Search results for ""author ink"
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geriatrische Urologie: für die Praxis
Tipps für eine abgestimmte Behandlung von geriatrisch urologischen PatientenDas Praxisbuch zur Urogeriatrie. Als erster Professor für Urogeriatrie Deutschlands schafft der Autor den Transfer von hilfreichen Erkenntnissen aus der Geriatrie in die Urologie und umgekehrt. Die Zunahme älterer, multimorbider Patienten ist in der Urologie besonders stark. Inkontinenz ist eines der führenden Leiden im höheren Lebensalter. Fachübergreifend, auf der Basis der aktuellen Wissenschaft und einer jahrelangen Erfahrung aus Klinikpraxis und Forschung, werden relevante Aspekte der Geriatrie, die bei der Behandlung multimorbider, urologischer Patienten berücksichtigt werden sollten, übersichtlich und praxisnah erläutert. Dazu zählen Themen wie: Einbinden geriatrischer Assessments in die urologische Diagnostik Einbeziehung der geistigen und körperlichen Ressourcen in die Therapieentscheidung Nebenwirkungen und Wechselwirkungen urologischer Präparate Polypharmazie Demenz und andere Komorbiditäten Kognitive Veränderungen nach einer urologischen Operation Jedes Kapitel enthält Tabellen und Entscheidungshilfen, die es dem Leser erlauben, schnell die wichtigsten Punkte für den geriatrischen Patienten zu prüfen. Für alle Urologen, aber auch Allgemeinmediziner, Internisten, Geriater, die diese Patientengruppe, die eine ganzheitliche Behandlung verfolgen.Das Buch entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arbeitskreis Geriatrische Urologie. Es möchte durch den fachübergreifenden, interdisziplinären Blick, ein Überdenken standardisierter Therapien anregen.
Transworld Sanctuary of the Shadow
Enter the circus at your own risk . . . and discover the greatest show on earth in this explosive and darkly magical fantasy novelFor humans, the circus is a place filled with wonder and amazement. For Harrow, it''s a place to hide from those who slaughtered her entire clan. Disguising her abilities as part of her act has kept her true identity safe for years.Until he arrives.A strange new attraction with no name, no memory of who or even what he is, let alone an explanation for his odd yet deadly powers. But beneath the layers of anger and isolation, one glimpse into his inky eyes reveals a soul that calls out to the loneliness in her own.And so, she chooses him.Harrow is drawn to the darkness, to her insatiable need to soothe the beast who threatens their very existence. But with every secret she unlocks from his past, another from hers is revealed luring enemies who will stop at nothing to get their final revenge on Harrow. And she''s
Icon Books Into the Dark
''Often poetic ... highly-researched and thought-provoking'' New Scientist''Gently and thoughtfully enquiring'' The SpectatorCan you remember the first time you encountered true darkness? The kind that remains as black and inky whether your eyes are open or closed? Where you can''t see your hand in front of your face?Jacqueline Yallop can. It was in an unfamiliar bedroom while holidaying in Yorkshire as a child, and ever since then she has been fascinated by the dark, by our efforts to capture or avoid it, by the meanings we give to it and the way our brains process it.Taking a journey into the dark secrets of place, body and mind, she documents a series of night-time walks, exploring both the physical realities of darkness and the psychological dark that helps shape our sense of self. Exploring our enduring love-hate relationship with states of darkness, she considers how we attempt to understand and contain the dark, and, as she comes to terms with her father''s deteriorating Alzheim
Transworld Publishers Ltd Shaman, Healer, Sage
Combining elements of Andrew Weil's SPONTANEOUS HEALING and Carolyn Myss's ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT with a concept all its own, Alberto Villoldo's remarkable book, Shaman, Healer, Sage demonstrates the healing power of energy medicine - a tradition practised in the Americas for more than 5,000 years - which is finally being recognized today by the medical establishment.As he explores such subjects as the Luminous Energy Field that surrounds our bodies, Villoldo shows us how, by learning to see and influence the imprints of disease on this aura of energy, we can discover not only how to heal ourselves and others, but prevent illness as well. Here too, he explores the subject of life beyond death, navigating this unseen world with the knowledge of a scientist and the wisdom of a shamanic healer. Classically trained as a medical anthropologist and a foremost teacher of the shamanic techniques of the Inkas, among whose descendants he has studied for more than twenty-five years, Villoldo weaves together a host of illuminating stories and exercises to provide an accessible, practical, and revolutionary programme of healing.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Verzahnung der Brüssel Ia-VO mit der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit bei Parallelverfahren
Das Verhältnis des Europäischen Zivilprozessrechts zur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit ist seit jeher umstritten. Doch gerade während des siebenjährigen Revisionsprozesses bis zum Inkrafttreten der Brüssel Ia-VO hat sich eine Debatte entwickelt, die an Umfang und Intensität kaum zu übertreffen ist. Das schwierigste und relevanteste Szenario betrifft grenzüberschreitende Parallelverfahren vor staatlichen Gerichten und Schiedsgerichten. Sebastian Breder durchleuchtet die möglichen Mechanismen zur Unterbindung des jeweils anderen Parallelverfahrens, insbesondere den Erlass von Prozessführungsverboten, die Berufung auf die materielle Rechtskraft und die Geltendmachung von Schadensersatz wegen der Verletzung der Schiedsabrede. Zudem untersucht er, wie der Konflikt der Hauptsacheentscheidungen aufgelöst werden kann, wenn beide Parallelverfahren mit widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen zu Ende geführt wurden. Dabei fächert er aus Sicht deutscher, englischer und französischer Gerichte die verschiedenen Fallkonstellationen präzise auf. Das macht die Arbeit zu einer wertvollen Quelle - für Akademiker und Praktiker gleichermaßen. Die Arbeit wurde mit dem Förderpreis (1. Platz) der Deutschen Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (DIS) für die Jahre 2021/2022 ausgezeichnet.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Christologie der Pastoralbriefe
Ein kurzer Forschungsüberblick leitet Hanna Stettlers eingehende Analyse aller christologisch relevanten Passagen der Pastoralbriefe ein. Im Verlauf ihrer Studien entdeckt sie, daß der Verfasser dieser Passagen keineswegs wahl- und planlos Überlieferungen tradiert. Vielmehr ist in ihm ein Lehrer der Gemeinde zu erkennen, der das von Paulus überkommene Erbe gerade dadurch bewahrt, daß er es in der Sprache seiner Zeit neu formuliert. Dabei ist er - ein hellenistischer Judenchrist - in der Lage, eine Brücke zwischen alttestamentlich-jüdischem und hiervon geprägtem christlichem Denken einerseits und hellenistischem Denken andererseits zu schlagen. Durch die Aufnahme synoptischer und johanneischer Überlieferung gelingt es ihm, den Reichtum christologischer Überlieferung zusammenzufassen und der Gemeinde in gut tradierbaren Formen weiterzugeben.Hanna Stettler erarbeitet eine zusammenfassende Sicht von der Intention, Arbeitsweise und den Quellen des Verfassers der Pastoralbriefe. Sie bestimmt inhaltlich präzise die Christologie der Briefe, die unter Zuhilfenahme des Schemas der doppelten Epiphanie Christi eine Präexistenz- und Inkarnationschristologie bieten. Jesus Christus wird ganz an die Seite Gottes gestellt und als der präexistente, von Gott in die Welt gesandte Retter aller Menschen verstanden, zwischen dessen erster und zweiter Epiphanie sich die Gemeinde bewegt.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Embracing the Darkness: A Cultural History of Witchcraft
As dusk fell on a misty evening in 1521, Martin Luther - hiding from his enemies at Wartburg Castle - found himself seemingly tormented by demons hurling walnuts at his bedroom window. In a fit of rage, the great reformer threw at the Devil the inkwell from which he was preparing his colossal translation of the Bible. A belief - like Luther's - in the supernatural, and in black magic, has been central to European cultural life for 3000 years. From the Salem witch trials to the macabre novels of Dennis Wheatley; from the sadistic persecution of eccentric village women to the seductive sorceresses of TV's Charmed; and from Derek Jarman's punk film Jubilee to Ken Russell's The Devils, John Callow brings the twilight world of the witch, mage and necromancer to vivid and fascinating life. He takes us into a shadowy landscape where, in an age before modern drugs, the onset of sudden illness was readily explained by malevolent spellcasting. And where dark, winding country lanes could terrify by night, as the hoot of an owl or shriek of a fox became the desolate cries of unseen spirits.Witchcraft has profoundly shaped the western imagination, and endures in the forms of modern-day Wicca and paganism. Embracing the Darkness is an enthralling account of this fascinating aspect of the western cultural experience.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Gold and Guns: The 1874 Yellowstone Wagon Road and Prospecting Expedition and the Battle of Lodge Grass Creek
This is the story of 150 of the most adventurous scouts, gold prospectors, gunslingers, buffalo hunters, and Civil War veterans of both sides—they may have been the deadliest collection of shooters to ever hit the trail. This is the most detailed work ever produced on the obscure legend of the 1874 Yellowstone Wagon Road Prospecting Expedition in the Montana Territory—the product of multi-year research across the country, and visits to the three battlefields and expedition route of over 500 miles—an event that impacted the Little Bighorn in 1876. Numerous legends of the West rode on the expedition, later playing roles in the Great Sioux War of 1876. Their adversaries now were the Lakota and Northern Cheyenne—some of the greatest light cavalry to ever gallop over the North American continent. And watching their every move were Sitting Bull, Gall, Hump, Crazy Horse, and a renegade chief named Inkpaduta, ready to strike.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Plattformökonomie im Gesundheitswesen: Health-as-a-Service – Digitale Geschäftsmodelle für bessere Behandlungsqualität und Patient Experience
Dieses Buch zeigt, wie neue Health-as-a-Service-Geschäftsmodelle zu einer besseren Patientenerfahrung und zugleich Kostensenkungen beitragen können. Im Gesundheitssektor entstehen neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle der Plattformökonomie, die Vorteile für alle am Markt der Gesundheitsdienstleistung Beteiligten Akteuren – inklusive des Patienten – bringen können. Digitale, datengetriebene Gesundheitsangebote werden zu einer messbaren Verbesserung der Behandlungsqualität führen und zugleich die Effizienz der Leistungserbringung steigern. Dazu werden vermehrt auch Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz und des Maschinellen Lernens eingesetzt. Zudem erwarten Patienten, die in der Zukunft mehrheitlich der Gruppe der Digital Natives angehören werden, zunehmend eine individuelle Betreuung (Patienten-Journey). Alle Leistungsanbieter im Gesundheitsbereich müssen systematisch prüfen, welche Health-as-a-Service-Geschäftsmodelle entwickelt und wie diese erfolgreich umgesetzt werden können. Dieses Buch bietet dafür den fundierten Leitfaden.Inhalte aus folgenden Themenbereichen Die Grundlagen der Plattformökonomie für das Gesundheitswesen verstehen Wie Plattformen und Marktplätze das Gesundheitswesen verändern Erfolgsfaktoren von Plattform-Geschäftsmodellen im Gesundheitswesen KI als Enabler für Plattform-Geschäftsmodelle der Zukunft Mit Beiträgen von: Dr. med. Henri Michael von Blanquet – Precision Medicine Alliance, Föhr, Deutschland Tobias Chrobok – Erlangen, Deutschland Timo Frank – Ada Health GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Julian Gansen – Mementor GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Clemens von Guenther – Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Deutschland Anisa Idris – Ada Health GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Dr. Florian Koerber – Flying Health GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Dr. Lara Maier – goetzpartners Holding AG, München, Deutschland Marius Mainz – GET.ON Institut für Online Gesundheitstrainings GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Manon Mandel – München, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Alessandro Monti – CBS International Business School, Köln, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Volker Nürnberg – BearingPoint GmbH, Frankfurt, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Erika Raab – MSH Medical School Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Christoph Rasche – Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Dominik Rottenkolber – Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland Dr. Alexander Schachinger – EPatient Analytics GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Frank Stratmann –, Schmallenberg, Deutschland Sophia Strube – Ada Health GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Mario Unterbrunner – CHECK24 Vergleichsportal, München, Deutschland Stephanie Widmaier – BearingPoint GmbH, Frankfurt, Deutschland Henry Alexander Wittke – Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg
Acantilado La central de fro
El narrador y protagonista de esta novela recibe la llamada de su ex mujer, a la que acaban de diagnosticarle un cáncer. Instado por la necesidad de ayudar, decide averiguar si la enfermedad es una secuela del accidente nuclear de Chernóbil, y con ese fin regresa a Berlín para intentar reconstruir los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar en mayo de 1986, cuando ambos eran empleados de Neues Deutschland? el periódico del partido socialista alemán?, en cuya central de climatización él era mecánico. Estuvo ella en contacto con un camión contaminado que llegó a la central de frío desde Ucrania? Fue él una pieza más del engranaje que ayudó a encubrir aquel fatídico episodio? Con una prosa sobria y certera, Inka Parei urde uninquietante relato en primera persona que nos va revelando las inflexiones de un sufrimiento acallado, en el que los accidentes de la vida del protagonista se confunden con la sombría realidad de la Berlín del Este antes de la caída del muro y con el inevitable extraví
C & T Publishing krafttex Roll Moss HandDyed Prewashed
Introducing prewashed kraft-tex in a sophisticated range of new colours! Wait until you get your hands on this rugged paper that looks, feels, and wears like leather, but sews, cuts, and washes just like fabric. kraft-tex Designer is supple and easy to sew with, yet strong enough to use for projects that get tough wear. This cruelty-free leather alternative now comes in hand-dyed, hand-finished denim blue, saffron yellow, moss green, and linen, and will bring an exciting new texture and colour to your craft-sewing projects, mixed-media arts, and bookmaking. The sumptuous surface is prewashed, preshrunk, eco-friendly, colour-fast, tear-resistant, and so much more. â Play with it! Sew it, stamp it, draw on it, fold it, inkjet print it â Prewashed treatment gives it a suede-like finish and lovely crinkles â Pieces are hand-dyed and hand-cut, so colour and size may vary slightly.
C & T Publishing krafttex Roll Saffron HandDyed Prewashed
Introducing prewashed kraft-tex in a sophisticated range of new colours! Wait until you get your hands on this rugged paper that looks, feels, and wears like leather, but sews, cuts, and washes just like fabric. kraft-tex Designer is supple and easy to sew with, yet strong enough to use for projects that get tough wear. This cruelty-free leather alternative now comes in hand-dyed, hand-finished denim blue, saffron yellow, moss green, and linen, and will bring an exciting new texture and colour to your craft-sewing projects, mixed-media arts, and bookmaking. The sumptuous surface is prewashed, preshrunk, eco-friendly, colour-fast, tear-resistant, and so much more. Play with it! Sew it, stamp it, draw on it, fold it, inkjet print it Prewashed treatment gives it a suede-like finish and lovely crinkles Pieces are hand-dyed and hand-cut, so colour and size may vary slightly.
Flame Tree Publishing Claude Monet Set of 3 Standard Notebooks
Claude Monet Set of 3 Standard Notebooks features a collection of three A5, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design: Waterlillies, Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies and The Poplars. With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere! Claude Monet was an extremely insightful and experimental artist, from his first inklings as an Impressionist to his later flirtations with Abstract Expressionism. Towards the end of his life and much inspired by Japanese water gardens, Monet spent a great deal of time in his beloved Giverny. Adorned with poppies, blue sage, dahlias and irises, the waters were disturbed only by bamboos and water lilies. His water garden was originally created to satisfy a need to be near water, and to provide a visual feast that could be enjoyed from his house. Its famous green wooden footbridge was built across the water and it became the central focus of many of his works. He said, ‘It took me some time to understand my water lilies. I planted them for pleasure.’ and so he began to work on what is probably the most famous series of paintings the world has ever seen. Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Bankwirtschaft
Dieses Lehrbuch gibt einen kompakten und verständlichen Überblick über alle wichtigen Institutionen, Funktionen, Rahmenbedingungen und Geschäfte der Bankwirtschaft. Darüber hinaus werden die Entstehung und die weitreichenden Auswirkungen der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise bis in die heutige Zeit diskutiert.Die Überarbeitung für diese Neuauflage reflektiert insbesondere die Bedeutung der Megatrends Digitalisierung (inkl. im Zahlungsverkehrsgeschäft), Nachhaltigkeit sowie Demografie für das Bankgeschäft und bringt zudem alle gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen auf den aktuellen Rechtsstand.Kurze Lerneinheiten, übersichtliche didaktische Module sowie die begleitende Lernkontrolle sorgen für eine nachhaltige Wissensvermittlung. Das Buch richtet sich damit an alle Leser, die sich mit Fragen der Bankwirtschaft im Rahmen ihrer Aus- und Weiterbildung (auch im Nebenfach) sowie ihrer beruflichen Praxis auseinandersetzen.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Golden Kamuy, Vol. 23
A tale of high adventure and survival!In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi Sugimoto searches the wilderness of Hokkaido for a hoard of hidden gold. With only a cryptic map and a native Ainu girl to help him, Saichi must also deal with every murderous cutthroat, bandit and rogue who knows about the treasure!Asirpa and Sugimoto are back in Hokkaido at last and determined to find the Ainu gold for themselves. Lieutenant Tsurumi and Hijikata are also hot on their trail. While Sugimoto and Shiraishi work on a plan to find a strange tattooed prisoner named Botaro the Pirate, a series of horrific murders in Sapporo draws Hijikata’s attention. Lieutenant Tsurumi sends Tanigaki to kill Sugimoto, but the loyal Matagi has only one true goal—finding Inkarmat!
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Short History of the Crimean War
The Crimean War (1853-1856) was the first modern war. A vicious struggle between imperial Russia and an alliance of the British, French and Ottoman Empires, it was the first conflict to be reported first-hand in newspapers, painted by official war artists, recorded by telegraph and photographed by camera. In her new short history, Trudi Tate discusses the ways in which this novel representation itself became part of the modern war machine. She tells forgotten stories about the war experience of individual soldiers and civilians, including journalists, nurses, doctors, war tourists and other witnesses. At the same time, the war was a retrograde one, fought with the mentality, and some of the equipment, of Napoleonic times. Tate argues that the Crimean War was both modern and old-fashioned, looking backwards and forwards, and generating optimism and despair among those who lived through it. She explores this paradox while giving full coverage to the bloody battles (Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman), the siege of Sebastopol, the much-derided strategies of the commanders, conditions in the field and the cultural impact of the anti-Russian alliance.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Ekel - Professioneller Umgang mit Ekelgefühlen in Gesundheitsfachberufen
Das Pocketbuch unterstützt Angehörige von Gesundheitsberufen in einem offenen Umgang mit Ekelgefühlen. Die Autorin erläutert anhand vieler Beispiele die Zusammenhänge zwischen Ekel, Scham und Gewalt. Weiterhin werden Maßnahmen und Strategien vorgeschlagen, wie jeder Mitarbeiter, das Team und auch die Institution für einen "gesunden" und erträglichen Umgang mit Ekelsituationen sorgen kann. Praxistipps, Selbsttests und Übungen binden den Leser aktiv in die Auseinandersetzung mit ein und erleichtern einen Umgang mit Ekelsituationen im Berufsalltag. Denn ein offener Umgang mit diesem Thema nützt dem Team und dem Patienten bzw. Bewohner.Pflegekräfte und andere Gesundheitsberufe kommen berufsbedingt regelmäßig in Situationen, die Ekel erregen können. So gehört der Umgang mit großen Wunden, Dekubiti, Verstümmelungen, Inkontinenz oder künstlichen Körper ausgängen zum Berufsalltag. Jedoch werden Ekelgefühle meist noch tabuisiert, verleugnet oder verdrängt – „Ein Profi darf sich doch nicht ekeln!“ Dieses Verhalten birgt Gefahren wie z.B. Burn-Out (wenn unterdrückte Gefühle implodieren) oder Gewalt (wenn unterdrückte Gefühle explodieren). So ist in der Bewältigung dieser Ekelgefühle die schwierigste Voraussetzung, Ekel zuzulassen.
Page Street Publishing Co. Written in Starlight
Catalina Quiroga is a Condesa without a country. She’s lost the Inkasisa throne, the loyalty of her people, and her best friend. Banished to the perilous Yanu Jungle, Catalina knows her chances of survival are slim, but that won’t stop her from trying to escape. Her duty is to rule. While running for her life, Catalina is rescued by Manuel, the son of her former general who has spent years searching for allies. With his help, Catalina could find the city of gold that’s home to the fierce Illari people and strike a deal with them for an army to retake her throne. But the elusive Illari are fighting a battle of their own - a mysterious blight is corrupting the jungle, laying waste to everything they hold dear. As a seer, Catalina should be able to help, but her ability to read the future in the stars is as feeble as her survival instincts. While searching for the Illari, Catalina must reckon with her duty and her heart to find her true calling, which is key to stopping the corruption before it destroys the jungle completely.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Complete Guide to Designing and Printing Fabric: Techniques, Tutorials & Inspiration for the Innovative Designer
The Complete Guide to Designing and Printing Fabric is a comprehensive handbook covering everything there is to know about designing and printing fabric. The book walks readers through the entire fabric design process, from finding inspiration, through step-by-step tutorials on how to design a pattern (both digitally and by hand), looking at different printing methods (such as digital printing, screenprinting, monoprinting, stamping, stencilling, resis dying, painting and inkjet printing), to establishing and developing a fabric collection, and approaching a manufacturer. The Complete Guide to Designing and Printing Fabric is full of advice from established fabric designers with clear, easy to follow step-by-step tutorials. Textile design is a competitive industry and learning how to design fabric is something that both designers and crafters with an avid interest in fabrics are keen to learn more about. Companies such as Spoon Flower ( have emerged, offering customers an affordable way to design and print their own fabric: upload a design and they digitally print the fabric for you. This accessibility means fabric design is increasingly popular.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Old English Paperweights
Paperweight collectors are usually familiar with the histories and products of the French manufacturers Clichy, Baccarat, and Saint Louis, but many know little about English makers from early times to the present day. This book, dedicated solely to the English paperweight makers and containing paperweight examples from the early nineteenth century to 1980, will fill that gap. Gathered together for the first time in one book are the world's largest collections of Bacchus paperweights, as well as many previously unknown and never before photographed paperweights from English glasshouses, all rivaling the best from the French makers. By comparing canes, colors, and styles with one of the hundreds of examples shown in this book, collectors should now be able to identify their own previously unknown weights, and the fake "1848" dated paperweights and inkwells can now be attributed to the right factories and time periods. With over 400 beautiful color photographs, detailed, fascinating descriptions of the weights, and a value guide, this book is a must for paperweight enthusiasts and collectors everywhere.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Ein guter Chef sein: Ratgeber für erfolgreiche Führung
Sofern Sie sich für Führung im privaten, ehrenamtlichen oder beruflichen Umfeld interessieren, ist dieser Ratgeber genau richtig für Sie. Auch wenn Sie Ihr eigenes Führungsverhalten reflektieren möchten oder vor kurzem die Funktion als Vorgesetzter bzw. Chef übernommen haben, finden Sie in diesem Buch viele konkrete Beispiele und hilfreiche Tipps zur Umsetzung. So lernen Sie, optimal zuzuhören und Fragen zu stellen, um Bedürfnissen von Mitarbeitenden und anderer besser gerecht werden zu können und gemeinsam die gesteckten Ziele zu erreichen.Dieses Buch hilft allen, die erfahren möchten: welche Werte für die Führung von Menschen von Bedeutung sind und wie man diese im Alltag erkennt warum es in vielen Bereichen wichtig es ist, selbst als Vorbild voranzugehen wie wichtig Ziele im partizipativen Führungsstil sind wie Menschen in Verantwortung nachhaltig zur Zufriedenheit mit diversen Stakeholdern, inkl. Mitarbeitenden und Aufsichtsrat, zusammenarbeiten Zielgruppen: Alle Menschen und Führungskräfte, die in irgendeiner Weise führen und ihr Tun reflektieren möchten Neu ernannte Führungskräfte und alle, die gerne in einer Vorgesetzten-Funktion tätig wären und wissen möchten, was sie erwarten könnte Zum Autor: Der Autor Clemens Hasler hat schon immer mit Leidenschaft geführt, sei es in Vereinen, Abteilungen oder Unternehmen als CEO. Er nimmt Sie als Leser mit und lässt sich in diesem Ratgeber über die Schultern schauen.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd A Guardsman in the Crimea: The Life and Letters of William Scarlett
The Brigade of Guards was the elite force of the British Army in the Crimea. William Scarlett, a captain in the Scots Fusilier Guard and one of the most active junior officers in the regiment, fought throughout the entire campaign. After the Allied landing at Kalamita Bay, Scarlett rallied his regiment at a critical moment during the battle of the Alma, supported by his company sergeant, who was awarded the VC. William Scarlett’s life may well have been saved after the battle of Balaklava by becoming an aide de camp to his uncle, General James Scarlett, the commander of the Heavy Brigade. This meant that he did not fight at Inkerman, which took a heavy toll on the officers of the Guards Brigade. Returning to the trenches early in 1855, William Scarlett was involved in all the phases of the siege of Sebastopol until its fall in September 1855. The survival of 139 previously unpublished letters record Scarlett’s deeds and thoughts. Written to nineteen different correspondents, and deliberately intended by him to form a personal account of his rôle in the war, his letters provide a forceful commentary on the successes and failures of the British army in the East. His life before and after the war is well recorded. Becoming the third Lord Abinger in 1861, Scarlett was the second English peer to marry an American. He built a castle in Scotland, where Queen Victoria stayed in 1873, and two of his daughters became notable suffragettes.
WORD The Universal Spirit,U.S. God Heals
Positive powers, the pure divine powers, strengthen soul and body and stimulate health, so that becoming whole from within to without can take place - through the power of God in us. What person does not need healing? The one whose heart can still feel deeply has an inkling that healing, becoming whole and finally being healed are all related to a fundamental order of the inner person. A mighty power is at work in us that is both indescribable and incomprehensible. A fulness of indications and advice are given in this book, among other, a practical exercise in positive thinking that allows us to experience how quickly and directly the positive forces can be effective. It describes, for example, how we can remove negative thoughts from our consciousness and what is important in prayer. It explains the right body posture as a preparation for the inflow of the healing forces and how we can address our individual organs ourselves. But since neither soul nor person can free them
Flame Tree Publishing Claude Monet Set of 3 Midi Notebooks
The Claude Monet Set of 3 Midi Notebooks features a collection of three midi, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design: Waterlilies, Bridge Over Lily Pond and Monet Poplars. With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere! Claude Monet was an extremely insightful and experimental artist, from his first inklings as an Impressionist to his later flirtations with Abstract Expressionism. Towards the end of his life and much inspired by Japanese water gardens, Monet spent a great deal of time in his beloved Giverny. Adorned with poppies, blue sage, dahlias and irises, the waters were disturbed only by bamboos and water lilies. He said, ‘It took me some time to understand my water lilies. I planted them for pleasure.’ and so he began to work on what is probably the most famous series of paintings the world has ever seen. Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Jeder Bürger Soldat: Juden und das polnische Militär (1918–1939)
Das polnische Militär war wie kaum eine andere Institution an der Gründung und Ausgestaltung der Zweiten Polnischen Republik beteiligt. Ob und in welchem Maße Staatsbürger, die nicht der polnischen Mehrheitsgesellschaft angehörten, Zugang zu den Streitkräften erhalten sollten, war umstritten. Besonders deutlich trat das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen der allgemeinen Wehrpflicht und dem Nationalisierungsanspruch der Armee im polnisch-jüdischen Verhältnis zutage. Es war geprägt von der Gleichzeitigkeit aus Ablehnung und Kooperation, Ausschluss und Inkorporation. Dies spiegelte sich sowohl im militärischen Alltag als auch in der Erinnerungskultur wider. Christhardt Henschel macht diese ebenso vielschichtige wie widersprüchliche Beziehung sichtbar. Zugleich zeigt er, dass der Umgang des polnischen Militärs mit seinen jüdischen Wehrpflichtigen stellvertretend für die Minderheitenpolitik der sich nach dem Zerfall der imperialen Vorkriegsordnung konstituierenden Republik steht. Dabei wird der starke Einfluss nationaler Gedächtnisnarrative und normativer Vorstellungen des 19. Jahrhunderts deutlich, die die Aushandlungsprozesse um Fragen der Emanzipation, Gleichberechtigung und nationalen Zugehörigkeit der jüdischen Bevölkerung bis zum Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges begleitet hat. Auf diese Weise entsteht ein differenziertes Bild des polnisch-jüdischen Verhältnisses zwischen 1918 und 1939.
Profile Books Ltd Psy-Q: A Mind-Bending Miscellany Of Everyday Psychology
Psychology is everywhere. Our emotions and desires, the decisions we make on a daily basis - absolutely every aspect of the way we think and feel has been studied by psychologists. Through dozens of interactive puzzles, IQ tests, quizzes, jokes, puns and visual illusions, Ben Ambridge guides us through this wealth of research, showing us how we can better understand ourselves. Debunking tabloid speculation, revisiting old favourites such as the Stanford Prison Experiment and unearthing bleeding edge research unknown to the general reader, renowned psychologist Ben Ambridge blows away the received wisdom to reveal to enthusiasts and novices alike the psychology behind our daily lives. With wit and humour aplenty, he explains whether your blue eyes make you more or less trustworthy, how analogies can help cure cancer, whether Rorschach's famous inkblot tests really work, what your love for heavy metal (or Mozart) says about you, how psychology could help solve the obesity crisis and countless other revealing, entertaining and downright astonishing tests of your Psy-Q. Visit Ben's accompanying website,, and test yourself - and your friends.
Drawn and Quarterly King-cat Classix
Unvarnished. Punk. The New York Times. King-Cat Classix collects material from the first fifty issues of John Porcellino s King-Cat Comics as they appeared in self-published, handmade zines throughout the 1990s. These strips span Porcellino s dynamic evolution from saturated, punk drawings to his characteristic refined minimalism, revealing his work as nothing short of a catalyst that has inspired artists like Chris Ware in the emerging literary comics scene. In the inky drawings featuring beloved pets, awkward teenage one-night-stands, and everyday blunders, we see a nascent style steeped in truth and transparency one that continues to ring true today. Porcellino s mind is spread out on the page, with an uninhibited id running wildly about dreams and sexual fantasies, not unlike the gritty, stabbing pen strokes of Julie Doucet. He sketches fragmented moments and glimpses of interaction that seem to reflect the very manner in which we process memory: we are made up of a stream of consciousness, captured in fleeting mental images, and Porcellino externalizes that messy internal reality. Follow along the path of Porcellino s dynamic evolution and relish in the inspirational power of this groundbreaking collection.
Hachette Australia How We Came to Be: Surprising Sea Creatures
Come with us on a deep dive through the ocean zones. Meet some of the most unusual creatures from the sea and hear their stories about how they have changed over millions of years to survive in the inky ocean depths.Discover why the deepsea flounder is as flat as a pancake, learn all about the 500-million-year-old comb jelly and find out why yeti crabs are so hairy. From the barreleye fish to the tripod spiderfish, prepare to be amazed by the incredible creatures that inhabit our seas.From the award-winning creator of The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Ugly Animals, The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Dangerous Animals and The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Peculiar Pairs in Nature.How We Came to Be: Surprising Sea Creatures is a wondrous book that will appeal to curious kids, adults and anyone who enjoys learning more about our incredible planet ... [Sami's] passion for weird and wonderful wildlife is simply infectious. BETTER READING'Cleverly presented and strikingly illustrated . . . This fabulous book has a place in all libraries and would also be a wonderful gift for children of all ages' READPLUS
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Marshall Fields: The Evolution of an American Business Dynasty
A classic American success story with a twist Like J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie, Marshall Field was one of the overlords of triumphant capitalism in the Gilded Age of the late nineteenth century. However, his phenomenal wealth and generous philanthropy masked a disastrous personal life. Deserted by his wife and alienated from his children, the founder of the Field dynasty left a legacy of immense wealth and misery to match. The Marshall Fields recounts the classic tale of Field s spectacular success as well as the tragic story of a man who, while making millions by knowing what women wanted, had no inkling of his own wife s emotional needs. This revealing account follows the next five generations of the Field family, concentrating on the most important and controversial figures in each generation. What emerges is a startling saga of money, madness, and mystery. From the son who may have been shot by a chorus girl to the great-great grandson who used his millions to create Hollywood fantasies, Field s descendants have caromed wildly between rebellion and folly. Their story offers a new and penetrating take on wealth, success, and the nightmare that often accompanies the American dream.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Wedgwood Jasper Ware: A Shape Book and Collectors Guide
A lavishly illustrated collector’s volume, this book is a wonderful introduction to the historic and ever-popular line of Wedgwood ceramics called Jasper Ware. The bas-reliefs on matte porcelain grounds make these products instantly recognizable. Featuring fine pieces from private and museum collections, it has been written especially for novice and moderately advanced collectors and concentrates on pieces produced mostly from the mid-nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Included are chapters on Wedgwood Jasper history, colors, and marks as well as supplements about Wedgwood Jasper jewelry and the classical mythology used for the bas-relief figures. A significant portion of the book illustrates many of the hundreds of shapes that Wedgwood produced, including biscuit barrels, bud vases, candlesticks, cruet sets, bowls, inkwells, and jardinières, to name only a few. Over 500 vivid photographs illustrate these shapes, and detailed information as well as current values are included in each caption. This is an important book about a time period in Wedgwood Jasper history that has not been researched before. It will be a welcomed addition to the library of all Wedgwood Jasper enthusiasts.
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA Empires and Diversity: On the Crossroads of Archaeology, Anthropology, and History
For more than four thousand years, empires have been geographically the largest polities on Earth, shaping in many respects the human past and present in different epochs and on different continents. Covering the time span from the second millennium B.C.E. to the sixteenth century C.E., and geographic areas from China to South America, the case studies included in this volume demonstrate the necessity to combine perspectives from the longue duree and global comparativism with the theory of agency and an understanding of specific contexts for human actions. Contributions from leading scholars examine salient aspects of the Hittite, Assyrian, Ancient Egyptian, Achaemenid and Sasanian Iranian, Zhou to Han Dynasty Chinese, Inka, and Mughal empires.
University of New Mexico Press The Course of Andean History
The only comprehensive history of Andean South America from initial settlement to the present, this useful book focuses on Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, the four countries where the Andes have played a major role in shaping history. Although Henderson emphasises the period since the winning of independence in 1825, he argues that the region’s republican history cannot be explained without a clear understanding of what happened in the pre-Hispanic and colonial eras Henderson carefully explores the complex relationship between the Andean peoples and their land up until the fall of the Inka Empire in 1532 before addressing the Spanish conquest and the colonial aftermath, emphasising the syncretism often unwillingly forced upon the original inhabitants of the region. His account of the nineteenth century discusses the attempts of the Andean elite to fashion modern nation-states in the face of many divisive factors, including race. The final chapters carry the story from 1930 to the present as the Andean countries debated different ways to create a more inclusive and prosperous society.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Meinungsfreiheit in der Rechtsprechungspraxis des Interamerikanischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte
Mit dem Interamerikanischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte verfügt Lateinamerika über ein regionales Tribunal, das für die innerstaatlichen Demokratisierungsprozesse eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Neben der Aufarbeitung schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen rückt zunehmend, auch angesichts der aktuellen politischen Situation in der Region, die Demokratiekonsolidierung ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit. Ausgehend von Art. 13 und Art. 14 der Amerikanischen Menschenrechtskonvention (AMRK) analysiert Johannes Seidl die Konturen der Meinungsfreiheit im interamerikanischen System unter Berücksichtigung der Einflüsse der EMRK, des IPbpR sowie des US-Rechts. Neben dieser materiell-rechtlichen Seite beleuchtet er die innovative Tenorierung, die Durchsetzung der Entscheidungen sowie die Inkorporation interamerikanischer Standards in die nationalen Rechtsrahmen der Konventionsstaaten. Die Untersuchung verdeutlicht das Rezeptionspotential der interamerikanischen Praxis für den EGMR sowie den Afrikanischen Menschengerichtshof.Die Arbeit wurde mit dem Fakultätspreis der Juristenfakultät Leipzig (in Zusammenarbeit mit der Dr. Feldbausch-Stiftung) ausgezeichnet.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Grundrechtsinnovationen
Grundrechtstexte und ihre Auslegung weisen gegenüber sonstigen Rechtsnormen eine höhere Stabilität auf, unterliegen aber dennoch dem Wandel. Gerrit Hornung untersucht die Grundrechtsentwicklung unter einer innovationstheoretischen Perspektive. Er arbeitet den Begriff der Grundrechtsinnovation als signifikante Veränderung von Text oder Bedeutung einer Grundrechtsnorm heraus, die als umwälzende Basisinnovation oder inkrementelle Innovation auftritt. Die Abhandlung beschreibt Innovationsanlässe und -bedarf, Innovationsgegenstände, Innovatoren und Innovationsprozesse und macht so Erkenntnisse der wirtschafts-, sozial- und rechtswissenschaftlichen Innovationsforschung für das wissenschaftliche Verständnis und die normative Bewertung der Grundrechtsentwicklung fruchtbar. Auf dieser Basis werden Schlussfolgerungen für die Verfassungsdogmatik gezogen, die das Verhältnis der Grundrechte zueinander und zu "neuen" Grundrechten, die Innovationskompetenz zu deren Erschaffung und die Wirkungen im Mehrebenensystem betreffen. Schließlich ergeben sich auch verfassungspolitische Erkenntnisse über den Wert und die Grenzen eines aktuellen Grundrechtskatalogs.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Ziviler Ungehorsam als Verfassungsinterpretation
Ziviler Ungehorsam hat Konjunktur. Samira Akbarian befragt diese kontroverse Protestform auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit dem Rechtsstaat und der Demokratie. Wie können die emanzipatorischen Potenziale des Ungehorsams genutzt werden, ohne der Gefahr anheimzufallen, den Rechtsstaat dauerhaft zu unterlaufen? Die Autorin schlägt vor, zivilen Ungehorsam als Verfassungsinterpretation zu verstehen. Der von einer Richtigkeitsüberzeugung motivierte Rechtsbruch schafft neue Interpretationen der Verfassung und Visionen normativer Ordnungen. Unter Rückgriff auf theoretische Konzeptionen zivilen Ungehorsams und der Verfassungsinterpretation untersucht Samira Akbarian den Ungehorsam in seiner ethischen, rechtsstaatlichen sowie politischen Dimension und wendet dieses mehrdimensionale Verständnis auf aktuelle Beispiele an. Dabei adressiert sie auch das Problem, mit dem Rechtsstaat kompatible von inkompatiblen Interpretationen abzugrenzen.Die Arbeit wurde mit dem Merkur-Preis 2022 für herausragende Dissertationen der Ernst H. Klett Stiftung Merkur und dem Werner-Pünder-Preis 2023 ausgezeichnet.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Anfänge von Weihnachten und Epiphanias: Eine Anfrage an die Entstehungshypothesen
Die wissenschaftliche Diskussion um die Entstehung von Weihnachten und Epiphanias kreist meist um zwei Entstehungshypothesen: Vor allem im angelsächsischen Sprachraum wird in der theologischen Literatur ein innerchristlicher Entstehungszusammenhang aufgrund von frühchristlichen Berechnungen favorisiert, während sonst meist auf parallele heidnische Feiern als Anlaß für die Entstehung der beiden Feste verwiesen wird. Eine derartige Parallelbildung eines christlichen Festes am Termin eines beliebten heidnischen Festes würde, so die weit verbreitete Ansicht, den heutigen Kenntnissen über die Inkulturation des Christentums entsprechen. Hans Förster zeigt, daß beide Hypothesen für die Entstehung von Weihnachten und Epiphanias die Situation des vierten Jahrhunderts nicht erklären können. Die Sonnensymbolik hat sicherlich zur Wahl des Festtermins entscheidend beigetragen. Sie konnte dies jedoch gerade deswegen, weil es eben kein paralleles römisches Sonnwendfest gab, das sich im vierten Jahrhundert besonderer Beliebtheit erfreut hätte. Das angeblich weit verbreitete und beliebte "Sol-Invictus-Fest" wurde vielmehr aufgrund einer höchst fragwürdigen Interpretation christlicher Quellen konstruiert; eine genaue Lektüre dieser Quellen vermag jedoch zu zeigen, daß es dieses Fest wahrscheinlich nicht gab, zumindest hat es sich um kein verbreitetes oder beliebtes Fest gehandelt. Dies bedeutet eine entscheidende Akzentverschiebung der gängigen Sicht des Christentums im vierten Jahrhundert.
Murdoch Books A Whisper of Cardamom: Sweetly spiced recipes to fall in love with
This is a love story between sugar and spice. Spice is often the party girl, the loud, bold, exuberant element in the mix. There is also another art, more subtle yet equally seductive. Married with sugar, spice can provide a delicate fragrance, hard to put your finger on but one that gives backbone to a dish. It can balance tartness and bring sweetness so you can tone down the sugar. Flavours can be enhanced by a thoughtful addition from the spice cupboard, making chocolate more chocolatey and fruit taste more of itself. Added not in shouts, but in whispers, an intrigue of spice deepens allure. In this book, we explore how to unlock flavours, and how to marry them to make much more than the sum of their parts. Floral and fruity spices pair well with rich fats. Warming spices like ginger and clove play off treacly brown sugar. Anise sweetens, lemony coriander seed brightens and herbaceous notes pick out complexity in chocolate. A suspicion of nutmeg cuts the sweet creaminess of custard for a more rounded tart, and a whisper of cardamom makes inky poached plums jaunty and interesting. Chapters are divided by taste to guide you towards a dessert or bake that is bright and zippy, floral and fragrant, or dark and spicy. Recipes include spice switches so you can be creative and playful with your combinations. For those with an eye to expanding their repertoire, there are helpful spice-matching features and flavour wheels to inspire. A whole world of inviting new flavours awaits.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Das motivierte Unternehmen: Tools und Techniken für ein leistungsstarkes Team
Was ist eigentlich Motivation? Kann man sie erzeugen, vervielfältigen und weitergeben? Was muss man tun, um sie zu bewahren, wenn man sie einmal errungen hat? Fragen, mit denen sich viele Führungskräfte immer wieder auseinandersetzen müssen. Jörg Lahmann liefert in seinem Buch die Antworten. Seine Überzeugung: Motivation gedeiht dauerhaft nur in einem richtig strukturierten Umfeld. Mit seinen Tools und Techniken im Buch liefert er nun die Bauanleitung. Das Ziel jeder Führungskraft ist, ein motiviertes Team zu haben. Das funktioniert weder mit einfachen Tricks noch mit charmanten Witzen. Damit es gelingt, erklärt das Buch zunächst die Theorie der Motivation und legt dann ein klar aufgebautes Modell vor, ein Rezept sozusagen, Motivation im Unternehmen entstehen zu lassen. Die Grundlage für Jörg Lahmanns Modell des motivierten Unternehmens liefern neueste Erkenntnisse aus den Bereichen Management, Soziologie, Wirtschaft, Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften. Außerdem finden die Leser im Buch zahlreiche Beispiele und Übungen, mit denen sie die einzelnen Bestandteile des Modells sowie die externen und internen Faktoren, die ins Spiel kommen, identifizieren und herausfinden können, wie es in ihrem Unternehmen oder Team um die Motivation bestellt ist und wo Verbesserungsbedarf besteht. Jörg Lahmann liefert die dafür nötigen Strategien und Tools und erklärt anhand von Fallbeispielen, wie man diese richtig einsetzt. Abgerundet wird das Buch dann durch einen Leitfaden oder Aktionsplan, der aufzeigt, wo Führungskräfte loslegen müssen, Methoden zur Selbstevaluation inklusive, mit denen sie die Fortschritte ihres Unternehmens messen können.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Boston Terrier Collectibles
To know a Boston Terrier dog is to be charmed by one…so is it any wonder that images of these lively, expressive dogs have been placed on so many delightful antiques and collectibles? A wonderful assortment featuring "the American Gentleman among dogs" has been gathered in this volume, which is sure to appeal to canine aficionados everywhere. Featured are cast iron doorstops, porcelain and bronze figurines, bookends, inkwells, ashtrays, cigarette cases, salt and pepper shakers, toys, artwork, jewelry, advertising, novelties, paperweights, clocks, souvenir spoons, canes, books and comics, sheet music, and much more. The items range from tiny to life-size, from aristocratic to amusing, from antique to contemporary. Among the manufacturers and artists represented are Bing & Grondahl, Goebel, Rookwood, Bradley & Hubbard, Meissen, Rosenthal, Royal Copenhagen, Mortens Studios, Hagen-Renaker, Steiff, Chester Nicodemus, Chris Baldwin, Lowell Davis, and Morgan Dennis. Values for all items are included in the captions. This book is a tribute to the Boston Terrier breed and a treat for antique collectors and dog lovers alike.
HarperCollins Publishers Church Girl
From finding herself to finding himAaliyah Montgomery isn't just ditching her wedding. She's also fleeing her suffocating small town and her family's expectations. But landing a job in Chicago that fits her schedule isn't easy. Good thing Von Howard is desperate to find a live-in nanny. Bad thing that he's a gritty, gorgeous tattoo artist carrying as much baggage as he has ink.Von's new hire is inexperienced and a fire hazard in the kitchen. She's also inconveniently attractive. But after the upheaval of a divorce, Von doesn't need anything complicated.Deep down, Aaliyah's still running from her feelings and her fear of losing herself to someone else's expectations again. Even as their pasts return to haunt them, is their undeniable heat a sign it's time for a love they didn't see comingPerfect for fans of:Workplace romance ??Small town to big city ??Grumpy v sunshine ??He''s her boss ??Spicy ???Readers love Naima Simone:''Entertaining, funny, page-turner'' ?????''I was upset last nig
De Gruyter Macht und Makel der Bilder
Bilder machen seit je her einen Unterschied. Kunst als Trägerstoff von Emotionen religiöser, kultischer oder kollektiver Art kommt eine wichtige Rolle bei der machtvollen Verwandlung von Welt zu. Vom Makel des Kultes oder des Götzendienstes behaftet zu sein oder durch die Inkarnation von Ideen und des Transzendenten erst das Leben und Kunstwerke zu ermöglichen in dieser Spannung geht bis heute der Streit um die Macht der Bilder. Sie rufen den Schrecken und das Heilige hervor und bannen beides zugleich. Auf zahlreichen Leinwänden von der Antike bis zur Moderne wird diese Spannung in religiösen und weltlichen Lebenszusammenhängen kritisch anschaulich. Von antiken und jüdischen Fundstellen handelnd sowie christliche, islamische und bürgerliche Belege aufsuchend, wird der Bogen bis in unsere demokratisch oder autoritär geprägte politische Gegenwart geschlagen. Bilder des Wahren und Verrat durch Bilder Kunst, Bilderstreit und Kultverbot in den Kulturen seit der Antike <
Safe Haven Books A Major Adjustment: How a Remarkable Child Became a Remarkable Adult
Sarah Merriman is just like any other urbane young woman in her twenties... She has a job in a Central London hotel, a boyfriend, commutes to work on the Tube, eats out, goes to films and theatre... This is all the more remarkable (though not to her) because Sarah was born with Down's Syndrome. Her parents having no prior inkling, it came as a huge shock to them that they now had a daughter with a disability. In 1999 her father Andy wrote a frank and moving book, A Minor Adjustment, about the challenge of her early years. The national publicity it gained saw it become a treasured resource for other families on a similar journey. Now he follows up with the inspirational story of how his daughter, whose favourite expression is `I love my life', has grown up, featured on Michel Roux's compelling Kitchen Impossible series, and is making a life of her own at a time when pre-natal testing is threatening the very existence of people with Down's syndrome. Sarah has contributed throughout.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells: Characteristics and Operation
Unparalleled coverage of the most vibrant research field in photovoltaics! Hybrid perovskites, revolutionary game-changing semiconductor materials, have every favorable optoelectronic characteristic necessary for realizing high efficiency solar cells. The remarkable features of hybrid perovskite photovoltaics, such as superior material properties, easy material fabrication by solution-based processing, large-area device fabrication by an inkjet technology, and simple solar cell structures, have brought enormous attentions, leading to a rapid development of the solar cell technology at a pace never before seen in solar cell history. Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells: Characteristics and Operation covers extensive topics of hybrid perovskite solar cells, providing easy-to-read descriptions for the fundamental characteristics of unique hybrid perovskite materials (Part I) as well as the principles and applications of hybrid perovskite solar cells (Part II). Both basic and advanced concepts of hybrid perovskite devices are treated thoroughly in this book; in particular, explanatory descriptions for general physical and chemical aspects of hybrid perovskite photovoltaics are included to provide fundamental understanding. This comprehensive book is highly suitable for graduate school students and researchers who are not familiar with hybrid perovskite materials and devices, allowing the accumulation of the accurate knowledge from the basic to the advanced levels.
University of Nebraska Press Shelby's Folly: Jack Dempsey, Doc Kearns, and the Shakedown of a Montana Boomtown
In 1923, not long after oil had started gushing from northern Montana fields, declining real-estate sales in nearby Shelby were dimming the little town’s prospects of becoming the “Tulsa of the West.” Then the mayor’s son dreamed up a marketing ploy: offer to host heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey’s next fight. What began as a publicity stunt soon spiraled into a civic drama unlike any Montana had ever seen. Shelby’s Folly tells this story in full for the first time. Against the background of boom-and-bust Montana history, the folly of Shelby’s would-be promoters unfolds in colorful detail. It took months to persuade Dempsey’s conniving manager, Jack “Doc” Kearns, to sign a $300,000 contract. With less than two months before the July 4 fight, the town still had no stadium and no accommodations for tens of thousands of expected fans. Jason Kelly describes the promoters’ desperate measures and their disastrous results, from the first inkling of the idea to the bitter end of the fifteen-round boxing match. Shelby residents identified with the underdog challenger, Tommy Gibbons, who went toe-to-toe with the champion in an atmosphere crackling with tension. A soap opera of financial intrigue and chicanery, Shelby’s Folly chronicles how Big Sky ambition and Doc Kearns’s scheming mind collided to produce one of the most preposterous series of events in boxing history. Watch the Shelby's Folly book trailer on YouTube.
Atlantic Books Mother of Eden
Mother of Eden has been shortlisted for the British Science Fiction Association Novel of the Year Award, 2015.'We speak of a mother's love, but we forget her power. Power over life. Power to give and to withhold.' Generations after the breakup of the human family of Eden, the Johnfolk emphasise knowledge and innovation, the Davidfolk tradition and cohesion. But both have built hierarchical societies sustained by violence and dominated by men - and both claim to be the favoured children of a long-dead woman from Earth that all Eden knows as Gela, the mother of them all. When Starlight Brooking meets a handsome and powerful man from across Worldpool, she believes he will offer an outlet for her ambition and energy. But she has no idea that she will be a stand-in for Gela herself, and wear Gela's ring on her own finger. And she has no idea of the enemies she will make, no inkling that a time will come when she, like John Redlantern, will choose to kill...
Galison Your Seal Of Approval Stamp Set
STAMP SET - Just in case your exasperated eye roll wasn’t quite clear enough, this rubber stamp set will let you make your true feelings official in the best way possible–with giant stamps. They’re perfect for meeting agendas, year-end reviews, and that sign that says that the vending machine is out of order…again. VINTAGE INSPIRED - Set includes 2 stamps and a large color inkpad (red, of course). The stamps themselves are incredibly easy to use and comes in a beautiful vintage style box so you can bring it with you anywhere you feel the need to express how you feel. GIFT IT UP - The Your Seal Of Approval Stamp Set by Brass Monkey is perfect for anyone who wants to add a touch of whimsy to their work or personal life. Not to mention, the vintage inspired design adds an aesthetic charm to your otherwise dull and boring workspace or home. Brass Monkey - We’re the line between roadside souvenirs and fine china. Here to turn the th
Gill The Accidental Soberista: Discover the unexpected bliss of an alcohol-free life
Kate Gunn was a social drinker, usually having a few drinks about three nights a week. But she had an inkling that alcohol was holding her back from getting on top of her life, and the hangovers were getting worse. So, when Kate’s partner had to take a break from alcohol for a month, in solidarity with him, she decided to dip her toes in the water and try being a non-drinker too. Not long into her transformational journey, Kate discovered that breaking free from alcohol improved every single aspect of her life: from relationships to health to work to happiness. By giving up one thing, she gained so much more. In The Accidental Soberista, Kate chronicles the challenges and obstacles on the path to giving herself the greatest gift she has ever received – freedom from alcohol. Whether you’re sober-curious or want to remove the final obstacle in the way of your own health and life goals, this could be just the journey for you too.
The University of Chicago Press Collaborative Circles: Friendship Dynamics and Creative Work
Many artists, writers, and other creative people do their best work when collaborating within a circle of likeminded friends. Experimenting together and challenging one another, they develop the courage to rebel against the established traditions in their field. Out of their discussions they develop a new, shared vision that guides their work even when they work alone. In a unique study that will become a rich source of ideas for professionals and anyone interested in fostering creative work in the arts and sciences, Michael P. Farrell looks at the group dynamics in six collaborative circles: the French Impressionists; Sigmund Freud and his friends; C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the Inklings; social reformers Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony; the Fugitive poets; and the writers Joseph Conrad and Ford Maddox Ford. He demonstrates how the unusual interactions in these collaborative circles drew out the creativity in each member. Farrell also presents vivid narrative accounts of the roles played by the members of each circle. He considers how working in such circles sustains the motivation of each member to do creative work; how collaborative circles shape the individual styles of the persons within them; how leadership roles and interpersonal relationships change as circles develop; and why some circles flourish while others flounder.