Search results for ""author mary .""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Professional Work: A Sociological Approach
Professional Work: A Sociological Approach is an introduction examining recent trends in the world of professional work. Authors Kevin Leicht and Mary Fennell review the history and theory of managerial and professional work, and then describe specific contemporary changes in professions and work-settings. Provides overview of recent organizational changes in the workplace. Analyzes current history and theory of managerial and professional work. Includes definitions of key terms, original tables and figures.
Houghton Mifflin Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
Random House Children's Books Lunar New Year
Celebrate the Lunar New Year and learn about all of its traditions with this Big Golden Book!Every year, millions of Asian families come together to celebrate the first new moon in the sky. Now preschoolers can learn about the zodiac animals, the delicious food, the exciting parades, and all the fun traditions. Filled with colorful illustrations and simple, yet informative text, this Big Golden Book is perfect for reading again and again to the whole family. Happy Lunar New Year!
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Protein Power: The High-Protein/Low-Carbohydrate Way to Lose Weight, Feel Fit, and Boost Your Health--in Just Weeks!
Clarion Books Mary Poppins Collection
Basic Books Treating The Adult Survivor Of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Psychoanalytic Perspective
Entering the tumultuous, dissociated world of the adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse presents an intimidating challenge for clinicians. But as the authors of this innovative book argue, therapists must be willing and able to work within the powerful and rapidly shifting relational paradigms of transference and countertransference commonly found in treatment of these patients. Such dual roles enacted in treatment include the unseeing, uninvolved parent and the unseen, neglected child the sadistic abuser and the helpless, enraged victim the idealized rescuer and the entitled child and the seducer and the seduced.This is the first model for treatment of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse that takes advantage of a relational approach and that integrates psychoanalytic thinking with the latest findings from the literature on psychological trauma and sexual abuse. Diverging from a more classical perspective, the authors view dissociation as the means by which a person adapts to and expresses traumatogenic material and by which such patients defend against traumatic memories, affects, and fantasy elabourations emerging into consciousness. The authors also detail how dissociation helps organize the patient's personality and presentation of self.Richly illustrated case examples bring to life the authors' treatment model and show how clinicians can work through the relational paradigms between patient and therapist and, ultimately, reach the core of the patient's deeply buried experiences of self and other.
Little, Brown & Company Away with Words!: Wise and Witty Poems for Language Lovers
Words are remarkable / Here is a book / Where you'll not only listen / You also will look / Where you'll not only look / But you also will think / About words and their meanings / And how in the blink / Of an eye or a letter / Their meanings can change / Words are remarkable / Language is strange!In this poetry collection, the masterful Mary Ann Hoberman celebrates the joy of wordplay with poems about the alphabet, assonance, alliteration, grammar and punctuation, similes, rhythm and rhyme, and so much more! Every poem is accompanied with limited palette spot art, by debut children's illustrator Perry Hoberman (Mary Ann's son), to amuse and delight readers of all ages. With a perfect trim size (8 x 10), this is an ideal gift for readers of all ages and suited for Poetry Month placement.
Yale University Press Journey of the Universe
An epic story of the emergence of the universe and of the community of life, with a new vision for how we might bring forth a vibrant Earth Community Today we know what no previous generation knew: the history of the universe and of the unfolding of life on Earth. Through the astonishing combined achievements of natural scientists worldwide, we now have a detailed account of how galaxies and stars, planets and living organisms, human beings and human consciousness came to be. And yet . . . we thirst for answers to questions that have haunted humanity from the very beginning. What is our place in the 14-billion-year history of the universe? What roles do we play in Earth's history? How do we connect with the intricate web of life on Earth?In Journey of the Universe Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker tell the epic story of the universe from an inspired new perspective, weaving the findings of modern science together with enduring wisdom found in the humanistic traditions of the West, China, India, and indigenous peoples. The authors explore cosmic evolution as a profoundly wondrous process based on creativity, connection, and interdependence, and they envision an unprecedented opportunity for the world's people to address the daunting ecological and social challenges of our times.Journey of the Universe transforms how we understand our origins and envision our future. Though a little book, it tells a big story—one that inspires hope for a way in which Earth and its human civilizations could flourish together.This book is part of a larger project that includes a documentary film, an educational DVD series, and a website. For more information, please consult the website,
University of Notre Dame Press Bound Fast with Letters: Medieval Writers, Readers, and Texts
Bound Fast with Letters brings together in one volume many of the significant contributions that Richard H. Rouse and Mary A. Rouse have made over the past forty years to the study of medieval manuscripts through the prism of textual transmission and manuscript production. The eighteen essays collected here address medieval authors, craftsmen, book producers, and patrons of manuscripts from different epochs in the Middle Ages, extending from late antiquity to the early Renaissance, and ranging from North Africa to northern England. Their investigations reveal valuable information about the history of texts and their transmission, and their careful scrutiny of texts and of the physical manuscripts that convey them illuminate the societies that created, read, and preserved these objects. The book begins in Part I with articles on writers from the patristic era through the twelfth century who experimented with, and mastered, various physical forms of presenting ideas in writing. Part II contains essays on patronage and patrons, including Richard de Fournival, Jean de Brienne, Watriquet de Couvin, Pope Clement V, the Counts of Saint-Pol, and Christine de Pizan. Part III, on manuscript producers, discusses the questions, for whom? and by whom? were manuscripts made. The four essays in this section each reflect on a different part of the process of book-making. Throughout, Bound Fast with Letters focuses on the close ties between the physical remains of literate culture—from the wax tablets of the patristic era to the vernacular literature of the wealthy laity of the late Middle Ages—and their social and economic context.
University of Virginia Press A Guide to Documentary Editing
For more than twenty years, ""A Guide to Documentary Editing"" has proven an invaluable tool for scholarly editors, editors-in-training, readers of documentary editions, and other students of American history and literature. This new, extensively revised edition of the Guide arrives in the midst of great change in the field. In addition to exploring fully the increasingly central role electronic technology plays in the editing process, this edition provides the most current treatment of the craft's fundamental issues. These include locating and collecting sources, transcribing source texts, conventions of textual treatment, dealing with nontextual elements, and preparing editions for publishers. The documentary-editing environment is more vibrant than ever, and the authors draw on this wealth of activity to include numerous examples of the Guide's principles in practice.The most innovative aspect of this latest edition of the Guide is a new digital component. Users may access the entire contents online through a dedicated Web site available exclusively to purchasers of the print edition. In addition to offering the convenience of easy online access, this Web edition will include hyperlinks to relevant literature and will act as an archive for material from earlier editions. Most important, it will be periodically revised and updated, to ensure a Guide that is always current with best practice.Each edition of the Guide has become the standard text for scholarly editors, whether their focus is correspondence, journals, diaries, financial records, professional papers, or unpublished manuscripts. This print/digital edition presents this essential guide in its most dynamic and useful form yet.
Wolters Kluwer Health Essentials of Psychiatric Nursing
Designed specifically to guide beginning nursing students to successful psychiatric and mental health nursing practice, Essentials of Psychiatric Nursing, 3rd Edition, delivers an easy-to-use, evidence-based approach to basic mental health concepts, effective therapeutic communication tactics, and proven nursing strategies for the care of patients with mental illnesses. This current, concise text is packed with examples and explanations that hone students’ self-awareness and patient interaction skills, highlight the impact of stigma, and familiarize students with effective recovery approaches to common mental health problems and disorders. Ideal for dedicated psychiatric nursing courses or for integrating psychiatric nursing principles into an existing course, the 3rd Edition has been extensively revised and updated throughout to reflect the latest research and treatment approaches, including coverage of the impact of COVID-19 on mental health, care for the veteran population and military families, and expanded coverage of nursing care outside the hospital and in the community.New and Updated Features NEW! Content helps students recognize and address the effects of COVID-19 on mental health and embrace changes in the practice and delivery of mental health nursing, such as virtual therapy. UPDATED! Coverage of veteran care empowers students to confidently manage specific mental health issues affecting military veterans and their families. UPDATED! Community nursing care coverage helps students make a confident transition to practice outside of traditional hospital settings, increasing their career prospects.
Georgetown University Press Language for Specific Purposes: Trends in Curriculum Development
In the United States today there is lively discussion, both among educators and employers, about the best way to prepare students with high-level language and cross-cultural communication proficiency that will serve them both professionally and personally in the global environment of the twenty-first century. At the same time, courses in business language and medical language have become more popular among students. Language for Specific Purposes (LSP), which encompasses these kinds of courses, responds to this discussion and provides curricular models for language programs that build practical language skills specific to a profession or field. Contributions in the book reinforce those models with national survey results, demonstrating the demand for and benefits of LSP instruction. With ten original research-based chapters, this volume will be of interest to high school and university language educators, program directors, linguists, and anyone looking to design LSP courses or programs in any world language.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc 100 Questions & Answers About Brain Tumors
Whether you’re a newly diagnosed brain tumor patient, a survivor, or a friend or relative of either, this book offers help. Completely revised and updated, 100 Questions & Answers About Brain Tumors, Second Edition gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions about treatment options, post-treatment quality of life, sources of support, and much more. The authors, a brain tumor survivor teamed with a neuro-oncologist specializing in brain tumors, provide a comprehensive, step-by-step discussion of what you can expect in the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors, while providing a real-life understanding of what these steps might mean for your day-to-day life. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional turmoil of this frightening disease.
Manchester University Press Women and Irish Diaspora Identities: Theories, Concepts and New Perspectives
Bringing together leading authorities on Irish women and migration, this book offers a significant reassessment of the place of women in the Irish diaspora. It compares Irish women across the globe over the last two centuries, setting this research in the context of recent theoretical developments in the study of diaspora. This collection demonstrates the important role played by women in the construction of Irish diasporic identities, assessing Irish women’s experience in Britain, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. This book develops a conversation between other locations of the Irish diaspora and the dominant story about the USA and, in the process, emphasises the complexity and heterogeneity of Irish diasporan locations and experiences.This interdisciplinary collection, featuring chapters by Breda Gray, Louise Ryan and Bronwen Walter, will appeal to scholars and students of the Irish diaspora and women’s migration.
Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd Doing Your Own Research: In the Field and on the Net
Random House USA Inc The Greek Plays: Sixteen Plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
University of California Press Sappho: A New Translation
These hundred poems and fragments constitute virtually all of Sappho that survives and effectively bring to life the woman whom the Greeks consider to be their greatest lyric poet. Mary Barnard's translations are lean, incisive, direct—the best ever published. She has rendered the beloved poet's verses, long the bane of translators, more authentically than anyone else in English.
Four Courts Press Ltd The Jesuit Mission in Early Modern Ireland, 1560-C.1760
Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd Dangerous Women
The Old and New Testaments are full of compelling female characters: good wives and bad, courageous heroines, and deceptive - sometimes deadly - femmes fatales. Dangerous Women presents works from the rich holdings of the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art that explore different artists' responses to the women of the Bible. Paintings by Pietro da Cortona, Francesco Cairo, and Fede Galizia and others stand as a reminder of how dangerous biblical women have continued to loom large in the modern imagination. These stories in this volume show how narratives of power are constructed, interpreted, and continue to evolve over the course of time. While some women saved their people, were paragons of virtue, or repented, others were purveyors of sin, harlots, and seductresses. Even if it was through their misbehaviour, all of these women - from Mary Magdalene, to Judith and Esther, to Salome and Potiphar's Wife - shaped biblical history.
Cambridge University Press The Cambridge Social History of Modern Ireland
Covering three centuries of unprecedented demographic and economic changes, this textbook is an authoritative and comprehensive view of the shaping of Irish society, at home and abroad, from the famine of 1740 to the present day. The first major work on the history of modern Ireland to adopt a social history perspective, it focuses on the experiences and agency of Irish men, women and children, Catholics and Protestants, and in the North, South and the diaspora. An international team of leading scholars survey key changes in population, the economy, occupations, property ownership, class and migration, and also consider the interaction of the individual and the state through welfare, education, crime and policing. Drawing on a wide range of disciplinary approaches and consistently setting Irish developments in a wider European and global context, this is an invaluable resource for courses on modern Irish history and Irish studies.
SAGE Publications Inc But Does This Work With English Learners?: A Guide for English Language Arts Teachers, Grades 6-12
Secondary ELA teachers, be excited: here at last is that crash course in utilizing the best of what we already know about teaching reading, writing, and language to ensure our English learners thrive. Take Penny Kittle and Donalyn Miller’s reader’s workshops. Take Kylene Beers and Robert Probst’s "signposts." Take the best writing techniques advanced by the National Writing Project. Take Jim Burke’s essential questions for life. Award-winning EL authorities Mandy Stewart and Holly Genova describe immediate adaptations you can put in place to simultaneously build your ELs’ language and literacy, while affirming their languages, cultures, and unique lived experiences. A rare blend of the humane and practical, But Does This Work with English Learners? is a book on how to leverage our ELs’ full linguistic repertoires in the ELA classroom, while remaining sensitive to those barriers that could restrict learning. With this book as your guide, you’ll learn how to: Look beyond the labels, and better understand the diversity of ELs, English language proficiency levels, and sociopolitical influences Teach and assess through reader’s workshop, recognizing where comprehensible input fits in and adapting recurring features like support, choice, conferencing, and academic conversations Teach and assess through writer’s workshops, including modifications to quick-writes, minilessons, conferencing, sharing, and more Teach through structures and community with classroom schedules and behavior norms, and activities like All About Me Paragraphs and Six Things You Need to Know About Me Listicles Embrace identity in inquiry cycles via research and family interviews, mentor texts and essays, pictorial autobiographies, memory paragraphs, and more Answer your own FAQs such as How do I teach students if I don’t know their language? What about grammar? How do I teach the grade-level ELA standards while I teach the language? "As you read this book," Mandy and Holly write, "our hope is that you will begin to see your students as multilinguals—people who already have language as well as a wealth of knowledge and are just adding English to that great repertoire." If you have even a single English learner in your classroom, we urge you to read this book and institute its practices. Right away! "Mandy Stewart and Holly Genova have given us a primer for the evolving complexities of our classroom melting pots, a map for navigating the murky waters of regulations, and most importantly, a recipe for opening our arms to children from all over the world. They welcome them with thoughts like ‘A foreign accent is a sign of bravery.’" ~Gretchen Bernabei, Coauthor of Fun-Sized Academic Writing for Serious Learning "After reading this book, I was left with the feeling that I learned something new on every page--something that I had previously either wondered about or struggled to understand. Mandy Stewart and Holly Genova are the guides we all need to help us understand and better address the needs of our English learners." ~Jim Burke, Author of The English Teacher’s Companion
Oxford University Press Aurora Floyd
With Lady Audley's Secret, Mary Elizabeth Braddon had established herself, alongside Wilkie Collins and Mrs Henry Wood, as one of the ruling triumvirate of `sensation novelists'. Aurora Floyd (1862-3), following hot on its heels, achieved almost equal popularity and notoriety. Like Lady Audley, Aurora is a beautiful young woman bigamously married and threatened with exposure by a blackmailer. But in Aurora Floyd, and in many of the novels written in imitation of it, bigamy is little more than a euphemism, a device to enable the heroine, and vicariously the reader, to enjoy the forbidden sweets of adultery without adulterous intentions. Passionate, sometimes violent, Aurora does succeed in enjoying them, her desires scarcely chastened by her disastrous first marriage. She represents a challenge to the mid-Victorian sexual code, and particularly to the feminine ideal of simpering, angelic young ladyhood. P. D. Edward's introduction evaluates the novel's leading place among `bigamy-novels' and Braddon's treatment of the power struggle between the sexes, as well as considering the similarities between the author and her heroine. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Oxford University Press The Last Man
'The last man! I may well describe that solitary being's feelings, feeling myself as the last relic of a beloved race, my companions extinct before me.' Mary Shelley, Journal (May 1824). Best remembered as the author of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley wrote The Last Man eight years later, on returning to England from Italy after her husband's death. It is the twenty-first century, and England is a republic governed by a ruling elite, one of whom, Adrian, Earl of Windsor, has introduced a Cumbrian boy to the circle. This outsider, Lionel Verney, narrates the story, a tale of complicated, tragic love, and of the gradual extermination of the human race by plague. The Last Man also functions as an intriguing roman à clef, for the saintly Adrian is a monument to Percy Bysshe Shelley, and his friend Lord Raymond is a portrait of Byron. The novel offers a vision of the future that expresses a reaction against Romanticism, as Shelley demonstrates the failure of the imagination and of art to redeem her doomed characters. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
John Wiley & Sons Pharmacology for Womens Health
MP-ALA American Library Assoc Rightsizing the Academic Library Collection
By learning how to rightsize, you will ensure that both the collection and your institution's available physical spaces meet the needs of your library's users. This book demonstrates the power of ‘rightsizing’, an approach that applies a scalable, rule-based strategy to help academic libraries balance stewardship of spaces and the collection.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia Women Writers of the Beat Era Autobiograhy and Intertextuality
The Beat Generation defined an experimental zeitgeist that endures to today. Yet left out of this picture are the Beat women, who produced a large body of writing from the 1950s through the 1970s and beyond. In Women Writers of the Beat Era, Mary Paniccia Carden gives voice to these female writers and demonstrates how their work redefines our understanding of “Beat”.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Gendered Missions Women and Men in Missionary Discourse and Practice
Random House USA Inc Benjamin Franklin: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #32: To the Future, Ben Franklin!
WW Norton & Co Seasoned with Grace: Recipes from My Generation of Shaker Cooking
First published in 1987, this classic cookbook remains a timeless guide to Shaker cooking. While many books on Shaker food recreate recipes from ninteenth-century sources, this cookbook is based on lived experience. For eighty years, the author cooked in the Canterbury Shaker community in New Hampshire, one of the last active Shaker villages in the United States. It offers an authentic, firsthand profile of a way of life that continues to fascinate. True American recipes, derived from oral tradition, include: Irving Greenwood's Pot Roast Canterbury Shaker Parsnips Moravian Sugar Cake Orange Zucchini Bars As well as the recipes, the book also gives an account of twentieth-century cooking and baking at the Canterbury Shaker Village. Mary Rose Boswell adds a new foreword.
American Bar Association Truck Accident Litigation, Third
Combining the expertise of industry professionals, engineers, reconstructionists and litigators proficient in the trucking field, this comprehensive guidebook provides in-depth knowledge of both the trucking industry and legal issues pertinent to handling a commercial motor vehicle case. In addition to over-the-road vehicles, the book covers aspects of trucking that apply uniquely to vocational trucking (dump trucks, cement mixers, refuse trucks, snow plows, etc.). Topics addressed include: the business of trucking; loading and unloading; cranes and forklifts; cargo securement; on-board electronics; fatigue; Comprehensive Safety Analysis (CSA); analyzing truck component failures; inspections and maintenance; data collection, analysis, and the preservation of evidence; tires, wheels, and brakes; mirrors, visibility and conspicuity; and much, much more.
Brookes Publishing Co Unlocking Literacy: Effective Decoding and Spelling Instruction
The updated second edition of Unlocking Literacy is here—and now pre- and inservice educators will have the very latest research and practical guidance on teaching good reading and spelling skills. Developed for general and special educators of students from prekindergarten to middle school and beyond, the new edition of this bestselling textbook arms teachers with the most recent developments in reading research and shows them how to apply their knowledge in the classroom to help all students learn.
Rowman & Littlefield Women, Work, and the Gospel Values
To find out more about Rowman & Littlefield titles please visit us at
Gallery Books The Summer Guests
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Critical Conversations: The NLN Guide for Teaching Thinking
With today’s health care systems demanding not only capable nurses but also reflective practitioners, nurse educators are challenged more than ever to engage students in making sense of their experiences and responding thoughtfully to diverse situations.Critical Conversations helps nursing educators discover how better listening can lead to better learning with insightful guidance on the conversations that drive effective understanding for both instructors and students. Applying The NLN Guide for Teaching Thinking, this monograph helps nursing educators practice and implement the most effective strategies for fostering critical conversations across simulation, classroom, and clinical learning environments. From conceptualizing learning as meaning making to the cognitive strategy of being critical and engaging learners through purposeful learning conversations, straightforward exemplars throughout the text offer a support structure to guide educators in helping students learn to think deeply and critically in any setting.
Simon & Schuster Audio Dashing Through the Snow
Random House USA Inc Wild West: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #10: Ghost Town at Sundown
Maryland Historical Society Maryland in the Civil War – A House Divided
With rare archival illustrations, including over 150 prints and photographs, many in full color, the authors provide dramatic vignettes that capture the agony of this slave-holding state divided between North and South.
Orbis Books (USA) Worldviews and Ecology: Religion, Philosophy and the Environment
Baker Publishing Group Life with Lily
For a child, every day is a thing of wonder. And for six-year-old Lily Lapp, every day is a new opportunity for blessings, laughter, family, and a touch of mischief. As she explores her world, goes to school, spends time with her family, and gets into a bit of trouble with her friends, Lily learns what it means to be Amish and what it means to grow up. From getting a new teacher to welcoming a new sibling, Lily's life is always full of adventure. The first of four charming novels that chronicle the gentle way of the Amish through the eyes of a young girl, Life with Lily gives children ages 8-12 a fascinating glimpse into the life of the Amish--and lots of fun and laughter along the way. It combines the real-life stories of growing up Amish from Mary Ann Kinsinger and the bestselling writing of Amish fiction and nonfiction author Suzanne Woods Fisher. With charming illustrations throughout, this series is sure to capture the hearts of readers young and old.
Random House USA Inc Magic Tree House Deluxe Edition: Dinosaurs Before Dark
Magic. Mystery. Time-travel. Travel in the magic tree house with Jack and Annie in this oversized, gorgeously illustrated deluxe edition of the adventure that started it all from the #1 bestselling chapter book series--for the first time with brand-new full-color illustrations!Where did the tree house come from?Before Jack and Annie can find out, the mysterious tree house whisks them to the prehistoric past. Now they have to figure out how to get home. Can they do it before dark...or will they become a dinosaur's dinner?This fantasy adventure from the internationally bestselling Magic Tree House series will capture the imagination and is perfect for reading aloud. Newly illustrated by Antonio Javier Caparo with rich and whimsical art, this gorgeous edition is one to cherish.Did you know that there's a Magic Tree House book for every kid?Magic Tree House: Adventures with Jack and Annie, perfect for readers who are just beginning chapter booksMerlin Missions: More challenging adventures for the experienced readerSuper Edition: A longer and more dangerous adventureFact Trackers: Nonfiction companions to your favorite Magic Tree House adventuresHave more fun with Jack and Annie at!
Clarion Books Mary Poppins in the Park
Clarion Books Mary Poppins Opens the Door
John Wiley & Sons Inc Forensic Assessment of Violence Risk: A Guide for Risk Assessment and Risk Management
Forensic Assessment of Violence Risk: A Guide for Risk Assessment and Risk Management provides both a summary of research to date and an integrated model for mental health professionals conducting risk assessments, one of the most high-stakes evaluations forensic mental health professionals perform.
Cengage Learning, Inc Mary Poppins in the Park
Cengage Learning, Inc Mary Poppins Comes Back
Penguin Putnam Inc My Best Friend
Springer Verlag, Singapore Sports, Society, and Technology: Bodies, Practices, and Knowledge Production
Sports, Society, and Technology: Bodies, Practices, and Knowledge Production addresses the complex entanglements of science, technology, and sporting cultures. The collection explores themes around human and non-human actants, knowledge formations and processes, and the materiality and multiplicity of bodies through an engagement with the interdisciplinary fields of Sport Studies and Science and Technology Studies. Representing a range of methodological, theoretical, and disciplinary approaches, contributors interrogate the social, cultural, political, and historical intersections of an ever-expanding techno-scientific sporting landscape – from true bounce and brain trauma to exercise physiology, metrics, and esports, and from feminist technoscience, whey protein, and epigenetics to sickle cell screening and testosterone regulation.
Springer International Publishing AG Global Perspectives in Ocular Oncology
Eye cancers vary in presentation depending upon geographic location and access to healthcare. Global Perspectives in Ocular Oncology offers an international platform for leading ocular oncologists and multidisciplinary specialists to highlight worldwide strengths and solutions to the challenges in treating eye cancer. The goal of the book is to provide a universal view on the management of adult and pediatric tumors affecting the eye and ocular adnexa. A range of topics pertinent to the global community have been included. Organized into seven distinct sections, this book covers international collaborations and initiatives, technology and innovations, and novel treatment strategies. In addition, it provides a glimpse into the future of the specialty. The emphasis on sharing perspectives as well as the global and multidisciplinary framework of the book are unique to the market. This work will appeal to a variety of audiences including ocular oncologists and ophthalmic subspecialists, oncologists and other specialists, optometrists, geneticists, allied medical professionals, and trainees entering these disciplines.