Search results for ""Author Albert"
Brindle and Glass Publishing, Ltd The Story That Brought Me Here: To Alberta From Everywhere
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Motor Assessment of the Developing Infant: Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS)
Motor Assessment of the Developing Infant, 2nd Edition presents theories of infant motor development and discusses the unique challenges involved in assessing the motor skills of developing infants as compared to that of adults. It provides step-by-step instructions for using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) - a scale that measures infant gross motor skills. It also features a review of two current theories of motor development, line drawings and photographs of 58 gross motor skills, and a percentile graph to plot an infant's score and derive an estimate of his or her percentile ranking. Clinicians, researchers, and parents/caregivers have all reported satisfaction with both the ease of an AIMS assessment and the strong psychometric properties of the scale. Thus, the descriptors of the 58 motor items and the administration and scoring guidelines have stood the test of time and remain unchanged in this second edition. If you have a general Permissions query or require guidance on how to request permission, please visit Elsevier's Permissions FAQ page ( where you will find further information, or alternatively you may submit a question via ( For Licensing opportunities, please contact Comprehensive coverage of how to use the Alberta Infant Motor Scale, a standardized measurement scale used to assess the gross motor abilities of infants. Line drawings and photographs of 58 gross motor skills. Five copies of the AIMS scoresheet are included with the print edition. The Alberta Infant Motor Scale is trusted by clinicians and researchers across the globe. NEW! Enhanced eBook version, included with print purchase, contains an electronic view of the scoresheet for ease of reference and allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. NEW! Clinical examples in the Clinical Uses of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale chapter offer brief case studies showing the different clinical uses of the AIMS. NEW! Scoring section in the Administration Guidelines chapter includes examples of common scoring errors. NEW! Additional scoring "hints" are provided for items that have been identified as problematic during therapist training sessions. UPDATED! Theories of Motor Development chapter presents the change from the neuromaturational theory to those originating from dynamic systems theory and motor control theories. UPDATED! Motor Assessment of the Developing Infant chapter includes a discussion of the unique challenges of assessing infant motor abilities and the important psychometric properties to consider when choosing an infant assessment tool. UPDATED! Clinical Uses of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale chapter includes recent literature on clinical uses and advises on when not to use the AIMS as an assessment measure. UPDATED! Norm-Referencing of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale chapter reflects the most up-to-date normative data and validity research and discusses research on the instability of infant motor scores over time in typically developing infants using the AIMS.
Park Books The Inhabited Pathway - The Built Work of Alberto Ponis in Sardinia
Alberto Ponis, born 1933 in Genoa, was educated at Florence University, where he qualified as an architect in 1960. He worked in London with Erno Goldfinger and Denys Lasdun in 1960-64, under the strong - and lasting - influence of the movements of modernism and new brutalism then dominant in British architecture. He established his studio in 1964 in Palau on the island of Sardinia. Ponis has studied the natural conditions and social history of Sardinia and has also done extensive research on the "stazzo", Sardinia's typical rural building type. On this thorough knowledge of conditions, traditions and requirements, an oeuvre of more than 300 residential buildings is founded. Each house is deeply rooted in its environment and connected with the land and other dwellings by the "sentiero", the path leading to and from it. They show a natural modesty and simplicity and express the architect's great formal skills and sensitivity. Alberto Ponis - Sardinia is the first comprehensive monograph on this highly interesting and original architect.Lavishly illustrated, it documents his life and work and presents in detail eight selected buildings between 1965-98 that make traceable the evolution of Ponis's work and philosophy.
Desde cARTEm BOOKS, hemos querido arrojar luz sobre la figura de este inconmensurable artista y permitir (describiendo las imágenes y textos que contiene la obra) que sea posible disfrutar aún más de esta pequeña joya del Renacimiento alemán.Incluye imágenes de algunas de las mejores bibliotecas y museos del mundo: Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE), Biblioteca de la Abadía de Montserrat, Biblioteca Albertina, Museo del Louvre y Museo del Prado.El número de grabados total de La Pasión Pequeña es mayor que el de La Gran Pasión (12 xilografías), sin embargo, recibe el nombre de ?pequeña? debido al tamaño de las planchas.
TouchWood Editions Beer Quest West: The Craft Brewers of Alberta and British Columbia
AU Press Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy in Canada
The contributors to Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracycritically assess the political peculiarities of Alberta and the impactof the government’s relationship to the oil industry on the livesof the province’s most vulnerable citizens. They also examine thepublic policy environment and the entrenchment of neoliberal politicalideology in the province. In probing the relationship between oildependency and democracy in the context of an industrialized nation,Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy offers a crucial testof the “oil inhibits democracy” thesis that has hithertobeen advanced in relation to oil-producing countries in the GlobalSouth. If reliance on oil production appears to undermine democraticparticipation and governance in Alberta, then what does the Albertacase suggest for the future of democracy in industrialized nations suchas the United States and Australia, which are now in the process ofexploiting their own substantial shale oil reserves? The environmentalconsequences of oil production have, for example, been the subject ofmuch attention. Little is likely to change, however, if citizens ofoil-rich countries cannot effectively intervene to influence governmentpolicy.
Benteli Verlag From Kirchner's Morphine to a Passion for Giacometti: Encounters with two dear friends of Alberto Giacometti
In this volume Renato Bergamin talks about a very personal approach to the two great artists Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Alberto Giacometti. By chance, he met the art patron and gallery owner Eberhard W. Kornfeld in 1984, and twelve years later he got to know the photographer and publisher Ernst Scheidegger. Both gave him a very unique and personal insight into the art of the 20th century. In many conversations and during his “unforgettable encounters” with both of them, the author was given unparalleled impressions about the dimensions and atmosphere of a thrilling bygone art scene. Born 1923, Eberhard W. Kornfeld was in direct contact with key artists of the 20th century and befriended many of them, becoming friends with Giacometti in 1948. To this day he also has a very special relationship to the works of Kirchner, which constitute an important focal area of his private collection. Ernst Scheidegger, who passed away in February 2016, already met Giacometti in 1943. This resulted in a lifelong friendship and the most comprehensive photographic documentation of his life and work.
EDIBESA 366 textos de San Alberto Hurtado un pensamiento para cada día
El programa de vida de san Alberto Hurtado fue la síntesis de "Amarás a Dios con todo tu corazón...y a tu prójimo como a ti mismo".Benedicto XVI, Homilía en la misa de canonización (23 de octubre de 2005).Jesíta chileno, apoóstol del siglo XX en los ámbitos universitarios y obreros, su figura es gigante. Su fortaleza, tesón y las ganas de servir a Dios marcaron su vida. Su inmenso arrastre entre los jóvenes sobrepasó los límites del colegio donde empezó sus primeros pasos apostólicos. Fue llamado como asesor de la Acción Católica Juvenil. Con sus jóvenes colaboradores recorrió la patria inflamando los corazones juveniles en el deseo de luchar por la gloria de Cristo.Jesús lo llamaba. En cada lugar el padre Alberto Hurtado veía la cara de Cristo en los pobres. Había muchos que necesitaban techo, abrigo y comida. Para ellos fundó el Hogar de Cristo en 1944. Sin tiempo para desfallecer siempre tenía un nuevo proyecto entre sus manos. Una nueva casa de acogida para los niños, t
Random House Studio Digging for Words: José Alberto Gutiérrez and the Library He Built
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Alberta Infant Motor Scale Score Sheets (AIMS): Package of 50 Score Sheets
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) Score Sheets, 2nd Edition is a pack of 50 printed scoresheets. The Alberta Infant Motor Scale is a standardized measurement scale used to assess the gross motor abilities of infants. The scoresheet provides clinicians and researchers a tool to record scores in the assessment of developing infants. Consult Piper and Darrah's Motor Assessment of the Developing Infant, 2nd Edition for step-by-step instruction for using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale scoresheets. If you have a general Permissions query or require guidance on how to request permission, please visit Elsevier's Permissions FAQ page ( where you will find further information, or alternatively you may submit a question via ( For Licensing opportunities, please contact Pack of 50 printed scoresheets of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS).
Aschendorff Verlag Alberti Magni Opera Omnia: Tomus XX/I: Super Threnos. Super Baruch
Pennsylvania State University Press Humanism and the Urban World: Leon Battista Alberti and the Renaissance City
In Humanism and the Urban World, Caspar Pearson offers a profoundly revisionist account of Leon Battista Alberti’s approach to the urban environment as exemplified in the extensive theoretical treatise De re aedificatoria (On the Art of Building in Ten Books), brought mostly to completion in the 1450s, as well as in his larger body of written work. Past scholars have generally characterized the Italian Renaissance architect and theorist as an enthusiast of the city who envisioned it as a rational, Renaissance ideal. Pearson argues, however, that Alberti’s approach to urbanism was far more complex—that he was even “essentially hostile” to the city at times. Rather than proposing the “ideal” city, Pearson maintains, Alberti presented a variety of possible cities, each one different from another. This book explores the ways in which Alberti sought to remedy urban problems, tracing key themes that manifest in De re aedificatoria. Chapters address Alberti’s consideration of the city’s possible destruction and the city’s capacity to provide order despite its intrinsic instability; his assessment of a variety of political solutions to that instability; his affinity for the countryside and discussions of the virtues of the active versus the contemplative life; and his theories of aesthetics and beauty, in particular the belief that beauty may affect the soul of an enemy and thus preserve buildings from attack.
Waterford Press Ltd Alberta Trees & Wildflowers: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species
The provincial flower, the wild rose, is one of thousands of species of plants growing in the diverse ecosystems found throughout Alberta. This beautifully illustrated guide highlights over 140 familiar and unique species of trees, shrubs and wildflowers and also includes a map featuring prominent botanical sanctuaries. Laminated for durability, this lightweight, pocket-sized folding guide is an excellent source of portable information and ideal for field use by visitors and residents alike.
Peeters Publishers Albertus Magnus, Super Iohannem (Ioh. 1, 1-18)
Le commentaire du Prologue de l’Évangile de Jean (Jn 1, 1-18) par Albert le Grand (ca. 1200-1280) est l’un des grands textes spéculatifs de la tradition latine médiévale. Le Super Iohannem du Dominicain de Cologne n’était jusqu’à présent disponible, sous le titre d’Enarrationes in Ioannem, que dans l’Editio Lugdunensis de Pierre Jammy de 1651 et dans l’Editio Parisiensis d’Auguste et d’Émile Borgnet de 1899. Il s’agit ici d’offrir au public une édition scientifique visant, d’une part, à restituer un état du commentaire albertien plus proche de l’origine et, d’autre part, à mettre au jour les différents moments de la réception de celui-ci. Cette édition est effectuée à partir des neuf manuscrits actuellement connus qui transmettent l’intégralité du texte ainsi qu’à partir des éditions imprimées. Elle est accompagnée d’une traduction en langue française. L’introduction considère, d’une part, l’authenticité de l’œuvre ainsi que sa datation par les documents historiques et par la chronologie relative; elle analyse, d’autre part, sa structure; elle propose, ensuite, une description des témoins et fonde, enfin, les principes d’édition sur une discussion stemmatique. L’édition du texte elle-même est munie de trois apparats (lieux bibliques, variantes, sources) et de quatre indices (lieux bibliques, auteurs allégués par Albert le Grand et auteurs allégués par l’éditeur, lieux parallèles, index thématique). Deux répertoires séparés fournissent un commentaire des leçons erronées et des variantes commentées. The commentary on the Prologue of the Gospel of John (John 1:1-18) by Albert the Great (ca. 1200-1280) is part of one of the great speculative texts of the medieval Latin tradition. The Super Iohannem of the Dominican of Cologne was previously available as Enarrationes in Ioannem only in Pierre Jammy’s Editio Lugdunensis of 1651 and in the Editio Parisiensis by Auguste and Émile Borgnet of 1899. The aim here is to offer a scholarly specimen-edition of the Prologue aiming, on the one hand, at editing the Albertian commentary that comes closer to its origin and, on the other hand, at revealing the different stages of its reception. This edition is carried out on the basis of the nine manuscripts currently known, which transmit the text in its entirety, as well as on the basis of printed editions. The Latin text is accompanied by a translation of it into French. The introduction considers the authenticity of the work as well as its dating by historical documents and relative chronology; it analyses its structure and proposes a description of the witnesses and, finally, bases the principles of edition on a stemmatic discussion. The text edition itself is equipped with three apparatus (biblical quotes, variants, sources) and four indices (biblical quotes, authors alleged by Albert the Great and authors alleged by the editor, parallel texts, thematic index). Two separate appendices provide a commentary on incorrect readings and variants.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Building in the Text: Alberti to Shakespeare and Milton
In The Building in the Text, Roy Eriksen shows that Renaissance writers conceived of their texts in accordance with architectural principles. His approach opens the way to wide-ranging discussions of the structure and meaning of a variety of literary texts and also provides new insights into the famed architectural ekphrases of Alberti and Vasari.Analyzing such words as "plot," "topos," "fabrica," and "stanza," Eriksen discloses the fundamental spatial symmetries and complexities in the writings of Ariosto, Shakespeare, and Milton, among other major figures. Ultimately, his book uncovers and clarifies a tradition of literary architecture that is rooted in antiquity and based on correspondences regarded as ordering principles of the cosmos. Eriksen’s book will be of interest to art historians, historians of literature, and those concerned with the classical heritage, rhetoric, music, and architecture.
AU Press Psychiatry and the Legacies of Eugenics: Historical Studies of Alberta and Beyond
From 1928 to 1972, the Alberta Sexual Sterilization Act, Canada’s lengthiest eugenic policy, shaped social discourses and medical practice in the province. Sterilization programs – particularly involuntary sterilization programs – were responding both nationally and internationally to social anxieties produced by the perceived connection between mental degeneration and heredity. Psychiatry and the Legacy of Eugenics illustrates how the emerging field of psychiatry and its concerns about inheritable conditions was heavily influenced by eugenic thought and contributed to the longevity of sterilization practices in Western Canada. Using institutional case studies, biographical accounts, and media developments from Western Canada and Europe, contributors trace the impact of eugenics on nursing practices, politics, and social attitudes, while investigating the ways in which eugenics discourses persisted unexpectedly and remained mostly unexamined in psychiatric practice. This volume further extends historical analysis into considerations of contemporary policy and human rights issues through a discussion of disability studies as well as compensation claims for victims of sterilization. In impressive detail, contributors shed new light on the medical and political influences of eugenics on psychiatry at a key moment in the field’s developmentWith contributions by Ashley Barlow, W. Mikkel Dack, Aleksandra Loewenau, Diana Mansell, Guel A. Russell, Celeste Tuong Vy Sharpe, Henderikus J. Stam, Douglas Wahlsten, Paul J. Weindling, Robert A. Wilson, Gregor Wolbring, and Marc Workman.
Icaria editorial Momentum entrevistas a Pablo Iglesias Ada Colau Alberto Garzón y David Fernàndez
La sociedad ha generado una respuesta política imprevista, encabezada por unos líderes y actores que han sabido entender e interpretar el momentum de la crisis española. Momentum, concepto de la física de los objetos, ideado por Newton, que la sociología norteamericana trasladó a la dinámica de los grupos sociales. Momentum: intensidad de una dinámica social, superando las diferentes fases de resistencia, hacia un objetivo deseable [...].Orencio Osuna ha entrevistado a las personas de referencia de la nueva generación que amenazan con romper el marco. Hace un año podían parecer personajes radicalmente periféricos. Hoy sus nombres están en boca de todos. Pablo Iglesias, Alberto Garzón, David Fernàndez y Ada Colau. Como buen periférico, Orencio sabe que siempre hay un autobús que va del extrarradio al centro. Hay que saber cogerlo. Enric JulianaOrencio Osuna es escritor y colabora en La Tuerka, Pú y Fue un activo militante de Bandera Roja y el PSUC en tiem
Heritage House Publishing Co Ltd Frontier Cowboys & the Great Divide: Early Ranching in BC & Alberta
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Way of Abundance and Joy: The Shamanic Teachings of don Alberto Taxo
Shares the ancient Andean wisdom and practices of Sumak Kausay, the way of Abundant Life, as taught by master shaman don Alberto Taxo • Shows how to relate to and receive help from the elements, reconnect with nature to access abundance and joy, connect with plants, animals, water, air, and fire • Explores don Alberto’s upbringing in a family of yachaks, his initiation, and his personal work to fulfill the Andean prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor • Includes reflections and essays from several of don Alberto’s students and others who have worked with him, including Itzhak Beery and John Perkins Recognized as a master yachak, don Alberto Taxo is a celebrated spiritual elder, shaman, and healer of the pre-Inca Atik (Kichwa) people from the Andes Mountains of Ecuador. He has been sharing ancient Andean shamanic wisdom and practices in the United States for more than 20 years--his personal quest to fulfill the Andean prophecy that the Eagle and the Condor will fly together in the same sky in harmony. Written with don Alberto’s permission and as further fulfillment of the Eagle-Condor prophecy, this book shares don Alberto’s teachings and his simple approaches for building a reciprocal relationship with nature, centered on Sumak Kausay, the way of joy and abundance. As a yachak, a shaman of the elements, don Alberto shows how to relate to and receive help from nature. When we are connected with nature on an emotional and spiritual level it creates joy that is deeply healing and can be accessed during life’s difficulties. The book discusses traditional Ecuadorian shamanic beliefs and practices, including Andean Inca cosmology; how to connect with plants, animals, air, fire, and water in sacred springs, the ocean, or your shower; and Inca concepts like Pacha, the space-time era in which we live that is now transitioning to a new one of connection and love after 500 years. The book explores don Alberto’s upbringing in a family of yachaks, his initiation, and his assumption of the role of shaman for his community. It also includes reflections and essays from don Alberto’s students and others who have worked with him, including shamanic teachers Itzhak Beery and John Perkins, showing how he influenced their lives and awakened them to the path of Sumak Kausay, Abundant Life.
McGill-Queen's University Press Nationalism from the Margins: Italians in Alberta and British Columbia
She argues that nationalism is not one idea but a "relationship of voices, speaking from varying levels of political and social power, and to varying audiences." The Italian understanding of what it means to belong to Canada does not require the abandonment of ethnic identity but instead demonstrates the ways in which layers of identity intersect. Wood introduces the more spatial concept of "relocation" and emphasizes the complex and negotiated nature of immigrant identities. She highlights the immigrants' roles as active participants in the creation of their own local, regional, and national spaces, underlining the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to immigrant history. Highlighting the "marginalized" status of these immigrants - as Southern Europeans, Catholics, and residents of western Canada - Wood brings their voice to the centre and shows them to be agents in the production of their identities.
University of Toronto Press Teachers of the Foothills Province: The Story of The Alberta Teachers' Association
University of British Columbia Press Taking Medicine: Women's Healing Work and Colonial Contact in Southern Alberta, 1880-1930
The buffalo hunter, the medicine man, and the missionary continue to dominate the history of the North American west, even though historians have recognized women’s role as both colonizer and colonized since the 1980s.Kristin Burnett helps to correct this imbalance by investigating the convergence of Aboriginal and settler therapeutic regimes in the Treaty 7 region from the perspective of women. Although the imperial eye focused on medicine men, Aboriginal women played important roles as healers and caregivers, and the knowledge and healing work of both Aboriginal and settler women brought them into contact. But as settlement increased and the colonial regime hardened, informal encounters in domestic spaces gave way to more formal, one-sided interactions in settler-run hospitals and nursing stations.By revealing Aboriginal and settler women’s contributions to the development of health care in southern Alberta, Taking Medicine challenges traditional understandings of colonial medicine and nursing in the contact zone.
AU Press Bucking Conservatism: Alternative Stories of Alberta from the 1960s and 1970s
With lively, informative contributions by both scholars and activists, Bucking Conservatism highlights the individuals and groups who challenged Alberta’s conservative status quo in the 60s and 70s. Drawing on archival material, newspaper articles, police reports, and interviews, the contributors examine Alberta’s history through the eyes of Indigenous activists protesting discriminatory legislation and unfulfilled treaty obligations, women and lesbian and gay persons standing up to the heteropatriarchy, student activists arguing for a new democracy, and anti-capitalist environmentalists demanding social change. This book recognizes the lasting influence of Alberta’s noncomformists—those who recognized the need for dissent in a province defined by wealth and right-wing politics—and leaves a set of questions, perhaps sobering ones, for contemporary activists.
University of Toronto Press Baby Trouble in the Last Best West: Making New People in Alberta, 1905-1939
Reproduction is the most emotionally complicated human activity. It transforms lives but it also creates fears and anxieties about women whose childbearing doesn't conform to the norm. Baby Trouble in the Last Best West explores the ways that women's childbearing became understood as a social problem in early twentieth-century Alberta. Kaler utilizes censuses, newspaper reports, social work case files, and personal letters to illuminate the ordeals that women, men, and babies were subjected to as Albertans debated childbearing. Through the lens of reproduction, Kaler offers a vivid and engaging analysis of how colonialism, racism, nationalism, medicalization, and evolving gender politics contributed to Alberta's imaginative economy of reproduction. Kaler investigates five different episodes of "baby trouble": the emergence of obstetrics as a political issue, the drive for eugenic sterilization, unmarried childbearing and "rescue homes" for unmarried mothers, state-sponsored allowances for single mothers, and high infant mortality. Baby Trouble in the Last Best West will transport the reader to the turmoil of Alberta's early years while examining the complexity of settler society-building and gender struggles.
Abada Editores Los poemas de Alberto Caeiro 1 El guardador de rebaños El pastor enamorado
El núcleo de la poesía de Pessoa-Caeiro es la simple, sencilla, natural, evidente existencia de las cosas, especialmente de los elementos de la naturaleza; externas a los hombres, a su intervención, iguales a ellos en autonomía. Con este primer volumen se iniciamos la publicación de una nueva edición bilingüe de la obra poética de Fernando Pessoa.
Reaktion Books Albertus Magnus and the World of Nature
As well as being an important medieval theologian, Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great) also made significant contributions to the study of astronomy, geography and natural philosophy, and his studies of the natural world led Pope Pius XII to declare Albertus the patron saint of the natural sciences. Dante Alighieri acknowledged a substantial debt to Albertus's work, and in the Divine Comedy placed him equal with his celebrated student and brother Dominican Thomas Aquinas. In this, the first full, scholarly biography in English for nearly a century, Irven M. Resnick and Kenneth F. Kitchell Jr narrate Albertus's key contributions to natural philosophy and the history of science, while also revealing the insights into medieval life and customs that his writings provide.
Caitlin Press Surveying the 120th Meridian and the Great Divide: The Alberta/BC Boundary Survey, 19181924
Albert Whitman & Company The Clue in the Papyrus Scroll
Albert Whitman & Company Freddie Ramos Hears It All
Albert Whitman & Company You Go Away
Albert Whitman & Company The William Hoy Story: How a Deaf Baseball Player Changed the Game
Albert Whitman & Company Substitute Groundhog
Albert Whitman & Company Saturday at the Food Pantry
Albert Whitman & Company Charlie Takes His Shot: How Charlie Sifford Broke the Color Barrier in Golf
Albert Whitman & Company Freddie Ramos Gets a Sidekick: Volume 10
Albert Whitman & Company Whose Nose?
Albert Whitman & Company Snow Day in May: Volume 1
Albert Whitman & Company Transportation: From Then to Now
Albert Whitman & Company She Stitched the Stars: A Story of Ellen Harding Baker's Solar System Quilt
Albert Whitman & Company In the Garden with Dr. Carver
Albert Whitman & Company Flicker Plays Hide-And-Surprise
Albert Whitman & Company Fearless Mary: Mary Fields, American Stagecoach Driver
Albert Whitman & Company Flicker's Garden Rescue