Search results for ""academia""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Resolving the Crisis in Research by Changing the Game: An Ecosystem and a Sharing Philosophy
This groundbreaking book arrives at a time of growing concern for the future of true scholarship. Morten Huse calls upon the scholarly community to reflect on the recent dramatic changes to academia, calling for coordinated efforts to reorganise the scholarly ecosystem. Offering a holistic view of academia, Huse outlines the institutions, audiences, messages, channels and communities that interact in this ecosystem, introducing a 'sharing philosophy' as the foundation of change. Reflecting on the past and looking to the future, this exciting book demands a communal approach to scholarship that comprises an open, innovative and impact-driven attitude to research that can change the academic game. Incisive and optimistic for the future, this book is crucial reading for PhD students and junior faculty members hoping to find new avenues for impactful and innovative research. Established scholars, as well as leaders of academic institutions, academies and associations concerned with recent structural changes to scholarship will also benefit from Huse's strong critique and alternative pathways.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inquiring into Academic Timescapes
Proliferating literature claims that academia is in a critical condition, generating armies of anxious, neurotic and time-hungry individuals which are governed by the speed imperatives integral to a modernist and capitalist rationality. This book puts the temporal ordering of academic life under the microscope, and showcases the means of yielding a better understanding of how time and temporality act both as instruments of power and vulnerability within the academic space. This book brings together more than three dozen scholars who collectively craft a much-needed nuanced sociologically-driven perspective of temporalities in academia. Delving into contemporary processes which are quintessentially temporal in their character, such as the increasing precariousness of jobs among junior scholars, the prevalence of grant funding, the role of evaluation systems, and the political economy of higher education, the authors offer a forensic analysis of the complex nature of academic temporalities as experienced, understood, controlled, managed and contested in various academic and research contexts.
Hogrefe Publishing Aviation Psychology: Applied Methods and Techniques
This collection of chapters on the latest methods and tools for applied research in aviation psychology guides the diverse range of professionals working within aviation on how to adapt flexibly to the continuously evolving requirements of the aeronautical landscape. Experts from the industry and academia explore selected applications, ranging from aviation system engineering to bridging the gap between research and industrialization, safety culture, training and examination. Psychological tools are explored, including designing biocybernetic adaptive systems, predictive automation, and support for designing the human role in future human-machine teaming concepts. Special chapters are dedicated to spatial disorientation, reactivity, stress, eye-tracking, electrodermal and cardiac assessment under the influence of G forces. This is essential reading for aviation psychologists, human factors practitioners, engineers, designers, operational specialists, students and researchers in academia, industry, and government. The practitioners and researchers working in other safety critical domains (e.g., medicine, automotive) will also find the handbook valuable.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Women in 3D Printing: From Bones to Bridges and Everything in Between
This book provides insights into the possibilities, realities and challenges of the rapidly evolving world of 3D printing or additive manufacturing. Contributors cover the applications for 3D printing, available materials, research, and the business of additive manufacturing from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. As an important part of the Women in Science and Engineering book series, the work highlights the contribution of women leaders in additive manufacturing, inspiring women and men, girls and boys to enter and apply themselves to world of 3D printing and be a part of bringing the true potential of 3D printing to fruition. The book features contributions of prominent female engineers, scientists, business and technology leaders in additive manufacturing from academia, industry and government labs. Provides insight into women’s contributions to the field of additive manufacturing; Presents information from academia, research, government labs and industry into advances and applications in the rapidly evolving and growing field of 3D printing; Includes applications in industries such as medicine, aerospace, and automotive.
Little, Brown Book Group Emily Wildes Map of the Otherlands
''Forget dark academia: give me instead this kind of winter-sunshined, sharp-tongued and footnoted academia, full of field trips and grumpy romance'' Freya Marske, author of A Marvellous LightAn intrepid professor must uncover faerie secrets in the delightful and heart-warming second instalment of the Sunday Times bestselling Emily Wilde series.Emily Wilde is a genius scholar of faerie folklore, and has catalogued many secrets of the Hidden Folk in her encyclopaedia with her infuriatingly charming fellow scholar, Wendell Bambleby, by her side.But Bambleby is more than just a brilliant and unbearably handsome scholar. He''s an exiled faerie king on the run from his murderous mother, in search of a door back to his realm. By lucky happenstance, Emily''s new project, a map of the realms of faerie, will take them on an adventure to the picturesque Austrian Alps, where Emily believes they may find the door to Bambleby''s realm,
SpiderMan Miles Morales
Miles Morales es un adolescente normal: cena con sus padres los domingos, le gustan los videojuegos, está enamorado de una chica llamada Alicia y ha conseguido una beca para la prestigiosa academia Brooklyn Vision. Ah, sí, también es Spider-Man. Pero, últimamente, su sentido arácnido no anda muy fino y Miles se cuestiona si los chicos como él merecen ser héroes. A partir de 12 años.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc American Indian Higher Educational Experiences: Cultural Visions and Personal Journeys
American Indian Higher Educational Experiences examines the multiple ways sixty-nine American Indian college students construct and use their ethnic identity while enrolled in a predominantly non-Indian university. Although their cultural backgrounds and orientations differ widely, for all of these sixty-nine students, there exists a profound connection between how they view their personal ethnicity and how they interpret their experiences in academia.
Pennsylvania State University Press Four Ghost Stories: “’Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad’”; “An Episode of Cathedral History”; “Casting the Runes”; and “The Diary of Mr. Poynter”
This volume collects four of M. R. James’s most beloved stories of the supernatural. These tales show how James redefined the ghost story and exemplify his connection to academia, antiquities, and medievalism, occupations that inspired and informed his fiction. Perfect as an introduction to James’s understated mode of horror, these spine-chilling ghost stories demonstrate his mastery of the form.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Perspectives on the Impact, Mission and Purpose of the Business School
Brings together many of the world’s leading thinkers on management education to challenge the biggest issues impacting the future of business schools. Each chapter is written in a readable and accessible way for those inside academia and for the more general reader. As an Open Access book, it is designed to have genuine impact in the field of management education.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook of Pharmacovigilance: Ensuring the Safe Use of Medicines
All the chapters have been updated in this second edition and new chapters like Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance, Hospitalization due to Adverse Drug Reactions and its Economic Burden, and Vigilance Systems for Medical Devices have been added.This book will be useful for the healthcare professionals, postgraduate students, industry professionals and those engaged in clinical research at academia and the pharmaceutical industry.
El universo mgico de las letras. Ortografa 7.Primera edicin
En este libro estudiarás las normas de ortografía de la Academia, presentadas en forma clara y adecuada; y verás que en él se da tanta importancia al conocimiento de la regla como a la práctica de la misma. Se pretende también que te esfuerces en conocer el significado de las palabras que practicas y que construyas tu propio vocabulario a medida que avanzas.
Policy Press Plural Policing: Theory and Practice
This book critically analyses the rise of Plural policing in England and Wales over the past decade, giving examples of national and international practice. Written by an author with experience in both practice and academia, it discusses the consequences of this approach for the historical model of policing provision and challenges views on how policing should be delivered in the future.
Cristbal Coln y el descubrimiento de Amrica
Charles Verlinden (1907-1996) fue profesor de Historia Moderna y de Historia de la Colonización en la Universidad de Gante, director de la Academia Belga de Roma y vicepresidente de la Commission Internationale d'Histoire Maritime de París. Florentino Pérez-Embid (1918-1974) fue catedrático de Historia de América, biógrafo de Ordás, Pizarro y Colón, y creador de la Biblioteca del Pensamiento Actual, en Rialp.
Eliot Werner Publications Inc Scientist as Subject: The Psychological Imperative
In this book, originally published by Ballinger in 1976, Michael Mahoney documents the idiosyncracies and foibles of the scientific process as a field of endeavor. A new introduction updates his discussion in light of subsequent developments, including such aspects of academia as politics and tenure, publication and power relations, science studies and constructivist inquiry, and what have come to be called the "science wars."
John Wiley & Sons Inc Future Trends in Microelectronics: The Nano Millennium
A lively and thought-provoking look at the future of microelectronics Nanotechnology has been named by the U.S. government as one of the most important areas of impending technology. It is a common view among leading professionals in microelectronics that current explosive developments in the field will likely lead to profound paradigm shifts in the near future. Identifying plausible scenarios for the forthcoming evolution of microelectronics presents a tremendous opportunity for constructive action today, especially since our economy and, indeed, our civilization seem destined to be irrevocably shaped by this technology. Based on ideas and discussions arising from the third meeting in the Future Trends in Microelectronics (FTM) workshop series, held in the summer of 2001, this timely and intriguing contributed volume provides a unique forum for today's leading experts in the semiconductor microelectronics field to discuss the future evolution of their profession. Demonstrating a diversity of opinions, leading professionals in industry, academia, and government address such provocative questions as: * With CMOS scaling coming to an end, what kind of research does the silicon industry need to continue its expansion? * What is the future beyond shrinking silicon devices? * Is there practicality in the fashionable topics like quantum computing, molecular computing, spintronics, and similar research trends? * What is the most likely future of microelectronics in the near and long term? In this compilation of original research, contributors from academia, government, and industry provide assessments of important new ideas and approaches. The result is a lively, intelligent presentation of diverse points of view that should be required reading for professionals and students in both the microelectronic industry and academia.
Qué es el Derecho
Sergio Cotta fue catedrático de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad de La Sepianza (Roma) y presidente de la Unión Internacional de Juristas Católicos. Miembro de la Academia de la Ciencias (Turin), fue condecorado con la Medalla de Oro de la Cultura y el Arte, la Gran medalla oficial de la Gran Cruz de la Cruz de la Orden de san Silvestre. Fue autor de numerosas publicaciones.
La lectora de Bécquer
Entre los majestuosos edificios de Segovia y los melancólicos versos de Bécquer, las vidas de la dulce Ana, el ambicioso Alvarito y el valiente Mateo se entrelazan en una historia donde el poder del destino se mezcla con el intenso magnetismo de la ciudad.La epidemia de cólera de finales del XIX ha dejado a Ana huérfana de madre, a lo que se sumará, años después, la ausencia de su padre, militar de la Academia de Artillería, que ha sido destinado a Cuba.Mateo Garrido es amigo de Ana desde niño, pues sus padres fueron cadetes a la vez en la Academia, y decide estudiar la carrera militar en la ciudad castellana siguiendo la estela familiar.Los Martínez han progresado mucho desde que eran suministradores de capotes para el Ejército. Ahora nadan en dinero, pero este no les da la consideración social que ansía Ramona. Para ello planea emparentar con algún militar y pone sus ojos en Ana como esposa para su hijo Alvarito.La lectora de Bécquer es el retrato de una ciu
Dulce pesadilla Calder Academy 1 Edición deluxe limitada
La nueva serie de Tracy Wolff, autora de la Serie Crave. Vuelve a su icónico universo en una nueva escuela con nuevos dramas, nuevos estudiantes, nuevos peligros y la misma obsesión.La Rosalía de la literatura fantástica se llama Tracy Wolff. WomenNowNo te pierdas la edición deluxe limitada, con tapa dura y tacos tintados.La mayoría de las escuelas ansían ser las mejores, pero, esta escuela? Esta ansía ser la peor. La Academia Calder es el lugar al que van los paranormales rebeldes, los que rompen las reglas o pierden el control. Y cuando se llena de vampiros, hombres lobo, brujas y faes, se vuelve bastante aterradora.Yo lo sé mejor que nadie. Porque estoy atrapada aquí.Toda chica de diecisiete años piensa que su madre es una tirana. Pero resulta que la mía dirige la Academia Calder, cosa que me ha convertido en una gran diana. La única manera que tengo de conseguir sobrevivir en estos oscuros pasillos es evitando las cosas (y los niños) que aparecen
American Psychological Association The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide
This new and expanded volume of The Compleat Academic is filled with practical and valuable advice to help new academics set the best course for a lasting and vibrant career. A new career in academia can be a challenge. While academia's formal rules are published in faculty handbooks, its implicit rules are often difficult to discern. This volume guides readers through academia's informal rules and describes the problems beginning social scientists will face. With humor and insight, leading academics share the lessons they have learned through their own hard experience. Individual chapters present the ins and outs of the hiring process; the advantages of a postdoctoral fellowship; expert strategies for managing a teaching load; insider and applicant advice for winning a research grant; detailed instructions for writing and publishing a journal article; and a straightforward explanation about intellectual property issues. The book also addresses the latter stages of a career. It offers thoughtful suggestions for keeping one's career dynamic. Chapters that provide specific information for minorities, women, and clinical psychologists are also included. The volume even presents options for working outside of academia.
Una psicoterapia espiritual
Una propuesta para espiritualizar la psicología y trabajar con lo sagrado en las relaciones, el amor, el sexo y los ciclos de la vida y la muerte.He aquí un libro sobre lo espiritual en lo psicológico y lo psicológico en lo espiritual. Una integración que recupera lo que nunca debió perderse en terapia: el ingrediente espontáneo de lo sagrado, la capacidad de sentirse humilde ante aquello que se reconoce como más grande que uno mismo. El autor es partidario de llamar a las cosas por su nombre: si la Academia rechaza la palabra ?espiritual? por inasible, es un problema de la Academia, no del espíritu. O, como apunta Francisco Peñarrubia en su prólogo, no es necesario que la psicología (la ?ciencia del alma?) renuncie al alma para hacerse un lugar entre las ciencias.Una psicoterapia espiritual es, hasta la fecha, el libro más ambicioso y profundo de Albert Rams, pionero de la gestalt en España. Sus páginas ofrecen un claro enfoque clínico para dar y tomar este tipo de terapia, con
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluorinated Heterocyclic Compounds: Synthesis, Chemistry, and Applications
A thorough survey of synthetic methods, chemistry, and applications of major classes of fluorinated heterocycles Merging organic, heterocyclic, and fluoroorganic chemistry, fluorinated heterocyclic compounds have distinctively desirable properties suitable for use in pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals, especially their ability to penetrate the cell membrane barrier for drug absorption. Offering a needed overview of this relatively new addition to the heterocyclic family, this essential reference provides the latest state-of-the-art information on key application areas within fluorine chemistry. With contributions from experts from both industry and academia, the book covers the chemistry, synthesis, and applications of fluorinated heterocycles with chapters on: Three-, four-, five-, six-, and seven-membered fluorine-containing heterocycles Fluorinated nucleosides Fluorointermediates Applications of fluorinated heterocycles in agricultural products Pharmaceuticals containing fluorinated heterocycles Technical applications of fluorinated heterocycles Written by a team of world-recognized experts in the area of organic and industrial chemistry of fluorine, Fluorinated Heterocyclic Compounds: Synthesis, Chemistry, and Applications will prove valuable to both students and researchers from academia and industry seeking further knowledge of the synthetic methods, chemistry, and applications of major classes of fluorinated heterocycles.
Los cisnes negros
ROLANDO KATTAN (Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 1979) es poeta, bibliófilo, editor y gestor cultural. Es miembro correspondiente de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua y miembro de número de la Academia Hondureña de la Lengua. Entre sus títulos destacan Animal no identificado (2013), El árbol de la piña (2016), Acto textual (2016), Luciérnaga de otoño (2018) y Un país en la fronda (2018). Ha sido traducido a una decena de idiomas.Rolando Kattan es el viajero que, en realidad, es poeta siempre y en todo lugar, un poeta cuya palabra puede ser apasionada y, a veces, cruel, de tan dura, como en estos versos que hablan de la ciudad y sus viejos restos de raíles o rieles: Es mentira que todo nos transporte a la muerte. / Como muda la ciudad su suelo de tranvías, / emergen los revenos de esos fierros viejos. De forma silenciosa y modesta, pero imparable, la poesía no lo ha abandonado nunca y el XX Premio Casa de América de Poesía Americana hoy reconoce la fuerza de sus versos. JOAN MARGARIT
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd How to Fast-Track Your Academic Career: A Guide for Mid-Career Scholars
This insightful book considers the challenges faced by researchers pursuing an academic career. From applying for grants to supervising PhD students, it utilises practical research and real experiences to illustrate how marketing scholars can strike a healthy working balance between teaching and research to find success in academia.Experienced scholars outline the key stages towards building an effective and varied academic portfolio, incorporating pragmatic insights into generating ideas, building research groups, and drafting funding applications. The book describes the processes involved in both collaborating with peers and engaging with research students, paying close attention to the ways in which scholars translate research into teaching. Offering crucial advice based on practical knowledge, the book guides early- to mid-career scholars to publication success and highlights the most effective ways to maintain relevance, impact and societal value throughout one’s career.Providing a holistic view of research culture, this cutting-edge book is critical reading for early- to mid-career scholars. The book will also be useful for recent graduates planning their careers in academia.
Princeton University Press The Dean of Shandong: Confessions of a Minor Bureaucrat at a Chinese University
An inside view of Chinese academia and what it reveals about China’s political systemOn January 1, 2017, Daniel Bell was appointed dean of the School of Political Science and Public Administration at Shandong University—the first foreign dean of a political science faculty in mainland China’s history. In The Dean of Shandong, Bell chronicles his experiences as what he calls “a minor bureaucrat,” offering an inside account of the workings of Chinese academia and what they reveal about China’s political system. It wasn’t all smooth sailing—Bell wryly recounts sporadic bungles and misunderstandings—but Bell’s post as dean provides a unique vantage point on China today.Bell, neither a Chinese citizen nor a member of the Chinese Communist Party, was appointed as dean because of his scholarly work on Confucianism—but soon found himself coping with a variety of issues having little to do with scholarship or Confucius. These include the importance of hair color and the prevalence of hair-dyeing among university administrators, both male and female; Shandong’s drinking culture, with endless toasts at every shared meal; and some unintended consequences of an intensely competitive academic meritocracy. As dean, he also confronts weightier matters: the role at the university of the Party secretary, the national anticorruption campaign and its effect on academia (Bell asks provocatively, “What’s wrong with corruption?”), and formal and informal modes of censorship. Considering both the revival of Confucianism in China over the last three decades and what he calls “the Communist comeback” since 2008, Bell predicts that China’s political future is likely to be determined by both Confucianism and Communism.
Sobre la violencia ESENCIALES
La academia también cuenta con sus propias estrellas del rock y Slavoj iek es una de las más brillantes y rebeldes. Firme luchador contra el sistema, el icónico filósofo muestra en estas implacables reflexiones cómo la violencia está presente en todas partes y cómo, en demasiadas ocasiones, no somos capaces de discernir entre la violencia subjetiva la más visible y la objetiva la invisible, inherente al estado normal de las cosas.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Recent Advances in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy Technologies: Proceedings from ICoFT 2020
This book comprises the proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy 2020. The contents of this volume focus on recent technological advances in the field of manufacturing, automation, design and energy. Some of the topics covered include additive manufacturing, renewable energy resources, design automation, process automation and monitoring, etc. This volume will prove a valuable resource for those in academia and industry.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Environmental Impact of Polymers
This text addresses the common negative perception of polymer materials on the environment with a thorough analysis of what really occurs when industry and academia collaborate to find environmental solutions. The book examines the environmental and social effects of polymer materials and explains methods of quantifying environmental performance. With an emphasis on the importance of education, the authors stress the importance of awareness and activity in negating polymers' environmental impact.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nanocomposite Materials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications
This book provides a comprehensive collection of the latest information on nanomaterials and nanocomposites. It covers material synthesis, processing, structure characterization, properties and applications. It presents a coherent treatment of how composite properties depend on nanostructure, and covers cutting-edge topics like bionanocomposites for sustainable development. This book summarizes many developments in the field making it an ideal resource for researchers from industry, academia, government and private research institutions.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Electron Transfer: Mechanisms and Applications
Written by one of the top scientists in this field, this is a systematic overview of the fundamental concepts and powerful applications. The author presents the central theories and mechanisms in electron transfer, followed by several systems in nature where this is important, while also covering modern green applications. An invaluable resource for graduate students and researchers working in this field in academia and industry.
El Arte y la Moral
En este Discurso de ingreso en la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas, al que acompaña un certero estudio introductorio del profesor López Quintás, se nos hace presente el mejor Maeztu: el defensor del espíritu y del amor a la suma belleza, el promotor del fecundo concepto de la Hispanidad, el hombre de recias convicciones, cuya figura resalta en una época especialmente convulsa. 10
Nightboat Books Proxies: Essays Near Knowing
Past compunction, expressly unbeholden, these twenty-four single-subject essays train focus on a startling miscellany of topics —Foot Washing, Dossiers, Br’er Rabbit, Housesitting, Man Roulette, the Locus Amoenus—that begin to unpack the essayist himself and his life’s rotating concerns: sex and sexuality, poetry and poetics, subject positions in American labor (not excluding academia), and his upbringing in working-class, Primitive Baptist, central-piedmont North Carolina.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Intelligent Sustainable Systems: Proceedings of ICISS 2022
This book features research papers presented at the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS 2022), held at SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India, during February 17–18, 2022. The book discusses latest research works that discusses the tools, methodologies, practices, and applications of sustainable systems and computational intelligence methodologies. The book is beneficial for readers from both academia and industry.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Intelligent Sustainable Systems: Proceedings of ICISS 2021
This book features research papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS 2021), held at SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India, during February 26–27, 2021. The book discusses the latest research works that discuss the tools, methodologies, practices, and applications of sustainable systems and computational intelligence methodologies. The book is beneficial for readers from both academia and industry.
Mareas Curiosas
Puede que Emory estudie en la prestigiosa Academia Aldryn de Magia Lunar, pero sus habilidades curativas siempre han sido mediocres? Hasta que una noche, en las cuevas marinas de Dovermere, un grupo de alumnos muere y ella es la u?nica superviviente. A partir de entonces, Emory comienza a desarrollar unos extraños poderes que ningu?n sanador deberi?a poseer.Poderes que arruinari?an su vida si la persona equivocada los descubriera.Para hacerse con el control de estas nuevas habilidades, Emory solicita la ayuda del estudiante ma?s solitario de la academia, Baz, un chico que conoce bien la magia oscura, y cuya hermana, que era también la mejor amiga de Emory, falleció en las cuevas.Decidida a desvelar la verdad detra?s de los ahogamientos, Emory ya no sabe qué pensar cuando los estudiantes supuestamente ahogados comienzan a aparecer en la orilla, vivos. Y, poco después, cada uno de ellos muere de forma horrible. Muertes ma?gicas.Y Emory no es la u?nica que busca respuestas. Cu
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Food Industry R&D: A New Approach
Research and development represents a vast spread of topics and can be an arena for controversy. In academia, such controversy may stem from conflicting interpretations of data and subsequent conclusions, the question of who was first to discover a particular finding and whether or not the said finding is of any value to the scientific community. R&D in corporate environments is mostly defined and driven by costs and clearly identified, consumer-focused targets. There is, however, common ground between these two approaches as both strive to maximize knowledge, though for different reasons and in differnt ways. The equipment and scientific rigor may be similar or identical, however their usage, approach and interpretation are different. This book discusses the history and background of today's food industry R&D as seen by consumers, academia and the industry itself, with several chapters dedicated to new and disruptive approaches. A must-read for all professionals in the packaged goods industry as well as students who aspire to contribute to this new industry, forcefully driven by R&D.
Royal Society of Chemistry High Throughput Screening Methods: Evolution and Refinement
High throughput screening remains a key part of early stage drug and tool compound discovery, and methods and technologies have seen many fundamental improvements and innovations over the past 20 years. This comprehensive book provides a historical survey of the field up to the current state-of-the-art. In addition to the specific methods, this book also considers cultural and organizational questions that represent opportunities for future success. Following thought-provoking foreword and introduction from Professor Stuart Schreiber and the editors, chapters from leading experts across academia and industry cover initial considerations for screening, methods appropriate for different goals in small molecule discovery, newer technologies that provide alternative approaches to traditional miniaturization procedures, and practical aspects such as cost and resourcing. Within the context of their historical development, authors explain common pitfalls and their solutions. This book will serve as both a practical reference and a thoughtful guide to the philosophy underlying technological change in such a fast-moving area for postgraduates and researchers in academia and industry, particularly in the areas of chemical biology, pharmacology, structural biology and assay development.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Intelligent Systems and Applications: Select Proceedings of ICISA 2022
This book comprises the proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ICISA 2022). The contents of this volume focus on novel and modified artificial intelligence and machine learning-based methods and their applications in robotics, pharmaceutics, banking & finance, agriculture, food processing, crime prevention, smart homes, transportation, traffic control, and wildlife conservation, etc. This volume will prove a valuable resource for those in academia and industry.
The Emma Press Europe, Love Me Back
Europe, Love Me Back is a collection of relentlessly questing, sharply satirical poems about the continent, and the poet’s fraught relationship with it. Hurting yet clear-eyed, Rizwan explores and exposes what it means to be a small brown woman in Dutch suburbs, hospitals and academia. This is an angry love letter, to a place left behind yet always there, continuing to matter and hurt and shape the poet’s identity.
Un eslabón recuperado de la lexicografía española
Quienes el verano de 1713 se reunieron en torno a don Juan Manuel Fernández Pacheco, marqués de Villena, y se constituyeron en Academia, lo hicieron con el firme propósito de componer un Diccionario de la lengua, el más copioso que pudiere hacerse. Su primer tomo vio la luz en 1726 y, al cabo de trece años, se culminó, con el sexto, el que más adelante se conocería como Diccionario de autoridades, una obra de una extraordinaria calidad científica que puso la lexicografía española a la cabeza de los primeros grandes diccionarios modernos de la Europa del siglo XVIII. Pese a que la Academia abrazó la idea de hacer una segunda edición de Autoridades ?y llegó a publicar un primer tomo (1770)?, en 1777 surgió un nuevo proyecto lexicográfico: elaborar un compendio, un diccionario más manejable y barato, en un solo tomo, que satisficiera la demanda del público. En 1780 se publicó el Diccionario de la lengua castellana reducido a un tomo para su más fácil uso, una obra que con el paso del tiem
John Wiley & Sons Inc Protein and Peptide Mass Spectrometry in Drug Discovery
The book that highlights mass spectrometry and its application in characterizing proteins and peptides in drug discovery An instrumental analytical method for quantifying the mass and characterization of various samples from small molecules to large proteins, mass spectrometry (MS) has become one of the most widely used techniques for studying proteins and peptides over the last decade. Bringing together the work of experts in academia and industry, Protein and Peptide Mass Spectrometry in Drug Discovery highlights current analytical approaches, industry practices, and modern strategies for the characterization of both peptides and proteins in drug discovery. Illustrating the critical role MS technology plays in characterizing target proteins and protein products, the methods used, ion mobility, and the use of microwave radiation to speed proteolysis, the book also covers important emerging applications for neuroproteomics and antigenic peptides. Placing an emphasis on the pharmaceutical industry, the book stresses practice and applications, presenting real-world examples covering the most recent advances in mass spectrometry, and providing an invaluable resource for pharmaceutical scientists in industry and academia, analytical and bioanalytical chemists, and researchers in protein science and proteomics.
Temple University Press,U.S. Uncertainties Of Knowledge
The Uncertainties of Knowledge extends Immanuel Wallerstein's decade-long work of elucidating the crisis of knowledge in current intellectual thought. He argues that the disciplinary divisions of academia have trapped us in a paradigm that assumes knowledge is a certainty and that it can help us explain the social world. This is wrong, he suggests. Instead, Wallerstein offers a new conception of the social sciences, one whose methodology allows for uncertainties.
Vintage Publishing The British Museum Is Falling Down
The British Museum is Falling Down is a brilliant comic satire of academia, religion and human entanglements. First published in 1965, it tells the story of hapless, scooter-riding young research student Adam Appleby, who is trying to write his thesis but is constantly distracted - not least by the fact that, as Catholics in the 1960s, he and his wife must rely on 'Vatican roulette' to avoid a fourth child.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 109
The 109th volume in this series for organic chemists in academia and industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular steps of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure and the selection of experimental techniques. The work includes tables that contain all possible examples of the reaction under consideration. Detailed procedures illustrate the significant modifications of each method.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 104
The 104th volume in this series for organic chemists in academia and industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure and the selection of experimental techniques. The work includes tables that contain all possible examples of the reaction under consideration. Detailed procedures illustrate the significant modifications of each method.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 101
The 101st volume in this series for organic chemists in academia and industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure and the selection of experimental techniques. The work includes tables that contain all possible examples of the reaction under consideration. Detailed procedures illustrate the significant modifications of each method.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Research: A Handbook for Managers and Researchers
The editors have updated and revised this edition and added 12 new authors to their distinguished list of contributors from academia and industry. Contains the latest research methodologies, statistics and techniques relevant to tourism and hospitality. Includes additional material regarding the airline industry, supporting disciplines in the social sciences and environmental issues. Reflects the increasing emphasis on globalization focusing more extensively on the area of research which seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of tourism advertising.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites, 5 Volume Set
Written by prominent international experts from industry and academia, the Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites, Second Edition presents over 260 new and revised articles addressing the new technological advances in properties, processing, formulation, design, analysis, evaluation, manufacture, testing, and reliability of composites. The entire range of industrial applications of composites is covered. The Encyclopedia is an invaluable resource for researchers in both library and professional settings and provides information about composite materials and related processing technologies.
Central European University Press Turning Traditions Upside Down: Rethinking Giordano Bruno's Enlightenment
Some of the world's most eminent researchers on Bruno offer an exhaustive overview of the state-of-theart research on his work, discussing Bruno's methodological procedures, his epistemic and literary practices, his natural philosophy, or his role as theologian and metaphysic at the cutting-edge of their disciplines. Short texts by Bruno illustrate the reasoning of the contributions. The book also reflects aspects of Bruno's reception in the past and today, inside and outside academia.