Search results for ""ISTE Ltd""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Voice over LTE: EPS and IMS Networks
Voice over LTE (Long Term Evolution) presents the mechanisms put in place in 4G mobile networks for the transportation of IP packets containing voice data and telephone signaling, as well as the technologies used to provide a telephone service in the IMS (IP Multimedia Sub-system) network. Despite the difficulty connected to the handover of the 4G network to the 2G/3G network, a telephone communication will not be established on the 4G network. This book analyzes the technologies that have been put in place, such as CSFB (Circuit Service FallBack), an interim solution that enables a mobile connected to the 4G network to receive an alert transmitted by the 2G/3G network. The book also goes on to develop the SIP (Session Information Protocol) on which the telephone signaling transferred by the 4G network is based, the IMS network that provides the service and defines the routing, the SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity) mechanism that maintains communication and the TAS (Telephony Application Server) that supplies supplementary services. Contents 1. The EPS Network. 2. The LTE Interface. 3. The CSFB Function. 4. SIP and SDP Protocols. 5. The IMS Network. 6. Telephone Services. 7. The SRVCC Function. About the Authors André Perez is a consultant and teacher in networks and telecommunications. He works with industrialists and operators regarding architecture studies and leads training on the 4G and IMS networks for NEXCOM.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Capillary Flows in Heterogeneous and Random Porous Media
Capillary phenomena occur in both natural and human-made systems, from equilibria in the presence of solids (grains, walls, metal wires) to multiphase flows in heterogeneous and fractured porous media. This book, composed of two volumes, develops fluid mechanics approaches for two immiscible fluids (water/air or water/oil) in the presence of solids (tubes, joints, grains, porous media). Their hydrodynamics are typically dominated by capillarity and viscous dissipation. This first volume presents the basic concepts and investigates two-phase equilibria, before analyzing two-phase hydrodynamics in discrete and/or statistical systems (tubular pores, planar joints). It then studies flows in heterogeneous and stratified porous media, such as soils and rocks, based on Darcy’s law. This analysis includes unsaturated flow (Richards equation) and two-phase flow (Muskat equations). Overall, the two volumes contain basic physical concepts, theoretical analyses, field investigations and statistical and numerical approaches to capillary-driven equilibria and flows in heterogeneous systems
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Supply Chain Management
It is commonly recognized that logistics has become a major strategic issue for all companies, whether they are part of the primary, secondary or tertiary sector. Faced with the external pressures of globalization and competition, logistics optimizes processes and reduces production and delivery cycles. The use of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SuSCM) is now increasingly at the center of thought, due to the numerous factors favoring its implementation: requests from various stakeholders, governmental pressures (decrees, laws, regulations, etc.), environmental pressures (pollution, disappearance of fuel fossils, etc.) and societal pressures (reputation/image, protection, etc.). However, there are still obstacles to the implementation of SuSCM, including significant costs, the complexity of coordination and the lack of communication within the whole supply chain. Nevertheless, it should nowadays be included by any organization in its decisions towards a strategic approach towards sustainability. This book presents each economic, environmental and societal aspect of SuSCM. By considering each of these dimensions separately, the primary objective is to facilitate the implementation of the elements that make it up. Readers are also provided with several “strategic interpretive lenses” to be able to perform audits and diagnostics of each component. Contents: 1. The Economic Aspect of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. 2. The Environmental Aspect of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. 3. The Social/Societal Aspect of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. 4. Sustainable Supply Chain Management Balanced Scorecard. About the Authors Joëlle Morana is Lecturer in management science, attached to the Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports (Transport Economy Laboratory) at University Lumière Lyon II in France. Her fields of research concern economic, environmental and societal logistics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds
This book describes the different principles and equipment used in medical imaging. The importance of medical imaging for diagnostics is rapidly increasing. A good working knowledge of all the different possible physical principles involved in medical imaging is now imperative. This book covers many of these principles including matter photon interactions, the principles of detectors, detectors and information processing for radiology, X-ray tomography, positron tomography, single photon tomography and optical tomography.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Molecular Imaging in Nano MRI
The authors describe a technique that can visualize the atomic structure of molecules, it is necessary, in terms of the image processing, to consider the reconstruction of sparse images. Many works have leveraged the assumption of sparsity in order to achieve an improved performance that would not otherwise be possible. For nano MRI, the assumption of sparsity is given by default since, at the atomic scale, molecules aresparse structures. This work reviews the latest results on molecular imaging for nano MRI. Sparse image reconstruction methods can be categorized as either non-Bayesian or Bayesian. A comparison of the performance and complexity of several such algorithms is given.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Driving Simulation
Passive and active safety systems (ABS, ESP, safety belts, airbags, etc.) represent a major advance in terms of safety in motoring. They are increasingly developed and installed in cars and are beginning to appear in twowheelers. It is clear that these systems have provenefficient, although there is no information about their actual operation by current users. The authors of this book present a state of the art on safety systems and assistance to driving and their two-wheeled counterparts. The main components constituting a driving simulator are described, followed by a classification of robotic architectures. Then, a literature review on driving simulators and two-wheeled vehicles is presented. The aim of the book is to point out the differences of perspectives between motor vehicles and motorcycles to identify relevant indicators to help in choosing the mechanical architecture of the motorcycle simulator and appropriate controls. Contents 1. Driving Simulation.2. Architecture of Driving Simulators.3. Dynamics of Two-Wheeled Vehicles.4. Two-Wheeled Riding Simulator: From Design to Control.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Interoperability: I-ESA'12 Proceedings
In a fast changing world governed by innovative Enterprise Services and the Future Internet, the issue of Enterprise Interoperability is no longer limited to the interoperation of systems within a single company, but has become a much greater multi-view issue of interoperability throughout a Network of Enterprises. This book contains the proceedings of 13 workshops presented as short papers and discussions held at each workshop. The workshops were co-located with the I-ESA’12 Conference organized by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. Complementary to the conference program, the workshops aimed at exploiting new issues, challenges and solutions for Enterprise Interoperability. The scope of the workshops spanned a wide range of interoperability issues in Service Science and Innovation, Model Driven Interoperability, Service Oriented Architectures, Factories of the Future, Enterprise Networks and Management, SME Aspects and Standards.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Models of Beams and Cables
Nonlinear models of elastic and visco-elastic onedimensional continuous structures (beams and cables) are formulated by the authors of this title. Several models of increasing complexity are presented: straight/curved, planar/non-planar, extensible/inextensible, shearable/unshearable, warpingunsensitive/ sensitive, prestressed/unprestressed beams, both in statics and dynamics. Typical engineering problems are solved via perturbation and/or numerical approaches, such as bifurcation and stability under potential and/or tangential loads, parametric excitation, nonlinear dynamics and aeroelasticity. Contents 1. A One-Dimensional Beam Metamodel.2. Straight Beams.3. Curved Beams.4. Internally Constrained Beams.5. Flexible Cables.6. Stiff Cables.7. Locally-Deformable Thin-Walled Beams.8. Distortion-Constrained Thin-Walled Beams.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Interdisciplinary Mechatronics: Engineering Science and Research Development
Mechatronics represents a unifying interdisciplinary and intelligent engineering science paradigm that features an interdisciplinary knowledge area and interactions in terms of the ways of work and thinking, practical experiences, and theoretical knowledge. Mechatronics successfully fuses (but is not limited to) mechanics, electrical, electronics, informatics and intelligent systems, intelligent control systems and advanced modeling, intelligent and autonomous robotic systems, optics, smart materials, actuators and biomedical and biomechanics, energy and sustainable development, systems engineering, artificial intelligence, intelligent computer control, computational intelligence, precision engineering and virtual modeling into a unified framework that enhances the design of products and manufacturing processes. Interdisciplinary Mechatronics concerns mastering a multitude of disciplines, technologies, and their interaction, whereas the science of mechatronics concerns the invention and development of new theories, models, concepts and tools in response to new needs evolving from interacting scientific disciplines. The book includes two sections, the first section includes chapters introducing research advances in mechatronics engineering, and the second section includes chapters that reflects the teaching approaches (theoretical, projects, and laboratories) and curriculum development for under- and postgraduate studies. Mechatronics engineering education focuses on producing engineers who can work in a high-technology environment, emphasize real-world hands-on experience, and engage in challenging problems and complex tasks with initiative, innovation and enthusiasm. Contents: 1. Interdisciplinary Mechatronics Engineering Science and the Evolution of Human Friendly and Adaptive Mechatronics, Maki K. Habib. 2. Micro-Nanomechatronics for Biological Cell Analysis and Assembly, Toshio Fukuda, Masahiro Nakajima, Masaru Takeuchi, Tao Yue and Hirotaka Tajima. 3. Biologically Inspired CPG-Based Locomotion Control System of a Biped Robot Using Nonlinear Oscillators with Phase Resetting, Shinya Aoi. 4. Modeling a Human’s Learning Processes toward Continuous Learning Support System, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Kouki Takemori and Keiki Takadama. 5. PWM Waveform Generation Using Pulse-Type Hardware Neural Networks, Ken Saito, Minami Takato, Yoshifumi Sekine and Fumio Uchikoba. 6. Parallel Wrists: Limb Types, Singularities and New Perspectives, Raffaele Di Gregorio. 7. A Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation System – RehabRoby, Duygun Erol Barkana and Fatih Özkul. 8. MIMO Actuator Force Control of a Parallel Robot for Ankle Rehabilitation, Andrew Mcdaid, Yun Ho Tsoi and Shengquan Xie. 9. Performance Evaluation of a Probe Climber for Maintaining Wire Rope, Akihisa Tabata, Emiko Hara and Yoshio Aoki. 10. Fundamentals on the Use of Shape Memory Alloys in Soft Robotics, Matteo Cianchetti. 11. Tuned Modified Transpose Jacobian Control of Robotic Systems, S. A. A. Moosavian and M. Karimi. 12. Derivative-Free Nonlinear Kalman Filtering for PMSG Sensorless Control, Gerasimos Rigatos, Pierluigi Siano and Nikolaos Zervos. 13. Construction and Control of Parallel Robots, Moharam Habibnejad Korayem, Soleiman Manteghi and Hami Tourajizadeh. 14. A Localization System for Mobile Robot Using Scanning Laser and Ultrasonic Measurement, Kai Liu, Hongbo Li and Zengqi Sun. 15. Building of Open-Structure Wheel-Based Mobile Robotic Platform, Aleksandar Rodic and Ivan Stojkovic. 16. Design and Physical Implementation of Holonomous Mobile Robot–Holbos, Jasmin Velagic, Admir Kaknjo, Faruk Dautovic, Muhidin Hujdur and Nedim Osmic. 17. Advanced Artificial Vision and Mobile Devices for New Applications in Learning, Entertainment and Cultural Heritage Domains, Gian Luca Foresti, Niki Martinel, Christian Micheloni and Marco Vernier. 18. Application of Stereo Vision and ARM Processor for Motion Control, Moharam Habibnejad Korayem, Michal Irani and Saeed Rafee Nekoo. 19. Mechatronics as Science and Engineering – or Both, Balan Pillai and Vesa Salminen. 20. A Mechatronic Platform for Robotic Educational Activities, Ioannis Kostavelis, Evangelos Boukas, Lazaros Nalpantidis and Antonios Gasteratos. 21. The Importance of Practical Activities in the Formation of Mechatronic Engineers, Joao Carlos M. Carvalho and Vera Lúcia D.S. Franco About the Authors Maki K. Habib is Professor of Robotics and Mechatronics in the School of Science and Engineering, at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. He has been regional editor (Africa/Middle East,) for the International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems (IJMMS) since 2010. He is the recipient of academic awards and has published many articles and books. J. Paulo Davim is Aggregate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Aveiro, Portugal and is Head of MACTRIB (Machining and Tribology Research Group). His main research interests include manufacturing, materials and mechanical engineering.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Laser Velocimetry in Fluid Mechanics
In fluid mechanics, velocity measurement is fundamental in order to improve the behavior knowledge of the flow. Velocity maps help us to understand the mean flow structure and its fluctuations, in order to further validate codes.Laser velocimetry is an optical technique for velocity measurements; it is based on light scattering by tiny particles assumed to follow the flow, which allows the local fluid flow velocity and its fluctuations to be determined. It is a widely used non-intrusive technique to measure velocities in fluid flows, either locally or in a map.This book presents the various techniques of laser velocimetry, as well as their specific qualities: local measurements or in plane maps, mean or instantaneous values, 3D measurements. Flow seeding with particles is described with currently used products, as well as the appropriate aerosol generators. Post-processing of data allows us to extract synthetic information from measurements and to perform comparisons with results issued from CFD codes. The principles and characteristics of the different available techniques, all based on the scattering of light by tiny particles embedded in the flow, are described in detail; showing how they deliver different information, either locally or in a map, mean values and turbulence characteristics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Program Specialization
This book presents the principles and techniques of program specialization — a general method to make programs faster (and possibly smaller) when some inputs can be known in advance. As an illustration, it describes the architecture of Tempo, an offline program specializer for C that can also specialize code at runtime, and provides figures for concrete applications in various domains. Technical details address issues related to program analysis precision, value reification, incomplete program specialization, strategies to exploit specialized program, incremental specialization, and data specialization. The book, that targets both researchers and software engineers, also opens scientific and industrial perspectives.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Laser in Manufacturing
Generally a laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is defined as “a device which uses a quantum mechanical effect, stimulated emission, to generate a coherent beam of light from a lasing medium of controlled purity, size, and shape”. Laser material processing represents a great number of methods, which are rapidly growing in current and different industrial applications as new alternatives to traditional manufacturing processes. Nowadays, the use of lasers in manufacturing is an emerging area with a wide variety of applications, for example, in electronics, molds and dies, and biomedical applications. The purpose of this book is to present a collection of examples illustrating the state of the art and research developments to lasers in manufacturing, covering laser rapid manufacturing, lasers in metal forming applications, laser forming of metal foams, mathematical modeling of laser drilling, thermal stress analysis, modeling and simulation of laser welding, and the use of lasers in surface engineering. This book can be used as a research book for a final undergraduate engineering course or as a subject on lasers in manufacturing at the postgraduate level. Also, this book can serve as a useful reference for academics, laser researchers, mechanical, manufacturing, materials or physics engineers, or professionals in any related modern manufacturing technology. Contents 1. Laser Rapid Manufacturing: Technology, Applications, Modeling and Future Prospects, Christ P. Paul, Pankaj Bhargava, Atul Kumar, Ayukt K. Pathak and Lalit M. Kukreja. 2. Lasers in Metal Forming Applications, Stephen A. Akinlabi, Mukul Shukla, Esther T. Akinlabi and Tshilidzi Marwala. 3. Laser Forming of Metal Foams, Fabrizio Quadrini, Denise Bellisario, Erica A. Squeo and Loredana Santo. 4. Mathematical Modeling of Laser Drilling, Maturose Suchatawat and Mohammad Sheikh. 5. Laser Cutting a Small Diameter Hole: Thermal Stress Analysis, Bekir S. Yilbas, Syed S. Akhtar and Omer Keles. 6. Modeling and Simulation of Laser Welding, Karuppudaiyar R. Balasabramanian, Krishnasamy Sankaranarayanasamy and Gangusami N. Buvanashekaran. 7. Lasers in Surface Engineering, Alberto H. Garrido, Rubén González, Modesto Cadenas, Chin-Pei Wang and Farshid Sadeghi.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fractal Geography
Our daily universe is rough and infinitely diverse. The fractal approach clarifies and orders these disparities. It helps us to envisage new explanations of geographical phenomena, which are, however, considered as definitely understood.Written for use by geographers and researchers from similar disciplines, such as ecologists, economists, historians and sociologists, this book presents the algorithms best adapted to the phenomena encountered, and proposes case studies illustrating their applications in concrete situations.An appendix is also provided that develops programs written in Mathematica. Contents 1. A Fractal World.2. Auto-similar and Self-affine Fractals.3. From the Fractal Dimension to Multifractal Spectrums.4. Calculation and Interpretation of Fractal Dimensions.5. The Fractal Dimensions of Rank-size Distributions.6. Calculation and Interpretation of Multifractal Spectrums.7. Geographical Explanation of Fractal Forms and Dynamics.8. Using Complexity Theory to Explain a Fractal World.9. Land-use Planning and Managing a Fractal Environment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Communicating Systems with UML 2: Modeling and Analysis of Network Protocols
This book gives a practical approach to modeling and analyzing communication protocols using UML 2. Network protocols are always presented with a point of view focusing on partial mechanisms and starting models. This book aims at giving the basis needed for anybody to model and validate their own protocols. It follows a practical approach and gives many examples for the description and analysis of well known basic network mechanisms for protocols. The book firstly shows how to describe and validate the main protocol issues (such as synchronization problems, client-server interactions, layer organization and behavior, etc.) in an easy and understandable way. To do so, the book considers and presents the main traditional network examples (e.g. unidirectional flows, full-duplex com-munication, error recovering, alternating bit). Finally, it presents the outputs resulting from a few simulations of these UML models. Other books usually only focus either on teaching UML or on analyzing network protocols, however this book will allow readers to model network protocols using a new perspective and integrating these two views, so facilitating their comprehension and development. Any university student studying in the field of computing science, or those working in telecommunications, embedded systems or networking will find this book a very useful addition.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Non-conventional Electrical Machines
The developments of electrical machines are due to the convergence of material progress, improved calculation tools, and new feeding sources. Among the many recent machines, the authors have chosen, in this first book, to relate the progress in slow speed machines, high speed machines, and superconducting machines. The first part of the book is dedicated to materials and an overview of magnetism, mechanic, and heat transfer.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Computing Networks: From Cluster to Cloud Computing
“Computing Networks” explores the core of the new distributed computing infrastructures we are using today: the networking systems of clusters, grids and clouds. It helps network designers and distributed-application developers and users to better understand the technologies, specificities, constraints and benefits of these different infrastructures’ communication systems. Cloud Computing will give the possibility for millions of users to process data anytime, anywhere, while being eco-friendly. In order to deliver this emerging traffic in a timely, cost-efficient, energy-efficient, and reliable manner over long-distance networks, several issues such as quality of service, security, metrology, network-resource scheduling and virtualization are being investigated since 15 years. “Computing Networks” explores the core of clusters, grids and clouds networks, giving designers, application developers and users the keys to better construct and use these powerful infrastructures.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biotribology
Tribology is the “science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion” and encompasses the study of friction, wear and lubrication. By extension biotribology is usually defined as the tribological phenomena occurring in either the human body or in animals. Therefore, it is possible to consider tribological processes that may occur after implantation of an artificial device in the human body and the tribological processes naturally occurring in or on the tissues and organ of animals. Animals, including humans, possess a wide variety of sliding and frictional interfaces. The authors aim to provide some advances in research in biotribology. They cover several aspects of biotribology such as tribology of synovial joints and artificial replacements; wear of screws and plates in bone fractures repair; wear of denture and restorative materials; friction of the skin and comfort of clothing; wear of replacement heart valves; tribology of contact lenses and ocular tribology; biotribology on the microscale and nanoscale levels, etc. This book can be used as a research text for final undergraduate engineering courses (for example, materials, biomedical, etc.) or for those studying the subject of biotribology at the postgraduate level. It can also serve as a useful reference for academics, biomechanical researchers, biologists, chemists, physicists, biomedicals and materials engineers, and other professionals in related engineering, medicine and biomedical industries.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Tools for Signal Compression: Applications to Speech and Audio Coding
This book presents tools and algorithms required to compress/uncompress signals such as speech and music. These algorithms are largely used in mobile phones, DVD players, HDTV sets, etc. In a first rather theoretical part, this book presents the standard tools used in compression systems: scalar and vector quantization, predictive quantization, transform quantization, entropy coding. In particular we show the consistency between these different tools. The second part explains how these tools are used in the latest speech and audio coders. The third part gives Matlab programs simulating these coders.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
Starting with an updated description of Allen's calculus, the book proceeds with a description of the main qualitative calculi which have been developed over the last two decades. It describes the connection of complexity issues to geometric properties. Models of the formalisms are described using the algebraic notion of weak representations of the associated algebras. The book also includes a presentation of fuzzy extensions of qualitative calculi, and a description of the study of complexity in terms of clones of operations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Diffusion Processes from Engineering to Finance
The aim of this book is to promote interaction between engineering, finance and insurance, as these three domains have many models and methods of solution in common for solving real-life problems. The authors point out the strict inter-relations that exist among the diffusion models used in engineering, finance and insurance. In each of the three fields, the basic diffusion models are presented and their strong similarities are discussed. Analytical, numerical and Monte Carlo simulation methods are explained with a view to applying them to obtain the solutions to the different problems presented in the book. Advanced topics such as nonlinear problems, Lévy processes and semi-Markov models in interactions with the diffusion models are discussed, as well as possible future interactions among engineering, finance and insurance. Contents 1. Diffusion Phenomena and Models.2. Probabilistic Models of Diffusion Processes.3. Solving Partial Differential Equations of Second Order.4. Problems in Finance.5. Basic PDE in Finance.6. Exotic and American Options Pricing Theory.7. Hitting Times for Diffusion Processes and Stochastic Models in Insurance.8. Numerical Methods.9. Advanced Topics in Engineering: Nonlinear Models.10. Lévy Processes.11. Advanced Topics in Insurance: Copula Models and VaR Techniques.12. Advanced Topics in Finance: Semi-Markov Models.13. Monte Carlo Semi-Markov Simulation Methods.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Simulation of Complex Systems in GIS
This book provides a comprehensive view of the field of geographical modeling by dividing the topic into three parts. The first part of the work establishes the foundations of geographical modeling through the use of more general concepts, including: structure, organization, system, geometries, topologies, metrics, material, and object. Finally, introduction of the concept of time leads to the theories of process and spatial interaction, which are fundamental in geography. The second part of the book tackles the use of computer tools for dynamic model building, which are the geographic cellular automata (GCA), and presents several models applied to various themes, such as urban growth, natural risks by flood simulations, as well as more political themes, such as the use of European funds, or the development of voting patterns in France. Finally, a general model of the geographic agents system (GAS) which can be used as a basis for the construction of a model-building platform for dynamic spatial models is presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Carbon-based Solids and Materials
It is well known that solid carbons can be found in various guises with different forms of bulk phases (graphites, diamonds and carbynes) as well as more molecular forms (fullerenes,nanotubes and graphenes) resulting from recent discoveries. The cause of this rich polymorphism is analyzed in the first part of this book (chapters 1-5) with the propensity of carbon atoms for forming different types of homopolar chemical bonds associated with variable coordination numbers. Precursor organic molecules and parent compounds are also described to establish specific links with this rich polymorphism. Then in a second part (chapters 6-10) a comparative review of the main classes of bulk physical properties is presented. This approach emphasizes in particular the electronic behavior of (pi) polyaromatic systems organized in plane and curved atomic sheets. Finally in a third part (chapters 11-15) the surface and interface characteristics are introduced together with the texture and morphology of these multiscale carbon materials. An overview of the main field of applications is related showing the large use and interest for these solids.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion: Instrumentation and Experiment Interpretation
Over the last 50 years, the methods of investigating dynamic properties have resulted in significant advances. This book explores dynamic testing, the methods used, and the experiments performed, placing a particular emphasis on the context of bounded medium elastodynamics. Dynamic tests have proven to be as efficient as static tests and are often easier to use at lower frequency. The discussion is divided into four parts. Part A focuses on the complements of continuum mechanics. Part B concerns the various types of rod vibrations: extensional, bending, and torsional. Part C is devoted to mechanical and electronic instrumentation, and guidelines for which experimental set-up should be used are given. Part D concentrates on experiments and experimental interpretations of elastic or viscolelastic moduli. In addition, several chapters contain practical examples alongside theoretical discussion to facilitate the readers understanding. The results presented are the culmination of over 30 years of research by the authors and as such will be of great interest to anyone involved in this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Behavior of Concrete
This title provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the mechanical behavior of concrete, including such features as its elastoplasticity, its compressive and tensile strength, its behavior over time (including creep and shrinkage, cracking and fatigue) as well as modeling techniques and its response to various stimuli. As such, it will be required reading for anyone wishing to increase their knowledge in this area.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Vapor Surface Treatments
There are many different vapor phase surface treatments of materials that can be used to produce a wide variety of end results, but each of them are of increasing importance in the pursuit of high performance advanced materials. These techniques differ significantly in the physical or chemical nature of the gas–surface interactions involved, and also in the thickness and morphology of the coatings produced. Applications include advanced semiconductors, optics, and nanotechnology, as well as many more. This book details the most important techniques used in industrial applications, providing coverage from the basic physics to the technical details of each, with emphasis on the macroscopic engineering of the processes and the microscopic characterization of the produced coatings. Vacuum evaporation, cathodic sputtering and ion implantation produce thin films mainly by physical interactions; gas cementation, nitridation, carbonitridation and pack cementation produce thicker surface modifications involving chemical reactions. A section of the book is devoted to chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes, with dedicated chapters dealing with i) principles and industrial applications, ii) the use of plasma and lasers to assist deposition, and iii) macroscopic modeling of reactors. Alain Galerie has drawn contributions from leading experts at top research universities to produce a complete overview of the vapor phase surface treatments which have an increasing role in modern surface engineering.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Systems of Systems
In recent years, the systems designed to support activity in the fields of banking, health, transportation, space, aeronautics, defense, etc. have become increasingly larger and more complex. With the growing maturity of information and communication technologies, systems have been interconnected within growing networks, yielding new capabilities and services through the combination of system functionalities. This has led to a further increasing complexity that has to be managed in order to take advantage of these system integrations. The book is divided into two parts. The first part addresses the concept and practical illustrations of a “system of systems” and is a multidisciplinary introduction to the notion of a “systems of systems” that is discussed extensively in the current scientific and technical literature. After a critical comparison of the different definitions and a range of various practical illustrations, this part provides answers to key questions such as what a system of systems is and how its complexity can be mastered. The second part, described as “systems-of-systems engineering: methods and tools”, focuses on both engineering and modeling, and standardization issues that are critical to deal with the key steps in systems of systems engineering: namely eliciting stakeholder needs, architecture optimization, integration of constituent systems, qualification, and utilization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Practical Applications in Engineering
This series of five volumes proposes an integrated description of physical processes modeling used by scientific disciplines from meteorology to coastal morphodynamics. Volume 1 describes the physical processes and identifies the main measurement devices used to measure the main parameters that are indispensable to implement all these simulation tools. Volume 2 presents the different theories in an integrated approach: mathematical models as well as conceptual models, used by all disciplines to represent these processes. Volume 3 identifies the main numerical methods used in all these scientific fields to translate mathematical models into numerical tools. Volume 4 is composed of a series of case studies, dedicated to practical applications of these tools in engineering problems. To complete this presentation, volume 5 identifies and describes the modeling software in each discipline.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Physical Processes and Measurement Devices
This series of five volumes proposes an integrated description of physical processes modeling used by scientific disciplines from meteorology to coastal morphodynamics. Volume 1 describes the physical processes and identifies the main measurement devices used to measure the main parameters that are indispensable to implement all these simulation tools. Volume 2 presents the different theories in an integrated approach: mathematical models as well as conceptual models, used by all disciplines to represent these processes. Volume 3 identifies the main numerical methods used in all these scientific fields to translate mathematical models into numerical tools. Volume 4 is composed of a series of case studies, dedicated to practical applications of these tools in engineering problems. To complete this presentation, volume 5 identifies and describes the modeling software in each discipline.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Communicating Embedded Systems: Software and Design
The increased complexity of embedded systems coupled with quick design cycles to accommodate faster time-to-market requires increased system design productivity that involves both model-based design and tool-supported methodologies. Formal methods are mathematically-based techniques and provide a clean framework in which to express requirements and models of the systems, taking into account discrete, stochastic and continuous (timed or hybrid) parameters with increasingly efficient tools. This book deals with these formal methods applied to communicating embedded systems by presenting the related industrial challenges and the issues of modeling, model-checking, diagnosis and control synthesis, and by describing the main associated automated tools.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Model Driven Engineering for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems 2009: Advances, Standards, Applications and Perspectives
Model-based development methods, and supporting technologies, can provide the techniques and tools needed to address the dilemma between reducing system development costs and time, and developing increasingly complex systems. This book provides the information needed to understand and apply model-drive engineering (MDE) and model-drive architecture (MDA) approaches to the development of embedded systems. Chapters, written by experts from academia and industry, cover topics relating to MDE practices and methods, as well as emerging MDE technologies. Much of the writing is based on the presentations given at the Summer School “MDE for Embedded Systems” held at Brest, France, in September 2004.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Tomography
The principle of tomography is to explore the structure and composition of objects non-destructively along spatial and temporal dimensions, using penetrating radiation, such as X- and gamma-rays, or waves, such as electromagnetic and acoustic waves. Based on computer-assisted image reconstruction, tomography provides maps of parameters that characterize the emission of the employed radiation or waves, or their interaction with the examined objects, for one or several cross-sections. Thus, it gives access to the inner structure of inert objects and living organisms in their full complexity. In this book, multidisciplinary specialists explain the foundations and principles of tomographic imaging and describe a broad range of applications. The content is organized in five parts, which are dedicated to image reconstruction, microtomography, industrial tomography, morphological medical tomography and functional medical tomography.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels: A Practical Approach
Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology consists of transmitting radio signals over frequency bandwidths from 500 MHz to several GHz. Its unique characteristics may be exploited for the design of high data rate wireless communication systems, as well as localization and imaging applications. The development and optimization of such systems require a precise knowledge of the radio transmission medium. This book examines all aspects of the propagation channel for UWB systems. UWB technology is first presented, with a particular emphasis being placed on its applications, spectrum regulation issues, and the different communication techniques. The authors introduce the theoretical bases of radioelectric propagation and give an overview of the channel sounding techniques adapted for UWB signals. The two main principles of UWB channel modeling are finally exposed and illustrated: deterministic channel modeling, based on the simulation of the propagation phenomena in a given environment, and statistical channel modeling, which relies on the experimental analysis of the main channel characteristics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Materials and Surface Engineering in Tribology
This title is designed to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of tribology. The book introduces the notion of a surface in tribology where a solid surface is described from topographical, structural, mechanical, and energetic perspectives. It also describes the principal techniques used to characterize and analyze surfaces. The title then discusses what may be called the fundamentals of tribology by introducing and describing the concepts of adhesion, friction, wear, and lubrication. The book focuses on the materials used in tribology, introducing the major classes of materials used, either in their bulk states or as coatings, including both protective layers and other coatings used for decorative purposes. Of especial importance to the tribology community are sections that provide the latest information on Nanotribology, Wear, Lubrication, and Wear-Corrosion: Tribocorrosion and Erosion-Corrosion.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc End-to-End Quality of Service: Engineering in Next Generation Heterogenous Networks
A modern communication network can be described as a large, complex, distributed system composed by higher interoperating, smaller sub-systems. Today, the proliferation and convergence of different types of wired, wireless, and mobile networks are crucial for the success of the next generation networking. However, these networks can hardly meet the requirements of future integrated-service networks, and are expected to carry multimedia traffic with various Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Providing all relevant QoS/QoE issues in these heterogeneous networks is then an important challenge for telecommunication operators, manufacturers, and companies. The impressive emergence and the important demand of the rising generation of real-time Multi-service (such as Data, Voice VoD, Video-Conference, etc.) over communication heterogeneous networks, require scalability while considering a continuous QoS. This book presents and explains all the techniques in new generation networks which integrate efficient global control mechanisms in two directions: (1) maintain QoS requirements in order to maximize network resources utilization, and minimize operational costs on all the types of wired-wireless-mobile networks used to transport traffic, and (2) mix the QoS associated with home, access, and core networks in order to provide Quality of Service/Quality of Experience expected by users of new services.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc ICWIM 5, Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles: 5th International Conference on Weigh-in-Motion of Heavy Vehicles
Weigh-in-motion (WIM) is a process of measuring the dynamic tire forces of a moving vehicle and estimating the corresponding tire loads of the static vehicle. This collection of lectures from the International Conference on Weigh-in-Motion details applications such as: collection of statistical traffic data, support of commercial vehicle enforcement, roadway and bridge cost allocation, and traffic management.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Stochastic Models
This book provides a pedagogical examination of the way in which stochastic models are encountered in applied sciences and techniques such as physics, engineering, biology and genetics, economics and social sciences. It covers Markov and semi-Markov models, as well as their particular cases: Poisson, renewal processes, branching processes, Ehrenfest models, genetic models, optimal stopping, reliability, reservoir theory, storage models, and queuing systems. Given this comprehensive treatment of the subject, students and researchers in applied sciences, as well as anyone looking for an introduction to stochastic models, will find this title of invaluable use.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Switching Processes in Queueing Models
Switching processes, invented by the author in 1977, is the main tool used in the investigation of traffic problems from automotive to telecommunications. The title provides a new approach to low traffic problems based on the analysis of flows of rare events and queuing models. In the case of fast switching, averaging principle and diffusion approximation results are proved and applied to the investigation of transient phenomena for wide classes of overloading queuing networks. The book is devoted to developing the asymptotic theory for the class of switching queuing models which covers models in a Markov or semi-Markov environment, models under the influence of flows of external or internal perturbations, unreliable and hierarchic networks, etc.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermo-Hydromechanical and Chemical Coupling in Geomaterials and Applications: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium GeoProc'2008
GeoProc2008 collects the proceedings of the International Conference on Coupled T-H-M-C (thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, chemical) Processes in Geosystems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Photonic Waveguides: Theory and Applications
This book presents the principles of non-linear integrated optics. The first objective is to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of integrated optics so that they may be able to develop the theoretical and experimental tools to study and control the linear and non-linear optical properties of waveguides. The potential use of these structures can then be determined in order to realize integrated optical components for light modulation and generation. The theoretical models are accompanied by experimental tools and their setting in order to characterize the studied phenomenon. The passage from theory to practice makes the comprehension of the physical phenomena simple and didactic. The book also gives a presentation of the industrial applications of the integrated optical components. The studied topics range from the theory of waveguides and the linear and non-linear optical characterization techniques to photonic crystals. This last field constitutes a major challenge of photonic technologies of the 21st century.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Automatic Control of Bioprocesses
Giving an overview of the challenges in the control of bioprocesses, this comprehensive book presents key results in various fields, including: dynamic modeling; dynamic properties of bioprocess models; software sensors designed for the on-line estimation of parameters and state variables; control and supervision of bioprocesses.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Production Scheduling
The performance of an company depends both on its technological expertise and its managerial and organizational effectiveness. Production management is an important part of the process for manufacturing firms. The organization of production relies in general on the implementation of a certain number of basic functions, among which the scheduling function plays an essential role. This title presents recently developed methods for resolving scheduling issues. The basic concepts and the methods of production scheduling are introduced and advanced techniques are discussed, providing readers with a comprehensive and accessible guide to employing this process.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB
This book uses MATLAB as a computing tool to explore traditional DSP topics and solve problems. This greatly expands the range and complexity of problems that students can effectively study in signal processing courses. A large number of worked examples, computer simulations and applications are provided, along with theoretical aspects that are essential in order to gain a good understanding of the main topics. Practicing engineers may also find it useful as an introductory text on the subject.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Inventory of Biodiversity Today
Our knowledge of living organisms is still very limited, with less than 20% of the world's species known to date. It is therefore essential to increase our efforts to inventory biodiversity. This is the goal of scientific research, but it is also a vital responsibility in the face of the sixth extinction. With so many species set to disappear before they can be analyzed, the compilation of this inventory now represents a major challenge. Thanks to the collaborative work of numerous researchers from the Institut de systématique, évolution, biodiversité (ISYEB) and other institutions, Inventory of Biodiversity Today presents the latest methods of field data collection and analysis. Strategies have diversified and are providing new and ever-more-precise data on a growing number of specimens. All of these data are integrated to delimit and describe living species, and are accessible to as many people as possible, so we can all take action on a daily basis to better understand a
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Concepts in Biology: A Historical Perspective
This book provides a comprehensive review of the history of concepts of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems throughout the last century. Historically, these systems were long considered as compartments that performed separate and different functions. However, a breakthrough occurred when advances in genetics and cellular and molecular biology techniques revealed that these systems shared molecular entities (such as cytokines, hormones and neurotransmitters) with their cognate receptors. These molecular links between the three systems broaden our understanding of the regulation of physiological processes. This approach has generated a multiplicity of new concepts, including crosstalk between organs, axis, feedback, molecular sensors, protein multi-functionality, positive and negative signaling ratios and pathways (such as cell signaling, metabolism and stem cell differentiation, to name a few). The improvement of experimental approaches has often resulted in major discoveries. This, combined with clear reasoning, intuition and coherence gave rise to new and unexpected concepts, and sometimes evolving ones. These new concepts lead the reader to the incredible transformation of biology in recent years.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ondes Martenot with Tubes
The Ondes Martenot is one of the precursors of electronic musical instruments, and is today considered, with the desire for a return to analogue, as a cult instrument. This book, which is the result of several years of research, sheds light on the intrinsic functioning of the Ondes Martenot. Based on the study of numerous prototypes, the authors trace the historical evolution of the different techniques used: additive, multiplicative and relaxation syntheses. Often, the analysis of the functioning of these instruments demonstrates atypical technological choices, underpinned by a logic that places artistic creation at the forefront. Several models and simulations are built, so as to understand the functioning of each of the different sub-assemblies (keyboard, ribbon, intensity key, timbre filter...). At the end of the book, the complete construction of an Onde (copy of model no. 208) is described in detail. This practical realization of a facsimile is an opportunity to explore the knowhow of the electronic luthier Maurice Martenot.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Diversity of Methodological Approaches in Social Sciences: Example of the Analysis of Media and Online Information
As with many rapidly evolving areas, research on pluralism in media and information makes use of appropriate interdisciplinary approaches that consider diverse and interdependent factors. These considerations include new economic constraints, journalistic production, networked technologies, online social interactions, new forms of discourse, consumer preferences and practices, and the specificities of information markets. This book presents and assesses several methodological approaches that have proven to be valuable in the study of transformations in media and information. Some are well-known in social sciences (e.g. qualitative analysis by interviews), whereas others come from different disciplines and remain rare and original (e.g. agent-based modeling). By focusing on various dimensions of the media and information pluralism, this book pulls together methods based on network analysis, agent-based modeling and sociosemiotics, as well as qualitative and legal approaches. Each of the five chapters introduces a specific method and its relevance for the analysis of a particular research question.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Complexities 1: Various Approaches in the Field of Techno-Scientific Knowledge
Complexity is not a new issue. In fact, in their day, William of Ockham and René Descartes proposed what can best be described as reductionist methods for dealing with it. Over the course of the twentieth century, a science of complexity has emerged in an ever-increasing number of fields (computer science, artificial intelligence, engineering, among others), and has now become an integral part of everyday life. As a result, everyone is confronted with increasingly complex situations that need to be understood and analyzed from a global perspective, to ensure the sustainability of our common future. Complexities 1 analyzes how complexity is understood and dealt with in the fields of cybersecurity, medicine, mathematics and information. This broad spectrum of disciplines shows that all fields of knowledge are challenged by complexity. The following volume, Complexities 2, examines the social sciences and humanities in relation to complexity.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Articulations Between Tangible Space, Graphical Space and Geometrical Space: Resources, Practices and Training
This book aims to present some of the latest research in the didactics of space and geometry, deepen some theoretical questions and open up new reflections for discourse. Its focus is as much on the approach of geometry itself and its link with the structuring of space as it is on the practices within the classroom, the dissemination of resources, the use of different artefacts and the training of teachers in this field. We study how spatial knowledge, graphical knowledge and geometric knowledge are taken into account and articulated in the teaching of space and geometry in compulsory schools, teaching resources (programs and textbooks) and current teacher training. We question how the semiotic dimension (language, gestures and signs) of geometric activity can be taken into account, and we identify the role of artefacts (digital or tangible) in the teaching and learning of geometry. This book brings together some fifteen contributions from Frenchspeaking researchers from different countries (France, Switzerland and Canada).