Search results for ""Author Jochen""
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Nanotechnology and Energy: Science, Promises, and Limits
Novel breakthroughs in the cutting-edge field of nanotechnology, as a cross-sectional technology, show potential for being applied across the whole value chain of the energy sector (energy sources, energy conversion, energy distribution, energy storage, and energy use). This book gives an overview of nanotechnological applications within the value chain of the energy sector and evaluates selected applications and their direct and indirect impacts on the energy sector. It presents selected nanotechnological applications that influence the energy economy significantly. Furthermore, the authors give a comprehensive description of the impacts and outcomes of selected nanotechnological applications on energy consumption, energy sources, energy supply, and the energy industry in Germany and show the potential of these applications for energy savings, improvement in energy efficiency, and the reduction of emissions until 2030.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Zahnärztliche Chirurgie
Das Buch bietet einen schnellen und kompletten Überblick über chirurgische Eingriffe in der Zahnmedizin. Handlich, umfassend und ideal geeignet für den Praxis- und Klinikalltag und auch zur Prüfungsvorbereitung. Neben den operativen Techniken behandelt das Buch alle wichtigen Themen der oralen Chirurgie. Geeignet für Zahnärzte, MKG-Chirurgen und Studenten der Zahnmedizin.
Anthroposophic Press Inc Toward a Phenomenology of the Etheric World: Investigations into the Life of Nature and Man
V&R unipress GmbH Studien zur Historischen Migrationsforschung (SHM).
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Celle
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Resilienz durch Organisationsentwicklung: Forschung und Praxis
Dieses Open-Access-Fachbuch beleuchtet empirische und theoretische Aspekte einer Organisationsentwicklung, die auf Resilienz als strategischem Leitprinzip abhebt. Vor dem Hintergrund der gegenwärtigen weltweiten Coronakrise ist besonders deutlich geworden, wie wichtig zukunftsfähige und krisenresistente Strukturen und Prozesse für erfolgreiche Organisationen und Unternehmen sind. Resilienz als Fähigkeit zu kontinuierlichem Wandel spielt dabei neben Beständigkeit, dynamischem Wachstum und Innovation eine wichtige Rolle. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigen sich die Beiträge dieses Herausgeberbandes u.a. mit den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes agiler Methoden in Unternehmen, den Konsequenzen agiler Strukturen für das HRM von Unternehmen sowie den zukünftig benötigten Skills von Mitarbeitenden, um digitale Transformationsprozesse erfolgreich mitgestalten zu können.Alle Beiträge basieren auf empirischen Analysen und wurden durch bewährte Autorenteams aus Lehrenden und Forschenden sowie Unternehmenspraktikern mit akademischem Background erarbeitet.
Harrassowitz Ankara Papers in Turkish and Turkic Linguistics
Thieme Publishing Group ENT Head and Neck Surgery: Essential Procedures
Thorough, user-friendly compendium of must-know ENT surgical procedures This highly practical surgical guide presents detailed descriptions of the most established and important surgical techniques for the full range of ENT conditions. The expert authors describe the key stages of each procedure in a step-by-step format supplemented by clearly labeled illustrations. Every consistently organized chapter begins with an overview of the basic anatomic, functional, and clinical principles followed by vital information on indications, contraindications, surgical instruments, anesthesia, and postoperative care. Features Over 900 high-quality drawings display the main steps of each procedure Easy-to-reference textboxes highlight surgical rules, tips, tricks and risks, and give advice on how to manage potential complications The latest information on recent developments in transplantation, cochlear implants, bone-anchored prosthesis, and laser-supported interventions Coverage of the full spectrum of plastic and reconstructive surgical techniques, such as external rhinoplasty, scar revision, keloid management, and free skin grafts ENT-Head and Neck Surgery: Essential Procedures is an indispensable companion for all fellows and residents in otolaryngology during training and in daily practice.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Neue Arbeitswelten: A Reader for Harun Farocki's Film 'A New Product/Ein Neues Produkt'
Universitatsverlag Winter Arm Und Reich: Sammelband Der Vortrage Des Studium Generale Der Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg Im Wintersemester 2012/2013
Kohlhammer Einfuhrung in Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Verordnete Arbeit - Gelenkte Freizeit: Muße in der Sowjetkultur
Der vorliegende Band untersucht Muße-Diskurse und -Praktiken angesichts der einschneidenden Umbrüche in Russland ab 1917. Es gilt, Konzepte von Muße hinsichtlich ihrer Realisierung oder ihres systembedingten Ausbleibens in der Sowjetunion zu reflektieren. Den Anfang machen philosophische Untersuchungen zu den relevanten sozialistischen Theorien und ihrer russischen bzw. sowjetischen Rezeption sowie Analysen der Muße-Semantik in der sowjetischen Kultur. In interdisziplinär ausgerichteten Beiträgen von Forschenden aus Deutschland und Russland werden im Weiteren die Funktionen von Muße-Diskursen aus breiter kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive beleuchtet. Somit lassen sich die unterschiedlichen Manifestationen dieser ideologisch gleicherweise idealisierten wie dämonisierten Muße in künstlerischen Werken, in der konkreten gesellschaftlichen Praxis und jenen programmatischen Schriften, mit denen diese Praxis angeleitet werden sollte, präzise analysieren.
Vitra Design Museum Plastic: Remaking Our World: Remaking Our World
Plastic has shaped our daily lives like no other material. Originally associated with convenience, progress, even revolution, today plastic seems to have lost its utopian appeal. Plastic is everywhere, yet most conspicuous as waste and as a key factor in the global environmental crisis. This book examines the success story of plastic in the twentieth century and at the same time presents the different discourses on how we should manage the waste the material produces and also find solutions that take into account its entire life cycle in the future. Mark Miodownik, Susan Freinkel, and Nanjala Nyabola each contribute an essay that sheds light on the history of plastics from 1850 to today. A material-rich visual chronology illustrates how consumers’ perception of plastics has changed over the decades. Brief descriptions of a selection of 50 objects examine the importance of plastics for material culture. Reprints of fundamental texts about the history of plastics—for example by Alexander Parkes and Roland Barthes—provide a context from the history of ideas. The book reflects the current discourse and state of research on plastic with numerous individual interviews and panel discussions that were held with designers, representatives from industry, researchers, and environmental activists. Underpinning these conversations are comprehensive data visualizations on plastic production and consumption, recycling.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Stichwortkommentar Schadenrecht: Haftungsgrund U Haftungsumfang U Versicherung
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Allgemeine Psychologie
Das Lehrbuch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in zentrale Aspekte menschlichen Erlebens und Verhaltens. Hierbei stehen Prozesse und Mechanismen der psychischen Vorgänge im Vordergrund, welche aus kognitions- und neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive betrachtet werden. Inhaltlich werden in diesem Standardwerk folgende wesentliche Themenbereiche dargestellt: Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit Emotion und Motivation Lernen und Gedächtnis Sprachproduktion und –verstehen Denken und Problemlösen Handlungsplanung und –ausführung Die Kapitel sind von Spezialisten des jeweiligen Gebietes geschrieben. Diese dritte Auflage wurde grundlegend aktualisiert und durch zusätzliche Kapitel zur multisensorischen Verarbeitung, zum logischen Denken, zu Urteilen und Entscheiden, zum motorischen Lernen und zu Embodied Cognition und Agency ergänzt. Die Inhalte werden nun durch konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele – aus der Forschung für die Praxis - und informative, farbige Illustrationen und ein didaktisch ausgereiftes Layout noch stärker veranschaulicht.Wie auch die ersten beiden Auflagen bietet diese Auflage eine kompetente Einführung für Studierende, die ideal ist zur Prüfungsvorbereitung im Bachelor- und Masterstudium. Gleichzeitig ist dieses Werk ein optimales Nachschlagewerk für wissenschaftlich und praktisch arbeitende Psychologen und Personen benachbarter Disziplinen. Über werden für Studierende und Dozenten hilfreiche Online-Zusatzmaterialien zur Verfügung gestellt.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering
Under the pressure of harsh environmental conditions and natural hazards, large parts of the world population are struggling to maintain their livelihoods. Population growth, increasing land utilization and shrinking natural resources have led to an increasing demand of improved efficiency of existing technologies and the development of new ones. Additionally, growing complexities of societal functionalities andinterdependencies among infrastructures and urban habitats amplify consequences of malfunctions and failures. Malevolence, sustainable developments and climatic changes have more recently been added to the list of challenges. Over the last decades, substantial progress has been made in assessing and quantifying risks. However, with regard to the broader utilization of risk assessment as a means for societal strategic and operational planning, there is still a great need for further development.Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering contains the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP11, Zürich, Switzerland, 1-4 August 2011). The book focuses not only on the more traditional technical issues, but also emphasizes the societal context of the decision making problems including the interaction between stakeholders. This holistic perspective supports the enhanced and sustainable allocation of limited resources for the improvement of safety, environment and economy. The book is of interest to researchers and scientists working in the field of risk and reliability in engineering; to professionals and engineers, including insurance and consulting companies working with natural hazards, design, operation and maintenance of civil engineering and industrial facilities; and to decision makers and professionals in the public sector, including nongovernmental organisations responsible for risk management in the public domain, e.g. building authorities, the health and safety executives, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Digital Business: Analysen und Handlungsfelder in der Praxis
Dieses Open-Access-Fachbuch beleuchtet empirische und theoretische Aspekte der Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft aus der Perspektive verschiedener Managementbereiche. Der Megatrend Digitalisierung ist zu einem dominierenden Einflussfaktor für die Entwicklung der Unternehmen geworden. In zunehmendem Maße werden nicht nur die Strategien der Unternehmen digitaler, sondern sämtliche Führungs- und Handlungsfelder im Digital Business. Das Buch behandelt vor diesem Hintergrund aktuelle, praxisrelevante Fragestellungen zu allgemeinen Rahmensetzungen und Technologien des Digital Business, zum Finanzmanagement, Human Resource Management, Produktionsmanagement und zum Marketing. Alle Beiträge wurden durch bewährte Autorenteams erarbeitet. Diese setzen sich in der Regel aus Lehrenden und Forschenden der Berner Fachhochschule und Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Unternehmenspraxis mit akademischem Background zusammen. Die Beiträge basieren auf empirischen Analysen, die zumeist ihren Schwerpunkt auf Gestaltungsprobleme aus der Unternehmenspraxis legen. Hieraus ergibt sich ein breites Spektrum an konkreten Fallbeispielen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Organic Synthesis Workbook
From the Foreword written by Erick M. Carreira: "... The Organic Synthesis Workbook is an ideal compilation of state-of-the art modern syntheses which wonderfully showcases the latest advances in synthetic chemistry in combination with fundamentals in a question-and-answer format. The structure of the book is such that the reader can appreciate the intricacies of strategic planning, reagent tailoring, and structural analysis within the context of the individual synthetic targets. In providing highlights of synthesis from a wider range of natural products classes (alkaloids, terpenes, macrolides) the reader is given a tour through a broad range of reaction chemistry and concepts. Moreover, because in its scope the authors have ignored international borders, the book effectively parlays the global aspect of current research in the exciting field of organic synthesis... The Organic Synthesis Workbook promises to be to the current generation of graduate students, and even "students-for-life", what Ireland's and Alonso's books were to those of us who were graduate students in the 80's [Alsono: The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry, Ireland: Organic Synthesis]. The authors have wonderfully captured the thrill, the enjoyment, and the intellectual rigor that is so characteristic of modern synthetic organic chemistry."
Taylor & Francis Ltd Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases; Arsenic 2010: Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As-2010)
The congress "Arsenic in the Environment" offers an international, multi- and interdisciplinary discussion platform for arsenic research aimed at short-term solutions of problems with considerable social impact, rather than only focusing on cutting edge and breakthrough research in physical, chemical, toxicological, medical and other specific issues on arsenic on a broader environmental realm. The congress "Arsenic in the Environment" was first organized in Mexico City (As 2006 ) followed by As 2008 in Valencia, Spain. The Third International Congress As 2010 was held in Tainan, Taiwan from May 17-21, 2010 entitled: "Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases". The session topics comprised: 1. Geology + hydrogeology of arsenic; 2. Ecological effects: Arsenic in soils, plants and food chain; 3. Marine + terrestrial biota; 4. Health effects on humans: Epidemiology + biomarkers; 5. Toxicological effects; 6. Assessment and remediation; 7. Analytical methods.Hosting this congress in Taiwan was especially relevant, because the endemic Blackfoot Disease, related to the arsenic uptake from drinking water supplied by artesian wells, was discovered here half a century ago. Since then Taiwan has become an important region specializing in arsenic research. This volume presents the extended abstracts of the congress and will give the latest state of the art knowledge based on current research performed by the global scientific community.
University of Toronto Press Transform with Design: Creating New Innovation Capabilities with Design Thinking
Design thinking is widely recognized as an alternative approach to innovation, but it can be challenging to implement, often conflicting with organizational structures, cultures, and processes. The practice of design thinking calls for a new mindset that moves past conventional approaches to innovation, and embraces ambiguity, risk-taking, and collaboration. Transform with Design presents examples of creative organizations across industries and geographies, and recounts the stories of how they adapted design thinking to build their innovation capabilities. Written by leading industry experts and design-thinking scholars, the book features ten anecdotal experiences by professionals who detail the implementation of design thinking as it unfolded for them. Contributors share how they navigated the many barriers and obstacles they encountered along the way and describe their experience from early beginnings to the present, revealing valuable lessons for anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation. Providing a rich tapestry of examples, anecdotes, and lessons that place design thinking in perspective, Transform with Design is for innovators interested in learning how design has transformed organizations while also gaining a current perspective on what others are doing in their field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Taiwan Crisis: a showcase of the global arsenic problem
In the 1950s, the residents of the southwestern coastal areas of Taiwan suffered greatly from Blackfoot disease (BFD) due to the consumption of arsenic-contaminated groundwater. Groundwater with high levels of arsenic in southwestern and northeastern Taiwan received much attention. After arsenic-safe tap water was utilized for drinking instead of groundwater in the 1970s, BFD cases decreased greatly. After 1990, no new BFD cases were reported, and as a consequence, BFD problems disregarded. However, arsenic is still present in the groundwater.This book will improve the knowledge and understanding of the occurrence and genesis of arsenic-rich groundwaters in Taiwan. It deals with constraints on the mobility of arsenic in groundwater, its uptake from soil and water by plants, arsenic-propagation through the food chain, human health impacts, and arsenic-removal technologies. Taiwan case experiences are described in this book and can be applied worldwide.This book is a state-of-the-art overview of research on arsenic in Taiwan and is designed to: create interest in regions within Taiwan that are affected by the presence of arseniferous aquifers; draw attention from the international scientific community; increase awareness among researchers, administrators, policy makers, and company executives; improve the international cooperation on arsenic problems worldwide.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Appropriation Processes of Statue Schemata in the Roman Provinces U Aneignungsprozesse Antiker Statuenschemata in Den Romischen Provinzen
Kohlhammer Bundesnaturschutzgesetz: Kommentar Mit Umweltrechtsbehelfsgesetz Und Bundesartenschutzverordnung
Classiques Garnier Esthetique de la Guerre - Ethique de la Paix: Un Siecle de Litterature Sur La Grande Guerre
Wiener Urtext Edition, Musikverlag GesmbH & Co. KG Piano Sonata: Nach den Quellen: 2
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Einführung in die germanistische Linguistik
Diese Einführung informiert über die linguistischen Kerngebiete Lexikon und Morphologie , Phonologie , Syntax , Semantik und Pragmatik . Sie erläutert Grundbegriffe, illustriert sie an Beispielen aus dem Deutschen und gibt einen Einblick in die linguistische Theoriebildung. Kindlicher Spracherwerb und Sprachwandel - zwei Gebiete, die von großer Bedeutung für ein tieferes Verständnis der menschlichen Sprache sind - werden in weiteren Kapiteln vorgestellt. Mit Übungen, einem Glossar der wichtigsten Fachtermini, einer weiterführenden Schlussbibliographie und einem Sachregister. Für die 3. Auflage wurde der Band umfassend überarbeitet und aktualisiert.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Breakthrough Challenge: 10 Ways to Connect Today's Profits With Tomorrow's Bottom Line
The world’s most forward-looking CEOs recognize the real challenge facing business today: a fundamental shift in the nature of commerce. While sustainability programs, government action, and nonprofits are all parts of the solution, CEOs and other leaders must focus on social, environmental, and economic benefit—not only because it will make the world a better place, but because it will ensure lasting profitability and success in the business climate of tomorrow. The Breakthrough Challenge is both an inspiring call-to-action and a guide for this transformation, based on the work of The B Team, a major initiative uniting leaders in sustainability. As a founding advisor and member of The B Team, John Elkington and Jochen Zeitz map out an agenda for change. The most important goal for businesses must be redefining the bottom line to account for true long-term costs throughout the supply chain. To achieve this, leaders must rethink everything: what counts on balance sheets, how to incentivize performance, who does what in the C-suite, and even what inspires us. The Breakthrough Challenge draws on over 100 exclusive interviews to show this shift in action, sharing the pioneering work of leaders such as Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever; Arianna Huffington, founder and CEO of The Huffington Post; Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, chairman of the Nestlé Group; and Linda Fisher, pioneering Chief Sustainability Officer at DuPont, among many others. Change-as-usual strategies are not enough to move business from breakdowns to breakthroughs. The Breakthrough Challenge shows leaders how to achieve a true transformation and refocus the definition of profitability on the lasting wellbeing of people and planet—for the lasting success of their business.
V&R unipress GmbH Studien zur Historischen Migrationsforschung (SHM).
Policy Press Europe's new state of welfare: Unemployment, employment policies and citizenship
It is often argued that European welfare states, with regulated labour markets, relatively generous social protection and relatively high wage equality, have become counter-productive in a globalised and knowledge-intensive economy. Using in-depth, comparative and interdisciplinary analysis of employment, welfare and citizenship in a number of European countries, this book challenges this view. It provides: an overview of employment and unemployment in Europe at the beginning of the 21st century; a comprehensive critique of the idea of globalisation as a challenge to European welfare states; detailed country chapters with new and previously inaccessible information about employment and unemployment policies written by national experts. Europe's new state of welfare is essential reading for students and teachers of social policy, welfare studies, politics and economics.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Systemic Interventions
Systemic thinking has opened up further areas of specialisation from one-on-one and couples therapy to clinical supervision and organizational development. Systemic intervention sees a problem as an incident involving a number of different, interacting individuals. In this sense, conflict, problems and occurrences are viewed and treated within the social context. This comprehensive introduction contains many examples and detailed suggestions for a practical approach to directed conversation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd In-Situ Remediation of Arsenic-Contaminated Sites
Providing an introduction, the scientific background, case studies and future perspectives of in-situ arsenic remediation technologies for soils, soil water and groundwater at geogenic and anthropogenic contaminated sites. The case studies present in-situ technologies about natural arsenic, specifically arsenate and arsenite, but also about organic arsenic compounds. This work covers geochemical, microbiological and plant ecological solutions for arsenic remediation.It will serve as a standard textbook for (post-)graduate students and researchers in the field of Environmental Sciences and Hydrogeochemistry as well as researchers, engineers, environmental scientists and chemists, toxicologists, medical scientists and even for general public seeking an in-depth view of arsenic which had been classed as a carcinogen. This book aims to stimulate awareness among administrators, policy makers and company executives of in-situ remediation technologies at sites contamined by arsenic and to improve the international cooperation on the subject.
University of Minnesota Press Control of the Imaginary: Reason and Imagination in Modern Times
Control of the Imaginary was first published in 1989. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.In Control of the Imaginary Luiz Costa Lima explains how the distinction between truth and fiction emerged at the beginning of modern times and why, upon its emergence, fiction fell under suspicion. Costa Lima not only describes the continuous relationship between Western notions of reason and subjectivity over a broad time-frame—the Renaissance to the first decade of the twentieth century—but he uses this occasion to reexamine the literary traditions of France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, and Germany. The book reconstructs the dominant frames in the European tradition between the Middle Ages and the nineteenth century from the perspective of a Latin American who sees the culture of his native Brazil haunted by unresolved questions from the Northern Hemisphere. Costa Lima manages to synthesize positions from philosophy, anthropology, sociology, psychology, linguistics, and history without separating the theoretical discussion from his historical reconstructions.The first chapter situates the problem and grounds the emergent distinction between truth and fiction in a very close analysis of one of the first European historians, Fernao Lopes, who sets the tone for the condemnation of fiction in the name of the truth of history and the potential for individual interpretation. Costa Lima pursues these notions through the aesthetic debates of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to the writings of the French historian Michelet. He also devotes an illuminating chapter to the invention of the strictures imposed on fiction.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Numerical Modeling of Coupled Phenomena in Science and Engineering: Practical Use and Examples
Mathematics is a universal language. Differential equations, mathematical modeling, numerical methods and computation form the underlying infrastructure of engineering and the sciences. In this context mathematical modeling is a very powerful tool for studying engineering problems, natural systems and human society. This interdisciplinary book contains a comprehensive overview, including practical examples, of the progress achieved to date in the modeling of coupled phenomena, computational mathematics and mechanics, heat transfer, fluid-structure interactions, biomechanics, and the flow of mass and energy in porous media. Numerical subjects such as grid generation, optimization, finite elements, finite differences, spectral methods, boundary elements, finite volumes and meshless methods are also discussed in detail using real examples.The book provides a thorough presentation of the existing numerical techniques with specific applications to concrete, practical topics. The models and solutions presented here describe various systems: mechanical, biological, geophysical, technical, ecological, etc. The book is organized in thirty six chapters, each written by distinguished experts in their respective fields. The topics presented cover the current state of knowledge in numerical engineering practice including recent and ongoing developments and the presentation of new ideas for future research on applied computational engineering mathematics.The book will be of interest to scientists working in engineering (structural, civil, mechanical), geology, geophysics, aquifer research, petroleum engineering, applied mathematics, and physics, as well as students in any of these areas.