Search results for ""author charles""
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Trumpet-Major
With an Introduction and Notes by Charles P.C. Pettit. Thomas Hardy's only historical novel, The Trumpet Major is set in Wessex during the Napoleonic Wars. Hardy skilfully immerses us in the life of the day, making us feel the impact of historical events on the immemorial local way of life - the glamour of the coming of George III and his soldiery, fears of the press-gang and invasion, and the effect of distant but momentous events like the Battle of Trafalgar. He interweaves a compelling, bitter-sweet romantic love story of the rivalry of two brothers for the hand of the heroine Anne Garland, played out against the loves of a lively gallery of other characters. While there are elements of sadness and even tragedy, The Trumpet-Major shows Hardy's skills of story-telling, characterisation and description in a novel of vitality, comedy and warmth.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Barnaby Rudge
Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz) and George Cattermole, with a new Introduction by Cedric Watts, Research Professor of English, University of Sussex. This vivid historical and political novel by Dickens is centred on the infamous 'No Popery' riots, instigated by Lord George Gordon, which terrorised London in 1780. Dickens' targets are prejudice, intolerance, religious bigotry and nationalistic fervour, together with the villains who exploit these for selfish ends. His intense account of the riots is interwoven with the mysterious tale of a long-unsolved murder and with a romance involving forbidden love, treachery and heroism. Barnaby Rudge abounds in memorably strange, comic and grotesque characters. Furthermore, recent historical events have renewed its political topicality.
University of Utah Press,U.S. The Florentine Codex, Book Eleven: Earthly Things: A General History of the Things of New Spain
Two of the world’s leading scholars of the Aztec language and culture have translated SahagÚn’s monumental and encyclopedic study of native life in Mexico at the time of the Spanish Conquest. This immense undertaking is the first complete translation into any language of SahagÚn’s Nahuatl text, and represents one of the most distinguished contributions in the fields of anthropology, ethnography, and linguistics.Written between 1540 and 1585, the Florentine Codex (so named because the manuscript has been part of the Laurentian Library’s collections since at least 1791) is the most authoritative statement we have of the Aztecs’ lifeways and traditions—a rich and intimate yet panoramic view of a doomed people. The Florentine Codex is divided by subject area into twelve books and includes over 2,000 illustrations drawn by Nahua artists in the sixteenth century. Book Eleven is a beautifully written and careful documentation of all of the animals and plants known to the Aztecs in the sixteenth century. As the volume with the most illustrations, Earthly Things allows the reader to look at the natural world through the eyes of the Aztec.
University of Utah Press,U.S. The Florentine Codex, Book Nine: The Merchants: A General History of the Things of New Spain
Two of the world’s leading scholars of the Aztec language and culture have translated Sahagún’s monumental and encyclopedic study of native life in Mexico at the time of the Spanish Conquest. This immense undertaking is the first complete translation into any language of Sahagún’s Nahuatl text, and represents one of the most distinguished contributions in the fields of anthropology, ethnography, and linguistics. Written between 1540 and 1585, the Florentine Codex (so named because the manuscript has been part of the Laurentian Library’s collections since at least 1791) is the most authoritative statement we have of the Aztecs’ lifeways and traditions—a rich and intimate yet panoramic view of a doomed people. The Florentine Codex is divided by subject area into twelve books and includes over 2,000 illustrations drawn by Nahua artists in the sixteenth century. Book Nine begins with how commerce grew in Mexico from the trade of only feathers to jewelry, precious stones, animal skins, embroidered clothing, and chocolate. It discusses how the merchants prepare for a journey and the celebrations that take place when they arrive home safely. This book also lists different types of merchants, such as lapidaries, who worked with precious stones, and ornamenters, who made feather articles.
University of Utah Press,U.S. The Florentine Codex, Book Three: The Origin of the Gods: A General History of the Things of New Spain
Two of the world’s leading scholars of the Aztec language and culture have translated Sahagún’s monumental and encyclopedic study of native life in Mexico at the time of the Spanish Conquest. This immense undertaking is the first complete translation into any language of Sahagún’s Nahuatl text, and represents one of the most distinguished contributions in the fields of anthropology, ethnography, and linguistics. Written between 1540 and 1585, the Florentine Codex (so named because the manuscript has been part of the Laurentian Library’s collections since at least 1791) is the most authoritative statement we have of the Aztecs’ lifeways and traditions—a rich and intimate yet panoramic view of a doomed people. The Florentine Codex is divided by subject area into twelve books and includes over 2,000 illustrations drawn by Nahua artists in the sixteenth century. The third book describes in detail the exciting—and sometimes bloody—origin stories of Uitzilopochtli, Titlacauan, and Quetzalcoatl. The appendix discusses other significant religious aspects of the Aztec religion, such as how boys are raised to be high priests and what happens to Aztecs after death.
University of North Texas Press,U.S. The Diaries of John Gregory Bourke v2; July 29, 1876-April 7, 1878
John Gregory Bourke kept a monumental set of diaries as aide-de-camp to Brigadier General George Crook. This second volume (of a projected set of six) opens as Crook prepares for the expedition that would lead to his infamous and devastating Horse Meat March. Although Bourke retains his loyalty to Crook throughout the detailed account, his patience is sorely tried at times. Bourke's description of the march is balanced by an appendix containing letters and reports by others such as Lt. Walter Schuyler and Surgeon Bennett Clements. The diary continues with the story of the Powder River Expedition, culminating in Bourke's eyewitness description of Col. Ranald Mackenzie's destruction of the main Cheyenne camp in what became known as the Dull Knife Fight. Bourke finishes this volume with a retrospective of his service in Tucson, Arizona. Each volume in the series is extensively annotated and contains a biographical appendix on Indians, civilians, and military personnel named in the volume.
Broadview Press Ltd Edgar Huntly: or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker
Edgar Huntly is a compelling tale of sleepwalking, murder, and frontier violence set in rural Pennsylvania in the 1780s. His memory and wits shaken by the scenes he has witnessed, ordinary republican citizen Edgar Huntly relates the unpredictable and catastrophic consequences of his chance encounter with Clithero Edny, a mysterious Irish immigrant whose unfortunate but violent history catches up with him in the New World. Huntly’s growing obsession with Clithero plunges both men into physical and mental danger, unsettling the colonial territories of the Delaware basin and the cognitive territory of Huntly’s own mind. Brockden Brown’s artful sensationalism transplants the European form of the gothic romance to the new United States, yielding one of the most exciting, metaphysically sophisticated, and historically self-aware novels in early American literary culture.This Broadview Edition includes a rich selection of historical materials on the gothic and sublime, sleepwalking, captivity narratives, and early American literary nationalism.
Classiques Garnier Lectures Et Figures de Fenelon
World Editions Mr. Miller
Anselm Academic Christian Brothers Pub. Global Migration: What's Happening, Why, and a Just Response
Simon & Schuster How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading
University of New Mexico Press The Archaeologist Was a Spy: Sylvanus G. Morley and the Office of Naval Intelligence
The Catholic University of America Press Religious Experience in the Work of Richard Wagner
Enthusiasm for the operas of composer Richard Wagner (1813-1883) flourished in fin-de-siècle France, fed by fascination for the medieval history and literature that inspired his work. By the 1890s, ""pilgrimages"" to Wagner's burial city of Bayreuth, Germany, home of a regular festival of his work, were a rite of passage for musicians and the upper crust. French admirers promoted Wagner's ideas in journals such as La Revue wagnérienne, launched in 1885. These writings fueled a mystique about Wagner, his music, and his beliefs.Philosopher Marcel Hébert developed his Religious Experience in the Work of Richard Wagner (1895) from this background of sustained popular interest in Wagner, an interest that had intensified with the return of his operas to the Paris stage. Newspaper debates about the impact of Wagner's ideas on French society often stressed the links between Wagner and religion. These debates inspired works like Hébert's, intended to explain the complex myth and allegory in Wagner's work and to elucidate it for a new generation of French spectators.Hébert's discussion of Wagner, written for a popular audience, might seem an anomaly in light of his better-known academic philosophical writings. Yet Wagner's use of myth and symbol, as well as his ability to write musical dramas that evoked emotional as well as cognitive response, resonated with Hébert's symbolist approach to dogma, and the appeal to religious experience characteristic of Modernist thinkers in general. By writing about Wagner to discuss these themes, Hébert caught the interest of the educated readership who shared his concern about the clash of ancient faith and modern thinking, and who were receptive to his argument that both could be reconciled through his revisionist approach. Thus, Hébert turned Wagner and his work into a vehicle for popularizing the Modernist vision of framing religion through experience as well as knowledge.
The University Press of Kentucky Southern Political Party Activists: Patterns of Conflict and Change, 1991-2001
" The South continues to be the most distinctive region in American politics. Over the last half century, Democratic dominance in the South has given way to the emergence of a truly competitive two-party system that leans Republican in presidential elections. In some ways, the region is increasingly like the rest of the country, yet even the degree of change and the speed with which it occurred give the South a distinctive air. The contributors to Southern Political Party Activists examine both the development of American political party organizations and the changing political character of the South, focusing on grassroots party activists-those who are involved in party organizations at the county level. John A. Clark is associate professor of political science at Western Michigan University. Charles L. Prysby is professor of political science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Dynamic Psychotherapy: An Introductory Approach
This book is a concise, practical, step-by-step introduction to the principles of dynamic psychotherapy. Designed for psychotherapists who wish to learn more about dynamic psychotherapy, the emphasis is on the practical rather than the theoretical. The book opens with a description of the steps involved in conducting insight-oriented psychotherapy, then moves on to the modifications required for time-limited therapy, supportive and management techniques, and the combination or augmentation of psychotherapy with medications. Included are such topics as the significance of different patient-referral sources, recommendations on how to set up the initial appointment, and practical issues like the arrangement of office furniture and professional fees. The authors then turn to activities involved in beginning, conducting, and terminating psychotherapy. Their how-to approach provides mental health practitioners with sound and accessible guidance in a variety of clinical situations.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Becoming a Constant Object in Psychotherapy with the Borderline Patient
This book clarifies the issues borderline patients face in their daily lives and the attendant treatment dilemmas therapists confront. The authors offer a clear and concise stance for engaging this troubled and troublesome population, focusing in particular on the first stage of therapy, the time during which a constant attachment must be formed between the borderline patient and the therapist. This first phase of treatment is neither quick nor easy to resolve; a guide to its management can make the difference between a successful treatment and one that flounders.
Simon & Schuster The Complete Guide to Herbal Medicines
Random House USA Inc The Theban Plays: Introduction by Charles Segal
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science, Volume 3
A comprehensive reference for psychology research and practice The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science, Volume 3 provides researchers, practicing psychologists, teachers, and students with an exhaustive reference for the field. Covering psychological and behavioral conditions, treatments, testing, diagnoses, and much more, this invaluable resource provides information on over 1,200 topics across four volumes. This Third Edition features new coverage of biomedical research and neuroscience findings to reflect the growing impact of evidence-based treatment, and includes profiles of influential psychologists and psychological organizations from around the world.
Nomad Publishing The Cross: Meditations and Images
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Measuring Organizational Performance: Metrics for Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Research
There is great discussion but little consensus on the best measures of organizational performance. This book redresses this imbalance. Measuring Organizational Performance offers a framework with which to better understand the implications of selecting variables for use in both empirical studies and practice where organizational financial performance is the critical issue.Robert Carton and Charles Hofer's book, Measuring Organizational Performance, describes two new measures of shareholder wealth creation that correlate with increases in shareholder value creation in a number of high and low performing firms 500% better than the 'best' of the measures used in the research studies done in the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management over the past fifty years. The book also provides detailed suggestions on where and how to gather the data needed to calculate both measures. In addition, since these measures use primarily accounting data, they can be used by both researchers and practitioners as proxies for assessing increases in shareholder value for both publicly and privately held firms, including small and family businesses.This exciting and innovative book will find its audience in researchers and scholars at many levels of academe in the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management, organizational theory and accounting, and finance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Measuring Organizational Performance: Metrics for Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Research
There is great discussion but little consensus on the best measures of organizational performance. This book redresses this imbalance. Measuring Organizational Performance offers a framework with which to better understand the implications of selecting variables for use in both empirical studies and practice where organizational financial performance is the critical issue.Robert Carton and Charles Hofer's book, Measuring Organizational Performance, describes two new measures of shareholder wealth creation that correlate with increases in shareholder value creation in a number of high and low performing firms 500% better than the 'best' of the measures used in the research studies done in the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management over the past fifty years. The book also provides detailed suggestions on where and how to gather the data needed to calculate both measures. In addition, since these measures use primarily accounting data, they can be used by both researchers and practitioners as proxies for assessing increases in shareholder value for both publicly and privately held firms, including small and family businesses.This exciting and innovative book will find its audience in researchers and scholars at many levels of academe in the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management, organizational theory and accounting, and finance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy – 2018
If you are looking for the intersection of past practices, current thinking, and future insights into the ever-expanding world of Entrepreneurship education, then you will want to read and explore the third volume of the Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Prepared under the auspices of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), this compendium covers a broad range of scholarly, practical, and thoughtful perspectives on a compelling range of entrepreneurship education issues.The third volume spans topics ranging from innovative practices in facilitating entrepreneurship teaching and learning inside and outside the classroom, learning innovation, model programs, to the latest research from top programs and thoughts leaders in Entrepreneurship. Moreover, the third volume builds on those previous as it continues to investigate critical issues in designing, implementing and assessing experiential learning techniques in the field of entrepreneurship.This updated volume provides insights and challenges in the development of entrepreneurship education for students, educators, mentors, community leaders, and more. Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy - 2018 is a must-have book for any entrepreneurship professor, scholar or program director dedicated to advancing entrepreneurship education in the U.S. and around the world.Contributors include: S. Ahluwalia, N. Alabduljader, S. Alpi, B. Aulet, C. Bandera, S.H. Barr, L. Berçot, T. Best, C. Bodnar, C. Brush, K. Byrd, J.C. Carr, B.J. Cowden, P. Dickson, M. Dominik, K. Ellborg, A. Eminet, Y.J. English, G. Gonzalez, B. Graham, L. Gundry, A. Hargadon, J. Hart, G. Hertz, T.R. Holcomb, B. Honig, A. Huang-Saad, J.A. Katz, E. Koester, S. Kogelen, P. Kreiser, A. Kukreti, Y. Lee, J. Libarkin, E. Liguori, R.V. Mahto, C.H. Matthews, W. McDowell, T.L. Michaelis, P. Mitra, K. Passerini, L. Pittaway, J.M. Pollack, K. Pon, R.S. Ramani, J. Reid, L. Ross, Y. Rubin, N. Sebra, S. Sen, L. Sheats, P. Shekhar, B.R. Smith, G.T. Solomon, S. Solomon, S. Terjesen, S.W. Thiel, B. Thomsen, O. Voula, M.K. Ward, A.H. Wrede, L.J. Zane, Y. Zhang, A. Zimbroff
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Profits and Perils of Passion in Entrepreneurship: Stoking the Fires and Banking the Coals
The Profits and Perils of Passion in Entrepreneurship provides an overview of current knowledge and highlights opportunities ripe for additional investigation. This state-of-the-art book also delivers essential guidelines for scholars on how to study entrepreneurial passion in a rigorous way. Melissa S. Cardon and Charles Y. Murnieks provide a critical review of the knowledge accumulated to date about passion in entrepreneurship, discussing developments and debates about conceptual definitions, levels and focus of analysis, and methodological approaches. This includes the integration of different theories with an explanation of their commonalities and key distinctions. Examining the outcomes and antecedents of passion, chapters present theoretical arguments and empirical findings and explore future research questions for the topic. Scholars and students of entrepreneurship will find this book to be a comprehensive overview of the topic. Providing an accessible understanding of academic research, this book will also be a useful resource for practicing entrepreneurs and those who seek to support them.
New York University Press Punishment in Popular Culture
The way a society punishes demonstrates its commitment to standards of judgment and justice, its distinctive views of blame and responsibility, and its particular way of responding to evil. Punishment in Popular Culture examines the cultural presuppositions that undergird America’s distinctive approach to punishment and analyzes punishment as a set of images, a spectacle of condemnation. It recognizes that the semiotics of punishment is all around us, not just in the architecture of the prison, or the speech made by a judge as she sends someone to the penal colony, but in both “high” and “popular” culture iconography, in novels, television, and film. This book brings together distinguished scholars of punishment and experts in media studies in an unusual juxtaposition of disciplines and perspectives. Americans continue to lock up more people for longer periods of time than most other nations, to use the death penalty, and to racialize punishment in remarkable ways. How are these facts of American penal life reflected in the portraits of punishment that Americans regularly encounter on television and in film? What are the conventions of genre which help to familiarize those portraits and connect them to broader political and cultural themes? Do television and film help to undermine punishment's moral claims? And how are developments in the boarder political economy reflected in the ways punishment appears in mass culture? Finally, how are images of punishment received by their audiences? It is to these questions that Punishment in Popular Culture is addressed.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook: Fundamentals for Power, Marine & Industrial Applications
The rigorous treatment of combustion can be so complex that the kinetic variables, fluid turbulence factors, luminosity, and other factors cannot be defined well enough to find realistic solutions. Simplifying the processes, The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook provides practical guidance to help you make informed choices about fuels, burners, and associated combustion equipment—and to clearly understand the impacts of the many variables. Editors Stephen B. Londerville and Charles E. Baukal, Jr, top combustion experts from John Zink Hamworthy Combustion and the Coen Company, supply a thorough, state-of-the-art overview of boiler burners that covers Coen, Hamworthy, and Todd brand boiler burners.A Refresher in Fundamentals and State-of-the-Art Solutions for Combustion System ProblemsRoughly divided into two parts, the book first reviews combustion engineering fundamentals. It then uses a building-block approach to present specific computations and applications in industrial and utility combustion systems, including those for Transport and introduction of fuel and air to a system Safe monitoring of the combustion system Control of flows and operational parameters Design of a burner/combustion chamber to achieve performance levels for emissions and heat transfer Avoidance of excessive noise and vibration and the extension of equipment life under adverse conditions Coverage includes units, fluids, chemistry, and heat transfer, as well as atomization, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), noise, auxiliary support equipment, and the combustion of gaseous, liquid, and solid fuels. Significant attention is also given to the formation, reduction, and prediction of emissions from combustion systems. Each chapter builds from the simple to the more complex and contains a wealth of practical examples and full-color photographs and illustrations.Practical Computations and Applications for Industrial and Utility Combustion SystemsA ready reference and refresher, this unique handbook is designed for anyone involved in combustion equipment selection, sizing, and emissions control. It will help you make calculations and decisions on design features, fuel choices, emissions, controls, burner selection, and burner/furnace combinations with more confidence.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quitting Smoking & Vaping For Dummies
Give up smoking and vaping for good Most people know that smoking is bad for their health and believe vaping is a better alternative. Now, vaping has become a national epidemic and shows no sign of slowing. Quitting Smoking & Vaping For Dummies delivers facts about the differences between smoking and vaping, the effects on their short-term and long-term health, and how addiction works. Whether you’re a smoker or a vaper, or have a loved one that needs to break the habit, this trusted guidebook walks you through building a personal quitting plan. Offering information on new and effective medication treatments, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), and building resilience, it sets you or a family member on the path to recovery. This book breaks down the psychology of your addiction so you can identify the methods that are most useful and effective for becoming smoke free for good. Start your recovery today, and look forward to a long and healthy life. Inside • Determine your quit day • Change thought patterns • Explain the dangers of vaping to children/teens • Avoid or move past relapses • Recognize the risks • Deal with triggers • Help a loved one quit
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Index Revolution: Why Investors Should Join It Now
The evidence-based approach to a more worthwhile portfolio The Index Revolution argues that active investing is a loser's game, and that a passive approach is more profitable in today's market. By adjusting your portfolio asset weights to match a performance index, you consistently earn higher rates of returns and come out on top in the long run. This book explains why, and describes how individual investors can take advantage of indexing to make their portfolio stronger and more profitable. By indexing investment operations at a very low cost, and trusting that active professionals have set securities prices as correctly as possible, you will achieve better long-term results than those who look down on passive approaches while following outdated advice that no longer works. "Beating the market" is much harder than it used to be, and investors who continue to approach the market with that mindset populate the rolls of market losers time and time again. This book explains why indexing is the preferred approach in the current investment climate, and destroys the popular perception of passive investing as a weak market strategy. Structure your portfolio to perform better over the long term Trust in the pricing and earn higher rates of return Learn why a passive approach is more consistent and worthwhile Ignore overblown, outdated advice that is doomed to disappoint All great investors share a common secret to success: rational decision-making based on objective information. The Index Revolution shows you a more rational approach to the market for a more profitable portfolio.
John Wiley & Sons Inc RF and Microwave Circuit Design: Theory and Applications
RF and Microwave Circuit Design Provides up-to-date coverage of the fundamentals of high-frequency microwave technology, written by two leading voices in the field RF and Microwave Circuit Design: Theory and Applications is an authoritative, highly practical introduction to basic RF and microwave circuits. With an emphasis on real-world examples, the text explains how distributed circuits using microstrip and other planar transmission lines can be designed and fabricated for use in modern high-frequency passive and active circuits and sub-systems. The authors provide clear and accurate guidance on each essential aspect of circuit design, from the theory of transmission lines to the passive and active circuits that form the basis of modern high-frequency circuits and sub-systems. Assuming a basic grasp of electronic concepts, the book is organized around first principles and includes an extensive set of worked examples to guide student readers with no prior grounding in the subject of high-frequency microwave technology. Throughout the text, detailed coverage of practical design using distributed circuits demonstrates the influence of modern fabrication processes. Filling a significant gap in literature by addressing RF and microwave circuit design with a central theme of planar distributed circuits, this textbook: Provides comprehensive discussion of the foundational concepts of RF and microwave transmission lines introduced through an exploration of wave propagation along a typical transmission line Describes fabrication processes for RF and microwave circuits, including etched, thick-film, and thin-film RF circuits Covers the Smith Chart and its application in circuit design, S-parameters, Mason???s non-touching loop rule, transducer power gain, and stability Discusses the influence of noise in high-frequency circuits and low-noise amplifier design Features an introduction to the design of high-frequency planar antennas Contains supporting chapters on fabrication, circuit parameters, and measurements Includes access to a companion website with PowerPoint slides for instructors, as well as supplementary resources Perfect for senior undergraduate students and first-year graduate students in electrical engineering courses, RF and Microwave Circuit Design: Theory and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of RF and microwave professionals looking for a useful reference to refresh their understanding of fundamental concepts in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc New Techniques in Cardiothoracic Imaging
New Techniques in Cardiothoracic Imaging emphasizes emerging methods in computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron-emission tomography, and similar technology. Effective use of these tools can facilitate the identification, analysis, and treatment of diseases and disorders commonly encountered in daily clinical practice. The contributors to this volume discuss: PET-CT Cardiac CT Multidetector-row helical CT High-resolution CT of the lungs Cardiac MR Functional MR Digital chest radiography Bringing readers to the forefront of the field with expert assessments of new and emerging technologies that are impacting cardiothoracic imaging, the book presents the work of seasoned experts who have developed a thorough clinical and basic knowledge in this evolving discipline and provide practical guidance on incorporating new techniques from the laboratory to the clinical practice. More than 250 highly-detailed scientific images enhance the text.
University of Minnesota Press American City: A Rank and File History of Minneapolis
In the spring of 1934, a small group of militant union organizers led Minneapolis truckers on a series of strikes that sought to break the city's antiunion grip. The striking truckers, in protest of scab workers, took to the streets of the city's warehouse district where they faced violent opposition from the police and members of the Citizen's Alliance, a group representing Minneapolis's business community. The conflict exploded when police fired on the unarmed strikers, killing four and injuring countless others. The events surrounding Bloody Friday shifted the balance of power between labor and business in Minneapolis and proved to be a significant victory for the labor movement nationwide, contributing to the ratification of the landmark National Labor Relations Act. When first published in 1937, Charles Rumford Walker's American City was praised as an evenhanded portrayal of the truckers' strike. Focusing on the personal experiences of the participants, Walker recounts the interests, motives, and passions on both sides of the conflict, capturing the heated emotions of those involved. He offers a vivid account of a period that transformed Minneapolis and forged the way for workers' rights nationwide.
New York University Press When Law Fails: Making Sense of Miscarriages of Justice
Since 1989, there have been over 200 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States. On the surface, the release of innocent people from prison could be seen as a victory for the criminal justice system: the wrong person went to jail, but the mistake was fixed and the accused set free. A closer look at miscarriages of justice, however, reveals that such errors are not aberrations but deeply revealing, common features of our legal system. The ten original essays in When Law Fails view wrongful convictions not as random mistakes but as organic outcomes of a misshaped larger system that is rife with faulty eyewitness identifications, false confessions, biased juries, and racial discrimination. Distinguished legal thinkers Charles J. Ogletree, Jr., and Austin Sarat have assembled a stellar group of contributors who try to make sense of justice gone wrong and to answer urgent questions. Are miscarriages of justice systemic or symptomatic, or are they mostly idiosyncratic? What are the broader implications of justice gone awry for the ways we think about law? Are there ways of reconceptualizing legal missteps that are particularly useful or illuminating? These instructive essays both address the questions and point the way toward further discussion. When Law Fails reveals the dramatic consequences as well as the daily realities of breakdowns in the law’s ability to deliver justice swiftly and fairly, and calls on us to look beyond headline-grabbing exonerations to see how failure is embedded in the legal system itself. Once we are able to recognize miscarriages of justice we will be able to begin to fix our broken legal system. Contributors: Douglas A. Berman, Markus D. Dubber, Mary L. Dudziak, Patricia Ewick, Daniel Givelber, Linda Ross Meyer, Charles J. Ogletree, Jr., Austin Sarat, Jonathan Simon, and Robert Weisberg.
University Press of Florida Dead Man's Chest: Exploring the Archaeology of Piracy
A global approach to better understanding piracy through archaeologyFeaturing discussions of newly discovered evidence from South America, England, New England, Haiti, the Virgin Islands, the Caribbean Sea, and the Indian Ocean, Dead Man’s Chest presents diverse approaches to better understanding piracy through archaeological investigations, landscape studies, material culture analyses, and documentary and cartographic evidence.The case studies in this volume include medieval and post-medieval piracy in the Bristol Channel, illicit trade in seventeenth-century fishing stations in Maine, and the guerrilla tactics of nineteenth-century privateers and coastal bandits off the Gulf of Mexico Coast. Contributors reveal the story of a Dutch privateer who saved a ship from a storm only to take control of it, partnerships between pirates and Indigenous inhabitants along the Miskito coast, and new findings on the Speaker—one of the first pirate ships to be archaeologically investigated—in Madagascar.As well as covering shipwrecks and other topics traditionally associated with piracy, several chapters look at pirate facilities on land and cultural interactions with nearby communities as reflected through archival documentation. As a whole, the volume highlights various ways to identify piracy and smuggling in the archaeological record, while encouraging readers to question what they think they know about pirates.Contributors: Dr. Charles R. Ewen | Russell K. Skowronek | Yann von Arnim | Martijn van den Bel | Patrick J. Boyle | John de Bry | Alexandre Coulaud | Jessie Cragg | Lynn B. Harris | Geraldo J. S. Hostin | Coy Jacob Idol | Kimberly P. Kenyon | Patrick Lizé | Laurent Pavlidis| Jason T. Raupp | Bradley Rodgers | Nathalie Sellier-Ségard | Jean Soulat | Katherine D. Thomas | Michael Thomin | Megan Rhodes Victor | Kenneth S. Wild
Stanford University Press The HP Phenomenon: Innovation and Business Transformation
The HP Phenomenon tells the story of how Hewlett-Packard innovated and transformed itself six times while most of its competitors were unable to make even one significant transformation. It describes those transformations, how they started, how they prevailed, and how the challenges along the way were overcome—reinforcing David Packard's observation that "change and conflict are the only real constants." The book also details the philosophies, practices, and organizational principles that enabled this unprecedented sequence of innovations and transformations. In so doing, the authors capture the elusive "spirit of innovation" required to fuel growth and transformation in all companies: innovation that is customer-centered, contribution-driven, and growth-focused. The corporate ethos described in this book—with its emphasis on bottom-up innovation and sufficient flexibility to see results brought to the marketplace and brought alive inside the company—is radically different from current management "best practice." Thus, while primarily a history of Hewlett-Packard, The HP Phenomenon also holds profound lessons for engineers, managers, and organizational leaders hoping to transform their own organizations. "At last! The 'HP Way, that most famous of all corporate philosophies, has taken on an almost mythical status. But how did it really work? How did it make Hewlett-Packard the fastest growing, most admired, large company of the last half-century? Now, two important figures in HP's history, Chuck House and Raymond Price, have finally given us the whole story. The HP Phenomenon is the book we've been waiting for: the definitive treatise on how Bill and Dave ran their legendary company, day to day and year to year. It should be a core text for generations of young entrepreneurs and managers, a roadmap to building a great enterprise."—Michael S. Malone, author of Bill & Dave: How Hewlett and Packard Built the World's Greatest Company
University of Nebraska Press Antiwar Dissent and Peace Activism in World War I America: A Documentary Reader
World War I was a watershed in modern world history. On the battlefield, millions were slaughtered by chemical warfare, machine guns, and trench warfare—and this senseless bloodletting remains the most enduring legacy of the Great War. Critical to understanding the war’s significance is the often-overlooked emergence of a “modern” dynamic grassroots peace movement that both opposed war and sought to abolish its social causes. Edited by Scott H. Bennett and Charles F. Howlett, Antiwar Dissent and Peace Activism in World War I America presents primary documents, most anthologized for the first time, illustrating opposition and resistance to the war and the government’s efforts to promote the war and restrict dissent. This fresh collection highlights the broad range of antiwar sentiment: religious and secular, liberal and radical, pacifist and nonpacifist, including conscientious objection. It also addresses key issues raised by the antiwar movement—particularly dissent in wartime, civil liberties, the meaning of patriotism, and citizen peace activism—that remain vital to understanding American democracy.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted: Parks, Politics, and Patronage, 1874–1882
For decades Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903) designed parks and park systems across the United States, leaving an enduring legacy of designed public space that is enjoyed, studied, and protected today. His plans and professional correspondence offer a rich source for understanding his remarkable contribution to the quality of urban life in this country and the development of the profession of landscape architecture. Olmsted's writings also provide a unique record of society and politics in post-Civil War America. Historians, landscape architects, conservationists, city planners, and citizens' groups continue to turn to Olmsted for inspiration in their planning and protection of public open space in our cities. This latest and seventh volume of the Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted presents the record of his last years of residence in New York City. It includes reports on the design of Riverside and Morningside parks and Tompkins Square in Manhattan, as well as his comprehensive plan for the street system and rapid transit routes of the Bronx. It records his continuing work on Central Park and presents his final retrospective statement, "The Spoils of the Park." In addition, volume seven contains an annotated version of the journal in which Olmsted recorded instances of political maneuvering and patronage politics in the years before his dismissal from the New York parks department in 1878. Later documents chronicle the early stages of his planning of the Boston park system-the Back Bay Fens, Arnold Arboretum, and Riverway. Other major commissions, each with its own political complications, were the grounds of the U.S. Capitol, the completion of the new state capitol in Albany, the designing of a park on Mount Royal in Montreal, and construction of the park system of Buffalo, New York. The volume also presents Olmsted's commentary on issues of the times including federal Reconstruction policy and civil-service reform. The Olmsted Papers project is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, the National Trust for the Humanities, the National Association for Olmsted Parks, as well as private foundations and individuals.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery
This fourth edition has been totally revised and updated with many additions and major changes. The material has been reorganized to match better the sequence of topics typically covered in an undergraduate course on kinematics. Text includes the use of iterative methods for linkage position analysis and matrix methods for force analysis. BASIC-language computer programs have been added throughout the book to demonstrate the simplicity and power of computer methods. All BASIC programs listed in the text have also been coded in FORTRAN. Major revisions in this edition include: a new section on mobility; updated section on constant-velocity joints; advanced methods of cam-motion specification; latest AGMA standards for U.S. and metric gears; a new section on methods of force analysis; new section on tasks of kinematic synthesis; and a new chapter covering spatial mechanisms and robotics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Parent Training: Helping Parents Prevent and Solve Problem Behaviors
A guide to the latest tools for teaching effective and positive parenting skills In the last three decades, parent training has established itself as an empirically sound, highly successful, and cost-effective intervention strategy for both pre-venting and treating behavior disorders in children. Handbook of Parent Training, Third Edition offers a unique opportunity to learn about the latest research findings and clinical developments in parent training from leading innovators in the field. Featuring new chapters, this thoroughly revised and updated edition covers issues that have emerged in recent years. Readers will find the latest information on such topics as: * Behavioral family intervention for childhood anxiety * Working with parents of aggressive school-age children * Preventive parent training techniques that support low-income, ethnic minority parents of preschoolers * Treating autism and Asperger's Syndrome * Parenting and learning tools including role playing and modeling positive and effective parenting styles Offering practical advice and guidance for parent training, each chapter author begins by identifying a specific problem and then describes the best approach to identifying, assessing, and treating the problem. In every instance, descriptions of therapeutic techniques are multimodal and integrate theory, research, implementation strategies, and extensive case material. Handbook of Parent Training, Third Edition is a valuable professional resource for child psychologists, school psychologists, and all mental health professionals with an interest in parent skills training.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ages and Stages: A Parent's Guide to Normal Childhood Development
A comprehensive parent's guide to your child's psychologicaldevelopment from birth through age 10 Written in an engaging,practical style, Ages and Stages offers you the benefits of themost current research on child development, featuring helpful tipsand techniques to foster your child's maturation. Charles Schaeferand Theresa Foy DiGeronimo tell you what behaviors you can expectas your child grows and how you can help him or her to advance tothe next level of development. They include numerous examples,stories, and activities you can use immediately to positivelyinfluence your child's development. The book's structure (dividedinto four stages of child development—birth to 18 months, 18 to 36months, 36 months to age six, and six to ten years) allows you tomonitor your child's progress, identify the reasons for emotionaland psychological differences in siblings, and even determine howyour parenting strategies should change as your child grows. Covers all five areas of psychological health--emotional,cognitive, friendship/relationships, personal growth, and morality Filled with easy-to-follow Do's and Don'ts, plus fun activitiesand exercises to encourage your child's development Helps you assess if and when your child may need professional intervention
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications of Physical Methods to Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry
Modern spectroscopic and instrumental techniques are essential to the practice of inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry. This first volume in the new Wiley Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry Methods and Applications Series provides a consistent and comprehensive description of the practical applicability of a large number of techniques to modern problems in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry. The outcome is a text that provides invaluable guidance and advice for inorganic and bioinorganic chemists to select appropriate techniques, whilst acting as a source to the understanding of these methods. This volume is also available as part of Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, 5 Volume Set. This set combines all volumes published as EIC Books from 2007 to 2010, representing areas of key developments in the field of inorganic chemistry published in the Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry. Find out more.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology Tumors and their Mimickers: A Volume in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series
An essential resource to solve challenging cases and sign out with confidence! An all-new volume in the popular Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series, Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Tumors and Their Mimickers is a crucial foundation text for residents and pathologists. Packed with information that helps you quickly differentiate entities that have similar, overlapping histopathologic features, it guides you through the decision-making process, providing a road map to the main differential diagnostic considerations that must be addressed when formulating a diagnosis. Practical and affordable, this resource is ideal for study and review, as well as for everyday surgical pathology practice.Key features of this practical text include: Concise summaries of clinical and pathologic findings that guide you through the decision-making process, with coverage of most common and uncommon differential diagnoses in surgical pathology. Numerous high-quality illustrations of similar-looking but distinct entities for easy side-by-side comparison. Illustrations for each entity accompanied by a clear, concise histopathologic descriptions that highlight how they are distinguished from one another. A consistent, user-friendly format and at-a-glance boxes and tables throughout the text, as well as selected references for further study. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Indiana University Press Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Writings
The philosophy of mathematics plays a vital role in the mature philosophy of Charles S. Peirce. Peirce received rigorous mathematical training from his father and his philosophy carries on in decidedly mathematical and symbolic veins. For Peirce, math was a philosophical tool and many of his most productive ideas rest firmly on the foundation of mathematical principles. This volume collects Peirce’s most important writings on the subject, many appearing in print for the first time. Peirce’s determination to understand matter, the cosmos, and "the grand design" of the universe remain relevant for contemporary students of science, technology, and symbolic logic.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Genes, Mind, And Culture - The Coevolutionary Process: 25th Anniversary Edition
Long considered one of the most provocative and demanding major works on human sociobiology, Genes, Mind, and Culture introduces the concept of gene-culture coevolution. It has been out of print for several years, and in this volume Lumsden and Wilson provide a much needed facsimile edition of their original work, together with a major review of progress in the discipline during the ensuing quarter century. They argue compellingly that human nature is neither arbitrary nor predetermined, and identify mechanisms that energize the upward translation from genes to culture. The authors also assess the properties of genetic evolution of mind within emergent cultural patterns. Lumsden and Wilson explore the rich and sophisticated data of developmental psychology and cognitive science in a fashion that, for the first time, aligns these disciplines with human sociobiology. The authors also draw on population genetics, cultural anthropology, and mathematical physics to set human sociobiology on a predictive base, and so trace the main steps that lead from the genes through human consciousness to culture.
University of Utah Press,U.S. Florentine Codex: Book 8 Volume 8: A General History of the Things of New Spain
Two of the world’s leading scholars of the Aztec language and culture have translated Sahagún’s monumental and encyclopedic study of native life in Mexico at the time of the Spanish Conquest. This immense undertaking is the first complete translation into any language of Sahagún’s Nahuatl text, and represents one of the most distinguished contributions in the fields of anthropology, ethnography, and linguistics. Written between 1540 and 1585, the Florentine Codex (so named because the manuscript has been part of the Laurentian Library’s collections since at least 1791) is the most authoritative statement we have of the Aztecs’ lifeways and traditions—a rich and intimate yet panoramic view of a doomed people. The Florentine Codex is divided by subject area into twelve books and includes over 2,000 illustrations drawn by Nahua artists in the sixteenth century. Book Eight lists the rulers of Tenochtitlan from the first, Acamapichtli, to the sixteenth, Don Cristobal Cecepatic. It also documents the rulers of the ancient Aztec cities of Tlatillco, Texcoco, and Uexotla. Several chapters are devoted to describing the various articles of clothing that the rulers and noblemen wore and the foods they ate for differing ceremonies and activities.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Evolutionary Classification & English-Based Nomenclature in Cretaceous Planktic Foraminifera
Georgetown University Press Crude Strategy: Rethinking the US Military Commitment to Defend Persian Gulf Oil
Should the United States ask its military to guarantee the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf? If the US security commitment is in fact strategically sound, what posture should the military adopt to protect Persian Gulf oil? Charles L. Glaser and Rosemary A. Kelanic present a collection of new essays from a multidisciplinary team of political scientists, historians, and economists that provide answers to these questions. Contributors delve into a range of vital economic and security issues: the economic costs of a petroleum supply disruption, whether or not an American withdrawal increases the chances of oil-related turmoil, the internal stability of Saudi Arabia, budgetary costs of the forward deployment of US forces, and the possibility of blunting the effects of disruptions with investment in alternative energy resources. The result is a series of bold arguments toward a much-needed revision of US policy toward the Persian Gulf during an era of profound change in oil markets and the balance of power in the Middle East.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Weighty Factors in Children's Food & Beverage Consumption
Nova Science Publishers Inc Railroads in the United States: Considerations & Development Prospects