Search results for ""Author Christo"
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Neologie in Jena: Johann Christoph Döderleins Wirken in Theologie und Universität
Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts erlebte die Universität in Jena eine Blütezeit, die in enger Verbindung zum nahegelegenen Weimar stand, dem Ort der sogenannten Weimarer Klassik. An dieser Aufbruchs- und Modernisierungsbewegung der Universität hatte die Theologische Fakultät Jenas durch die Etablierung der Aufklärungstheologie einen bedeutenden Anteil. Johanna Hilpert zeichnet diesen Wechsel von einer traditionell-lutherischen zu einer aufgeklärten Theologischen Fakultät nach. Exemplarisch untersucht sie diesen Prozess anhand des Theologen Johann Christoph Döderlein (1746-1792), der die Theologische Fakultät in Jena sowie die deutschsprachige Aufklärungstheologie mit seinem Wirken, seinen Schriften und seiner neologischen Theologie nachhaltig prägte, aber von der Forschung bislang zu wenig beachtet wurde. Insgesamt leistet diese Studie damit einen Beitrag zur Universitätsgeschichte Jenas sowie zur Theologie- und Gelehrtengeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts.
Universitatsverlag Winter Johann Christoph Gottscheds 'Versuch Einer Critischen Dichtkunst' Im Europaischen Kontext
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Zur Sprache befreit - Diakonische Christologie: Theologischer Umgang mit dem Leiden
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Reformation Heute: Band I: Protestantische Bildungsakzente. Hrsg. Von Christopher Spehr
Craven Street Books Prodigal Sons: The Violent History of Christopher Evans & John Sontag
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume 1: Charmed Life/The Lives of Christopher Chant
Cornell University Press Views of Seventeenth-Century Vietnam: Christoforo Borri on Cochinchina and Samuel Baron on Tonkin
This volume introduces two of the earliest writings about Vietnam to appear in the English language. The reports come from narrators with different interests who are viewing different parts of Vietnam at an early stage of European involvement in the region.
Send The Light The Virgin Birth of Christ
Too often the virgin birth of Christ serves merely as an evangelical shibboleth instead of a doctrine that affects our lives. The theological meaning of the virgin birth is rich in and of itself. The author argues that the doctrine has been too long ignored by the church. Collecting from disparate sources into one brief accessible volume, Richard Shenk encourages the church towards boldness, to understand the rich theological treasure that the virgin birth of Christ is for us, and to live out its significance in joy and practice.
Schmetterling Verlag GmbH Der Seelentrster Wie Christopher Clark die Deutschen von der Schuld am Ersten Weltkrieg erlst
Faber & Faber Christ Recrucified
The inhabitants of a Greek village, ruled by the Turks, plan to enact the life of Christ in a mystery play but are overwhelmed by their task. A group of refugees, fleeing from the ruins of their plundered homes, arrive asking for protection - and suddenly the drama of the Passion becomes reality.
Kerber Christof Verlag Hlderlins Orte Wanderausstellung Tbingen 2020
V&R unipress GmbH Jesus Tora: Christologie und Gesetz im Johannesevangelium vor dem Hintergrund antik-jüdischer Torametaphorik
IVP Academic Reading Mark`s Christology Under Caesar – Jesus the Messiah and Roman Imperial Ideology
ECW Press,Canada Death at Christy Burke's: A Mystery
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Arbeiten zur Pastoraltheologie, Liturgik und Hymnologie: Festschrift fÃ"r Christoph Morgenthaler zum 65. Geburtstag
This festschrift deals with a number of themes: dreams, systemic or specialised pastoral care, the psychology of religion and counseling. It picks up on the publications of Christoph Morgenthaler, one of the most important scholars in the field during his 25-year career.The various disciplines of theology are shaped by the ideas that dominate the respective era as well as by the personalities who propagate them. This festschrift is dedicated to the Swiss theologian and psychologist Christoph Morgenthaler and his achievements. Characteristic and typical for his works are the themes of dreams, systemic pastoral care, specialised pastoral care, the psychology of religion and counseling. The contributions are connected in one way or the other to the publications of Christoph Morgenthaler. They deal directly with his thoughts and use them as impulses for their own considerations.
Kerber Christof Verlag Zurück ins Licht
Kerber Christof Verlag Rosa M Hessling
University of Pennsylvania Press The Last Christology of the West: Adoptionism in Spain and Gaul, 785-82
This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from Penn Press's distinguished backlist from 1899-1999 that had fallen out of print. Spanning an entire century, the Anniversary Collection offers peer-reviewed scholarship in a wide range of subject areas.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Christosis: Pauline Soteriology in Light of Deification in Irenaeus and Cyril of Alexandria
With increasing interaction between Eastern and Western theologians, several recent biblical interpreters have characterised Paul's soteriology as theosis, or deification. In response to these affirmations, Ben C. Blackwell explores the anthropological dimension of Paul's soteriology to determine how helpful this characterisation is. Utilising the Wirkungsgeschichte of the Pauline letters, he first examines two Greek patristic interpreters of Paul - Irenaeus and Cyril of Alexandria - to clarify what deification entails and to determine which Pauline texts they used to support their soteriological constructions. The monograph then focuses on Paul's soteriology expressed in Romans 8 and 2 Corinthians 3-5 (with excursus on other passages) and explores how believers embody Christ's death and life, his suffering and glory, through the Spirit. Blackwell concludes with a comparison of deification as presented by these two Greek patristic interpreters and Paul's soteriology, noting the substantial overlap as well as key differences.
Universitatsverlag Winter Sudwestdeutsche Theologenbriefwechsel: Kirchen- Und Kulturgeschichtliche Einblicke. Christoph Strohm Zum 65. Geburtstag
HarperCollins Publishers Winnie-the-Pooh: The Christopher Robin Collection (Tales of a Boy and his Bear)
Let's celebrate Christopher Robin! Christopher Robin lives behind a green door in the Hundred Acre Wood. He likes catching Woozles, leading expeditions and throwing parties with Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore and, of course, his very best friend, Winnie-the-Pooh. This charming collection of stories and poems features the wonderful adventures that Christopher Robin has with Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood. The stories are selected from A.A.Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner, When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six. These extraordinary tales of a Boy and his Bear, are accompanied by E.H.Shepard's beautiful, timeless and iconic decorations. This collection of favourite stories and poems is the perfect present for fans of the Winnie-the-Pooh, Christopher Robin and friends, teaching lessons of friendship and reflecting the power of a child's imagination. Also available: Winnie-the-Pooh The Goodnight Collection – perfect tales and poetry to share at bedtime. Do you own all the classic Pooh titles? Winnie-the-PoohThe House at Pooh CornerWhen We Were Very YoungNow We Are SixReturn to the Hundred Acre WoodThe Best Bear in All the WorldOnce There Was a Bear The nation’s favourite teddy bear has been delighting generations of children for over 95 years. Milne’s classic children’s stories – featuring Piglet, Eeyore, Christopher Robin and, of course, Pooh himself – are gently humorous while teaching lessons about friendship and kindness. Pooh ranks alongside other beloved character such as Paddington Bear, and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage. Whether you’re 5 or 55, Pooh is the bear for all ages.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Christ Fulfills All
Get a better understanding of the whole structure of the Bible with this easy introduction to covenant theologyThe Bible is written in covenant language. The more you understand the structure of the Bible the better you will understand the major message of the Bible and see how everything fits together. There is a unity to the message of the Bible, centered around covenant theology, related to God's plan to restore broken human beings who have rebelled against him. Covenant theology explains how we became broken and how God plans to save us. The gospel itself is dependent on the covenantal framework of Scripture. Richard P. Belcher, Jr., John D. and Frances M. Gwin Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, brings his extensive understanding of the way covenants underpin the whole Bible to this book, and introduces us to the concepts in such a way that no prior knowledge is required. IncludesPoints of Interest' sidebarsReading list for further studyChapter headi
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Verklärung Jesu nach dem Markusevangelium: Studien zu einer christologischen Legitimationserzählung
Die Verklärungsperikope des Markusevangeliums (Mk 9,2-8) gilt als großes Rätsel der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Tatsächlich stellt diese Erzählung den Ausleger in ihrer sonderbaren Mischung aus Faszination und Befremden vor große interpretatorische Herausforderungen. Welche Textgattung liegt hier vor und wie verhält es sich mit der historischen und der christologischen Wirklichkeit, die hinter dieser Narratio steht? Adrian Wypadlo bietet eine umfassende Interpretation der Transfigurationserzählung des Markusevangeliums mit der Grundthese, dass in Mk 9,2-8 zusammen mit der Taufperikope (Mk 1,9-11) die für den Makrotext zentrale christologische Legitimationserzählung vorliegt. Dabei unternimmt er den Versuch, eine alte These neu zu begründen: Der geistesgeschichtliche Nährboden, auf dem die Transfigurationserzählung wachsen konnte, ist die Exegese von Ex 24 und 34 im hellenistischen Judentum. Der Autor bietet nach einem umfassenden, der Vorverständigung dienenden Einleitungskapitel zunächst eine gründliche Einzelversanalyse des Textes, speziell unter narratologischen Aspekten. Dann vergleicht er diesen mit den Verwandlungsvorstellungen in der jüdisch-hellenistischen und paganen Umwelt des Neuen Testaments mit einem ständigen Seitenblick auf 2 Kor 3,18. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf Verwandlungsvorstellungen im Opus des jüdisch-hellenistischen Schriftauslegers Philo von Alexandrien. Besonderes Augenmerk legt der Verfasser hierbei auf dessen Exegese der entsprechenden Exodusstellen in VitMos und in Quaest in Ex II. Abschließend fragt Wypadlo nach der auffälligen, aus Jesus, Elija und Mose bestehenden Figurenkonstellation in Mk 9,4f. Die Studie versteht sich somit als umfassenden Beitrag zur markinischen Christologie.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Christ Set Forth: And the Heart of Christ Towards Sinners on the earth
This classic book gives us an opportunity to learn about Christ, his work and his death. Based upon Romans 8:34, Goodwin presents to us the Lord Jesus Christ, the example and the object of justifying faith. If the term Christology is a new one to you, then this book will help understand what it means. In true Christian Heritage style, it is attractively laid out with headings and subdividers to assist reading. The foreword is provided by J. I. Packer and a helpful introduction provided by Mark Jones.
Little, Brown & Company Michael Jordan revised Legends in Sports Matt Christopher Legends in Sports
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die 'Moralia in Job' Gregors des Großen: Ein christologisch-ekklesiologischer Kommentar
Dem modernen Leser erscheint Papst Gregors des Großen (590-604) umfangreiche Auslegung zum Buch Hiob nicht selten als willkürliche Allegorese ohne Anhalt am Text und an der historischen Situation des ausgehenden 6. Jahrhunderts. Katharina Greschat zeigt jedoch, daß Gregor den biblischen Text ganz aus dem Blickwinkel der Erfordernisse kirchlicher Amtsträger im nachjustinianischen Zeitalter interpretiert. In Fortschreibung augustinischer Theologie und von neuchalkedonensischer Reichstheologie ausgehend versteht er die Gestalt des Hiob als Sinnbild für Christus und seinen Leib, der Kirche. Dessen zwei Naturen erweisen sich für Gregor als Schlüssel für die Verbindung zwischen der vita contemplativa und der vita activa, die die kirchlichen Amtsträger in der Nachahmung Christi leben sollen.
Mousse Publishing Christa Joo Hyun d'Angelo: Fatal Attraction
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Von Der Treue Christi Zur Welt
Amherst Media Christopher Greys Lighting Techniques for Beauty and Glamour Photography A Guide for Digital Photographers
Shows readers how to artfully create the best glamour and beauty portraiture.
Stanford University Press Brides of Christ: Conventual Life in Colonial Mexico
Brides of Christ invites the modern reader to follow the histories of colonial Mexican nuns inside the cloisters where they pursued a religious vocation or sought shelter from the world. Lavrin provides a complete overview of conventual life, including the early signs of vocation, the decision to enter a convent, profession, spiritual guidelines and devotional practices, governance, ceremonials, relations with male authorities and confessors, living arrangements, servants, sickness, and death rituals. Individual chapters deal with issues such as sexuality and the challenges to chastity in the cloisters and the little-known subject of the nuns' own writings as expressions of their spirituality. The foundation of convents for indigenous women receives special attention, because such religious communities existed nowhere else in the Spanish empire.
Frech Verlag GmbH Christl Vogls Ausmalreise Die schönsten Märchen
Crossway Books Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and for Christ
With a firm grasp of the progress of salvation history, this accessible guide helps Christians interpret the Old Testament, see how it testifies to Jesus, believe that Jesus secured every divine promise, and understand how Moses’s law still matters.
Amherst Media Christopher Greys Posing Composition and Cropping Master Techniques for Digital Portrait Photographers
Christopher Grey continues his highly successful series of lighting books by exploring the major components of designing beautiful portraits.
Austin Macauley Publishers Christ Crucified
Austin Macauley Publishers Christ Crucified
Bohlau Verlag Briefe der Juliane Franziska von Buchwald an Christoph Dietrich von Keller 1738 bis 1750
Kerber Christof Verlag Elisabeth ErdmannMacke
The University of Chicago Press Between Copernicus and Galileo: Christoph Clavius and the Collapse of Ptolemaic Cosmology
Between Copernicus and Galileo is the story of Christoph Clavius, the Jesuit astronomer and teacher whose work helped set the standards by which Galileo's famous claims appeared so radical, and whose teachings guided the intellectual and scientific agenda of the Church in the central years of the Scientific Revolution. Though relatively unknown today, Clavius was enormously influential throughout Europe in the late 16th and early 17th centuries through his astronomy books - the standard texts used in many colleges and universities, and the tools with which Descartes, Gassendi and Mersenne, among many others, learned their astronomy. James Lattis uses Clavius's own publications, as well as archival materials, to trace the central role Clavius played in integrating traditional Ptolemaic astronomy and Aristotelian natural philosophy into an orthodox cosmology. Although Clavius strongly resisted the new cosmologies of Copernicus and Tycho, Galileo's invention of the telescope ultimately eroded the Ptolemaic world view. By tracing Clavius's views from medieval cosmology to the 17th century, Lattis illuminates the conceptual shift from Ptolemaic to Copernican astronomy and the social, intellectual and theological impact of the Scientific Revolution.
Kerber Christof Verlag Michael Ende Bilder und Geschichten
Kerber Christof Verlag Simone Lucas Sven Kroner
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Christ-Believers in Ephesus: A Textual Analysis of Early Christian Identity Formation in a Local Perspective
This book deals with issues relating to the formation of early Christian identity in the city of Ephesus, one of the major centres of the early Christian movement towards the end of the first century and the beginning of the second century CE. How diverse was the early Christian movement in Ephesus? What were its main characteristics? What held this movement together? Taking these questions as a starting point, Mikael Tellbe focuses on the social and theological diversity of this early Christian movement, the process of "the parting of the ways" - i.e. issues of ethnicity - , the influence of "deviating" groups and the quest for authority and legitimacy, as well as issues of commonality and theological unity. The author argues for a textual approach and the impact of various textual "prototypes" in the task of analyzing the process of early Christian identity formation in Ephesus.
Emerald Publishing Limited Var Models in Macroeconomics - New Developments and Applications: Essays in Honor of Christopher A. Sims
Vector autoregressive (VAR) models are among the most widely used econometric tools in the fields of macroeconomics and financial economics. Much of what we know about the response of the economy to macroeconomic shocks and about how various shocks have contributed to the evolution of macroeconomic and financial aggregates is based on VAR models. VAR models also have been used successfully for economic and business forecasting, for modelling risk and volatility, and for the construction of forecast scenarios. Since the introduction of VAR models by C.A. Sims in 1980, the VAR methodology has continuously evolved. Even today important extensions and reinterpretations of the VAR framework are being developed. Examples include VAR models for mixed-frequency data, VAR models as approximations to DSGE models, factor-augmented VAR models, new tools for the identification of structural shocks in VAR models, panel VAR approaches, and time-varying parameter VAR models. This volume collects contributions from some of the leading VAR experts in the world on VAR methods and applications. Each chapter highlights and synthesizes a new development in this literature in a way that is accessible to practitioners, to graduate students, and to readers in other fields.
Crossway Books Hidden with Christ in God: A Theology of Colossians and Philemon
In Hidden with Christ in God, author Kevin W. McFadden examines the theology and themes of Colossians and Philemon to teach believers the hidden hope of Christ and what it means to live a Christ-centered life.
Crossway Books Sex in a Broken World: How Christ Redeems What Sin Distorts
Best-selling author Paul David Tripp helps us see that only the gospel can redeem sexual brokenness, giving us a clear view of God’s original purpose for sex.