Search results for ""author pablo""
University of Texas Press One Hundred Love Sonnets: Cien sonetos de amor
“The happiness I feel in offering these to you is vast as a savanna,” Pablo Neruda wrote his adored wife, Matilde Urrutia de Neruda, in his dedication of One Hundred Love Sonnets. Set against the backdrop of his beloved Isla Negra, these joyfully sensual poems draw on the wind and tides, the white sand with its scattering of delicate wildflowers, and the hot sun and salty scent of the sea to celebrate their love. Generations of lovers since Pablo and Matilde have shared these poems with each other, making One Hundred Love Sonnets one of the most popular books of poetry of all time. This beautifully redesigned volume, perfect for gift-giving, presents both the original Spanish sonnets and graceful English translations.
Little, Brown Book Group Society of the Snow: The Definitive Account of the World’s Greatest Survival Story
NOW A MAJOR NETFLIX FILMIt was 13 October 1972. Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, carrying a team of young rugby players, their families and friends, took off for the very last time. A deadly miscalculation saw F571 crash directly into the Andean mountains to devastating consequences: the body of the plane broke violently into two, its floor torn to smithereens; seats flew out of the air taking passengers with them. In the weeks that followed, the remaining people who were on board - the society of the snow - emerged to fight a dire, gruelling battle for survival.Waiting for a rescue team that didn't arrive, the survivors became fewer and fewer in numbers. Stranded alone on a glacier, they had to face brutal temperatures, lethal avalanches and the loss of friends and family with no access to supplies, food or water. In order to survive, they had to do the unthinkable . . . It wasn't until seventy-two days later that they were able to reach safety.Alarmingly gritty, moving and powerfully told, journalist Pablo Vierci recounts the unsettling stories of the sixteen survivors in intimate detail. Drawing on exclusive interviews, Society of the Snow delves into the tragedy of the crash and how it radically redefined the rest of the survivors' lives. Ultimately, however, the book is a touching testament to the strength of faith, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Urano Con La Misma Piedra
Ediciones Polígrafa S.A. Picasso
Marinos de la monarquía hispánica
Las flotas de Indias y las armadas oceánicas fueron durante dos siglos el nexo indispensable que unió la talasocracia que fue la monarquía universal de los Austrias. En aquellos barcos que surcaron el Atlántico cargados de plata, que exploraron las aguas australes y que atravesaron el inmenso Pacífico en peligrosas empresas, vivieron y murieron decenas de miles de hombres que sustentaron con su esfuerzo y su sangre la empresa imperial española. Este libro se propone dar a conocer cuáles eran los orígenes y las expectativas sociales de aquel elenco de marinos, desde los humildes pajes hasta los afortunados que consiguieron títulos y gajes a través del servicio en la mar. El universo de los navegantes españoles cobra vida en estas páginas: nos adentramos en el día a día a bordo de los galeones, en la ciencia náutica de los descubrimientos, en las relaciones con frecuencia conflictivas entre los hombres, en su mentalidad y sus creencias y prácticas religiosas, en los variados avatares de
Signal Books Ltd Urban Vodou: Politics and Popular Street Art in Haiti
From 1986 to 1994 the Caribbean nation of Haiti experienced a series of dramatic events: the overthrow of 'Baby Doc' Duvalier, the violent disruption of voting, the overwhelming electoral victory of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a coup d etat and a US-led military operation to return Aristide to power. Even by Haiti's standards, these were exceptional episodes in a long history of political instability and social unrest. The world s media chronicled Haiti's turbulent trajectory through newspaper articles and news films. But perhaps more importantly, Haitians themselves reacted to the cycle of hope and despair that made up their daily lives in the form of hundreds of spontaneous street murals. Mostly in the capital, Port-au-Prince, these colourful and expressive paintings both recorded key events and articulated the hopes and fears of their creators. Some targeted the fallen Duvalier and his henchmen, others the military regimes that succeeded the dictatorship. Many were later produced to celebrate the triumph of Aristide and his lavalas movement, while in 1994 a 'third wave' arrived in the wake of the UN-sanctioned invasion by US forces. Haiti s popular murals mix a vital sense of the contemporary with more timeless themes and motifs. Drawing on a distinguished tradition of naive art and produced by artists from many different backgrounds, they are rich in allusions to Haiti s revolutionary history, record of anti-colonial struggle and belief in Vodou. Inspirational leaders such as Toussaint Louverture and Dessalines appear in these images, as do the Vodou deities Ogou, the iron warrior, and Ezili, the goddess of love. Alongside Christian messages of martyrdom and redemption, the paintings invoke the Vodou rituals of sacrifice and spirit possession. Captured in 120 full colour photographs by Pablo Butcher, these murals many of which have now disappeared tell in vivid terms how Haitians viewed their unfolding political drama, and literally imposed this view on their urban surroundings.
Social Science Research Council Transitional Justice and Development – Making Connections
As developing societies emerge from legacies of conflict and authoritarianism, they are frequently beset by poverty, inequality, weak institutions, broken infrastructure, poor governance, insecurity, and low levels of social capital. These countries also tend to propagate massive human rights violations, which displace victims who are marginalized, handicapped, widowed, and orphaned--in other words, people with strong claims to justice. Those who work with others to address development and justice often fail to supply a coherent response to these concerns. The essays in this volume confront the intricacies--and interconnectedness--of transitional governance issues head on, mapping the relationship between two fields that, academically and in practice, have grown largely in isolation of one another. The result of a research project conducted by the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), this book explains how justice and recovery can be aligned not only in theory but also in practice, among both people and governments as they reform.
Usborne Publishing The Boy who cried Wolf
Sam is lonely and bored, watching the sheep on the mountain. One day he makes up a story: Come quickly! A wolf is attacking the sheep! The villagers come running, but of course there's no wolf. Then, when a wolf really does attack, who will believe Sam? With fun activities after the story, and online audio in British and American English.
Ediciones Encuentro, S.A. El poder del anillo Trasfondo espiritual de El Hobbit y El Seor de los Anillos
Los lectores y los espectadores de El Hobbit y de la trilogía de El Señor de los Anillos quedan fascinados por el mundo fantástico creado por J.R.R. Tolkien. Pero pocos saben que Tolkien era un ferviente católico, y que los personajes, acontecimientos y los dilemas morales de sus novelas están configurados por los dogmas de su fe. Este aclamado libro de Stratford Caldecott revela los cimientos espirituales de la obra de Tolkien, e incluye comentarios a las adaptaciones cinematográficas de Peter Jackson y referencias a las obras y cartas publicadas tras la muerte de Tolkien que conducen a fascinantes conclusiones.
Fbrica de prodigios
Un pájaro exótico, inmóvil año tras año en la jaula de una barbería, parece extender un hechizo a su alrededor que acabará decidiendo el destino de un viajante de comercio.La obra apenas divulgada de un oscuro poeta provincial esconde secretos que, años después de su fallecimiento, revelarán a su biógrafo una existencia prodigiosa cuya exposición desafía los límites de la realidad.La irrupción de un diablo en la vida apacible de un anciano le llevará a dejar noticia en un diario de la extrañeza que le persigue. Una mañana, dudosa como todas las demás, sale de casa a recoger un paquete a la oficina de Correos. Pero el diablo también?La aventura inesperada y la gran perplejidad recorren las páginas de este libro. Tres historias extraordinarias que, en un juego narrativo sorprendente, llevan a sus propios protagonistas a reescribir lo sucedido para comprender la realidad. Tres relatos intensos, construidos con un pulso magistral donde la ironía y la inquietud, lo insólito y lo co
Anaya Publishers Pollo y Erizo
Opuscula minora estudios de historia de las ideas políticas
Esta obra recopila diecisiete trabajos escritos por Pablo Badillo OFarrell en diversas épocas, medios y formatos. La selección realizada pretende ser representativa de las múltiples áreas de conocimiento que ha abordado en su dilatada carrera investigadora, organizadas en este volumen en torno a cuatro grandes bloques. El primero se centra en la historia del concepto de la filosofía política en el Renacimiento, la Ilustración y la modernidad del siglo XX e inicio del XXI. Posteriormente, se abordan cuatro principales perspectivas filosófico-políticas: Oakeshott, Berlin, Williams y Skinner. Una tercera parte analiza cinco problemas desde la perspectiva de autores claves: escepticismo y liberalismo (J. Shklar), derechos y realización (A. Gewirth), libertad (I. Berlin), orden y jurisprudencia (E. Voegelin), derechos y subjetivismo moral (J. L. Mackie) y realismo y relativismo (B. Williams). El último bloque está dedicado a la filosofía política de Giovanni Battista Vico a partir de las in
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones Naufragios en la carrera de Indias durante los siglos XVI y XVII el hombre frente al mar
En este libro se invita al lector a realizar una inmersión en el pasado; un buceo en las aguas del tiempo que se fue. En él podrá ver el listado de centenares de barcos hundidos en las rutas de las Indias Occidentales y conocer cómo y por qué naufragaban los antiguos galeones cargados de oro y plata que viajaban a aquellas ricas y lejanas tierras.Sin embargo, el objetivo principal de sus páginas no es la búsqueda de tesoros materiales, sino adentrarse en lo más íntimo de las actitudes, de los juicios, de los valores y de los sentimientos de los tripulantes de aquellos buques en esas trágicas circunstancias. Y es que, cuando un barco se hunde, salen a flote conflictos latentes en las relaciones sociales, en las reglas económicas, en los sistemas administrativos, que normalmente permanecen ocultos. Solo entonces descubrimos comportamientos vividos pero no confesados.
Lots of Architecture LLC NESS. On Architecture, Life, and Urban Culture, Issue 3: What’s an Object?
Copper Canyon Press,U.S. Stones of the Sky
Capstone Press When Walt Disney Rode a Pig
Picture Window Books When Walt Disney Rode a Pig
House of Anansi Press Ltd ,Canada Benediction
In 1907, the fifteen-year-old French-Canadian Ernest Dufault left his home in Quebec for Montana, where he was promptly arrested as a cattle thief. As a prisoner of the state of Nevada, he passed himself off as an American cowboy named Will James. Over the next few decades, Dufault, a.k.a. James, would flourish as a cowboy and horsebreaker and go on to become an artist, a soldier, a Hollywood stuntman, and a bestselling author of award-winning westerns — and his own false memoir. The Quebecer was so successful a pretender that he was later inducted into the Hall of Great Westerners, and his estranged wife, Alice Conradt, would only learn his true identity when, at the age of fifty, Will James died and left his estate to a man she had never heard of: one Ernest Dufault.In Benediction, Olivier Dufault recreates the true story of his distant relative Ernest’s incarceration in a Nevada prison and his subsequent reinvention as “Will James.” Relying on authentic historical materials, including letters, telegrams, and court documents, as much as his own imagination, Olivier Dufault’s magnificent novel is a posthumous benediction of an exceptional American life in which truth and lies walk side by side.
Dundurn Group Ltd Of Vengeance
“Let's be honest: Who hasn't fantasized about shooting someone in the face with a hunting rifle?”One day, a thirteen-year-old girl decides to startle a classmate. Instead, she accidentally kills him.And she likes it.Over the years, she begins experimenting with murder. Her victims are, of course, people that deserve it: a careless driver, a CEO of an energy corporation that is destroying the planet, a rapist. Every crime scene is flawless — untraceable and made to look like an accident or suicide. But, as she sleepwalks through her day job and lives in a crummy apartment, one thing becomes increasingly clear: she needs more.Because nothing compares to the thrill of violent retribution.
Springer Verlag, Singapore City Form, Economics and Culture: For the Architecture of Public Space
This is a book about how cities occupy space. We are not interested in architectural masterpieces, but the tools for reinventing city life. We try to provide a framework for the architecture and design of public space without aesthetic considerations. We identify several defining factors. First of all, history as the city today very much depends on how it was yesterday. The geographical location and the technology available at a point of time both play a constraining role in what can be done as well. Culture, in the form of social norms, laws and regulations, also restricts what is possible to do. On the other hand, culture is also important in guiding the ideas and aspirations that together inform what society wants the city to be. The city needs government intervention, or regulation, to ameliorate the problem posed by a tangle of externalities and public goods. We focus on two comparative case studies: the evolution of urban form in the US and how it stands in a sharp contrast with the evolution of urban form in Japan. We emphasise the difference in regulations between both jurisdictions. We study how differences in technological choices driven by culture (i.e. racial segregation), geography (i.e. the availability of land) and history (i.e. the mobility restrictions of the Tokugawa period) result in vast differences in mobility regarding the share of public transport, walking and cycling versus motorised private transport. American cities are constrained by rules that are much further from the neoliberal economic idea of free and competitive markets than the Japanese ones. Japanese planning promotes competition and through a granular, walkable city dotted with small shops, fosters variety in the availability of goods and services. We hypothesise how changing regulations could change the urban form to generate a greater variety of goods and to foster the access to those goods through a more equitable distribution of wealth. Critically, we point out that a desirably denser city must rely on public transport, and we also study how a less-dense city can be made to work with public transport. We conclude by claiming that changes in regulations are very unlikely to happen in the US, as it would require deep cultural changes to move from local to a more universal and less excluding public good provision, but they are both possible and desirable in other jurisdictions.
De Gruyter 100 Jahre – 100 Bücher: Eine bibliophile Zeitreise mit dem Deutschen Kunstverlag
Der Deutsche Kunstverlag feiert 2021 seinen 100. Geburtstag, was außerordentlich ist angesichts einer bewegten deutschen Geschichte, eines nicht immer einfachen, aber immer spannenden Verlagssegments – der Kunst –, angesichts rasanter Entwicklungen im Publizieren. 1921 wurde der Verlag auf Geheiß des Preußischen Staates gegründet. Das Archiv der Staatlichen Bildstelle stellte mit Fotografien künstlerisch bedeutsamer Bauten die Grundlage für die Vermarktung der Fotos in Form von Büchern, Bildern und Postkarten. Im Laufe eines Jahrhunderts sind unzählige hochkarätige, wichtige, bildschöne, auch skurrile Publikationen und Standardwerke erschienen. 100 herausstechende Bücher wurden ausgesucht und in diesem Band präsentiert – statt einer klassischen Festschrift legt der Verlag eine anregende bibliophile Zeitreise durch das Säkulum vor.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Law of Competition and Trade in the Pharmaceutical Sector
This book provides a systematic analysis of the law and practice of EU competition/antitrust law and trade regulation in the pharmaceutical sector. Authored by leading private practitioners, economists, scholars and high-profile competition enforcers, this work provides valuable insider knowledge on the application of competition law and policies to the pharmaceutical industry. Key features include: Extensive commentary on the legislation and the latest case law and administrative precedents in the pharmaceutical sector, at both EU and national level Coverage of various key developments including the recent pay-for-delay antitrust investigations, the perennial issues around parallel trade, and an examination of mergers among pharmaceutical companies and medical devices manufacturers In-depth analysis of topics commonly raised in the pharmaceutical sector including: pricing policies, IP life-cycle management, IP licensing and horizontal cooperation agreements Key economic and business perspectives to accompany legal analysis, providing the reader with a rounded view of the subject matter. This book will be a useful resource for lawyers and in-house counsel active in the pharmaceutical sector. The information and analysis provided will prepare readers to take on cases and drive the antitrust review of transactions and agreements within the industry. Researchers, economists and civil servants with an interest in competition law and trade regulation can also benefit from the practical insights provided therein.
NBM Publishing Company The Year Of Loving Dangerously
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Doing Justice: Three Essays on Walter Benjamin
Pablo Oyarzun is one of the foremost Benjamin scholars in Latin America. His writings have shaped the reception of Benjamin’s work in Latin America and have been central to the effort to identify the tasks and responsibilities of the kind of critical theory that would interrupt social violence. In this book Oyarzun examines some of the key concepts in Benjamin’s work – including his concepts of translation, experience, history and storytelling – and relates them to his own systematic reflection on the nature and implications of ‘doing justice’. What is meant by the words ‘justice was done’? The passive voice is important here. On the one hand, justice does nothing: it is not an agent, it can only prevail or fail, and if it fails, it does so without limit. On the other hand, the passive voice alludes to the agents of an action while covering them up; the allusion is the masking of the identity and traces of the person who accomplishes the action. And this cover-up can be dangerous: it can cover-up the executioners, who are subjects that everyone can confirm anonymously, without their being recognized and without their wanting to be recognized. Justice, argues Oyarzun, can only be done in the active effort to do justice – or, as Benjamin would say, in the striving to turn the world into the highest good. This book by one of Chile’s most distinguished philosophers will be of value to anyone interested in Benjamin’s work and in the development of critical theory in Latin America.
City Lights Books The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems
This bilingual collection of Neruda's most essential poems is indispensable.Selected by a team of poets and prominent Neruda scholars in both Chile and the U.S., this is a definitive selection that draws from the entire breadth and width of Neruda's various styles and themes.An impressive group of translators that includes Alistair Reid, Stephen Mitchell, Robert Hass, Stephen Kessler and Jack Hirschman, have come together to revisit or completely retranslate the poems; and a handful of previously untranslated works are included as well.This selection sets the standard for a general, high-quality introduction to Neruda's complete oeuvre."...The Essential Neruda will prove to be, for most readers, the best introduction to Neruda available in English. In fact, I can think of few other books that have given me so much delight so easily. "--The Austin Chronicle"This book is a must-have for any reader interested in a definitive sampling of the most essential poems by one whom many consider one of the best poets of the 20th century."--Mike Nobles,Tulsa World"A splendid way to begin a love affair with our Pablo or, having already succumbed to his infinite charms, revisit him passionately again and again and yet again."--Ariel Dorfman, author of Death and the Maiden"The editors and translators know how to extract gold from a lifetime of prolific writing. If you want a handy Neruda companion and don't know where to begin, this is it."--The Bloomsbury Review
Indiana University Press The Railroad Photography of Jack Delano
Born in the Ukraine, photographer Jack Delano moved to the United States in 1923. After graduating from Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 1937, Delano worked for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) and the Office of War Information (OWI) as a photographer. Best known for his work for the Office of War Information during 1940–1943, Jack Delano captured the face of American railroading in a series of stunning photographs. His images, especially his portraits of railroad workers, are a vibrant and telling portrait of industrial life during one of the most important periods in American history. This remarkable collection features Delano's photographs of railroad operations and workers taken for the OWI in the winter of 1942/43 and during a cross-country journey on the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway, plus an extensive selection of his groundbreaking color images. The introduction provides the most complete summary of Delano's life published to date. Both railroad and photography enthusiasts will treasure this worthy tribute to one of the great photographers of the thirties and forties.
Páginas de Espuma SL Mientras nieva sobre el mar
Un faro levantado en mitad de un campo de trigo produce el mar. Sobre el lomo de un caballo se anuncia el destino de un grupo de hombres. A la luz de una vela, un niño recupera un juguete perdido. Unos condenados a muerte creen ver, durante su última cena, que la salvación está bordada en las servilletas. Por la hendidura de una cueva puede salirse al otro lado del mundo. Una mujer deforme siente el vértigo de la levedad bajo las estrellas. Un unicornio de oro distrae su melancolía asomándose a una ventana abierta sobre un jardín. En el transcurso de una noche, la palabra de un náufrago sabrá suspender la incredulidad de quien escucha y atraer el milagro con su fábula. Y mientras su voz detiene el tiempo, cae la nieve sobre el mar.En estos cuentos la franqueza y el misterio, el candor y la emoción de la palabra se afinan para alcanzar el límite más exigente de la escritura: hacer de lo fingido una absoluta verdad donde aún perdura la inocencia.
NBM Publishing Company The Year Of Loving Dangerously
Oro Editions In Italy: Sketches & Drawings
Artists and designers have recorded places, people, and life in drawings and sketchbooks for centuries. Over the past 50 years, Laurie Olin, one of America’s most distinguished landscape architects, has recorded aspects of life and the environment in Italy: its cities and countryside, streets and cafes, ancient ruins, art, architecture, people, villas, and gardens — civic and domestic, humble to grand, things of interested to his designer’s eye— taking the time to see carefully. Rome in its seasons, agriculture in Umbria and Tuscany, trees, food, and fountains, all are noted over the years in watercolour or pen and ink. Originally made in the personal pleasure of merely being there as well as self-education, this selection from many sketchbooks and drawings is accompanied with introductory notes and remarks for different regions including Rome, Turin, Venice, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, and Sicily.
Oro Editions France Sketchbooks
For centuries artists and designers have recorded places, people, and life in travel sketchbooks. Over a period of fifty years, Laurie Olin, one of America's most distinguished landscape architects, has recorded aspects of France: its cities and countryside, streets and cafés, ancient ruins, vineyards, and parks - from humble to grand, things that interested his designer's eye - taking the time to see things carefully. Paris in its seasons, agriculture in Provence and Bordeaux, trees, dogs, and fountains, all are noted over the years in watercolour or pen and ink. Originally intended for the pleasure of merely being there as well as self-education, this personal selection from his many sketchbooks is accompanied by transcriptions of notes and observations, along with introductory remarks for the different regions included: Paris, Haute Loire, Provence, Haute Provence, Normandy, Aquitaine, and Entre des Meures.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Biosensors: Properties, Materials & Applications
Coach House Books The Second Substance
Squatters at a rural gas station try to find freedom and build something new on the ashes of our petrocivilization in this sensual novel. A community of outsiders takes over an abandoned gas station. They spend their days ripping up asphalt, drinking beer and eating hot dogs, and wandering through woods and towns in search of new ways of living. People come and go: a charismatic landscaper, Italian anarchists, a policewoman, travellers. A teenager drifts into homelessness. And The Girl With No Name keeps a journal of her attempts to meet new people and sleep with them, sex that is “not a sideline” but the motivating force in a story she is struggling to understand. Neighbors grow hostile. An investigation threatens the community. Tension builds between the surface violence of “normal life” and the attempt of these outsiders to experience freedom and build something new on the ashes of our oil-addicted society. With a character borrowed from Agnès Varda’s Vagabond and inspiration taken from Anne Boyer’s writings, Anne Lardeux’s highly original debut assembles elements of poetry, film, and visual arts into an exuberant choral novel, an ode to the daughters of fire and to the poetry of the body. Often funny, sometimes raunchy, consistently surprising, never flinching, The Second Substance heralds an important new voice in Quebec literature."A revolutionary diary that parses the lines of sex and power, in language that pushes itself around on the page like paint. With echoes of Emma Goldman's if I can't dance, Lardeux's revolution has fucking at its core. The Second Substance is fleshy, cinematic, intuitive." -Tamara Faith Berger, author of Queen Solomon“A nomadic miscellany of gruff scavengers and would-be pioneers has commandeered the derelict filling station at 69 Rue Principale—an anonymous sensualist and moonlighting authoritarian among them—all jockeying for position at the nexus of self-determination and fate. In Anne Lardeux’s enigmatic debut, presented here in a translation by Pablo Strauss, the constant friction between societal strictures and communal revision spark a series of disorderly experiments, abstract epiphanies blasting off in every direction. The Second Substance is a novel about overriding our programming, rewriting our code in order to initiate an even more radical set of protocols for eroticism, destruction, and rebirth.” —Justin Walls,
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman--Unveiling the sacred mysteries of Ayahuasca
University of Toronto Press Democracy Here and Now: The Exemplary Case of Spain
In Spain, on May 15, 2011, a movement against austerity measures began. In a time when representative democracies were under threat, 15M came to life as a virtuous and democratic response to the slide into far-right populism and authoritarianism. More than a social movement, 15M became a mode of being with transformative, democratizing potential. In Democracy Here and Now, Pablo Ouziel offers a grounded analysis of 15M. At the time of the movement and during the ensuing encampments, Ouziel travelled extensively, speaking to participants, and keeping an ongoing record of his conversations. Presenting an original participatory mode of research, the book reveals six types of intersubjective, "joining hands" relationships that 15M has brought into being and works to carry on in creative ways. The book shows how the movement’s way of being and temporality persists in Spain following the square occupations, while 15M citizens continue to learn and move forward in less perceptible ways. Democracy Here and Now sheds light on a deeply relational, intersectional, and eco-social mode of democracy, and shows how 15M’s ongoing democratization practices are exemplary of similar grassroots movements around the world, broadening our understandings of what it means to be democratic in the here and now.
Vintage Publishing Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda
The perfect gift for Valentine’s DaySelected Poems contains Neruda's resonant, exploratory, intensely individualistic verse, rooted in the physical landscape and people of Chile. Here we find sensuous songs of love, tender odes to the sea, melancholy lyrics of heartache, fiery political statements and a frank celebration of sex. This is an enticing, distinctive and celebrated collection of poetry from the greatest twentieth century Latin American poet.
Escape The Pitcher: El Lanzador
American Mathematical Society Sum of Squares: Theory and Applications
This volume is based on lectures delivered at the 2019 AMS Short Course ""Sum of Squares: Theory and Applications'', held January 14-15, 2019, in Baltimore, Maryland. This book provides a concise state-of-the-art overview of the theory and applications of polynomials that are sums of squares. This is an exciting and timely topic, with rich connections to many areas of mathematics, including polynomial and semidefinite optimization, real and convex algebraic geometry, and theoretical computer science.The six chapters introduce and survey recent developments in this area; specific topics include the algebraic and geometric aspects of sums of squares and spectrahedra, lifted representations of convex sets, and the algorithmic and computational implications of viewing sums of squares as a meta algorithm. The book also showcases practical applications of the techniques across a variety of areas, including control theory, statistics, finance and machine learning.
La Ergástula Los viajes de los reyes visigodos de Toledo 531711
Cuántos viajes realizaron los monarcas visigodos que gobernaron en y desde la península ibérica? Cuándo, cómo y por qué se desplazaron los reyes que desde el 531 hasta el 711 rigieron los destinos hispanos? No es fácil responder a estos interrogantes. Dada la escasez y la parquedad de las noticias disponibles, a menudo hay que moverse en el terreno de la especulación y, con demasiada frecuencia, dominan las incertidumbres, las cuestiones que quedan sin resolver. Las fuentes, no obstante, revelan con claridad que los soberanos visigodos, en la mayor parte de la ocasiones, se desplazaron para combatir. Por lo tanto, el estudio de sus movimientos nos servirá de hilo conductor para acercarnos a la tortuosa historia política y militar del periodo. Pero como viajar es una acción connatural al género humano, desvelar de dónde partieron y a dónde se dirigieron los monarcas del Regnum Toletanum, en qué condiciones lo hicieron, con qué medios materiales y por qué circunstancias, también desvelar
Urano Limites de la Razon, Los
Les Belles Lettres Les Fleurs Du Royaume: Savoirs Lettres Et Pouvoir Imperial En Chine, Ve-Vie Siecle
Lauren Keiser Music Publishing 10 Brilliant Miniatures: For Violin and Piano Masterworks for Violin Series
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics of Renewable Energy
Renewable energy technologies produce many measurable benefits, such as a clear reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is also apparent that these methods of energy production come with costs. Discussing renewable energy developments within an economic context, this pertinent Handbook provides a comprehensive view of the present and future dimensions of renewable energy use.Divided into six authoritative parts, the Handbook employs economic evaluation to provide an analysis of the benefits and costs of renewable energy, allowing authors to extrapolate potential policy changes. Chapters address the conceptual, methodological and empirical dimensions of renewable energy, providing a broad coverage of key topics while maintaining a clear policy-oriented philosophy.With a structured application of energy economics to renewable energy issues, this enlightening Handbook will be beneficial for environmental and energy policy makers. It will also be an interesting read for academics within such fields as policy regulation, energy economics and environmental economics.
MIT Press Ltd Trump and the Media