Search results for ""schiffer""
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Barclay Miniature Toy Vehicles, Transports, Cars, Trucks, and Trains 1932-1971: A Comprehensive Catalog and Price Guide
This is the first comprehensive catalog and price guide covering all four ranges of miniature toy vehicles produced by Barclay Manufacturing Company, Inc. (New Jersey) from 1932 to 1971. It covers nearly 2,000 variations of these toys along with a history of the company, the manufacturing process, detailed identification grids and explanations, rarity notations, pricing ranges, a biography, and over 650 color photos. Barclay began producing miniature transports and trains in the early 1930s and added trucks and cars in the 1950s. All four ranges were produced until the company closed in 1971. The toys were colorful, well-designed, inexpensive, and popular throughout the period they were produced. The appendix includes pictures of related toys. Since most of these toys do not identify the manufacturer and many variations are rare, the book is indispensable for anyone interested in collectable toys.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Savannah's Monuments: The Untold Stories
Learn the histories and behind-closed-door chronicles of 69 monuments in Savannah, Georgia. These shrines commemorate the Southern city’s people and events, celebrating sculptors and heroes, Savannah’s contributions to America’s wars, and its economic and innovative legacy. Discover various ethnic groups who have contributed to the city’s history through monuments such as the Jewish Burial Ground Marker, where people still lay pebbles to honor those who have passed before them. Stories are shared in an accessible, conversational, and engaging manner, with attention to historical detail, and are accompanied by more than 180 images. Use the included tour maps to enhance these accounts as you wander the beautiful squares, parks, and boulevards of Savannah and appreciate the “coastal empire” in a way you never have before.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd MiG Aces of the Vietnam War
Based on research and personal interviews, this book presents the most successful North Vietnamese pilots’ careers from their training years to their missions and aerial victories. There were nineteen aces in the Vietnamese People’s Air Force during the war. An additional eight MiG pilots were also successful in dogfights; each claimed four aerial victories. More than 240 illustrations feature rare war-era photography, color MiG profiles, maps of air engagements, and lists of air victories and losses that reconstruct the events that took place over North Vietnam from 1965 to 1973.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Masters of the Field: The Fourth United States Cavalry in the Civil War
This is the untold story of the heroic efforts of the men of the 4th United States Cavalry as they sabered their way through the Western Theater of the Civil War and into the heart of the Confederacy. From the earliest battles in Missouri at Dug Springs and Wilson’s Creek, to Fort Donelson and Shiloh, Tennessee, and on to the great Battle of Chickamauga Creek, Georgia, where they delayed the advance of the Confederate Army for ten hours at Reed’s Bridge, the regiment not only fought on Southern soil, but faced the best cavalry leaders the Confederacy had to offer, including Nathan Bedford Forrest. From the siege of Atlanta and Kilpatrick’s Raid around the city, to the final great cavalry charge at Selma, Alabama, the 4th United States earned a reputation second to none as they became the Masters of the Field.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German World War II Reenacting: The Wehrmacht in Living History
This book takes the reader through a full-color look at reenactment of the German military of WWII. Dedicated reenactors have gone to amazing lengths to recreate the Wehrmacht in action. Original tanks and half tracks take to the field once more, alongside uniformed German soldiers. Everything from tanks to machine guns to can openers and cooking utensils is put to use to recreate not only authentic battles but also the more mundane aspects of wartime life, such as vehicle and weapons maintenance, sleeping, cooking, and trying to survive. The author has selected photos from WWII reenactments around the world, where reenectors have spent enormous amounts of time and money. Panzers thunder through the fields once more, planes of the Luftwaffe strike from the sky, and the German fighting men and women once more are thrown into an amazing array of scenarios.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Emerging from the Shadows, Vol. IV: A Survey of Women Artists Working in California, 1860-1960
This is volume 4: S-Z, of a four-volume set. The complete four-volume set presents the careers of 320 women artists working in California, with more than 2,000 images, over the course of a century. Their work encompasses a broad range of styles—from the realism of the nineteenth century to the modernism of the twentieth—and of media, including painting, sculpture, drawing, illustration and print-making. While some of the profiled artists are already well known, others have been previously ignored or largely forgotten. Yet all had serious careers as artists: they studied, exhibited, and won awards. These women were trailblazers, each one essential to the momentum of a movement that opened the door for heartfelt expression and equality. Much of the information and many of the images in the book have never before been published. Artists are presented alphabetically; also included are additional primary sources that put the artists’ work in context.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Contemporary International Tapestry
Tapestries from 40 top international artists representing three generations show the best examples of contemporary approaches to the handwoven art. Featured are more than 50 examples, including full views of each artwork, as well as details. Tapestries are accompanied by biographical information on each artist, hand-picked for this collection because they are at the forefront of their field. The book also includes insightful essays, statements, and information about the field of tapestry, including artist and gallery contact information. This one-of-a-kind collection of works was curated by the author, Carol Russell, for an exhibition at Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton, New Jersey, in 2015. Included are essays by the curator, as well as by Archie Brennan, Christine Laffer, and Dr. Lycia Trouton.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Fly Fishing the Tidewaters of Maryland's Chesapeake Bay: A Calendar Year of Stories, Spots, and Recipes
Enjoy a thoughtful, rural, and down-to-earth portrait of Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay as seen by an avid fly fisherman. From isolated tidal rivers to unexpected spots beneath highway overpasses, each of the 12 stories, organized by the month of the year, offers a unique view of this diverse fishery with the straightforward sensitivity of an old country song. Along with a thorough examination of the fishery, read about struggles with the economic difficulty of creating a home on Maryland’s Eastern Shore; consider an elegy for a faithful truck; and find an unexpected winter redemption in a pawnshop. Each chapter includes wood cut prints by Danielle Spradley and the vintage photography of A. Aubrey Bodine. The stories are punctuated with old wives’ tales and family recipes. All good fishing yarns provide anglers with insight and useful information, but these stories extend past the fishery of the Chesapeake Bay and into our daily lives.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Campfire Tales Great Lakes: Great Lakes
Enjoy 11 spooky campfire tales based on legends and true events in and around the Great Lakes region. Filled with creepy and sometimes humorous details, each has historic significance. Shiver as you read about the ghosts in Duluth, Minnesota, haunting the Glensheen Mansion, and the myth of a giant moose terrorizing tourists off the North Shore of Lake Superior. Meet the Melon Head Creatures, living in a dark and forbidden forest off Lake Michigan, the result of a mad scientist’s experiments, or a classic Lady in White. Discover the Manitous water gods, Native American spirits living at the bottom of the lake always looking for unsuspecting prey. Find a giant man-eating turtle, storm Hags, and the Red Devil of Detroit. Learn about Niagara Falls' Maid of the Mist, the real legend of the Edmund Fitzgerald, and the Michigan Dogman.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Contemporary Cape Cod Artists: On Abstraction
This book features 45 Cape Cod artists working in abstraction, displaying more than 400 images of their work. Based on her interviews with the artists, the author writes about their aspirations and approaches. The art, which include paintings, photographs, sculpture, and prints, show a range of approaches to abstraction, from those that include an interpreted element of the real world to others that are completely non-objective. Learn about the artists’ lives, their inspirations, how they proceeded on the path to abstraction, and the ideas behind their works. Abstraction’s place in art history is explored, as well as its relationships to other movements. The narrative gives insight into the creative talents of the artists and provides an understanding of abstract art in relationship to the world art scene.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Art of the Contemporary Doll
More than 220 color photos, together with descriptions of over fifty dollmakers’ richly varied works and techniques, make up this fascinating overview of the state of the dollmaking art right now. The diverse range of designs, styles and media—from plastic to wood, metal to found objects—serves as an inspiration, a reference, and a summary of the dollmaking world in the early 21st century. The doll artists featured, working across the U.S. and the world, share personal insights about their own experiences with the creative process. They also discuss challenges of aspects like facial detail and expression, material integrity and longevity, embellishments, and construction. For designers, artists, craftspeople, and others, this breathtaking summary captures and reveals today’s dollmaking art.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Massachusetts Lighthouses and Lightships
Here is an indispensable addition to the lighthouse enthusiast’s library, required reading for those interested in New England maritime history, and a delight for anyone who enjoys coastal Massachusetts. More than 800 images, many never before published, include historic plans that describe the details of these aids to navigation, and archival and contemporary photos that trace through their history. The book covers all the lighthouses and lightships that marked the shores (exclusive of Cape Cod and the Islands) and guided mariners through the challenging waters surrounding Massachusetts. This volume also explores the interiors of towers, shows the lantern rooms of rarely-visited lighthouses, and gives fascinating facts about these beacons through their 200-year history.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Grenadier Divisions of the Waffen-SS
A detailed history of all 18 Waffen-SS grenadier divisions in World War II, including formation, combat operations throughout the war, and final disposition at war’s end. Rare images—including soldbuchs and award documents—and personal veteran accounts are featured, along with equipment, commanders, maps, and charts. Included: 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (ukrainische Nr. 1); 15. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr. 1); 19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr. 2); 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (estnische Nr. 1); 25. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS “Hunyadi” (ungarische Nr. 1); 26. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS “Hungaria” (ungarische Nr. 2); 27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division “Langemarck” (flämische Nr. 1); 28. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division “Wallonien” (wallonische Nr. 1); 29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS “RONA” (russische Nr. 1); 29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (italienische Nr. 1); 30. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (russische Nr. 2); 31. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division; 32. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division “30. Januar”; 33. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS “Charlemagne” (französische Nr. 1); 34. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division “Landstorm Nederland” (niederl. Nr. 2); 35. SS-Polizei-Grenadier-Division; 36. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS; 38. SS-Grenadier-Division “Nibelungen.”
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The History of Dyess Air Force Base: 1941 to the Present
This book covers the history of Dyess Air Force Base from 1941 to the present. The reader is led from the construction and World War II training operations through the Cold War with the Soviet Union, to bomber and missile nuclear alert, and to the transition of a world-wide conventional weapons response capability with the B-1B and air mobility options provided by the C-130 Hercules transport. The book includes a photo tour of the base as well as information on topics such as: Abilene Air Force Base, 96th Bombardment Wing and the Boeing B-47E Stratojet, Boeing KC-97G Stratofreighter and the 11th Aerial Refueling Squadron, 578th Strategic Missile Squadron and the Atlas F Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, 4th Strategic Support Squadron and the Douglas C-124C Globemaster II, the Nike-Hercules Surface-to-Air Missile, 96th Bombardment Wing and the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, and the Special Weapons Storage Area.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Your Personal Hang-ups
“I am interested in your personal hang-ups: Not your lifetime neuroses but your (ideal) hat, coat and/or clothes tree or hanger, wall hooks, free standing pole, rack, stand or small wall system. With this invitation Gail M. Brown, an independent curator, challenged artists to create inventive forms for an exhibition at The Center for Art in Wood in Philadelphia. The resulting sculptures by 38 artists ranged from a straightforward coat rack to a four-foot apartment house riding on a fish, from a scepter-like paean to Joan Miro to a “four eyes nun-backed chair,” and from a bird house to a wall-mounted seat and desktop. The artists used a wide range of woods, from the ordinary to the exotic, as well as rubber, steel, and gold-plated brass. The works project grace, intelligence, whimsy, humor, and serious craft.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The F-101 Voodoo: An Illustrated History of McDonnell's Heavyweight Fighter
Conceived in the waning days of World War II as an escort for the mammoth Convair B-36 bomber, the McDonnell Model 36 “Voodoo” first took to the air in 1948. With advances in turbojet technology, aerial refueling, and miniaturized nuclear weapons, the Model 36 was recast as a fighter-bomber of unimaginable firepower: the F-101A Strategic Fighter. Overcoming tremendous developmental challenges, the Voodoo served into the late-1980s, nearly forty years after its maiden flight. As a nuclear strike aircraft, reconnaissance platform, and reliable high-performance interceptor, the McDonnell F-101 Voodoo carries the sole distinction among the famed “Century Series” fighters of serving in the most trouble spots, from the era of Eisenhower and Khrushchev through that of Reagan and Gorbachev, in the waning days of the Cold War. Based on hundreds of pages of recently declassified documents, this new work brings the Voodoo into its long-denied place in the limelight.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The "Easy" Boys: The Story of a Bomber Command Aircrew in World War II: Based on the Wartime Diaries of Flying Officer Reg Heffron, RAAF
This book is based on the World War II diaries of Royal Australian Air Force Flying Officer Reg Heffron. The reader follows Heffron through initial training, his wartime posting to No.622 Squadron, and the fear and trials of operational flying, off duty antics, training rookie crews, and finally, the joyous return home to his family in Australia.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd It Is What It Is: Tattooing the Brooklyn Way
Trace the evolution of the Brooklyn tattooing scene's iconographic status with this rare look into the borough's gritty history. Long before hipsters called Brooklyn home, tattoo legends like Tony Polito, Mikey Perfetto, Marcus Pacheco, and Ronnie Dell’Aquila set long-lasting trends from the '50s on, and gave young artists hope in this often unforgiving town. Peter Caruso visits over a dozen owners, artists, and customers, relating Brooklyn's 20th-century tattoo history through biographies of gritty, no-nonsense tattoo artists. Here, they get the attention they deserve as they focus on events that shaped their craft and style and what inspired them, as teenagers, to follow the path of this often thankless profession in New York's toughest borough. "Back in the day," artists didn't apprentice, but, like the men in this book, learned the ropes in basements and worked out of kitchens, sometimes experimenting with Asian and tribal styles, but always returning to the colorful, traditional, American tattooing Brooklyn is known for.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Contemporary Art of Nature: Mammals
In the history of art, animals were the very first subject, as evidenced by the nearly 20,000 year old cave paintings at Lascaux. The human impulse to depict and capture the essence of animals underscores the importance of animals to human lives. For some artists, the evolutionary link between humans and other mammals is most compelling, and their choice of mammals as subject speaks to each artist's personal concerns. From traditional works to the fantastical, from sporting art to kitsch, the nearly 100 U.S. and international artists included hope to combine their own magic with the natural spirit of animals in their work. Over 500 of their pieces are represented here in stunning, full-color photographs. This elegant collection honors the artistic connection and age-old totemic relationship between animal and human. Herein lies the conversation between the spirit of the animal and the mind of the maker.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Decorating Chairs: 7 Painting Projects: 7 Painting Projects
Not sure what to do with that old, dilapidated chair that has been sitting in your garage or down your basement? How about turning it into a decorative piece of art for everyday use or for a seasonal decoration? In this new DIY book, master painter Sammie Crawford takes you through, step-by-step, seven chair-painting projects: the rose, sunflower, tiger lily, frog, butterfly, rooster, and, just in time for Christmas, the Santa chair. With color photographs and patterns, as well as lists of supplies and color palettes provided, use this book to follow along with the projects or gain inspiration for your own creative ideas. This book is perfect for painters of all skill level.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Grill Skills: Professional Tips for the Perfect Barbeque: Food, Drinks, Music, Table Settings, Flowers
Would you like to be more confident in your grilling skills? Or do you consider yourself king or queen of the grill? Either way, this is the book for you. In Grill Skills, professionals generously offer their very best tips, advice, and recipes. In these colorful, lighthearted, and photo-rich pages, you'll find how to whip up the perfect barbeque sauce; every recipe you need, and menus, for creatively tweaked traditional barbeque meals with all the proper sides; how to create glorious barbeque buffets for all ages and tastes; ways to conjure up the magic of grilled desserts; expert advice on wines to go with your grilled meals; imaginative decoration instructions to add ambience around the grill; and music playlists for every get-together. This is the book where Tex-Mex meets the islands, the Mediterranean meets Sweden, and the tropics meet urban balconies—an indispensable grill book for all tastes.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Great Horned Owl: An In-depth Study
The Great Horned Owl is the largest owl found throughout most of North America. Adult owls are between eighteen to 24 inches from head to tail and can have a wing span of more than four feet. Their long ear tufts and cryptic coloration enables them to remain well hidden during the day, often out of sight of sharp-eyed diurnal raptors and eagle-eyed birders. Through more than 130 photographs and illustrations, take an in-depth look into the life of this very impressive and formidable bird. Explore the owls’ food habits, nesting sites, how they raise their young, and the rehabilitation of injured owls. The one-of-a-kind photographs and comprehensive descriptions make this a must-have treasure to be enjoyed by all ages. It is sure to become the go-to reference on the Great Horned Owl.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe?: Should I Believe?
Should you believe in UFOs (unidentified flying objects)? If you question why the subject of UFOs should be taken seriously, this book provides that answer. Fascinating evidence, new perspectives, and detailed analysis, make this a thought-provoking study for those at every level of knowledge and belief in the UFO phenomenon. Through well-researched and convincing, documented insight, discover compelling individual and mass UFO encounters, giving you a direct appreciation of the possible nature and origin of this extraordinary topic. Learn about pilot and astronaut UFO experiences, strange encounters with UFOs, alien abductions, official government and military declassified UFO documents, and future directions and research needed to better understand the phenomenon. New viewpoints are provided through an objective investigation of the alleged alien visitations of earth and authenticity of the UFO phenomenon. Should you believe? Find out.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Behind the Easel: The Unique Voices of 20 Contemporary Representational Painters
Most art books are not in the first person, so while there is some truth to the analyses, some things are always off. Robert C. Jackson set out to interview 20 contemporary representational artists (himself included) and showcase their artwork within the context of their interviews. Here you will meet Steven Assael, Bo Bartlett, Debra Bermingham, Margaret Bowland, Paul Fenniak, Scott Fraser, Woody Gwyn, F. Scott Hess, Laurie Hogin, Robert C. Jackson, Alan Magee, Janet Monafo, John Moore, Charles Pfahl, Scott Prior, Stone Roberts, Sandra Mendelsohn Rubin, Daniel Sprick, Will Wilson, and Jerome Witkin. Each of these artists has a very elusive quality–a unique voice. Seeing their work from across a room they are all recognizable. Their artworks are showcased in this large book with more than 140 images of their paintings as well as photographs of the artists in their studios and an epilogue by Pamela Sienna.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Paper Empires: 100 Years of German Paper Soldiers (1845 - 1945)
These paper cut-outs developed from toys into a historically important reflection on the German military and social classes from the early nineteenth to the early twentieth century, culminating in their proliferation during the rise and reign of the Third Reich. They make it possible to take a tour through German military and political history, from the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt in 1806 right up to the Maginot Line in 1940. These German paper soldiers, or papiersoldaten zum ausschneiden are, without a doubt, unique visual images that, nowadays, are similar to archeological artifacts, which are very hard to find on the market. Even today, the number of preserved or catalogued images in German museums is very small, so this book, showing thousands of figures in 173 color images, is a an essential collection.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Stiffs, Skulls & Skeletons: Medical Photography and Symbolism
This intriguing and comprehensive exploration of the skeleton and the dead body includes more than 400 rare photographs. Stanley B. Burns, MD, has studied, collected and written on medical photography for over four decades focusing on unexplored areas. His books have placed him in the forefront of medical photographic history scholarship. This work reveals the nineteenth-century fascination with the dead body and body parts. The classic visual iconography of postmortem, dissection, and bone photography is presented and expanded to include early autopsy images and X-ray studies. No prior visual work has presented the once very popular hobby of collecting skulls and also shown their use in racial and psychological profiling research. This sumptuously illustrated book with previously unpublished photographs is an extraordinary work of medical, historical and cultural research. It is a timeless visual essay that will surely become a standard resource for collectors, curators, artists, and scholars.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Four Centuries of Musical Instruments: The Marlowe A. Sigal Collection
Captured in this volume in over 700 striking color photos are many historically significant musical instruments created by some of the most important and iconic makers of the last 400 years. Six hundred instruments are presented, including keyboards, flutes and whistles, woodwinds, strings, and percussion. Each instrument is described in the text, including unusual characteristics, rarity, number of known instruments by the same maker, historical provenance when known, former ownership, citations of relevant patents, and bibliographic citations with more information and associated photos. Early and historically significant instruments made in Italy, England, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, the United States, and other parts of Europe are examined. Several world cultures are also represented by instruments. Indexes by maker, city, and country are provided for easy reference.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Elgin Trench Watches of the Great War
A combination of 440 photos and advertisements, plus informative text, tell the story of the Elgin National Watch Company wristwatches that accompanied U.S. Army troops into the trenches of Europe in World War I. While Elgin was known as a company that would allow buyers to pick and choose among features for their personal watches, the U.S. Army also created specifications dated November 3, 1914 and October 24, 1916, choosing the watch features their soldiers would wear. After a brief discussion of pricing, rarity, and company history, the wristwatches covered include: Star Dial Series, Giant Size 6s, RED 12 Dials, BOLD Arabic Dials, and Shadow Box Dials. Also explored are dial date stamps, recent restorations, crystal guards, and Elgin watch movements. This venerable watch company, dating back to 1864, produced roughly 1,000,000 watch movements each year during World War I. Explore these veterans of the Great War through this fascinating read.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Emerging Fashion Designers 4
The latest edition of this popular, growing series showcases the exciting new designs created by more than 80 recent graduates from 18 premier fashion design programs in the United States. With over 300 striking color images, this fourth edition brings the fresh perspective of the next generation of young designers to the forefront via beautifully designed garments and skillfully rendered illustrations for eveningwear, menswear, lingerie, activewear including yoga and snowboarding apparel, and much more. The wide range of work in this anthology is augmented with a brief dossier on each young designer, including that designer's source of inspiration and materials used. This easy-to-navigate resource has garments organized alphabetically by designer and indexed graphically by school. It is an essential reference to the newest talent and trends in fashion that will be valued by all who are passionate about this ever-changing field.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Grim Shadows Falling: Haunting Tales from Terrifying Places: Haunting Tales from Terrifying Places
Journey to 31 dark, scary, and infinitely unsettling places that are soaked with blood, death, and the horror of unspeakable tragedy. Revel in the horror of The Villisca Ax Murder House, Lemp Mansion, Borley Rectory, and Fox Hollow Farm. Shed a tear for the desecrated dead of Cheesman Park and The Black Hope Cemetery, the lost soul of a little girl who still haunts Lake Shawnee Fun Park, and the melancholy spirits of a feuding husband and wife who found immortality in the form of a murder-suicide. Learn the devastating truths behind Black Moon Manor, Madame Delphine LaLaurie, Doris Bither (the terrifying real-life case that inspired the film The Entity), and Japan's disturbing answer to the Holocaust, the bloody Unit 731. Experience the suffering of people frequenting these places and explore tragic events that create a stain on the fabric of time, resounding for centuries and affecting generation after generation. Visit as grim shadows fall—the nightmares will haunt you.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd California's Historic Haunts
Visit 25 of California's most haunted and historic sites. Wander the halls of Camarillo State Hospital to hear ghostly children laughing and objects moving without assistance from the living. Consider whether restless soldiers are still in the tunnels where they were killed—could this be a legend? Is there a cryptozoological creature known as the "Billiwhack Monster" at Rancho Camulos? Could there be truth to the phantom stagecoach that can be heard and seen late at night at Vallecito, then continuing on before vanishing from sight? Each site is explored by the authors and Planet Paranormal Investigations to give the visitor or potential investigator all the tools necessary for a rewarding experience. All sites are open to the public and this comprehensive historic guide supplies visitor information, tools of the trade, and a full glossary.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Fascination of Time: Marks, Manufacturers, & Complications of Classic Wristwatches
For the aspiring mechanical watch collector, this casual yet insightful overview is the perfect introduction. The wristwatches presented come from well-known, outstanding Swiss companies, as well as the resurgent German luxury watch industry in Glashütte. Learn everything you need to know about Patek Phillipe, Maurice Lacroix, Blancpain, Tag Heuer, Zenith, A. Lang & Sohne, Jaeger-LeCoultre, and more. Lose yourself in descriptions and histories of fourteen of the most interesting and precise complications and variations, including the regulator dial and the moon phase display, while avoiding the obscure watchmaking terminology found in other texts. Venture into the International Watch Company Museum, a building equally as stunning as the watches themselves, in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. More than 100 beautiful photos and lively prose make this compact volume an exciting read. At the end of the tour, receive expert collecting and fashion tips, including suggestions on what outfits to wear with certain timepieces.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Hopi Gold, Hopi Silver: 12 Contemporary Jewelers
Nearly 200 photographs chronicle the evolution of Hopi jewelry over the last four decades and illustrate, through the Kópavi collection, the innovative and often stunning creations of twelve well-known Hopi artists. Included are Victor Coochwytewa, Phillip Honanie, and Michael Kabotie, as well as Ricky Coochwytewa, Sidney Sekakuku, Sharold Nutumya, Watson Honanie, Bradley Gashwazra, Norman Honie Sr., John Coochyumptewa, Beauford Dawahoya, and Jason Takala Sr. The artists incorporate gold, platinum, diamonds, and rare turquoise into a tradition previously identified predominantly with silver, while expanding the range of designs to include narrative and ceremonial representations. Some of the iconography speaks to the merging of two cultures: ancient Hopi and contemporary commodity. These objects have a historical voice and represent a major change not only in jewelry styles, but in Hopi culture.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Ironwork Today 4: Inside and Out
Hundreds of detailed color photos provide a sweeping overview of the wide range of iron artwork being created by over 90 of today’s artist-blacksmiths. These fascinating works of art in metal are found in homes, offices, and public spaces alike. They vary in size from small, everyday objects to impressive public monuments. The pieces, discussed by the artists who made them, include sculpture, gates, railings, furniture, andirons, lighting fixtures, doors, door knockers, and much more. This book, the fourth in an ongoing series, has artwork arranged by the artist alphabetically, rather than in categories. This allows readers to see the full scope of each artist’s work on adjoining pages. Here readers will find some artists whose work they have appreciated in other books in this series; others they are discovering for the first time. This book will be a valued reference guide and inspiration source for homeowners, designers, artists, and blacksmiths as a fascinating snapshot of the current trends in this vibrant, growing, changing field of artistic endeavor.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Tattoo Road Trip: Best of the Southwest: Arizona & New Mexico
Thirty hand-picked tattoo shops and the work of over one hundred artists are included in this book showcasing the blossoming body art communities in New Mexico and Arizona. Displayed are over 600 color photos of tattoo artistry. Trendsetting artists create a wide range of tattoo art in motifs as diverse as the men and women who receive and appreciate them. The artwork ranges from the small to the large. Classic black and white artistry and modern full color work are featured. Themes captured include natural scenes, animals and birds, flowers, nautical scenes and symbols, Oriental motifs from dragons to geishas, portraits of loved ones, religious art, Day of the Dead motifs, occult symbology, and much more. The artists and their shops are also featured. For anyone with an appreciation of tattoo artistry, this book is for you.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Decorating Eggs: Exquisite Designs with Wax & Dye
Truly exquisite designs, intricate details, and brilliant color schemes come together in this new DIY book on decorating eggs. This age-old craft is given new life through gemlike color dyes and beeswax. Design a simple two-color pattern, such as a snowflake or a Mexican stamp. Go traditional with a Ukrainian egg. You can even “quilt” on your eggs with a patchwork or appliqué design. Using dyes and beeswax, these eggs can be fanciful house decorations or fun gifts for family and friends. Chapters include basic decorating tips and how to choose your colors. With illustrated step-to-step instructions and a gallery of completed projects, you'll be creating your own dynamic eggs in no time at all. This book is perfect for crafters and painters of all skill level.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Estate Jewelry: 1760-1960
The revised and expanded second edition of this beautiful, popular, and easy-to-follow book is a thorough reference to antique and period jewelry, created over a 200-year period, in Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It presents the changes in construction techniques and jewelry styles through over 680 color photographs, including over 190 new images, with clear descriptions and explanations. From the Georgian through the Victorian, Belle Epoche, Art Deco, and Modern periods, the fascinating story of jewelry evolving with women's fashions is told. Great designers' work is identified along with their materials. Their findings, fittings, and makers' marks are fully explained. The value reference section of over 500 items has been updated and is organized to locate pieces easily without going through the entire book. Bracelets, brooches, and each other form are grouped together and in chronological order. Advanced collectors and appraisers will find this a complete and quick-reference tool. Novices will enjoy learning this fascinating field through the many illustrated identification tips.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd UFOs Over Maine: Close Encounters from the Pine Tree State
Journey through the Pine Tree state to the very cusp of believability and the truly bizarre to find out about Maine's contemporary UFO and alien activity. Discover tales of alien abductions, UFO confrontations with the military, strange lights in the sky, and other startling encounters. Read over 20 stories and review numerous sightings reported by Mainers between the years 2000 and 2013 of strange extraterrestrial encounters. Meet the Men in Black (MIB) as they threaten and frighten eyewitnesses. Visit the Allagash Wilderness Waterway where four men were abducted and transported to a UFO from their canoes. Feel the terror of a man who, after seeing a bright light in the skies of Starks, was struck by a red beam from an alien craft. Share the skies with two amateur pilots near Boothbay Harbor...and a UFO. The strangeness of Maine's Ufology will creep into your subconscious, but it will fascinate you as well.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The 100 Greatest Console Video Games: 1977-1987
There have been many top 100 books before, but rarely one like this. Here are the best of the early video games, shown in over 400 color photos and described in incredible detail in the entertaining and informative text. Each game's entry features production history, critical commentary, quotes from industry professionals, gameplay details, comparisons to other games, and more. This book celebrates the very best of the interactive entertainment industry's games from this highly crucial, fondly remembered decade. This pivotal period was marked by the introduction of the indispensable Atari 2600, Odyssey2, and Intellivision, the unleashing of the underrated Vectrex, the mind-blowing debut of the next-gen ColecoVision and Atari 5200, plus the rebirth of the industry through Nintendo's legendary juggernaut, the NES. Whether you're young or old, new to the hobby or a hardcore collector, this book will introduce you to or remind you of some of the greatest, most historically important games ever made.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Power Carving Boots & Shoes
With 250 images and 12 patterns, carve a wooden boot through illustrated step-by-step instructions. From sketching an idea to carving a stylized boot using found wood, this new DIY book guides you in preparing a pattern and cutting a blank using a bandsaw for the basic parts of a lace-up leather boot -- the vamp, the toe, and the sole. Using a rotary power tool fitted with a flex-shaft hand piece, carving burrs, and sanding drums, learn how to give the boot a distinctive character for creating women’s high-heel boots, hiking boots, casual slip-on boots, and brogues. Chapters include wood selection, sketching the pattern, blank preparation, and decorating and assembling the boot. A gallery of completed projects offers inspiration for your own creative ideas. For carvers of all skill levels.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd A Silent Invasion: The Truth About Aliens, Alien Abductions, and UFOs
Who are we? Where are we from? Why are we here? From these three questions spring the truth that will lead you on a strange and sometimes frightening journey toward awakening. This comprehensive study includes 110 interpreted images and information that is Spirit Guide-assisted, as well as from the author's own personal experiences. How can our world be so rich in its bio-diversity, its people so varied in appearance and customs? Are the Nazca Lines related to alien visitation? Are aliens, cryptids (such as the Yeti), and animal/human mutilation cases related? If so, why? The author admonishes us all to remember one thing above all else: They do not come in peace.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collector's Guide to Crawfordsville Crinoids
Mississippian Age crinoids from Crawfordsville, Indiana, are known worldwide for their completeness, abundance, comparatively large size, and extraordinary aesthetic appeal. With over 100 detailed photos and drawings and incisive text, this book describes the locality, focusing on its exceptional value from both scientific and lay perspectives. The geologic region is explored, along with the factors believed to have led to the unusual preservation of these crinoids. Detailed descriptions of the morphology, geological history, and classification of stemmed Paleozoic age crinoids follows. Diagrams and photos of real specimens aid in understanding crinoid terminology and identifying and classifying these crinoids to the genus and species level. This book is written for both the new and advanced collector. It is also valuable to the new student of invertebrate paleontology. It provides updated insight into the morphology, classification, and identification of crinoid fossils collected at the Crawfordsville localities.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd UFO and Alien Management: A Guide to Discovering, Evaluating, and Directing Sightings, Abductions, and Contactee Experiences
Discover how to bring memories of a UFO sighting, alien abduction, or contactee experience to the light of day via a visualization technique that will allow you to revisit abduction incidents. Discover if you've had an encounter, but have forgotten it, or if there has been contact of which you are unaware. Get in touch with aliens, learn to protect yourself, recover information you've lost, learn what can go wrong, know what questions to ask, and understand your own personal reporting process. This book will help you manage your experiences in compelling ways (both before--if appropriate--and after an encounter) with fresh scripts, cataloging forms, question lists, and more. It's never too late to remember what you've forgotten.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Imperial German Armies in Field Grey Seen Through Period Photographs • 1907-1918: Volume 2: Infantry, Jager, Schutzen, Radfahrer, Mountain Troops, and Machine Gunners
These books present in detail the field-grey uniforms, helmets, weapons, and equipment used before and during the First World War. The origin and the many formations in existence at the outbreak of the war, and newly raised will be outlined, followed by a section on uniforms. The many carefully selected black and white war-era photos with large and complete captions will give the reader a thorough understanding of the appearance of the German Army during World War I. Each branch of service is lavishly illustrated with over 3000 black and white, and color photographs. The three volumes cover: uniforms, headgear, weapons, gas warfare, telephone and communications equipment, infantry, jäger, schützen, radfahrer, mountain troops, machine gunners, cavalry, artillery, pioneers, transport, train, medical, and miscellaneous formations.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Mythical Formula One: 1966 to Present
Computer generated profiles of the most famous and legendary Formula 1 single-seaters from 1966, the year when a new engine capacity regulation was approved. This coincided with the most important features we can still see in the cars of today, including wings, sponsors, slick tires, and carbon-fiber chassis. All of them are illustrated in this book, depicting milestones such as the Lotuses 49, 72, 79, Renault RS01, winners like the Ferraris "T" series, McLaren MP4 from 1988, Shumacher's Ferrari, original ideas like the Tyrrell P34 and other curiosities. Despite being focused on the cars, the book also examines the designers, team-managers and drivers.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Under the Bridge: The East 238th Street Graffiti Hall of Fame
Join Paul "Cavs" Cavalieri on a journey through graffiti history and the evolution of a major cultural landmark. In this account, Cavs shares his experiences under the Bronx's East 238th Street bridge, which over the years has become a Bronx "Graffiti Hall of Fame," through an astonishing, lifelong photographic diary. From the late 1950s to the 1990s, graffiti artists would congregate here to express themselves by unleashing their creative energy. In this adopted home away from home, generations of graffiti artists formed bonds as well as rivalries. Take in four decades' worth of work from prolific artists including Boots119, Sent, and Sien5. Also represented are graffiti writers from the Woodlawn and Wakefield neighborhoods, connected by the famous concrete viaduct built between 1929 and 1931, as well as unique and personal insights into successive generations of crews, such as a recent, major contributor from Matilda Avenue.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Commanding Fire: An Officer’s Life in the 151st Machine Gun Battalion, 42nd Rainbow Division During World War I
Commanding Fire is one officer's story of commanding a machine gun platoon on the battlefields of northern France in 1918. Included are firsthand company and battalion accounts making it the first published history of the 151st Machine Gun Battalion, 42nd Rainbow Division. Every significant American engagement in World War I is covered including action in Lorraine, Champagne, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and service in the Army of Occupation. Lieutenant Parkinson recounts defense and attack, trench and open warfare, night and day operations, waiting and marching, monotony and terror, daily life and deadly action. He traces the development of machine gun tactics and tells previously unknown stories about the Rainbow Division and one of its brigade commanders, Douglas MacArthur.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd New York: Wish You Were Here
Take a journey through Manhattan neighborhoods with this colorful collection of New York City photographs and postcards. Learn about the history that shaped the Big Apple before the 21st century, and the wealth of trivia that built the "city that never sleeps." Did you know that Wall Street was once a stockade that marked the end of the city’s limits? That Canal Street was built above a canal? That the spire of the Empire State Building was originally used to dock zeppelin planes? That under the Knickerbocker Hotel a private railroad was built for John Jacob Astor and his guests? That the FDR drive was built on landfill shipped from London after WWII? Or that the Cloisters were reconstructed from several medieval abbeys shipped back to the States? This entertaining and informative walk down memory lane has 192 pages chock full of color photographs, antique postcards, and maps, sure to dazzle new and native New Yorkers alike.