Search results for ""Author Anne""
Medieval Institute Publications Saints' Lives in Middle English Collections
This volume is conceived as a complement to another Middle English Texts series text, Sherry Reames' Middle English Legends of Women Saints. This selection is intended to be broadly representative of saints' lives in Middle English and of the classic types of hagiographic legend as these were presented to the lay public and less-literate clergy of late medieval England.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Soldier Experience in the Fourteenth Century
Essays throwing fresh light on what it was like to be a medieval soldier, drawing on archival research. The "long" fourteenth century saw England fighting wars on a number of diverse fronts - not just abroad, in the Hundred Years War, but closer to home. But while tactics, battles, and logistics have been frequently discussed, the actual experience of being a soldier has been less often studied. Via a careful re-evaluation of original sources, and the use of innovative methodological techniques such as statistical analysis and the use of relational databases, the essays here bring new insights to bear on soldiers, both as individuals and as groups. Topics addressed include military service and the dynamics of recruitment; the social composition of the armies; the question of whether soldiers saw their role as a "profession"; and the experience of prisoners of war. Contributors: Andrew Ayton, David Simpkin, Andrew Spencer, David Bachrach, Iain MacInnes, Adam Chapman, Michael Jones, Guilhem Pepin, Remy Ambuhl, Adrian R. Bell
Accelerated Education Publications Ltd 11+ Maths Year 5-7 Workbook 1: Numerical Reasoning Technique
This workbook is a complete, comprehensive and progressive teaching and learning programme. It is for children sitting 11+, SATs, common entrance and scholarship examinations. Arranged in a topic by topic format, it adopts a more traditional approach. A unique code is used covering Information, Technique and Exercises. Clear methodologies, with examples, are given for each technique. Plenty of practice exercises are also included. All books are rigorously classroom tested. Methodologies have been used in AE Tuition classes for over 30 years. These books are designed to be used in sequence from Workbook 1 onwards, and are frequently revised and updated. Answers, Progress Charts and a Certificate of Achievement are included at the end of every book.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kunst der Seelsorge: Religion, Kunst und Psychoanalyse im Diskurs
Viele Menschen empfinden sich in Zonen des Ãbergangs, des Wandels, auf Schwellen. Was heiÃt es angesichts dieser Herausforderung, in der Seelsorge erzählend an der eigenen fragilen Identität zu arbeiten?Steinmeier zeigt Wege auf, die zum einen die radikale Weltlichkeit als die theologische Grundlegung der Seelsorge im Anschluss an J. Scharfenberg ernst nehmen, zum anderen in der Weisheit eines im Bildersturz geläuterten, pluralitätsfähigen Glaubens (P. RicÅur) schöpferischen Ausdruck und religiöse Gestaltung suchen. In grenzgängigen und vielschichtigen Reflexionsprozessen kommen wissenschaftliche und kÃ"nstlerische Perspektiven (z.B. Giacometti, Klee, Rothko, Lehnerer, Bourgeois) zur Sprache.Die Sprachen der Kunst suchen nicht deutungsmächtig in einer auf Einheit zielenden Teleologie zu vereinnahmen. Sie vermögen vielmehr erfahrene Kontingenz zu gestalten und Räume zu eröffnen, in denen unverfÃ"gbar Neues entstehen kann.Was heiÃt das fÃ"r das Verhältnis von Seelsorge und Psychoanalyse? Was heiÃt das fÃ"r die Bedeutung und Sprachwerdung von Religion?In Gesprächen mit G. Benedetti, T. Ogden und der bisher wenig wahrgenommenen Psychoanalytikerin der ersten Stunde, L. Andreas-Salomé, eröffnen sich in "Zwischenreichen des Träumens" Annäherungen Ã"ber eine "dritte Realität". In einer nicht mehr zu poetisierenden Welt kann die Figur der Dichtung als Akt gestaltender Sinngebung zum bergenden Sprachhaus des Fremden und nicht Dekodierbaren werden.In der Wahrnehmung der Fragilität der Veränderungsprozesse des Selbst gewinnen literarische und biblische Erzählungen fÃ"r die religiöse Erfahrung an Bedeutung, im Lesen, Sehen, Erleben und in eigenen Sprachgestalten. Im Horizont von Gedächtnis und Erinnerung des Verlorenen und Vergessenen wird das Gespräch mit W. Benjamin gesucht.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Heilige Schriften Heute Verstehen: Christen Und Muslime Im Dialog
Editions Kheops Objet Egyptien: Source de la Recherche
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes: Lettres
Classiques Garnier Objets Et Anatomie Du Corps Heroique
Random House USA Inc Odd Partners: An Anthology
Johns Hopkins University Press The Annihilation of Nature: Human Extinction of Birds and Mammals
Gerardo Ceballos, Anne H. Ehrlich, and Paul R. Ehrlich serve as witnesses in this trial of human neglect, where the charge is the massive and escalating assault on living things. Nature is being annihilated, not only because of the human population explosion, but also as a result of massive commercial endeavors and public apathy. Despite the well-intentioned work of conservation organizations and governments, the authors warn us that not enough is being done and time is short for the most vulnerable of the world's wild birds and mammals. Thousands of populations have already disappeared, other populations are dwindling daily, and soon our descendants may live in a world containing but a minuscule fraction of the birds and mammals we know today. The Annihilation of Nature is a clarion call for engagement and action. These outspoken scientists urge everyone who cares about nature to become personally connected to the victims of our inadequate conservation efforts and demand that restoration replace destruction. Only then will we have any hope of preventing the worst-case scenario of the sixth mass extinction.
Rowman & Littlefield China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: Master Narratives and Post-Mao Counternarratives
Treating China's Cultural Revolution as much more than a political event, this innovative volume explores its ideological dimensions. The contributors focus especially on the CR's discourse of heroism and messianism and its demonization of the enemy as reflected in political practice, official literature, and propaganda art, arguing that these characteristics can be traced back to hitherto-neglected undercurrents of Chinese tradition. Moreover, while most studies of the Cultural Revolution are content to point to the discredited cult of heroism and messianism, this book also explores the alternative discourses that have flourished to fill the resulting vacuum. The contributors analyze the intense intellectual and artistic ferment in post-Mao China that embody resistance to CR ideology, as well as the urgent quest for authentic individuality, new forms of social cohesion, and historical truth. Contributions by: Anne-Marie Brady, Woei Lien Chong, Lowell Dittmer, Monika Gaenssbauer, Nick Knight, Stefan R. Landsberger, Nora Sausmikat, Barend J. ter Haar, Natascha Vittinghoff, and Lan Yang.
Hatje Cantz Fujiko Nakaya (Bilingual edition)
Fujiko Nakaya is one of Japan’s most important contemporary artists. Participating in the 1960s performances of the New York-based collective Experiments in Arts and Technology (E.A.T.), she became internationally renowned for her immersive fog artworks. First created for the Pepsi Pavilion at Expo ’70 in Osaka they defy traditional conventions of sculpture by generating temporary, atmospheric transformations that physically engage with the public. Driven by early ecological concerns, Nakaya’s ground-breaking work is based purely on water and air—elements that have particular significance in light of the climate crisis. From the artist’s early paintings to her fog sculptures, single-channel videos, installations and documentation that reveal Nakaya’s cultural and social references, this in-depth survey offers a comprehensive overview of the distinguished artist’s work.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Juridification and Social Citizenship in the Welfare State
Juridification refers to a diverse set of processes involving shifts towards more detailed legal regulation, regulations of new areas, and conflicts and problems increasingly being framed in legal and rights-oriented terms. What impact do these international and national regulations have upon vulnerable groups in terms of inclusion, exclusion and social citizenship? The nature and effects of current juridification processes are hotly debated amongst social scientists and legal scholars.Bringing empirical analysis and multidisciplinary, comparative perspectives to the previously fragmented and largely theoretical debate on juridification in the welfare state, this book asks key questions such as: To what extent do international human rights norms secure basic welfare services to vulnerable groups?; How do different regulations affect democratic participation?; What is the role of professionals in the distribution of welfare services?Researchers, students and academics with an interest in law, human rights, social policy and the role of professionals in the welfare state will find much of value in this book.Contributors: H.S. Aasen, S. Bothfeld, L. Brandt, B. Bringedal, S. Bygnes, K. Bærøe, C. Cappelen, T. Eidsvaag, K.J. Fredriksen, O. Ferraz, R. Gargarella, S. Gloppen, E. Le Bruyn Goldeng, A. Kjellevold, S. Kremer, I.R. Lundeberg, A.-M. Magnussen, K. Mjåland, O. Mæstad, E. Nilssen, L. Rakner, P. Stephens, H. Stokke, W. van Rossum
Getty Trust Publications Holbein: Capturing Character
Nobles, ladies, scholars, and merchants were the subjects of Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/98–1543), an inventive German artist best known for his dazzling portraits. Holbein developed his signature style in Basel and London amid a rich culture of erudition, self-definition, and love of luxury and wit before becoming court painter to Henry VIII. Accompanying the first major Holbein exhibition in the United States, this catalogue explores his vibrant visual and intellectual approach to personal identity. In addition to reproducing many of the artist's painted and drawn portraits, this volume delves into his relationship with leading intellectuals, such as Erasmus of Rotterdam and Thomas More, as well as his contributions to publishing and book culture, meticulous inscriptions, and ingenious designs for jewels, hat badges, and other exquisite objects.
New York University Press What Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know
Up-beat, pragmatic, and chock full of advice, What Works for Women at Work is an indispensable guide for working women. An essential resource for any working woman, What Works for Women at Work is a comprehensive and insightful guide for mastering office politics as a woman. Authored by Joan C. Williams, one of the nation’s most-cited experts on women and work, and her daughter, writer Rachel Dempsey, this unique book offers a multi-generational perspective into the realities of today’s workplace. Often women receive messages that they have only themselves to blame for failing to get ahead—Negotiate more! Stop being such a wimp! Stop being such a witch! What Works for Women at Work tells women it’s not their fault. The simple fact is that office politics often benefits men over women. Based on interviews with 127 successful working women, over half of them women of color, What Works for Women at Work presents a toolkit for getting ahead in today’s workplace. Distilling over 35 years of research, Williams and Dempsey offer four crisp patterns that affect working women: Prove-It-Again!, the Tightrope, the Maternal Wall, and the Tug of War. Each represents different challenges and requires different strategies—which is why women need to be savvier than men to survive and thrive in high-powered careers. Williams and Dempsey’s analysis of working women is nuanced and in-depth, going far beyond the traditional cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approaches of most career guides for women. Throughout the book, they weave real-life anecdotes from the women they interviewed, along with quick kernels of advice like a “New Girl Action Plan,” ways to “Take Care of Yourself”, and even “Comeback Lines” for dealing with sexual harassment and other difficult situations.
Guilford Publications Assessing Language and Literacy with Bilingual Students: Practices to Support English Learners
From expert authors, this book guides educators to conduct assessments that inform daily instruction and identify the assets that emergent bilinguals bring to the classroom. Effective practices are reviewed for screening, assessment, and progress monitoring in the areas of oral language, beginning reading skills, vocabulary and comprehension in the content areas, and writing. The book also addresses how to establish schoolwide systems of support that incorporate family and community engagement. Packed with practical ideas and vignettes, the book focuses on grades K-6, but also will be useful to middle and high school teachers. Appendices include reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Bristol University Press The Escape from Poverty: Breaking the Vicious Cycles Perpetuating Disadvantage
ePDF and ePUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND license. The perpetuation of poverty across generations damages lives. It weakens social cohesion and the economy and undermines environmental sustainability. This book examines why poverty is carried on from one generation to the next and what needs to be done to eradicate it. This book draws on a wide variety of sources and academic disciplines (social sciences, economics, law, community development, neuroscience and developmental psychology) along with the lived experience of people in poverty. Challenging the myths and prejudices about poverty that hinder progress, it calls for a comprehensive approach based on ensuring real equality of opportunity for all. It stresses the need to intervene early to combat child poverty and break the vicious cycles that perpetuate poverty and disadvantage.
Truman State University Press Time, Space, and Women’s Lives in Early Modern Europe
Princeton University Press World War I and American Art
World War I had a profound impact on American art and culture. Nearly every major artist responded to events, whether as official war artists, impassioned observers, or participants on the battlefields. It was the moment when American artists, designers, and illustrators began to consider the importance of their contributions to the wider world and to visually represent the United States' emergent role in modern global politics. World War I and American Art provides an unprecedented consideration of the impact of the conflict on American artists and the myriad ways they reacted to it. Artists took a leading role in chronicling the war, crafting images that influenced public opinion, supported mobilization efforts, and helped to shape how the appalling human toll was mourned and memorialized. World War I and American Art features some eighty artists--including Ivan Albright, George Bellows, Marsden Hartley, Childe Hassam, Violet Oakley, Georgia O'Keeffe, Man Ray, John Singer Sargent, and Claggett Wilson--whose paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, posters, and ephemera span the diverse visual culture of the period to tell the story of a crucial turning point in the history of American art. Taking readers from the home front to the battlefront, this landmark book will remain the definitive reference on a pivotal moment in American modern art for years to come. Exhibition schedule: * Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts November 4, 2016-April 9, 2017* New-York Historical Society May 26-September 3, 2017* Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville October 6, 2017-January 21, 2018
University of California Press Calligrammes: Poems of Peace and War (1913-1916)
A fully annotated, bilingual edition, "Calligrammes" is a key work not only in Apollinaire's own development but in the evolution of modern French poetry. Apollinaire - Roman by birth, Polish by name (Wilhelm-Apollinaris de Kostrowitski), Parisian by choice - died at thirty-eight in 1918. Nevertheless, he became one of the leading figures in twentieth-century poetry, a transitional figure whose work at once echoes the Symbolists and anticipates the work of the Surrealists.
Bircher-Benner Bircher-Benner 9 Enjoy Food Without Table Salt: Manual for Curing Salt-Sensitive Hypertension.
Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers Marchés, Migrations Et Logiques Familiales Dans Les Espaces Français, Canadien Et Suisse, 18 E -20 E Siècles: Actes Du Colloque Familles, Marchés Et Migrations (18 E -20 E ), Genève, Les 25-27 Septembre 2003
Nova Science Publishers Inc Medicaid & Treatment for People with Substance Abuse Problems
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Understanding Kant's Groundwork
Immanuel Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals is widely regarded as one of the most influential works in the history of moral philosophy. Indeed, any student of ethics will soon encounter a translation of the book, although trying to read it is likely to cause bewilderment. What, one may ask, is Kant trying to say? This book provides the answers. Here, seven highly regarded teachers and scholars of Kant's ethics offer remarkably clear explanations of the most important concepts in the Groundwork: the good will, happiness, duty, hypothetical and categorical imperatives, the Formula of Universal Law, the Formula of Humanity, and freedom.Contents: Preface The Good Will, Nataliya Palatnik Happiness, Anne Margaret Baxley Duty, Laura Papish Imperatives, Tamar Schapiro The Formula of Universal Law, Kyla Ebels-Duggan The Formula of Humanity, Japa Pallikkathayil Freedom, Lucy Allais About the Contributors Index
University of California Press The Principia: The Authoritative Translation and Guide: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
In his monumental 1687 work, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, known familiarly as the Principia, Isaac Newton laid out in mathematical terms the principles of time, force, and motion that have guided the development of modern physical science. Even after more than three centuries and the revolutions of Einsteinian relativity and quantum mechanics, Newtonian physics continues to account for many of the phenomena of the observed world, and Newtonian celestial dynamics is used to determine the orbits of our space vehicles. This authoritative, modern translation by I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman, the first in more than 285 years, is based on the 1726 edition, the final revised version approved by Newton; it includes extracts from the earlier editions, corrects errors found in earlier versions, and replaces archaic English with contemporary prose and up-to-date mathematical forms. Newton's principles describe acceleration, deceleration, and inertial movement; fluid dynamics; and the motions of the earth, moon, planets, and comets. A great work in itself, the Principia also revolutionized the methods of scientific investigation. It set forth the fundamental three laws of motion and the law of universal gravity, the physical principles that account for the Copernican system of the world as emended by Kepler, thus effectively ending controversy concerning the Copernican planetary system. The illuminating Guide to Newton's Principia by I. Bernard Cohen makes this preeminent work truly accessible for today's scientists, scholars, and students. Designed with collectors in mind, this deluxe edition has faux leather binding covered with a beautiful dustjacket.
University of California Press The Principia: The Authoritative Translation and Guide: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
In his monumental 1687 work, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, known familiarly as the Principia, Isaac Newton laid out in mathematical terms the principles of time, force, and motion that have guided the development of modern physical science. Even after more than three centuries and the revolutions of Einsteinian relativity and quantum mechanics, Newtonian physics continues to account for many of the phenomena of the observed world, and Newtonian celestial dynamics is used to determine the orbits of our space vehicles. This authoritative, modern translation by I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman, the first in more than 285 years, is based on the 1726 edition, the final revised version approved by Newton; it includes extracts from the earlier editions, corrects errors found in earlier versions, and replaces archaic English with contemporary prose and up-to-date mathematical forms. Newton's principles describe acceleration, deceleration, and inertial movement; fluid dynamics; and the motions of the earth, moon, planets, and comets. A great work in itself, the Principia also revolutionized the methods of scientific investigation. It set forth the fundamental three laws of motion and the law of universal gravity, the physical principles that account for the Copernican system of the world as emended by Kepler, thus effectively ending controversy concerning the Copernican planetary system. The illuminating Guide to Newton's Principia by I. Bernard Cohen makes this pre-eminent work truly accessible for today's scientists, scholars, and students. Designed with collectors in mind, this beautiful and deluxe cloth edition will hold a place of honor on any bookshelf.
Cengage Learning, Inc Encore Intermediate French, Student Edition: Niveau intermediaire
ENCORE is an exciting intermediate-level French program that uses an engaging mystery film of the same title to help you to continue to learn about and appreciate the richness and beauty of the French language, and explore the fascinating and diverse cultures of France and the French-speaking world. The textbook ENCORE will help you solidify the vocabulary and grammar you learned in your elementary French courses while at the same time helping you to develop the language skills needed to become an intermediate-level user of French.
WW Norton & Co Little Women: A Norton Critical Edition
“Backgrounds and Contexts” includes a wealth of archival materials, among them previously unpublished correspondence with Thomas Niles and Alcott’s own precursors to Little Women. “Criticism” reprints twenty nineteenth-century reviews. Seven modern essays represent a variety of critical theories used to read and study the novel, including feminist (Catharine R. Stimpson, Elizabeth Keyser), new historicist (Richard H. Brodhead), psychoanalytic (Angela M. Estes and Kathleen Margaret Lant), and reader-response (Barbara Sicherman). A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.
Penguin Books Ltd The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image
A comprehensive, scholarly accessible study, in which the authors draw upon poetry and mythology, art and literature, archaeology and psychology to show how the myth of the goddess has been lost from our formal Judeo-Christian images of the divine. They explain what happened to the goddess, when, and how she was excluded from western culture, and the implications of this loss.
MP-AND Academy of Nutrition Oncology Nutrition for Clinical Practice
Written by registered dietitian nutritionists practicing in oncology, this comprehensive resource provides both evidence- and experienced-based information for application in clinical practice. This second edition addresses nutrition through the cancer continuum - from carcinogenesis and prevention to treatment, survivorship, and palliative care.
Aarhus University Press Horror and Harm: Rudolf von Deventer’s Treatise on Gunpowder and Fireworks, c. 1585
Horror and Harm: Rudolf von Deventer’s Treatise on Gunpowder and Fireworks, c. 1585 offers a transcription and translation from German into modern English of a unique and spectacularly illustrated sixteenth-century manuscript on war and festival culture during the reign of the Danish King Frederik II (r. 1559–88). The manuscript, written in German by the King’s specialist in artillery Rudolf von Deventer, presents instructions to produce firearms for defence against the archenemies of the Christian regime as well as formulae for the production of fireworks for pleasure. The manuscript includes lavishly coloured illustrations of battle scenes, weapons and moving mechanical fireworks such as girandoles and dragons.Horror and Harm constitutes an exceptional insight into Northern European war, artillery, technology, fireworks and festival culture in the Early Modern period. As an early form of manual, von Deventer’s book is put into perspective in a foreword by the historian of science Pamela H. Smith and a series of introductory texts.
Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd Telfair Museums: Curator’s Choice
Opened in 1886, Telfair Museums in Savannah, Georgia, is the oldest public art museum in the southern USA. Today, Telfair Museums consists of three unique buildings: the Telfair Academy, the historic Owens-Thomas House & Slave Quarters, and the contemporary Jepson Center for the Arts. Telfair Museums was formally founded with the bequest of Mary Telfair in 1875 and now has grown to over 6,300 paintings, sculpture, works on paper and decorative arts. Telfair's collections are particularly strong in American Impressionism, the Ashcan School, and American and English silver. Director Robin Nicholson's text is an engaging insight into the history of Telfair Museums and its varied collections, featuring artworks by Childe Hassam, Henry Ossawa Tanner, George Bellows, Helen Levitt, and Mickalene Thomas.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Henry II: New Interpretations
Survey of the reign of Henry II, offering a range of new evaluations and interpretations. Henry II is the most imposing figure among the medieval kings of England. His fiefs and domains extended from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, and his court was frequented by the greatest thinkers and men of letters of his time,besides ambassadors from all over Europe. Yet his is a reign of paradoxes: best known for his dramatic conflicts with his own wife and sons and with Thomas Becket, it was also a crucial period in the evolution of legal and governmental institutions. Here experts in the field provide significant reevaluations of its most important aspects. Topics include Henry's accession and his relations with the papacy, the French king, other rulers in the British Islesand the Norman baronage; the development of the common law and the coinage; the court and its literary milieu; the use of Arthurian legend for political purposes; and the career of the Young King Henry, while the introduction examines the historiography of the reign. CONTRIBUTORS: MARTIN ALLEN, MARTIN AURELL, NICK BARRATT, PAUL BRAND, SEAN DUFFY, ANNE DUGGAN, JEAN DUBABIN, JOHN GILLINGHAM, EDMUND KING, DANIEL POWER, IAN SHORT, MATTHEW STRICKLAND CHRISTOPHER HARPER-BILL and NICHOLAS VINCENT are Professors of Medieval History at the University of East Anglia.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Introduction to Organizational Improvisation Theory
Many organizations operate in an environment that is increasingly dynamic, turbulent, and unpredictable. This volume makes the case that they need to embrace improvisation as a core organizational capability, not to replace but to complement planning and forecasting. Research on organizational improvisation has evolved from a jazz and theater metaphor to a distinct body of empirical and conceptual work that tackles how improvisation unfolds in the full range of organizational contexts. These contexts often have very different goals, constraints and possibilities than improvisation in the arts. This makes it crucial to develop understanding of improvisation at all levels and in all types of organizations including but not limited to day-to-day operations of large firms and government agencies, strategic change, emergency management, product development, and start-ups. This book pulls together in one place major advances in understanding organizational improvisation. It describes major theoretical- and evidence-based advances in models of organizational improvisation, which the authors define as the deliberate and substantive convergence of the design and execution of a novel activity, that can be created at the individual, team, or organizational level. The authors provide, integrate and consolidate the existing literature on organizational improvisation and offer a comprehensive analysis of key processes. They go beyond a mechanical literature review to include illustrative mini-cases, novel concepts in contemporary work and short personal comments from researchers in the field.Grounded in rigorous academic work to date, this book speaks both to scholars interested in developing research on organizational improvisation and to managers. It discusses both promising paths for academic research and practical recommendations, especially those who deal with unpredictable environments that force them to either improvise or to face harmful or even fatal outcomes for organizational members and/or the entire organization.
Iter Press Letters and Poems to and from Her Mentor and Other Members of Her Circle
Anna Maria van Schurman was widely regarded as the most erudite woman in seventeenth-century Europe. As “the Star of Utrecht,” she was active in a network of learning that included the most renowned scholars of her time. Known for her extensive learning and her defense of the education of women, she was the first woman to sit in on lectures at a university in the Netherlands and to advocate that women be admitted into universities. She was proficient in fourteen languages, including Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, Aramaic, Persian, Samaritan, and Ethiopian, as well as several vernacular European languages. This volume presents in translation a remarkable collection of her letters and poems—many of which were previously unpublished—that span almost four decades of her life, from 1631 to 1669.
Cornell University Press Communicating Climate Change: A Guide for Educators
Environmental educators face a formidable challenge when they approach climate change due to the complexity of the science and of the political and cultural contexts in which people live. There is a clear consensus among climate scientists that climate change is already occurring as a result of human activities, but high levels of climate change awareness and growing levels of concern have not translated into meaningful action. Communicating Climate Change provides environmental educators with an understanding of how their audiences engage with climate change information as well as with concrete, empirically tested communication tools they can use to enhance their climate change program. Starting with the basics of climate science and climate change public opinion, Armstrong, Krasny, and Schuldt synthesize research from environmental psychology and climate change communication, weaving in examples of environmental education applications throughout this practical book. Each chapter covers a separate topic, from how environmental psychology explains the complex ways in which people interact with climate change information to communication strategies with a focus on framing, metaphors, and messengers. This broad set of topics will aid educators in formulating program language for their classrooms at all levels. Communicating Climate Change uses fictional vignettes of climate change education programs and true stories from climate change educators working in the field to illustrate the possibilities of applying research to practice. Armstrong et al, ably demonstrate that environmental education is an important player in fostering positive climate change dialogue and subsequent climate change action. Thanks to generous funding from Cornell University, the ebook editions of this book are available as Open Access from Cornell Open ( and other Open Access repositories.
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology,U.S. Feeding the Ancestors: Tlingit Carved Horn Spoons
Fordham University Press Gestures: The Study of Religion as Practice
This concluding volume of the Future of the Religious Past series approaches contemporary religion through the lens of practice: the rituals, performances, devotions, and everyday acts through which humans do religion. In spite of predictions about the inevitability of secularism, religion in the twenty-first century remains stubbornly resilient, and Gestures: The Study of Religion as Practice offers a new vantage point from which to see the religious as a category shaped and reshaped by modernity and to encounter religion not as something bounded by doctrines and sacred texts but as lived experience. Twenty-four globally based scholars look to practice to examine such diverse phenomena as human rights, memory, martyrdom, dress and fashion, colonial legacies, blasphemy, mass political action, and the future of secularism.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing
To find the clinical facts you need to know, make this pocket guide your constant companion! Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition includes the hard-to-remember facts, lab values, and abbreviations that are essential to providing optimal nursing care. Organized by the major concepts and principles of your nursing fundamentals course, this reference features a quick-access format with summary tables and bulleted lists. The Clinical Companion makes retrieving, reviewing, and retaining clinical facts and figures easier than ever! Basic facts and figures, standard values, care guidelines and more provide the background frequently needed in a reference for clinical practice. At-a-glance content is provided in outline, list, and tabular formats for easy lookup and review. Detailed information on medications helps to prevent medication errors and ensure safe practice, with topics including dosage calculations, compatibilities, conversions, and administration. Vital Signs chapter contains everything you need to know to quickly and accurately obtain vital signs. Physical Assessment chapter provides a systematic and thorough approach to health assessment. Interprofessional Collaboration and Delegation chapter explains the role of the nurse within the larger healthcare team. Pressure injury information includes prevention and care guidelines. Medical, Nursing, and Health Professions Terminology chapter acts as a quick medical terminology refresher and helps you understand clinical terms as they are encountered. Concise, pocket-sized format ensures portability for use in the clinical setting. NEW! A Clinical Judgment and the Nursing Process chapter is added to this edition.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills
Master nursing skills with this guide from the respected Perry, Potter & Ostendorf author team! The concise coverage in Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills, 7th Edition makes it easy to learn the skills most commonly used in everyday nursing practice. Clear, step-by-step instructions cover more than 160 basic, intermediate, and advanced skills - from measuring body temperature to insertion of a peripheral intravenous device - using evidence-based concepts to improve patient safety and outcomes. A streamlined, visual approach makes the book easy to read, and an Evolve companion website enhances learning with review questions and handy checklists for each clinical skill. Coverage of more than 160 skills and interventions addresses the basic, intermediate, and advanced skills you'll use every day in practice. Safe Patient Care Alerts highlight risks or other key information to know in performing skills, so you can plan ahead at each step of nursing care. Unique! Using Evidence in Nursing Practice chapter provides the information needed to use evidence-based care to solve clinical problems. Coverage of evidence-based nursing techniques includes the concept of care bundles, structured practices that improve patient safety and outcomes, in addition to the coverage of teach-back. Delegation & Collaboration guidelines help you make decisions in whether to delegate a skill to unlicensed assistive personnel, and indicates what key information must be shared. Teach-Back step shows how to evaluate the success of patient teaching, so you can see whether the patient understands a task or topic or if additional teaching may be needed. Recording guidelines describe what should be reported and documented after performing skills, with Hand-off Reporting sections listing important patient care information to include in the handoff. Special Considerations indicate the additional risks or accommodations you may face when caring for pediatric or geriatric patients, as well as patients in home care settings. A consistent format for nursing skills makes it easier to perform skills, organized by Assessment, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. Media resources include skills performance checklists on the Evolve companion website and related lessons, videos, and interactive exercises on Nursing Skills Online. NEW! 2017 Infusion Nurses Society standards are included on administering IVs and on other changes in evidence-based practice. NEW Disaster Preparedness chapter focuses on caring for patients after biological, chemical, or radiation exposure. NEW! SBAR samples show how to quickly and effectively communicate a patient's condition in terms of Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation. NEW! Practice Reflections sections include a clinical scenario and questions, helping you reflect on clinical and simulation experiences. NEW! Three Master Debriefs help you develop a better understanding of the "big picture" by synthesizing skill performance with overall patient care.
The University of Chicago Press The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion
Informed parents know there is an abundance of information about children and child development available on the Internet, but can they trust that the content they find is authoritative? Professionals who work with children know where to find research relevant to their specialty, but where can they go to find reliable information on other related disciplines? "The Child" offers both parents and professionals access to the best scholarship from all areas of child studies - and from all regions of the world - in a remarkable one-volume reference. This encyclopedic companion brings together contemporary research on children and childhood from pediatrics, child psychology, childhood studies, education, sociology, history, law, anthropology, and other related areas - in sum, more than five hundred articles, all written by experts in their fields and overseen by noted anthropologist Richard A. Shweder. Each entry begins with a concise and accessible synopsis of the topic at hand. For example, the entry on 'adoption' begins with a general definition, followed by a detailed look at adoption in different cultures and at different times, a summary of the associated mental and developmental issues that can arise, and an overview of applicable legal and public policy both within the United States and elsewhere. Within the scope of a few pages, readers encounter a wide range of information and perspectives on this complex and fascinating topic. Entries also include multiple cross-references to guide readers toward related topics within the volume and suggestions for further reading. While many of the entries address universal, biological facts about children - most fetuses suck their thumbs, for example, and most babies develop musical rhythm by seven months - they also consider the many worlds of childhood within the United States and around the globe. Alongside the topical articles, "The Child" includes more than forty 'Imagining Each Other' essays, which focus on the experiences of particular children in different cultures. In 'Work before Play for Yucatec Mayan Children', for example, readers learn of the work responsibilities of some modern-day Mexican children, while in 'A Hindu Brahman Boy Is Born Again', they witness a coming-of-age ritual in contemporary India. This is the best scholarship from a wide range of disciplines, including: anthropology; child development; childhood studies; education; History; Law; Literature; Pediatrics; Psychology; public policy; religion; and, Sociology. Compiled by some of the most distinguished child development researchers in the world, "The Child" will broaden the current scope of knowledge on children and childhood. It is an unparalleled resource for parents, social workers, researchers, educators, and others who work with children, and will spark a necessary discussion about children and childhood around the world. Offering a unique global perspective - selections from the 'Imagining Each Other' essays include: Growing Up Hearing in a Deaf Family; Formality and Fun in Kinship Relations among the Gusii; Educated at Home in the United States; Children as Family Caregivers in Mexico; On Infants Sleeping Alone; The Luminous Books of Childhood; Trial by Fire: Emotional Socialization among Canadian Inuit; The Parenting Style of a Turkish Reformer; Memories of Childhood on an Israeli Kibbutz; Summer Camp for Diabetic Children: A Stigma-Free Zone; An African American Grandmother Combats Racial Hatred; Early Childhood Education in Japan; and, A Refugee's Childhood in the West Bank.
During the first five years of a new architectural practice, typical problems arise that have to be managed. Based on the reports of young architectural practices, which were gathered in workshops throughout Europe, this manual analyzes commonly observed and frequent issues, and offers approaches to resolving them. What is special: the approaches were developed from daily working experience, and can be realistically implemented, not least because they are aimed at the different phases of a developing practice – "Getting started", "Making mistakes", "Going public", "Choosing a specialization", and "Doing competitions". For the second edition the texts were extended and corrected; statistics and charts were brought up to date. The cool presentation remains as appealing as in the first issue.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques
Learn clinical nursing skills and prepare for success on the Next Generation NCLEX® Examination! Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10th Edition provides clear, step-by-step guidelines to more than 200 basic, intermediate, and advanced skills. With more than 1,200 full-color illustrations, a nursing process framework, and a focus on evidence-based practice, this manual helps you learn to think critically, ask the right questions at the right time, and make timely decisions. New to this edition are NGN-style unfolding case studies, preparing you for the changes to the NCLEX exam. Written by respected nursing experts Anne Griffin Perry, Patricia A. Potter, Wendy Ostendorf, and Nancy Laplante, this trusted text is the bestselling nursing skills book on the market! Comprehensive coverage includes more than 200 basic, intermediate, and advanced nursing skills and procedures. Rationales for each step within skills explain the why as well as the how of each skill, and include citations from the current literature. Clinical Decision Points alert you to key steps that affect patient outcomes and help them modify care as needed to meet individual patient needs. Unique! Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions sections highlight what might go wrong and how to appropriately intervene. Clinical Debrief at the end of each chapter provides case-based review questions that focus on issues such as managing conflict, care prioritization, patient safety, and decision-making. More than 1,200 full-color photos and drawings make it easier to visualize concepts and procedures. Five-step nursing process format helps you apply the nursing process while learning each skill. Coverage of QSEN core competencies is incorporated into each lesson, including the areas of delegation and collaboration, reporting and recording, safety guidelines, and considerations relating to teaching, pediatric, geriatric, and home care. Unique! Using Evidence in Nursing Practice chapter covers the entire process of conducting research, including collecting, evaluating, and applying evidence from published research. F NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN)-style unfolding case studies include answers at the back of the book, providing optimal preparation for the Next Generation NCLEX Examination.