Search results for ""Peeters""
Peeters Publishers 'Res opportunae nostrae aetatis': Studies on the Second Vatican Council Offered to Mathijs Lamberigts
The Second Vatican Council is one of the central themes in the research of Mathijs Lamberigts. He contributed to the study of the redaction history of many Council documents and highlighted the role of individual participants at the Council. As director of the Centre for the Study of the Second Vatican Council, he took great care in preserving and making accessible the archives of conciliar participants, especially those of the squadra belga As a scholar and supervisor, he promoted the spirit and the letter of the Council as an ongoing commitment to many. The twenty-three contributions in this volume all bear witness to the same commitment to study the history and texts of the Council. The articles in the first part focus on the work of Albert Prignon, Edward Schillebeeckx, Emiel-Jozef De Smedt, Henri de Lubac, Remi Hoeckman, Joseph Neuner, Peter Maan and many others. They show how the Council was rooted in early twentieth-century discussions and publications, how it was shaped by Catholics and non-Catholics, and how it affected the thinking and acting of individuals and groups. The contributions in the second part focus on the Council as an unfolding event. They pay attention to the redaction history of Lumen gentium, Unitatis redintegratio, Nostra aetate, and Presbyterorum ordinis. They analyse the positions of the Secretariat for Christian Unity, the Coetus Internationalis Patrum, and the European bishops, or emphasise the development of key concepts, including the In quibus et ex quibus, Mary as the Mater Ecclesiae, or the (in)famous subsistit in. The third part deals with the lasting significance of the Council. With articles on revelation, ecclesiology, liturgy, and interreligious dialogue, the authors in this part creatively explore the (un)contested aspects of the Council’s legacy and the horizon it projects. With these contributions Mathijs Lamberigts’ former students and colleagues wish to honour and continue his research on the Second Vatican Council.
Peeters Publishers Hac Nocte in Aeternum Diem Renascentes Populi Procreantur: Christian Initiation and the Easter Vigil in the Missale Gothicum
The “Missale gothicum” (c.690-710) is arguably the most important manuscript witness in which the Exultet survives in its original Gallican context. Its Easter Vigil formulary contains, next to the Exultet, a Eucharistic “immolacio” closely related to the Exultet in structure and content, as well as several other prayers for the rites of light, initiation, and the Eucharist. It is shown that, while Exultet and immolacio reflect an identity of Easter Night as privileged night of initiation, the formularies for initiation seem to reflect an earlier practice of baptism during Epiphany. It is argued that Exultet and immolacio go back to a common predecessor (a paschal homily) that partially originated because the introduction of paschal baptism in fourth century Gaul made it necessary to reinterpret Christian initiation in light of the paschal events and to create a coherent theological understanding of the meaning of Easter Night as privileged night of initiation.
Peeters Publishers Déchiffrer le passé d'un empire: Hommage à Nicolas Vatin et aux humanités ottomanes
Nicolas Vatin est l’auteur d’une œuvre importante sur l’histoire de l’Empire ottoman, tout particulièrement aux XVe-XVIe siècles. Au lendemain de son entrée à l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 34 de ses amis et collègues travaillant dans neuf pays différents ont souhaité lui rendre hommage. Leurs travaux, en français et en anglais (un texte est en allemand), ont été réunis par Elisabetta Borromeo, Frédéric Hitzel et Benjamin Lellouch. Organisés en huit parties thématiques, ils reprennent les nombreux domaines d’étude de Nicolas Vatin: l’historiographie ottomane, la conquête ottomane, les relations diplomatiques entre Orient et Occident, les élites ottomanes, l’identité ottomane, la piraterie en Méditerranée, l’épigraphie funéraire… Nicolas Vatin is the author of a major work on the history of the Ottoman Empire, especially during the 15th and 16th centuries. Following his nomination to the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, thirty-four of his friends and colleagues from nine different countries wished to pay tribute to him. Their contributions, written in French and English (and one in German), are edited by Elisabetta Borromeo, Frédéric Hitzel, and Benjamin Lellouch. Organized around eight themes, they touch on Nicolas Vatin’s numerous areas of study: Ottoman historiography, the Ottoman conquest, diplomatic relations between East and West, the Ottoman elites, Ottoman identity, piracy in the Mediterranean, funerary epigraphy…
Peeters Publishers Philosophie et fiction de l'Antiquité tardive à la Renaissance
Quels étaient les représentations et enjeux de la philosophie et de la fiction, leurs échanges, interactions et zones frontières de l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’à la Renaissance ? La fiction peut apparaître comme l’envers de la vérité. Elle n’en est pas moins une forme de recherche de vérité, savoir ou sagesse : Augustin, Macrobe, Martianus Capella ou Boèce, puis les poèmes allégoriques latins du XIIe siècle, les encyclopédies du XIIIe siècle, suivies par des œuvres allégoriques écrites dans le milieu de la cour de Charles V et Charles VI ou encore par Ficin problématisent le statut de la fiction : quelle est sa légitimation philosophique ? Quels sont les rapports entre philosophie et arts libéraux, philosophie et poétique, philosophie et théologie ? Les contributions interrogent le lexique et l’arrière-plan philosophique. Elles examinent aussi les moyens de la fiction pour mettre en œuvre un projet herméneutique et heuristique fécond : la personnification, la prosopopée, les modèles narratifs (banquet ou voie) ou le cadre dialogique.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. CXVI - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019: Volume 13: Ordo Amoris in Augustine
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Culte des saints et littérature hagiographique: Accords et désaccords
Dans un monde idéal l’hagiographie et le culte se développeraient en parallèle en se renforçant mutuellement. Autant que de sanctuaires, de reliques et de fêtes, le culte complet et réussi avait besoin de textes. Ce livre, en étudiant les sources en grec, latin, syriaque, copte, arménien et géorgien, montre que le lien entre l’hagiographie et le culte était en réalité souvent plus complexe. Certaines histoires ont été écrites en réponse à un culte déjà existant, mais les pratiques cultuelles et l’image du saint qu’elles présentent divergent de celles qui étaient promues par les sanctuaires majeurs des mêmes saints. D’autres histoires précédèrent l’apparition du culte et contribuèrent à son émergence seulement beaucoup plus tard. D’autres encore, jouissant d’un succès littéraire considérable, n’ont pourtant pas réussi à obtenir pour leurs héros un sanctuaire ou une place dans le calendrier. L’hagiographie pouvait créer, soutenir, changer ou ignorer le culte, mais le culte pouvait aussi bien créer, soutenir, changer ou ignorer l’hagiographie. In an ideal world, hagiography and the cult of saints would develop in parallel and strengthen each other: a successful cult would need texts, just as much as it needed shrines, relics and feasts. This book, studying the evidence from the Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, and Georgian worlds, shows that the reality of the link between hagiography and cult was often more complex. Some stories were written in response to existing veneration, but the cult practices and the image of the saint which they presented, differed from those promoted by the principal shrines of the same saint. Other stories preceded the emergence of cult, and gave rise to it only very much later. Yet others, while enjoying considerable literary success, never achieved for their heroes a shrine or a place in the calendar of feasts. Hagiography could initiate, support, change, or even ignore cult; but cult could just as well initiate, support, change, or even ignore hagiography.
Peeters Publishers Defixiones Olbiae Ponticae: (DefOlb)
This book presents a complete corpus of magical inscriptions (defixionum tabellae) of the ancient Greek city of Olbia, located in the northern Black Sea region. The inscriptions are published systematically and in chronological order with detailed historical and philological commentary.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. CIII - The Bible in the Patristic Period
This 103rd volume in the Studia Patristica series consists of 15 articles devoted to the translations and interpretations of the Bible in the Patristic period, and is the result of the Third International Patristic Conference, which was held at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Lublin, Poland) on October 16-17, 2019. The articles presented in this volume cover the entire patristic period and discuss various issues related to the meaning and interpretation of the Bible in the Alexandrian milieu and among Egyptian Monks, in the works of Origen, Jerome, Cyril, Philastrius of Brescia, Augustine, Paulinus of Nola, John Chrysostom and Sergius the Stylite. The articles presented allow us to better understand what the Bible meant to the authors of the Patristic period, and how they used it in their lives and works.
Peeters Publishers Le Psautier. L'ensemble du Livre des Louanges
Chacun des cinq livres du Psautier s’est révélé composé et bien composé. Au niveau de l’ensemble du Livre des Louanges, il en va de même. Les procédures de l’analyse rhétorique biblique ont permis de le montrer, malgré les lacunes d’une recherche qui ne pouvait guère s’appuyer sur beaucoup de travaux antérieurs. Selon la tradition, les cinq livres du Psautier correspondent aux cinq livres de la Tora. Dans la Tora, Dieu parle à l’homme, par les merveilles qu’il accomplit en sa faveur, puis par la loi qu’il lui donne ; ainsi il l’éduque, il l’« enseigne », selon le sens du mot tôrâ. Dans le Psautier, c’est l’homme qui parle à Dieu, qui lui dit ses malheurs, qui l’appelle au secours, qui le loue aussi pour son salut. Dans l’oppression, le psalmiste revendique quelquefois son innocence, mais Dieu lui fait prendre conscience de son péché. Alors, il confesse ses fautes et demande pardon. Enfin et surtout il se rend compte qu’il est incapable de comprendre la loi, de voir le chemin qui conduit à la vie. Et il demande, avec insistance, d’en être instruit. Dès le Premier livre, le psalmiste supplie : « Tes chemins, Yhwh, fais-moi connaitre, tes sentiers apprends-moi ! » (Ps 25,4). Et il le répètera à l’envi dans l’immense psaume de la Loi : « Instruis-moi, Yhwh, du chemin de tes décrets [...] Fais-moi comprendre et je garderai ta loi » (Ps 119,33-34). Ainsi la loi gravée sur la pierre, sera écrite sur son cœur de chair. C’est là le point de contact le plus visible entre la Tora et le Psautier. Moïse disait : « Écoute, Israël, les lois et les coutumes que je prononce aujourd’hui à vos oreilles » (Dt 5,1) et Dieu dit au cœur du Psautier : « Écoute, mon peuple, et je t’avertis, Israël, si tu m’écoutais... » (Ps 81,9). Incapable d’écouter et de comprendre, Israël demande donc d’être instruit de la Tora. Le Psautier est le remède guérissant de la surdité qui empêche d’entendre la Parole de Dieu, de la cécité qui empêche de voir le chemin de la vie. Ainsi commence à prendre corps la nouvelle alliance annoncée par les prophètes de l’exil, quand Dieu donnera à l’homme un cœur de chair sur lequel il écrira sa loi.
Peeters Publishers Jacob of Serugh. Homily on the Apostle Thomas and the Resurrection of Our Lord
This volume offers a critical edition and translation of Jacob of Serugh’s Homily on the Apostle Thomas and the Resurrection of Our Lord that focuses on John 20:19–28. The introduction describes the twenty-nine manuscripts that preserve the homily, details the construction of a stemma, presents case studies of editorial decisions based on neo-Lachmannian principles, and explains the systems of punctuation, orthography, and diacritical points. It also draws attention to the reception of the homily by attending to the producers and users of the manuscripts as well as the homily’s transmission in exegetical, liturgical, and hagiographical collections. The apparatus and appendices highlight paratextual marginalia, excerpts of the homily in the Syriac “Masora,” the incorporation of the homily into a liturgical rite, additions to the homily, and section divisions in manuscript witnesses. Overall, the volume seeks to navigate between employing a neo-Lachmannian editorial praxis and addressing the interests of material philology.
Peeters Publishers Violences polymorphes conjugées au féminin pluriel: Briser le couple silence-impuissance
Si la violence faite aux femmes a traversé des siècles, des civilisations et des continents, il serait important de découvrir les éléments qui l'ont nourrie et ont participé à sa perpétuation. Ce collectif a voulu analyser la participation de plusieurs éléments à l'accroissement et à la multiplication des formes de manifestation de la violence faite aux femmes. Il s'est arrêté aux implications qu'inflige la violence, sous ses différentes formes, à la femme aux niveaux psychologique, social, physique, sexuel, économique et spirituel. Il s'est attardé sur les possibilités d'aide et de soutien à offrir aux femmes sujettes à la violence. Il souhaite participer à une meilleure reconnaissance de la place de la femme dans nos sociétés. Il ne vise pas à créer ou à renforcer une ségrégation entre la femme et l'homme; bien au contraire, il plaide pour une prise de conscience de l'importance de la collaboration entre les deux sexes pour faire du monde un atelier où homme et femme sculptent chacun sa propre vie tout en tenant compte de la place de l'autre, de ses compétences et de ses spécificités.
Peeters Publishers Vie et conduite des Bienheureux Justes-nus et de notre saint Père Zosime: trois traductions géorgiennes: T.
Ce(s) volume(s) présente(nt) des éditions critiques et la traduction française de trois différentes traductions géorgiennes de la Vie et conduite des Bienheureux Justes-nus et de Zosime. Vie de Zosime fait écho au mythe de l'île des Bienheureux connu dans l’Antiquité classique dont elle donne une adaptation chrétienne. L'édition est accompagnée d'une introduction qui analyse la formation ainsi que la structure de ce texte et le rapport de dépendance entre les versions orientales. L'étude basée sur la confrontation des versions grecque, géorgienne, syriaque et arménienne rend claire la dépendance des traductions géorgiennes à leur modèle grec. Le projet de l'édition et de l'étude de la tradition géorgienne de la Vie de Zosime s'inscrit dans un projet «Zosime-Réchabites» mené au Centre des études orientales d'UCLouvain.
Peeters Publishers Hegel ou la quête de l'efficience de la pensée: Première partie: les années de formation (1770-1807)
Cet ouvrage étudie la formation de la pensée de Hegel à la lumière d’un problème spécifique qui s’impose d’emblée comme un souci central de sa réflexion: celui, pratique, de l’efficience de la pensée, c’est-à-dire de sa capacité d’agir sur le réel et de le transformer. Il montre comment la mise en oeuve de ce souci a tout d’abord donné lieu à une méditation intense sur la religion envisagée comme religion d’un peuple, avant d’en venir à la philosophie proprement dite; comment ensuite celle-ci, en tant que système scientifique, a connu à son tour une profonde évolution la conduisant d’une métaphysique substantialiste inspirée de Spinoza au système dialectique dans lequel la plus haute spéculation est conçue et exercée comme ce qu’il y a de plus effectif. Un second volume envisagera à partir du même point de vue l’oeuvre de maturité de Hegel.
Peeters Publishers The Flood: The Akkadian Sources: A New Edition, Commentary, and a Literary Discussion
The story of the primeval cataclysmic flood which wiped out all life on earth, save for one family, is found in different ancient Mesopotamian texts whence it reached the Biblical and Classical literary traditions. The present book systematically collects the earliest attestations of the myth of the Flood, namely all the cuneiform-written Akkadian sources – from the Old Babylonian to the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian periods, including Tablet XI of the Epic of Gilgamesh –, presenting them in a new synoptic edition and English translation which are accompanied by a detailed philological commentary and an extensive literary discussion. The book also includes a complete glossary of the Akkadian sources.
Peeters Publishers A Reference Grammar of Old Nubian
This reference grammar provides a novel and detailed overview of Old Nubian, an extinct Nilo-Saharan language written in the Nubian kingdom of Makuria between the 8th and 15th centuries CE. Including more than 700 glossed examples sourced from manuscripts and inscriptions covering the entire written record, this standard work treats Old Nubian syntax, topic/focus constructions, subordination and coordination, verbal morphology including person, aspect, tense, pluractionality, affirmation, and negation, nominal morphology, derivation, and phonology. The grammar is aimed both at scholars working in the fields of Nubiology, Egyptology, and Near Eastern Studies curious to gain a better understanding of one of the lesser studied languages from the medieval period, and linguists interested in one of the few historical languages of which written records have survived on the African continent.
Peeters Publishers Christian Historiography between Empires, 4th-8th Centuries
This volume includes papers on Christian historiography in the Eastern Mediterranean. The contributors to this volume — specialists in Late Antique and Byzantine, Syriac, Georgian, Armenian, and Arabic studies — have investigated the construction of the Christian historiographic traditions from the fourth to the eighth century, at the geographic, linguistic and disciplinary borders. This volume should be read as complementary to the first two volumes in the Beyond the Fathers series, entitled New Themes, New Styles, and Apocalypticism and Eschatology in Late Antiquity.
Peeters Publishers Virtual Pilgrimage: A Pathway to Spiritual Renewal for Frontline Volunteers in Ottawa's Shepherds of Good Hope
Walking practices are experiencing a revival in the post-millennial world. Chief among these is the discipline of pilgrimage. The purpose of this research was to explore the pilgrimage trope as a pathway to spiritual renewal for Ottawa’s Shepherds of Good Hope (SGH) volunteers. A form of substitute pilgrimage identified as ‘virtual pilgrimage’ was adapted to simulate the last 100 km of the Camino de Santiago trail. A purposive random sample of twelve SGH volunteers (six men and six women) walked the distance virtually, over a period of six weeks. Each week, the participants were given a reflection question to focus their walks and their journal accounts. The research methodology was configured around Richard Osmer’s four-task cycle for practical theological research. The data was collected by way of a questionnaire, a focus group, and the participants’ journal accounts. NVIVO software was used to analyze the data, and Stephen Bevans’ “Praxis Model” was used to interpret the results. Virtual pilgrimage encompasses many of the themes associated with the traditional distance pilgrimage, including suspension of regular routines, intentionality, experiences of blessedness and beauty, and encounters with sacred mystery that inspired social action. The results showed that virtual pilgrimage contains the same facility for spiritual renewal as the traditional, distance pilgrimage, with potential wide-ranging applications in the health, human, and social services fields.
Peeters Publishers À l'école de l'Antiquité: Hommages à Ghislaine Viré
La philologie requiert autant de rigueur que d’ouverture d’esprit, deux qualités que Ghislaine Viré possède au plus haut degré et qu’elle a toujours conjuguées. Elle a en effet mené de front une double carrière, comme latiniste et comme didacticienne, dans un enrichissement réciproque des deux domaines. Car, pour Ghislaine Viré, la transmission ne concerne pas seulement les manuscrits d’auteurs latins, mais porte aussi sur l’enseignement des langues anciennes. Dans cette logique, les communications rassemblées en son honneur tentent l’exercice périlleux d’associer chaque fois différents points de vue: didacticiens, papyrologues, linguistes, historiens, hellénistes et latinistes, tous ont accepté de sortir de leur zone de confort intellectuel et d’élargir leur perspective pour présenter une recherche originale et diversifiée. Ce volume d’hommages s’articule en trois parties. La première se concentre sur l’éducation dans l’Antiquité; à travers l’analyse de supports d’apprentissage et l’étude des multiples aspects que revêt la relation entre pédagogie et philologie, cette partie aborde des thèmes qui vont d’Hésiode jusqu’à l’Antiquité tardive. La seconde partie concerne le présent; il s’agit de s’interroger, par le biais de diverses réflexions méthodologiques et études de cas, sur la manière dont il convient d’enseigner l’Antiquité dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. La troisième inscrit pédagogie et didactique des langues anciennes à l’intérieur d’un cadre humaniste qui se refuse à faire l’impasse sur les dimensions éthiques et sociétales de nos démarches.
Peeters Publishers Dendara. Catalogue des dieux et des offrandes
Les différents monuments de Dendara accueillent environ deux cents divinités, soixante génies de la fécondité et quelque trois cents entités protectrices. Tous sont recensés dans le présent catalogue selon l’ordre alphabétique, individuellement ou réunis sous une seule rubrique pour les dieux mineurs, les génies de la fécondité ou les cohortes protectrices. Une transcription du texte hiéroglyphique est jointe à chacune des occurrences: un catalogue des offrandes et des statues représentées dans les cryptes clôt l’ensemble.
Peeters Publishers Dust, Demons and Pots: Studies in Honour of Colin A. Hope
This volume brings together fifty-four studies on ancient Egypt and its interconnections with neighbouring regions to celebrate the career of Colin Hope. Presented by friends, colleagues and former students, contributions to the volume offer original research and fieldwork discoveries informed by new interpretations and insights on contemporary issues in Egyptology. In recognition of Colin Hope’s extensive research interests, the subjects of discussion are wide-ranging in their exploration of the art, archaeology, language and literature of Egypt from prehistory to the pharaonic period, the Roman period and later. Also included are studies on the reception of Egyptology and discussions on museum collections and material conservation. A feature of the volume is the range of studies that come from contexts within the Nile Valley proper and the desert regions beyond. Together, the contrasting perspectives reflect important directions in an ever-expanding discipline and in the long-standing contributions made to it by Colin Hope.
Peeters Publishers When Gods Speak to Men: Divine Speech according to Textual Sources in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin
The nature of divine speech in Antiquity in the Mediterranean Basin has often been the object of scholarly analysis, especially regarding its divinatory context and questions of genre and rhetoric. The present volume not only provokes a dialogue with this past research, but seeks to respond to a problem that has received little consideration until now: the articulation of divine speech with the various forms of its representation (linguistic, literary, and material). The aim is to analyze the nature of divine speech through its materiality and the impact of the latter on the former’s definition and evolution. La recherche s’est souvent intéressée à la nature du discours divin dans l’Antiquité, par exemple, les contextes divinatoires ou encore les questions de forme et de rhétorique. Si le présent volume n’exclut pas que ces questions soient à nouveau abordées, il vise cependant à répondre plus précisément à une question qui n’a pas encore été traitée, à savoir l’articulation du discours divin avec ses différentes formes de représentations (linguistiques, littéraires et matérielles). Le but est d’étudier ces différentes représentations et de montrer comment elles participent de la définition même et du statut du discours en question.
Peeters Publishers La passion selon saint Matthieu: Matthieu 26-28
« La passion selon saint Matthieu » : sous ce titre, qui est celui de plusieurs chefs-d’œuvre de l’art occidental, voici les trois derniers chapitres du premier évangile canonique, sur lesquels l’équipe-pilote de La Bible en ses Traditions a travaillé pendant plus de dix années. Ce livre traite non seulement de la passion elle-même (Mt 26-27), mais aussi de la compilation de témoignages de rencontres avec le Ressuscité qui le flanque (Mt 28). Entièrement retraduit, le texte est commenté, à l’instar de la Glose, sous forme de notes analytiques autour des versets, ou de brèves synthèses répertoriées dans le second volume. L’annotation décrit les richesses du texte, depuis ses variantes jusqu’à ses structures énonciatives et narratives, en passant par son lexique et sa grammaire. Elle en explore aussi le contexte, pour en affiner l’approche historique, en particulier grâce aux informations venues de la réappropriation savante des évangiles comme une part de la littérature juive de l’époque dite « du second Temple ». Elle en brosse, enfin, la réception à travers les disciplines et les âges. En choisissant un texte à la postérité immense, multiforme et regorgeant de trésors artistiques, l’équipe souhaitait expérimenter le modèle herméneutique de La Bible en ses Traditions en toutes directions, y compris les plus inattendues, telles que la danse. La riche enquête ici rapportée montre que l’histoire de la réception de l’Évangile détermine son sens au moins autant que les questions historiques qu’il pose. L’inventaire des interprétations n’est pas une discipline « décorative » de moindre importance que son étude philologique ou historique, ni de moindre sérieux que son utilisation proprement religieuse. En effet, la constitution même du texte évangélique fut déjà un acte de réception, et son étude scientifique, si objective qu’elle se veuille, est également redevable de nombreuses préconceptions, dont l’ouverture à d’autres disciplines, y compris les arts, permet de prendre conscience. Tout n’est pas imprimé : de nombreux extraits d’auteurs antiques et modernes, bien des œuvres d’art scrutées au cours de cette recherche, ne figurent pas dans le présent livre. Pour les découvrir dans la version numérique de notre recherche, les lecteurs consulteront De nombreuses notes multimédia y présentent des œuvres d’arts visuelles et musicales à contempler, comme autant d’occasions de continuer à redécouvrir ce texte fondateur, depuis des détails textuels inaperçus jusqu’à ses significations théologiques les plus inattendues. Ces deux volumes s’ouvrent ainsi comme une riche carrière de pierres taillées et rangées… prêtes pour de nouvelles élaborations.
Peeters Publishers Antoine Galland (1646-1715) et son Journal: Actes du colloque international organisé à l'Université de Liège (16-18 février 2015) à l'occasion du tricentenaire de sa mort
Si Antoine Galland (1646-1715) doit d’être passé à la postérité à sa «traduction» des Mille et une nuits, il n’en était pas moins avant tout un savant versé tant en numismatique qu’en orientalisme. Pour soutenir sa mémoire, il prit note, dès son adolescence, semble-t-il, mais peut-être pas de manière continue, des événements de chaque jour qui le concernaient de près ou de loin. Ce journal, dont seuls quelques volumes nous sont parvenus, concerne deux périodes: les années 1672-1673, époque où il se trouvait à Constantinople, et les années 1708-1715, années qui correspondent à la fin de sa vie, lorsqu’il vivait à Paris. Cette dernière période est indubitablement une des plus riches sur le plan professionnel puisqu’elle voit A. Galland accéder à la plus haute fonction qu’il pouvait espérer jamais atteindre: la chaire de langue arabe au Collège royal (1709). Le journal de ces années constitue donc une source de première importance tant pour retracer les dernières années de la vie de ce savant, digne représentant de la République des Lettres, qui nous fait part consciencieusement du contenu des séances bi-hebdomadaires de la vénérable Académie royale des inscriptions, que pour reconstruire son réseau de correspondants, d’amis, de collègues dans ce siècle des Lumières qui est en train de se dessiner. Le projet qui visait à publier de manière critique l’intégralité du Journal d’A. Galland s’est concrétisé avec la parution des troisième et quatrième volumes (1712-1715) en 2015. Pour célébrer cet événement qui coïncidait avec le tricentenaire de la mort de son auteur, un colloque international a réuni une vingtaine de spécialistes venus du monde entier dans le but de se pencher, pour la première fois, sur le Journal dans son entier et examiner son apport dans des domaines aussi variés que les études littéraires, la correspondance, la numismatique, l’imprimerie, l’orientalisme, sans oublier les Mille et une nuits. Ce volume réunit vingt-sept contributions qui permettent de mieux appréhender le personnage et son œuvre.
Peeters Publishers Judges
This commentary presents a new approach to the old problems of the dating of the book of Judges and the reconstruction of the way different sources were used. It wants to show that the book of Judges can be read as the work of one literary talented author living in the early Hellenistic period. With materials from different sources he wrote his book as introduction to the history of the kings of Israel as can be found in the books of Samuel and Kings with a clear view on leadership and on the relation between the leader and YHWH. Next to the reconstruction of the historical background of the book and its author, much attention is paid to the history of interpretation, from the earliest retellings to the newest interpretations.
Peeters Publishers Le microcosme animal en Égypte ancienne: de l'effroi à la vénération: Études d'archéo- et ethnoarthropodologie culturelle
Cette publication fait suite au colloque international organisé par l’Université de Fribourg, Suisse (10-11 septembre 2015). Abordant la relation spécifique entre les Égyptiens et le monde des Arthropodes, objet de peur et de vénération, les études réunies ciblent des espèces liées à des divinités (Isis de Coptos, Isis-Selkis, etc.) capables de déjouer leurs nuisances venimeuses ou de guérir de leurs effets (scorpions, mille-pattes), des espèces véhiculant des maladies parasitaires comme le paludisme ou la leishmaniose (moustiques et phlébotomes), des espèces aux caractéristiques anatomiques et éthologiques remarquables employées d’un point de vue conceptuel (scorpion, scarabée et Lanelater de Neith). Une partie de cette approche est consacrée aux nécrophages, ainsi qu’à l’utilisation médico-magique des Arthropodes dans le corpus médical de l’Égypte classique et la pharmacopée de l’Égypte gréco-romaine. Contributions de S.H. Aufrère, L. Baqué Manzano, T. Bardinet, J. Berlandini, A.-S. von Bomhard, A. Charron, N. Guilhou, P.P. Koemoth, J. Maître, M.-H. Marganne, F. Rouffet, et C. Spieser.
Peeters Publishers Religion and State in Secular Europe Today: Theoretical Perspectives and Case Studies
The relation between religion and state in modern European history is characterized by a dual exercise: safeguarding freedom of religion for all citizens and simultaneously guaranteeing civil governance free from domination by religious authorities. While both religion and state have potential power to suppress personal freedom and development and to keep societies in a deadlock, the present volume notes that in recent decades political and academic discourse has increasingly focused on the potential negative influence of religion. By consequence, historical attitudes of benevolence of European states towards religion are replaced by suspicion and historical religion-state relations are questioned and torn down. Meanwhile, a so-called secular humanist worldview is presented in the public arena as not just an alternative to religions, but as actually superior to religious worldviews. In this cross-disciplinary volume, ten scholars critically scrutinize these developments in two sections. First, theoretical considerations aim to rethink what healthy relations between religion and state should look like in contemporary secularized Europe. Ongoing negotiations on the meaning of terms such as secularity, neutrality and laicité are analyzed and the purview of the right to religious freedom is reconsidered. Second, case studies from throughout Europe demonstrate the effects of past and ongoing societal developments on religious agents and their communities, which seek to take up their place in society. As a joint effort, this book aims to contribute to ongoing scholarly debate, not by providing simple and direct answers, but by asking questions and offering nuanced perspectives on the topics at hand.
Peeters Publishers A Syntax of Qumran Hebrew
This is the first, comprehensive description of the syntax of Qumran Hebrew, a language in which the Hebrew documents discovered in the eleven Qumran caves and at some sites in the Judaean desert are written. Features described include, for instance, the values and functions of the status constructus, tense, aspect and mood of the verb, the word order, the grammatical agreement or lack of it in gender and number, the concord or concatenation, the government of the verb. Comparison is constantly made with Biblical Hebrew and Mishnaic - Rabbinic Hebrew. This is important to see the position of Qumran Hebrew in the history of Hebrew. Copiously cited original texts are provided with an English translation by the author. That knowledge of the syntax of this Hebrew is important and has implications for textual criticism of these texts and other compartments such as orthography, phonology, morphology, lexicography, and stylistics is shown with concrete examples.
Peeters Publishers The Transforming Presence of Mystery: A Perspective of Spiritual Theology
Spiritual Theology’s journey through these last decades shows an itinerary of development, the fruit of which is an ever more solid identity. This book seeks to present a perspective in that itinerary and in tune with the signs of our times: on one hand, militant secularism and, on the other, a widespread, concrete resurgence of experiences of transcendence. In this sense, I am presenting a path of study organized around five concepts: presence, mystery, transcendence, lived experience, and transformation. In effect, the inner transformation worked by the Presence of Mystery leaves a new knowing, in which the relationship with reality is renewed, since it has expanded and dilated beyond sensible perception, opening the subject up to an unlimited and real horizon of transcendence. The awareness of perceiving a `greater reality’ within reality leaves an emotional resonance that teaches a new way of feeling and reacting in the face of sensibly perceived reality.
Peeters Publishers Languages of the Law in Early Medieval England: Essays in Memory of Lisi Oliver
As broad in scope as the interests of its honoree, this volume brings together leading historians of early English and continental law to pay tribute to Lisi Oliver. The essays gathered here range from the earliest laws of the kings of Kent in the seventh century to the reception of Old English law in the seventeenth. Interested both in how law was made and the ways in which it was applied, the contributors explore the careers of such prominent legislators as Alfred the Great and Wulfstan of York while also examining issues of gender, social status and textual transmission. This volume will be essential reading for anyone interested in the history of law, the legal culture of Anglo-Saxon England, and the emergence of modern concepts of self and statehood in the early Middle Ages.
Peeters Publishers Meister Eckhart and Thomas of Erfurt: Modism and the Philosophy of Grammar
Meister Eckhart and Thomas of Erfurt lived streets away from one another. Thomas was the last great figure of the Modistae, the speculative grammarians who were concerned with the relationship between grammar and ontology, the structure of the sentence mirroring the structure of the world. Thomas’ major work – the Grammatica speculativa – was deeply influential in the medieval period. But does Thomas’ geographical proximity to Eckhart suggest a concomitant influence of modism on his thought? What of modism’s legacy after the rapid demise of the grammatical theory in the early-mid fourteenth century? The contributions to this volume deal with these matters, and were originally presented at the ‘Meister Eckhart and Thomas of Erfurt’ conference at the Max-Weber-Center at the University of Erfurt, 14-15 November 2013.
Peeters Publishers Les premières années du roi Zimrî-Lîm de Mari. Première partie
Le tome XXXIII des Archives royales de Mari avait pour but de réunir les textes qui ont trait aux premières années du règne de Zimrî-Lîm, le dernier roi de Mari. Vu la quantité du matériel épigraphique à disposition, il doit être en fait complété par un tome XXXIV. Ce premier volume fait apparaître les figures politiques majeures qui ont administré les Bord-de-l’Euphrate comme on appelait alors le royaume de Mari, soit surtout Bannum et Sumu-hadû, des personnalités dont la réalité avait été mal perçue. Un second volume doit réunir les textes qui concernent en majorité les Nomades mâr yamîna, les soi-disant Benjaminites, qui après avoir aidé au renversement du pouvoir instauré par le roi d’Ékallatum, Samsî-Addu, (RHM) se sont rebellés contre le nouveau monarque. Il doit réunir la documentation qui concerne deux générations de rois bédouins ainsi que ceux qui ont aidé le roi de Mari à venir à bout des rebelles. Ces ouvrages ARMT XXXIII et XXXIV cherchent à établir la chronologie des textes, autant ceux qui ont déjà été publiés (et aujourd’hui souvent difficiles d’accès) que ceux qui étaient encore inédits. Les chercheurs disposeront ainsi d’une documentation qui va de la prise de Tuttul par les gens de Zimrî-Lîm, au repli des forces d’Eshnunna, abandonnant leur projet de dominer la partie orientale du RHM. Le cadre géographique est tout entier dans la Syrie actuelle, mais inclut pour une bonne part de la documentation qui concerne l’Ouest de la Haute-Djéziré, le Taurus, la vallée du Balih, et l’amont de l’actuelle Der ez-Zor, toutes contrées mal documentées jusqu’à présent pour l’époque dite «amorrite», soit le XVIIIe siècle avant notre ère. Une telle entreprise a son utilité dans la mesure où elle présente l’ensemble de la documentation disponible, tout en respectant l’unité des dossiers, ce qui n’a pu qu’entraîner des chevauchements dans la documentation, tous les dignitaires n’étant pas apparus ni disparus au même moment. Elle a, naturellement, ses fragilités dans la mesure où aucune lettre n’est explicitement datée et où plusieurs documents ont pu se croiser, sans compter que la plupart du temps il est difficile de connaître le suivi des opérations annoncées, certains programmes pouvant être abandonnés. L’état matériel de la documentation laisse, en outre, beaucoup à désirer, les tablettes cunéiformes ayant été trouvées par grandes masses difficilement gérables. Le travail d’édition a été opéré à partir d’un jeu de transcriptions et d’une couverture photographique que l’on pourra consulter sur la base de données ARCHIBAB.
Peeters Publishers Narrative Time in the New Testament: Essays on Mark, John, and Paul
Human beings live in time; time produces story, the lifeblood of narrative – all the more so for the biblical story which has been, and continues to be, intimately woven into the lives of countless people throughout the generations. Narrative as a literary genre is well represented in the Scriptures as a whole, not least in the New Testament, accounting for approximately three-fourths of its overall content. That so much of the Bible is expressed in this communicative mode cannot be merely incidental to its interpretation. The essays collected here aim to illustrate how a narrative approach applied to a number of New Testament passages, particularly in the way they deal with time, can enhance appreciation of the Bible’s capacity to make its message present, thus contributing a vital and consequential dimension to the perennial endeavor of faith seeking understanding.
Peeters Publishers Christian Identity Formation according to Cyril of Jerusalem: Sacramental Theosis as a Means of Constructing Relational Identity
This study is an exploration of how Cyril of Jerusalem constructed Christian identity for those who were preparing to enter into full communion with the church at Easter. In order to include the full catechetical teachings of the fourth-century hagiopolite tradition, the study examined the history of liturgy arguments against Cyrillian authorship of the Mystagogic Catecheses and has found, based upon the most recent scholarship, no reason to date the text to after Cyril’s bishopric. Having also used codicological and textual critical analysis to support the claim of Cyrillian authorship, the study argues for a different preferred manuscript tradition than what is presented in the critical edition. Since Cyril provided an identity-clarifying attribute for the new Christians to associate with each of the rites of initiation, the study looks at the scholarly literature regarding Cyril’s sacramental theology. Taking the Jerusalem catechetical writings as a pedagogical unit and examining it through word studies and flow-of-thought analysis, this study constructs a new model for Cyril’s sacramental theology based upon his doctrine of theosis, which has not been examined with sufficient academic rigor to date. It demonstrates that not only does Cyril have a fully-developed doctrine of theosis, but his expression of theosis is Trinitarian, sacramental, and inseparable from his ethical and identity forming teachings.
Peeters Publishers Men, Spirituality, and Gender-specific Biblical Hermeneutics
With the rise of feminism, issues of gender have become more important in many walks of life, but the specific problems and challenges faced by men have not attracted much scholarly interest in theology. This book looks at the challenges for men as described in popular and academic publications. Masculinity is understood as the open, performative, and transformative self-project of the individual person. As many contemporary men suffer from pathologies – loneliness, emotional repression, addiction, depression, alienation from self and others – that are often rooted in misguided masculinity codes that emphasize self-sufficiency, aggressiveness, and competition, they need to free themselves from such self-expectations and turn towards a spirituality of healing and flourishing. The reading of biblical texts can help them. Critical reading and group discussion of biblical stories allow men to examine and address fundamental questions about their own identity. To help men benefit from scriptural narratives, the author proposes a new method of biblical interpretation: Readers of biblical texts should pay careful attention to ideology, to the interests that have shaped the text, and to how the text can influence the reader today. Secondly, readers should scrutinize the text for its vision of the future and for messages of hope. Finally, readers should look in the text for instances of, and invitations to, personal change and transformation. The author critically reviews a small selection of men-specific readings of biblical texts by biblical scholars and demonstrates how biblical exegesis can yield new insights by taking on board the key elements of a gender-specific biblical hermeneutics for men. This book adds to the tools of modern Biblical exegesis the lens of gender-specific reading strategies for working-age men. Situated in the borderlands of biblical and practical theology, it provides fresh impetus both to exegesis and to the pastoral care of men.
Peeters Publishers MNHMH / MNEME. Past and Memory in the Aegean Bronze Age: Proceedings of the 17th International Aegean Conference, University of Udine, Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Department of Humanitie
The 17th International Aegean Conference / Rencontre égéenne internationale MNEME was organised by the University of Udine, Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, and the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Humanities, starting from the many suggestions given by several studies which have been recently devoted to the perception of and confrontation with the past in ancient societies as well as to the manifold practices of memory including memorializing and memory keeping. Scholars have focused on the important function of social memory for the construction of collective identities including ethnicity. Construction, re-use and manipulation of the past have been identified in several contexts as ideological strategies favouring cultural continuity. On the one hand, well-defined chronological limits have been reconsidered following the evidence of long-term dynamics based on the reproduction of relevant social practices through space and time. On the other hand, phenomena of cultural discontinuity and innovation have also resulted in being profoundly connected to the approach that ancient communities had towards their past, which they variously expressed in monumental architecture, funerary layout, iconographic and stylistic traditions and social practices in both ceremonial and domestic contexts. Furthermore, fragmentation, sacrifice or storage of material culture and economic resources - phenomena relevant to different systems of political economy - are in turn strongly connected to the practice of memory, with an impact on the cultural landscape including settlement as well as funerary domains.
Peeters Publishers Die Briefe 40 und 41 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I.: V.
Die vorliegenden Bände veröffentlichen die Briefe 40 und 41 des ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos. Brief 40 wird hier sozusagen erstmals publiziert; bisher lag er nur in Form ungedruckter oder nicht wahrgenommener Editionen vor. Brief 41 erscheint hier erstmals in kritischer Edition und erstmals mit Übersetzung in eine moderne Sprache. In Brief 40 schildert Timotheos ein Religionsgespräch, das er mit einem muslimischen Aristoteliker am Bagdader Kalifenhof führte. Der Text ist nicht nur ein wichtiger Zeuge für die frühe theologische Auseinandersetzung des Christentums mit dem Islam, sondern auch für die Vermittlung der aristotelischen Logik an die arabische Welt. Brief 41 an die Mönche des Klosters Mār Mārōn enthält die geschlossenste Gesamtdarstellung der Theologie des Timotheos in seinem gesamten erhaltenen Schrifttum und ist ein wichtiges Dokument für die Frühgeschichte der maronitischen Kirche.
Peeters Publishers Catalogue of the Ottoman Holdings of St John's Monastery in Patmos, Part Two: Dossiers 21-38: Katalogos ton Othomanikon Engrafon tou archeiou tis Ieras Monis tou Agiou Ioannou tou Theologou tis Patmou, Meris Difteron: Oi fakelloi 21-38
This is the follow-up volume of the Catalogue du fonds ottoman des archives du monastère de Saint-Jean à Patmos. Les vingt-deux premiers dossiers published in 2011 by Nicolas Vatin, Gilles Veinstein and Elizabeth Zachariadou. Presented here are the dossiers 21-38 which include documents from as early as 1531 and as late as March 1911 (towards the very end of Ottoman rule in the Archipelago). This wide chronological span is coupled by an extensive geographical range: The Ottoman documentation kept in the archives of the monastery of St John the Theologian on Patmos reaches from the coasts of Algiers and Tunisia to the Crimea and the Sea of Asov. It also covers a wide range of subjects (from ‘apostasy’ to ‘violence’), among them maritime trade, seafaring, piracy and shipwreck; fields and field produce; churches and church repair; inheritance issues and the establishment of Christian pious foundations; various forms of tax collecting across the Archipelago; but also evidence of oppression and injustice. Not all the hardship and injustice resulted from Ottoman rule; on the contrary, tensions and rivalries between monastic and lay bodies constituted an important factor throughout, as did disputes between and within local Greek families. The need to look for Ottoman justice and officialdom in far-away Kos (there never was a Muslim judge installed permanently on Patmos) constitutes an administrative ‘abnormality’ which has undoubtedly contributed significantly to the uniqueness of the Patmian experience throughout the centuries of Ottoman rule.
Peeters Publishers La formation d'une exégèse alexandrine post-origénienne: Les Commentaires sur les Douze Prophètes et sur Isaïe de Cyrille d'Alexandrie
Avec Cyrille d’Alexandrie (v. 378-444) s’ouvre une nouvelle période dans l’histoire de l’exégèse alexandrine. Le commentaire chrétien de la Bible, confié jusque-là à des didascales, passe aux mains du puissant évêque d’Alexandrie, qui s’affranchit nettement de l’allégorisme des grands maîtres (Origène, Piérius, Didyme l’Aveugle) et emprunte au modèle exégétique d’Eusèbe de Césarée et des Antiochiens, tout en conservant une coloration alexandrine. Cette évolution est particulièrement sensible dans le «Commentaire sur les Douze Prophètes» et le «Commentaire sur Isaïe», où Cyrille propose un modèle d’interprétation plus équilibré, en insistant sur l’importance de la dimension historico-littérale de l’Écriture. À travers une analyse approfondie de sa méthode exégétique, cette monographie s’attache à la fois à faire ressortir l’originalité de la démarche cyrillienne et à souligner son rôle déterminant dans le renouvellement de la tradition alexandrine. Après le rappel des affinités les plus caractéristiques avec Origène, grammairien et allégoriste, cette étude a accordé une attention minutieuse à l’émergence d’une exégèse post-origénienne sous la plume de Cyrille: des changements de termes, de procédés, de contenu et de finalité qui témoignent d’une volonté de réforme. En dernier lieu, a été abordée la question épineuse des sources de Cyrille, en distinguant celles qui présentent uniquement des parallèles avec son œuvre de celles qui ont exercé une véritable influence sur lui. With Cyril of Alexandria (c. 378-444), a new period in the history of Alexandrian exegesis begins. Christian interpretation of the Bible, previously entrusted to teachers, passes now into the hands of a powerful bishop, who clearly overcomes the allegorism of the grand masters (Origen, Pierius, Didymus the Blind) and borrows elements from the exegetical model of Eusebius of Caesarea and the Antiochenes, yet retains an Alexandrian coloring. This evolution is particularly noticeable in the “Commentary on the Twelve Prophets” and the “Commentary on Isaiah”. In these works, Cyril proposes a more balanced model of interpretation, one which insists on the importance of Scripture’s historical-literal dimension. Through a detailed analysis of Cyril’s exegetical method, this study highlights the originality of the Cyrillian approach and underscores Cyril’s decisive role in the renewal of the Alexandrian tradition. After reviewing the most characteristic affinities with Origen, the grammarian and allegorist, particular attention is paid to the emergence of a post-Origenian exegesis in Cyril’s commentaries: changes in terminology, method, content, and purpose all attest his commitment to reform. Finally, the present work addresses the thorny question of Cyril’s sources by distinguishing those which merely parallel Cyril’s work from those which really influenced him.
Peeters Publishers Bonding in Worship: A Ritual Lens on Social Capital in African Independent Churches in South Africa
In Sub-Saharan Africa Christianity is experiencing unprecedented growth and many people worship on a regular basis. Simultaneously, many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa experience challenges such as poverty and inequality. Given this reality and these challenges, a group of international scholars investigated the ritual practices of one of the fastest growing traditions, namely African Independent Churches, over a period of more than four years. The research team set out to explore the role of religious rituals in social capital formation and social development at community level in an African Independent Church in South Africa. This book is the final, comprehensive and synthesising product in which the international and interdisciplinary team of scholars from theology, religion and development present their findings. The book is structured into three parts that reflects its theoretical, empirical and evaluative dimensions. In part I, theoretical perspectives are offered on the main conceptual apparatus of the book and the authors’ own understanding of the nexus between the different concepts. In part II, the theoretical arguments of the book are further worked out by means of eight explorations comprising of qualitative field work research in the religious milieus of African Independent worshippers in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape, South Africa. In part III, a final set of chapters, by reflecting on the case studies in part II, offer wider appreciations and applications of the role religious ritual in social capital formation. This includes reflections on the African notion of ubuntu and the challenges that the ritual lens offers to policy makers in South African society, but also African society and the global South more generally speaking when seeking answers to the problem of development.
Peeters Publishers Abydos: the Sacred Land at the Western Horizon
This volume is the first of two complementary volumes that explore Abydos through the lenses of the latest archaeological, archival and collections research, building upon a colloquium and workshop held at the British Museum in 2015. Volume 2 presents a focussed view on Abydos in the post-pharaonic period. Chosen as the burial ground for the first kings of Egypt, Abydos became a site of great antiquity, and its ancient sanctity may have conferred legitimacy on the individuals buried there. The site soon became the cult centre for Egypt’s most popular god, Osiris, who ruled the netherworld and guaranteed every Egyptian eternal life after death. As a result of continued ritual performance, endowments and pilgrimage, a vast landscape of chapels and tombs, temples and towns, developed. For millennia, Abydos was one of the most consecrated sites of Egypt. The contributions in this volume will address the social and cultural dynamics of an ever-changing landscape serving this unique ritual narrative.
Peeters Publishers Perceptions du temps dans la Bible
Le présent volume, consacré au temps, souhaite marquer un double anniversaire : le 8e centenaire de l’Ordre dominicain approuvé en 1216 et les 125 ans de la fondation de l’École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem en 1890. Il donne la parole aux membres de l’École biblique et à plusieurs de ses collaborateurs et amis pour souligner la richesse de ce thème du temps. Au total, ce sont 26 contributions en 4 langues (français, anglais, allemand et italien) qui abordent cette question du temps en domaine vétéro-, néo- et péri-testamentaire avec trois articles sur des sujets postbibliques. Le volume s’honore des contributions d’Eugen J. Pentiuc, Simone Paganini, Béatrice Oiry, Martin Staszak, Matthieu Richelle, Roland Meynet, Jón Ásgeir Sigurvinsson, Basil Lourié, M. Manuela Gächter, Anthony Giambrone, Georg Rubel, Pino Di Luccio, Gregor Geiger, Chantal Reynier, Paul Tavardon, Michele Ciccarelli, Paolo Garuti, Elvis Elengabeka, Michel Gourgues, Francesco Piazzolla, Johannes Beutler, Alviero Niccacci, Étienne Nodet, Nicolas Bossu, Emmanuel Friedheim et Jacqueline Assaël.
Peeters Publishers Egyptian Language in Greek Sources: Scripta Onomastica of Jan Quaegebeur
This volume brings together the articles dating between 1969 and 1995 in which J. Quaegebeur studied Greek renderings of Egyptian names and words. Some of them are translated from Dutch into English, and all are updated by incorporating bibliographical references from 1970 until 2018 and comments by the editors. The articles deal with general methodology, names of gods (e.g. Eseremphis or Mestasytmis), people (e.g. double names, shortened anthroponyms and non-etymological writings), places (e.g. names of Theban temples) and common words (e.g. phritob). Though written several decades ago, Quaegebeur's work remains of fundamental importance for the study of the Egyptian language, including dialects before the rise of Coptic, onomastics and topography, popular religion and Greco-Roman Egypt in general. The indices also include references to Quaegebeur's study on the god of fate Shai (OLA 2), so that his work is now available for further study in a rich domain that has been neglected in Papyrology, Egyptology and Classical Studies the last 25 years.
Peeters Publishers David in Cultural Memory
The studies collected in this volume are the outcome of papers presented at the workshop “David in Cultural Memory,” held at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Budapest, 9-10 October, 2013. The person of king David of biblical history have long ago been the object of persistent scholarly interest. The present volume aims at offering an assemblage of the diversified memories constructed about David in various collections and communities. Narratives in the Deuteronomistic historiography reflect Ancient Near Eastern social and legal customs, and are added by literary topoi bearing specific meaning, customary motifs of royal biographies. Persian period Chronicles offer a substantially different picture of David. The Psalms’ religious poetry memorized him as an author and example, while prophetic literature and its exegesis refer to him in messianic terms. David is one of the rare figures of biblical history remembered also in visual memory, in the synagogue of Dura Europos.
Peeters Publishers The Ultimate and the Penultimate Text of the Book of Joshua
In this monograph, differences between the Hebrew and the Greek text of the Book of Joshua are studied. In chapter 1 the differences in commands and their executions are analysed, with examples from the story of the collapse of the wall of Jericho (Josh 6) and the battle against Ai (Josh 8). In chapter 2, examples, like "all the law that Joshua commanded" (e.g. Josh 1:7) and the concept of "crossing this Jordan," are analysed and explained using the category of "nomistic alterations." Then, the texts dealing with the concept of "burning with fire" (Josh 7) and "stoning and hanging (Josh 8:29), and Josh 8:30-35 are studied. In each of these cases, the final editor of the Hebrew Masoretic Text revised an older Hebrew text and sought to make sure that the text of the final version better reflected the laws as given in the book of Deuteronomy. The problematic variant with regard to “returning to Gilgal” in Josh 10 is studied in chapter 3. In chapter 4, the line of command is studied: Joshua clearly, albeit rather late in his life, stands in the shadow of Moses and continues in his line. In all the chapters, text critical data of the Masoretic Text, the Old Greek, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Vetus Latina and Josephus are taken into account, as well as the data from the early Jewish revisers and the Hexaplaric and the Lucianic revisions. Moreover, the translation technique of specific passages is studied as well as the literary- and redactional development of the text. After studying all the variants, it is proposed that the Masoretic Text grosso modo is a further development of the Hebrew text underlying the Vorlage of the Old Greek text of the book of Joshua and the editorial strategies by which the penultimate text of the book of Joshua was transformed into the ultimate Hebrew, Masoretic Text of the book of Joshua are described.
Peeters Publishers Fragments
Fragments presents one hundred and ten entries – from Acheiropoieton to Zwischenraum – that explore new insights and observations for research and criticism in art history, iconology and cultural anthropology. It offers a unique anthology of Barbara Baert's oeuvre. Each lemma bears the stamp of the author’s personality and work, sometimes in the form of an encompassing explanation, sometimes a brief experimental musing, illustratied by iconic artefacts. This extraordinary glossary leverages the power of interdisciplinary research in art and human sciences, and invites the reader to consider the beauty of these disciplines by embracing multiple genres. Fragments is Barbara Baert’s response to her being awarded the Belgian Francqui Prize Human Sciences 2016. This celebration book within the series Studies in Iconology is a token of gratitude and a sign of encouragement towards the desire of a deeper understanding of our artistic environments.
Peeters Publishers The Cultic Life of Trees in the Prehistoric Aegean, Levant, Egypt and Cyprus
This research examines 44 images of Minoan tree cult as depicted in sphragistic jewellery, portable objects and wall paintings from Late Bronze Age Crete, mainland Greece and the Cyclades. The study also compares the Aegean images with evidence for sacred trees in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Levant, Egypt and Cyprus. The purpose of this investigation is the production of new interpretations of Minoan images of tree cult. Each of the chapters of the book looks at both archaeological and iconographic evidence for tree cult. The Aegean material is, in addition, examined more deeply through the lenses of modified Lacanian psychoanalytic modelling, “new” animism, ethnographic analogy, and a Neo-Marxist hermeneutics of suspicion. It is determined that Minoan images of tree cult depict elite figures performing their intimate association with the numinous landscape through the communicative method of envisioned and enacted epiphanic ritual. The tree in such images is a physiomorphic representation of a goddess type known in the wider eastern Mediterranean associated with effective rulership and with the additional qualities of fertility, nurturance, protection, regeneration, order and stability. The representation of this deity by elite human females in ritual performance functioned to enhance their selfrepresentation as divinities and thus legitimise and concretise the position of elites within the hegemonic structure of Neopalatial Crete. These ideological visual messages were circulated to a wider audience through the reproduction and dispersal characteristic of the sphragistic process, resulting in Minoan elites literally stamping their authority on to the Cretan landscape and hence society.
Peeters Publishers Text and Image: Proceedings of the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Geneva and Bern, 22-26 June 2015
This book contains the proceedings of the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, which was held in Geneva and Bern in Switzerland from 22nd until 26th June 2015. The overarching conference theme “Text and Image” addressed a topic of fundamental importance for historical research on ancient Near Eastern cultures and societies. The aim of the conference was to stimulate an interdisciplinary dialogue between the closely related, but increasingly diverging disciplines of Near Eastern Archaeology and Assyriology. Fifty-one articles are published in three languages, including contributions to the main topic and to a number of workshops organized in the context of the RAI, as well as reports on an extraordinary session devoted to cultural heritage.
Peeters Publishers Inscriptions nabatéennes datées de la fin du IIe siècle avant notre ère au milieu du IVe siècle
L’ouvrage explore l’histoire et la société nabatéenne dans son évolution à travers presque cent cinquante inscriptions et papyri datés. Le plan en cinq parties présente les documents provenant du royaume nabatéen, puis les grandes inscriptions funéraires de Hégra, ensuite celles trouvées en dehors des limites du royaume, enfin celles datant de l’époque romaine; un dernier chapitre fait le point sur les aspects paléographiques. D’importantes annexes présentent les listes selon l’ordre du catalogue et selon leurs datation, leur répartition régionale, leur typologie, les éléments de datation utilisés, les nombres et les chiffres, les concordances épigraphiques, les lieux de conservation, une chronologie, des index et une bibliographie. À travers les formules juridiques redondantes et les épithètes royales très développées, souvent négligées par la recherche, on discerne le rôle des archives du palais royal de Pétra ou des temples comme celui de la Mesure à Hégra au Ier siècle de notre ère.