Search results for ""author anne""
Hachette Children's Group The Naughtiest Girl: Naughtiest Girl Wants To Win: Book 9
In Enid Blyton's bestselling series, the Naughtiest Girl and her friends make their own rules at their very unusual boarding school.In book nine, Elizabeth is furious when Kerry, new girl and young actress, becomes head girl over the obvious choice, her friend Emma. Elizabeth is convinced that all the seniors have been swayed by Kerry's acting skills.How will Elizabeth prove that the real Kerry is a nasty piece of work without looking like the troublemaker herself? Between 1940 and 1952, Enid Blyton wrote four novels about Naughtiest Girl, Elizabeth Allen. Books 5-10 are authorised sequels of the series written by Anne Digby in 1999. Bonus material: A rare, complete serial story about a very special school. An interview with Enid Blyton about her school days. Enid Blyton's experiences as a teacher. A timeline of the author's life. Photos from Enid Blyton's younger days.
Hachette Children's Group The Naughtiest Girl: Naughtiest Girl Saves The Day: Book 7
In Enid Blyton's bestselling school series Elizabeth Allen is sent away to boarding school and makes up her mind to be the naughtiest pupil there's ever been.In book seven, the school's strawberry plants are vandalised and a lost blazer button at the scene of the crime leads straight to the Naughtiest Girl. It is hers, but how did it get there - and why would anyone want to pin the blame on Elizabeth?Between 1940 and 1952, Enid Blyton wrote four novels about Naughtiest Girl, Elizabeth Allen. Books 5-10 are authorised sequels of the series written by Anne Digby in 1999. Bonus material:A rare, complete serial story about a very special school.An interview with Enid Blyton about her school days.Enid Blyton's experiences as a teacher.A timeline of the author's life.Photos from Enid Blyton's younger days.
Hachette Children's Group The Naughtiest Girl: Naughtiest Girl Keeps A Secret: Book 5
In Enid Blyton's bestselling school series Elizabeth Allen is sent away to boarding school and makes up her mind to be the naughtiest pupil there's ever been.In book five, Elizabeth intends never to be naughty again. But when John entrusts her with his secret, the naughtiest girl finds herself in deeper trouble than ever...Between 1940 and 1952, Enid Blyton wrote four novels about Naughtiest Girl, Elizabeth Allen. Books 5-10 are authorised sequels of the series written by Anne Digby in 1999.Bonus material:A rare, complete serial story about a very special school.An interview with Enid Blyton about her school days.Enid Blyton's experiences as a teacher.A timeline of the author's life.Photos from Enid Blyton's younger days.
Headline Publishing Group Through Rose-Coloured Glasses: A compelling saga of love, loss and dangerous secrets
A whirlwind romance changes a young woman's life forever... Anne Baker writes a spellbinding saga in Through Rose-Coloured Glasses, in which a young woman's rash decision leads her into new dangers. Perfect for fans of Lyn Andrews and Nadine Dorries.Dinah Radcliffe doesn't have much money to spend on the finer things in life, but she shares a contented existence with her mother, Sarah. They have seen their share of troubles since Dinah's father was killed in the Great War, but the Radcliffes have always made the best of things. When Dinah meets widowed businessman Richard Haldane at the races, her life changes beyond recognition. Richard sweeps Dinah off her feet, dazzling her with a glimpse of wealth and privilege beyond her wildest dreams, and they are married in a matter of weeks. But Richard is not the man Dinah thought he was. Soon, she's learning that money can't buy you happiness. And that she's married to a man who takes far more dangerous risks than just betting on his horses... What readers are saying about Through Rose-Coloured Glasses: 'Now this book I really could not put down. It had everything that makes a good book. As well as a really good story there was mystery and twists and turns throughout. I empathised with the main character almost immediately but there were so many times when I wondered if my sympathies were with the right person. A really intriguing story from a first-rate author''I found this book absolutely brilliant and hard to put down! The plot was very well written and flowed well from the beginning, and I can honestly say there wasn't a part that I disliked ...I would recommend this book to all my friends!'
Little, Brown Book Group The Ripple Effect: Finding inner peace and harmony
The Ripple Effect is based on simple principles for a fulfilling and empowering life. As we take responsibility for ourselves, improve our self-esteem, heal our emotions and release our anxieties, we become happier with ourselves and our world. And as we achieve this happiness and peace of mind for oursevles, we find it positively affects those around us. Using easy-to-follow teachniques, popular healer Anne Jones teaches you how to awaken your sense of your own value and worth and how to find inner harmony.You will learn how to:* Turn your dreams into reality * Rediscover the spiritual truths that still hold good and translate them to meet your own needs * Find a balance between the demands of family and work * Get back to basics and rediscover the beauty of 'truth' - and how to use it in your everyday life
Coppenrath F Geschenkset Willkommen kleiner Schatz
Coppenrath F Freundebuch Meine Schulfreunde School is fun
Hatherleigh Press,U.S. Healing with Haiku
Penguin USA The Enemys Daughter
Hazelden Information & Educational Services When Misery Is Company
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Science 50 Key Ideas Unpacked
How did life emerge? What are the smallest elements of matter? How are planets formed?Over the centuries, brilliant men and women have sought to develop theories to answer the most compelling questions about the world around us. Through their amazing insights and conscientious efforts they helped to create the world we know today. In this entertaining introduction, Anne Rooney explores the fascinating world of science through its 50 key ideas.Ranging from evolutionary biology to quantum physics to chaos theory and featuring the ideas of such pivotal scientists as Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Marie Curie, this essential guide will bring you up to speed on all of the world''s most important scientific discoveries. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Ideas Unpacked series explores several academic topics through their 50 greatest ideas, giving readers an entertaining and accessible overview of a subjects defining theories and thi
Coffee House Press The Price of Eggs
Short stories depicting individuals trying to live with and without their dysfunctional families, clinging to whatever stability they can find. Panning''s style is experimental--changing points of view within a single story . . . The voices of Panning''s characters are invariably riveting.--Newsday
MD - Duke University Press Designing Culture
The cultural theorist and media designer Anne Balsamo calls for transforming learning practices to inspire culturally attuned technological imaginations.
Harvest House Publishers My Reading Adventures
Anne Bogel, creator of the Modern Mrs Darcy blog, wants to help instill a lifelong love of reading in your child with fun lists of book recommendations, creative activities, and space to record what they’ve read and what they would like to read.
Dover Publications Origami Safari
Random House Worlds The Skies of Pern
Peeters Publishers Catalogue des Fragments Coptes de la Bibliotheque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg. I. Fragments Bibliques
La collection de textes coptes de la Bibliotheque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, qui comprend environ 2000 pieces, est presque totalement inedite. Dans cet ouvrage, qui constitue l'amorce d'un catalogue de ce fonds, sont regroupes les fragments bibliques (une cinquantaine), sur papyrus et parchemin. S'ils sont de dimensions reduites, ces fragments apportent du materiel nouveau sur deux points: (1) certains d'entre eux attestent des passages encore inedits de la version sahidique de l'Ancien Testament. (2) Les sept fragments en dialecte fayoumique (Psaumes, Daniel, Epitre aux Romains) viennent aussi enrichir la version du texte biblique dans ce dialecte (c'est particulierement interessant pour les Psaumes, pour lesquels on a maintenant des temoins substantiels dans quatre grands dialectes coptes); ils contribueront en meme temps a ameliorer la connaissance du fayoumique lui-meme, qui reste sans doute, parmi les dialectes, le plus insuffisamment decrit.
Ediciones Robinbook Enriquece Tu Vida Sexual: Los Métodos Más Calientes Para Que Tus Relaciones Suban de Temperatura
B de Bolsillo (Ediciones B) El grito silencioso
Sepulcros blanqueados
La reina del crimen victoriano vuelve a la carga. En esta novela, el detective Monk deberá indagar en un incidente familiar ocurrido dos décadas atrás. Killiam Melville tal vez sea el arquitecto más brillante de su generación. Joven, atractivo, inteligente, apasionado y con un talento casi genial, destaca por su honestidad y modestia. Sin embargo, un incidente amenaza con enturbiar esta intachable trayectoria: Melville va a ser juzgado por romper su compromiso matrimonial con Zillah Lambert, la hija de su patrón. Para su defensa, el arquitecto contacta con el prestigioso abogado Sir Oliver Rathbone, quien aceptará el caso de buen grado, aunque no tardará en arrepentirse dada la negativa de Melville a aportar razón lógica alguna que justifique su comportamiento. A medida que transcurre el juicio, Rathbone pasa del desconcierto a la certeza de que su cliente oculta un grave secreto, por lo que inicia una investigación paralela. Para ello solicita la ayuda de su colaborador habitu
Venganza en el Támesis
Anne Perry, maestra de la novela de intriga histórica ambientada en la era victoriana, nos transporta nuevamente a orillas del Támesis en su nueva y vibrante novela de William Monk. Cuando el comandante Monk de la Policía del Támesis es convocado para investigar la aparición de un hombre ahogado en el río, que resulta ser un prisionero fugitivo, tiene que vérselas nuevamente con el oficial de aduanas McNab, que alberga un amargo rencor contra Monk y que siempre intenta perjudicarlo. Tras la fuga de un segundo prisionero y a medida que las trampas de McNab se vuelven más terroríficas, Monk se verá forzado a recurrir a la ayuda de su mujer, Hester, y de su amigo el abogado Oliver Rathbone. Juntos, tratarán de desentrañar el misterio que rodea a las muertes en el Támesis y a la rivalidad enfermiza de McNab
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Taltos (Spanish Edition)
Poesía completa
Reunimos, por primera vez en castellano, en un volumen traducido con elegancia y precisión por Xandru Fernández, todos los poemas que se conocen escritos de puño y letra por Anne Brontë. El lector encontrará aquí un gusto por la aventura y una sensibilidad extrema por el paisaje que con los años va profundizando en la introspección y en el examen moral, todo empapado de la característica melancolía de su escritura, como si de alguna manera su mente fuese capaz de anticipar su temprana muerte, y la de sus queridas hermanas. Uno de los monumentos de la literatura romántica inglesa, y una aventura literaria ineludible para los lectores sensibles y atrevidos.
Fundación Santa María-Ediciones SM El ladrón de estrellas
Encuadernación: CartonéColección: Cuentos para sentirEdad recomendada: Entre 3 y 6 añosJaime tenía una gran amiga que se llamaba Claudia y siempre le intentaba demostrar cuánto la quería. Un día Claudia le preguntó qué estaba dispuesto a hacer por ella y Jaime tuvo una idea: le regalaría la Luna. Así que una noche, fue a hablar con ella.Un cuento sobre el amor.Otros títulos de la de la colección:*Qué le pasa a Mugán'. ISBN: 9788467508260*Aventura de una gota de agua. ISBN: 9788467522846*Chusco, un perro callejero. ISBN: 9788467502602*Correprisas y tumbona. ISBN: 9788467502602*El club de los valientes. ISBN: 9788467526424*El oso gruñón. ISBN: 9788467534290*Historia de una lata. ISBN: 9788467519853*La historia de Dracolino. ISBN: 9788467502572*La jirafa Timotea. ISBN: 9788467504415*Peligro en el mar. ISBN: 9788467502589*Pirindicuela. ISBN: 978467526417*Simbo y el rey hablador. ISBN: 9788467526431*Yo soy el mayor. ISBN: 9788467502596
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Ecos de muerte / An Echo Of Murder
Project Iaia
L?àvia de l?Ivan, la Sophie, la Tanya i en Nicholas de vegades perd una mica el cap, confon cares i noms i no sap ni en quin dia viu, però quan els fills decideixen portar-la a una residència per a gent gran, els quatre nets buscaran una solució divertida i plena de tendresa perquè això no passi.Així comencen el Projecte Iaia, un pla per fer canviar d?opinió els seus progenitors i poder continuar gaudint de la companyia de la seva excèntrica àvia.
Prh Grupo Editorial El vuelo del dragón The Dragonriders of Pern
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La vida empieza cada día: 365 maneras de decidir cómo quieres estar en el mundo / Life Begins Every Day
Prh Grupo Editorial Hijas de la esperanza Daughters of Hope
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Lestat el vampiro / The Vampire Lestat
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La comunidad de la sangre: Una historia del príncipe Lestat / Blood Communion
Dittmann & Lisicki GbR Freundebuch Meine MiniCrew
Drachenmond-Verlag Visionen in Silber
Silberburg Verlag Zeitreise Schwarzwald
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Fostering Conceptual Change in Chemistry Classes Using Expository Texts
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. Ressourcenorientierte Gruppentherapie bei chronischer Depression
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Die Witwe Des Konigs: Zu Vorstellung, Anspruch Und Performanz Im Englischen Und Deutschen Hochmittelalter
Schnell & Steiner Die Inszenierung Von Bildhauerfiguren in Der Kirchenausstattung Um 1500: Der Maister, Der Diss Stuck Gepawt, Hat Sich So Kunstlich Selbs Einghawt
Guetersloher Verlagshaus Woher kommt der Hass Die psychologischen Ursachen von Rechtsruck und Rassismus
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Jude Oder Preussischer Burger?: Die Emanzipationsdebatte Im Spannungsfeld Von Regierungspolitik, Religion, Burgerlichkeit Und Offentlichkeit (1780-1847)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Der Griff Nach Dem Weltwissen: Zur Genealogie Von Area Studies Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert
Heyne Verlag Nicht weg und nicht da
btb Taschenbuch Lieber Picasso wo bleiben meine Harlekine Mein Grovater der Kunsthndler Paul Rosenberg
Duncker & Humblot Staatenimmunitat Im Konflikt Mit Dem Rechtsschutzanspruch Des Einzelnen Aus Art. 6 I Emrk
Classiques Garnier La Souvenance Et Le Desir: La Reception Des Poetesses Grecques
Classiques Garnier Le Moment Americain Du Roman Francais