Search results for ""Author Ink"
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Great Decoupling: China, America and the Struggle for Technological Supremacy
For much of recorded history, China was a leading science and technology power. But just as the West rose, China turned in on itself, and missed the Industrial Revolution. The result was the ‘Hundred Years of Humiliation’, and a long struggle for a modern, yet distinctly Chinese, civilisational identity. Today, technological innovation has returned to the core of national pride and ambition. Since the 1980s, reforms have transformed China into the world’s second largest economy and a major global power. Cyber space and other advanced technologies have become a battleground for international dominance; but today’s world relies on global supply chains and interstate collaboration—at least, for now. Growing tension between the USA and China could result in the two superpowers decoupling their technology—with significant consequences for humanity’s future. The Great Decoupling shows that this technology contest, and how it plays out, will shape the geopolitics of the twenty-first century.
University of British Columbia Press The Way of the Bachelor: Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba
The lives of early Japanese and Chinese settlers in British Columbia have come to define the Asian experience in Canada. Yet many Chinese men did not seek their destiny in British Columbia, but followed the railway east and settled in small Prairie towns and cities.The Way of the Bachelor documents the religious beliefs, political networks, and cultural practices that sustained and leant meaning to bachelors in Manitoba. In the absence of women and family, these men opened the region’s first laundries and developed a new kind of restaurant – the Chinese cafe. They maintained ties to the Old World and negotiated a place for themselves in the new by fostering a vibrant homosocial culture based on friendship, everyday religious practices, the example of Sun Yat-sen, and the sharing of food.This fascinating exploration of the intersection of gender, migration, and religion in rural Canada broadens our understanding of the Chinese quest for identity in North America.
DruckVerlag Kettler ALT–RIGHT COMPLEX - The On Right-Wing Populism Online: HMKV AUSSTELLUNGSMAGAZIN 2019/1
This book focuses on right-wing populist movements that are heavily reliant on the Internet and social media to spread their ideas. It explores the emergence of a (sub)culture of transgression in online forums such as 4chan and on platforms such as Breitbart News. The artists featured in this volume address Internet phenomena such as memes (e.g., Pepe the Frog, probably the most well-known symbol of Trump supporters), figures such as Steve Bannon, flag worship, the prepper scene, white supremacists, and Dark Enlightenment. The catalogue includes a comprehensive introduction to the issue, an interview with the science writer Angela Nagle, entries on all of the works, a critical glossary, and a list of links to relevant online resources. Text in English and German.
Tuttle Publishing Lady Murasaki's Tale of Genji: The Manga Edition
Step into a story of life and love in Kyoto's 10th century royal court.Tale of Genji, the world's oldest known novel, tells the story of Prince Genji and his adventures in life, love, and power within the halls of the Chrysanthemum Royal Court. Handsome, romantic, and talented in the art of seduction, Prince Genji skillfully navigates the court and all its intrigues—always in search of love and often finding it. His story is the oldest and most famous tale of romance in the annals of Japanese literature and, as a representation of passion and romance, remains beyond compare.In this beautifully illustrated edition, Genji's story comes alive as readers experience: His birth in the royal court to Kiritsubo, who comes to represent Genji's ideal of female beauty and grace. His lifelong obsession with Fujitsubo, one of the emperor's lovers and mother to Genji's son Ryozen. His romantic life with Murasaki, Fujitsubo's beautiful niece and Genji's favored lover. Though wary of his motivations at first, she becomes the true love of Genji's life. Lady Murasaki Shikibu wrote this story some 500 years before Shakespeare put pen to paper. It is acknowledged to be the world's very first novel, and English-speaking readers can now experience the story in manga style for the first time.Superbly illustrated and retold, this visual take on Japan's most important classic offers an intimate look at the social mores and intrigues in the Heian-era court of medieval Japan, and Prince Genji's representation as the ideal male courtier.
DruckVerlag Kettler Fatada/Fassade: HMKV Ausstellungsmagazin 2020/2
Based on the art project of the Mallinckrodtstraße workshop on Romani building culture of the same name and the redesign of a building façade in the Nordstadt district of Dortmund in September 2019, this publication focuses on a special form of architecture that has arisen in Romania, among other places, in the last 30 years which is characterised by expressive façade designs. Text in English, German and Romanian.
DruckVerlag Kettler HMKV Video of the Month: HMKV AUSSTELLUNGSMAGAZIN 2020/1
Every month, the art association HMKV presents the latest videos by international artists in its series “HMKV Video of the Month” which has been ongoing since March 2014. The idea for the series came from the desire to show the newest artistic productions in rapid succession, changing works at a faster pace than in the exhibitions of the HMKV. For the first time, this publication unites all 78 works that have been exhibited since 2014. The videos address a variety of different topics and stories, ranging from labour conditions, structural changes, speculative technologies, or posthuman machines to technology (and its history) as well as artificial intelligence. A wide array of works is devoted to the old ‘new’ right-wingers and the alt-right. The book not only shows stills of all videos, but each work is also accompanied by an introductory text to provide a comprehensive overview. Text in English and German.
V&R Unipress Studien zur Kirchengeschichte Niedersachsens.: Die weibliche Diakonie am Beispiel Elise Averdiecks
Tulipan Verlag Als Oma immer kleiner wurde
Australian Theological Forum Religion and Violence: Interface: A Forum for Theology in the World
edition claus Der Mnkel und der Trillfox im Moor
Oekom Verlag GmbH Die Welt auf den Kopf stellen
Schlütersche Verlag Vielfltig genieen bei Zliakie LernKochbuch fr die kreative glutenfreie Kche Mit 150 neuen Rezepten
Schoeffling + Co. Humboldthain
Humboldt Verlag Ups ich habe Angst
BoD - Books on Demand Die drei Affen
Edition Michael Fischer Weltraumstarke Freunde Das Freundebuch
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Ein Sommer an der Schlei
Ravensburger Verlag Wieso Weshalb Warum Meine Vorlesegeschichten Band 1 Was erleben wir Tag für Tag
Ravensburger Verlag tiptoi Wieso Weshalb Warum Auf dem Bauernhof
Kerle Verlag Meine Kindergartenfreunde Mädchen
Franckh-Kosmos EXIT Das Buch Das Geheimnis der Piraten
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Gut Güter Logistik Fachlageristen und Fachkräfte für Lagerlogistik. 1. bis 3. Ausbildungsjahr Schulbuch
Erfahrene Familienberaterin Die Unterschiede zwischen gewaltfreien und gewaltbereiten Demonstrationen
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Great Decoupling: China, America and the Struggle for Technological Supremacy
For much of recorded history, China was a leading science and technology power. But just as the West rose, China turned in on itself, and missed the Industrial Revolution. The result was the ‘Hundred Years of Humiliation’, and a long struggle for a modern, yet distinctly Chinese, civilisational identity. Today, technological innovation has returned to the core of national pride and ambition. Since the 1980s, reforms have transformed China into the world’s second largest economy and a major global power. Cyber space and other advanced technologies have become a battleground for international dominance; but today’s world relies on global supply chains and interstate collaboration—at least, for now. Growing tension between the USA and China could result in the two superpowers decoupling their technology—with significant consequences for humanity’s future. The Great Decoupling shows that this technology contest, and how it plays out, will shape the geopolitics of the twenty-first century.
Bristol University Press Time, Migration and Forced Immobility: Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Morocco
This book is concerned with the effects of migration policy making in Europe on migrants in the Global South and links insights on immobility to social theories of time to examine the human consequences of current migration dynamics from the perspectives of migrants themselves. Based on in-depth ethnographic research, this is an invaluable learning resource that aims to challenge current international migration politics and policy-making.
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Vom Gartenlandt So Den Conventualinnen Gehoert: Die Gartenkultur Der Evangelischen Frauenkloester Und Damenstifte in Norddeutschland
The University of Chicago Press Can Microbial Communities Regenerate?: Uniting Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
By investigating a simple question, a philosopher of science and a molecular biologist offer an accessible understanding of microbial communities and a motivating theory for future research in community ecology. Microorganisms, such as bacteria, are important determinants of health at the individual, ecosystem, and global levels. And yet many aspects of modern life, from the overuse of antibiotics to chemical spills and climate change, can have devastating, lasting impacts on the communities formed by microorganisms. Drawing on the latest scientific research and real-life examples such as attempts to reengineer these communities through microbial transplantation, the construction of synthetic communities of microorganisms, and the use of probiotics, this book explores how and why communities of microorganisms respond to disturbance, and what might lead to failure. It also unpacks related and interwoven philosophical questions: What is an organism? Can a community evolve by natural selection? How can we make sense of function and purpose in the natural world? How should we think about regeneration as a phenomenon that occurs at multiple biological scales? Provocative and nuanced, this primer offers an accessible conceptual and theoretical understanding of regeneration and evolution at the community level that will be essential across disciplines including philosophy of biology, conservation biology, microbiomics, medicine, evolutionary biology, and ecology.
Peeters Publishers Conflict Over Wisdom: The Theme of 1 Corinthians 1-4 Rooted in Scripture
While wisdom was highly valued in the Hellenistic world, there is only one place in the New Testament that discusses the gospel in terms of wisdom: 1 Corinthians 1-4. Yet, instead of entering into a conciliating dialogue on wisdom, Paul confronts his readers with a conflict over wisdom. This study argues that the roots for this conflict are found in Scripture, especially in the prophetic books of Isaiah and Jeremiah, as the quotations indicate. Significant literary and theological relationships are brought to light by means of an intertextual approach.
Societäts-Verlag Schner trinken
Acantilado La luchadora de sombras
Skyhorse Publishing Foam Rolling 50 Exercises for Massage Injury Prevention and Core Strength
Idea Verlag GmbH Das ZwergenMitmachbuch
edition claus Der Mönkel und der Flüsterstein
Auerbach Verlag Singen hilft
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Tutorials
Bod Third Party Titles Die Bedeutung traumapdagogischer Konzepte fr unbegleitete minderjhrige Flchtlinge in der vollstationren Kinder und Jugendhilfe
Georg Olms Verlag Die Vorstellungskraft Spazieren Fuhren: Zur Entstehungs- Und Fruhgeschichte Der Franzosischen Kantate Zwischen Kulturtransfer Und Neuerfindung
Ravensburger Verlag tiptoi Unsere Jahreszeiten
Franckh-Kosmos EXIT Das Buch Der Fall des Ryan Creed
Franckh-Kosmos EXIT Das Buch Der Keller der Geheimnisse
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Logistische Prozesse. Berufe der Lagerlogistik Schulbuch
Julius Beltz GmbH Wir erwachsenen Trennungskinder
John Wiley & Sons Cultural Change among the Algonquin in the Nineteenth Century
John Wiley & Sons Cultural Change among the Algonquin in the Nineteenth Century
Hachette Children's Group Wibbly Pig: Is It Bedtime Wibbly Pig?
Wibbly Pig isn't tired at all! He wants to splash in the bath, count the stairs to the bedroom and bounce around on his bed. But in the end, he snuggles down to sleep with his cuddly toys.Cuddle up and read this stunning new edition of a bedtime favourite. Children everywhere will identify with Wibbly as he puts off bedtime again and again!
Gmeiner Verlag Über jede Grenze hinweg