Search results for ""author lee""
The University of Chicago Press Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose: Natural History in Early America
In the years after the Revolutionary War, the fledgling republic of America was viewed by many Europeans as a degenerate backwater, populated by subspecies weak and feeble. Chief among these naysayers was the French Count and world-renowned naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon, who wrote that the flora and fauna of America (humans included) were inferior to European specimens. Thomas Jefferson--author of the Declaration of Independence, U.S. president, and ardent naturalist--spent years countering the French conception of American degeneracy. His Notes on Virginia systematically and scientifically dismantled Buffon's case through a series of tables and equally compelling writing on the nature of his home state. But the book did little to counter the arrogance of the French and hardly satisfied Jefferson's quest to demonstrate that his young nation was every bit the equal of a well-established Europe. Enter the giant moose. The American moose, which Jefferson claimed was so enormous a European reindeer could walk under it, became the cornerstone of his defense. Convinced that the sight of such a magnificent beast would cause Buffon to revise his claims, Jefferson had the remains of a seven-foot ungulate shipped first class from New Hampshire to Paris. Unfortunately, Buffon died before he could make any revisions to his Histoire Naturelle, but the legend of the moose makes for a fascinating tale about Jefferson's passion to prove that American nature deserved prestige. In Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose, Lee Alan Dugatkin vividly recreates the origin and evolution of the debates about natural history in America and, in so doing, returns the prize moose to its rightful place in American history.
The University of North Carolina Press Josephus Daniels: His Life and Times
As a longtime leader of the Democratic Party and key member of Woodrow Wilson's cabinet, Josephus Daniels was one of the most influential progressive politicians in the country, and as secretary of the navy during the First World War, he became one of the most important men in the world. Before that, Daniels revolutionized the newspaper industry in the South, forever changing the relationship between politics and the news media. Lee A. Craig, an expert on economic history, delves into Daniels's extensive archive to inform this nuanced and eminently readable biography, following Daniels's rise to power in North Carolina and chronicling his influence on twentieth-century politics.A man of great contradictions, Daniels-an ardent prohibitionist, free trader, and Free Silverite-made a fortune in private industry yet served as a persistent critic of unregulated capitalism. He championed progressive causes like the graded public school movement and antitrust laws even as he led North Carolina's white supremacy movement. Craig pulls no punches in his definitive biography of this political powerhouse.
Scratching Shed Publishing Ltd Pleasantly Disturbed
The late1980s. Robindreams of becoming Jim Kerr, singer in the best band in the world, SimpleMinds, despite having no talent whatsoever. Fliss is a musical genius, perhaps the East Midlands'answer to Kate Bush, if only she had more confidence.An acclaimed novel by comedy writer Lee Stuart Evans
Burnet Media What happens when you say yes
Nova Science Publishers Inc Food Allergy: Overview & Children's Health Issues
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Tumor Marker Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Malaria Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Leading Topics in Cancer Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Federal Protection for Human Research Subjects: An Analysis of the Common Rule & it's Interactions with FDA Regulations & the HIPAA Privacy Rule
Rowman & Littlefield Historic South Carolina: A Tour of the State's Top National Landmarks
The National Historic Landmarks series provides readers with a carefully researched, thoughtfully curated guide to each state or region’s most significant historic sites. Organized by region, with full-color photos guides will appeal to historical enthusiasts, armchair travelers, and both local visitors and tourists alike.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Guardians of Zoone
Worlds of adventure await in this action-packed sequel to The Secret of Zoone, where it’s up to Ozzie Sparks, a blue skyger, a purple-haired princess, and one very overprepared aunt to save the multiverse from an evil robot overlord.Ozzie Sparks’s life went from normal to out of this world—literally—when he traveled to the station of Zoone, saved the multiverse, and somehow managed to find his way home to his Aunt Temperance. He’d like nothing more than to go back right away, but the portal is stubbornly closed.Until Zoone comes to him. But his friends Fidget and Tug aren’t dropping in for a friendly visit. An evil overlord and his army of automatons have taken over Zoone, and it’s up to Ozzie, Fidget, Tug, and Ozzie’s usually very normal aunt to defeat them and save the station (again).Fans of adventures like The Unwanteds and The Glass Sentence will be swept away by the second book in Lee Edward Födi’s fantastically fun multiversal series.
Search Press Ltd 20 to Knit: Easy Knitted Tea Cosies
Twenty to Knit: Easy Knitted Tea Cosies contains twenty fun, colourful and easy-to-knit tea cosies. This book contains a wide range of designs, from funky fruit and friendly owls to contemporary stripes, along with Autumn, Christmas and Valentine’s Day designs. These cute and quirky tea cosies are quick to make and great for brightening up your home or giving as gifts.
Princeton University Press The Altruism Equation: Seven Scientists Search for the Origins of Goodness
In a world supposedly governed by ruthless survival of the fittest, why do we see acts of goodness in both animals and humans? This problem plagued Charles Darwin in the 1850s as he developed his theory of evolution through natural selection. Indeed, Darwin worried that the goodness he observed in nature could be the Achilles heel of his theory. Ever since then, scientists and other thinkers have engaged in a fierce debate about the origins of goodness that has dragged politics, philosophy, and religion into what remains a major question for evolutionary biology.The Altruism Equation traces the history of this debate from Darwin to the present through an extraordinary cast of characters-from the Russian prince Petr Kropotkin, who wanted to base society on altruism, to the brilliant biologist George Price, who fell into poverty and succumbed to suicide as he obsessed over the problem. In a final surprising turn, William Hamilton, the scientist who came up with the equation that reduced altruism to the cold language of natural selection, desperately hoped that his theory did not apply to humans.Hamilton's Rule, which states that relatives are worth helping in direct proportion to their blood relatedness, is as fundamental to evolutionary biology as Newton's laws of motion are to physics. But even today, decades after its formulation, Hamilton's Rule is still hotly debated among those who cannot accept that goodness can be explained by a simple mathematical formula. For the first time, Lee Alan Dugatkin brings to life the people, the issues, and the passions that have surrounded the altruism debate. Readers will be swept along by this fast-paced tale of history, biography, and scientific discovery.
Zondervan Hebrew for the Rest of Us Workbook: Using Hebrew Tools to Study the Old Testament
A WORKBOOK to Help You Learn the Essentials of Biblical Hebrew So You Can Study the Old Testament More DeeplyHebrew for the Rest of Us Workbook by Lee M Fields is a companion workbook to Hebrew for the Rest of Us, Second Edition that includes essential exercises for improving facility with understanding the Hebrew text for deeper Bible study. Strategic questions and exercises are provided for each of the twenty-one chapters in the accompanying textbook. The exercises are designed for self-learners as well as teacher-led classes (both in-person and online) with easily gradable formats. Examples for each exercise are given to guide students in how to complete the exercises. Examples are drawn from both narrative and poetic passages. Numerous review exercises are provided.Hebrew for the Rest of Us, Second Edition by Lee M. Fields is a guide for English-only readers to understand the language of the Old Testament in order to deepen their approach and understanding of Scripture. Fields highlights essential Hebrew grammar by drawing on parallels to English grammar and then moves the reader toward developing necessary skills and knowledge of the language so as to utilize the great number of Bible study materials available.Readers using the Hebrew for the Rest of Us Workbook in conjunction with Hebrew for the Rest of Us, Second Edition will learn: Why translations differ How to do careful Hebrew word studies How to engage in the basics of Hebrew exegesis How to read more advanced Old Testament commentaries with greater understanding The Hebrew for the Rest Us Workbook will enhance your learning experience with exercises to help you practice and reinforce the concepts you are learning in Hebrew for the Rest of Us, Second Edition.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc From Third World to First: Singapore and the Asian Economic Boom
Few gave tiny Singapore much chance of survival when it was granted independence in 1965. How is it, then, that today the former British colonial trading post is a thriving Asian metropolis with not only the world's number one airline, best airport, and busiest port of trade, but also the world's fourth-highest per capita real income? The story of that transformation is told here by Singapore's charismatic, controversial founding father, Lee Kuan Yew. Rising from a legacy of divisive colonialism, the devastation of the Second World War, and general poverty and disorder following the withdrawal of foreign forces, Singapore now is hailed as a city of the future. This miraculous history is dramatically recounted by the man who not only lived through it all but who fearlessly forged ahead and brought about most of these changes. Mr. Lee is one of the most respected political figures in the world today ("Time" and "Newsweek" regularly profile his socio-economic strategies and his regime), and recognition of his name among academic, political, historical and sociological circles is guaranteed. This volume also features a foreword from Dr. Henry Kissinger.
St Martin's Press The Mentor: A Thriller
Kyle Broder has achieved his lifelong dream and is an editor at a major publishing house. When Kyle is contacted by his favourite college professor, William Lansing, Kyle couldn't be happier. Kyle has his mentor over for dinner to catch up and introduce him to his girlfriend, Jamie, and the three have a great time. When William mentions that he's been writing a novel, Kyle is overjoyed. He would love to read the opus his mentor has toiled over. Until the novel turns out to be not only horribly written, but the most depraved story Kyle has read. After Kyle politely rejects the novel, William becomes obsessed, causing trouble between Kyle and Jamie, threatening Kyle's career, and even his life. As Kyle delves into more of this psychopath's work, it begins to resemble a cold case from his college town, when a girl went missing. William's work is looking increasingly like a true crime confession. The Mentor is a twisty, nail-biting thriller that explores how the love of words can lead to a deadly obsession with the fate of all those connected and hanging in the balance.
Mel Bay Publications,U.S. Dulcimer Chord Chart
MP-NMX Uni of New Mexico Storytelling in Yellowstone Horse and Buggy Tour Guides
Former Yellowstone National Park historian, Lee Whittlesey devoted years of research to these pre-1920 stories told by the Park's ‘tour guides’, or interpreters. He also devotes chapters to the first two National Park interpreters, Philetus ‘Windy’ Norris and G. L. Henderson.
Editorial Hispano Europea S.A. 50 dibujos de caballos
Caballos salvajes, de tiro, de monta y otros equinos. Aprende a dibujar paso a paso.Este libro te enseñará el modo de dibujar fácilmente todo tipo de equinos. Muy ligeramente y con cuidado, reproduce el primer paso. Con el mismo trazo ligero y con sumo cuidado, pasa al segundo y así sucesivamente hasta que logres la imagen señorial de un caballo. Es muy útil colocar tu dibujo delante de un espejo de vez en cuando, frecuentemente esa imagen revela distorsiones, que de otro modo no podrías observar. Cuanto más practiques, más desarrollarás el control de tu mano.
Simply Read Books Kendra Kandlestar And The Shard From Greeve
Simply Read Books Kendra Kandlestar And The Crack In Kazah
Greenery Press The Toybag Guide To Age Play
Simon & Schuster Camp Shady Crook
It’s Ocean’s Eleven set in a summer camp as two kids try to one-up each other in a con competition at a camp that isn’t quite what it seems…For Archie, the start of summer means another stint at Camp Shady Brook, where there is a lot more to the camp than meets the eye—just like Archie and his now blended family. But thanks to a con Archie developed last year that parted many campers with their spending money, he’s finally somebody…and he’s not going to lose that status to the new girl, Vivian. For Vivian, thanks to an incident That Shall Not Be Named or Spoken Of, her summer of exotic travels with Mom and Dad has turned into traveling to a dump of a summer camp in the middle of nowhere. But thanks to perfect timing, Vivian soon finds herself in a ring of kids trying to out-con each other—and discovers Camp Shady Brook is more like Camp Shady Crook. And when one final, massive con could cost Vivian the first friends she’s had in a while, can she and Archie figure out a way to make things right?
Simon & Schuster The Last Boy at St. Edith's
Arcadia Publishing Yellowstone National Park (Spanish Version)
Moon City Press Reveal Codes: Short Stories
Princeton University Press The Altruism Equation: Seven Scientists Search for the Origins of Goodness
In a world supposedly governed by ruthless survival of the fittest, why do we see acts of goodness in both animals and humans? This problem plagued Charles Darwin in the 1850s as he developed his theory of evolution through natural selection. Indeed, Darwin worried that the goodness he observed in nature could be the Achilles heel of his theory. Ever since then, scientists and other thinkers have engaged in a fierce debate about the origins of goodness that has dragged politics, philosophy, and religion into what remains a major question for evolutionary biology. The Altruism Equation traces the history of this debate from Darwin to the present through an extraordinary cast of characters-from the Russian prince Petr Kropotkin, who wanted to base society on altruism, to the brilliant biologist George Price, who fell into poverty and succumbed to suicide as he obsessed over the problem. In a final surprising turn, William Hamilton, the scientist who came up with the equation that reduced altruism to the cold language of natural selection, desperately hoped that his theory did not apply to humans. Hamilton's Rule, which states that relatives are worth helping in direct proportion to their blood relatedness, is as fundamental to evolutionary biology as Newton's laws of motion are to physics. But even today, decades after its formulation, Hamilton's Rule is still hotly debated among those who cannot accept that goodness can be explained by a simple mathematical formula. For the first time, Lee Alan Dugatkin brings to life the people, the issues, and the passions that have surrounded the altruism debate. Readers will be swept along by this fast-paced tale of history, biography, and scientific discovery.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Good Parent Educator: What every parent should know about their children's education
How can you help your children do well at school and beyond? It’s a question millions of parents are asking themselves as they go to ever greater lengths to secure the best education results for their children. By the time they leave home, many parents will spend 10,000 days trying to help their children prepare for adulthood. Here for the first time are the essential evidence-informed tips to make you an effective parent educator. The Good Parent Educator provides the tools that will turn excessive parenting into effective learning. Whether it is helping children learn to read or revise, engaging with teachers, paying for private tutors, choosing a school, or deciding which degree or apprenticeship to apply for, this is the must-have expert guide. It reveals what really matters in education, debunking the many education myths and misconceptions that can harm children’s learning. Enabling parents to focus on effective uses of their time will lead to better outcomes, but also to a more balanced life. Based on the findings of thousands of studies, but also filled with personal parenting stories, the book’s ultimate aim is to empower children through education so they become independent thinkers ready to prosper in the world.
Elliott & Thompson Limited What's Your Bias?: The Surprising Science of Why We Vote the Way We Do
Why do we vote the way we do?; Pundits, pollsters and politicians are queuing up to tell us, but do they really know? More importantly, do we really know?; Psychologists have been studying how we make political decisions for years, and the truth is we're a lot less rational than we think we are; sometimes we vote for reasons we're not even consciously aware of.; Delving into the science and psychology of politics, What's Your Bias? gets under the skin to reveal what really drives us - whichever way we vote. In this absorbing book, psychologist and neuroscientist Lee de-Wit explores the subtle - and often surprising - factors that could be influencing our votes, from our personality traits and unconscious biases to our susceptibility to campaign targeting and fake news.; Whether we're debating nationalism, immigration, welfare or equality, psychology can help us to better understand the decisions we make in modern politics. If you want to know more about yourself, your friends and family, or the bigger political picture, this is essential reading.
University of Toronto Press Wordsworth's Metaphysical Verse: Geometry, Nature, and Form
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Mermaid's Tale
If the mermaid doesn't swim back to the sea, but instead goes ashore, she will learn to walk on two legs. Perhaps, she will even learn to dance...... In her early thirties, Summer lives alone, jobless, with little material wants. Her only passion is dancing. To be more specific, ballroom dancing. She is at an awkward position: she started too late to be competition-worthy, yet takes dancing far too seriously to be a mere pastime. Her solitary existence poses another obstacle: you need a partner in the ballroom, where "men lead, women follow" is the ironclad rule. Under the tutelage of the legendary Donny, Summer embarks on a journey of self-discovery and, perhaps more importantly, in search of the perfect partner. Her hopes are dashed again and again as she witnesses (and sometimes partners with) the colorful characters in the ballroom: the arrogant youngster Youlin from a dancing dynasty; the talented Grace who wants nothing but an ordinary life; and the petite Meixin, forever at war with her fiance/partner. There is of course Donny, the gay dancer ferociously committed to competition and every bit as traditional as most straight men. As Summer continues her pursuit for Mr Right, she is forced to confront the dark memories of her past: the slut-shaming from her control-freak mother, the attempted suicide of her cousin, and the painful humiliation of sex with a classmate. She dreams of the perfect dancing body, yet dreads her own sexuality. The Mermaid's Tale is a beautiful solo dance of a novel. It brings to mind the exploration of the female body in The Vegetarian and the madness of the dance world of Black Swan, but is told in a lighter voice at once dreamy, whimsical, and scintillating. Written in the author's darkest days, it is nevertheless a book about life and freedom.
Duke University Press Anthropology and the Racial Politics of Culture
In the late nineteenth century, if ethnologists in the United States recognized African American culture, they often perceived it as something to be overcome and left behind. At the same time, they were committed to salvaging “disappearing” Native American culture by curating objects, narrating practices, and recording languages. In Anthropology and the Racial Politics of Culture, Lee D. Baker examines theories of race and culture developed by American anthropologists during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth. He investigates the role that ethnologists played in creating a racial politics of culture in which Indians had a culture worthy of preservation and exhibition while African Americans did not. Baker argues that the concept of culture developed by ethnologists to understand American Indian languages and customs in the nineteenth century formed the basis of the anthropological concept of race eventually used to confront “the Negro problem” in the twentieth century. As he explores the implications of anthropology’s different approaches to African Americans and Native Americans, and the field’s different but overlapping theories of race and culture, Baker delves into the careers of prominent anthropologists and ethnologists, including James Mooney Jr., Frederic W. Putnam, Daniel G. Brinton, and Franz Boas. His analysis takes into account not only scientific societies, journals, museums, and universities, but also the development of sociology in the United States, African American and Native American activists and intellectuals, philanthropy, the media, and government entities from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the Supreme Court. In Anthropology and the Racial Politics of Culture, Baker tells how anthropology has both responded to and helped shape ideas about race and culture in the United States, and how its ideas have been appropriated (and misappropriated) to wildly different ends.
Cornell University Press Casualties of History: Wounded Japanese Servicemen and the Second World War
Thousands of wounded servicemen returned to Japan following the escalation of Japanese military aggression in China in July 1937. Tens of thousands would return home after Japan widened its war effort in 1939. In Casualties of History, Lee K. Pennington relates for the first time in English the experiences of Japanese wounded soldiers and disabled veterans of Japan's "long" Second World War (from 1937 to 1945). He maps the terrain of Japanese military medicine and social welfare practices and establishes the similarities and differences that existed between Japanese and Western physical, occupational, and spiritual rehabilitation programs for war-wounded servicemen, notably amputees. To exemplify the experience of these wounded soldiers, Pennington draws on the memoir of a Japanese soldier who describes in gripping detail his medical evacuation from a casualty clearing station on the front lines and his medical convalescence at a military hospital. Moving from the hospital to the home front, Pennington documents the prominent roles adopted by disabled veterans in mobilization campaigns designed to rally popular support for the war effort. Following Japan’s defeat in August 1945, U.S. Occupation forces dismantled the social welfare services designed specifically for disabled military personnel, which brought profound consequences for veterans and their dependents. Using a wide array of written and visual historical sources, Pennington tells a tale that until now has been neglected by English-language scholarship on Japanese society. He gives us a uniquely Japanese version of the all-too-familiar story of soldiers who return home to find their lives (and bodies) remade by combat.
The University of Chicago Press Slices and Lumps: Division and Aggregation in Law and Life
How things are divided up or pieced together matters. Half a bridge is of no use at all. Conversely, many things would do more good if they could be divided up differently: Perhaps you would prefer a job that involves a third less work and a third less pay or a car that materializes only when needed and is priced accordingly? Difficulties in "slicing" and "lumping" shape nearly every facet of how we live and work--and a great deal of law and policy as well. Lee Anne Fennell explores how both types of challenges--carving out useful slices and assembling useful lumps--surface in myriad contexts, from hot button issues like conservation and eminent domain to developments in the sharing economy to personal struggles over work, money, time, diet, and exercise. Yet the significance of configuration is often overlooked, leading to missed opportunities for improving our lives. With a technology-fueled entrepreneurial explosion underway that is dividing goods, services, and jobs in novel ways, and as urbanization and environmental threats raise the stakes for assembling resources and cooperation, this is an especially exciting and crucial time to confront questions of slicing and lumping. The future of the city, the workplace, the marketplace, and the environment all turn on matters of configuration, as do the prospects for more effective legal doctrines, for better management of finances and health, and more. This book reveals configuration's power and potential--as a unifying concept and as a focus of public and private innovation.
The University of Chicago Press Principles of Animal Behavior, 4th Edition
Since the last edition of this definitive textbook was published in 2013, much has happened in the field of animal behavior. In this fourth edition, Lee Alan Dugatkin draws on cutting-edge, new work not only to update and expand on the studies presented, but also to reinforce the previous editions' focus on ultimate and proximate causation, as well as the book's unique emphasis on natural selection, learning, and cultural transmission. The result is a state-of-the art textbook on animal behavior that explains underlying concepts in a way that is both scientifically rigorous and accessible to students. Each chapter in the book provides a sound theoretical and conceptual basis upon which the empirical studies rest. A completely new feature in this edition are the Cognitive Connection boxes in Chapters 2-17, designed to dig deep into the importance of the cognitive underpinnings to many types of behaviors. Each box focuses on a specific issue related to cognition and the particular topic covered in that chapter. As Principles of Animal Behavior makes clear, the tapestry of animal behavior is created from weaving all of these components into a beautiful whole. With Dugatkin's exquisitely illustrated, comprehensive, and up-to-date fourth edition, we are able to admire that beauty anew.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Human Rights in China
Pearson Education Limited Bug Club Guided Non Fiction Year Two Lime B Looking for Invisible Clues
This book investigates how forensic scientists find very small clues that are almost invisible to the rest of us, and use them to help to solve crimes. Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children age 6-7 (Year 2) Book band: Lime B Phonics phase: 6
LWW The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction
In recent years, the direct anterior approach (DAA) has become a fundamental component of hip reconstruction in modern orthopaedic surgical practice. The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction, Second Edition is a comprehensive and highly practical guide that addresses patient anatomy, surgical techniques, and emphasizes risk avoidance when using the DAA. Continuing the pioneering work of Dr. Kristaps J. Keggi, this entirely new and expanded edition, offers the world’s most definitive single reference for surgeons aiming to improve patient care and enhance outcomes by expanding their technical capabilities for hip reconstructive surgery with the DAA. Offers expanded coverage of key topics and numerous new chapters, newly reorganized and streamlined for ease of use with take-home points, tips and tricks, pearls and pitfalls, as well as abundant full-color photos Includes a distinguished group of international experts assembled by the
Jessica Kingsley Publishers A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Schools, Second Edition
Fully updated to reflect DSM-5 and current assessment tools, procedures and research, this award-winning book provides a practical and scientifically-based approach to identifying, assessing, and treating children and adolescents with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in school settings. Integrating current research evidence with theory and best-practice, the book will support school-based professionals in a number of key areas including:· screening and assessing children and youth with high-functioning autism spectrum conditions· identifying evidence-based interventions and practices· developing and implementing comprehensive educational programs· providing family support and accessing community resources· promoting special needs advocacy.Illustrative case examples, a glossary of terms and helpful checklists and forms make this the definitive resource for identifying and implementing interventions for pupils with ASD.
Workman Publishing Landscaping with Fruit: Strawberry ground covers, blueberry hedges, grape arbors, and 39 other luscious fruits to make your yard an edible paradise.
Discover the joy of homegrown apples, fresh-picked cherries, and dozens of other fruits with this definitive guide to creating a more delicious backyard! Lee Reich shows you how to grow temperate-zone fruit at home, from site analysis and climate assessment through plant selection, pest control, pruning, and harvesting. A plant-by-plant guide recommends 39 palate-pleasing species that are especially well-suited to the home landscape. Add beauty to your outdoor space while bringing organic fruit to your table.
Harriman House Publishing The Art of Execution
Over seven years, 45 of the world''s top investors were given between $25m and $150m to invest by fund manager Lee Freeman-Shor. His instructions were simple. There was only one rule. They could only invest in their ten best ideas to make money.It seemed like a foolproof plan to make a lot of money. What could possibly go wrong? These were some of the greatest minds at work in the markets today - from top European hedge fund managers to Wall Street legends.But most of the investors'' great ideas actually lost money. Shockingly, a toss of a coin would have been a better method of choosing whether or not to invest in a stock.Nevertheless, despite being wrong most of the time, many of these investors still ended up making a lot of money.How could they be wrong most of the time and still be profitable?The answer lay in their hidden habits of execution, which until now have only been guessed at from the outside world.This book lays bare tho
Landmark Books Pte.Ltd ,Singapore There Was a Time: Singapore 1959-1965 From Self-Rule to Independence
This collection of 328 photographs shows the rhythm of daily life in Singapore between 1959 and 1965 – the pivotal time in its history when the city-state was granted internal self-rule by the British colonial government to the year it became a sovereign nation. This was when Singapore began its process of great development. Kampong folk moved into high-rise housing, new careers came with factories built in Jurong, the trading of stocks and shares began in Raffles Place, television was introduced to Singapore, and the new red-brick National Library opened on Stamford Road. Yet, some things remained unchanged. Bumboats still jostled on the fetid waters of the Singapore River, children played on five-foot-ways, families enjoyed the sea air along Queen Elizabeth Walk, and eating out at street-side hawker stalls was a way of life. For those who remember these scenes, this book will evoke a lost time. And for those who do not, it is a window to a simpler, unhurried life.
Sounds True Inc Ready Set Slow
A transformative journey filled with wisdom and practices on the power of slowing down for spiritual balance and peace amid modern chaos.
MP-MPP University Press of Mississippi Sterling Haydens Wars
A master sailor when he was barely in his twenties, Sterling Hayden (1916-1986) became an overnight film star despite having no training in acting. This volume details the life and career of this important hollywood actor.
Kogan Page Momentum 13 Ways to Unlock Your Potential
MP-OKL Uni of Oklahoma Coming Down From Above