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Desclée De Brouwer Nuevas perspectivas sobre la relajación
Las técnicas de relajación tienen efectos subjetivos distintos y funcionan de manera diferente en cada individuo. Este libro pretende dar a conocer desde un punto de vista científico y práctico un amplio abanico de técnicas de relajación, explorando los efectos diferenciales de cada una de ellas.
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Alta cultura descafeinada situacionismo low cost y otras escenas del arte en el cambio de siglo
Ediciones Martínez Roca Garoé
Una historia de amor, muertes, conquista, tráfico de esclavos, una tragedia, un elemento misterioso por cuya posesión los hombres enloquecen, un ancestral secreto que durante siglos permitió a los habitantes de la isla de El Hierro superar todas las adversidades...Una novela inolvidable donde la conquista de una tierra salvaje e inhóspita, la ambición desmedida por el poder y la riqueza y la magia que envuelve una misteriosa leyenda apasionará a sus millones de seguidores y sorprenderá a los pocos que aún no le conocen.
Editorial Fundamentos Canciones III de The Beatles.
Editorial Fundamentos Canciones y prosa King Ink
Editorial Fundamentos Canciones de los Rolling Stones II
Editorial Fundamentos Canciones 2
Edición Bilingüe: Español, FrancésEn el volumen anterior de las canciones de Moustaki (número 75 de esta misma colección) ofrecíamos su producción desde su resonante éxito, en 1968, con Le métèque hasta 1974.Ahora en este segundo y último volumen se recogen las canciones aparecidas desde 1975 hasta ahora. Son los años que representan una depuración y perfección en su estilo. Años en los que tras calmarse el eco de su resonante triunfo se deja oír con mayor claridad la voz del poeta.
En el castillo de Barba Azul aproximacin a un nuevo concepto de cultura
Los cuatro textos de este volumen constituyen un hito en el pensamiento contemporáneo por tratarse de una de las primeras tomas de posición ante las tendencias de pesimismo cultural presentes en autores como T. S. Eliot ya a mediados del siglo xx. A partir de su concepto de poscultura, Steiner formula una serie de réplicas de gran lucidez, belleza y atrevimiento, precisamente en un momento en que este pesimismo reaparece en todo su radicalismo y violencia.La cultura, nueva divinidad del siglo xx, había mostrado su impotencia ante la confianza puesta en ella al constatar que no pudo evitar ni suavizar las peores atrocidades surgidas de la mente humana. Y, sin embargo, postular la muerte de la cultura es un sinsentido mientras existan seres humanos. Deben ampliarse entonces las fronteras del concepto de cultura, aceptando como hechos culturales no sólo lo indecible del Holocausto, sino también la ciega destrucción masiva de un patrimonio cultural irrestituible?Steiner propone sopor
Cultura identidad y política el nacionalismo y los nuevos cambios sociales
Las agitadas relaciones entre estado, sociedad civil e identidad cultural son los temas principales de esta exploración que en muchos aspectos sigue vigente en nuestros días. En vista de los horrores de los que hemos sido capaces los seres humanos en lo
Especial de invierno en el Pas de las Maravillas de Faith
Mientras el ambiente festivo inunda las calles, Faith ?Zephyr? Herbert está a punto de embarcarse en un viaje que la llevará a través de la madriguera del conejo? hacia un alucinante País de las Maravillas invernal donde cada día es especial! Pero detrás de todos esos adornos y algodón de azúcar, no todo es lo que parece?
Arzalia Ediciones Bajamar
GEDISA Lo maravilloso y lo cotidiano en el Occidente medieval
El mundo de la Edad Media hace tiempo que dejó de ser aquella era oscura que el Renacimiento nos legó como imagen. La virtud de este bello libro de Le Goff es saber reconstruir aquel mundo poblado de seres maravillosos, hadas, dragones y demonios,
LID Editorial Empresarial, S.L. 50 casos de xito en experiencia de cliente
Ediciones Tutor, S.A. Manual de la técnica de los ejercicios para el entrenamiento de la fuerza
El mejor recurso práctico de entrenamientoDesarrollado por la NSCA, este manual es un recurso práctico, tanto para los que aspiran a ser profesionales de la fuerza y el acondicionamiento y entrenadores personales, como para los que ya ejercen como tales. Con inigualables demostraciones visuales de una serie de ejercicios con pesos libres o máquinas, este libro es una valiosa herramienta para quienes preparan sus certificaciones por la NSCA y un recurso excelente para los que diseñan programas para deportistas y clientes de cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.En el libro se describe, paso a paso y con fotografías en color, la técnica adecuada de 54 ejercicios con peso libre y 16 con máquina, para todos los grupos musculares, e incluye: un vídeo online demostrativo de cada ejercicio de entrenamiento de fuerza; la identificación de los músculos implicados y el agarre correcto, así como la postura y el rango de movimiento de cada ejercicio; la descripción de las acciones articular
Daddy issues Un anlisis sobre la figura del padre en la cultura contempornea
El nacimiento y el desarrollo del movimiento #MeToo en 2017 implicó, entre muchas otras cosas, una dura crítica a nuestra sociedad entendida como una construcción patriarcal en la que, a lo largo de la historia y de manera continuada, los hombres han acaparado todas las parcelas de poder, y este poder se ha ejercido constantemente en perjuicio de las mujeres. Sin embargo, el movimiento #MeToo parece haber dejado al margen de sus debates al padre, figura fundamental a la hora de diseccionar las estructuras de poder que sostienen al patriarcado, y que además está en la misma raíz etimológica de la palabra. Si bien podemos exigir responsabilidades en la vida pública y privada a jefes, compañeros de trabajo, parejas y amigos, qué ocurre con los padres?A partir de un buen número de ejemplos tomados de la historia y de la ficción, la psiquiatra y sexóloga Katherine Angel ha tenido la audacia de reflexionar por primera vez de manera directa y profunda sobre el lugar que ocupa la figura pat
PRH Grupo Editorial Los niños sí vienen con instructivo Children Do Come with Instructions
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Los padrotes Tlaxcala / The Pimps of Tlaxcala
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Piano Concerto No 1 Op 28 Reduction for Two Pianos Four Hands
State University of New York Press The Suspension of Seriousness: On the Phenomenology of Jorge Portilla, With a Translation of Fenomenología del relajo
University of Hawai'i Press Ka Lei Ma'aheo Teacher's Guide and Answer Key: Beginning Hawaiian
Little, Brown & Company Rumbo al Hermoso Norte
Nayeli es una chica de diecinueve anos que trabaja en una taqueria de tres Camarones, un poblado mexicano. Ve en suenos a su padre, que emigro al norte cuando era nina. Recientemente se ha dado cuenta de que su padre no es el unico hombre que se ha ido del pueblo, de hecho ya casi no quedan hombres, todos se han ido al otro lado, a los Estados Unidos. Un grupo de narcotraficantes tambien se ha percatado de ese hecho y ven la oportunidad para apoderarse. Pero una noche, durante la exhibicion de la pelicula Los Siete Magnificos, Nayeli tiene una revelacion: Debe dirigirse al norte a reclutar sus propios Siete Magnificos, para que la protejan de los criminales y coadyuven a repoblar Tres Camarones. Ella y sus amigas viajan al norte y en el camino hacia esa extrana y fascinante tierra de sus suenos, ese mitico lugar donde su padre desaparecio, van sumando una coleccion de inusitados y sorprendentes aliados. La meta es un poblado del estado de Illinois, donde Nayeli espera encontrar a su padre y reclutar a sus guerreros. Con suerte, hara realidad tambien su destino.
Diogenes Verlag AG Der Panzer des Hummers
Penguin Putnam Inc Kiss Me, Mi Amor
North Star Editions Mythical Creatures: Dragons
Introduces readers to the fascinating folklore behind dragons. Readable text, fun facts, and eye-catching photos invite readers to explore the mythology of this popular mythical creature.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Issues in English Language Learning
Nova Science Publishers Inc Developments in Higher Education
Nova Science Publishers Inc Genetic Discrimination
Manchester University Press Queer Muslim Diasporas in Contemporary Literature and Film
This book explores the representation of queer migrant Muslims in international literature and film from the 1980s to the present day. Bringing together a variety of contemporary writers and filmmakers of Muslim heritage engaged in vindicating same-sex desire, the book approaches queer Muslims in the diaspora as figures forced to negotiate their identities according to the expectations of the West and of their migrant Muslim communities. The book examines 3 main themes: the depiction of queer desire across racial and national borders, the negotiation of Islamic femininities and masculinities, and the positioning of the queer Muslim self in time and place. This study will be of interest to scholars, as well as to advanced general readers and postgraduate students, interested in Muslims, queerness, diaspora and postcolonialism. It brings nuance and complexity to an often simplified and controversial topic.
Collective Ink Tuareg
The Tuaregs are the true sons of the desert. They can survive in the harshest of conditions like nobody else. The noble inmouchar Gazel Sayah, is the master of a large extension of the desert. One day, two fugitives arrive from the north and Gazel, following his ancient and sacred hospitality laws, gives them shelter. However, Gazel doesn't realise that his act of kindness will lead him towards a deadly adventure. "Tuareg" is a classic epic and at the same time a beautiful rendition to one of the most singular cultures in the world.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Precision Medicine in Neurodegenerative Disorders: Part I: Volume 192
Precision Medicine in Neurodegenerative Disorders, Part One, Volume 192 in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology deals with the "Why" in the approach to slow the progression of accelerated brain aging. This volume is intended to provide a scholarly background on the framework, basic science and conceptual pitfalls related to disease-modifying efforts in Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative disorders. Among topics covered are different models of precision medicine, the lumping-versus-splitting tension in biomarker development and therapeutics, and the rationale for replacing the convergence of the prevailing autopsy-based nosology of neurodegenerative diseases with the divergence of a systems biology approach to human diseases. Specific chapters are dedicated to the promise of genetic subtypes and the lessons in disease modification offered by the fields of oncology and cystic fibrosis that can be adapted to the field of neurodegeneration. Matching a biology-correcting therapy with those biologically suitable to benefit from such therapy represents the vision and mission of precision medicine, the highest level of personalized medicine.
Magnetic Press Black Box: Design Space
A collection of schematic drawings and paintings of the various spaceships and technology discovered throughout the many stories within the BLACK BOX CHRONICLES anthology graphic novel, illustrated by Shane Molina. Based on the BLACK BOX CHRONICLES anthology written by Horrible Future cofounders MARK SCHEY and CHRIS NORTHROP, this stellar volume includes artwork by celebrated award winners and nominees such as DAVID MACK (Daredevil, Kabuki), MICHAEL AVON OEMING (Powers, Bulletproof Monk), ZACH HOWARD (Hellboy, Wild Blue Yonder), ERYK DONOVAN (Memetic, Quantum Teens are Go), MARCO FODERA (Nathan Never), GAVIN SMITH (Star Trek: Mirrorverse), TORU TERADA (Small World), DAVID MESSINA (Star Wars: Han Solo & Chewbacca, 3Keys), GIOVANNI RIGANO (Global, Artemis Fowl), DREW MOSS (The Crow, Red Sonja), CHRISTIAN DIBARI (Revolvers, Providence of Madness), TAKI SOMA (Sleeping While Standing, Bitch Planet), MARIO ALBERTI (Spider-man and the Fantastic Four, The Wall), SARAH BASLAIM, FLAVIO DISPENZA, K. MICHAEL RUSSEL and M. SEAN MCMANUS.
Samarcanda Juegos de parejas
Laura es una abogada madrileña de 34 años, casada, sin hijos, que lleva la mitad de su vida con la misma relación sentimental. A los 17 se emparejó con Alberto, su primer novio y desde los 25 su marido. No tuvo experiencia alguna anterior y tampoco le ha sido infiel en estos 17 años, por lo que desconoce cómo será el sexo con otro hombre. Esta carencia le genera una curiosidad morbosa que mantiene en secreto desde hace tiempo. Por eso, cuando Alberto le propone la posibilidad de aderezar su vida sexual explorando el mundo de las parejas liberales, accede a su propuesta... aunque fingiendo que lo hace por complacer a su marido. Después de traspasar la raya de la intimidad de la pareja, Laura ya no volverá a ser la misma...
Penguin Books Ltd The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman
Desiderio, an employee of the city under a bizarre reality attack from Doctor Hoffman's mysterious machines, has fallen in love with Albertina, the Doctor's daughter. But Albertina, a beautiful woman made of glass, seems only to appear to him in his dreams. Meeting on his adventures a host of cannibals, centaurs and acrobats, Desiderio must battle against unreality and the warping of time and space to be with her, as the Doctor reduces Desiderio's city to a chaotic state of emergency - one ridden with madness, crime and sexual excess.A satirical tale of magic and sex, The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman is a dazzling quest for truth, love and identity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutional Logics in Action
The Institutional Logics Perspective is one of the fastest growing new theoretical areas in organization studies (Thornton, Ocasio & Lounsbury, 2012). Building on early efforts by Friedland & Alford (1991) to "bring society back in" to the study of organizational dynamics, this new scholarly domain has revived institutional analysis by embracing a focus on the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of institutions. In doing so, it has embraced a more practice-centered approach to agency that emphasizes situated interactions, the importance of history, the role of both symbolic and material elements, and the study of cross-level processes and mechanisms. This two volume set, seeded by an ABC Network conference held in Banff, Alberta, CANADA in June 2012, provides a fresh set of papers by scholars at the cutting edge of research on institutional logics. As a whole, the papers provide many novel theoretical insights about institutional logics in action - focusing on their dynamics, complexity, and evolving relationship to actors as actors actively navigate their social worlds.
Dundurn Group Ltd Borderline Shine: A Memoir
A therapist's story of complex trauma and her remarkable journey to recovery.When Connie Greshner was eight years old, her father walked into a bar in Ponoka, Alberta, and shot her mother. So began a young life defined by trauma. From Catholic boarding school in Kansas to the streets of the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver, Connie travelled in pursuit of acceptance and belonging. Grief, confusion, and shame manifested as depression, addiction, and promiscuity. Branded chronically suicidal with no hope of recovery by the mental health system, Connie was determined to heal herself and help others. Supported and inspired by exceptional friends, a love of books, and a connection to nature, she finally found her home, purpose, and peace. In Borderline Shine, Connie breaks the silence and shame of intergenerational violence. With unflinching honesty she chronicles her unique journey through the darkness of suffering to the light of compassion, hope, and recovery.
Rowman & Littlefield Northern Rocky Mountain Wildflowers: Including Glacier, Waterton Lakes, Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Mount Revelstoke, And Yoho National Parks
Fully revised and upated, Northern Rocky Mountain Wildflowers features more than 300 species of wildflowers found throughout northwestern Montana, northern Idaho, northeastern Washington, southeastern British Columbia, and southwestern Alberta. This valuable reference is organized by color and family for easy plant identification. You won't want to visit Glacier, Banff, or Jasper National Parks without taking this book.
Alianza Editorial Retórica
Técnica del arte de hablar encaminada prioritariamente a persuadir al otro, la Retórica nació y se perfeccionó en una sociedad como la griega antigua, de carácter y sistema político predominantemente orales, y para la cual el dominio de la palabra era una necesidad práctica. Aunque inscrito dentro de una tradición anterior, el tratado que a ella dedicó Aristóteles se apartó, sin embargo, tanto de caminos trillados como de una retórica de corte más sofístico, para llegar a constituir, lindando los campos de la ética, la política y la dialéctica, un texto no sólo orientado a conseguir la persuasión, sino a evaluar la realidad y a tomar las decisiones más correctas.Introducción y traducción de Alberto Bernabé
Rizzoli International Publications Richard Meier, Architect: Volume 8
Richard Meier, Architect: Volume 8 comprehensively documents Meier s work since 2017. This extensively illustrated presentation vividly conveys the purity and power of Meier s unique and celebrated vision. Thirty residential, commercial, and civic projects are featured in a dazzling variety of scales and locales, including Manhattan, Los Angeles, the Hamptons, Las Vegas, Mexico City, Tel Aviv, Rio de Janeiro, and Tokyo, among many other venues. The development and significance of Meier s work is discussed in authoritative essays by the distinguished architectural historian and curator Kurt W. Forster and world-renowned architect Alberto Campo Baeza. The architect himself contributes a preface that offers firsthand insight into his thought processes and working methods. A biographical chronology and selected bibliography complete this exhaustive and lavish monograph on a modern American master.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press Unpacking the Personal Library: The Public and Private Life of Books
Unpacking the Personal Library: The Public and Private Life of Books is an edited collection of essays that ponders the cultural meaning and significance of private book collections in relation to public libraries. Contributors explore libraries at particular moments in their history across a wide range of cases, and includes Alberto Manguel’s account of the Library of Alexandria as well as chapters on library collecting in the middle ages, the libraries of prime ministers and foreign embassies, protest libraries and the slow transformation of university libraries, and the stories of the personal libraries of Virginia Woolf, Robert Duncan, Sheila Watson, Al Purdy and others. The book shows how the history of the library is really a history of collection, consolidation, migration, dispersal, and integration, where each story negotiates private and public spaces.Unpacking the Personal Library builds on and interrogates theories and approaches from library and archive studies, the history of the book, reading, authorship and publishing. Collectively, the chapters articulate a critical poetics of the personal library within its extended social, aesthetic and cultural contexts.
Duke University Press Sovereignty in Ruins: A Politics of Crisis
Featuring essays by some of the most prominent names in contemporary political and cultural theory, Sovereignty in Ruins presents a form of critique grounded in the conviction that political thought is itself an agent of crisis. Aiming to develop a political vocabulary capable of critiquing and transforming contemporary political frameworks, the contributors advance a politics of crisis that collapses the false dichotomies between sovereignty and governmentality and between critique and crisis. Their essays address a wide range of topics, such as the role history plays in the development of a politics of crisis; Arendt's controversial judgment of Adolf Eichmann; Strauss's and Badiou's readings of Plato's Laws; the acceptance of the unacceptable; the human and nonhuman; and flesh as a biopolitical category representative of the ongoing crisis of modernity. Altering the terms through which political action may take place, the contributors think through new notions of the political that advance countermodels of biopolitics, radical democracy, and humanity. Contributors. Judith Butler, George Edmondson, Roberto Esposito, Carlo Galli, Klaus Mladek, Alberto Moreiras, Andrew Norris, Eric L. Santner, Adam Sitze, Carsten Strathausen, Rei Terada, Cary Wolfe
Workman Publishing The Path to Kindness: Poems of Connection and Joy
Following the success and momentum of his anthology How to Love the World (93,000 copies in print), James Crews's new collection, The Path to Kindness, offers more than 100 deeply felt and relatable poems from a diverse range of voices including well-known writers Julia Alvarez, Marie Howe, Ellen Bass, Naomi Shihab Nye, Alberto Ríos, Ross Gay, and Ada Limón, as well as new and emerging voices. Featured Black poets include January Gill O’Neil, Tracy K. Smith, and Cornelius Eady. Native American poets include Kimberly Blaeser, Joy Harjo (current U.S. Poet Laureate), and Linda Hogan. The collection also features international voices, including Canadian poets Lorna Crozier and Susan Musgrave. Presented in the same perfect-in-the-hand format as How to Love the World, the collection includes prompts for journaling and exploration of selected poems, a book group guide, bios of all the contributing poets, and stunning cover art by award-winning artist Dinara Mirtalipova. A foreword by Danusha Laméris, along with her popular poem "Small Kindnesses," is also included.
Espasa Libros, S.L. Antología poética
Descripción: 19x13 cm.Encuadernacion:Cartone.Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) es uno de los mayores poetas contemporáneos en lengua castellana. La presente antología, seleccionada y prologada por su amigo Rafael Alberti, reúne lo mejor de la poesía del escritor chileno. Libros como Residencia en la tierra o Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada muestran la profunda originalidad de la poesía de Neruda. Poeta de la esencia, del amor y del sentimiento.
Editorial Crítica Conferencias sobre computación
El libro recupera los contenidos de la teoría de la computación. A través de las páginas de esta excepcional obra, los lectores podrán familiarizarse con, entre otros, temas tan diversos y fundamentales como la estructura y limitaciones de los ordenadores, la teoría de la información, la física de la tecnología de semiconductores o los tan comentados ordenadores cuánticos. Completa tan singular como excepcional obra, un magistral estudio introductorio de uno de los científicos españoles más destacados: el catedrático de Física Teórica, Alberto Galindo.
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Galen. Selected Bibliography (1965-2012)
Springer International Publishing AG Austerity vs Stimulus: The Political Future of Economic Recovery
This timely book debates the economic and political logic of the austerity policies that have been implemented in the UK and in the Eurozone since 2010 and asks whether there is any alternative for these countries in the years ahead. The work reconsiders the austerity versus stimulus debate through the voices of those who proposed the successful idea of expansionary austerity and those who opposed it. The editors have brought together a collection of articles written by some of the most notable figures in the discipline, including the likes of Alberto Alesina, Ken Rogoff, Tim Besley, David Graeber, Vince Cable, and Paul Krugman. The book also features the debate between Niall Ferguson and Robert Skidelsky. These leading thinkers unveil a world where economists are far from agreeing on economic policy, and where politics often dominates the discussion. The question of whether the British government should have opted for austerity runs through the book, as well as how sustained economic recovery should be encouraged in the future. Scholars, students and members of the general public with an interest in the financial crisis and its lingering aftermath will find this work invaluable.
Quercus Publishing All Souls' Day
"An outstanding addition to an impressive oeuvre" Times Literary SupplementArthur Daane, a documentary film-maker and inveterate globetrotter, wanders the streets of Berlin, a city whose recent past provides the perfect backdrop for his reflections on life and the universe as he collects images for his latest project - a film that will show the world through his eyes.With his circle of friends - a philosopher, a sculptor and a physicist - Daane discusses everything from history to metaphysics and the meaning of our contemporary existence, often over a hearty meal. Then, one cold winter's day, Daane meets the history student Elik Oranje and his world is turned upside down. And when she unexpectedly leaves the city for Spain, Daane is compelled to follow.All Souls' Day is an elegiac love story, a poignant and affecting tale in which the city of Berlin plays a prominent role, by one of Europe's major contemporary writers.Translated from the Dutch by Susan Massotty"Displays with admirable lucidity the workings of a humane, civilized, and consistently interesting mind" Kirkus Reviews"One of the most remarkable writers of our time" ALBERTO MANGUEL