Search results for ""author greg""
Gibbs M. Smith Inc M is for Monsters
Gibbs M. Smith Inc U Is for Universe
Gibbs M. Smith Inc Day of the Dead: A Count and Find Primer
Gibbs M. Smith Inc Z Is for Zoo
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC My Shakespeare
Penguin Random House Group Star Wars Darth Vader by Greg Pak Vol. 9 Rise of The Schism Imperial
Henry Holt & Company The End of the Myth
From a Pulitzer Prize finalist, a new and eye-opening interpretation of the meaning of the frontier, from early westward expansion to Trump’s border wall.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Little Book of Economics: How the Economy Works in the Real World
An accessible, thoroughly engaging look at how the economy really works and its role in your everyday life Not surprisingly, regular people suddenly are paying a lot closer attention to the economy than ever before. But economics, with its weird technical jargon and knotty concepts and formulas can be a very difficult subject to get to grips with on your own. Enter Greg Ip and his Little Book of Economics. Like a patient, good-natured tutor, Greg, one of today's most respected economics journalists, walks you through everything you need to know about how the economy works. Short on technical jargon and long on clear, concise, plain-English explanations of important terms, concepts, events, historical figures and major players, this revised and updated edition of Greg's bestselling guide clues you in on what's really going on, what it means to you and what we should be demanding our policymakers do about the economy going forward. From inflation to the Federal Reserve, taxes to the budget deficit, you get indispensible insights into everything that really matters about economics and its impact on everyday life Special sections featuring additional resources of every subject discussed and where to find additional information to help you learn more about an issue and keep track of ongoing developments Offers priceless insights into the roots of America's economic crisis and its aftermath, especially the role played by excessive greed and risk-taking, and what can be done to avoid another economic cataclysm Digs into globalization, the roots of the Euro crisis, the sources of China's spectacular growth, and why the gap between the economy's winners and losers keeps widening
John Wiley & Sons Inc How Washington Actually Works For Dummies
Get the inside scoop on the most powerful city on Earth Washington, D.C.: Capital of the Free World; the most powerful city on Earth. No other country, company, or international organization can compare with the reach and wealth of the federal government. Policymaking — the art of deciding what programs to support, what laws to pass, or what regulations to write — is at the core of what Washington does and is what everyone, from the President on down, wants to influence. How Washington Actually Works For Dummies isn't a dry explanation of the American system of government but a playbook for how Washington really works: who has a seat at the table, how the policymaking process works, and how one survives. It takes you inside the political process in Washington, discusses changes in recent decades, and explains how the parts fit together. You find out: Who really runs Washington Why the President’s power is limited How Congress (and its committee structure) works What the bureaucrats — the men and women behind the curtain — do to earn your tax dollars How lobbyists, activists, and other players influence policy In a presidential election year when economic issues are center stage and the candidates will go head to head in policy debates, there’s no better time to discover the ins and outs of how policy is actually made.
Duke University Press Flyboy 2: The Greg Tate Reader
Since launching his career at the Village Voice in the early 1980s Greg Tate has been one of the premiere critical voices on contemporary Black music, art, literature, film, and politics. Flyboy 2 provides a panoramic view of the past thirty years of Tate's influential work. Whether interviewing Miles Davis or Ice Cube, reviewing an Azealia Banks mixtape or Suzan-Lori Parks's Topdog/Underdog, discussing visual artist Kara Walker or writer Clarence Major, or analyzing the ties between Afro-futurism, Black feminism, and social movements, Tate's resounding critical insights illustrate how race, gender, and class become manifest in American popular culture. Above all, Tate demonstrates through his signature mix of vernacular poetics and cultural theory and criticism why visionary Black artists, intellectuals, aesthetics, philosophies, and politics matter to twenty-first-century America.
Duke University Press The Blood of Guatemala: A History of Race and Nation
Over the latter half of the twentieth century, the Guatemalan state slaughtered more than two hundred thousand of its citizens. In the wake of this violence, a vibrant pan-Mayan movement has emerged, one that is challenging Ladino (non-indigenous) notions of citizenship and national identity. In The Blood of Guatemala Greg Grandin locates the origins of this ethnic resurgence within the social processes of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century state formation rather than in the ruins of the national project of recent decades. Focusing on Mayan elites in the community of Quetzaltenango, Grandin shows how their efforts to maintain authority over the indigenous population and secure political power in relation to non-Indians played a crucial role in the formation of the Guatemalan nation. To explore the close connection between nationalism, state power, ethnic identity, and political violence, Grandin draws on sources as diverse as photographs, public rituals, oral testimony, literature, and a collection of previously untapped documents written during the nineteenth century. He explains how the cultural anxiety brought about by Guatemala’s transition to coffee capitalism during this period led Mayan patriarchs to develop understandings of race and nation that were contrary to Ladino notions of assimilation and progress. This alternative national vision, however, could not take hold in a country plagued by class and ethnic divisions. In the years prior to the 1954 coup, class conflict became impossible to contain as the elites violently opposed land claims made by indigenous peasants. This “history of power” reconsiders the way scholars understand the history of Guatemala and will be relevant to those studying nation building and indigenous communities across Latin America.
Duke University Press The Blood of Guatemala: A History of Race and Nation
Over the latter half of the twentieth century, the Guatemalan state slaughtered more than two hundred thousand of its citizens. In the wake of this violence, a vibrant pan-Mayan movement has emerged, one that is challenging Ladino (non-indigenous) notions of citizenship and national identity. In The Blood of Guatemala Greg Grandin locates the origins of this ethnic resurgence within the social processes of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century state formation rather than in the ruins of the national project of recent decades. Focusing on Mayan elites in the community of Quetzaltenango, Grandin shows how their efforts to maintain authority over the indigenous population and secure political power in relation to non-Indians played a crucial role in the formation of the Guatemalan nation. To explore the close connection between nationalism, state power, ethnic identity, and political violence, Grandin draws on sources as diverse as photographs, public rituals, oral testimony, literature, and a collection of previously untapped documents written during the nineteenth century. He explains how the cultural anxiety brought about by Guatemala’s transition to coffee capitalism during this period led Mayan patriarchs to develop understandings of race and nation that were contrary to Ladino notions of assimilation and progress. This alternative national vision, however, could not take hold in a country plagued by class and ethnic divisions. In the years prior to the 1954 coup, class conflict became impossible to contain as the elites violently opposed land claims made by indigenous peasants. This “history of power” reconsiders the way scholars understand the history of Guatemala and will be relevant to those studying nation building and indigenous communities across Latin America.
University of British Columbia Press Hunting for Empire: Narratives of Sport in Rupert's Land, 1840-70
Hunting for Empire offers a fresh cultural history of sportand imperialism. Greg Gillespie integrates critical perspectives fromcultural studies, literary criticism, and cultural geography to analyzethe themes of authorship, sport, science, and nature. In doing so heproduces a unique theoretical lens through which to studynineteenth-century British big-game hunting and exploration narrativesfrom the western interior of Rupert’s Land. Sharply written and evocatively illustrated, Hunting forEmpire will appeal to students and scholars of culture, sport,geography, and history, and to general readers interested in stories ofhunting, empire, and the Canadian wilderness.
Tor Books Eon
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The 1930s Home
The 1930s home presented an exciting new way of living for the generation that moved out to the suburbs. Young couples who had previously rented accommodation in urban centers found themselves able to afford new-build homes with hot running water, a bathroom indoors, and even aerials for the wireless already installed. Some four million houses were erected, and interest in interior home decoration boomed. This fully illustrated book introduces the homes that people fell in love with in the 1930s, and the fixtures and fittings that went in them. It is not only a practical and valuable companion for people who own or wish to renovate an inter-war house, but will also appeal to all those interested in period design.
Pluto Press Russia and the Media: The Makings of a New Cold War
President Vladimir Putin is a figure of both fear and fascination in the Western imagination. In the minds of media pundits and commentators, he personifies Russia itself - a country riven with contradictions, enthralling and yet always a threat to world peace. But recent propaganda images that define public debate around growing tensions with Russia are not new or arbitrary. Russia and the Media asks, what is the role of Western journalism in constructing a new kind of Cold War with Russia? Focusing on British and US media coverage of moments of crisis and of co-operation between the West and Russia, McLaughlin exposes how such a Cold War framework shapes public perceptions of a major, hostile power reasserting itself on the world stage. Scrutinising events such as the Ukraine/Crimea crisis, the Skripal Poisoning and Russia's military intervention in Syria - as well as analysing media coverage of the 2018 Russian presidential election and build up to the 2018 World Cup - Russia and the Media makes a landmark intervention at the intersection of media studies and international relations.
Pluto Press The War Correspondent
Hodder Education Britain and the Great War: a depth study
Princeton University Press Artists in the Audience: Cults, Camp, and American Film Criticism
Gone with the Wind an inspiration for the American avant-garde? Mickey Mouse a crucial source for the development of cutting-edge intellectual and aesthetic ideas? As Greg Taylor shows in this witty and provocative book, the idea is not so far-fetched. One of the first-ever studies of American film criticism, Artists in the Audience shows that film critics, beginning in the 1940s, turned to the movies as raw material to be molded into a more radical modernism than that offered by any other contemporary artists or thinkers. In doing so, they offered readers a vanguard alternative that reshaped postwar American culture: nonaesthetic mass culture reconceived and refashioned into rich, personally relevant art by the attuned, creative spectator.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Drama: An Anthology
This comprehensive anthology brings together a diverse collection of dramatic writing from the late fourteenth century to the onset of the Renaissance. The volume presents for the first time the key plays of the period in their entirety, alongside more unusual selections, covering religious narrative, religion and conscience, and politics and morality. The first section focuses on Biblical plays, including coherent sequences of the narrative Cycle plays from York and N-Town and supporting pageants from Chester and Wakefield. This approach allows a clear narrative line to develop, and permits the comparison of the treatment of key stories between the Cycles. The selected material demonstrates how the drama of the towns and cities of East Anglia and the North of England mediated religious culture to a heterodox urban audience, and explored biblical events in an intensely contemporary setting. In the second and third sections, the attention turns to secular drama, and the Moral Plays and Interludes. The featured texts illustrate the range of themes and issues covered, from the salvation of the individual human soul to the renovation of the political nation, and the variety of settings and audiences for which the plays were designed. The flexibility of the Interlude form is explored, as are the ways in which it was utilised by playwrights and their patrons to address issues of direct political and social concern to them and their audiences. Medieval Drama: An Anthology is an indispensable guide to the breadth and depth of dramatic activity in medieval Britain.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Drama: An Anthology
This comprehensive anthology brings together a diverse collection of dramatic writing from the late fourteenth century to the onset of the Renaissance. The volume presents for the first time the key plays of the period in their entirety, alongside more unusual selections, covering religious narrative, religion and conscience, and politics and morality. The first section focuses on Biblical plays, including coherent sequences of the narrative Cycle plays from York and N-Town and supporting pageants from Chester and Wakefield. This approach allows a clear narrative line to develop, and permits the comparison of the treatment of key stories between the Cycles. The selected material demonstrates how the drama of the towns and cities of East Anglia and the North of England mediated religious culture to a heterodox urban audience, and explored biblical events in an intensely contemporary setting. In the second and third sections, the attention turns to secular drama, and the Moral Plays and Interludes. The featured texts illustrate the range of themes and issues covered, from the salvation of the individual human soul to the renovation of the political nation, and the variety of settings and audiences for which the plays were designed. The flexibility of the Interlude form is explored, as are the ways in which it was utilised by playwrights and their patrons to address issues of direct political and social concern to them and their audiences. Medieval Drama: An Anthology is an indispensable guide to the breadth and depth of dramatic activity in medieval Britain.
University of California Press Mabel McKay: Weaving the Dream
A world-renowned Pomo basket weaver and medicine woman, Mabel McKay expressed her genius through her celebrated baskets, her Dreams, her cures, and the stories with which she kept her culture alive. She spent her life teaching others how the spirit speaks through the Dream, how the spirit heals, and how the spirit demands to be heard. Greg Sarris weaves together stories from Mabel McKay's life with an account of how he tried, and she resisted, telling her story straight - the white people's way. Sarris, an Indian of mixed-blood heritage, finds his own story in his search for Mabel McKay's. Beautifully narrated, "Weaving the Dream" initiates the reader into Pomo culture and demonstrates how a woman who worked most of her life in a cannery could become a great healer and an artist whose baskets were collected by the Smithsonian. Hearing Mabel McKay's life story, we see that distinctions between material and spiritual and between mundane and magical disappear. What remains is a timeless way of healing, of making art, and of being in the world. Sarris' new preface, written expressly for this edition, meditates on Mabel McKay's enduring legacy and the continued importance of her teachings.
University of California Press After Camp: Portraits in Midcentury Japanese American Life and Politics
This book illuminates various aspects of a central but unexplored area of American history: the midcentury Japanese American experience. A vast and ever-growing literature exists, first on the entry and settlement of Japanese immigrants in the United States at the turn of the 20th century, then on the experience of the immigrants and their American-born children during World War II. Yet the essential question, "What happened afterwards?" remains all but unanswered in historical literature. Excluded from the wartime economic boom and scarred psychologically by their wartime ordeal, the former camp inmates struggled to remake their lives in the years that followed. This volume consists of a series of case studies that shed light on various developments relating to Japanese Americans in the aftermath of their wartime confinement, including resettlement nationwide, the mental and physical readjustment of the former inmates, and their political engagement, most notably in concert with other racialized and ethnic minority groups.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Attacking Currency Trends: How to Anticipate and Trade Big Moves in the Forex Market
The guide for reading long-term trends in the foreign currency market To thrive in the marketplace traders must anticipate, enter, and stay with trends in the foreign exchange market. In this much-needed guide top forex, expert Greg Michalowski clearly explains the attributes of successful traders, and shows how traders can set themselves up for success by drafting an explicit mission statement and game plan. The book also contains the tools and techniques traders need to read the markets and identify when a market is in a trend. Michalowski shows traders how to enter an emerging trend, how to manage the position, and how to exit the position most effectively. Includes the technical tools needed to invest in the foreign exchange market: moving averages, trendlines, and Fibonacci levels Shows how to identify a trend and stick with the trend through its duration Written by Greg Michalowski who was cited by SmartMoney magazine as a "go to" source for making money moves With this book, Michalowski offers an important resource for identifying and riding out long-term trends in the volatile foreign currency.
University of Chicago Press Code Name Puritan
The University of Chicago Press Watch
Strasbourg The yellow and green rose, and the pink rock, The chestnuts blooming, the cobblestone square, Our Lady's tower rising everywhere, Dark timbered fronts; the mechanical clock Whose rooster crows three times for Peter's flock, The Apostles, the old man's and the child's share Of time - aspire I'd say to make me stare And stop. I praise what I might otherwise mock, The locked contingencies, the stock of losses, Bright liquidity everywhere channeled, A storied cityscape of destinies Averted as when, turning, a young Turk tosses His hands in the air and my chest's pummeled, "My brother, forgive me!" and my thoughts freeze. In "Watch", Greg Miller describes a fresh purposefulness in his life and achieves a new level of poetic thinking and composition in his writing. Artfully combining the religious and secular worldviews in his own sense of human culture, Miller complicates our understanding of all three. The poems in "Watch" sift layers of natural and human history across several continents, observing paintings, archaeological digs, cityscapes, seascapes, landscapes - all in an attempt to envision a clear, grounded spiritual life. Employing an impressive array of traditional meters and various kinds of free verse, Miller's poems celebrate communities both invented and real.
The University of Chicago Press The Colorful Apocalypse – Journeys in Outsider Art
The Reverend Howard Finster was twenty feet tall, suspended in darkness. Or so be appeared in the documentary film that introduced a teenaged Greg Bottoms to the renowned outsider artist whose death would inspire him, fourteen years later, to travel the country. Beginning in Georgia with a trip to Finster's famous Paradise Gardens, his journey - of which The Colorful Apocalypse is a masterly chronicle - is an unparalleled look at the lives and works of some of Finster's contemporaries: the self-taught evangelical artists whose beliefs and neuvres occupy the gray area between madness and Christian ecstasy. Bottoms draws us into the worlds of such figures as William Thomas Thompson, a handicapped ex-millionaire who painted a 300-foot version of the book of Revelation, Norbert Kox, an ex-member of the Outlaws biker gang who now paints apocalyptic visual parables; and Myrtice West, who began painting to express the revelatory visions she had after her daughter's brutal murder. Along the way, Bottoms weaves a powerful narrative, a work that is at once an enthralling travelogue, a series of revealing biographical portraits, and a profound meditation on the chaos of despair and the ways in which creativity can help order our lives.
Penguin Putnam Inc Why Africa is Poor
HarperCollins Southern Man
An instant New York Times Bestseller!“Greg Iles is one of America’s great storytellers. -Stephen King, #1 New York Times bestselling authorA first-rate political thriller.-John Grisham, #1 New York Times bestselling authorThe hugely anticipated new Penn Cage novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Natchez Burning trilogy and Cemetery Road, about a man—and a town—rocked by anarchy and tragedy, but unbowed in the fight to save those they loveFifteen years after the events of the Natchez Burning trilogy, Penn Cage is alone. Nearly all his loved ones are dead, his old allies gone, and he carries a mortal secret that separates him from the world. But Penn’s exile comes to an end when a brawl at a Mississippi rap festival
HarperCollins Publishers Gardeners Almanac 2025
HarperCollins Publishers Cemetery Road
Two murders. One Town. And a lifetime of secrets. ‘Pure reading pleasure’ Stephen King The No.1 New York Times bestselling author of the Natchez Burning trilogy returns with an electrifying standalone. A tale of friendship, betrayal, and shattering secrets that threaten to destroy a small Mississippi town. Some things should never be uncovered… When successful journalist Marshall McEwan discovers that his father is terminally ill, he returns to his childhood home in Bienville, Mississippi – a place he vowed to leave behind forever. His family’s newspaper is failing; and Jet Turner, the love of his youth, has married into the family of Max Matheson, one of the powerful patriarchs who rule the town through the exclusive Poker Club. Bienville is on the brink of economic salvation, in the form of a billion-dollar Chinese paper mill. But as the deal nears completion, two murders rock the town to its core, threatening far more than the city’s economic future. Marshall and Jet soon discover a minefield of explosive secrets beneath the soil of Mississippi. And by the time Marshall grasps the long-buried truth about his own history – and the woman he loves – he would give almost anything not to face it.
HarperCollins Publishers Edexcel GCSE (9–1) Maths Grade 4–5 Booster Workbook (Collins GCSE Maths)
Target grades 4-5 with level-specific questions to help students focus on key topics and reach their full potential. Assess understanding and reasoning and problem solving skills with in-depth questions for GCSE 9-1 Build confidence to secure a strong pass with targeted, level-specific questions on key topics Build familiarity with exam-style questions for grades 4 and 5 Perfect for revision, booster classes, retakes, intervention groups
Ebury Publishing Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
The life-changing international bestseller that started a global movement - now updated with the new 21-Day Essentialism Challenge and an exclusive excerpt from EFFORTLESSHave you ever found yourself struggling with information overload?Have you ever felt both overworked and underutilised?Do you ever feel busy but not productive?If you answered yes to any of these, the way out is to become an Essentialist.In Essentialism, Greg McKeown, CEO of a Leadership and Strategy agency in Silicon Valley who has run courses at Apple, Google and Facebook, shows you how to achieve what he calls the disciplined pursuit of less. Being an Essentialist is about a disciplined way of thinking. It means challenging the core assumption of 'We can have it all' and 'I have to do everything' and replacing it with the pursuit of 'the right thing, in the right way, at the right time'.By applying a more selective criteria for what is essential, the pursuit of less allows us to regain control of our own choices so we can channel our time, energy and effort into making the highest possible contribution toward the goals and activities that matter.Using the experience and insight of working with the leaders of the most innovative companies and organisations in the world, McKeown shows you how to put Essentialism into practice in your own life, so you too can achieve something great.
Cherokee McGhee Stray
Disney Publishing Worldwide The Watermelon Seed
Ebury Publishing Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Have you ever found yourself struggling with information overload? Have you ever felt both overworked and underutilised? Do you ever feel busy but not productive? If you answered yes to any of these, the way out is to become an Essentialist. In Essentialism, Greg McKeown, CEO of a Leadership and Strategy agency in Silicon Valley who has run courses at Apple, Google and Facebook, shows you how to achieve what he calls the disciplined pursuit of less. Being an Essentialist is about a disciplined way of thinking. It means challenging the core assumption of ‘We can have it all’ and ‘I have to do everything’ and replacing it with the pursuit of ‘the right thing, in the right way, at the right time'.By applying a more selective criteria for what is essential, the pursuit of less allows us to regain control of our own choices so we can channel our time, energy and effort into making the highest possible contribution toward the goals and activities that matter. Using the experience and insight of working with the leaders of the most innovative companies and organisations in the world, McKeown shows you how to put Essentialism into practice in your own life, so you too can achieve something great.
Oxford University Press Inc After the Flying Saucers Came
Roswell, 1947. Washington, DC, 1952. Quarouble, 1954. New Hampshire, 1961. Pascagoula, 1973. Petrozavodsk, 1977. Copley Woods, 1983. Explore how sightings of UFOs and aliens seized the world''s attention and discover what the fascination with flying saucers and extraterrestrial visitors says about our changing views on science, technology, and the paranormal.In the summer of 1947, a private pilot flying over the state of Washington saw what he described as several pie pan-shaped aircraft traveling in formation at remarkably high speed. Within days, journalists began referring to the objects as flying saucers. Over the course of that summer, Americans reported seeing them in the skies overhead. News quickly spread, and within a few years, flying saucers were being spotted across the world. The question on everyone''s mind was, what were they? Some new super weapon in the Cold War? Strange weather patterns? Optical illusions? Or perhaps it was all a case of mass hysteria? Some, however,
National Maritime Museum The Universe
Given that it includes literally everything in existence, it’s not surprising that the Universe is the source of some of the greatest mysteries in physics. How big is it? How did it begin? And, perhaps more worryingly, how will it end? Through cosmology, the study of the evolution and structure of the Universe, experts have been attempting to untangle these tricky topics for centuries. They have found the faint traces of the Big Bang and shown that our Universe is expanding at a phenomenal rate. However, while their efforts have forged our core understanding of physics and earned them a number of Nobel Prizes, there is much that eludes us still. Explore the secrets of the cosmos with astronomer Dr Greg Brown as he entertains our fascination with impossible questions in this pocket guide to everything that ever was and ever will be.
Mango Media Practical Mindfulness: A Physician's No-Nonsense Guide to Meditation for Beginners (Mindful Breathing, Gift For Anxiety)
Stressed Out in These Uncertain Times? You Can Adapt. Here’s How.“An insightful and demystifying look at mindfulness practice.” —Kirkus Reviews2021 INDIES Gold Winner Body, Mind & SpiritBreathe in and out through the stressors of life with this accessible meditation guide. Learn the life-changing benefits of mindfulness to navigate these uncertain times.Training exercises that work. Practical Mindfulness approaches mindfulness and meditation from a hands-on, how-to, irreverent perspective–appealing to all readers curious about meditation, and health care and education professionals looking to learn and teach the fundamentals of meditation to their patients and students. Applying Dr. Sazima’s training routines, we can all learn better coping methods and less burnout, in the midst of all that is happening.An accessible approach to finding “home.” We all search for that safe, comfortable feeling of peace of mind–our inner “home.” When we face challenges–from a tough day at work to a life-threatening health problem–we can realize with blinding clarity there is no sustainable outside solution. Without a more developed interior awareness, we can suffer stress, anxiety, and depression. This guide is the solution to reclaiming your peaceful place in every moment.Meditation training from an expert. Dr. Sazima is a board-certified psychiatrist, an educator of family doctors-in-training at Stanford’s Family Medicine Residency, and an experienced meditator and meditation teacher. He is also a survivor of a rare bone cancer who has used the powerful practice of meditation to navigate his own medical crisis. Now, he is on a “pay it forward” mission to show us why and how meditation works, in an accessible and entertaining way.We can adapt – Practical Mindfulness shows us how. Readers of books such Think Like A Monk, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, or 10% Happier will love Practical Mindfulness.
Oni Press,US Stumptown Vol. 4 The Case of a Cup of Joe
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd The Vigilant Eye: Policing Canada from 1867 to 9/11
In The Vigilant Eye, Greg Marquis combines the narrative and chronological approach of traditional institutional history with the critical approaches of social history, legal history and criminology. The book begins with the English and Irish roots of nineteenth-century British North American policing and traces the development of the three models of law enforcement that would shape the future: the local rural constable, the municipal police department and the paramilitary territorial constabulary. Marquis examines the development of provincial police services, whose expansion coincided with the rise of mass automobile ownership and controversies over alcohol prohibition and control, and their eventual absorption into the RCMP. In terms of political policing, the vigilant eye has monitored, harassed and disrupted various social and political movements ranging from Fenians to communists, to Quebec separatists and environmentalists. Marquis argues that the style of community policing in vogue during the 1970s and 1980s lacked confidence and had a limited impact. Canada s simplistic crime-fighting model undermines genuine reform, including curbs on the use of deadly force on citizens, and justifies the increased militarization of policing. Marquis argues that it is time for citizens to turn their vigilant eye towards police and policing in their own communities."
Rowman & Littlefield Hiking Maine: A Guide to the State’s Greatest Hiking Adventures
Lace up your boots and sample seventy-two of the finest trails the Pine Tree State has to offer. From the beaches of Acadia National Park and historic routes through Belfast or Portland to scenic treks up Mount Katahdin and backpacking along the Bigelow Range, Maine has routes to please hikers of every stripe. Hiking Maine describes trails that vary in length from an easy one-hour stroll along a quiet nature trail to challenging treks in the backcountry.Use this guide for up-to-date trail information, accurate directions to popular as well as less-traveled trails, difficulty ratings for each hike, detailed trail maps, tips about hiking with children and information on barrier-free trails for hikers with special needs. Whether you are a day-tripper or long-distance hiker, old hand or novice, you'll find trails suited to every ability and interest throughout Maine. Look inside to find: ·Hikes suited to every ability ·Mile-by-mile directional cues ·Difficulty ratings, trail contacts, fees/permits, and best hiking seasons ·Full-color photos throughout
Pearson Education Limited Bug Club Guided Fiction Reception Red A Eco Apes Use Rubbish
Ragbag loves rubbish but the other Eco Apes aren't so keen. Ragbag teaches Bob and Dot that recycling rubbish can be fun when he shows them how to turn some everyday items of rubbish into some of their favourite things - a ship, a rocket and a hat. Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children age 4-5 (Reception) Book band: Red A Phonics phase: 3
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Death Factory: A Penn Cage Novella
White Star National Geographic Traveler California 5th Edition
This beautifully illustrated guidebook takes you on a tour of California's different geographical areas, each with its own character and exciting excursions, from the Golden State's main attractions to hidden gems in off-the-beaten path destinations. California is a vast territory that is unquestionably the most diversified in all of the United States. With so much to see and do, National Geographic Traveler: California is an essential tool for every visitor, providing itinerary ideas for every type of tourist—from beach-lovers to city-dwellers to road trippers. Offering ideas, advice, and suggestions from true Golden State connoisseurs, this book is filled with expert information that takes the guesswork out of planning your California vacation. Much of California's fascination lies in its informal, cosmopolitan lifestyle, but there is so much more to see and do beyond the busy city highways. With a variety of landscapes a
Green Candy The Cannabis Grow Bible: The Definitive Guide to Growing Marijuana for Recreational and Medicinal Use
Text Publishing The Night Whistler
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Lustre
A comprehensive guide with recipes for making your own lustres and techniques for applying and firing them. A lustre is a thin layer of metal which is deposited onto the surface of the pot during firing and which produces a lustrous surface. Lustres are very sought after, fabulous surfaces which can lure you in and keep you spellbound. They can be coloured as golds, coppers, reds and blues, or have a colourless sheen like mother of pearl. Although lustre is a complex technique, this handbook explains and simplifies the process of creating various types of lustre for you to enjoy producing spectacular results. The book offers various recipes for making your own lustres and techniques for applying and firing, and shows you the results of Greg Daly’s extensive testing to point you in the right direction. One of the most commonly used lustres today is a resin lustre (known as the ‘commercial’ lustre) which contains some dangerous carcinogens thinners. There is therefore an advantage to making your own lustre using more natural materials, which will also give you an infinite variety of effects.