Search results for ""Author Schott"
Piper Verlag GmbH Blue Skye Die kleine Alpakafarm in Schottland Roman
Travel House Media GmbH MERIAN Reisefhrer Schottland Mit ExtraKarte zum Herausnehmen
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Die dunklen Wasser von Inverness Ein SchottlandKrimi
König, Buchverlag Die Highlander Band 2 Die Geschichte der schottischen Clans
König, Buchverlag Die Stuarts Schottische Geschichte 5 Geschichte einer Dynastie
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Highlights Schottland 50 Ziele die Sie gesehen haben sollten
Splitter Verlag 7 Detektive Ernest Patisson Das Spukschloss in Schottland
Reise Know-How Rump GmbH Reise KnowHow Wanderführer Die schottischen Highlands 31 Wandertouren
Herder Verlag GmbH Das groe SCHOTTFrbittbuch Sonn und Festtage Lesejahr ABC
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Physics of Schottky Electron Sources: Theory and Optimum Operation
The Schottky electron emitter is a predominant electron-emitting source in today’s electron beam equipment. This book comprehensively covers the Schottky emitter, dealing with its theoretical as well as practical aspects. The main questions that are addressed in this book are: what is the Schottky electron emitter? How does it work? And how do its properties affect the performance of electron beam equipment?The focus is on the direct link between the operating conditions of the source and the properties of the beam at the target level. This coupling is made clear by discussing the effect of the operating conditions and the geometry of the source and gun on the emission properties of the emitting surface, the effect of Coulomb interactions on the brightness and energy spread in the first few millimeters of the beam path, and the effect of the operating conditions and the shape of the emitter on the consequences of the beam at the target. The final chapter combines all these effects to demonstrate that there is a trade-off to be made between brightness, energy spread, and shape stability.
FISCHER Sauerländer Meine krasse Monsterklasse Gruselschock mit Schottenrock Band 2
Schott Music Ltd., London Indian Melodies
This book presents North and South Indian music in staff notation to whet the appetite of discerning western violin players. The melodies begin at around Grade 4 level, progressing to GCSE and A level music performance material. The explanation of North and South Indian music comes with a variety of ragas and compositions from both systems. Candida Connolly provides an informative introduction to this interesting and beautiful music, including careful explanations of the elaborate ornamentation. The pieces are performed on the accompanying audio download files by Candida and her colleagues from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Centre, London.Instrumentation:violin
Schott Music Ltd., London Play it again Piano
Did you use to play the piano? Would you like to play again?Play it again: Piano uses real pieces from the piano repertoire to teach specific techniques and tips, getting you playing fluently once again. This is the second book, which is for the more confident former' piano player or for those continuing their journey from Book 1. The level of pieces in this second book progresses from around UK grades 5 to 8 (intermediate to late advanced). I used to play the pianoAimed at returning' players who have spent some time away from the keyboard, Play it again: Piano gives you the confidence to revisit this fulfilling pastime and go beyond what you previously thought you could achieve. Each of the 21 pieces in Book 2 is accompanied by two full pages of easy-to-understand practice tips, all designed to get your fingers speeding comfortably across the keys once again! There are more comprehensive Piano Technique and Theory sections at the front and back of each book, so you can also delve deep
Bohlau Verlag Spektrum der Zuversicht: Zur Kontingenzbewaltigung im politischen Denken der Schottischen Aufklarung
Bod Third Party Titles Das schottische Bildungssystem. Ein Überblick von KiTa bis Schule
Edition Tintenfaß Der kleine Prinz The Wee Prince Scots Schottisch Lallans
Piper Verlag GmbH Romantic Skye Hochzeit auf der kleinen Alpakafarm in Schottland
NordSüd Verlag AG In einem Schloss in Schottland lebte einmal ein junges Gespenst
Studienverlag GmbH FreimaurerHochgrade Der Alte und Angenommene Schottische Ritus Edition zum rauhen Stein
Universitatsverlag Winter Petrarkistischer Diskurs Und Hofische Kommunikation Im Wandel: Strategien Schottischer Dichter, 1580-1625
Frech Verlag GmbH 24 DAYS ESCAPE Der Escape Room Adventskalender Sherlock Holmes und das schottische Seeungeheuer
Schott Music Ltd., London Renaissance Recorder Anthology 1
Renaissance Recorder Anthology 1 Pieces presented in a progressive order For students of ca. 23 years' experience Play-along files available for downloadAuthor of the Baroque Recorder Anthology series, Peter Bowman presents the first in a series of four volumes dedicated to recorder music from the Renaissance period. Featuring a variety of interesting pieces scored for recorder and keyboard accompaniment, this collection includes works by well-known figures as well as lesser known and rarely available pieces from a range of other composers. Suitable for students of ca. 2-3 years' of playing experience, this book includes composer biographies and teaching notes on each piece, together with recordings of all works performed by Kathryn Bennetts. Besetzung:descant recorder and piano
Anaconda Verlag Mrchen von den Britischen Inseln Schottische irische und englische Mrchen 3 Bnde im Schuber
Bassermann, Edition Britische Gartenkunst Über 60 traumhafte Gärten in England Schottland Wales und Irland
Aufbau Verlage GmbH Jenseit des Tweed Bilder und Briefe aus Schottland Das reiseliterarische Werk Band 2 Groe Brandenburger Ausgabe
Schott Music Ltd., London The Classical Piano Method
About this book - Duet Collection 1:Duet Collection 1 provides 26 fun duets explicitly linked to the levels of progression (starting with beginners) found in Method Book 1.It comes with recordings on which you can listen to all the pieces performed on a grand piano by professional concert pianists. The audio material also containsthe accompaniments alone, so that you can play your part along as a duet with the recordings!This book is a great supplement to Method Book 1, giving you further enjoyable pieces which will help your learning at each stage of your development.In line with The Classical Piano Method, these duets are drawn mainly from the classical repertoire, and also include a number of modern pieces in interesting and varied arrangements, with straightforward accompaniments ideal for a teacher or friend.This book is, of course, also a very useful standalone collection of progressively-graded duet repertoire in its own right, providing relevant repertoire as the pianist's play
Schott Music Ltd., London Piano Junior Performance Book 3
What is Piano Junior?Piano Junior is a superb piano course for beginners. It''s creative, it''s interactive, it''s colourful, it has its own website with additional online material and most importantly, it really works! Its characters, PJ the friendly robot and his sidekick Mozart the dog, motivate and encourage children throughout each level. The course is available as core Lesson Books, along with supplementary Theory, Duet and Performance Books at each stage.Who is Piano Junior for?Suitable for children from around the age of 6, Piano Junior takes young students on their first steps and prepares them with a solid foundation for early grades. A method for the digital ageTeachers, parents and students can visit [1] for demonstration videos and recordings, along with a host of other free downloadable resources which really bring practice sessions at home to life! PIANO JUNIOR - press reviewsThe careful introduction of all aspects of music notation is a standout fe
Kompass Karten GmbH KOMPASS Wanderführer Schottland Wanderungen an den Küsten und in den Highlands 60 Touren mit ExtraTourenkarte
SCHOTT & CO (SHEET MUSIC) Die Meistersinger Von Nrnberg Wwv 96
Schott Music Ltd., London Klezmer Tunes for Clarinet
Klezmer Tunes for Clarinet Traditional Klezmer tunes Notes on performance and style Complete with play-along CDRudolf Mauz presents a wide-ranging collection of Klezmer tunes and Jewish melodies for clarinet. The collection features pieces for clarinet and keyboard accompaniment, as well as a selection of clarinet duets including well-known traditional pieces and original numbers by Rudolf Mauz. The music has been carefully edited to create stylistic, authentic arrangements. The volume is accompanied by a CD with demonstration recordings of all tunes as well as play-along versions. Besetzung:clarinet and piano
Hueber Verlag GmbH and then I stepped into the Fettnpfchen Oder Wie eine Schottin Deutschland entdeckt Lektre
Stürtz Verlag Mythen Legenden Schottland Ein hochwertiger Fotoband mit ber 170 Bildern auf 128 Seiten STRTZ Verlag Gebundene Ausgabe
SCHOTT MUSIC GmbH & Co KG, Mainz The Art of Baroque Trumpet Playing
These three volumes are a summary by the renowned author and performer of his pioneering efforts and many years of experience as lecturer and teacher of this historical brass instrument at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Though conceived mainly for players of Baroque or natural trumpets, they are also essential reading for players of modern valve instruments who aim for an enlightened approach to Baroque performance practice. The varied exercises and pieces, some taken from 19th-century methods, add up to a systematic course of tuition helping to solve all technical and musical problems, particularly those connected with ensemble playing.Instrumentation:trumpet
Schott Music Corporation, New York 3 Pieces for Piano
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Calvinismus und Aufklärung: Die calvinistischen Wurzeln der praktischen Philosophie der schottischen Aufklärung nach Francis Hutcheson, David Hume und Adam Smith
Die schottische Aufklärung hat mit Francis Hutcheson, David Hume und Adam Smith Philosophen von Weltrang hervorgebracht. Die Epoche und ihre Vertreter entstammen einer Kultur, die maßgeblich vom Calvinismus bestimmt ist. Welche Spuren dies in den Werken der schottischen Aufklärung hinterlassen hat, untersucht Gregor Bloch in diesem Buch in systematischer sowie theologie- und ideengeschichtlicher Perspektive. Im Zentrum steht dabei die praktische Philosophie - Ethik, Politik und Ökonomik - von Hutcheson, Hume und Smith, die unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen theologisch-religionsphilosophischen Konzeptionen analysiert werden. Mit der These vom "aufklärenden Calvinismus" wird darin nicht nur die genealogische Bedeutung des Calvinismus für die Aufklärung auf den Begriff gebracht, sondern zugleich auch die Transformation des schottischen Calvinismus selbst nachgezeichnet.
Schott Music Corporation, New York In the Receding Mist Flute Harp Violin Viola and Cello
Schott Music Corporation, New York Ishirini Two Violins Two Performance Scores
Schott Music Corporation, New York Helga Violin Viola and Cello
Schott Music Corporation, New York 2 Violin and Percussion Score and Parts
Schott Music Corporation, New York Yuan Saxophone Quartet