Search results for ""Author RUDOLF STEINER""
Rudolf Steiner Press Knowledge of the Higher Worlds: How is it Achieved?
Given his energetic involvement in practical initiatives and extensive lecturing, Rudolf Steiner had little time to write books. Of those he did write - belonging almost entirely to the earlier years of his work - four titles form an indispensable introduction to his later teaching: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, Occult Science, The Philosophy of Freedom and Theosophy. Rudolf Steiner's fundamental handbook for spiritual and personal development has grown more modern as time has passed, although his methods remain clearly distinguishable from the many others now in circulation. For one thing, Steiner's path of spiritual growth is based on the clarity of thought normally associated with scientific research. --- Rather than denying clear thinking, his aim is to extend it beyond its present limitations. Secondly, Steiner recognizes - as in all genuine disciplines - that the path to spiritual experience is an arduous and dangerous one, calling for self-control in thought, word and deed. Human beings comprise a unity, and we cannot develop knowledge without a corresponding development in feeling and will. Rudolf Steiner foretold that humanity would begin to experience a longing for forms of experience that transcend intellectual, materialistic thinking. More than 100 years after the first publication of this book in 1904, there are countless means to achieve such experience, such as eastern meditation, channelling, remote viewing and astral projection. In addition, there has been a huge growth in people reporting extrasensory perceptions of various kinds, such as near-death experiences and meetings with angels. In this context, Steiner's key spiritual workbook - reproduced here in the classic Osmond/Davy translation - is needed more than ever, given its unique, precise instructions for inner training, its protective exercises, and its indications for grounding and centring. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds begins with the conditions required for personal development, and guides us through the stages of initiation, its practical aspects and its effects.
Rudolf Steiner Press Architecture as a Synthesis of the Arts
A collection of eight lectures by architect Rudolf Steiner, this text is aimed at students of architectu re, the arts, social sciences, and those whishing to find a deeper spiritual understanding. '
SteinerBooks, Inc The Driving Force of Spiritual Powers in World History: (Cw 222)
Anthroposophic Press Inc Origins of Natural Science
SteinerBooks, Inc The Karma of Materialism
Rudolf Steiner Press Deeper Secrets of Human Evolution in Light of the Gospels
'The personality who received the Christ Being into himself in his thirtieth year is a complex entelechy. Only on the basis of the Akashic Record can an accurate view be gained as to why the life of Jesus is so diversely presented in the various Gospels...' - Rudolf Steiner Previously untranslated, this collection of twelve lectures represents a middle point in Rudolf Steiner's unique exposition of the Christian gospels - his momentous courses on St John and St Luke had already been delivered, whilst his lectures on the Matthew and Mark gospels were yet to follow. Here, he examines the varying depictions of Christ in the gospels, explaining that they represent four different but complementary perspectives. Steiner's unparalleled insights are based on his firsthand ability to research the spiritual Akashic Record - the universal compendium of all events, thoughts, emotions and intentions. The twelve lectures include: 'The Gospels, Buddha and the two Jesus children'; 'Four varying depictions of Christ in the four Gospels'; 'The Mission of the ancient Hebrew people'; 'Preparations for an understanding of the Christ Event'; 'On the right attitude to Anthroposophy'; 'The Gospel of Matthew and the Christ conundrum'; 'Group souls and Individuality'; 'God within and the God in outer manifestation'; 'The Christmas tree as a symbol'; and 'A Christmas mood'. Translated by Christiana Bryan, this volume features an introduction by Tom Ravetz as well as notes and an index. Twelve lectures, various cities, 11 Oct.-26 Dec. 1909, GA 117
Rudolf Steiner Press Mindfulness and Reverence: Steps in Perception
Contemporary interest in the meditative schooling of mindfulness is usually associated with Eastern traditions. Rudolf Steiner spoke of the same phenomenon, although he used the terms 'attentiveness' and 'dedication' - or, combining these two, 'pure perception'. This way of mindfulness and reverence is not in conflict with spiritual paths founded on thinking or pure thought. However, as the texts in this anthology indicate, methods based exclusively on thinking cannot be successful if they are not supported by perception, feeling and will. In counterbalance to today's increasing intellectualization, the meditative exercises featured here connect with the perceptive activity of the human being's sensory organs. They could also be understood as exercises for developing empathy, helping to make our relationship with the world around us more conscious and intense. Rudolf Steiner's texts are sensitively edited and arranged by Andreas Neider, whose introduction and notes add further clarity to the theme.
Rudolf Steiner Press Happiness: Fortune, Success and the Human Spirit
What is true happiness? This perennial question preoccupies many experts, including biologists, psychologists, sociologists and theologians, but their findings usually confirm what we already knew: that happiness is one of the most sought-after but elusive commodities. Rudolf Steiner's liberating view of happiness opens up new vistas and perspectives. Happiness, he says, depends on the human spirit, whose continuing evolution draws sustenance from the totality of life's experiences. We develop and learn in equal measure from both good fortune and misfortune, success and disappointment. Steiner urges inner equilibrium, emphasizing the transience of outward happiness. Inward happiness, however, can never be taken from us, depending as it does on, '...whatever we ourselves make of our outward fortunes'. This rich and inspiring booklet gathers all Rudolf Steiner's statements on the theme and features two complete lectures on happiness and spiritual knowledge. It also includes an insightful introductory essay by Daniel Baumgartner.
SteinerBooks, Inc Art History as a Reflection of Inner Spiritual Impulses
Rudolf Steiner Press Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation: Mystery Centres of the Middle Ages. The Easter Festival and the History of the Mysteries
Steiner has been able to clarify the historical reality behind the Rosicrucian story, with all its aura of glamour and fantasy. That effected, he points to the enormity of its vision for the future evolution of ideas...' - Dr Andrew Welburn (from the Introduction) In the immediate aftermath of the 'Mystery-act' of the Christmas Foundation Conference, Rudolf Steiner chose to speak on the subject of 'Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation Mystery Centres of the Middle Ages'. Clearly connected to the events that had just taken place in Dornach - in which he not only refounded the Anthroposophical Society but took a formal position within it - Steiner begins by exploring the intellectual life of the Middle Ages and the role that Mystery culture played within it. He throws new light on the foundations of Rosicrucianism, its principles of initiation and its inherent impulse for freedom. Steiner also discusses the secret teachings of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the dawn of the age of the Archangel Michael. In the second series of lectures, entitled 'The Easter Festival and the History of the Mysteries' (April 1924), Steiner describes how festivals grew out of the Mysteries themselves. He speaks of Mysteries connected to Spring and Autumn, Adonis and Ephesus, and the significance of Sun and Moon. Throughout the volume he discusses the roles of Alexander the Great and Aristotle in world history and the significance of Aristotle's 'Categories'. Published for the first time as a single volume, the freshly revised text is complemented with an extensive introduction by Dr Andrew Welburn, detailed notes and appendices by Professor Frederick Amrine and an index. (Ten lectures, Jan. and April 1924, GA 233a)
Rudolf Steiner Press Theosophy: An Introduction to the Supersensible Knowledge of the World and the Destination of Man
Given his energetic involvement in practical initiatives and extensive lecturing, Rudolf Steiner had little time to write books. Of those he did write - belonging almost entirely to the earlier years of his work - four titles form an indispensable introduction to his later teaching: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, Occult Science, The Philosophy of Freedom and Theosophy. Theosophy focuses on a psychology based not on the usual duality of body and mind, but on the more ancient division of body, soul and spirit. Steiner describes in detail the functions and organs of these three aspects of the human being, and the objective realms to which they belong. Just as the body derives from and belongs to the material world, so do the human soul and spirit belong to their own specific realms. These are the dimensions through which all human beings travel in the life after death, and in which - after passing the 'midnight hour' - we prepare to seek our destiny, or karma, in a new life. Theosophy features one of the most comprehensive and condensed of all Steiner's accounts of these realms, and of the experiences which our immortal being undergoes in passing through them. The book ends with a chapter on the modern 'path of knowledge', in which Steiner describes the exercises through which every person may develop the latent powers of perception which are necessary for a knowledge of metaphysical worlds.
Anthroposophic Press Inc Our Dead: Memorial, Funeral, and Cremation Addresses
Anthroposophic Press Inc Becoming the Archangel Michael's Companion: Rudolf Steiner's Challenge to the Younger Generation
Rudolf Steiner Press Alchemy: The Evolution of the Mysteries
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception. With his philosophical and scientific training, Steiner brought a new systematic discipline to the field of spiritual research, allowing for fully conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries. Samples of his work are to be found in this book of edited texts, which brings together excerpts from his many talks and writings on the subject of Alchemy. This volume also features an editorial introduction, commentary and notes by Dr Andrew Welburn. Chapters: Alchemy and the Rise of the Modern Mysteries; The Loss of the Divine and the Alchemical Quest; Mysteries of the Metals; The Standpoint of Human Wisdom Today; Alchemy and Consciousness – the Transformation; Alchemy and Archangels; The Alchemy of Nature – Mercury, Sulphur, Salt; Beyond Nature Consciousness – the Spiritual Goal.
Rudolf Steiner Press World History and the Mysteries: In the Light of Anthroposophy
In this landmark series of lectures, Rudolf Steiner challenges the notion that human consciousness has in essence remained the same throughout history. On the contrary, we can only see the past in its true light when we study the differences in human souls during the various historical eras. Consciousness, he says, evolves constantly and we can only comprehend the present by understanding its origin in the past. Delivered in the evenings during the course of the ‘mystery act’ of the Christmas Foundation Meeting – when Rudolf Steiner not only re-founded the Anthroposophical Society but for the first time took a formal role within it – these lectures study world history in parallel with the ancient mysteries of initiation, showing how they are intimately linked. Steiner describes consciousness in the ancient East and follows the initiation principle from Babylonia to Greece, up to its influences in present-day spiritual life. He also discusses Gilgamesh and Eabani, the mysteries of Ephesus and Hibernia, and the occult relationship between the destruction by fire of the Temple of Artemis and the burning of the first Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. Published for the first time with colour plates of Steiner’s blackboard drawings, the freshly-revised text is complemented with an introduction, notes and appendices by Professor Frederick Amrine and an index.
Rudolf Steiner Press Intuition: The Focus of Thinking
Rudolf Steiner draws a clear distinction between the spiritual meaning of the word Intuition and its ordinary definition. As the highest form of spiritual perception, Intuition has an existential significance for our process of knowledge. Through systematic schooling, thinking can be developed into an intuitive organ by means of which the spiritual can consciously be understood and penetrated. Intuition can reveal the essence of the spirit, the processes through which human beings and the world came into existence, and the events in our life after death. In his later works, Steiner spoke of Intuition as a form of supersensible knowledge that could provide direct insight into practical life, as exemplified here in his commentary on geometry, architecture, education, medicine, eurythmy, painting and the social organism. The concept of Intuition is fundamental to Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy. It denotes a clear, pure mode of comprehension akin to a mathematical concept. We meet it in his earliest writings on Goethe, in the development of his philosophical ideas and in his many lectures and addresses. Ably compiled and introduced by Edward de Boer, this volume clarifies a concept that evolved in Steiner’s thinking. By following the idea of Intuition in its gradual transformation and amplification throughout Steiner’s writing and lecturing career, the book offers not only inspiring paths to spiritual knowledge, but also insights into how anthroposophy developed. Chapters include: `The Perceptive Power of Judgement – Goethe’s Intuition’; `Moral Intuition – Experiencing Thinking’; `The Human Being – Intuition as a Bridge to the Spirit’; `The Schooling Path – Spiritual Development and the Power of Intuition’; `Intuition Exercises’; `Three Stages of Consciousness – Intuition in Relation to Imagination and Inspiration’; `Knowledge of Destiny – Intuition and Repeated Earth Lives’; `Intuition in Practice – Examples from Various Specialist Fields’.
Rudolf Steiner Press The The Night: as a Wellspring of Strength Sleep, Spiritual Encounters and the Starry Firmament
`I fall asleep. Until I awaken my soul will be in the world of spirit, and there will meet the guiding impulse-giver of my earthly life, my genius, who dwells in the world of spirit, hovering round my head…’ – Rudolf Steiner The night is an essential counterpart to the day. By day we possess the capacity of conscious, logical thought, whilst at night – leaving the physical body to regenerate during sleep – we give ourselves up to a different form of consciousness. Rudolf Steiner describes the night as the realm of intuition, a place of deep spiritual encounter, but also as a wellspring of renewal and healing. With its lucid introduction and notes, The Night seeks to conjure the special atmosphere and quality of the nocturnal hours, so that the real spiritual encounters of night-time can fruitfully inform our daily life, helping us to live in a fuller, healthier way. Night-time is when we can, consciously or unconsciously, meet our higher self; we have the opportunity to work with angelic beings, and even to access the world of the dead. The night can be a source of poetic and artistic inspiration, whilst for initiates it provides a field for conscious awareness. It is also a special time – before going to sleep and upon waking – for specific esoteric exercises. Edited by Edward de Boer, the textual passages, lecture extracts, exercises and the many verses and prayers in this anthology are an invitation to readers to engage more consciously with the starry heavens and the nightly realm.
Rudolf Steiner Press Knowledge of the Higher Worlds: How is it Achieved?
Rudolf Steiner Press The Mystery of Death: The Nature and Significance of Central Europe and the European Folk-Spirits
Speaking during the early stages of the First World War – with the Western Front just miles away and thousands of young men dying – Rudolf Steiner focuses on the subject of death. In particular, he addresses the difficult question of why some people die prematurely, particularly in youth. Steiner also speaks of the deaths of three of his acquaintances, having made contact with their living souls in the afterlife. He voices their own words and describes the first stages of their journeys after death. Rudolf Steiner strikes a second chord with the description of the task of Central Europe in the context of the various ‘Folk-souls’. The influences of these spiritual entities are reflected in the culture and life of various peoples, but do not promote nationalism. In fact, nationalism can only be transcended when we understand and recognize our differences. This approach is based on phenomenology rather than value-judgements. The third main theme running through these lectures relates to understanding the impulses and connections active in history. Reaching beyond simple notions of ‘fate’, are we able to allow for the workings of the impulse of Christ? These extraordinary lectures, previously unpublished in English, are presented here with an introduction, notes and an index.
SteinerBooks, Inc Christ and the Human Soul: The Meaning of Life - The Spiritual Foundation of Morality - Anthroposophy and Christianity (Cw 155)
Rudolf Steiner Press Between Death and Rebirth: in Relation to Cosmic Facts
In an absorbing series of lectures, Rudolf Steiner discloses factors in a person's life on Earth that will influence their experiences in the spiritual world after their death - and conversely, factors in the spiritual world that will affect their next life on Earth. Steiner focuses on the period in the afterlife when the individual has been through kamaloka - the purgatorial place where the soul is purified. Once the soul has been cleansed of its astral sheath, it becomes open to cosmic influences, expanding into the planetary sphere. Now it can begin preparation for reincarnation - for a new human life on Earth. Steiner addresses the vital relationship of the living to the dead - in particular, how those on Earth can influence the souls of the dead. He also speaks on themes of 'Sleep and death', 'The seven-year life cycles of man', and offers a 'Christmas gift' in the form of a lecture on Christian Rosenkreutz and Gautama Buddha. He ends with a mighty picture of the Mystery of Golgotha: Jesus Christ's death on the cross was only seemingly a death; in reality it enabled the momentous birth of the Earth-Soul. Long out-of-print, the freshly-revised text of the ten lectures in this new edition is complemented with an introduction, notes and appendices by Professor Frederick Amrine, and also features an index. Ten lectures, Berlin, Nov.-Apr. 1913, GA 141
Rudolf Steiner Press Foundations of Esotericism
`It is a cosmic law that what has once taken place can never vanish, but must reappear later in a metamorphosed form. Every thought, feeling and action brought about by man does not only affect the world around him but will re-appear in the future…’ (From the Preface) This course of lectures was originally offered as private, strictly verbal instruction to a select group of esoteric pupils. In an atmosphere of earnest study, Rudolf Steiner `translated’ from the Akashic Script valuable concepts of human and cosmic knowledge into words of earthly language – content that is often not to be found in his later lectures. Although working within the Theosophical Society, Steiner was an independent spiritual teacher: `… I would only bring forward the results of what I beheld in my own spiritual research.’ The manifold, exact and detailed descriptions of the events of evolution in these lectures form a background to the evolving figure of the human being. The mighty event of the moon leaving the Earth, vividly described, took place – according to Rudolf Steiner – in order to provide an environment suited to human progress. The wonderful moment when the higher being of man descended in a bell-like form and enveloped the lower human body, still on a level with the animals, depicts what eventually provided human beings with a body suited to the development of the self or `I’. Spiritual beings and the great initiates led humanity along the path it was destined to tread. Rudolf Steiner presents a sweep of occult knowledge, including the phases of planetary evolution, various myths and symbols, human physical and spiritual organs, illness, reincarnation, and much more. Also included are unexpected insights into specific phenomena such as dinosaurs, bacteria, radiation, black and white magic, the Sphinx and Freemasonry.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Christmas Conference: For the Foundation of the General Anthroposophical Society 1923/1924 (Cw 260)
Steiner Books The Tension Between East and West: (Cw 83)
Rudolf Steiner Press Letters and Documents: 1901-1925
`I send you fondest thoughts on your birthday. On this day I will think a lot of all the beautiful things which were, and are contained in our work together, and which now always stand so beautifully before my inner eye when I describe them. Let me assure you that I write this description with love.’ – Rudolf Steiner to Marie Steiner, 13 March 1925 Containing all the correspondence between Rudolf and Marie Steiner to be found in their respective estates, this volume provides unique insight into the couple’s pivotal relationship. The years 1901-25 were a time of struggle, as Rudolf Steiner – faithfully supported by the young Marie von Sivers (later to become Marie Steiner in 1914) – endeavoured to build a completely new spiritual movement on earth. Their letters cover everything from the esoteric view of evolution and human advancement to dealing with organizational details, challenging personalities and, of course, their own relationship. In addition to the correspondence, a number of documents have been inserted chronologically throughout the text. The famous `notes’ written by Rudolf Steiner for Edouard Schure, for example, provide a unique introduction to the volume, giving profound insights into the development of the anthroposophical movement. Also included are the many versions of Rudolf Steiner’s will. Comprehensive notes are provided, as well as an index of persons and an itinerary giving dates of relevant lectures and eurythmy performances.