Search results for ""author albert"
Nova Science Publishers Inc Urban Developments in Brazil & Portugal
Planeta Publishing Vive Y Déjame Vivir: Claves Para La Libertar Interior
Edizioni Terra Santa Etiopia: Arte, Storia, Curiosita E Itinerari Nel Cuore Antico Dell'africa
Sime Books 551 Madison Avenue New York
Jürgen Habermas una biografía
Pocos tendrían algo que objetar al veredicto de que Habermas ha logrado ?tanto en su obra filosófica como en su papel de intelectual público? un lugar de perdurable importancia que sobrepasa el de cualquier otro pensador de nuestro tiempo. La definitiva nueva biografía de Stefan Müller-Doohm? expone las pruebas que avalan esta conclusión con gran cuidado y enorme simpatía hacia su protagonista. (The Nation)
Calecha Ediciones, S.L. Parque Natural de Redes 25 rutas a pie con 16 rutas cortas o paseos
Calecha Ediciones, S.L. El EscorialSierra de Malagón mapa excursionista y turístico
Delallama Editorial La historia de la estrella que no tenía puntas y la niña que tenía un telescopio
Calecha Ediciones, S.L. Parque Natural de Somiedo 30 rutas a pie con 18 rutas cortas o paseos
Calecha Ediciones, S.L. Maragatería y Astorga guía completa incluye 10 rutas a pie
Páginas de Espuma SL Conversaciones con un amigo Conversations with a Friend La Compania
Anaya Educación Agente ricitos
No hay detalle que escape a la lupa de Ricitos de Oro, la niña más curiosa del bosque. Sopas a temperatura volcánica? Colchones de cama que le doblarían la espalda hasta a una estatua? La agente Ricitos resuelve el crimen antes de que se cometa. Si necesitas ayuda, solo haz la señal.
Ediciones Akal Historia y leyes de los hititas
Primera traducción de todos los textos históricos y legales hititas (xviii-xii a.C.), agrupados por períodos cronológicos, precedidos por una introducción con la información necesaria para situarlos en su contexto. En el primer volumen se presenta una introducción general, los textos del Imperio Antiguo y los legales. En el segundo, los del Imperio Medio y Nuevo y los referidos a los griegos.
50 locuras que hacer antes de volverme cuerdo 4You2 Spanish Edition
No, no estoy loco (ya lo dice mi apellido, Cuerdo), pero me encanta hacer locuras y divertirme a todas horas. Si alguien me pregunta cuál es mi asignatura favorita, la respuesta es sencilla:Reírme y hacer tonterías delante de la cámara.Aquí te propongo 50 locuras, de esas supermegalocas, que pueden servirte como reto para superarte o simplemente para divertirte. Pero además aprovecharé para contarte todos mis secretos.Te atreves a seguirme y cumplir todos los retos?
Herder Editorial Filosofía del arte moderno
Fragmentos presocrticos
Se reúnen en este libro los textos de los llamados Presocráticos, una designación convencional pero que se ha consagrado para designar a los primeros escritores griegos que organizaron formas de pensamiento ya no míticas, sino racionales, con las que trataban de dar cuenta del origen y configuración del mundo. Aristóteles en la Metafísica los considera los primeros filósofos, una opinión autorizada, si bien no compartida por algunos autores modernos que pretenden negarles tal categoría sin demasiados motivos. Estos pensadores no solo ejercieron una profunda influencia sobre los que los siguieron (para afirmarse en sus postulados o para refutarlos), sino que continúan siendo objeto de incesante interés en nuestro tiempo, tanto por parte de filósofos o físicos teóricos, que reconocen en ellos intuiciones geniales, que se adelantaron extraordinariamente a su época, como para el público en general, que puede acceder, a través de su lectura, a las primeras manifestaciones de la nueva aventu
Prh Grupo Editorial 100 Glorias de México de Niños a Campeones 100 Sources of Mexican Pride
Prh Grupo Editorial El fin de la tristeza The End of Sadness
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial 100 Dioses del Olimpo: De niños a Superhéroes / 100 Olympus Gods. From Children to Superheroes
Ediciones Larousse (MX) Larousse del Tequila
Brill Schoningh Texte Zur Naturphilosophie (1792-1808)
Theologischer Verlag Exodus 1-18
Copper Canyon Press,U.S. Not Go Away Is My Name
W. W. Norton & Company Essential Cell Biology
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda Epic Reads Edition
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Kate in Waiting
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Splitter Verlag Die Mauer. Band 3
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH La Noia
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Elia: Ein Feuriger Kampfer Fur Gott
Steerforth Press The Conformist
Canongate Books Stevenson Under The Palm Trees
In the lush, uninhibited atmosphere of Samoa, Robert Louis Stevenson is languishing with the disease that will soon kill him; when a chance encounter with the mysterious Scottish missionary, Mr Baker, turns his thoughts back to his conservative, post-Reformation Edinburgh home.As Stevenson's meetings with the tantalizingly nebulous missionary become increasingly strange, a series of crimes against the native population sours the atmosphere. With its playful nod to Stevenson's life and work Manguel has woven an intoxicating tale in which fantasy infiltrates reality.
Verso Books Late Fascism: Race, Capitalism and the Politics of Crisis
The rich archive of twentieth-century debates on fascism can steer a path through an increasingly authoritarian present. Developing anti-fascist theory is an urgent and vital task. From the 'Great Replacement' to campaigns against critical race theory and 'gender ideology', today's global far right is launching lethal panics about the threats to traditional political, sexual and racial hierarchies.Drawing especially on Black radical and anti-colonial theories of fascism, Toscano makes clear the limits of associating fascism primarily with the kind of political violence experienced by past European regimes. Rather than looking for analogies from history, we should see fascism as a mutable process, one anchored in racial and colonial capitalism, which both predates and survives its crystallization in Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany. It is a threat that continues to evolve in the present day.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Political Economy of International Law: A European Perspective
Set in the context of growing interdisciplinarity in legal research, The Political Economy of International Law: A European Perspective provides a much-needed systematic and coherent review of the interactions between political economy and international law. The contributors reflect the need felt by international lawyers to open their traditional frontiers to insights from other disciplines - and political economy in particular. The methodological approach of the book is to take the traditional list of topics for a general treatise of international law, and to systematically incorporate insights from political economy to each.Students and scholars of political economy and international law will find the topics discussed to be of great interest to their work. This book will also provide valuable insights for economists, lawyers, and policy-makers.Contributors include: E. Benvenisti, L. Boisson De Chazournes, B. Delcourt, A. Fabbricotti, A. Gianelli, E. Kica, U. Kohut, C. Leb, T.A. Lehmann, M.K. Lewis, P. Merkouris, A. Nollkaemper, M. Panizzon, N. Petersen, P.B. Stephan, J.P. Trachtman, A. Van Aaken, D. Vitiello, A. Von Staden, R.A. Wessel, J. Wouters
New York University Press Before Chicano: Citizenship and the Making of Mexican American Manhood, 1848-1959
Uncovers the long history of how Latino manhood was integral to the formation of Latino identity In the first ever book-length study of Latino manhood before the Civil Rights Movement, Before Chicano examines Mexican American print culture to explore how conceptions of citizenship and manhood developed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The year 1848 saw both the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the U.S. Mexican War and the year of the Seneca Falls Convention, the first organized conference on women’s rights in the United States. These concurrent events signaled new ways of thinking about U.S. citizenship, and placing these historical moments into conversation with the archive of Mexican American print culture, Varon offers an expanded temporal frame for Mexican Americans as long-standing participants in U.S. national projects. Pulling from a wide-variety of familiar and lesser-known works—from fiction and newspapers to government documents, images, and travelogues—Varon illustrates how Mexican Americans during this period envisioned themselves as U.S. citizens through cultural depictions of manhood. Before Chicano reveals how manhood offered a strategy to disparate Latino communities across the nation to imagine themselves as a cohesive whole—as Mexican Americans—and as political agents in the U.S. Though the Civil Rights Movement is typically recognized as the origin point for the study of Latino culture, Varon pushes us to consider an intellectual history that far predates the late twentieth century, one that is both national and transnational. He expands our framework for imagining Latinos’ relationship to the U.S. and to a past that is often left behind.
Edinburgh University Press Muslim-Christian Polemics in Safavid Iran
John Wiley & Sons Inc Passing the Torch: Preserving Family Wealth Beyond the Third Generation
Sustain and grow your family’s capital throughout generations Families need to have vision and foresight to sustain the family’s capital throughout generations. Unfortunately, many of them build wealth effectively but find, near the end of their lives, that it has little sustainability to prepare the next generations that will be the beneficiaries of their hard work. Passing the Torch teaches high net-worth families how to foster a strong family dynamic to be truly generational. Inside, first-generation wealth creators will learn how to create a culture of sustainability and growth and endow subsequent generations with the tools and mindset necessary to prosper. Subsequent generations will learn how to receive the torch, sustain and grow the family’s capital and pass the torch to the next generation. • Discover the importance of emotional intelligence • Learn to view generational wealth from a behavioral lens • Transcend financial instruction to find a sense of purpose and direction • Map out your family’s legacy Whether you’re consulting an advisor or taking matters into your own hands, this is the essential reference you need to sustain wealth for generations to come.
W. W. Norton & Company Molecular Biology of the Cell
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Upside of Unrequited
Seagull Books London Ltd Terms of Disorder – Keywords for an Interregnum
A timely book addressing the burning concerns of our times, from the excesses of capitalism to the global crisis of leadership. There is widespread agreement, across a voluble political spectrum and around the planet, that we live in times of intensifying insecurity and turmoil. If ours is an age of transition, its direction is anything but certain. Momentous transformations in ecology, geopolitics, and everyday life are shadowed by a suffocating sense of stasis. The limits to capital and the limits of nature are entangled in frightful ways, while the profoundly obsolete form of leadership, domination, and conflict exacerbate an already baleful situation. And yet struggles for liberation have not been quelled. Terms of Disorder confronts this moment by probing some of the defining terms in the modern vocabulary of emancipation, with the aim of testing their capacity to name and orient collective action set on abolishing the present state of things. Ranging from communism to leadership, the eleven keywords addressed in this book provide a set of interlocking points of entry into the common task of forging a political language capable of navigating our disorientation. If, as Gramsci famously noted, the interregnum is a time when the new struggles to be born while the old order is moribund, we may wish to heed Cedric Robinson’s call to “choose wisely among the dying.”