Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Many Faces Of Multi-Level Issues
This title is part of a series that aims to present timely, scholarly work on multiple levels of analysis, multi-level theory, research, and methods. The focus is on 'critical essays', theoretical work, empirical studies, methodological developments, analytical techniques, and philosophical treatments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Minding the Time in Family Experience: Emerging Perspectives and Issues
We are directed to "mind the time" on occasions when diligence to the clock is important. However, to deliberately invoke "mind your time" is to remember how quickly time, and the clock which serves as its agent, can so quickly recede into the mundane and taken for granted parts of our lives. The experience of time in families can both permeate all activities but nevertheless be hidden. The papers in this volume, representing a range of disciplines (history, sociology, psychology, family therapy, leisure studies, family science) intentionally foreground the way that time shapes everyday family worlds. Each chapter offers different insights into the way that we conceptualize time including analyses of pace, rhythm, negotiation, politics, timetables, schedules, social interaction and support. The meaning of time is illustrated through analyses of a variety of family issues including father involvement, infertility, work and family, mothering and care work, housework, family time, single parent families, family life education and gender.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research
This volume launches a series that will focus on providing chapters that advance our understanding of human performance in organizational systems as cognitive engineering principles are applied. Topics addressed in this volume include: a historical review of a cognitive engineering research at a national laboratory; an adaptive learning system approach to designing an integrated-embedded training system; application of PRONET, a method that provides a useful representation of sequences of behaviour in a human-machine interaction; application of CTA, a method to explain the mental processes involved in performing a task; application of human performance modelling technologies in system design and evaluation; a review of training critical thinking skills that individuals and teams require in changing environments; a review of commercial simulations for team research; and research paradigms for human performance research in complex systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond Results: Accountability, Discretion and Performance Budget Reform
The reporting of performance measures and standards in budgeting is expected to strengthen the accountability of results, at the same time lessening the need for compliance with burdensome rules and regulations. Reduction in rules and red tape is anticipated to provide greater discretion, allowing administrators to better utilize their expertise in budget decisions. However, does this in fact happen? Is there is evidence that performance budget reform increases administrative discretion? This book examines that question by testing the fit between reform expectations and reform outcomes as viewed by practitioners. It argues that performance budget reform will not realize change as predicted by its advocates, because this theory of reform does not sufficiently consider the organizational realities of public administrators today; that is, an environment characterized by multiple and often conflicting accountability claims.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Financial Economics
Advances in Financial Economics publishes peer reviewed quality manuscripts on any aspects of financial economics including corporate finance, financial institutions and markets and microeconomics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Restructuring Asian Economies for the New Millennium
The Asian economic crisis and future development is a popular subject among academics and policy-makers worldwide. Several countries in Asia came to face severe economic recession in the wake of their financial and foreign exchange crisis which began in 1997. The recession was deep and the challenges for managers of respective economies for an optimum specification of monetary and fiscal policy guidelines became all too great. Many came to wonder whether the so-called 'Asian Miracle' all of a sudden became a part of history. If so, how will Asia recover from the crisis and experience high growth and continuing development as in the past quarter of the century? Can such a crisis be forewarned? Which development paths should Asia seek so that the crisis will not be repeated in the future? In other words, the challenge is to formulate rational economic policies for Asia's newly industrialized/industrializing economies so that their industrialization and development can sustainably progress as Asia enters the Twenty-First Century. The book addresses the above issues by covering many topics including financial meltdown and industrial development, money and financial markets, exchange rates, capital flows, economic reforms, human capital development, impact of the financial crisis on growth and poverty incidence, as well as other development problems in Asia-Pacific countries. The subject of this book should be of great interest to scholars, policy makers and the general public who follow economic developments in Asia. It will contribute to a broader perspective and at the same time, a deeper understanding of the subject.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Experimental Economics
Volume 8 of "Research in Experimental Economics" provides a forum for papers incorporating laboratory experimental economics. These specifically include interdisciplinary papers, papers that report experimental design innovations and papers that report detailed data. The paper by Isaac, Walker and Williams is an example. It discusses the design of instructional experiments in such areas as monopoly, asset trading double auctions, and public goods. The paper also examines practical issues of using laboratory experiments as a teaching tool. Four papers report on public goods research. Krishnamurthy, motivated by research questions in Marketing, examines the role of non-binding, face-to-face communication in public goods environments with and without provision points. Chewning, Coller, and Laury incorporate a natural modification of previous provision-point environments, namely, multiple provision points in which additional amounts of the public good will be provided at increasing threshold steps. The paper by Packard, Isaac, and Bial extends research on the marginal per capita return effect (broken down between the MPCR affecting own payoff and affecting others). This paper takes that distinction to a boundary in which the public good provides no marginal per capita return to the contributor. The paper by Croson examines, in the light of the literature on team production, the effect in a public goods environment of different levels of feedback on others' contributions. In one treatment, individuals know only the aggregate contributions of others, while in the other treatment they had information on individual decisions. The paper by Kelly extends existing research regarding single sellers by providing for multiproduct monopolists. It is not merely the addition of additional products that distinguishes this paper, but also the fact that monopolists have a bundling decision to make. This volume concludes with two papers that use controlled experiments for testing policy-relevant allocation mechanisms. Elliott, Kruse, Schulze, and Ben-David examine four mechanisms for the rationing of productive inputs that are subject to supply shocks. Electricity markets are one obvious motivation, but certainly not the only one. Ishikida, Ledyard, Olson, and Porter present experimental "testbedding" research on the California RECLAIM emissions permit market.
Emerald Publishing Limited Worker Well-Being
How do technology, public works projects, mental health, race, gender, mobility, retirement benefits, and macroeconomic policies affect worker well-being? This volume contains fourteen original chapters utilizing the latest econometric techniques to answer this question. The findings include the following: technology gains explain over half the decline in U.S. unemployment and over two-thirds the reduction in U.S. inflation; universal health coverage would reduce U.S. labor force participation by 3.3 per cent; blacks respond to regional rather than national changes in schooling rates of return, perhaps implying a more local labor market for blacks than whites; employee motivation enhances labor force participation, on-the-job training, job satisfaction and earnings; male and female promotion and quit rates are comparable once one controls for individual and job characteristics; public works programs designed to increase a worker's skills do not always increase reemployment; and, U.S. pension wealth increased about 20 per cent - 25 per cent over the last two decades.
Emerald Publishing Limited Asian Financial Crisis: Financial, Structural and International Dimensions
This edited volume is a collection of original theoretical, empirical, institutional or policy-oriented articles on all dimensions of the Asian financial crisis. A unique feature of this book is its multi-faceted, yet in-depth articles on various dimensions of the Asian financial crisis written by policy-makers and practitioners as well as scholars around the world. It includes financial, structural, cultural, and international dimensions of the Asian financial crisis regarding its causes, consequences, policies, and lessons. As such, it offers an excellent one-stop collection of in-depth research articles on the topic. The book includes nineteen articles on the overview of the crisis, international capital flows and crisis, reform in financial and industrial sectors, and cultural and post-crisis opportunities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economics Meets Sociology in Strategic Management
The last several years has witnessed a growing interaction between economists and sociologists engaged in the study of organizations' strategies. Economists and sociologists can gain real insight from these interactions. To date, however, these interactions have been to ad hoc and unfocused to bear any real fruit. This volume moves the discussion to the next level by focusing the discussion, and taking a step toward systematizing some of the relationships between economic and sociological approaches to strategic management. To accomplish this, the volume reprints four 'matched pairs' of influential articles on firms' strategies in economic sociology and strategic management and use these articles to frame a conversation between the articles' pioneering authors and other prominent researchers in strategic management and sociology working on closely-related research problems. Each pair of articles followed by provocative essays - inspired by the pairing - written by the articles' original authors. Two contextualizing commentaries penned by influential strategy and organizations researchers - one grounded in strategic management and one in economic sociology - extend each conversation. A reflective reply from the articles' authors concludes the conversation - for now. A framing introduction and concluding epilogue, written by volume editors Joel Baum and Frank Dobbin, set the stage both for the volume and for future conversations between the disciplines in strategic management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research promotes research across all areas of accounting, incorporating theory from, and contributing knowledge to, the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, ethics and economics. Focusing on research that examines both individual and organizational behavior relative to accounting, the series provides a unique opportunity for the exchange of peer reviewed knowledge across all areas of accounting behavioral research and the development, discussion and expansion of theories from psychology, sociology and related disciplines. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research encourages research that tests theory, explains theory, and develops theory that can be applied to better understand accounting domains. Accordingly, reviews of established theory and how that theory has and could be used in accounting are also strongly encouraged. Coverage includes, but is not restricted to: Individual judgement/decision making Group decision making Organizational behaviour Inter-organizational relationships Technology integration Strategic management/organizational theory Theory development Theory review
Emerald Publishing Limited Getting Better at Sensemaking
This work's 16 contributions fill the mind with knowledge, skills, and insights useful for improving the executive's ability to do what needs to be done: scan environments better to find the weak signals on breakthrough technologies; shifts in customers' attitudes and behaviors; changes in behaviors of suppliers, governments, and other stakeholder groups; frame problems/opportunities better by deepening understanding on how we go about making sense of what is happening and can be made to happen; deciding better by gaining deep knowledge on how decisions are actually made and can be improved (e.g., via systems thinking and simulating system operations to uncover powerful levers previously unrecognized); and, doing better by applying new tools to learn what is really happening when planned strategies are converted into realized strategies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic Anthropology
This volume contains 11 papers covering: Women as Artisans from Colombia and the Phillippines; Money and Witchcraft from Niger and Tanzania; Resistance to Economic Development for Canada, Mexico and the US; Changing Rural Economies from Guatemala and Kenya; and Ethnoarchaeological Studies with the topics of ceramics in Peru and state origins on Bali.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics and Society
DESCRIPTION: This volume of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary and international group of scholars. Their work spans the social sciences, humanities, and law. It examines new perspectives on the relationship of law and values and race and the law. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship. TABLE OF CONTENTS: List of contributors; Law and Values: Interpretive freedom and divine law: early rabbinic renderings of divine justice (C. Halberstam); Rawls' law of peoples: an expansion of the prioritization of political over religious values (E. Carpenter); Post modernity and the fading of individual responsibility (J. Krapp); Race in Law; Passing phantasms/sanctioning perfomativities: (re)reading white masculinity in Rhinelander v. Rhine lander (N. Hers); Tortious race, race torts: hate speech, intentional infliction, and the problem of harm (P.L. Rivers); Before or against the law? Citizens' legal beliefs and experiences as death penalty jurors (B. Steiner).
Emerald Publishing Limited Explorations in Methodology
The series as a whole recognises that the nature of ethnography is contested, and takes this to be a sign of its strength and vitality. This second volume in the series focuses on debates and developments in methodology and the many ways in which ethnographic work interacts with education. The contributions to this volume are diverse and challenging. They indicate that ethnography is a rich field that has much to offer the study of education. Particular chapters are concerned with access to research sites, critical ethnography, text construction, dilemmas of researching different ethnic groups and or researching children, the influence of the researcher, writing ethnography, ethno-drama, and the concept of triangulation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Immigration, Citizenship and the Welfare State in Germany and the United States: Immigrant Incorporation
In this timely collection of essays, leading American and German scholars analyse immigrant incorporation into the welfare state from a comparative economic, social, and political viewpoint by applying data from the 1980s and 1990s. New insights are revealed into how ethnic stratification and socioeconomic integration is promoted by specific programs and other institutionalized policies in education, labour markets, and welfare. This volume will be an important resource not only to scholars and students in economics and the social and political sciences, but also for professionals in education, social work, journalism, politics, and community groups.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accountability: Regulation, Research, Gender and Justice
This eighth volume in the series deals with a variety of topics in the field of advances in public interest accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership: The Multiple-Level Approach: Contemporary and Alternative
Part B includes the 'contemporary' and 'alternative' approaches to leadership. The contemporary approaches have a more explicit focus on both the leaders and the development of their followers; the three papers in this area demonstrate this subtle shift, covering the nature of charisma, transformational leadership and leader-member exchange. The alternative approaches seem to take a different tack, but demonstrate a blurring of distinctions between approaches. When levels of analysis are taken seriously, narrow approaches that previously focused solely on followers become broader by including leaders and their linkages with followers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current topics in management
This is the third volume in a series which targets the tests of the global applicability of existing managerial theory and experience. It examines: issues in organizational behavior; strategy, culture and effectiveness; managing health care; human resource management; and managing across cultures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multicultural Education for Learners with Exceptionalities
This volume is devoted to examining multicultural perspectives in special education. It tackles demographic challenges in today's classrooms, schools, and communities that general and special educators must be aware of, by presenting information on multidimensional methods for dealing with those students who look, talk, behave and learn differently. Chapter authors provide innovative ideas for educators willing to shift their identification, assessment, placement, and instructional paradigms to better serve multicultural learners with exceptionalities.
Emerald Publishing Limited AIDS Research AIDS Policy: Compelling Paradigms of Science and Public Policy
This serial publication focuses more on theoretical than practical analyses. It encourages historical as well as contemporary cases of social policy development and implementation, and also stresses unconventional interpretations of social policies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Change: Exploring State of the Art
This is the 22nd volume in a series of monographs whose main topic of concern is that of organizational behaviour and industrial relations. This volume deals with managing changes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mind, Brains, and Society: Toward a Neurosociology of Emotions
This series aims to illustrate how social organization and private, emotional experience are different phases of the social process. It shows the steps by which emotional experience is shaped by social structural process and how these processes are changed by individuals' emotional experience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Messy Data: Missing Observations, Outliers, and Mixed-Frequency Data
Often applied econometricians are faced with working with data that is less than ideal. The data may be observed with gaps in it, a model may suggest variables that are observed at different frequencies, and sometimes econometric results are very fragile to the inclusion or omission of just a few observations in the sample. Papers in this volume discuss new econometric techniques for addressing these problems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Structures: A Network Approach
This study of social structures looks at the network approach. It contains non-technical articles that contrast structural analysis with other social scientific approaches. It deals with individual behaviour and identity and with neighbourhood and community ties. It examines the relationships within and between organizations, discussing how firms occupy strategically appropriate niches. It also explores the impact of the growth of the Internet, equating computer networks as social networks connecting people in virtual communities and collaborative work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leaving Religion and Religious Life: Patterns and Dynamics: Patterns and Dynamics
The internationally renowned group of contributors to this volume focus on the patterns and processes connected with leaving religion. The papers range from theoretical analyses of the dynamics underlying religious exiting to case studies examining specific instances of distancing from and departing from a religious lifestyle. "Leaving Religion and Religious Life" provides a much-needed investigation of the problem and its effect on formal religious institutions as well as the individuals who elect to dramatically alter their religious way of life.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Essays on Abortion and Bioethics
Anthologies on abortion and general medical ethics texts often seem to recycle the same old, but good, arguments. Can anything new be said about this sensitive and contentious topic? Contributors to this volume were invited to say something original, as well as something old, but essential about the factual, valuational, religious and metaphysical issues relevant to abortion, all of which are woven together so intricately into our diverse and seemingly irreconcilable world-views. Essays in this volume consider the conceptual links between views on abortion and foetal development, abortion procedures, religion, laws and public funding (or no funding) policies. Authors also defend well-defined and differentiated positions on abortion that can broadly be described as the Roman Catholic, the Conservative, the Moderate and the Liberal positions. "New Essays on Abortion and Bioethics" will provide readers with useful models of critical and rational thinking for addressing the topic of abortion. The essays will help to illuminate a subject about which there is often too much heat and too little light.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross-Cultural Case Study
This volume is one of a series of research annuals on qualitative research designed to take up issues and debates in this area that relate to methodology, the relationship between data collection and data analysis, the relationship between theory and method, and the implications of qualitative research for social policy and evaluation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Architecture, Digital Engineering, Environment and Heritage, Volume 4
The main construction of HS2, Britain’s new zero carbon, high-speed railway, began in September 2020, when delivery activity on Phase One moved from enabling works, scheme design and preparatory work to full construction of the railway. The new railway will link London and the West Midlands and eventually extend services to the North and Scotland. High-speed trains powered by zero carbon electricity will reach speeds of 225mph and transform journey times, while opening up capacity on the existing, conventional railway network. This volume of High Speed Two: Infrastructure Design and Construction from the HS2 Project, contains a collection of papers submitted to HS2 Ltd’s Technical Papers Competition. Contributions have come from consultants, contractors, suppliers and third-party stakeholders involved in the delivery of HS2. As part of HS2’s Learning Legacy programme, the organisation seeks to share its learnings and best practices with the rest of the industry throughout the project lifecycle. This volume includes high-quality papers on best practice in planning, design, construction and management for large-scale railway infrastructure projects. It is divided into three sections: design and architecture, digital engineering and environmental heritage.
Emerald Publishing Limited Africa: Civil Engineering Special Issue
Civil Engineering Special Issue: Africa focus on important civil engineering projects in Africa.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction Volume 6
The construction of the Crossrail project began at North Dock in Canary Wharf in May 2009. At the height of construction it was the biggest railway construction project in Europe and is one of the largest single infrastructure investments undertaken in the UK. It consists of 21 km of new twin-bore tunnels under central London and 10 new world-class stations across one of the largest cities in the world. Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction Volume 6 contains a collection of 22 papers submitted to the 2021 Crossrail’s Technical Papers Competition. Contributions have come from members of the Crossrail organisation, its consultants as well as contractors involved in design and construction across the Crossrail project. The papers cover a multitude of disciplines including tunnelling, geotechnical engineering, rail signalling and control, rail systems & integration, rail telecommunications, and electrical engineering. As part of the enduring legacy of the Crossrail project, it is incumbent upon the organisation to share its experiences and best practices with the rest of the industry, to showcase the skills of the personnel involved and the successful delivery of each phase of works. Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction Volume 6 offers more high-quality papers on the best practice in design and construction for large-scale underground projects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Climate Change Challenges: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This special issue of Civil Engineering is a showcase of research and case studies on what civil engineers can do to address climate-change risks, the challenges of assessing whole-life climate impacts and risks, and a look at new design approaches that enable projects to be both more sustainable and more resilient.
Emerald Publishing Limited Planning Resilient Infrastructure Systems 2021
Planning Resilient Infrastructure Systems is an essential guide for planning practitioners, providing tools and approaches needed for complex, changing and uncertain environments. This book takes a systems approach to infrastructure planning, focusing on delivering and sustaining the optimum outcome for society. It emphasises using evidence to understand the systems’ requirements in context, selecting the most appropriate risk-based tools for the situation, and a through-life view of purpose and value. Key features include: a systematic approach applicable across a range of infrastructure sectors evidence-based tools for mapping infrastructure dependencies, modelling hazard impacts, and assessment of mitigation and recovery options to manage systems risk a common set of planning considerations and performance metrics useful for a range of stakeholders extensive use of examples illustrating applications across a range of contexts Planning Resilient Infrastructure Systems provides the reader, whether they are an engineer, an urban planner, or a student, with an indispensable practical guide. It is focused on planning infrastructure for sustainability and resilience, explaining what needs to be done, when, and what is needed to achieve it.
Emerald Publishing Limited Self-Compacting Concrete
Self-Compacting Concrete (ICE Themes) provides information on the key research undertaken in developing this most logical and practical advancement in the field of concrete technology. Self-compacting concrete is commonly, highly flowable, with ability to negotiate through tight openings without blocking, while remaining homogeneous and stable in the fresh state. These characteristics have led to global research into self-compacting concrete that is demonstrated in this book. This volume reveals the wide range of materials that have been used in designing a self-compacting concrete mix including the use of common cements, fly ashes and nanoparticles, natural aggregates, lightweight aggregates and recycled and secondary aggregates amongst others. Self-Compacting Concrete (ICE Themes) includes coverage of history, development and overview designing self-compacting concrete influence from constituent materials fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting concrete use of self-compacting concrete in structural concrete handling of self-compacting concrete. This book has been compiled using the information published by ICE Publishing and highlights the research undertaken. It would make an ideal addition to any library as a resource for researchers seeking an overview of the latest work on this topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Major and Innovative Projects in China: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This special issue of the journal Civil Engineering covers major and innovative projects in China. Construction in mainland China has boomed over the last 30 years in line with rapid development of the national economy. Innovative design and delivery of structures and infrastructure is much in evidence, along with widespread application of advanced technology across all built-environment disciplines. The seven papers showcase a selection of recent construction projects and innovative construction techniques.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mentoring for Civil Engineers
Mentoring for Civil Engineers is a guide to planning and implementing the training of professional civil engineers. In an increasingly fast-moving industry, ensuring that engineers have the necessary skills, ability and commitment is key to success. Mentoring engineers is an important method to maintain performance in the workplace and this book offers practical guidance on how mentors can quickly motivate and inspire their trainees as they introduce them to the world of civil engineering and work towards their professional qualifications. It reveals hints and tips as well as best practice methods for supporting your trainee and for getting the best out of the mentor-trainee relationship. This book also offers guidance on: learning and development in organisations recruiting the right people best practice in mentoring the ICE training scheme the mechanics of the ICE's training scheme preparing a training scheme preparation for review monitoring progress Fully up to date with the ICE’s professional membership guidelines, this book is an essential purchase for those aspiring to be or who are Delegated Engineers, Mentors and Supervising Civil Engineers supporting the training of professional engineers.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Consulting Engineers
From the authors of the successful titles, The Civil Engineers and The Contractors, comes: The Consulting Engineers: The British consulting engineers who created the world’s infrastructure. This beautifully illustrated full colour book tells the fascinating story of British consulting engineers for the first time. From their early beginnings, through the establishment of the profession in the 18th century, the `Railway Age’ of the 1800s, their post-World War Two international boom and on to the recent commercialisation and consolidation of the industry. The authors, Hugh Ferguson and Mike Chrimes, bring their vast experience and expert subject knowledge to the book, tracking how an extraordinary group of engineers created the infrastructure of Britain, and of much of the rest of the world. The Consulting Engineers covers not just what consulting engineers do but also how their profession started and grew rapidly, and how the role has changed and continues to evolve. Take a look at Now published: The Consulting Engineers blog to learn what the authors have to say about their latest book. The co-authors also reveal what it takes to write a book, why they chose to work in civil engineering and more in their blog, A cup of tea with Hugh Ferguson and Mike Chrimes. Hear what Hugh Ferguson and Mike Chrimes have to say on: What led them to write the third book in the collection? What will practising engineers learn from this book? Who were the the most important consulting engineers? Why were consulting engineers so important to British infrastructure? What impact did consulting engineers have on the rest of the world? The Consulting Engineers is an ideal purchase for any engineer interested in the history of their industry. It will appeal to professional engineers, academics, students of engineering, historians and the wider public who are interested in the social and industrial history of Great Britain, and its influence throughout the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Wind Turbine Foundations
The ICE Themes series showcases cutting edge research and practical guidance in all branches of civil engineering. Each title focuses on a key issue or challenge in civil engineering, and includes research from the industry’s finest thinkers and influencers published through the ICE Publishing programme. Themes in the series include climate change resilience, advances in construction management, developments in renewable energy, and innovations in construction materials plus many more. Wind Turbine Foundations (ICE Themes) presents fourteen chapters covering the latest international research and case studies on offshore wind farm foundations. Chapters encompass field observations on sites in several countries as well as computational and laboratory studies. Ground conditions vary from soft clay to dense sand. Key features of this book include: broad coverage of the subject including monopile foundations, axial loaded piles and suction caissons international scope with authors from Australia, Ireland, Tanzania, Norway, Greece, China and the United Kingdom an overview of key issues. This book, which has been edited by two leading experts in the field is an ideal resource for engineers and researchers seeking an overview of the latest research in this exciting area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modelling Pedestrian Movement
Modelling Pedestrian Movement provides a detailed introduction to the principles and practices involved in simulating pedestrian and crowd flow patterns. The contents of the book include fundamental research on pedestrian movement; the theories, techniques and tools for pedestrian modelling, and a range of original case studies that illustrate how pedestrian modelling can facilitate design and safety decisions. Part I on data and techniques provides guidance on data collection, uses of both macroscopic and microscopic simulation model development, and approaches to analysis and interpretation of model outputs. The global case studies in Part 2 include examples of pedestrian modelling for complex buildings, major events, rail interchanges, airport terminals and public spaces. Modelling Pedestrian Movement: shows how pedestrian modelling can be used to validate design, reduce congestion, and facilitate successful operational planning of access, safety and security assumes no prior knowledge of pedestrian modelling or pedestrian dynamics includes 12 international case studies demonstrating a range of applications Modelling Pedestrian Movement is a unique indispensable guide for transport planners, modelling professionals, urban designers, architects, fire engineers, and students of these subject areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Physical Modelling for Urban Design and Architecture: A design practice tool
Physical models have been an essential design tool for architecture, building design and urban projects, aiding design development from conception to realisation. Despite digitalisation, physical modelling remains a vital design tool. In Physical Modelling for Architecture and Building Design, Olga Popovic Larsen explores the role of physical models in current design practice and how these roles have been affected by modern day digital tools. The book also presents different contexts in which physical models are relevant and explores how they are used in the design process by different professions through detailed case studies. The book covers a range of topics including, how physical models are used as a tool for: exploring and developing concepts representation and communication of designs structural testing and verification guiding assembly and construction processes creating a link between physical and digital environments Projects spanning different scales including material science, architecture, building design, structural engineering, environmental engineering aspects, as well as urban scale are also covered. This highly illustrated and practical reference book will be a perfect introduction to the types and uses of physical models. It will appeal to anyone studying or practising architecture, engineering or building design.
Emerald Publishing Limited BIM in Principle and in Practice
BIM in Principle and in Practice, now in its third edition, is an indispensable guide to BIM principles and techniques. It provides clear explanations of core concepts, and answers many of the common questions that are asked about BIM. In contrast to other narrowly focused guidance on BIM, this book offers a straightforward overview of BIM fundamentals in simple language, with clear explanations of how BIM is used at each stage of a construction project. Coverage includes: core concepts, benefits of using BIM, examples of BIM in practice, design liability and ownership, collaboration and contracts, and insurance. Thoroughly revised to include the latest BIM developments, this edition includes detailed coverage of current standards (BSI, PAS and ISO), new case studies, the UK Government’s 2016 Building Information Modelling mandate, consolidated recommendations of the EU BIM Task Group, future directions including consideration of potential changes to EU Procurement rules following Brexit, and an extensive guide to further resources and reading. BIM in Principle and in Practice will continue to be essential reading for civil engineers who require a firm grasp of how BIM is used and the benefits it can provide, and it is also ideal reading for students on courses covering BIM techniques.
Emerald Publishing Limited Empirical Structural Design for Architects, Engineers and Builders
Empirical Structural Design for Architects, Engineers and Builders provides an explanation of empirical design as a practical means of making preliminary structural design decisions. The descriptive text, tables and figures assist the reader in completing a building design on the basis of proven ratios, simple rules of thumb, standard practices and acceptable minimum sizes. Key feature of this book include • international appeal through the inclusion of metric and customary US units • reduction of preliminary structural decisions to simple rules • matching building programmes to appropriate structural types • simplified design rules that are easy to retain and easy to look up. Written to be accessible to all professionals in the building design and construction process, this book will be an essential read for students or practitioners who are at an early stage in their architectural or engineering careers. The book will also be valuable to participants in the building construction process, including engineers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Seismic Design of Foundations: Concepts and applications
With easy-to-understand explanations of the basic concepts, Seismic Design of Foundations examines recent and worldwide research outputs and post-earthquake reconnaissance case studies, and offers practical means of applying them to the real world. Each case study also provides worked examples of new and innovative findings that reveal background information behind the codes of practice in various parts of the world as well as the lessons learned from recent large-scale earthquakes. This book aims to explain the latest state-of-the-art research on seismic design of foundations and related issues breakdown and explain the codes of practice into easy-to-understand concepts showcase worked examples at the end of each chapter highlighting the concepts covered cover case studies from all over the world, including Japan, New Zealand, India and Taiwan amongst others. Seismic Design of Foundations presents state-of-the-art information which will be ideal for any student studying postgraduate civil engineering or structural engineering as well as researchers and practitioners working in the field of earthquake geotechnical engineering.
Emerald Publishing Limited Civil excavations and tunnelling - a practical guide
Civil Excavations and Tunnelling is a comprehensive guide to civil excavations at surface and subsurface levels with or without aid of explosives. It features descriptions of the latest methods, techniques, equipment, trends and practices, as well as guidance on safety and the environment. Civil Excavations and Tunnelling, Second edition: serves as a single point of extraction of multiple data for earthworks comprises numerous case studies to illustrate the challenges posed by different types of soil, as well as the pros and cons of different sets of equipment details the recent innovations in tunnel boring machines (TBMs), including crossover, variable density and multi-mode TBMs includes key points and learning questions that allow readers to test their knowledge highlights best practices, sustainability in operations, loss-prevention strategies, and occupational health, safety and environment issues Excavation is a multi-disciplined activity involving civil, construction and mining professionals, earth scientists and geologists. This book will appeal to practitioners, researchers and students in these disciplines. Ratan Tatiya is a consultant with over 40 years' experience in the areas of excavation, construction, mining and allied disciplines. He has held senior positions in the industry and Academia, and has been the recipient of a number of awards. Ratan is the author of over 70 technical journal articles and books.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transforming the Future of Infrastructure through Smarter Information: Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 27-29 June 2016
The International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction (ICSIC) brings together world-leading academics and practitioners from the fields of infrastructure planning, asset management and sensing. Transforming the Future of Infrastructure through Smarter Information covers a wide range of topics of relevance to smart infrastructure and construction, attracting papers from academics and professionals working to develop smart solutions for design, delivery, operation and management of major infrastructure assets. The papers published in the Proceedings reflect the themes of the conference, which include: sensors and data analysis asset management cities and urban infrastructure. Smart infrastructure and construction is an emerging field of great potential, and Transforming the Future of Infrastructure through Smarter Information will be of interest to practitioners, asset owners and operators, consultants, contractors and academics with an interest in the area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Saint Petersburg: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This special issue of Civil Engineering is the first about Russia and in particular a Russian city; not just any city but 'The Venice of the North' - Saint Petersburg. Of the six papers presented, five are from Russian authors generally from the Saint Petersburg State University (the first Russian university, founded in the early nineteenth century) and the sixth is from two British engineers. This issue covers the city's 300 year battle with flood waters and the development that has taken place, urban redevelopment strategies for five distinct types of historic urban area and the use of geographic information systems to model and improve the city's complex and continually developing road and rail network. It also addresses public-private partnerships, for example the Western High-Speed Diameter Highway (Saint Petersburg's ring road). The issue also looks at a new method for predicting frost heave on roads built with frost-susceptible materials, and the redevelopment of Pulkovo International airport.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Masterplanning: Creating quality places
Rethinking Masterplanning explores new holistic approaches to masterplanning that aim to address the unpredictable nature of development, and accommodate elements of change in a socio-demographic context. This book reviews the latest debates, research and practice and includes expanded discussions of key areas such as adaptive and synergistic masterplanning, collaboration and co-production in masterplanning, and typological and plot based masterplanning. Today’s complex systems of development require an integrated approach for dealing with changes in place to bring desired longer-term impacts and benefits, and become the basis of future professional development practice. Rethinking Masterplanning seeks to challenge conventional ideas, to reflect on the nature of the masterplanning process from visioning and collaboration to delivery and assessment, and to learn from practice around the globe. Contributions from leading theorists and practitioners explore: the experience of masterplanning in different contexts including the UK, Europe, Middle East, China and the USA to offer best practice guidance includes case studies and full colour illustrations help demonstrate the application of the concepts discussed the catalysts of change and renewal, and the global and local contexts and processes within which masterplanning as ‘placemaking’ occurs how higher quality development and quality places can be achieved through the use of masterplanning as a tool for collaboration and co-production with communities the traditional concept of masterplanning by both adapting it to the present and using it as a tool to benefit the future emerging placemaking practice and offers guidance on a more dynamic and resilient masterplanning process the role of sustainability assessment in the masterplanning process the challenge facing built environment professionals engaged in masterplanning and the call for a new professionalism Written in a clear and accessible matter, the approaches described throughout this book are relevant to all professionals and researchers involved in planning and designing the urban environment, such as urban planners, urbanists, urban designers, architects, policy makers, developers as well as local communities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Health and Safety: Questions and Answers, 2nd edition
The amount of knowledge required on the subject of health and safety is constantly growing as new and revised laws are implemented, best practice improves, guidance changes. The subject range of this book is therefore broad and each chapter deals with a specific health and safety topic, with a practical, no-nonsense approach.