Search results for ""Author Ross"
Anagrama, Editorial S.A. Nuevos Cuadernos Anagrama: El lugar del paraiso
Letrame S.L. Sentir
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Greek Palimpsests at Saint Catherine's Monastery (Sinai): Three Euchologia as Case Studies
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht L'Intercession Entre Les Hommes Dans La Bible Hebraique: L'Intercession Entre Les Hommes Aux Origines de l'Intercession Aupres de Dieu
Phaidon Press Iro: The Essence of Color in Japanese Design
Sourcebooks, Inc Grandma's Sugar Cookie
Make your holiday extra sweet this year with Grandma's Sugar Cookie!Celebrate the special bond between a Grandma and her grandchild with this sugary sweet rhyming story about a grandma's love! This board book makes the perfect Christmas treat, and includes a bonus cookie recipe in the back!You are Grandma's Chocolate Chip,my special little treat.I love to laugh and play with youand bake you something sweet!Perfect for grandmas to give to their grandchild (or grandchildren!) or for anyone looking for a special gift for grandma. Treasure these special bonds and create new memories!
Rowman & Littlefield Best of Boulder Rock Climbing
The best rock climbing in the Boulder, Colorado area.
Kensington Publishing The Gin & Chowder Club
Alfred Music Nostalgia: Conductor Score
Alfred Music Mt. Everest: Conductor Score & Parts
Alfred Music The Falls: Conductor Score & Parts
St. Martin's Press Crossing the Line: A Fearless Team of Brothers and the Sport That Changed Their Lives Forever
Hal Leonard Corporation The Barber of Seville Original Text and English Translation G Schirmers Collection of Opera Librettos
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. William Tell French English Language Edition Vocal Score Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Piano Works Volume II 2 Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. The Liturgical Organist Volume 4 PreludesInterludesPostludes for Pipe or Reed Organ with Hammond Registrations
Atlantis Press (Zeger Karssen) Compressed Data Structures for Strings: On Searching and Extracting Strings from Compressed Textual Data
Data compression is mandatory to manage massive datasets, indexing is fundamental to query them. However, their goals appear as counterposed: the former aims at minimizing data redundancies, whereas the latter augments the dataset with auxiliary information to speed up the query resolution. In this monograph we introduce solutions that overcome this dichotomy. We start by presenting the use of optimization techniques to improve the compression of classical data compression algorithms, then we move to the design of compressed data structures providing fast random access or efficient pattern matching queries on the compressed dataset. These theoretical studies are supported by experimental evidences of their impact in practical scenarios.
White Star Verlag Das allergrößte Märchenbuch
König, Walther Mit dem Rcken zum Meer Ein sizilianisches Tagebuch
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Theory of Reasoned Action - Theory of Planned Behavior
Polyglott Verlag POLYGLOTT on tour Reiseführer Finnland
Gmeiner Verlag Steirerrausch Sandra Mohrs neunter Fall
Gmeiner Verlag Steirerwald
Gmeiner Verlag Steirerwahn
Bergverlag Rother Frankenwald mit Coburger Land
Hansebooks Urkundenbuch der Abtei Eberbach im Rheingau
Frech Verlag GmbH Sketchnotes. Die große SymbolBibliothek. Band 2.
Campus Verlag GmbH Belastete Familien
Cornelsen Vlg Scriptor Sketchnotes
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH ...dann bin ich auf den Baum gekletter!
Bod Third Party Titles A Hospedeira Fértil
Prototype Publishing Ltd. Our Last Year
Our Last Year is a book about change; through the internal narration of its two characters, the novel follows the disintegration and renewal of a marriage, in synthesis with a much wider natural reality. It tells a story of damage and destruction, both painful and restorative, and necessary. The trajectory of the novel – of becoming part of the evolutionary process, awake to it, enlivened by it, compassionate towards it – is dramatised through two minds, asking readers to reconsider their relationship with themselves, with others, and with the planet itself.‘A lucid and refreshingly uplifting masterpiece about a fraught period in the life of a married couple, Our Last Year surprised and moved and entranced me, calming and healing me with its wisdom and perspectives.’ – Tao Lin
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Al-based Energetic Nano Materials: Design, Manufacturing, Properties and Applications
Over the past two decades, the rapid development of nanochemistry and nanotechnology has allowed the synthesis of various materials and oxides in the form of nanopowders making it possible to produce new energetic compositions and nanomaterials. This book has a bottom-up structure, from nanomaterials synthesis to the application fields. Starting from aluminum nanoparticles synthesis for fuel application, it proposes a detailed state-of-the art of the different methods of preparation of aluminum-based reactive nanomaterials. It describes the techniques developed for their characterization and, when available, a description of the fundamental mechanisms responsible for their ignition and combustion. This book also presents the possibilities and limitations of different energetic nanomaterials and related structures as well as the analysis of their chemical and thermal properties. The whole is rounded off with a look at the performances of reactive materials in terms of heat of reaction and reactivity mainly characterized as the self-sustained combustion velocity. The book ends up with a description of current reactive nanomaterials applications underlying the promising integration of aluminum-based reactive nanomaterial into micro electromechanical systems.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Pluralising International Legal Scholarship: The Promise and Perils of Non-Doctrinal Research Methods
This unique book examines the role non-doctrinal research methods play in international legal research: what do they add to the traditional doctrinal analysis of law and what do they neglect? Focusing on empirical and socio-legal methods, it provides a critical evaluation of the breadth, scope and limits of the representation of international law created by these often-neglected methodologies. The book examines whether non-doctrinal methods promise certainty and objectivity. Chapters explore how adopting social research methods allows artificial landscapes of international law to be constructed, with the aim of aiding our understanding of its normative content. In doing so, the contributors place the normative content of international law into the realm of scientific investigation, providing a critical distance from its principled roots. This insightful book argues that any research methodology, whether doctrinal or non-doctrinal, involves a necessarily partial and incomplete vision of international law. Hence, the critical variation provided by non-doctrinal methods is a useful means for supplementing, rather than replacing, doctrinal analysis. Accessible and engaging, Pluralising International Legal Scholarship will be a key resource for international law scholars, especially those specializing in legal methods. The interdisciplinary nature of the study will also appeal to students and academics working in the fields of international relations, international organization and social research methodology. Contributors include: R. Deplano, M. Dordeska, E.A. Faulkner, G. Gentile, H. Lai, S. Landefeld, G.M. Lentner, L. Lonardo, A. Magaria, J. Ostransky
Edinburgh University Press Resisting Militarism: Direct Action and the Politics of Subversion
This book explores why anti-militarists resist, considers the politics of different tactics and examines the tensions and debates within the movement. It argues that anti-militarists can help us understand militarism in new and useful ways, and that that the methods of anti-militarists can be a potent force for radical political change.
John Libbey & Co Chronology of the Birth of Cinema 1833–1896
Hachette Books The Love Trauma Syndrome: Free Yourself From The Pain Of A Broken Heart
A guide to healing the emotional scars that result from a break in a close relationship
McGill-Queen's University Press From Internationalism to Postcolonialism: Literature and Cinema between the Second and the Third Worlds
Would there have been a Third World without the Second? Perhaps, but it would have looked very different. From Internationalism to Postcolonialism recounts the story of two Cold War-era cultural formations that claimed to represent the Third World project in literature and cinema, and offers a compelling genealogy of contemporary postcolonial studies.
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Ibsen-Parodien: In Der Fruehen Moderne
Springer Nature Switzerland A Cookbook with Probability One