Search results for ""Author Christo"
Multnomah Press Christy Miller Collection, Vol 2
Capstone Global Library Ltd Christopher Columbus and the Americas: Separating Fact From Fiction
In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. Or did he? Look at all the facts and discover the fiction through primary sources, infographics and appropriately levelled text. Readers will learn the full story about Christopher Columbus’s famous voyage, including the controversies about whether he truly did 'discover' the Americas as well as the negative effects of colonialism on the original inhabitants.
Peeters Publishers Chalkedon: Geschichte und Aktualitat: Studien zur Rezeption der Christologischen Formel von Chalkedon
Das Konzil von Chalkedon (451) wirkt weiter, auch heute, in der theologischen und okumenischen Diskussion. Was ist da beschlossen worden ? Wie verlief die Rezeption der christologischen Formel von Chalkedon in Ost und West ? Und : Wie verhalt es sich mit Chalkedon im okumenischen Gesprach heute ? Von diesen Fragen her und auf sie eingehend diskutierte die Praktische Arbeitsgemeinschaft wahrend ihrer von der Universitat Groningen organisierten Tagung. Im vorliegenden Buch sind die folgenden Vortrage aufgenommen : Ekkhard Muhlenberg, Das Dogma von Chalkedon : Angste und Uberzeugungen Hanns Christof Brennecke, Chalkedonese und Henotikon Karl-Heinz Uthemann, Definitionen und Paradigmen in der Rezeption des Dogmas von Chalkedon bis in die Zeit Kaiser Justinians Johannes Roldanus, Stutzen und Storenfriede : Monchische Einmischung in die doktrinare und kirchenpolitische Rezeption von Chalkedon Dietmar Wyrwa, Drei Etappen der Rezeptionsgeschichte des Konzils von Chalkedon im Westen Dorothea Wendebourg, Chalkedon in der okumenischen Diskussion.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Christopher Mouse: The Tale of a Small Traveler
Manchester University Press Tamburlaine the Great (Revels Student Edition): Christopher Marlowe
Expanded footnotes designed to help readers from all levels of familiarity with Elizabethan drama. Emphasis on the play as a theatre text - informative stage-directions. Stimulating introduction, which makes something of a break from the orthodox style .
Peeters Publishers What No Mind Has Conceived: On the Significance of Christological Apophaticism
Theology is, for the sake of its own clarity, dependent on a notion of God's hiddenness and unknowability. This is a position that over the years has been maintained by a number of theologians and philosophers. Even within the Christian tradition, which understands God as manifest in the person of Jesus, the perspective of negative or apophatic theology has remained important. This book is an investigation of the significance of this perspective. It presents the tradition of negative theology from Plato to the Reformation, focussing particularly on Maximus Confessor, Nicholas Cusanus and Martin Luther as Christologically informed thinkers who develop an apophatic theology that still seems to contain a potential for renewal both from an ecumenical and a philosophical perspective. The relevance of this perspective is then explored through a discussion of the continuity between these thinkers and some contemporary contributions both from a Western and non-Western context.
Inktank Publishing Johann Jacob Christoph von Grimmelshausen und seine Zeit
Herbert & Cie Lang AG, Buchhandlung Antiquariat Iqbal Und Europa: Herausgegeben Von Johann Christoph Buergel
Harlequin Bestselling Author Collection A McKettrick Christmas & a Steele for Christmas: A Holiday Romance Novel
Trafalgar Square Ride Better with Christoph Hess: Dozens of Rider Questions Answered
Christoph Hess, a Fédération Equestre International (FEI) “I” Judge in both dressage and eventing, is highly respected around the world as a teacher of riding and the development of the horse according to classical principles. Here he collects some of his very best riding and training tips along with well-honed insight related to the topics that he finds most often challenge equestrians and their equine partners. Ride Better with Christoph Hess provides thoughtful, easy-to-apply advice when dealing with issues with the gaits, in particular the walk and canter; high-headedness or the horse that is “too light” in the poll; inconsistency of performance; leaning on the bit; falling out; lack of straightness; and much more. In addition, Hess breaks out particular skills and movements that often need specialized attention when in the dressage or jumping ring, and when going cross-country. Throughout Hess emphasizes that a rider must always strive to improve, for the simple reason that you can always do better for your horse. While competitive and training goals do, of course, bring a certain satisfaction, it is having an equine partner who is contented in his work and happy in your company that rewards most. This lesson, and all Hess's tips and solutions, are invaluable to equestrians of every level - everyone can walk away from this book a better rider.
New Growth Press The Acrostic of Jesus: A Rhyming Christology for Kids
Candlewick Press,U.S. Who Killed Christopher Goodman?: Based on a True Crime
New Falcon Publications,U.S. Lucifer's Rebellion: A Tribute to Christopher S Hyatt, Ph.D.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jesus the Intercessor: Prayer and Christology in Luke-Acts
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Der Wahre Mensch. Jesus Von Nazareth in Der Christologie Karl Barths
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Grenzen Respektieren - Uberschreiten - Verschieben: Festgabe Zum 60. Geburtstag Von Christoph Stuckelberger
Inter-Varsity Press Canon, Covenant and Christology: Rethinking Jesus And The Scriptures Of Israel
‘All Scripture is breathed out by God …’ (2 Timothy 3:16). From Paul’s epistles the divine inspiration of Scripture may be confidently affirmed, as well as its corollary attributes. However, on turning to Jesus and the Gospels, it is hard to find an explicit approach like Paul’s. Matthew Barrett argues that Jesus and the apostles have just as convictional a doctrine of Scripture as Paul or Peter, but it will only be discovered if the Gospels are read within their own canonical horizon and covenantal context. The nature of Scripture presupposed by Jesus and the Gospel writers may not be addressed directly, but it manifests itself powerfully when their words are read within the Old Testament’s promise–fulfilment pattern. Nothing demonstrates Scripture’s divine origin, divine authorial intent and trustworthiness more than the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the advent of the Son of God, the Word has become flesh, announcing to Jew and Gentile alike that the covenant promises Yahweh made through the Law and the Prophets have been fulfilled in the person and work of Christ.
Temple Lodge Publishing We Experienced Christ: Spiritual Encounters with Jesus Christ: Reports from the Religious-Social Institute, Stockholm
'And at this moment a peculiar, inconceivable, but wonderful thing happened. Suddenly - I assure you, completely unexpected and unwished for - I felt precisely that Someone stood beside me, Someone who radiated comfort and strength. And I heard, but without clearly and distinctly as if someone had literally spoken to me: "Do not despair, you are not alone, I am alive."'Curious as to what they might discover, two theologians advertised in a national Swedish newspaper for people to write in with their personal experiences of meeting Christ spiritually. They received more than one hundred rich and varied responses, even from some people who described themselves as non-religious. The reports described extraordinary, surprising and usually unrequested experiences. Most of the correspondents had not previously spoken of what had happened to them, often out of fear for what others might think.These precious and valuable experiences are gathered together here and complemented with wise and insightful commentary by the authors, Professor Berndt Gustafsson and Dr Gunnar Hillerdal, both serious academics. The accounts they present form an extraordinary testimony, which will be of interest to any open-minded person seeking truth and meaning in life.'It is about a number of individuals, independent of each other and not influenced by anyone or anything, who have appeared as spontaneous witnesses. One cannot bypass such a thing, regardless of any explanations and intellectual judgements. It is simply about facts.' - Professor Boris Tullander, Ph.D., from the Foreword
Associated University Presses Irony Of Identity: Self and Imagination in the Drama of Christopher Marlowe
McAdam illustrates how two fundamental points of destabilisation in Marlowe's life and work - his subversive treatment of Christian belief and his ambivalence toward his homosexuality - clarify the plays' interest in the struggle for self-authorisation.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Black Crown: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom
The epic story of a man born into Caribbean slavery, who defeated Napoleon’s armies and crowned himself a free black king. How did a man born enslaved on a plantation triumph over Napoleon’s invading troops and become king of the first free black nation in the Americas? This is the forgotten, remarkable story of Henry Christophe. Christophe fought as a child soldier in the American War of Independence, before serving in the Haitian Revolution as one of Toussaint Louverture’s top generals. Following Haitian independence, Christophe crowned himself King Henry I. His attempts to build a modern black state won the support of leading British abolitionists—but his ambition helped to plunge his country into civil war. Christophe saw himself as an Enlightenment ruler, and his kingdom produced great literary works, epic fortresses and opulent palaces. He was a proud anti-imperialist and fought off French plots against him. Yet the Haitian people chafed under his authoritarian rule. Today, all that remains is Christophe’s mountaintop Citadelle, Haiti’s sole World Heritage site—a monument to a revolutionary black monarchy, in a world of empire and slavery.
Simon And Schuster Group USA Diamond The Divas By Murray Victoria Christopher April 2008
Spoiled cheerleader Diamond convinces her friends they have a chance to win a singing competition, but she jeopardises their chances when she falls for the school basketball star.
HarperCollins Publishers Famous Explorers: Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong: Band 09/Gold (Collins Big Cat)
In the 15th century, Christopher Columbus explored lands on the other side of the world. Four hundred years later, Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. Discover their stories here. Gold/Band 9 fiction books offer developing readers literary language and stories with distinctive characters. Text type – A dual biography. History: ‘the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Some should be used to compare aspects of life in different periods [for example, … Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong]. Place the two lives in context with a visual timeline on pages 22–23.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Feste im Johannesevangelium: Jüdische Tradition und christologische Deutung
Das Johannesevangelium gehört zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments, die besonders stark von Traditionen jüdischen Denkens und jüdischer Frömmigkeit durchdrungen sind. Das zeigt sich auch darin, dass sein chronologischer und geographischer Rahmen davon geprägt ist, dass Jesus sich wiederholt zur Feier jüdischer Feste in den Jerusalemer Tempel begibt und sich ein Großteil des Wirkens und Lehrens des johanneischen Jesus im Kontext und vor dem Hintergrund verschiedener jüdischer Feste abspielt. Dorit Felsch untersucht detailliert die von Johannes aufgenommenen Festtagstraditionen des antiken Judentums und macht diese auf ihre vom Evangelisten intendierte christologische Bedeutung hin transparent.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Christopher Columbus: The Story of the Intrepid Italian Explorer
Christopher Columbus' astonishing life is a story of inspiration, bravery, incredible achievement and terrible hardship. As the explorer who took three small boats across the Atlantic and found an undiscovered continent, he was a hero - but his greed for gold and power brought tragedy on the people living there, and eventually caused his own downfall. His amazing story captures the excitement and urgency of the Golden Age of Discovery. Lives in Action is a series of narrative biographies that recount the lives of some of the key figures in history. Page-turning, thrilling plots that read like fiction will keep the most reluctant reader hooked.
Abrams Made in America: The Industrial Photography of Christopher Payne
A photographic celebration of how things are made, honoring the workers who bring craft, passion, and technological savvy to American manufacturing—both traditional and cutting-edgeFor the past ten years, Christopher Payne has embarked on a photographic journey to learn more about American manufacturing and the industries that built this country. He has gained access to a world that continues to thrive, although not many have been privy to its history and intricacies until now. Showcasing the past, present, and the future, Payne explores both old-school factories, such as New England’s textile mills that have survived by staying exactly the same and proudly producing on vintage equipment, and the newer factories that embrace the evolution of technology—for example, Corning’s production of bendable glass or GE’s next-generation wind turbines. From the tip of a pencil to the sleek lines of an airplane, or from a classical guitar to a communications satellite, diverse forms of manufacturing, including the very small and the incredibly large, are revealed as beautiful examples of American ingenuity. Regardless of their differences, these factories share the common bonds of craftsmanship and a commitment to quality that can’t be outsourced. Including a foreword by Kathy Ryan and an introduction by Simon Winchester, the book’s oversized format beautifully showcases Payne’s dynamic color photographs. Made in America is a celebration of the making of things, the transformation of raw materials into useful objects, and the human skill and mechanical precision brought to bear on these materials that give them form and purpose.
Baker Publishing Group Divine Christ, The
For the past century, scholars have debated when and how a divine Christology emerged. This book considers the earliest evidence we have, the letters of Paul. David Capes, a veteran teacher and highly regarded scholar, examines Paul's letters to show how the apostle constructed his unique portrait of Jesus as divine through a rereading of Israel's Scriptures. This new addition to the Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology series is ideal for use in courses on Paul, Christology, biblical theology, and intertextuality.
Chicago Review Press Christopher Columbus and the Age of Exploration for Kids: With 21 Activities
An NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young PeopleChristopher Columbus is one of the most famous people in world history, yet few know the full story of the amazing, resourceful, and tragic Italian explorer. Christopher Columbus and the Age of Exploration for Kids portrays the “Admiral of the Ocean Seas” neither as hero nor heel but as a flawed and complex man whose significance is undeniably monumental. Kids will gain a fuller picture of the seafarer’s life, his impact, and the dangers and thrills of exploration as they learn about all four of Columbus’s voyages to the New World, not just his first, as well as the year that Columbus spent stranded on the island of Jamaica without hope of rescue. Students, parents, and teachers will appreciate the in-depth discussions of the indigenous peoples of the New World and of the consequences of Columbus’s voyages—the exchange of diseases, ideas, crops, and populations between the New World and the Old. Fun hands-on activities illuminate both the nautical concepts introduced and the times in which Columbus lived. Kids can: Tie nautical knots Conduct a blanket (silent) trade Make a compass Simulate a hurricane Take nautical measurements And much more
Faber & Faber A New Heaven: Harry Christophers and The Sixteen Choral conversations with Sara Mohr-Pietsch
The Sixteen have become a household name. They are the Voices of Classic FM, and stars of the BBC Four series Sacred Music, presented by Simon Russell Beale. Every year since the millennium, they have undertaken a Choral Pilgrimage, bringing a programme of a cappella vocal music to around thirty cathedrals the length and breadth of the country. They are prolific recording artists, and perform at festivals and venues all over the world.Harry Christophers is a unique figure in music. With The Sixteen, Christophers has succeeded in nurturing a choir of exceptional calibre, establishing a business model that includes a record label and extensive tours to capacity audiences, mining a rich variety of repertoire, and combining enormous popular appeal with the stamp of approval from experts. This book will be accessible to everyone, regardless of musical experience or knowledge. It will appeal to anyone interested in classical music, to those who sing in amateur or professional choirs, and those who love the sound of the human voice.
Stanford University Press Image and Presence: A Christological Reflection on Iconoclasm and Iconophilia
Images increasingly saturate our world, making present to us what is distant or obscure. Yet the power of images also arises from what they do not make present—from a type of absence they do not dispel. Joining a growing multidisciplinary conversation that rejects an understanding of images as lifeless objects, this book offers a theological meditation on the ways images convey presence into our world. Just as Christ negates himself in order to manifest the invisible God, images, Natalie Carnes contends, negate themselves to give more than they literally or materially are. Her Christological reflections bring iconoclasm and iconophilia into productive relation, suggesting that they need not oppose one another. Investigating such images as the biblical golden calf and paintings of the Virgin Mary, Carnes explores how to distinguish between iconoclasms that maintain fidelity to their theological intentions and those that lead to visual temptation. Offering ecumenical reflections on issues that have long divided Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox traditions, Image and Presence provokes a fundamental reconsideration of images and of the global image crises of our time.
Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd BOOSEY HAWKES NORTON CHRISTOPHER MICROLATIN CD PIANO Classical sheets Piano
Soak up the rhythm and atmosphere in Christopher Norton''s all-new set of piano miniatures. ''Microlatin'' introduces the beginner to the excitements of Latin-American musical styles: twenty pieces capturing the characteristic qualities of this invigorating and enchanting music but with only modest technical challenges. Play along to the backing CD or listen to the composer''s own vibrant performances.Instrumentation:piano
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Paulinische Christologie: Exegetische Beitrage. Hans Hubner Zum 70. Geburtstag
Greenwich Exchange Ltd Student Guide to Christopher Isherwood: An Introduction and Reappraisal
Floris Books The Cosmic Christ
The question of the cosmic reality of Christ is central to modern Christian awareness. We see lively debate about Christ's nature in relation to the earth and creation, not only within the church itself but also in more speculative areas of thinking and feeling, such as creation spirituality and the New Age movement. The works of Teilhard de Chardin and Fritjof Capra have stimulated many to think spiritually about the created world and the part of humankind in its evolution. These issues were also illuminated by Rudolf Steiner in his Christology which placed the Incarnation at a pivotal point of earthly evolution.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Christoph Wittich (1625-1687): Reformierte Theologie Unter Dem Einfluss Von Rene Descartes
The New York Review of Books, Inc Three Christs Of Ypsilanti