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Human Kinetics Publishers Fitness for Life
Fitness for Life provides teachers and students with the most comprehensive and current evidence- and standards-based content available to help students to become physically literate and to be physically active throughout their lives. The seventh edition of this Texty Award–winning text is based on established education theory and follows a pedagogically sound scope and sequence to enhance learning and help students take responsibility for their own activity, fitness, health, and wellness.New to This EditionFitness for Life is more than a fitness education program—it’s a conceptual physical education (CPE) program that addresses all national physical education standards. New features include the following: Fully updated content includes new videos, photos, and ancillaries. Universal design principles provide accessibility for all students. Reorganized chapters enhance content flow. New emphasis is placed on physical literacy and health literacy. There is expanded coverage of social-emotional learning. A modular approach and a comprehensive teacher’s guide support different schedules and remote learning, in-class learning, and blended approaches. A new delivery platform, HKPropel, allows teachers to assign worksheets and projects, check on student progress, receive reports, and automatically scores tests. An online teacher training course, free to adopters of the student text, includes a test for those who want to earn a certificate of completion. Student and Teacher ResourcesFitness for Life comes with an array of resources, including a print text and ebook with web resource, an interactive web text, and teacher ancillaries. The student text offers 21 chapters in seven units. Chapters include lesson objectives, vocabulary words, muscle art, and self-assessments. Other special features in the book include Tech Trends, Fit Facts, Science in Action, Academic Connection, Taking Action activities, and Consumer Corner. To assist students using the print book or ebook, the Fitness for Life, Seventh Edition, Web Resource features easy access to material referenced in the text, including vocabulary terms with English and Spanish definitions and audio pronunciations, worksheets, and chapter reviews.Fitness for Life, Seventh Edition, is also available as an interactive web text, which students can access from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. The student interactive web textbook contains the same content as the print book but uses interactive audio, video, worksheets, and other great activities to help students engage with the material and enhance learning. The interactive web textbook offers audio vocabulary and definitions in English and Spanish. Introductory videos at the beginning of each lesson help students assess their knowledge going in, while videos at the end of each lesson help students put what they’ve learned into context.Enduring Features of This Iconic Text Meets SHAPE America’s latest grade-level standards and outcomes Employs Dr. Corbin’s iconic HELP philosophy and Stairway to Lifetime Fitness, Health, and Wellness approach Helps students become informed consumers about physical activity and fitness Helps develop students’ self-management skills Separates fitness facts from fiction With its updated content and its new online training course, delivery platform, and ancillaries, Fitness for Life, Seventh Edition, is ideally suited to instruction in a gym, outdoors, in a classroom, entirely online, or in a blended approach. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Human Kinetics Publishers Live Well Middle School Health
Through Live Well: Middle School Health, students will discover fundamentals of health and wellness and learn how to apply these throughout their life span. The text will help students understand how to do the following: Develop skills for healthy living Prioritize healthy nutrition, physical activity, and stress management Avoid destructive habits Build healthy relationships Contribute to community and environmental health Skills Developed The content in Live Well: Middle School Health is aligned with the National Health Education Standards (NHES), state standards, and the CDC’s Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool. The text will help students build an array of skills: Analyze the effect that family, peers, media, and technology have on their health and wellness Identify reliable sources of health information and become savvy consumers Sharpen interpersonal communication skills as they share health knowledge, debate controversial topics, manage interpersonal conflicts, and more Strengthen decision-making skills as they identify healthy solutions to problems posed In addition, students will learn to create behavior change goals, establish healthy living plans, advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities, and discern how health and technology intersect on various topics.Features and BenefitsLive Well: Middle School Health offers students many features and benefits. The text provides skill-based learning applications to reinforce the health concepts and help students develop health literacy. Skill-building challenges, healthy living tips, career connections, and other recurring special elements supply opportunities to analyze, evaluate, and apply the health concepts and skills being taught. Case studies and other features allow students to engage with issues of diversity and inclusion across content areas. And vocabulary terms—available in English and Spanish to meet the needs of ELL and ESL students—help students test their understanding of the material. To assist students using the print book or ebook, the Live Well: Middle School Health Web Resource features easy access to material referenced in the text, including note-taking guides, vocabulary terms with English and Spanish definitions and audio pronunciations, Skill-Building Challenge worksheets, and chapter reviews.Live Well: Middle School Health is also available as an interactive web text, which students can access from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. The student interactive web textbook contains the same content as the print book but uses interactive audio, video, worksheets, and other great activities to help students engage with the material and enhance learning. The interactive web textbook offers audio vocabulary and definitions in English and Spanish. Introductory videos at the beginning of each lesson help students assess their knowledge going in, while videos at the end of each lesson help students put what they’ve learned into context. (The interactive web text is available separately to schools that adopt the student textbook. Please contact the Human Kinetics K-12 sales department for details.) Note: A code for accessing the web resource is included with all new print books.
Duke University Press The Surrendered: Reflections by a Son of Shining Path
When Peruvian public intellectual José Carlos Agüero was a child, the government imprisoned and executed his parents, who were members of Shining Path. In The Surrendered—originally published in Spanish in 2015 and appearing here in English for the first time—Agüero reflects on his parents' militancy and the violence and aftermath of Peru's internal armed conflict. He examines his parents' radicalization, their lives as guerrillas, and his tumultuous childhood, which was spent in fear of being captured or killed, while grappling with the complexities of public memory, ethics and responsibility, human rights, and reconciliation. Much more than a memoir, The Surrendered is a disarming and moving consideration of what forgiveness and justice might mean in the face of hate. This edition includes an editors' introduction, a timeline of the Peruvian conflict, and an extensive interview with the author.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Social Work with Groups, Second Edition
This definitive text, now revised and expanded, has introduced thousands of students and practitioners to the theory and practice of social work with groups. Leading authorities outline major models of group work and address critical issues in planning, implementing, and evaluating interventions. The Handbook describes applications in all the major practice settings--mental health, prevention, child welfare, substance abuse, health care, aging, corrections, and more--as well as organizational and community settings. A strong focus on empowerment, social justice, and diversity is woven throughout. The empirical foundations of group work are reviewed, and innovative research methods discussed. New to This Edition: *Incorporates over a decade of advances in the field *Heightened focus on practitioner-researcher collaboration. *Two chapters on substance abuse prevention with youth. *Chapters on social justice work, evidence-based practice, offender reentry, intimate partner violence, intergroup dialogue, working with immigrants and refugees, qualitative methods, and intervention research. *Major updates on existing topics, such as cognitive-behavioral group work, psychoeducational groups, health care settings, and technology-mediated groups. *Integrative epilogue that synthesizes key themes.
Human Kinetics Publishers Health for Life With Web Resources-Cloth
Health for Life provides the keys necessary for adopting healthy habits and committing to healthy living in high school and throughout the life span. The text covers all of the components of personal well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health. It provides students the knowledge in making healthy choices and fosters the skill development required for taking healthy actions.Health for Life helps students in these ways: Analyze how key influences affect their health and wellness, such as family, peers, media, and technology Explore consumer topics and use appropriate resources to find answers to challenging questions Sharpen their interpersonal communication skills as they share health knowledge; debate controversial topics; demonstrate refusal, negotiation, and refusal skills; manage interpersonal conflicts; and promote healthy living among their peers Use decision-making skills and apply healthy living skills as they identify solutions to problems posed Evaluate their own health habits as they relate to a variety of behaviors Create goals for behavior change and establish plans for healthy living Communicate health information with family and advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities Discover how health and technology intersect on various topics The text is divided into seven units of 20 chapters. The chapters help students explore a range of topics, including mental health, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, healthy relationships, avoiding destructive habits, and making good health choices throughout life.Health for Life has an abundance of features that help students connect with content in personal ways and retain the information. Here’s a glance at some of those features: Lesson Objectives, Lesson Vocabulary, Comprehension Check, and Chapter Review help students prepare to dive in to the material, understand it, and retain it (standard NHES 1). Connect spurs students to analyze various influences on their health and wellness (standard NHES 2). Consumer Corner aids students in exploring consumer health issues (standard NHES 3). Healthy Communication gets students to use and expand their interpersonal communication skills as they share their views about various health topics (standard NHES 4). Skills for Healthy Living and Making Healthy Decisions help students learn and practice self-management so they can make wise choices related to their health and wellness (standard NHES 5). Planning for Healthy Living assists students in applying what they’ve learned as they set goals and establish plans for behavior change (standard NHES 6). Self-Assessment offers students the opportunity to evaluate their health habits and monitor improvement in health behaviors (standard NHES 7). Take It Home and Advocacy in Action prepare students to advocate for health at home and in their communities (standard NHES 8). Health Science and Health Technology focus on the roles of science and technology as they rellate to health and where science and technology intersect regarding health issues. Living Well News challenges students to integrate health literacy, math, and language skills to better understand a current health issue. In addition, Health for Life is reinforced by its online resources for teachers and students. Following are highlights of these two invaluable resources.Teacher Web ResourceThe Teacher Web Resource contains the following: Complete lesson plans; the first three lessons have a corresponding PowerPoint slide show An answer key to all worksheets and quizzes A test package that includes tests for each chapter; tests consist of multiple-choice, true-or-false, fill-in-the-blank, and short essay questions All lesson plans and assessments support identified learning objectives. Each lesson plan includes these features: Preparing the Lesson (lesson objectives and preparation) Bell Ringer (a journal question for students, or a quiz or activity to begin class) Lesson Focus (main points of the lesson paired with a student worksheet) Lesson Application (main activity paired with a worksheet) Reflection and Summary (lesson review) Evaluate (student quiz or test or worksheet review) Reinforcing the Lesson (Take It Home and Challenge activities) Student Web ResourceThe Student Web Resource contains these features: All worksheets, quizzes, and other materials referred to in the lesson plans Vocabulary flip cards and other interactive elements from the iBook edition Expanded discussion of selected topics that are marked by web icons in the text Review questions from the text, presented in an interactive format for students to fill out to check their level of understanding Delivering the content that will help students value and adopt healthy lifestyles, and loaded with the features and online resources that will help students understand and retain the content, Health for Life promises to be one of the most crucial texts for students today.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy: The Big Questions
Philosophy: The Big Questions occupies a unique position among introductory texts in philosophy. Designed for a single-semester introductory course in philosophy, it includes both classic readings in philosophy and newer articles. Presents, in one volume, canonical and contemporary works in ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and epistemology. Topics discussed include knowledge, religion, freedom, morality, and the meaning of life. Serves as a comprehensive and compelling introduction to philosophy. Together with traditional readings it also presents non-traditional, feminist eadings from a continental perspectives.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Power System Relaying
Power System Relaying An updated edition of the gold standard in power system relaying texts In the newly revised fifth edition of Power System Relaying, a distinguished team of engineers delivers a thorough update to an essential text used by countless univer??sities and industry courses around the world. The book explores the fundamentals of relaying and power system phenomena, including stability, protection, and reliability. The latest edition provides readers with substantial updates to transformer protection, rotating machinery protection, nonpilot distance protection of transmission and distribution lines, power system phenomena, and bus, reactor, and capacitor protection. It also includes an expanded introduction to the elements of protection systems. Problems and solutions round out the new material and offer an indispensable self-contained study environment. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to protective relaying, including discussions of effective grounding and power system bus configurations In-depth explorations of relay operating principles and current and voltage transformers Fulsome discussions of nonpilot overcurrent and distance protection of transmission and distribution lines, as well as pilot protection of transmission lines Comprehensive treatments of rotating machinery protection and bus, reactor, and capacitor protection Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students studying power system engineering, Power System Relaying is an ideal resource for practicing engineers involved with power systems and academic researchers studying power system protection.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Assured Cloud Computing
Explores key challenges and solutions to assured cloud computing today and provides a provocative look at the face of cloud computing tomorrow This book offers readers a comprehensive suite of solutions for resolving many of the key challenges to achieving high levels of assurance in cloud computing. The distillation of critical research findings generated by the Assured Cloud Computing Center of Excellence (ACC-UCoE) of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, it provides unique insights into the current and future shape of robust, dependable, and secure cloud-based computing and data cyberinfrastructures. A survivable and distributed cloud-computing-based infrastructure can enable the configuration of any dynamic systems-of-systems that contain both trusted and partially trusted resources and services sourced from multiple organizations. To assure mission-critical computations and workflows that rely on such systems-of-systems it is necessary to ensure that a given configuration does not violate any security or reliability requirements. Furthermore, it is necessary to model the trustworthiness of a workflow or computation fulfillment to a high level of assurance. In presenting the substance of the work done by the ACC-UCoE, this book provides a vision for assured cloud computing illustrating how individual research contributions relate to each other and to the big picture of assured cloud computing. In addition, the book: Explores dominant themes in cloud-based systems, including design correctness, support for big data and analytics, monitoring and detection, network considerations, and performance Synthesizes heavily cited earlier work on topics such as DARE, trust mechanisms, and elastic graphs, as well as newer research findings on topics, including R-Storm, and RAMP transactions Addresses assured cloud computing concerns such as game theory, stream processing, storage, algorithms, workflow, scheduling, access control, formal analysis of safety, and streaming Bringing together the freshest thinking and applications in one of today’s most important topics, Assured Cloud Computing is a must-read for researchers and professionals in the fields of computer science and engineering, especially those working within industrial, military, and governmental contexts. It is also a valuable reference for advanced students of computer science.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics
Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics offers a step-by-step guide to successfully designing and placing complete and implant-retained dentures using neutral zone concepts. Illustrates every technique described with more than 300 color photos Covers all phases of complete denture therapy Presents a step-by-step assessment and examination protocol Details the importance of accurate diagnosis and prognosis prior to committing to treatment Describes an alternative to traditional impressioning procedures that can be accomplished in a single appointment Includes access to a companion website with video clips and student handouts, with teaching PowerPoints available for instructors
University of Nebraska Press Chance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical Essays
Chance, Love, and Logic contains two books by Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) which are among his most important and widely influential. The first is Illustrations of the Logic of Science. The opening chapters, “The Fixation of Belief” and “How to Make Our Ideas Clear,” mark the beginning of pragmatism. The second presents Peirce’s innovative and influential essays on scientific metaphysics.
University of Nebraska Press Team Spirits: The Native American Mascots Controversy
A growing controversy in recent years has arisen around the use and abuse of Native American team mascots. The Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, Washington Redskins, Kansas City Chiefs, Florida State Seminoles, and so forth—these are just a few of the images and names popularly associated with Native Americans that are still used as mascots by professional sports teams, dozens of universities, and countless high schools. This practice, a troubling legacy of Native–Euro-American relations in the United States, has sparked heated debates and intense protests that continue to escalate. Team Spirits is the first comprehensive look at the Native American mascots controversy. In this work activists and academics explore the origins of Native American mascots, the messages they convey, and the reasons for their persistence into the twenty-first century. The essays examine hotly contested uses of mascots, including the Washington Redskins, the Cleveland Indians, and the University of Illinois's Chief Illiniwek, as well as equally problematic but more complicated examples such as the Florida State Seminoles and the multitude of Native mascots at Marquette University. Also showcased are examples of successful opposition, including an end to Native American mascots at Springfield College and in Los Angeles public schools.
University of Nebraska Press Of Duty Well and Faithfully Done: A History of the Regular Army in the Civil War
On the eve of the Civil War, the Regular Army of the United States was small, dispersed, untrained for large-scale operations, and woefully unprepared to suppress the rebellion of the secessionist states. Although the Regular Army expanded significantly during the war, reaching nearly sixty-seven thousand men, it was necessary to form an enormous army of state volunteers that overshadowed the Regulars and bore most of the combat burden. Nevertheless, the Regular Army played several critically important roles, notably providing leaders and exemplars for the Volunteers and managing the administration and logistics of the entire Union Army. In this first comprehensive study of the Regular Army in the Civil War, Clayton R. Newell and Charles R. Shrader focus primarily on the organizational history of the Regular Army and how it changed as an institution during the war, to emerge afterward as a reorganized and permanently expanded force. The eminent, award-winning military historian Edward M. Coffman provides a foreword.
John Wiley & Sons Inc State Variables for Engineers
The classic text, now completely up to date This Second Edition of State Variables for Engineers is completely updated to reflect both the many changes in the field of systems and control and the fact that today's first-year graduate students are well prepared in the background skills and techniques needed to handle this material. The book begins with an introduction to the basic concepts behind time domain techniques, comparisons between state variable feedback and classical output feedback, and a discussion of the concepts of observability and controllability. The authors stress the importance of studying matrices and linear spaces by offering state variable representations for continuous linear systems in matrix form along with the solution to the resulting linear matrix differential equation. This treatment demonstrates how these basic linear algebra tools are related to the state variable analysis of linear systems. This new edition retains thorough coverage of the eigenvalue-eigenvector problem from the first edition, as well as several chapters on state variables for continuous and discrete-time systems--now supplemented with additional material on observability and controllability. It also offers three entirely new chapters covering: * Canonical forms for representing linear systems * Observers and controllers * Identification and estimation Supplemented with appendices on basic matrix algebra and Z transforms, State Variables for Engineers, Second Edition is the ideal text for courses in systems analysis and techniques. It is also an excellent reference for professionals who want to keep pace with recent changes in the field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Anxiety and Depression Workbook For Dummies
Anxiety and depression affect over 10% of the population. They can become debilitating conditions if not managed carefully so there are thousands of people looking for advice on how to keep their symptoms under control. Anxiety & Depression Workbook For Dummies provides readers with practical exercises and worksheets to help them analyse their thinking patterns and overcome the issues that are holding them back. The workbook format is ideal for those wanting to track their progress and make positive changes to both their mental and physical health. Anxiety & Depression Workbook For Dummies, UK Edition covers: Part I: Recognising and Recording Anxiety and Depression Chapter 1: Spotting the Signs of Anxiety and Depression Chapter 2: Digging Up the Roots of Your Worries Chapter 3: Overcoming Obstacles to Change Chapter 4: Monitoring Your Moods Part II: Understanding Your Thinking: Cognitive Therapy Chapter 5: Viewing Things A Different Way Chapter 6: Challenging and Changing Thoughts Chapter 7: Seeing Clearly: Gaining A New Perspective Chapter 8: Maintaining Awareness and Achieving Acceptance Part III: Taking Action: Behaviour Therapy Chapter 9: Facing Feelings: Avoiding Avoidance Chapter 10: Lifting Your Spirits With Exercise Chapter 11: Taking Pleasure from Leisure Chapter 12: Just Do It! – Tackling Life’s Problems Part IV: Feeling It Where It Hurts: Healing the Body Chapter 13: Taking the Relaxation Route Chapter 14: Making Your Mind Up About Medication Part V: Revitalising Relationships Chapter 15: Working on Relationships Chapter 16: Smoothing Out Conflict Part VI: Life Beyond Anxiety and Depression Chapter 17: Reducing the Risk of Relapse Chapter 18: Promoting The Positive Part VII: The Part of Tens Chapter 19: Ten Helpful Resources Chapter 20: Ten Terrific Tips
John Wiley & Sons Inc Overcoming Depression For Dummies
Up to 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer from diagnosable depression ( – that’s approximately 12 million people. Depression takes multiple forms, including seasonal affective disorder, bipolar disorder, and postnatal depression. Research by the BBC claims that up to 75% of sufferers are not receiving any form of professional medication or therapy, which strongly suggests that self-help is often a preferred course of action. Overcoming Depression For Dummies outlines practical methods for recognising and managing the symptoms of depression for those readers who might be too scared to go to their GP, who want to know more about the illness before they seek professional medical guidance, or for those who are just curious about depression and what it means. Overcoming Depression For Dummies: Is written by an expert team of clinical psychologists and provides step-by-step guidelines on proven therapeutic exercises and ways to implement positive psychology methods Provides sound advice on nutrition, relaxation and support, to help make those vital first steps towards a happier life Gives comprehensive information on the wide variety of prescription medication and complementary therapies available, including their effectiveness and side effects Is aimed at people suffering from depression looking for straightforward, realistic advice and also loved ones and parents of those suffering from depression wanting to better understand the condition and find out how they can help.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Radiation Biology of Medical Imaging
This book provides a thorough yet concise introduction to quantitative radiobiology and radiation physics, particularly the practical and medical application. Beginning with a discussion of the basic science of radiobiology, the book explains the fast processes that initiate damage in irradiated tissue and the kinetic patterns in which such damage is expressed at the cellular level. The final section is presented in a highly practical handbook style and offers application-based discussions in radiation oncology, fractionated radiotherapy, and protracted radiation among others. The text is also supplemented by a Web site.
University of Pennsylvania Press Piedras Negras Archaeology, 1931-1939
Situated on the banks of the Usumacinta River in northwestern Guatemala, Piedras Negras is an important Maya site known for its carved monuments and panels. Between 1931 and 1938 the University Museum conducted research at Piedras Negras, excavating the site core, producing an excellent site map, and documenting architectural developments to an unprecedented standard. Project member Tatiana Proskouriakoff revolutionized Maya historiography with her architectural reconstructions and visionary synthesis of the position and dating of texts and monuments at the site. Innovative excavation methods included test pitting, probing in more modest structures, and the identification of new building types such as sweat baths. More importantly, the Piedras Negras project developed the logistical and methodological criteria that are now standard in the field. Fewer than a dozen copies of the preliminary papers were issued between 1933 and 1936; the later descriptive and interpretive essays of the architecture series have likewise become rare. Piedras Negras Archaeology, 1931-1939 reintroduces to the scholarly community and public these pioneering works, meticulously scanned and edited from the fragile originals, with all the maps, tables, line art, and photographs from the initial reports, and an interpretive essay and index for modern readers. University Museum Monograph, 122
University Press of Florida Florida Weather and Climate: More Than Just Sunshine
Florida is home to two of the world’s major types of climate—tropical wet-dry and humid subtropical. It ranks among the top states for tornadoes and is more frequently affected by lightning and thunderstorms than any other state. Florida is vulnerable to fog, drought, and wildfires. And it is notorious for its most prominent natural event—the hurricane.This book explores the conditions, forces, and processes behind Florida’s surprisingly varied and dynamic weather. The authors discuss Florida’s location, landscape, and population, as well as the position of the sun and the importance of evaporation and condensation. They explain the influence of atmospheric circulation patterns such as the Hadley Cell, the Coriolis force, and the Bermuda-Azores High. They also describe the qualities of cold, warm, stationary, and occluded fronts and how they generate precipitation and freezes. In addition to revealing why severe weather systems and phenomena like hail and lightning occur, the book also reviews the procedures in place to track and measure these events and warn citizens in danger. Major weather incidents from Florida’s history are narrated, including often overlooked accidents caused by smoke and fog. After showing how climate has changed in the past, the authors look ahead to what further climate change would mean for the future.With many maps, helpful diagrams, and clear explanations, this book is an illuminating and accessible guide to Florida’s dramatic weather and climate.
Southern Illinois University Press Vicksburg Besieged
A detailed analysis of the end of the Vicksburg Campaign and the forty-day siege Vicksburg, Mississippi, held strong through a bitter, hard-fought, months-long Civil War campaign, but General Ulysses S. Grant’s forty-day siege ended the stalemate and, on July 4, 1863, destroyed Confederate control of the Mississippi River. In the first anthology to examine the Vicksburg Campaign’s final phase, nine prominent historians and emerging scholars provide in-depth analysis of previously unexamined aspects of the historic siege. Ranging in scope from military to social history, the contributors’ invitingly written essays examine the role of Grant’s staff, the critical contributions of African American troops to the Union Army of the Tennessee, both sides’ use of sharpshooters and soldiers’ opinions about them, unusual nighttime activities between the Union siege lines and Confederate defensive positions, the use of West Point siege theory and the ingenuity of Midwestern soldiers in mining tunnels under the city’s defenses, the horrific experiences of civilians trapped in Vicksburg, the failure of Louisiana soldiers’ defense at the subsequent siege of Jackson, and the effect of the campaign on Confederate soldiers from the Trans-Mississippi region. The contributors explore how the Confederate Army of Mississippi and residents of Vicksburg faced food and supply shortages as well as constant danger from Union cannons and sharpshooters. Rebel troops under the leadership of General John C. Pemberton sought to stave off the Union soldiers, and though their morale plummeted, the besieged soldiers held their ground until starvation set in. Their surrender meant that Grant’s forces succeeded in splitting in half the Confederate States of America. Editors Steven E. Woodworth and Charles D. Grear, along with their contributors—Andrew S. Bledsoe, John J. Gaines, Martin J. Hershock, Richard H. Holloway, Justin S. Solonick, Scott L. Stabler, and Jonathan M. Steplyk—give a rare glimpse into the often overlooked operations at the end of the most important campaign of the Civil War.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Extraction & Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper
Matthew Wolfgang Stolper began working for the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary in 1978 and became full professor in the Oriental Institute 1987, focusing on Neo-Babylonian and Middle Elamite. Matt has worked tirelessly to raise the necessary funding, to assemble a team of scholars, to promote the importance of the Persepolis Fortification Archive to academic and popular audiences, and most significantly, to concisely, passionately, and convincingly place the Persepolis Archives in their Achaemenid, ancient Near Eastern, and modern geo-political contexts. The twenty-six papers from Stolper's colleagues, friends, and students show the breadth of his interests.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Familiar Letters of John Adams and His Wife Abigail Adams During the Revolution with a Memoir of Mrs. Adams
This book contains a collection of letters between John and Abigail Adams. The letters not only reveal the depth of their relationship but also detail the sacrifices, the deprivations, and the emotions of war and separation in a personal, unguarded way. The balance of the masculine and feminine perspectives makes this book particularly interesting and unique.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Norse Fairy & Folk Tales
John Wiley & Sons Inc Interpreting Evidence: Evaluating Forensic Science in the Courtroom
This book explains the correct logical approach to analysis of forensic scientific evidence. The focus is on general methods of analysis applicable to all forms of evidence. It starts by explaining the general principles and then applies them to issues in DNA and other important forms of scientific evidence as examples. Like the first edition, the book analyses real legal cases and judgments rather than hypothetical examples and shows how the problems perceived in those cases would have been solved by a correct logical approach. The book is written to be understood both by forensic scientists preparing their evidence and by lawyers and judges who have to deal with it. The analysis is tied back both to basic scientific principles and to the principles of the law of evidence. This book will also be essential reading for law students taking evidence or forensic science papers and science students studying the application of their scientific specialisation to forensic questions.
University of Washington Press Imperial Bandits: Outlaws and Rebels in the China-Vietnam Borderlands
The Black Flags raided their way from southern China into northern Vietnam, competing during the second half of the nineteenth century against other armed migrants and uplands communities for the control of commerce, specifically opium, and natural resources, such as copper. At the edges of three empires (the Qing empire in China, the Vietnamese empire governed by the Nguyen dynasty, and, eventually, French Colonial Vietnam), the Black Flags and their rivals sustained networks of power and dominance through the framework of political regimes. This lively history demonstrates the plasticity of borderlines, the limits of imposed boundaries, and the flexible division between apolitical banditry and political rebellion in the borderlands of China and Vietnam. Imperial Bandits contributes to the ongoing reassessment of borderland areas as frontiers for state expansion, showing that, as a setting for many forms of human activity, borderlands continue to exist well after the establishment of formal boundaries.
Oxford University Press Don Quixote de la Mancha
'he thought it expedient and necessary that he should commence knight-errant, and wander through the world, with his horse and arms, in quest of adventures' Don Quixote, first published in two parts in 1605 and 1615, is one of the world's greatest comic novels. Inspired by tales of chivalry, Don Quixote of La Mancha embarks on a series of adventures with his faithful servant Sancho Panza by his side. The novel has acquired mythic status and its influence on modern fiction is profound. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Martin Chuzzlewit
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr John Bowen, Department of English, University of Keele. Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz). Martin Chuzzlewit is Charles Dickens' comic masterpiece about which his biographer, Forster, noted that it marked a crucial phase in the author's development as he began to delve deeper into the 'springs of character'. Old Martin Chuzzlewit, tormented by the greed and selfishness of his family, effectively drives his grandson, young Martin, to undertake a voyage to America. It is a voyage which will have crucial consequences not only for young Martin, but also for his grandfather and his grandfather's servant, Mary Graham with whom young Martin is in love. The commercial swindle of the Anglo-Bengalee company and the fraudulent Eden Land Corporation have a topicality in our own time. This strong sub-plot shows evidence of Dickens' mastery of crime where characters such as the criminal Jonas Chuzzlewit, the old nurse Mrs Gamp, and the arch-hypocrite Seth Pecksniff are the equal to any in his other great novels. Generations of readers have also delighted in Dickens' wonderful description of the London boarding-house - 'Todgers'.
Dalkey Archive Press In Partial Disgrace
The long-awaited final work and magnum opus of one of the United States’s greatest authors, critics, and tastemakers, In Partial Disgrace is a sprawling self-contained trilogy chronicling the troubled history of a small Central European nation bearing certain similarities to Hungary—and whose rise and fall might be said to parallel the strange contortions taken by Western political and literary thought over the course of the twentieth century. More than twenty years in the making, and containing a cast of characters, breadth of insight, and degree of stylistic legerdemain to rival such staggering achievements as William H. Gass’s The Tunnel, Carlos Fuentes’s Terra Nostra, Robert Coover’s The Public Burning, or Péter Nádas’s Parallel Lives, In Partial Disgrace may be the last great work to issue from the generation that changed American letters in the ’60s and ’70s.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Orderic Vitalis: Life, Works and Interpretations
First full-length collection on one of the most significant and influential historians of the medieval period. The Gesta Normannorum ducum and Historia ecclesiastica of Orderic Vitalis are widely regarded as landmarks in the development of European historical writing and, as such, are essential sources of medieval history forstudents and scholars alike. The essays here consider Orderic's life and works, presenting new research on existing topics within Orderic studies and opening up new directions for future analysis and debate. They offer fresh interpretations from across the disciplines of medieval manuscript studies, English-language studies, archaeology, theology, and cultural memory studies; they also revisit established readings. CHARLES C. ROZIER gained hisPhD from the University of Durham; DANIEL ROACH gained his PhD from the University of Exeter; GILES E.M. GASPER is Senior Lecturer in History, University of Durham; ELIZABETH VAN HOUTS is Honorary Professor of Medieval European History, University of Cambridge. Contributors: William M. Aird, Emily Albu, James G. Clark, Vincent Debiais, Mark Faulkner, Giles E. M. Gasper, Véronique Gazeau, Estelle Ingrand-Varenne, Elisabeth Mégier, Thomas O'Donnell, Benjamin Pohl, Daniel Roach, Thomas Roche, Charles C. Rozier, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, Kathleen Thompson, Elisabeth van Houts, Anne-Sophie Vigot,Jenny Weston
Voltaire Foundation Oeuvres Completes De Montesquieu: v. 11 &12
Voltaire Foundation Oeuvres Et Ecrits Divers: v. 8: Memoire Sur Les Dettes De L'Etat, Le Temple De Gnide, and Other Texts
Columbia University Press The Two Cities: A Chronicle of Universal History to the Year 1146
The 12th-century bishop Otto of Freising was an outstanding historian of his century. "The Two Cities" was his masterwork, spanning in time from Adam and Eve to the coming of the last days - which he believed were imminent. In form and philosophy it stands as a model of medieval historiography. Related to the court of the Holy Roman Empire, Otto was able to observe the significant events of his day, including the Investiture Controversy and the Second Crusade. He also offers a view of St Bernard of Clairvaux.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Neuroscience of Cognitive Development: The Role of Experience and the Developing Brain
A new understanding of cognitive development from the perspective of neuroscience This book provides a state-of-the-art understanding of the neural bases of cognitive development. Although the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience is still in its infancy, the authors effectively demonstrate that our understanding of cognitive development is and will be vastly improved as the mechanisms underlying development are elucidated. The authors begin by establishing the value of considering neuroscience in order to understand child development and then provide an overview of brain development. They include a critical discussion of experience-dependent changes in the brain. The authors explore whether the mechanisms underlying developmental plasticity differ from those underlying adult plasticity, and more fundamentally, what distinguishes plasticity from development. Having armed the reader with key neuroscience basics, the book begins its examination of the neural bases of cognitive development by examining the methods employed by professionals in developmental cognitive neuroscience. Following a brief historical overview, the authors discuss behavioral, anatomic, metabolic, and electrophysiological methods. Finally, the book explores specific content areas, focusing on those areas where there is a significant body of knowledge on the neural underpinnings of cognitive development, including: * Declarative and non-declarative memory and learning * Spatial cognition * Object recognition * Social cognition * Speech and language development * Attention development For cognitive and developmental psychologists, as well as students in developmental psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive development, the authors' view of behavioral development from the perspective of neuroscience sheds new light on the mechanisms that underlie how the brain functions and how a child learns and behaves.
Scarecrow Press Perspectives on Ernst von Dohnanyi
Although Ernst von Dohnányi (1877-1960) was considered by many of his contemporaries the greatest musician of his generation, his considerable musical legacy was largely ignored by the musical community in the latter half of the 20th Century. This was primarily the result of a regrettable trend in the arts that valued avant-garde compositional styles at the expense of the works of composers who remained faithful to the musical language of 19th Century Romanticism. Recent years, however, have brought revised assessments of Dohnányi, which disprove many of the misgivings and criticisms expressed by earlier scholars. Edited by a leading contemporary scholar, this work represents an essential next step in restoring Dohnányi to his rightful place in the annals of great musicians. Many of the essays collected here have been carefully selected from the finest papers presented at the 2002 International Ernst von Dohnányi Festival at The Florida State University and are in this volume available publicly for the first time, while others are reprints of writings that have made significant advances in the field. Of particular importance is Viktor Papp's essential 1927 biography of Dohnányi, available here in English for the first time.
Universe Publishing New York Landmarks: A Collection of Architectural and Historical Details
A timeless and perennially best-selling illustrated tour of the most famous landmarks in New York City. Including such iconic sites as the Statue of Liberty, the Flatiron Building, Rockefeller Center, the Empire State Building, Times Square, Grand Central Terminal, and Radio City Music Hall, among others, New York Landmarks highlights the architectural and historical details of thirty world-famous landmarks in New York City. Beautiful full-page and detail duotone photographs are accompanied by descriptive text highlighting the architects and period styles of each location. This collection is an indispensable reference for anyone interested in the architectural gems that define New York City. List of landmarks included: City Hall, Schemerhorn Row (South Street Seaport), Federal Hall National Memorial (first U.S. Capitol, 28 Wall Street), Trinity Church, Brooklyn Bridge, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dakota Apartments (New York's first luxury apartment building, 72nd Street and Central Park West), Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Carnegie Hall, Washington Memorial Arch (Washington Square Park), Immigrant Receiving Station (Ellis Island), Flatiron Building, Macy's Department Store*, New York Stock Exchange, Morgan Library (29 East 36th Street), Times Square*, Plaza Hotel, New York Public Library, Woolworth Building (233 Broadway), Grand Central Terminal, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Chrysler Building, Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall, United Nations Building*, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Lincoln Center*, and World Trade Center**Not registered as a historical landmark.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems
Damage prognosis is a natural extension of damage detection and structural health monitoring and is forming a growing part of many businesses. This comprehensive volume presents a series of fundamental topics that define the new area of damage prognosis. Bringing together essential information in each of the basic technologies necessary to perform damage prognosis, it also reflects the highly interdisciplinary nature of the industry through the extensive referencing of each of the component disciplines. Taken from lectures given at the Pan American Advanced Studies Institute in Damage Prognosis sponsored by the US National Science Foundation in cooperation with Los Alamos National Laboratories, this book will be essential reading for anyone looking to get to grips with the fundamentals of damage prognosis. Presents the 'ground rules' for Damage Prognosis. Deals with interdisciplinary topics: rotating machines, aerospace structures, automotive components and civil structures. Covers essential technical material: equations, graphs and plots, tables and photographs. Offers additional material from the associated workshop on an active web site.
Prentice Hall Jenney's Second Year Latin Grades 8-12 Text 1990c
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Sociology of Development
This new authoritative two-volume set contains a selection of the most important articles and papers spanning over 30 years on the sociology of development. It is divided under 14 succinct headings covering the main areas of the field, including: Antecedents, Modernization Theory, Dependency, the Global Economy, the Urban and the Rural, Gender and Ethnicity, Environment and Sustainable Development.The first volume features a comprehensive collection by authors whose work has shaped academic thought and public policy on the economic development of third world nations. Contemporary scholarship on economic development is explored in the second volume which addresses today's major research issues: class, gender, ethnic and race inequality, the informal economy, population growth, migration, worker remittances, politics and the state, planning and development, and the state and sustainable development.The editors do not limit their selection of articles on the sociology of development to just one country - papers are included on Africa, Latin America, China, Mexico as well as more general articles on the developing world. The editors have also written an introduction to accompany the piece, explaining their selection of articles chosen.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Course Design and Assessment
Course Design and Assessment offers design strategies, educator-in-action perspectives, and real-world suggestions for engaged educators, creating inclusive and meaningful learning opportunities and developmental student growth. With a brief history situating engaged learning among educational models, the book shows the vital and practical connections between an educator’s overall learning philosophy and their pedagogical choices.The authors unpack the definitions and practices common to engaged learning, exploring the assumptions educators make about students, teaching, learning, and instructional contexts that underlie engaged educators’ pedagogical decisions. Ultimately a vehicle for inclusive learning and transparent design, the book outlines pre-course planning steps, suggestions for adjusting the course mid-stream, and a thorough discussion of assessment activities with planning and implementation steps.For beginning and advanced instructors worldwide, this book serves as a real-world workbook and resource for engaged course design and assessment practices.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Procurement for Innovation
This is a very timely book! Public procurement for innovation has become a prominent tool of demand-side innovation policy in recent years. A better understanding of the underlying assumptions and intentions, as well as the opportunities of this bundle of instruments and their limitations, is highly relevant for both innovation policy analysts, students and practitioners. The book presents the latest knowledge and insights of world-leading experts in the field of public procurement for innovation.'- Stefan Kuhlmann, University of Twente, the Netherlands, President of the European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and InnovationPublic procurement for innovation (PPI) is a demand-side innovation policy instrument. It occurs when a public organization places an order for the fulfillment of certain functions or needs, which cannot be met at that moment or within a reasonable period of time through a new or improved product.Providing evidence of the benefits to public and private actors from selective use of this policy instrument, this book illustrates the requirements and constraints for its operationalization. It significantly improves our knowledge of the key determinants of effective public procurement, aiming to promote innovative capabilities in the supplying sectors and beyond. It also provides case studies and conceptual contributions that help extend the frontier of our understanding in areas where there are still significant knowledge gaps.Scholars interested in the study of innovation policies and practitioners involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of PPI will benefit from this state-of-the-art exploration.Contributors: Y. Caloghirou, J. Edler, C. Edquist, A.T. Furtado, L. Georghiou, Y. Li, J. Nauta, P. Panaghiotopoulos, A. Protogerou, C. Garcia Ribeiro, J. Rigby, M. Rolfstam, L. Tsipouri, E. Uyarra, V. Valovirta, H. van Meerveld, N.S. Vonortas, G. Whyles, J. Yeow, J.M. Zabala-Iturriagagoitia
CABI Publishing Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in Low and Middle-income Countries
Low and middle income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America bear a significant proportion of the global burden of chronic non-communicable diseases. This book synthesizes evidence across countries that share similar socio-economic, developmental and public health profiles, including rapid urbanization, globalization and poverty. Providing insights on successful and sustainable interventions and policies, it shows how to slow and reverse the rising burden of chronic diseases in resource-poor settings.
Human Kinetics Publishers Live Well Middle School Health
Through Live Well: Middle School Health, students will discover fundamentals of health and wellness and learn how to apply these throughout their life span. The text will help students understand how to do the following: Develop skills for healthy living Prioritize healthy nutrition, physical activity, and stress management Avoid destructive habits Build healthy relationships Contribute to community and environmental health Skills Developed The content in Live Well: Middle School Health is aligned with the National Health Education Standards (NHES), state standards, and the CDC's Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool. The text will help students build an array of skills: Analyze the effect that family, peers, media, and technology have on their health and wellness Identify reliable sources of health information and become savvy consumers Sharpen interpersonal communication skills as they share health knowledge, debate controversial topics, manage interpersonal conflicts, and more Strengthen decision-making skills as they identify healthy solutions to problems posed In addition, students will learn to create behavior change goals, establish healthy living plans, advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities, and discern how health and technology intersect on various topics.Features and BenefitsLive Well: Middle School Health offers students many features and benefits. The text provides skill-based learning applications to reinforce the health concepts and help students develop health literacy. Skill-building challenges, healthy living tips, career connections, and other recurring special elements supply opportunities to analyze, evaluate, and apply the health concepts and skills being taught. Case studies and other features allow students to engage with issues of diversity and inclusion across content areas. And vocabulary terms-available in English and Spanish to meet the needs of ELL and ESL students-help students test their understanding of the material. To assist students using the print book or ebook, the Live Well: Middle School Health Web Resource features easy access to material referenced in the text, including note-taking guides, vocabulary terms with English and Spanish definitions and audio pronunciations, Skill-Building Challenge worksheets, and chapter reviews.Live Well: Middle School Health is also available as an interactive web text, which students can access from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. The student interactive web textbook contains the same content as the print book but uses interactive audio, video, worksheets, and other great activities to help students engage with the material and enhance learning. The interactive web textbook offers audio vocabulary and definitions in English and Spanish. Introductory videos at the beginning of each lesson help students assess their knowledge going in, while videos at the end of each lesson help students put what they've learned into context. (The interactive web text is available separately to schools that adopt the student textbook. Please contact the Human Kinetics K-12 sales department for details.) Note: A code for accessing the web resource is included with all new print books.
Human Kinetics Publishers Live Well Comprehensive High School Health
Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health helps students understand the importance of developing healthy habits, eating well, and being physically active. They’ll also learn how to maintain emotional, mental, and social health; how to avoid risky behaviors; and how to protect themselves and the environment.Through the text, students will develop skills like these: Identifying reliable sources of health information and becoming savvy consumers Strengthening decision making skills as they identify healthy solutions in challenging situations Sharpening communication skills as they share health knowledge, engage in advocacy, and manage interpersonal conflicts Analyzing the influences of family, peers, media, and technology on their health and wellness Students will also learn to set goals, establish healthy living plans, advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities, and discern how health and technology intersect.Aligned With StandardsLive Well: Comprehensive High School Health includes comprehensive health content that is aligned with the National Health Education Standards as well as many state standards.FeaturesThe text offers students a variety of features and tools: Skill-building activities to develop health literacy Case studies, healthy living tips, career connections, writing prompts, cross-curricular connections, and more tools to learn and apply health concepts and skills Vocabulary terms and definitions, available in both English and Spanish, with audio pronunciations Worksheets and quizzes; modified versions of the worksheets meet the needs of ELL and ESL students Print, Digital, and Teacher ResourcesLive Well: Comprehensive High School Health is available as a hardcover text, an ebook, and an interactive web text (IWT). Students can access the IWT from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. It contains the same content as the print book but uses interactive audio, video, worksheets, and other tools to help students engage with the material and to enhance learning. Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health is the only interactive ebook on the market in both English and Spanish. (The interactive web text is available separately to schools that adopt the student textbook. Please contact the Human Kinetics K-12 sales department for details.)The print book and ebook also come with a web resource that offers easy access to materials referenced in the text, including note-taking guides, vocabulary terms with English and Spanish definitions and audio pronunciations, Skill-Building Challenge worksheets, and chapter reviews. Schools that adopt the student text can also get a teacher’s guide in an online format or as a PDF.With its flexibility, its high-quality content, and its alignment with national and state standards, Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health is a great resource to help high school students learn and practice the skills that will lead to a life of health and wellness.Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Taylor & Francis Inc Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine
5* Doody's Review: 98/100!Featuring a new author team, this seminal book has been completely updated and significantly expanded. Following an outline of the basic elements of ophthalmic science relevant to study and practice, the authors provide a detailed description and discussion of each condition including etiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy, as well as a section dedicated to presumed inherited eye disorders. The focus throughout remains on the clinical needs of the practitioner and the student. Beautifully illustrated in full color, the book is aimed at trainee and practicing veterinarians interested in all types of ophthalmic diseases and disorders. Although the focus is on small animals, there is additional material on the horse and the cow. For this edition, a diverse group of authors from many geographic regions of training and practice offer a breadth of clinical expertise.
Duke University Press The Surrendered: Reflections by a Son of Shining Path
When Peruvian public intellectual José Carlos Agüero was a child, the government imprisoned and executed his parents, who were members of Shining Path. In The Surrendered—originally published in Spanish in 2015 and appearing here in English for the first time—Agüero reflects on his parents' militancy and the violence and aftermath of Peru's internal armed conflict. He examines his parents' radicalization, their lives as guerrillas, and his tumultuous childhood, which was spent in fear of being captured or killed, while grappling with the complexities of public memory, ethics and responsibility, human rights, and reconciliation. Much more than a memoir, The Surrendered is a disarming and moving consideration of what forgiveness and justice might mean in the face of hate. This edition includes an editors' introduction, a timeline of the Peruvian conflict, and an extensive interview with the author.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC King Richard II: Shakespeare: The Critical Tradition
This revised edition of King Richard II: Critical Tradition increases our the play was received and understood by critics, editors and general readers. Updated with a new introduction providing a survey of critical responses to Richard II since the 1990s to the present day, this volume offers, in separate sections, both critical opinions about the play across the centuries and an evaluation of their positions within and their impact on the reception of the play. The updated introduction offers an overview of recent criticism on the play in relation to feminist theory, queer theory, performance theory and ecocriticism. The chronological arrangement of the text-excerpts engages the readers in a direct and unbiased dialogue, whereas the introduction offers a critical evaluation from a current stance, including modern theories and methods. Featuring criticism by A.C. Swinburne, Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde and W.B. Yeats, this volume makes a major contribution to our understanding of the play and of the traditions of Shakespearean criticism surrounding it as they have developed from century to century.