Search results for ""author . rainer""
Echter Verlag GmbH An neuen Orten Studien zu den aktuellen Konstitutionsproblemen der deutschen und sterreichischen katholischen Kirche
Echter Verlag GmbH wenn nichts bleibt wie es war Zur prekren Zukunft der katholischen Kirche
Arena Verlag GmbH Das Labyrinth 4. Das Labyrinth vergisst nicht
Oktopus Das Buch zum Buch
Molden Verlag Erwin Wurm
Reclam Philipp Jun. Udo Jürgens. 100 Seiten
Reclam Philipp Jun. Schlager 100 Seiten
Westermann Schulbuch Dorn Bader Physik SII Ausgabe 2023 für NordrheinWestfalen
Westermann Schulbuch Horizonte Geschichte 9 und 10 Paket der Schlerbnde Berlin und Brandenburg Ausgabe 2016
Schoeningh Verlag Louis Malle Au revoir les enfants Filmanalyse EinFach Franzsisch Unterrichtsmodelle
Weber Verlag Gravelpacking Schweiz
LID Publishing Dare to be Different and Grow Rich: The Secrets of Self-Made People
Richard Branson stated: "No goal is beyond our reach and even the impossible can become possible for those with vision and belief in themselves." This is the topic of this book, which studies the lives of 50 extraordinarily successful women and men - most of them entrepreneurs, but also top managers, athletes, entertainers and others - to find out what distinguishes them and the lessons that we can all learn. What really sets these highly successful and rich individuals apart is their courage to be different from the majority of those around them. They challenge traditional ways of thinking and they set their goals and ambitions considerably higher than most people. Their stories serve as powerful guidelines for anyone who wants to aim higher and achieve much more than those around you.
Barricade Books Inc Surviving Terrorism
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die fiducie von Québec und der trust: Ein Vergleich mit verschiedenen Modellen fiduziarischer Rechtsfiguren im civil law
Der trust ist eine besondere Rechtsfigur des anglo-amerikanischen Rechtskreises (common law), die keine echte Entsprechung im kontinental-europäischen civil law hat. Bisherige Rezeptionsversuche sind stets erheblichen Schwierigkeiten begegnet. Der Gesetzgeber von Québec hat mit der neuen fiducie einen besonders originellen Ansatz zur Einführung einer trust-ähnlichen Rechtsfigur gewählt. Rainer Becker untersucht die fiducie in einer Gegenüberstellung mit anderen Treuhandmodellen, die er aus traditionellen und modernen Rechtsinstituten in civil law- und Mischrechtsordnungen ableitet. Die Besonderheit des neuartigen Ansatzes von Québec liegt darin, dass das Treugut nicht einer der beteiligten Personen (Treuhänder, Treugeber und Begünstigter) zugeordnet ist, sondern eine rechtsträgerlose zweckgewidmete Vermögensmasse, ein patrimoine d'affectation bildet. Im Anschluss an eine Darstellung der fiducie von Québec untersucht der Autor dogmatische Bedenken gegen subjektlose Rechte und Vermögen. Er zeigt, dass sich von den untersuchten Treuhandmodellen mehrere als konstruktive Grundlage eignen, um die funktionalen Qualitäten des trust im civil law erfolgreich nachzuempfinden. Der neuartige Ansatz der fiducie von Québec ist davon, trotz seiner Ungewöhnlichkeit und des erforderlichen Anpassungsaufwands, ein besonders interessantes Modell, das durch ein im civil law bislang einzigartiges umfassendes Regelwerk ergänzt wird. Der Autor widerlegt mit seiner Arbeit auch jene, die den trust gern als Anschauungsbeispiel für eine "untranslatability of legal concepts" und eine unüberbrückbare Kluft zwischen common law und civil law heranziehen.
Peter Lang AG Kritische Uebersetzungswissenschaft: Theoriekritik, Ideologiekritik, Uebersetzungskritik
Peter Lang AG Finanzreform in Der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung Und Zukunft Des Risiko-Strukturausgleichs
De Gruyter AutomationML: A Practical Guide
This book is a beginner's guide to AutomationML Edition 2, written for students, engineers, lecturers, developers and those interested. In guides through the basics of AutomationML Edition 2, CAEX and the AutomationML Editor. AutomationML stands for digitisation of engineering data and engineering workflows. AutomationML achieves both human readability and machine-readability. It is a method for converting data into digital information, and it supports the special needs of iterative engineering data exchange. AutomationML is in the hot spot of the digitisation of automation engineering data. It enables the modelling and transport of engineering data in a vendor neutral and machine-readable models, a valuable source of digital innovation. Machine readable engineering data makes the data accessible and interpretable by software, enabling a plethora of opportunities. This book carefully introduces AutomationML, its goals, values and innovations. It teaches the architecture of AutomationML and explains the language elements with a multitude of examples and step-by-step instructions. Additional material to the book and more information about AutomationML on the website:
Royal Society of Chemistry Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications
Field-cycling NMR relaxometry is evolving into a methodology of widespread interest with recent technological developments resulting in powerful and versatile commercial instruments. Polymers, liquid crystals, biomaterials, porous media, tissue, cement and many other materials of practical importance can be studied using this technique. This book summarises the expertise of leading scientists in the area and the editor is well placed, after four decades of working in this field, to ensure a broad ranging and high quality title. Starting with an overview of the basic principles of the technique and the scope of its use, the content then develops to look at theory, instrumentation, practical limitations and applications in different systems. Newcomers to the field will find this book invaluable for successful use of the technique. Researchers already in academic and industrial settings, interested in molecular dynamics and magnetic resonance, will discover an important addition to the literature.
Royal Society of Chemistry Renewable Resources for Surface Coatings, Inks and Adhesives
Providing a detailed survey of renewable raw materials for paints, inks and glues, this book is ideal for researchers and practitioners working in the areas of green chemistry, industrial chemistry and sustainability. Beginning with a brief history of coatings and adhesives, this book walks the reader through the chemistry, properties, sourcing and processing of a number of renewable raw materials, including lipids, natural resins, proteins, and carbohydrates. Their use in a range of recent developments and concepts from material protection, to decorative paints and coatings, adhesives and sealants is highlighted, providing the reader with a complete and modern foundation to the field.
Manchester University Press Democratic Inclusion: Rainer BauböCk in Dialogue
Rainer Bauböck is the world’s leading theorist of transnational citizenship. He opens this volume with a question that is crucial to our thinking on citizenship in the twenty-first century: who has a claim to be included in a democratic political community? Bauböck’s answer addresses the major theoretical and practical issues of the forms of citizenship and access to citizenship in different types of polity, the specification and justification of rights of non-citizen immigrants as well as non-resident citizens, and the conditions under which norms governing citizenship can legitimately vary. This argument is challenged and developed in responses by Joseph Carens, David Miller, Iseult Honohan, Will Kymlicka and Sue Donaldson, David Owen and Peter J. Spiro. In the concluding chapter, Bauböck replies to his critics.
Taschen GmbH Gaudí. The Complete Works. 40th Ed.
The life of Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) was full of complexity and contradictions. As a young man he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life he devoted himself completely to the construction of one single spectacular church, La Sagrada Família. In his youth, he courted a glamorous social life and the demeanor of a dandy. By the time of his death in a tram accident on the streets of Barcelona, his clothes were so shabby that passersby assumed he was a beggar. Gaudí’s incomparable architecture channels much of this multifaceted intricacy. From the shimmering surface textures and skeletal forms of Casa Batlló to the Hispano-Arabic matrix of Casa Vicens, his work merged the influences of Orientalism, natural forms, new materials, and religious faith into a unique Modernista aesthetic. Today, his buildings enjoy global popularity and acclaim; his magnum opus, the Sagrada Família, is the most-visited monument in Spain and seven of his works are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Packed full of expert texts and hundreds of full-color illustrations, including new photography, this book presents Gaudí’s complete oeuvre. Like a personal tour through Barcelona, we explore his residential, religious, and public projects. We see how the “Dante of architecture” was a builder in the truest sense of the word, crafting extraordinary constructions out of minute and mesmerizing details, transforming fantastical visions into realities on the city streets.
Alba Editorial Los cuadernos de Malte Laurids Brigge
Ediciones Cátedra Elegías de Duino los sonetos de Orfeo
Levin Kurio Verlag Horrorschocker Grusel Gigant 1
Windmühle Verlag Grundlagen der Führung
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Briefe an einen jungen Dichter Mit den Briefen von Franz Xaver Kappus
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Mystische Pfade Unterfranken
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Mystische Pfade Pfalz
Insel Verlag GmbH Weihnachtsbriefe an die Mutter
bene! Seid ihr noch zu retten
Steffen Verlag Oh hoher Baum des Schauns
Schmetterling Verlag GmbH Russisch fr Besserwisser 02 Krimis Kalender und ein Krokodil Eine Lesereise durch Russland
Verlag Der Autoren Bremer Freiheit Blut am Hals der Katze
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge Das Manuskript des Berner Taschenbuchs Faksimile und Textgenetische Edition
Schwabe Verlag Basel Gedichte in zwei Sprachen Poèmes en double version
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Vergessene Pfade Altmühltal
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wandergenuss Elsass und Vogesen 37 spannende Natur und Kulturerlebnisse auf aussichtsreichen Wegen
Bucheli Verlags AG MercedesBenz AKlasse W 169 Benziner und Diesel BR ab Modelljahr 2004
Motorbuch Verlag VW Polo IV ab Modelljahr 2001 Benzin und Dieselmotoren
FISCHER Taschenbuch Gedichte Fischer TaschenBibliothek
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Duineser Elegien
Insel Verlag GmbH Weihnachten naht
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Gedichte
Insel Verlag GmbH In einem fremden Park Gartengedichte