Search results for ""author albert"
Editorial Fundamentos Canciones de Lou Reed 2
Editorial Kolima, S.L. Cumbre Vieja
Cien años después La vacuna
El maestro de la novela de acción relata la historia de una familia que vive la aventura más grande de la historia de la humanidad: la crisis del coronavirus y la desenfrenada carrera global por encontrar una vacuna para superar la pandemia que asola el planeta.Tras la solidaridad de los primeros tiempos, la rápida y prolongada propagación del virus ha dado paso a un desaforado egoísmo y a un sálvese quien pueda, que ya se ha escuchado incontables veces a lo largo de la historia. Pueblos, ciudades, e incluso civilizaciones, se han visto obligados a emigrar por culpa del avance de enemigos más poderosos, pero ahora no queda un solo lugar seguro.
Hacia una antropologa de mundos contemporneos CLADEMA Antropologa Spanish Edition
La mundialización de la cultura y el respeto de las diferencias son dos conceptos que no pierden actualidad. La antropología es hoy más que nunca necesaria para analizar la crisis del sentido social en todo el planeta. Ello es posible, en la medida en que su tradición, sus procedimientos y su objeto le permiten adaptarse a los cambios de escala que acompañan la aceleración de la historia, el encogimiento del planeta por la anulación de las distancias y la individualización de los destinos.Desde una reconsideración de las relaciones de la antropología con la historia y desde una crítica de las teorías que se ocupan de la unidad y la pluralidad de las sociedades humanas, Marc Augé se esfuerza por hacer un inventario de los instrumentos teóricos y metodológicos de la antropología para examinar luego algunos fenómenos característicos de nuestro tiempo: los grandes medios de difusión, la comunicación, los ritos políticos, los nuevos cultos o renovados que florecen en todos los continent
ESIC Editorial Marketing industrial y de servicios
Actualmente, la estrategia de servicios es considerada como uno de los puntales del marketing para poder diferenciarse unas empresas de otras. En un mercado, el actual, en el que la oferta es desmesurada y que las empresas luchan por ofrecer a sus clientes productos que se adapten mejor a las necesidades de los clientes, el establecimiento de una correcta estrategia de servicios es la mejor estrategia de adaptación. A pesar de que los clientes puedan percibir a los productos ofertados como muy parecidos, las estrategias de servicios se adaptarán exclusivamente a ellos. Tanto la elección del personal que les atenderá, como la atención al cliente, la forma de vestir de los empleados, o la estrategia de atención al cliente, entre otros aspectos, nacerán teniendo en cuenta las características personales y únicas de sus clientes. A través de este libro, se analizarán las estrategias de servicios que permitirán a las empresas diferenciarse de sus competidores y generar una imagen única y fác
Editorial Hidra Faith 14
Los villanos han llegado! Los rivales más temidos por Faith ?que incluyen a Chris Chriswell, Murder Mouse, Estrella Oscura y Sídney? finalmente se han unido, creando una imparable coalición del mal con un único objetivo: acabar con Faith Herbert! Se hacen llamar los AntiFaith? y si la mejor superheroína de Los Ángeles no piensa rápido y vuela incluso a más velocidad, juntos se encargarán de derribar a la psiot voladora para siempre!
Pesadillas monstruos a medianoche
Déjate llevar por los sobresaltos y emociones del escalofriante mundo de R. L. Stine con el primer cómic de Pesadillas. Cuando Mia y Ginny van a la casa de su abuela a pasar el verano, el aburrimiento no les deja otra opción que aventurarse y explorar el pequeño pueblo en el que vive. Pero pronto, lo que parecía ser una polvorienta librería de libros de segunda mano, las introducirá en un mundo de locura en el que reina el terror!
Ediciones Antígona, S.L. Teatro 20102015
Se reúnen en este volumen las últimas versiones de cinco textos escritos o estrenados en el período 2010-2015: Cliff / Acantilado, Ushuaia, La piedra oscura, Todas las noches de un día y la pieza inédita La melancolía de las jirafas. Ha sido el teatro (estrenos, ensayos, lecturas) y la propia vida los que han tachado, subrayado o extendido la superficie de estos textos hasta formar la cartografía incendiada y poética de un dramaturgo en búsqueda continua.
Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch Derecho deportivo legislacin comentarios y jurisprudencia
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Oslo de cerca
Rodeada por el mar y las montañas, esta culta, compacta y divertida ciudad es la capital europea que más ha crecido en los últimos años. Este es el momento de disfrutar de ella, de sus estrellas culinarias de la gastronomía nórdica, del arte contemporáneo que adorna el centro y de los locales de música en directo que no dejan de crecer por doquier.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El expediente Anna Ajmátova / The Anna Akhmatova File
Counterpoint Tijuana Book Of The Dead
Boosey & Hawkes Inc String Quartet No 2 Op 26
Schlütersche Verlag Demonstrationstafeln für die Kleintierpraxis Hunde
Hueber Verlag GmbH Chiaro B1 Sprachtrainer mit AudioCD
Collective Ink Coltan
The board members of the American company Dall & Houston receive a death threat from an alleged Islamic terrorist called Aarohum Al Rashid: unless they return the 1,000 million dollars that they got from its direct involvement with the Iraq war, they will be killed one by one. The plot addresses current global issues like the war for the control of the supply of coltan, a mineral so valuable that has become essential in the developed world technology. "Coltan" is a great novel charged with action, intrigue and top-class story-telling.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Anthropology of Organisations
The Anthropology of Organisations offers a critical overview of the work that for over sixty years anthropologists have been carrying out in and on organisations and of the contribution that this work has made to social theory at large. Moving beyond earlier preoccupations with ’culture’ and ’relationality’, the volume brings together a selection of classic and contemporary articles that cast new light on the relevance of ethnography for organisational and social theory. It offers an indispensable resource for students and scholars interested in the politics behind the institutionalisation of social life.
North Star Editions Mythical Creatures: Dragons
Introduces readers to the fascinating folklore behind dragons. Readable text, fun facts, and eye-catching photos invite readers to explore the mythology of this popular mythical creature.
Hachette Book Group USA The Devils Highway
Austin Macauley Publishers Duality & Non-Duality
Ediciones de la Isla de Siltolá, S.L. Bajo las raíces 40 años de sepulcro en Tarquinia
Se cumplen 40 años de la publicación de la primera edición de Sepulcro en Tarquinia de Antonio Colinas. Este libro es un homenaje al poeta leonés y a la repercusión de esa obra grande de la poesía escrita en castellano en el siglo XX en las generaciones posteriores. Colaboran con texto inéditos en este libro, entre otros, Francisco Brines, Antonio Carvajal, Juan Cobos Wilkins, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Antonio Gamoneda, Pablo García Baena, Amalia Iglesias, Clara Janés, Raquel Lanseros, Antonio Lucas, Aurora Luque, Julio Llamazares, Chantal Maillard, Josep M. Rodríguez, Jaime Siles, Álvaro Valverde, Luis Antonio de Villena.
Fence Magazine Inc, Division of Fence Books Practice, Restraint
Winner of the 2005 Alberta Prize. Laura Sims's exquisite debut is the work of an organic synthesizer, one practiced in the restrained art of listening. Her poems exhibit an attenuation that is akin to devotion by means of maxim and miniaturization, she sorts and stacks the products of humanness. Memes and phonemes of a haiku-like fineness are thereby invited to break the surface of the page. Those pre-hung doors of the native state the return to a native, pre-eminent state wholly immanent, wise and wooly.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The ANC women's league: Sex, politics and gender: A Jacana pocket history
The women's league has played a large but little understood role in the history of the ANC. Over the years it has been headed by some powerful women including Albertina Sisulu and Winnie Mandela and has often gained public and media attention. But what role has it actually played in black political life and what influence has it had on national and gender politics in the country? This book provides a revealing insight into the connections between gender, sex and politics in the history of South Africa.
Pennsylvania State University Press Rhetorics of Democracy in the Americas
Democracy is venerated in US political culture, in part because it is our democracy. As a result, we assume that the government and institutions of the United States represent the true and right form of democracy, needed by all. This volume challenges this commonplace belief by putting US politics in the context of the Americas more broadly. Seeking to cultivate conversations among and between the hemispheres, this collection examines local political rhetorics across the Americas. The contributors—scholars of communication from both North and South America—recognize democratic ideals as irreducible to a single national perspective and reflect on the ways social minorities in the Western Hemisphere engage in unique political discourses. The essays consider current rhetorics in the United States on American exceptionalism, immigration, citizenship, and land rights alongside current cultural and political events in Latin America, such as corruption in Guatemala, women’s activism in Ciudad Juárez, representation in Venezuela, and media bias in Brazil. Through a survey of these rhetorics, this volume provides a broad analysis of democracy. It highlights institutional and cultural differences in the Americas and presents a hemispheric democracy that is both more pluralistic and more agonistic than what is believed about the system in the United States.In addition to the editors, the contributors include José Cortez, Linsay M. Cramer, Pamela Flores, Alberto González, Amy N. Heuman, Christa J. Olson, Carlos Piovezani, Clara Eugenia Rojas Blanco, Abraham Romney, René Agustín de los Santos, and Alejandra Vitale.
Pennsylvania State University Press Rhetorics of Democracy in the Americas
Democracy is venerated in US political culture, in part because it is our democracy. As a result, we assume that the government and institutions of the United States represent the true and right form of democracy, needed by all. This volume challenges this commonplace belief by putting US politics in the context of the Americas more broadly. Seeking to cultivate conversations among and between the hemispheres, this collection examines local political rhetorics across the Americas. The contributors—scholars of communication from both North and South America—recognize democratic ideals as irreducible to a single national perspective and reflect on the ways social minorities in the Western Hemisphere engage in unique political discourses. The essays consider current rhetorics in the United States on American exceptionalism, immigration, citizenship, and land rights alongside current cultural and political events in Latin America, such as corruption in Guatemala, women’s activism in Ciudad Juárez, representation in Venezuela, and media bias in Brazil. Through a survey of these rhetorics, this volume provides a broad analysis of democracy. It highlights institutional and cultural differences in the Americas and presents a hemispheric democracy that is both more pluralistic and more agonistic than what is believed about the system in the United States.In addition to the editors, the contributors include José Cortez, Linsay M. Cramer, Pamela Flores, Alberto González, Amy N. Heuman, Christa J. Olson, Carlos Piovezani, Clara Eugenia Rojas Blanco, Abraham Romney, René Agustín de los Santos, and Alejandra Vitale.
Aconcagua Libros Elogio de la locura sevillana necios inocentes y bufones en la Ciudad de la Gracia siglos XVXIX
Cornell University Press The Mirror, the Window, and the Telescope: How Renaissance Linear Perspective Changed Our Vision of the Universe
In The Mirror, the Window, and the Telescope, Samuel Y. Edgerton brings fresh insight to a subject of perennial interest to the history of art and science in the West: the birth of linear perspective. Edgerton retells the fascinating story of how perspective emerged in early fifteenth-century Florence, growing out of an artistic and religious context in which devout Christians longed for divine presence in their daily lives. And yet, ironically, its discovery would have a profound effect not only on the history of art but on the history of science and technology, ultimately undermining the very medieval Christian cosmic view that gave rise to it in the first place. Among Edgerton's cast of characters is Filippo Brunelleschi, who first demonstrated how a familiar object could be painted in a picture exactly as it appeared in a mirror reflection. Brunelleschi communicated the principles of this new perspective to his artist friends Donatello, Masaccio, Masolino, and Fra Angelico. But it was the humanist scholar Leon Battista Alberti who codified Brunelleschi's perspective rules into a simple formula that even mathematically disadvantaged artists could understand.By looking through a window the geometric beauties of this world were revealed without the theological implications of a mirror reflection. Alberti's treatise, "On Painting," spread the new concept throughout Italy and transalpine Europe, even influencing later scientists including Galileo Galilei. In fact, it was Galileo's telescope, called at the time a "perspective tube," that revealed the earth to be not a mirror reflection of the heavens, as Brunelleschi had advocated, but just the other way around. Building on the knowledge he has accumulated over his distinguished career, Edgerton has written the definitive, up-to-date work on linear perspective, showing how this simple artistic tool did indeed change our present vision of the universe.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Hope Volume Two: Hope... Under Fire
The second volume of the supernatural noir thriller!In an alternate 1940s USA, WWII is over - but in this world, victory was secured with occult means. Now, magic is a part of everyday life, its practitioners commonplace.Mallory Hope is one such skilled operative, though calling on the dark arts takes its toll on the user. He’s also a private investigator, hired for all manner of down ‘n’ dirty jobs.Now his services have taken him to New York at the behest of his old army colleague, Alberto Modi, who has tried to use black magic for his own nefarious ends and to become the foremost gangster in the Big Apple. A gritty detective tale from Guy Adams and Jimmy Broxton that blends classic Hollywood noir with the supernatural!"[Adams and Broxton] don’t disappoint... the story sucks you in and dares you to keep reading even as you dread what may happen... I can’t recommend this book highly enough." - Comics Crusaders"grabbed me right away" - Multiversity"In Hope, Jimmy Broxton draws a chilling horror noir that combines occult symbolism with Hollywood glamor." - Doom Rocket
Thames & Hudson Ltd Figures & Faces: The Art of Jewelry
This is the third book in a series devoted to the splendid jewelry collection of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. Following on from Flora and Fauna, the theme this time is the human figure, perhaps the most intimate and involving of subjects. Jewelry has always been a vehicle for the deepest of human emotions: remembrance, faith, devotion, love, belonging and mourning. The museum’s collection begins in the Byzantine era and ranges through the medieval and Renaissance periods and beyond, with mythological figures and biblical scenes represented on pendants and rings. In the 19th century, René Lalique, Alphonse Fouquet and the Maison Vever produced brooches and necklaces that were the very embodiment of elegant sophistication and technical brilliance, while in the 20th century, artists such as Pablo Picasso and Alberto Giacometti joined jewelers like Jean Lurçat, Line Vautrin and Claude Lalanne in creating works that interpret the body in a deeply personal way. Wonderfully photographed by Jean-Marie del Moral, Figures is packed with striking and witty works of art that will charm all lovers of jewelry.
Forma Edizioni Painting and Poetry. Ungaretti and the art of seeing
Tornabuoni Art Paris opens 2023 with an exhibition dedicated to the relationship between art and poetry, examining the case of Giuseppe Ungaretti, on the 110th anniversary of his arrival in Paris, a defining moment in his literary career. The catalogue, with texts by Alexandra Zingone, literary critic and curator of the exhibition, tackles the analysis of the art of the 'short century' with a global view, taking into consideration the constant dialogue between the various exponents of the cultural world. Through passages from critical texts by Ungaretti as an interpreter of art, the volume follows the exhibition among the many works by contemporary artists, including Giacomo Balla, Alberto Burri, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Carlo Carrà, Giorgio de Chirico, Piero Dorazio and others. Throughout his multidisciplinary career, Ungaretti found himself indiscriminately analysing various genres, including Futurism, Metaphysical, Informalism, Socialist Realism and Expressionism of the Roman School. The exhibition develops around the poet's pieces, in some cases in the form of original manuscripts and first editions. Accompanying the volume is an extremely rich iconographic and archival apparatus accompanies the reader in discovering a virtuous example of the links that have always existed between literature and the visual arts.
Biblioasis Against Amazon: and Other Essays
A NEW YORK TIMES NEW & NOTEWORTHY BOOK Good bookshops are questions without answers. They are places that provoke you intellectually, encode riddles, surprise and offer challenges … A pleasing labyrinth where you can’t get lost: that comes later, at home, when you immerse yourself in the books you have bought; lose yourself in new questions, knowing you will find answers. Picking up where the widely praised Bookshops: A Reader’s History left off, Against Amazon and Other Essays explores the increasing pressures of Amazon and other new technologies on bookshops and libraries. In essays on these vital social, cultural, and intellectual spaces, Jorge Carrión travels from London to Geneva, from Miami’s Little Havana to Argentina, from his own well-loved childhood library to the rosewood shelves of Jules Verne’s Nautilus and the innovative spaces that characterize South Korea’s bookshop renaissance. Including interviews with writers and librarians—including Alberto Manguel, Iain Sinclair, Luigi Amara, and Han Kang, among others—Against Amazon is equal parts a celebration of books and bookshops, an autobiography of a reader, a travelogue, a love letter—and, most urgently, a manifesto against the corrosive influence of late capitalism.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Cognition and Assessment: Frameworks, Methodologies, and Applications
This state-of-the-art resource brings together the most innovative scholars and thinkers in the field of testing to capture the changing conceptual, methodological, and applied landscape of cognitively-grounded educational assessments. Offers a methodologically-rigorous review of cognitive and learning sciences models for testing purposes, as well as the latest statistical and technological know-how for designing, scoring, and interpreting results Written by an international team of contributors at the cutting-edge of cognitive psychology and educational measurement under the editorship of a research director at the Educational Testing Service and an esteemed professor of educational psychology at the University of Alberta as well as supported by an expert advisory board Covers conceptual frameworks, modern methodologies, and applied topics, in a style and at a level of technical detail that will appeal to a wide range of readers from both applied and scientific backgrounds Considers emerging topics in cognitively-grounded assessment, including applications of emerging socio-cognitive models, cognitive models for human and automated scoring, and various innovative virtual performance assessments
Ediciones Cátedra Cartas de amor
Las cartas de amor de Pablo Neruda reunidas en esta edición muestran la exaltación y la inquietud del hombre enamorado con respecto a sus numerosas musas (Terusa, Albertina, Olga, Delia, Matilde, etc.). También contemplan el vínculo profundo que une al joven poeta con su hermana Laura, su confidente preferida, y a su " mamadre " , Trinidad Candia Marverde, que sustituyó a su madre verdadera, muerta prematuramente. A ambas se dirigen muestras de afecto y atención que enriquecen la exuberante lista de la experiencia amorosa de Neruda, aportando el matiz de ternura que alberga el corazón del poeta. El epistolario amoroso de Neruda ?aparte de algunas cartas a Terusa, Albertina y Matilde, capaces de crear un mundo exclusivo de pasión y ensueño? revela un espacio poblado de referencias personales y, al mismo tiempo, muestra la extraordinaria riqueza de los intereses vitales del poeta. Las misivas de amor tienen un carácter eminentemente privado en el que conviven, junto a los apelativos y la
New York University Press Latino/a Popular Culture
Scholars from the humanities and social sciences analyze representations of Latinidad in a diversity of genres Latinos have become the largest ethnic minority group in the United States. While the presence of Latinos and Latinas in mainstream news and in popular culture in the United States buttresses the much-heralded Latin Explosion, the images themselves are often contradictory. In Latino/a Popular Culture, Habell-Pallán and Romero have brought together scholars from the humanities and social sciences to analyze representations of Latinidad in a diversity of genres—media, culture, music, film, theatre, art, and sports—that are emerging across the nation in relation to Chicanas, Chicanos, mestizos, Puerto Ricans, Caribbeans, Central Americans and South Americans, and Latinos in Canada. Contributors include Adrian Burgos, Jr., Luz Calvo, Arlene Dávila, Melissa A. Fitch, Michelle Habell-Pallán, Tanya Katerí Hernández, Josh Kun, Frances Negron-Muntaner, William A. Nericcio, Raquel Z. Rivera, Ana Patricia Rodríguez, Gregory Rodriguez, Mary Romero, Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez, Christopher A. Shinn, Deborah R. Vargas, and Juan Velasco. Cover artwork "Layering the Decades" by Diane Gamboa, 2002, mixed media on paper, 11 X 8.5". Copyright 2001, Diane Gamboa. Printed with permission.
Rizzoli International Publications Jean-Louis Deniot: Interiors
The first book on the work of a designer whose refined classical interiors are widely desired and emulated as the epitome of French style. Honoured as one of the top designers by all the international design magazines and universally admired by design editors, Jean-Louis Deniot is in demand. His updated classical approach now graces interiors in Paris, the French countryside, Moscow, India, New York, Chicago, L.A., and beyond-and his legacy is already being compared to that of design greats such as Jacques Grange and Alberto Pinto. Deniot is an architect first, ensuring that the interior architecture of his rooms is harmonious before giving a neoclassical approach to the decor. He brings education, logic, and design history to his work, with one eye looking at the most refined style of French eighteenth century and one eye on the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. His mix is highly individual and includes contemporary art and custom-made furniture, yet his rooms always look comfortable and are never overly formal or trendy. This book demonstrates a new, sophisticated classical style that is changing the scene for international design and offering inspiration and ideas to decorators, homeowners, and antiques enthusiasts.
Forma Edizioni Italia Minimal
This catalogue for the inaugural exhibition at Tornabuoni Art in Paris showcases works by the greatest exponents of contemporary Italian experimental art from the end of the 1950s to the late 1970s. It includes work by Vincenzo Agnetti, Alighiero Boetti, Agostino Bonalumi, Alberto Burri, Enrico Castellani, Mario Ceroli, Gianni Colombo, Dadamaino, Lucio Fontana, Emilio Isgrò, Jannis Kounellis, Sergio Lombardo, Piero Manzoni, Paolo Scheggi and Giuseppe Uncini. “Simplification is complex: it is an all-out choice. The Italian minimalist artists are the heavyweights in the boxing ring of art – and life.” Illaria Bignotti
Vintage Publishing Monsieur Ka
'A beautiful haunting novel… looking at a familiar London through a frosty, snowy lens. Wonderful' Caryl PhillipsThe London winter of 1947 is as cold as St Petersburg during the Revolution. Albertine, the wife of a British army officer often abroad on covert government business, finds herself increasingly lonely. Eager to distract herself with work, she takes a job as companion to the mysterious 'Monsieur Ka', a Russian émigré. As she is drawn into Ka’s dramatic past, her own life is shaken to its foundations. For in this family of former princes, there are present temptations which could profoundly affect her future.
HarperCollins Publishers Wow What a Night
The Wow! books are a series of modern first concept board books for today's children! The books put little ones in the centre of the action with relatable experiences that will help foster inclusivity, empathy and discussion. Illustrated by Alberta Torres, illustrator of This Little picture book series.A book about feelings and bedtime routines that encourages children to recognise and talk about the range of emotions they feel at the end of a busy day with fun sound effects to repeat in each scene!Children will love Alberta Torres' playful and vibrant illustrations, and noticing the similarities and differences with their own bedtime routines.
Editorial CEP, S.L. Elaboracin y defensa de la programacin y las unidades didcticas en 6 sencillos pasos
FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓNmartes, 26 de mayo de 2009CONTENIDOEl volumen que el lector tiene entre sus manos es una guía práctica pensada para facilitar al opositor la preparación de la 2 parte de la oposición.Este pequeño manual, válido para todos los cuerpos docentes, ofrece una guía para la elaboración de la programación y la unidad didáctica así como su posterior defensa oral ante el tribunal.El manual ofrece un ejemplo de programación y unidades didácticas y a lo largo de sus páginas guía al lector explicando de manera clara y sencilla los pasos fundamentales para su elaboración y defensa.A lo largo de su desarrollo se abordan aquellas cuestiones imprescindibles que el opositor necesita conocer y al mismo tiempo se dan consejos para afrontar de la mejor manera posible la prueba oral.Seguro que este material le permitirá afrontar con éxito la segunda parte del proceso selectivo. Mucha suerte!
Wanceulen Editorial S.L. La nutrición en la educación física y el deporte
En este título de la colección Educacion Fisica y Deporte, pretendemos poner a disposición de padres, profesores, profesionales del mundo del deporte y deportistas en general, una guía práctica sobre determinados aspectos relacionados con la salud y la nutrición, para que, sin ser médicos ni especialistas en nutrición, podamos obtener una visión real y actual respecto a este asunto. Una realidad que deja mucho que desear debido a la continua propaganda a la que somos sometidos sobre la defensa de ciertas -malas costumbres- como si se tratase de una moda el cuidar o perjudicar nuestro cuerpo. Estamos refiriéndonos, como no, a la moda de estar más delgados y musculosos - a cualquier precio -, a comer cualquier cosa por falta de tiempo en horarios estresantes asumiendo que es más fácil comprar un dulce que preparar un desayuno, ingerir comida rápida porque no tenemos tiempo para hacernos de comer, etc.Debemos concienciarnos de que cuerpo no hay más que uno, y si no lo cuidamos nos estamos
Ediciones Rubeo Atlantes de papel adoctrinamiento invención y tipografía en la monarquía hispánica de los siglos XVI y XVII
Bellisco Ediciones (Nuria Bellisco García) Cdigo tico de la edificacin
Tursen S.A. - H. Blume Kit completo de dibujo técnicas equipamiento y proyectos
Obra especialmente dirigida a aquellos que quieran iniciarse o mejorar en la práctica del dibujo y la pintura. Está compuesta por un libro de técnicas y otro de proyectos así como los materiales para poner en práctica los consejos ejercicios propuestos.
Prames S.A. Yo Henry Russell autobiografía imaginaria del más célebre pirineísta
En 1861, los Pirineos resultaban tan desconocidos como la cara oculta de la luna. Un aristócrata de origen irlandés, tras viajar por medio mundo protagonizando aventuras que inspiraron al mismo Julio Verne, se propondría explorarlos en toda su extensión. Conquistó la mayor parte de sus cimas vírgenes, inventó el saco de dormir y las ascensiones invernales, fundó uno de los primeros clubs de montaña europeos, obtuvo una concesión sobre el Vignemale y todavía sacó tiempo para escribir 83 libros. Su nombre: Henry Russell.
La Ley Guía del contribuyente ante la recaudación tributaria
Encuadernación: RústicaCon esta segunda guía sobre temas tributarios, el autor pretende facilitar al lector el cumplimiento de la obligación tributaria principal, que es el pago de los impuestos. Esta simple operación puede llegar a complicarse mucho si la empresa atraviesa por dificultades financieras, algo que es muy corriente en estos momentos de crisis.Mediante este texto fundamentalmente práctico se pretende repasar todo el proceso que va desde la liquidación de un impuesto hasta la extinción final de la deuda, ya sea en plazo voluntario ?con o sin aplazamiento?, extemporáneo, o mediante recauda-ción ejecutiva. El objetivo es que el lector conozca las posibilidades con que cuenta para efectuar a su mayor conveniencia el pago de sus deudas tributarias. También se han querido recoger las consecuencias que deparan al contribuyente los incumplimientos de pago en plazo, y los derechos que le asisten cuando la Recaudación pretende el cobro de deudas por vía
Ediciones de la Torre Exclusión científica del otro
Encuadernación: Rústica