of life to become better storytellers and immediately unleash the power to teach, learn, change, soothe, and create community to activate ourselves and the people around us. The "Resilience Series" is the result of an intensive, collaborative effort of our authors in response to the 2020 coronavirus epidemic. Each volume offers expert advice for developing the practical, emotional and spiritual skills that you can master to become more resilient in a time of crisis.
Collective Ink Savage Breast
THE DA VINCI CODE tapped a deep fascination for the sacred feminine hidden at the heart of Christianity. Best-selling author Tim Ward digs deeper into this mystery, propelling the reader into the pre-Christian Goddess religions of the Mediterranean. Ward confronts tough questions * Are men threatened by the innate power of the feminine? * Why do men abuse, rape, and dominate women? Shouldnt loving relationships with the opposite sex be natural and easy? * Did we all lose an essential part of ourselves when we turned our back on the feminine divine? * How would opening to the feminine face of God help men resolve their issues with women? * What would it take for men to really let go of patriarchy and genuinely accept women as equals?To answer these questions, Ward decided to seek out the Goddess, with his own demons in tow. Over a period of three years he travelled to the ruined temples and shrines of the Goddess in the cradles of Western Civilization. At each he encountered one aspect of the many faces of the Goddess. He vividly recreates the experience of ancient believers the Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter, the sexual rites of the priestesses of Aphrodite, and a human sacrifice on a mountaintop shrine in Crete. And in Turkey he sits at the feet of the many-breasted Artemis of Ephesus, whose rioting followers once threatened to kill the Apostle Paul. Facing the Goddess unleashes turbulent emotions for Ward. With frank honesty he describes the traumas that erupt in his relationship with the woman he loves, who accompanied him on many of his journeys.
Collective Ink It Really Is Just Good Business: The art of operating a responsible, ethical, AND PROFITABLE small business
It Really Is Just Good Business is essential reading for all solopreneurs, freelancers, as well as micro and small business owners who want to build and sustain a profitable business. Why? Quite simply, the rules of business have changed. Greed has been the defining god of the business world for far too long: Allegiance to the creed of money alone will ultimately result in failure. Organisations that believe that people and the planet are equally as important as profit will now, paradoxically, be the most profitable and sustainable for the longer term. It Really Is Just Good Business is a blueprint for anyone who wants their business to thrive, but who also wants to make a meaningful contribution to society. The author has 50 years’ experience working with small businesses at a grassroots level. Jill Poet is quick to point out that she is not an academic or a sustainability consultant, and that it is her wealth of experience, rather than academic theory, that informs this book. It is also her passion for those solopreneurs, freelancers, and micro and small business owners, combined with her hands-on business background, that ensures /It Really Is Just Good Business/ is delivered in a pragmatic, common-sense, conversational style. It provides a thought-provoking yet realistic and easy-to-understand approach to a better way of operating with practical examples, business wisdom, and case studies. Jill doesn’t pull any punches. This book is peppered with examples of what can happen if you are inauthentic, including a few sections that might court controversy. Read this book to ensure you build a fantastic business that feeds your soul - as well as your bank account.
Collective Ink Naturalist and the Christ, The – A Lent Course Based on the Film Creation
This five-part Lent course draws on the life, work and religious struggles of Charles Darwin as depicted in the 2009 film 'Creation', a film based on the book 'Annie's Box' by Darwin's great-great-grandson Randal Keynes. This compelling and accessible Lent course looks at questions of great importance to all Christians. Can God and evolution co-exist? Why did the Victorian Church find it so hard to accept Darwin's theory? Why do some Christians today find it difficult? What implications does evolution have for the Church and her doctrine? What is the authority or 'reliability' of scripture? To what extent were Darwin's own Christian beliefs shaped by the theology of his day, and how did this lead to his loss of faith after the death of his daughter Annie in 1851? Where is God in all the suffering of his creation? This innovative and interactive Lent course, which is written for Christians of all denominations and could easily be undertaken by an ecumenical group comprising different traditions, addresses these questions with clarity and depth of understanding in a proven and highly successful format.
Collective Ink Letting Go of Ed – A Guide to Recovering from Your Eating Disorder
Eating disorders are everywhere, from anorexics to bulimics, binge eaters to yo-yo dieters. An awful lot of people today feel miserable around food and unhappy in their bodies. But it doesn't have to be this way. Recovering from an eating disorder is a long, difficult road, and you need guidance along the way. There are many books about eating disorders available. This book is different. This book isn't about your eating disorder: it's about you. This book doesn't focus on food and eating and weight issues: these are merely the symptoms, not the problem. Instead, this book offers practical, insightful, gentle guidance that can help you discover the underlying reasons for your eating disorder and how you can truly heal. Most importantly, this is a book to give you hope. When it comes to eating disorders, the author has been there, done that, got the t-shirt. And now she's living proof that it's possible to let go of an eating disorder and be happy, healthy and healed (and hey, even contentedly curvaceous). She let go of Ed. And so can you.
Collective Ink Where Madness Lies: A Novel
Germany, 1934. Rigmor, a young Jewish woman is a patient at Sonnenstein, a premier psychiatric institution known for their curative treatments. But with the tide of eugenics and the Nazis’ rise to power, Rigmor is swept up in a campaign to rid Germany of the mentally ill. USA, 1984. Sabine, battling crippling panic and depression commits herself to McLean Hospital, but in doing so she has unwittingly agreed to give up her baby. Linking these two generations of women is Inga, who did everything in her power to help her sister, Rigmor. Now with her granddaughter, Sabine, Inga is given a second chance to free someone she loves from oppressive forces, both within and without. This is a story about hope and redemption, about what we pass on, both genetically and culturally. It is about the high price of repression, and how one woman, who lost nearly everything, must be willing to reveal the failures of the past in order to save future generations. With chilling echoes of our time, Where Madness Lies is based on a true story of the author’s own family.
Collective Ink Soul Comfort – Uplifting insights into the nature of grief, death, consciousness and love for transformation
Grief is a normal, instinctive response to loss or impending loss. Grief changes whoever it touches without discrimination. Embracing the change is key for healing and positive transformation. Introspection or reflection can be a useful, perhaps therapeutic, process when you are grieving. Indeed, silence, reflection, love and humility are the most precious offerings on the sacred altar of the soul. Soul Comfort is the first book to examine grief holistically through concise insights into the related concepts of consciousness, death and love for healing and positive transformation. Death does not extinguish consciousness. Death transforms and distils consciousness. And the grief you feel for someone is proportionate to the love you feel for them - the deeper your love, the deeper your grief. Uplifting, unique and thought-provoking insights from the author of The Audible Life Stream: Ancient Secret of Dying While Living will offer comfort to your soul and may profoundly change your perceptions of grief, death, consciousness, love and transformation. If your perceptions are changed, you will know that your own transformative journey has begun.
Collective Ink Electronic Voices: Contact with Another Dimension?
This is the story of a normal woman who experienced the impossible objective contacts with another dimension through loud and clear voices received by electronic means during Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) experiments. Dr Cardoso, a senior diplomat, describes the astounding experiences that transformed her life since she started ITC research in 1997. She presents extracts of conversations with her deceased loved ones and other personalities who insisted that they live in another world. The level of agreement between communications received by the author and concepts, even words, recorded by other experimenters from Jurgenson and Raudive to contemporary operators, constitutes compelling evidence of the reality of the next world that awaits us all. As communicators from Timestream told Dr Cardoso: The dead pass through here, you pass through here!. Electronic Voices breaks new ground in the literature providing details of audio contacts, recorded under controlled conditions, with beings in an evolved dimension, which they describe as another space, beyond time. This evolved dimension of life corresponds to an evolved state of consciousness in the cosmic evolutionary sequence.
Collective Ink Astral Projection Made Easy
Mans greatest fear is of death. Because of this, a lot of energy goes into defending ourselves against this reality whether it be through illicit or recreational drugs, business or work. Astral Projection Made Easy is an attempt to eliminate this fear through approaching the whole concept of life beyond and outside the physical body through Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)Lucid Dreaming and the technique of Out-of-Body experiences (OBEs). The author draws from a rich source of information, including her own experiences of astral projection over 20 years. Within this context, she includes Eastern teaching and explores astral projection from a scientific, spiritual and psychic perspective. She includes a chapter on consciousness as well as what precipitates an altered state of consciousness. In order to support her work she includes historical case studies of other writers and contemporary ones as well as her own. There is a section on how to identify an out-of-body experience, what it may feel like, and the very real 'symptoms' experienced on a somatic level. More than anything, the work is engaging, accessible and rich in content
Collective Ink 99 Reasons to Forgive: And Revenge Ain't One
Geoff Thompson was sexually abused at the tender age of 11 by a trusted and beloved teacher. By the time he was 30 years old he was unconsciously displacing his rage into violence, sexual self-harm and long bouts of debilitating depression. After failing to find a solution to his burgeoning mania in all the conventional places, he set off on a Campbellian quest to find the answers for himself: about abuse, about the aftermath of abuse, about the true meaning of forgiveness, its metaphysical power, and how it is possible to heal, no matter how deep or how old the wound. The author assures us that "there is treasure in the ruins", "there can be profit in sorrow and in suffering", and, with a few tried and tested, honest techniques and a heavy supply of courage, victims can reclaim their lives, they can win love and they can find healing and inspiration, post-abuse. In this deeply empirical study, Thompson reveals the true definition and the awesome power of forgiveness, clearly defining the difference between forgiving someone and letting them off. He demonstrates the power and freedom of "giving it over"; the revealed health benefits of releasing anger, dissonance and resentment; the hidden power of reciprocity; avoiding the hate trap; the healing power of love and compassion; the liberating practice of personal repentance; and discovering "the world to come" - the exhilarating expansion we experience when ignorance is dissolved with qualified knowledge. "I told my story very late", Thompson tells us, "and suffered needlessly as a consequence; I'm hoping that 99 Reasons to Forgive will encourage others to share their story sooner, be inspired by my living example of powerful healing, and embrace their walking wounds as beauty scars, the rich tapestry of personal survival".
Collective Ink Conjuring Dirt: Magick of Footprints, Crossroads & Graveyards
Right under your feet lies one of the best magickal tools a practitioner could use in their workings - dirt. Whether it comes from graveyards, footprints, crossroads, or elsewhere, the dirt from different places is a powerful aid in the magick to your workings. When we work with dirt, we’re working with one of the most fundamental elements of being human. From dust we appeared and to dust we shall return, the saying goes. Dirt creates a magickal, energetic link that heightens any endeavor. This element of earth brings a deep spiritual dynamic and connection to any working. Since it might be difficult to decide where to start - because dirt covers the planet, even under the oceans - author Taren S narrows the focus to specific magickal-spiritual locations, locations of merit and power, for you to collect your own dirt. Implementing dirt into magickal workings requires more skill than its availability would denote. Dirt workings involve the realms of light and dark magick, healing, curses, and death. This book will guide, help, and warn all those who wish to use dirt for magickal workings.
Collective Ink Everything You Never Learned About Sex: Take Back Your Masculine Power & Use Your Sex Energy For Good
Who did you talk to about sex when you were a kid? If you’re a Millennial, chances are your answer is “nobody.” In this all-inclusive look into a man’s world, author Michael McPherson shines a light on what it was like for the men of his generation to mature sexually, and why so many still haven’t. He explores what’s currently in the way of men experiencing an empowered relationship with sex and what they can do to take back their power. Along the way, Michael brings to light some of the less understood nuances of sex including sex energy, sexual desire, and the purpose of sex. Captivating, rich, and heart-wrenchingly vulnerable, Everything You Never Learned About Sex is a revolutionary blueprint for men to deconstruct their inherited relationship to sex, step outside the cultural norm, say ‘no’ to the further manipulation of their sex energy, and rebuild a relationship with sex on the basis of love instead of fear. Michael, through his self-reflective insights, on-the-court shares, and ‘how-to’ embodiment practices, empowers his audience to reclaim their stolen innocence, restore their heart, honor sex as sacred, and use their sex energy to create more love in the world.
Collective Ink Rationalist Spirituality – An exploration of the meaning of life and existence informed by logic and science
Why does the universe exist and what are you supposed to do in it? This question has been addressed by religions since time immemorial, but popular answers often fail to account for obvious aspects of reality. Indeed, if God knows everything, why do we need to learn through pain and suffering? If God is omnipotent, why are we needed to do good? If the universe is fundamentally good, why are wars, crime, and injustice all around us? In modern society, orthodox science takes the rational high-ground and tackles these contradictions by denying the very need for, and the existence of, meaning. Indeed, many of us implicitly accept the notion that rationality somehow contradicts spirituality. That is a modern human tragedy, not only for its insidiousness, but for the fact that it is simply not true. In this book, the author constructs a coherent and logical argument for the meaning of existence, informed by science itself. A framework is laid out wherein all aspects of human existence have a logical, coherent reason and role, including the ones often perceived as negative. The powerful logic of this framework inescapably leads to insightful and inspiring guidelines for living a purposeful and meaningful life.
Collective Ink Shattered: Where there is darkness, there isn't always light
Where there is darkness, there isn't always light… Dayna Harris thought her problems began in her bedroom. More specifically in her bed, the bed she'd shared with her husband, Richard, for twenty-six years. The bed where she witnessed Richard cheating on her with a woman half his age. But maybe they really began in the motel room that day. What conjured the dark figure Dayna first glimpsed in the motel mirror? The dark figure that continues to haunt her as her marriage to Richard crumbles. Consumed by Richard’s infidelity, Dayna begins unravelling his lies revealing a husband she never knew. Now, psychologically imprisoned by a manipulative and dangerous husband, can Dayna find the courage to leave, and can she discover if the very real shadow that torments her is a figment of her imagination or something more sinister? In this edgy paranormal psychological thriller, author J.M. White takes us into the realms of the unknown, lives that are built on lies, forces we can’t always explain and the emotional torture of domestic abuse. It shows one woman’s search for light in the darkness.
Collective Ink Enter the Journey: A Mystical Guide for Rebirth and Renewal
An engaging narrative, poetic in style, Enter the Journey: A Mystical Guide for Rebirth and Renewal opens the imagination and takes you on an extraordinary adventure from the wintry Arctic landscape to the portals and vortexes of Sedona, Arizona's red rocks. Assisted by power animals and spirit guides, Enter the Journey will return you to your true essence and compel you to embrace your destiny in a new equilibrium. Author Rosanna Ienco demonstrates the profound soul connection and hidden wisdom mysteriously waiting in the caves deep within your interior landscape. Through creative visualisation and wild imagination, you will accompany Rosanna along her metaphysical voyage deep inside a mysterious cavern in the Australian Outback, where she reunites with an ancient teacher who shares hidden knowledge. Enter the Journey is an enchanting mixture of shamanic journeys and authentic storytelling, an otherworldly odyssey in which Rosanna shares her own tales of transformation - revealing a sacred, unbroken bond of love and trust as she transports you through the aurora borealis, among the stars, opening your imagination, guiding you through the magical gateway to your soul. Enter the Journey opens a path through Earth's wisdom to rebirth and renewal.
Collective Ink Resilience: Adapt and Plan for the New Abnormal of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
COVID-19 has demonstrated clearly that businesses, nonprofits, individuals, and governments are terrible at dealing effectively with large-scale disasters that take the form of slow-moving train-wrecks. Using cutting-edge research in cognitive neuroscience and behavioral economics on dangerous judgement errors (cognitive biases), this book first explains why we respond so poorly to slow-moving, high-impact, and long-term crises. Next, the book shares research-based strategies for how organizations and individuals can adapt effectively to the new abnormal of the COVID-19 pandemic and similar disasters. Finally, it shows how to develop an effective strategic plan and make the best major decisions in the context of the uncertainty and ambiguity brought about by COVID-19 and other slow-moving large-scale catastrophes. Gleb Tsipursky combines research-based strategies with real-life stories from his business and nonprofit clients as they adapt to the pandemic. The "Resilience Series" is the result of an intensive, collaborative effort of our authors in response to the 2020 coronavirus epidemic. Each volume offers expert advice for developing the practical, emotional and spiritual skills that you can master to become more resilient in a time of crisis.
Collective Ink Forever in My Veins: How Film Led Me To The Mysterious World Of The African Shaman
Emmy Award-winning producer and New York Times bestselling author Lionel Friedberg has spent 50 years making films as diverse as full-length theatrical features and television documentaries. After growing up in South Africa during the troubled era of apartheid he began his career during the dying days of colonialism in Central Africa. He eventually settled in Los Angeles where his work took him to the sound stages of Hollywood and to the most remote regions of the Earth. His career exposed him to the extraordinary wonders of our planet and brought him into close contact with many unforgettable personalities from maverick scientists to politicians, entertainers and people who survived near-death experiences. His observations have taught him that life is far more complex and infinitely stranger than we can imagine. When he was struck by an unexpected life-threatening illness his efforts to find a way to save his life took him back to Africa where he encountered the age-old rituals and powerful healing methods of African shamans. Their mysterious ways have much to teach us and are as relevant today as they were in ancient times.
Collective Ink Phantoms in the Night or ETs?: My lifelong experience of contact with the paranormal
Writing Phantoms in the Night or ETs? was not easy for author Lorraine McAdam, and what she relates in this book might not be believed by the vast majority of people - which is why she delayed writing it for so long… Indeed, until now, only those in her close, nuclear family had known of the details of her story, which has been a lifelong one. But in her heart she eventually realised that withholding her story - of what she has now come to believe is some form of ongoing ET contact - was no longer an option. And because it seems that the world at large has moved to a more enlightened attitude towards ‘abductees’ or ‘experiencers’ who have experienced and gone through this high strangeness, loosely called ‘alien contact’, McAdam now thinks that the time is ripe to reveal her story. “This is my own simple, truthful, riveting, intriguing, and sometimes frightening account of multiple encounters, and experiences, with beings I believe originate from other worlds and, possibly, other dimensions”, she writes. “And yet I am, to all who know me, an ordinary English teacher, wife, and mother. So why me? I have no answer.”
Collective Ink Media Against Democracy, The
The Media does not know what democracy is. Indeed our societies have, for the most part, forgotten the meaning of democracy. Democracy is not a state form. Democracy is a mode of foundationless existential living. As such it needs the kind of attention which our self-satisfied media institutions, riven with complacent journalistic practices and corrupted by institutional privilege, are incapable of. We need to sweep away The Media to allow existential democracy to manifest itself. This will also entail the destruction of key aspects of the academic institution of Media and Cultural Studies, which has evidently failed to radically change the nature of media institutions and practices which was its avowed aim. It has failed because of the epistemological and ontological assumptions that underpin it and which were ultimately drawn from the failed project of structuralism. The images we create arise from chaos. Images of value are in Castoriadis' expression 'windows upon the chaos'. The Media Against Democracy is engaged in rethinking the possibilities for aesthetic engagement with this chaos, proposing an existential-anarchic critique of media. Through our images and sounds we need to learn to understand ontological chaos, only then can we know that whatever we create, when we try to explain to each other how we should live, has no authority other than what we can accord it.
Collective Ink In the Light of Meditation
An introduction to the art and practice of meditation, this guide lays down the foundation for ongoing spiritual development. A series of ten lessons provide specific insight into Raja Yoga, with practical exercises to complement and to help your understanding of the method and underlying teachings. The lessons cover: an introduction to the practice of meditation; rediscovering the true identity and the nature of self; making meditation practical; the shaping of personality; understanding and exploring different the levels of consciousness; restoring our relationship with God; understanding the natural law that governs the universe; a spiritual understanding of how the dance of life on earth has evolved; understanding the history and geography of time; and how to support meditation and spiritual development with the right lifestyle. The guide shows how meditation is more an experience than something you do, more a process than an achievement, more an ongoing inner journey than a destination. Take your time, be patient with yourself and always be ready to go back to basics, to lesson one, the true identity of the self, which is the foundation of everything. The CD accompanying the book has an audio introduction to meditation and many of the meditations within the book are presented as guided commentaries. Recorded by the author, the commentaries provide the reader with a powerful aid to their meditational practice. Readers can also access assistance and have their questions answered by email.
Collective Ink Living Fountain, The: Remembrances of Quaker Christianity
In the second decade of the twenty-first century, Quakers are increasingly divided over matters of theology, religious belonging, and the status of Friends’ Christian past. Recent controversies over Theism, Non-Theism and Universalism have highlighted deep-rooted transformations of Quaker self-understanding. In contrast to earlier decades, many contemporary Quakers hanker after an intensely inclusive community, unhampered by the particulars of Christian theology. Many British Friends no-longer see the Quaker movement as an expression of the Gospel nor a manifestation of the Universal Church. What might Friends be missing by re-imagining Quakerism in these resolutely post-Christian terms? Author Benjamin Wood argues that, far from limiting the bounds of Quaker identity, a selective return to Quakerism’s seventeenth-century roots can restore to modern Liberal Friends a shared story capable of deepening their spiritual life and worship-practice. Based neither on doctrinal agreement nor inflexible religious borders, the Quaker narrative recovered in The Living Fountain: Remembrances of Quaker Christianity is drawn together by sacred experiments in mutual love and enduring hope. Through a series of extended reflections on God, Jesus, and the language of salvation, Wood seeks to uncover a dynamic faith ncommitted to universal healing, reconciliation, and the crossing of religious and cultural boundaries. At the centre of this retrieval is the insistence that the God revealed in Quaker worship cherishes our differences and delights in our diversity.
Collective Ink Syzygy Oracle – Transformational Tarot and The T – Ego, essence and the evolution of consciousness
Syzygy? Jung used the term to describe the balancing of the opposites. Astronomically, syzygy (pronounced si-zi-gee) refers to a specific conjunction of the sun, moon and earth. On Mother Earth, the planet we call home, we are profoundly influenced by the radiance of the sun as well as the reflected light of the moon as we walk between light and darkness, physically and metaphorically. Solar energy evolves the ego and lunar energy evolves our essence. We learn the balance the two as we travel the twenty-two pathways of Kabbalah's Tree of Life. Honoring The Sacred Feminine, the spiritual practice offered here is an invitation to recognize and welcome intuitive wisdom more definitively into everyday awareness. A fresh interpretation of the traditional Major Arcana for women, here the patriarchal layering of the cards is lifted to reveal a timeless and timely revelation of intuitive wisdom in a sequence of insightful, profound, and empowering teachings for any woman who wishes to read her own life story as more substantive than superficial. Twenty-two of these cards reinterpret the Tarot's Major Arcana. Aligning the cards with the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, we access three levels of soul consciousness, in Hebrew known as nefesh, ruach and neshamah through the specific letter, number and story of each card. Meet inspirational archetypes from world culture to light the way. Through meditations and mantras, discover your personal hero's journey that is a crucial part of evolving consciousness.Ten additional cards representing the sefirot or energy centers, offer the Tree of Life as an experiential introduction to Kabbalah. Coincidence and kabbalah, symbols and synchronicities, metaphors and mantras enrich and deepen life's experience. This mythic and metaphoric interpretation liberates these cards solely from the realm of prognostication and presents a meditative and inspirational tool for a daily personal practice. Heather Mendel's elegant, powerful images, full of mystery and complexity, will forever change the way you view the wisdom of the ancient Tarot. This book is published in paperback and epub formats and within its pages includes black & white illustrations of the cards, not the card themselves. The pack of cards is available to buy separately from the author Heather Mendel at
404 Ink Love That Journey For Me: The Queer Revolution of Schitt's Creek
Love That Journey For Me dives deep into the cultural sensation of Canadian comedy-drama Schitt’s Creek. Considering the fusion of existing sitcom traditions, references and tropes, this Inkling analyses the nuance of the show and its surrounding cultural and societal impact as a queer revolution. By discussing how the show reshapes LGBTQ+ narratives from the crafting of the town itself, and celebratory influences including Cabaret, to how writer-creator Dan Levy utilised and subverted expectations throughout his work, Emily Garside will showcase how one TV show became a watershed moment in queer representation and gay relationships on screen. Part analysis of Schitt’s Creek’s importance, part homage to a cultural landmark, this is a show that – in the words of David Rose himself – needs to be celebrated. This book is that celebration. This book is unofficial, and unaffiliated with Schitt’s Creek and its brand.
404 Ink Never, Ever Take Anybody's Advice on Anything: And other advice on careers and life from successful Scots
What's the one piece of advice you wish you had at the start of your career? Euan Lownie asked this question to influencers from across Scottish industries include Wimbledon champion Andy Murray, actor Alan Cumming, forensic anthropologist Dame Sue Black, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and many more. Ideal gift for those wondering 'what next?'
Amicus Ink It's Not the Baby
Collective Ink Resetting Our Future: Cut Super Climate Pollutants Now!: The Ozone Treaty's Urgent Lessons for Speeding Up Climate Action
We have a decade or less to radically slow global warming before we risk hitting irreversible tipping points that will lock in catastrophic climate change. The good news is that we know how to slow global warming enough to avert disaster. Cut Super Climate Pollutants Now! explains how a 10-year sprint to cut short-lived "super climate pollutants" -- primarily HFC refrigerants, black carbon (soot), and methane -- can cut the rate of global warming in half, so we can stay in the race to net zero climate emissions by 2050.
Amicus Ink I've Got a Tail!
Amicus Ink Around Town
Amicus Ink They're Tearing Up Mulberry Street
Amicus Ink Daddy Cuddle
Amicus Ink Rhyming Word Families: You Bet!
Collective Ink Bright Light – Spiritual Lessons from a Life in Acting
Like you, Dee Wallace came in as a bright shiny light, and she knew from the beginning that her soul quest was to keep that light shining and share it with others. This was a challenge growing up poor in Kansas amidst all the conflicting religious and social messages of her upbringing. But she stuck to this strong intent and followed her knowingness in a meteoric rise as an actress, becoming an acting icon after only five years with the success of E.T., and then faltering and losing her way only to reclaim the power of that knowingness later in life. Bright Light works as an autobiographical tale of an actor's life and craft, and how that journey applies to everyone's spiritual journey. It is the story of Everyman: the reclaiming of Self. Each chapter of Dee Wallace's story is characterized by a concept like intention, in which the narrative becomes an allegorical exploration of its qualities. Dee Wallace has rediscovered the wisdom that we all know but forget: that true success comes from following the heart's lead, and that the mind only creates form for spirit's creative manifestation. Our consciousness is our intelligence.
Collective Ink Mealtime Prayers
Join these little creatures who gather round for some traditional prayers, retold for very young children.
Collective Ink Prince and the Wolf: Latour and Harman at the LSE, The
The Prince and the Wolf contains the transcript of a debate which took place on 5th February 2008 at the London School of Economics (LSE) between the prominent French sociologist, anthropologist, and philosopher Bruno Latour and the Cairo-based American philosopher Graham Harman. The occasion for the debate was the impending publication of Harman's book, Prince of Networks: Bruno Latour and Metaphysics. During the discussion, Latour (the 'Prince') compared the professional philosophers who have pursued him over the years to a pack of wolves. The Prince and the Wolf is the story of what happens when the wolf catches up with the prince. Latour and Harman engage in brisk and witty conversation about questions that go to the heart of both metaphysics and research methodology: What are objects? How do they interact? And best how to study them?