Search results for ""Author Charles""
Ohio University Press Catching Stories: A Practical Guide to Oral History
In neighborhoods, schools, community centers, and workplaces, people are using oral history to capture and collect the kinds of stories that the history books and the media tend to overlook: stories of personal struggle and hope, of war and peace, of family and friends, of beliefs, traditions, and values—the stories of our lives. Catching Stories: A Practical Guide to Oral History is a clear and comprehensive introduction for those with little or no experience in planning or undertaking oral history projects. Opening with the key question, “Why do oral history?” the guide outlines the stages of a project from idea to final product—planning and research, the interviewing process, basic technical principles, and audio and video recording techniques. The guide covers interview transcribing, ethical and legal issues, archiving, funding sources, and sharing oral history with audiences. Intended for teachers, students, librarians, local historians, and volunteers as well as individuals, Catching Stories is the place to start for anyone who wants to document the memories and collect the stories of community or family.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Psychopharmacology Treatment Planner
The Psychopharmacology Treatment Planner provides all theelements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatmentplans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies,third-party payors, and state and federal review agencies. * Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers thefreedom to develop customized treatment plans for clients whosetherapy includes psychotropic drugs * Organized around 28 main presenting problems regularly treatedwith a combination of psychotropic and psychotherapeuticinterventions or treatment modalities, from ADHD, dementia, andsubstance abuse to antisocial behavior, bipolar disorders, andmore * Over 1,000 well-crafted, clear statements describe thebehavioral manifestations of each relational problem, long-termgoals, short-term objectives, and clinically tested treatmentoptions * Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plancomponents by behavioral problem or DSM-IV-TR(TM) diagnosis * Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to therequirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies(including HCFA, JCAHO, and NCQA)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Team Work and Group Dynamics
Using research related to group psychology along with the practical lessons being learned by the numerous business organizations adopting teams, this book addresses the complex issues associated with teams, and how students can develop the necessary tools to increase their effectiveness as team designers, leaders and members. The book combines research summaries with extended case descriptions of actual teams in business organizations. The authors focus on the key issues that are critical to team success, without overemphasizing unnecessary psychological theory. The case studies are adapted from Business without Bosses, a book written by Charles Manz and Henry Sims and published by Wiley. These cases have been well received by students and business leaders. This is an integrated textbook that combines knowledge from both research and practice into a model that provides students with an opportunity to learn about teams in an efficient yet comprehensive manner.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The QFD Handbook
Everything you need to design, implement, and manage a successfulQFD program The QFD Handbook is a total how-to guide for companiesplanning to initiate a QFD program as well as those that alreadyhave one in place. Over the course of 23 contributed chapters,organized according to subject area, this book tutors managers andengineers in basic and advanced QFD principles and practices. Amongmore advanced topics covered are Taguchi methods, FMEA, TRIZ, andBusiness Process Reengineering. In addition to traditionalapplication areas, you will find in-depth discussions of QFD in ISO9000, QS 9000, environmental life cycle, service design, robustdesign, and software design. On the disk Designed to function inconjunction with the book or as a stand-alone tool for everydayuse, the QFD/Pathway software helps QFD teams to develop, deploy,and manage a complete QFD program. This user-friendly, interactivesoftware tool provides valuable assistance at each step of the QFDprocess, helping members define customer needs, establish goals,translate goals into specific actions, overcome common roadblocks,and more. The QFD Handbook is an indispensable resource forexecutives, managers, engineers, and R&D professionals who wanttheir companies to survive and thrive in today's supercompetitiveindustrial marketplace.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions
Relates the physical and geometric elegance of geologic structures within the Earth's crust and the ways in which these structures reflect the nature and origin of crystal deformation through time. The main thrust is on applications in regional tectonics, exploration geology, active tectonics and geohydrology. Techniques, experiments, and calculations are described in detail, with the purpose of offering active participation and discovery through laboratory and field work.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Integrative Play Therapy
An integrative approach to play therapy blending various therapeutic treatment models and techniques Reflecting the transition in the field of play therapy from a “one size fits all” approach to a more eclectic framework that integrates more than one perspective, Integrative Play Therapy explores methods for blending the best theories and treatment techniques to resolve the most common psychological disorders of childhood. Edited by internationally renowned leaders in the field, this book is the first of its kind to look at the use of a multi-theoretical framework as a foundation for practice. With discussion of integrative play treatment of children presenting a wide variety of problems and disorders—including aggression issues, the effects of trauma, ADHD, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, social skills deficits, medical issues such as HIV/AIDS, and more—the book provides guidance on: Play and group therapy approaches Child-directed play therapy with behavior management training for parents Therapist-led and child-led play therapies Cognitive-behavioral therapy with therapeutic storytelling and play therapy Family therapy and play therapy Bibliotherapy within play therapy An essential resource for all mental health professionals looking to incorporate play therapy into treatment, Integrative Play Therapy reveals unique flexibility in integrating theory and techniques, allowing practitioners to offer their clients the best treatment for specific presenting problems.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Working Toward Sustainability: Ethical Decision-Making in a Technological World
A comprehensive introduction to the ethics of sustainability for empowering professionals and practitioners in many different fields By building the framework for balancing technological developments with their social and environmental effects, sustainable practices have grounded the vision of the green movement for the past few decades. Now deeply rooted in the public conscience, sustainability has put its stamp on various institutions and sectors, from national to local governments, from agriculture to tourism, and from manufacturing to resource management. But until now, the technological sector has operated without a cohesive set of sustainability principles to guide its actions. Working Toward Sustainability fills this gap by empowering professionals in various fields with an understanding of the ethical foundations they need to promoting and achieving sustainable development. In addition, Working Toward Sustainability: Offers a comprehensive introduction to the ethics of sustainability for those in the technical fields whether construction, engineering, resource management, the sciences, architecture, or design Supports nine central principles using case studies, exercises, and instructor material Includes illustrations throughout to help bring the concepts to life By demonstrating that sustainable solutions tart with ethical choices, this groundbreaking book helps professionals in virtually every sector and field of endeavor work toward sustainability.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies, UK Edition
There are many forms of anxiety disorder, including General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Attacks, Phobias (including social anxiety), Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Acute Stress Disorder. Even in their most mild forms, these disorders can be troubling and exhausting – at worst they can severely disable a person’s ability to function in day-to-day life. Severe anxiety and phobic disorders affect 18% of the UK population. ( Symptoms of anxiety range from the mental and emotional – depression, having difficulty concentrating, losing patience easily – to the physical – excessive thirst, headaches, pins and needles, and more ( Often the problem is self-feeding – people try to keep things under control whilst simultaneously worrying about being anxious all the time, and the cycle goes on. Psychotherapy, medication and self help are the key treatments for anxiety – however, as many people either don’t have access to, or choose not to take, professional treatment, self help is the key for a majority of sufferers. A Dummies book on the subject will present the facts without the jargon, and help people find the trustworthy guidance they need.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Re-Envisioning Psychology: Moral Dimensions of Theory and Practice
In the twentieth century, the practice of psychology has usually been based on a scientific or objective theory of human behavior. Today, an influential countermovement, often called social constructionism, argues that there is no basis for our beliefs or values beyond the swirl of meanings and practices in a particular community or era. Re-envisioning Psychology examines the increasing dissatisfaction with both scientific and social constructionist viewpoints and presents a sweeping new vision of theory and practice in psychology. "Re-envisioning Psychology is a breath of fresh air, a clear and resounding voice that provides an intellectual and moral direction that, if heeded and built upon, could lead psychology out of the confusion and political collusion in which it is currently mired. Richardson, Fowers, and Guignon have imaginatively applied interpretive and dialogic concepts to the most troubling aspects of theory and practice. If psychology is going to be saved from its own worst tAndencies, this book will be an indispensable element in its turning."--Philip Cushman, associate professor, California School of Professional Psychology and author of Constructing the Self, Constructing America: A Cultural History of Psychotherapy
Georgetown University Press Sex Trafficking and Human Rights: The Status of Women and State Responses
Case studies explore how women’s rights shape state responses to sex trafficking and show how politically empowering women can help prevent and combat human trafficking Human trafficking for the sex trade is a form of modern-day slavery that ensnares thousands of victims each year, disproportionately affecting women and girls. While the international community has developed an impressive edifice of human rights law, these laws are not equally recognized or enforced by all countries. Sex Trafficking and Human Rights demonstrates that state responsiveness to human trafficking is shaped by the political, social, cultural, and economic rights afforded to women in that state. While combatting human trafficking is a multiscalar problem with a host of conflating variables, this book shows that a common theme in the effectiveness of state response is the degree to which women and girls are perceived as, and actually are, full citizens. By analyzing human trafficking cases in India, Thailand, Russia, Nigeria, and Brazil, they shed light on the factors that make some women and girls more susceptible to traffickers than others. This important book is both a call to understanding and a call to action: if the international community and state governments are to responsibly and effectively combat human trafficking, they must center the equality of women in national policy.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins A Pocketbook Manual of Hand and Upper Extremity Anatomy: Primus Manus
Pocketbook of Hand and Upper Extremity Anatomy: Primus Manus features exquisitely detailed full-color photographs of dissections and line drawings of all major anatomic entities. The written descriptions of anatomy are in bulleted format to allow quick access to the material. The book also describes clinical correlations for major diseases and includes various mnemonic devices.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Play Therapy
A complete, comprehensive play therapy resource for mental health professionals Handbook of Play Therapy is the one-stop resource for play therapists with coverage of all major aspects written by experts in the field. This edition consolidates the coverage of both previous volumes into one book, updated to reflect the newest findings and practices of the field. Useful for new and experienced practitioners alike, this guide provides a comprehensive introduction and overview of play therapy including, theory and technique, special populations, nontraditional settings, professional and contemporary issues. Edited by the founders of the field, each chapter is written by well-known and respected academics and practitioners in each topic area and includes research, assessment, strategies, and clinical application. This guide covers all areas required for credentialing from the Association for Play Therapy, making it uniquely qualified as the one resource for certification preparation. Learn the core theories and techniques of play therapy Apply play therapy to special populations and in nontraditional settings Understand the history and emerging issues in the field Explore the research and evidence base, clinical applications, and more Psychologists, counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, and psychiatric nurses regularly utilize play therapy techniques to facilitate more productive sessions and promote better outcomes for patients. Handbook of Play Therapy provides the deep, practical understanding needed to incorporate these techniques into practice.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG MEMS Product Development: From Concept to Commercialization
Drawing on their experiences in successfully executing hundreds of MEMS development projects, the authors present the first practical guide to navigating the technical and business challenges of MEMS product development, from the initial concept stage all the way to commercialization. The strategies and tactics presented, when practiced diligently, can shorten development timelines, help avoid common pitfalls, and improve the odds of success, especially when resources are limited. MEMS Product Development illuminates what it really takes to develop a novel MEMS product so that innovators, designers, entrepreneurs, product managers, investors, and executives may properly prepare their companies to succeed.
SAGE Publications Inc Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
The highly-anticipated second edition of the Foundations of Mixed Methods Research:Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences gives students a comprehensive overview of mixed methods from philosophical roots and traditions through designing, conducting, and disseminating a study. Authors Abbas Tashakkori, R. Burke Johnson, and Charles Teddlie have thoroughly updated the text to reflect the many advances over the last decade in mixed methods. New example studies throughout and a new appendix highlight the latest research on mixed methods and current best practices. New sections on evaluating quality in mixed methods studies and writing up research results round out the process of mixed methods research. The authors have added features like content summaries and objectives at the beginning of each chapter and chapter summaries and previews at the end of each chapter to aid readers in their mixed methods journey. Students across social science, behavioral science, and health and nursing fields are now expected to be proficient in mixed methods research. This text begins with an introduction to and overview of the development of mixed methodology, and then takes students through all aspects of working with mixed methods, from research design and data collection through to analysis and conclusions. This new edition includes additional information on writing, publishing, and disseminating results, as well as information on policy impact and annotated examplars of mixed methods research studies. A new generation of mixed methods scholars can now engage with this vital text in mixed methods research.
Princeton University Press Gravitation
First published in 1973, Gravitation is a landmark graduate-level textbook that presents Einstein's general theory of relativity and offers a rigorous, full-year course on the physics of gravitation. Upon publication, Science called it "a pedagogic masterpiece," and it has since become a classic, considered essential reading for every serious student and researcher in the field of relativity. This authoritative text has shaped the research of generations of physicists and astronomers, and the book continues to influence the way experts think about the subject. With an emphasis on geometric interpretation, this masterful and comprehensive book introduces the theory of relativity; describes physical applications, from stars to black holes and gravitational waves; and portrays the field's frontiers. The book also offers a unique, alternating, two-track pathway through the subject. Material focusing on basic physical ideas is designated as Track 1 and formulates an appropriate one-semester graduate-level course. The remaining Track 2 material provides a wealth of advanced topics instructors can draw on for a two-semester course, with Track 1 sections serving as prerequisites. This must-have reference for students and scholars of relativity includes a new preface by David Kaiser, reflecting on the history of the book's publication and reception, and a new introduction by Charles Misner and Kip Thorne, discussing exciting developments in the field since the book's original publication. * The book teaches students to:* Grasp the laws of physics in flat and curved spacetime* Predict orders of magnitude* Calculate using the principal tools of modern geometry* Understand Einstein's geometric framework for physics* Explore applications, including neutron stars, Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, gravitational collapse, gravitational waves, cosmology, and so much more
Wordsworth Editions Ltd David Copperfield
Introduction and Notes by Dr Adrienne Gavin, Canterbury Christ Church University College. Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz). Dickens wrote of David Copperfield: 'Of all my books I like this the best'. Millions of readers in almost every language on earth have subsequently come to share the author's own enthusiasm for this greatly loved classic, possibly because of its autobiographical form. Following the life of David through many sufferings and great adversity, the reader will also find many light-hearted moments in the company of a host of English fiction's greatest stars including Mr Micawber, Traddles, Uriah Heep, Creakle, Betsy Trotwood, and the Peggoty family. Few readers, arriving at the end of David Copperfield, will not wish to echo Thackeray’s famous praise, having read the first monthly part – ‘Bravo Dickens’.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Dombey and Son
With an Introduction and Notes by Karl Ashley Smith, University of St Andrews. Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz). Mr Dombey is a man obsessed with his firm. His son is groomed from birth to take his place within it, despite his visionary eccentricity and declining health. But Dombey also has a daughter, whose unfailing love for her father goes unreturned. 'Girls' said Mr Dombey, 'have nothing to do with Dombey and Son'. When Walter Gay, a young clerk in her father's office, rescues her from a bewildering experience in the streets of London, his unforgettable friends believe he is well on his way to receiving her hand in marriage and inheriting the company. It is to be a very different type of story. Dombey and Son moved grown men to tears (Thackeray despaired of ‘writing against such power as this’), but its rich, comic characters and their joyful explosions of language draw laughter with equally unerring magic.
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc AOSpine Masters Series Volume 2: Primary Spinal Tumors
An evidence-based guide to managing primary tumors of the spine" This second volume in the AOSpine Masters Series balances critical appraisal of current evidence in spine oncology with the opinions of experienced spine surgeons to create a unique clinical reference for spine oncology surgeons. The book provides expert guidance to help clinicians make the right treatment decisions and provide the best care for their patients. The chapters have been written and researched by key leaders in spine oncology and range from general evaluation, staging, and decision making principles to histology-specific oncologic patient management. Key Features: Editors are internationally-recognized authorities on the treatment of primary spine tumors Synthesizes the best available evidence and consensus expert advice on primary spine tumors, leading to optimal clinical recommendations Each chapter includes clinical pearls, tips on complication avoidance, and "top 5 must-read references" The AOSpine Masters Series, a co-publication of Thieme and the AOSpine Foundation, addresses current clinical issues whereby international masters of spine share their expertise and recommendations on a particular topic. The goal of the series is to contribute to an evolving, dynamic model of an evidence-based medicine approach to spine care. All neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, neuro-oncologists, and orthopedic oncologists specializing in spine, along with residents and fellows in these areas, will find this book to be an excellent resource that they will often refer to in their treatment of patients with primary tumors of the spine.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bulletproofing the Psyche: Preventing Mental Health Problems in Our Military and Veterans
This book presents the latest in neuroscience and resiliency research alongside the personal stories of military veterans to advocate for an empirically validated training protocol. In Bulletproofing the Psyche: Preventing Mental Health Problems in Our Military and Veterans editors Kate Hendricks Thomas and David L. Albright lead an interdisciplinary team of researchers, practitioners, and military veterans in calling for a new kind of training with a focus on "bulletproofing the psyche": psychological resiliency skills training. They combine research and storytelling to argue that somatic protocols, a training method long used in the treatment sector to rewire the brain after trauma and a proven, valid alternative to drug and talk therapy, should be applied to the prevention and training sectors. Contributors include leaders in the fields of trauma research, military social work, and veterans' health. Students and scholars in the fields of social work, military psychology, social psychology, health promotion, organizational development, and institutional organization will find the research relevant, while clinicians, counselors, and mental health care providers working with military-connected communities may find the discussion of trauma treatment and intervention model transformative for their practice.
Westminster/John Knox Press,U.S. Texts for Preaching, Year C: A Lectionary Commentary Based on the NRSV
Based on the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, this second in a series of three volumes provides resources for an entire year of sermons and offers practical help for preachers and others who use the Revised Common Lectionary. Beginning with Advent, this unique and comprehensive resource deals with lectionary texts for Year C. Each of the four texts--the Old Testament, Psalter, Gospel, and Epistle--for each Sunday and important festival day, including Christmas, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday, is treated. A brief introduction for the day indicates the general thrust of the texts and the relationships among them, emphasizing in interpretation of the texts themselves. Also included are suggestions concerning the implications of the texts for life today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Budget Deficits
The Economics of Budget Deficits provides a comprehensive overview of the scholarly literature exploring the causes and consequences of deficit spending and the public debt. Incorporating classical, Keynesian and public choice analyses of debt-financed public expenditures, the two volumes contain major theoretical and empirical contributions to the debate. They cover such critical fiscal policy issues as the history and measurement of budget deficits, the question of who bears the burden of the public debt, the use of deficits to solve problems of dynamic policy inconsistency and the relative effectiveness of fiscal rules and constitutional constraints as mechanisms for achieving budget balance. The editors provide an authoritative introduction to the two volumes and separate overviews of each of the seven parts. The Economics of Budget Deficits is an indispensable reference for all scholars and students interested in fiscal policy and for all policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Local Accountability and National Coordination in Fiscal Federalism: A Fine Balance
Scholars and practitioners have long hailed fiscal federalism as a critical tool for improving government services, but it has not always lived up to its promise when applied in specific countries. This book offers both an explanation for such mixed effects and a roadmap for better outcomes in the future. It argues that the benefits of fiscal federalism are contingent on a particular confluence of political institutions, namely democratic decentralization and political party integration. With this in mind, the authors emphasize the importance of striking a ''fine balance'' between the accountability benefits delivered by empowered local governments and the national coordination necessary for good policy outcomes. Such a balance can be achieved, they contend, when integrated party structures compensate for the potential downsides of a decentralized state. The book formalizes this argument for a variety of electoral democracies and, using new data on subnational political institutions, tests it with models of education, health, and infrastructure service delivery in 135 countries across 30 years. It also presents comparative case studies of Senegal and Nigeria. Academic economists and political scientists will value the book for its contribution to the literature on fiscal federalism and political decentralization, and development practitioners will benefit from its practical solutions to the problems of local governance.
The University of Chicago Press Pulled Over: How Police Stops Define Race and Citizenship
In sheer numbers, no form of government control comes close to the police stop. Each year, twelve percent of drivers in the United States are stopped by the police, and the figure is almost double among racial minorities. Police stops are among the most frequently criticized incidences of racial profiling, but while studies have shown that minorities are pulled over at higher rates, none have examined how police stops came to be encouraged and institutionalized. Pulled Over deftly traces the strange history of the investigatory police stop. The authors show that who is stopped and how they are treated convey powerful messages about citizenship and racial disparity in the United States. For African Americans, investigatory stops erode the perceived legitimacy of police stops and of the police generally, leading to decreased trust in the police and less willingness to solicit police assistance. This holds true even when police are courteous throughout the encounters and follow seemingly color-blind institutional protocols. In a country that celebrates racial equality, investigatory stops have a deleterious effect on minority communities that merits serious reconsideration. Pulled Over offers practical recommendations on how reforms can protect the rights of citizens and still effectively combat crime.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc On the Dignity of Man
Reflecting the broad range of interests of a major Renaissance philosopher and his distinctive brand of syncretism, this anthology offers in their entirety three central works of Pico's. On the Dignity of Man, the quintessential expression of Renaissance humanism, appears in the context of two lesser known but equally representative mature works: On Being and the One, a treatise defending what Pico held to be the agreement between Aristotle and Plato on the relation between unity and being, and Heptaplus, an interpretation, influenced by a blend of cabalism and Christian doctrine, of the first verses of Genesis. New Selected Bibliography.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Clinical Cases For Surgery Exams
Currently, clinical training for undergraduates is becoming more difficult. To be a good doctor with adequate training, one must be exposed to many different patients with a variety of pathologies and diseases. At present, we are unable to achieve this, mainly due to the increase in the medical student cohort each year and fewer in-patients. In short, the student-to-patient ratio is worsening, thus lessening students' contact with patients and learning experience.Fortunately, with the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) format, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and examination have become more efficient. This book will be very useful for students preparing for surgical OSCEs by covering the different clinical scenarios that a certain condition might present, and allowing self-testing of the questions as well as learning from the provided answers.
Dalkey Archive Press In Partial Disgrace
The long-awaited final work and magnum opus of one of the United States’s greatest authors, critics, and tastemakers, In Partial Disgrace is a sprawling self-contained trilogy chronicling the troubled history of a small Central European nation bearing certain similarities to Hungary—and whose rise and fall might be said to parallel the strange contortions taken by Western political and literary thought over the course of the twentieth century. More than twenty years in the making, and containing a cast of characters, breadth of insight, and degree of stylistic legerdemain to rival such staggering achievements as William H. Gass’s The Tunnel, Carlos Fuentes’s Terra Nostra, Robert Coover’s The Public Burning, or Péter Nádas’s Parallel Lives, In Partial Disgrace may be the last great work to issue from the generation that changed American letters in the ’60s and ’70s.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Orderic Vitalis: Life, Works and Interpretations
First full-length collection on one of the most significant and influential historians of the medieval period. The Gesta Normannorum ducum and Historia ecclesiastica of Orderic Vitalis are widely regarded as landmarks in the development of European historical writing and, as such, are essential sources of medieval history forstudents and scholars alike. The essays here consider Orderic's life and works, presenting new research on existing topics within Orderic studies and opening up new directions for future analysis and debate. They offer fresh interpretations from across the disciplines of medieval manuscript studies, English-language studies, archaeology, theology, and cultural memory studies; they also revisit established readings. CHARLES C. ROZIER gained hisPhD from the University of Durham; DANIEL ROACH gained his PhD from the University of Exeter; GILES E.M. GASPER is Senior Lecturer in History, University of Durham; ELIZABETH VAN HOUTS is Honorary Professor of Medieval European History, University of Cambridge. Contributors: William M. Aird, Emily Albu, James G. Clark, Vincent Debiais, Mark Faulkner, Giles E. M. Gasper, Véronique Gazeau, Estelle Ingrand-Varenne, Elisabeth Mégier, Thomas O'Donnell, Benjamin Pohl, Daniel Roach, Thomas Roche, Charles C. Rozier, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, Kathleen Thompson, Elisabeth van Houts, Anne-Sophie Vigot,Jenny Weston
Voltaire Foundation Oeuvres Completes De Montesquieu: v. 11 &12
Voltaire Foundation Oeuvres Et Ecrits Divers: v. 8: Memoire Sur Les Dettes De L'Etat, Le Temple De Gnide, and Other Texts
Columbia University Press The Two Cities: A Chronicle of Universal History to the Year 1146
The 12th-century bishop Otto of Freising was an outstanding historian of his century. "The Two Cities" was his masterwork, spanning in time from Adam and Eve to the coming of the last days - which he believed were imminent. In form and philosophy it stands as a model of medieval historiography. Related to the court of the Holy Roman Empire, Otto was able to observe the significant events of his day, including the Investiture Controversy and the Second Crusade. He also offers a view of St Bernard of Clairvaux.
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes
Hunter House Publishers The Cancer Prevention Book: A Complete Mind/Body Approach to Stopping Cancer Before It Starts
Scarecrow Press Founded By Friends: The Quaker Heritage of 15 American Colleges and Universities
It's no surprise that Friends pioneered on race and gender issues, it is less well known that most trustees at early Johns Hopkins were Friends or more women ministers came from a Quaker school at the turn of the 20th century than any other institution. This book overthrows stereotypes about religion in education with data about interactions between Friends, Holiness, liberalism, and other currents. Azusa Pacific, Barclay, Bryn Mawr, Cornell, Earlham, Friends, George Fox, Guilford, Haverford, Johns Hopkins, Malone, Swarthmore, Whittier, William Penn, and Wilmington cover the gamut in academia. Founded by Friends explains why Quakers founded 15 colleges and universities and how and why these changed over time. It notes how these schools are informed by, and in most cases shaped by, a Quaker heritage. For students of race, gender, and peace studies in higher education, this book, funded by Azusa Pacific, Bryn Mawr, Cornell, Earlham, Guilford, Haverford, Johns Hopkins, and Swarthmore, will be a centerpiece for your collection.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Professional Teacher: The Preparation and Nurturance of the Reflective Practitioner
From the Agenda for Education in a Democracy Series Sponsored by the National Network for Educational Renewal "This book is comprehensive in its account of what goes into the substance and process of preparing the professional educator, from selection to induction into teaching. The story that unfolds in the collaboration of the University of Connecticut and several schools is one of redesigning virtually every component into something quite different from what existed before without stopping the traffic of future teachers from crossing the bridge topractice."—from the Foreword by John I. Goodlad, codirector, Center for Educational Renewal, University of Washington, and president, Institute for Educational Inquiry This practical volume redefines teaching as a profession with pronounced service and moral dimensions. The Professional Teacher shows how this new paradigm can be instilled in teacher education programs and in teaching practice. The authors argue that thepractice of teaching requires much more than knowledge andtechnical competence. It calls for reflection and inquiry, adedication to democratic principles, and a strong commitment to educational renewal and change. The authors reveal how teacher education can be structured to emphasize the moral and service responsibilities of the profession—especially by forging closeties with local schools and communities—to produce caring and effective teachers. Richly illustrated with research and real-lifeexamples of good practice, The Professional Teacher proposes a newstandard that focuses on preparing teachers for a climate of school renewal and change.
University of California Press A Reference Grammar of Wappo
Wappo is an indigenous language, generally regarded as a language isolate, which was once spoken in the Russian River Valley, just north of San Francisco, California. This reference grammar is based on the speech of Laura Fish Somersal, its last fluent speaker, who died in 1990, and represents the most extensive data and grammatical research ever done on this language. The grammar focuses on morphosyntax, particularly nominal, verbal, and clausal structures and clause combining patterns, from a functional/typological perspective.
University of Washington Press The New Way: Protestantism and the Hmong in Vietnam
In the mid-1980s, a radio program with a compelling spiritual message was accidentally received by listeners in Vietnam’s remote northern highlands. The Protestant evangelical communication had been created in the Hmong language by the Far East Broadcasting Company specifically for war refugees in Laos. The Vietnamese Hmong related the content to their traditional expectation of salvation by a Hmong messiah-king who would lead them out of subjugation, and they appropriated the evangelical message for themselves. Today, the New Way (Kev Cai Tshiab) has some three hundred thousand followers in Vietnam. Tam T. T. Ngo reveals the complex politics of religion and ethnic relations in contemporary Vietnam and illuminates the dynamic interplay between local and global forces, socialist and postsocialist state building, cold war and post–cold war antagonisms, Hmong transnationalism, and U.S.-led evangelical expansionism.
The University of Chicago Press Pulled Over: How Police Stops Define Race and Citizenship
In sheer numbers, no form of government control comes close to the police stop. Each year, twelve percent of drivers in the United States are stopped by the police, and the figure is almost double among racial minorities. Police stops are among the most frequently criticized incidences of racial profiling, but while studies have shown that minorities are pulled over at higher rates, none have examined how police stops came to be encouraged and institutionalized. Pulled Over deftly traces the strange history of the investigatory police stop. The authors show that who is stopped and how they are treated convey powerful messages about citizenship and racial disparity in the United States. For African Americans, investigatory stops erode the perceived legitimacy of police stops and of the police generally, leading to decreased trust in the police and less willingness to solicit police assistance. This holds true even when police are courteous throughout the encounters and follow seemingly color-blind institutional protocols. In a country that celebrates racial equality, investigatory stops have a deleterious effect on minority communities that merits serious reconsideration. Pulled Over offers practical recommendations on how reforms can protect the rights of citizens and still effectively combat crime.
West Academic Publishing Securities Regulation
This is the nation’s first and oldest casebook on securities regulation. This edition has been streamlined for easier use, but it continues to provide instructors and students with the full range of tools for the in-depth study of securities regulation. It has been revised and updated to take into account the following: Initial coin offerings and sales of other crypto-assets Changes in the primary and secondary capital markets, including high frequency trading Certain amendments to the public disclosure requirements Amendments to the limited offering exemptions The ongoing debate around elements of Rule 10b–5 Regulation Best Interest Recent Supreme Court cases, including their implications for certain civil litigation and the SEC’s continued reliance on administrative proceedings
University of Arizona Press Amphibians, Reptiles, and Their Habitats at Sabino Canyon
Indiana University Press Habitats and Ecological Communities of Indiana: Presettlement to Present
In Habitats and Ecological Communities of Indiana, leading experts assess the health and diversity of Indiana's eight wildlife habitats, providing detailed analysis, data-generated maps, color photographs, and complete lists of flora and fauna. This groundbreaking reference details the state's forests, grasslands, wetlands, aquatic systems, barren lands, and subterranean systems, and describes the nature and impact of two man-made habitats—agricultural and developed lands. The book considers extirpated and endangered species alongside invasives and exotics, and evaluates floral and faunal distribution at century intervals to chart ecological change.
MIT Press Theory of Colours
Classiques Garnier Journaux de Voyage Et d'Education: Spa, Ete 1787
Georgetown University Press The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology
Two principles capture the essence of the official Catholic position on the morality of sexuality: first, that any human genital act must occur within the framework of heterosexual marriage; second, each and every marriage act must remain open to the transmission of life. In this comprehensive overview of Catholicism and sexuality, theologians Todd A. Salzman and Michael G. Lawler examine and challenge these principles. Remaining firmly within the Catholic tradition, they contend that the church is being inconsistent in its teaching by adopting a dynamic, historically conscious anthropology and worldview on social ethics and the interpretation of scripture while adopting a static, classicist anthropology and worldview on sexual ethics.While some documents from Vatican II, like "Gaudium et spes" ('the marital act promotes self-giving by which spouses enrich each other'), gave hope for a renewed understanding of sexuality, the church has not carried out the full implications of this approach. In short, say Salzman and Lawler: emphasize relationships, not acts, and recognize Christianity's historically and culturally conditioned understanding of human sexuality. "The Sexual Person" draws historically, methodologically, and anthropologically from the best of Catholic tradition and provides a context for current theological debates between traditionalists and revisionists, regarding marriage, cohabitation, homosexuality, reproductive technologies, and what it means to be human. This daring and potentially revolutionary book will be sure to provoke constructive dialogue among theologians, and between theologians and the Magisterium.
Hendrickson Publishers Inc The Works of Philo: Complete and Unabridged
WW Norton & Co Mid-Atlantic Trout Streams and Their Hatches: Overlooked Angling in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey
Each description includes a rating, map, hatch chart, and more. Pennsylvania is world renowned for the quality of its fly-fishing&mdahs;but the state is in danger of being loved to death by its anglers. In this eagerly awaited companion volume to Pennsylvania Trout Streams, Charles Meck offers state anglers—along with those in neighboring New York and New Jersey—descriptions of 43 of his own secret streams. These are spots where you can still find blizzardlike insect hatches and catch wild and stream bred trout—in total solitude.