Search results for ""author anne""
New York University Press What Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know
Up-beat, pragmatic, and chock full of advice, What Works for Women at Work is an indispensable guide for working women. An essential resource for any working woman, What Works for Women at Work is a comprehensive and insightful guide for mastering office politics as a woman. Authored by Joan C. Williams, one of the nation’s most-cited experts on women and work, and her daughter, writer Rachel Dempsey, this unique book offers a multi-generational perspective into the realities of today’s workplace. Often women receive messages that they have only themselves to blame for failing to get ahead—Negotiate more! Stop being such a wimp! Stop being such a witch! What Works for Women at Work tells women it’s not their fault. The simple fact is that office politics often benefits men over women. Based on interviews with 127 successful working women, over half of them women of color, What Works for Women at Work presents a toolkit for getting ahead in today’s workplace. Distilling over 35 years of research, Williams and Dempsey offer four crisp patterns that affect working women: Prove-It-Again!, the Tightrope, the Maternal Wall, and the Tug of War. Each represents different challenges and requires different strategies—which is why women need to be savvier than men to survive and thrive in high-powered careers. Williams and Dempsey’s analysis of working women is nuanced and in-depth, going far beyond the traditional cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approaches of most career guides for women. Throughout the book, they weave real-life anecdotes from the women they interviewed, along with quick kernels of advice like a “New Girl Action Plan,” ways to “Take Care of Yourself”, and even “Comeback Lines” for dealing with sexual harassment and other difficult situations.
Guilford Publications Assessing Language and Literacy with Bilingual Students: Practices to Support English Learners
From expert authors, this book guides educators to conduct assessments that inform daily instruction and identify the assets that emergent bilinguals bring to the classroom. Effective practices are reviewed for screening, assessment, and progress monitoring in the areas of oral language, beginning reading skills, vocabulary and comprehension in the content areas, and writing. The book also addresses how to establish schoolwide systems of support that incorporate family and community engagement. Packed with practical ideas and vignettes, the book focuses on grades K-6, but also will be useful to middle and high school teachers. Appendices include reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Bristol University Press The Escape from Poverty: Breaking the Vicious Cycles Perpetuating Disadvantage
ePDF and ePUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND license. The perpetuation of poverty across generations damages lives. It weakens social cohesion and the economy and undermines environmental sustainability. This book examines why poverty is carried on from one generation to the next and what needs to be done to eradicate it. This book draws on a wide variety of sources and academic disciplines (social sciences, economics, law, community development, neuroscience and developmental psychology) along with the lived experience of people in poverty. Challenging the myths and prejudices about poverty that hinder progress, it calls for a comprehensive approach based on ensuring real equality of opportunity for all. It stresses the need to intervene early to combat child poverty and break the vicious cycles that perpetuate poverty and disadvantage.
Truman State University Press Time, Space, and Women’s Lives in Early Modern Europe
Princeton University Press World War I and American Art
World War I had a profound impact on American art and culture. Nearly every major artist responded to events, whether as official war artists, impassioned observers, or participants on the battlefields. It was the moment when American artists, designers, and illustrators began to consider the importance of their contributions to the wider world and to visually represent the United States' emergent role in modern global politics. World War I and American Art provides an unprecedented consideration of the impact of the conflict on American artists and the myriad ways they reacted to it. Artists took a leading role in chronicling the war, crafting images that influenced public opinion, supported mobilization efforts, and helped to shape how the appalling human toll was mourned and memorialized. World War I and American Art features some eighty artists--including Ivan Albright, George Bellows, Marsden Hartley, Childe Hassam, Violet Oakley, Georgia O'Keeffe, Man Ray, John Singer Sargent, and Claggett Wilson--whose paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, posters, and ephemera span the diverse visual culture of the period to tell the story of a crucial turning point in the history of American art. Taking readers from the home front to the battlefront, this landmark book will remain the definitive reference on a pivotal moment in American modern art for years to come. Exhibition schedule: * Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts November 4, 2016-April 9, 2017* New-York Historical Society May 26-September 3, 2017* Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville October 6, 2017-January 21, 2018
University of California Press Calligrammes: Poems of Peace and War (1913-1916)
A fully annotated, bilingual edition, "Calligrammes" is a key work not only in Apollinaire's own development but in the evolution of modern French poetry. Apollinaire - Roman by birth, Polish by name (Wilhelm-Apollinaris de Kostrowitski), Parisian by choice - died at thirty-eight in 1918. Nevertheless, he became one of the leading figures in twentieth-century poetry, a transitional figure whose work at once echoes the Symbolists and anticipates the work of the Surrealists.
Bircher-Benner Bircher-Benner 9 Enjoy Food Without Table Salt: Manual for Curing Salt-Sensitive Hypertension.
Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers Marchés, Migrations Et Logiques Familiales Dans Les Espaces Français, Canadien Et Suisse, 18 E -20 E Siècles: Actes Du Colloque Familles, Marchés Et Migrations (18 E -20 E ), Genève, Les 25-27 Septembre 2003
Nova Science Publishers Inc Medicaid & Treatment for People with Substance Abuse Problems
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Understanding Kant's Groundwork
Immanuel Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals is widely regarded as one of the most influential works in the history of moral philosophy. Indeed, any student of ethics will soon encounter a translation of the book, although trying to read it is likely to cause bewilderment. What, one may ask, is Kant trying to say? This book provides the answers. Here, seven highly regarded teachers and scholars of Kant's ethics offer remarkably clear explanations of the most important concepts in the Groundwork: the good will, happiness, duty, hypothetical and categorical imperatives, the Formula of Universal Law, the Formula of Humanity, and freedom.Contents: Preface The Good Will, Nataliya Palatnik Happiness, Anne Margaret Baxley Duty, Laura Papish Imperatives, Tamar Schapiro The Formula of Universal Law, Kyla Ebels-Duggan The Formula of Humanity, Japa Pallikkathayil Freedom, Lucy Allais About the Contributors Index
University of California Press The Principia: The Authoritative Translation and Guide: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
In his monumental 1687 work, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, known familiarly as the Principia, Isaac Newton laid out in mathematical terms the principles of time, force, and motion that have guided the development of modern physical science. Even after more than three centuries and the revolutions of Einsteinian relativity and quantum mechanics, Newtonian physics continues to account for many of the phenomena of the observed world, and Newtonian celestial dynamics is used to determine the orbits of our space vehicles. This authoritative, modern translation by I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman, the first in more than 285 years, is based on the 1726 edition, the final revised version approved by Newton; it includes extracts from the earlier editions, corrects errors found in earlier versions, and replaces archaic English with contemporary prose and up-to-date mathematical forms. Newton's principles describe acceleration, deceleration, and inertial movement; fluid dynamics; and the motions of the earth, moon, planets, and comets. A great work in itself, the Principia also revolutionized the methods of scientific investigation. It set forth the fundamental three laws of motion and the law of universal gravity, the physical principles that account for the Copernican system of the world as emended by Kepler, thus effectively ending controversy concerning the Copernican planetary system. The illuminating Guide to Newton's Principia by I. Bernard Cohen makes this preeminent work truly accessible for today's scientists, scholars, and students. Designed with collectors in mind, this deluxe edition has faux leather binding covered with a beautiful dustjacket.
University of California Press The Principia: The Authoritative Translation and Guide: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
In his monumental 1687 work, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, known familiarly as the Principia, Isaac Newton laid out in mathematical terms the principles of time, force, and motion that have guided the development of modern physical science. Even after more than three centuries and the revolutions of Einsteinian relativity and quantum mechanics, Newtonian physics continues to account for many of the phenomena of the observed world, and Newtonian celestial dynamics is used to determine the orbits of our space vehicles. This authoritative, modern translation by I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman, the first in more than 285 years, is based on the 1726 edition, the final revised version approved by Newton; it includes extracts from the earlier editions, corrects errors found in earlier versions, and replaces archaic English with contemporary prose and up-to-date mathematical forms. Newton's principles describe acceleration, deceleration, and inertial movement; fluid dynamics; and the motions of the earth, moon, planets, and comets. A great work in itself, the Principia also revolutionized the methods of scientific investigation. It set forth the fundamental three laws of motion and the law of universal gravity, the physical principles that account for the Copernican system of the world as emended by Kepler, thus effectively ending controversy concerning the Copernican planetary system. The illuminating Guide to Newton's Principia by I. Bernard Cohen makes this pre-eminent work truly accessible for today's scientists, scholars, and students. Designed with collectors in mind, this beautiful and deluxe cloth edition will hold a place of honor on any bookshelf.
Cengage Learning, Inc Encore Intermediate French, Student Edition: Niveau intermediaire
ENCORE is an exciting intermediate-level French program that uses an engaging mystery film of the same title to help you to continue to learn about and appreciate the richness and beauty of the French language, and explore the fascinating and diverse cultures of France and the French-speaking world. The textbook ENCORE will help you solidify the vocabulary and grammar you learned in your elementary French courses while at the same time helping you to develop the language skills needed to become an intermediate-level user of French.
WW Norton & Co Little Women: A Norton Critical Edition
“Backgrounds and Contexts” includes a wealth of archival materials, among them previously unpublished correspondence with Thomas Niles and Alcott’s own precursors to Little Women. “Criticism” reprints twenty nineteenth-century reviews. Seven modern essays represent a variety of critical theories used to read and study the novel, including feminist (Catharine R. Stimpson, Elizabeth Keyser), new historicist (Richard H. Brodhead), psychoanalytic (Angela M. Estes and Kathleen Margaret Lant), and reader-response (Barbara Sicherman). A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.
Penguin Books Ltd The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image
A comprehensive, scholarly accessible study, in which the authors draw upon poetry and mythology, art and literature, archaeology and psychology to show how the myth of the goddess has been lost from our formal Judeo-Christian images of the divine. They explain what happened to the goddess, when, and how she was excluded from western culture, and the implications of this loss.
John Wiley & Sons Global Health Diseases Programs Systems and Policies
Rowman & Littlefield Parish Faith Formation Assessment and Planning Tool
How are new member being welcomed into your parish? How are parishioners being challenged to grow in their relationship with God and in service to others? Parish Faith Formation Assessment and Planning Tool, winner of the 1997 Research Award from the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership, helps identify key areas in faith formation for assessment and planning. This book is solid and comprehensive, yet flexible enough to meet individual needs.
History Press Lost Department Stores of San Francisco
Random House Children's Books The Boxcar Children Fully Illustrated Edition
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Global Health
Recognized as the most prestigious, comprehensive text on Global Health for GRADUATE programs in public and global health. Global Health, Third Edition (formerly titled International Public Health) brings together contributions from the world's leading authorities into a single comprehensive text. It thoroughly examines the wide range of global health challenges facing low and middle income countries today and the various approaches nations adopt to deal with them. These challenges include measurement of health status, infectious and chronic diseases, injuries, nutrition, reproductive health, global environmental health and complex emergencies. This thorough revision also explores emerging health systems, their financing, and management, and the roles of nation states, international agencies, the private sector and nongovernmental organizations in promoting health. Your students will come away with a clear understanding of how globalization is impacting on global health, and of the relationship between health and economic development., NEW to this EDITION: • Fully updated data throughout • Latest information on new global health initiatives • NEW chapter: "Social Determinants of Health" • NEW chapter: Pharmaceuticals • NEW chapter: Evaluation of Large Scale Health Programs "The uniqueness of this textbook is the sensitivity to the situation in lower income countries. It does not at any point make of the West a yard stick against which other peoples get measured. In this respect, it is a step forward towards positive globalism..." —Manuscript reviewer from the University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health Instructor Resources: Sample Syllabus, Test Bank, and PowerPoints Instructor resources developed by Sarita Bhalotra, MD, PhD, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University
Jessica Kingsley Publishers How Sprinkle the Pig Escaped the River of Tears: A Story About Being Apart From Loved Ones
Sprinkle the pig has moved to a new house, with a new family, but he misses his old family. On his first day at school his classmate yells at him, and everything gets too much. He cries and cries, and soon the tears become a river and carry him away! Wise monkey spots Sprinkle, but he is too far away. Can he help Sprinkle to find hidden strengths to survive the river of tears? This therapeutic picture book is written to help children aged 4-10 and adults to talk about being separated from or losing loved ones, and explores how difficult experiences can affect how your body feels and reacts to things. It is followed by easy to read advice for adults on how to help your child.
Kogan Page Ltd Take the Lead: How Women Leaders are Driving Success through Innovation
The business world is in need of more powerful and insightful female leaders. Discover the strategies and inspiration you need to Take the Lead. Only 26% of leadership positions in business are occupied by women. This book explores how we can close this prevailing gender gap before offering practical strategies on how you can Take the Lead as a business leader. Combining academic rigour with corporate expertise, this book features first-hand research and interviews with female leaders within global organizations to offer the strategies and insights that will propel you to success. From managing conflict and building confidence to growing your network and shaping your career, Take the Lead offers the strategies and inspiration you need to boost your leadership skills and establish yourself as a successful and influential changemaker.
University of Illinois Press Wartime Diary
Provocative insights into Beauvoir's philosophical and personal development during wartime Written from September 1939 to January 1941, Simone de Beauvoir’s Wartime Diary gives English readers unabridged access to a scandalous text that threatened to overturn traditional views of Beauvoir’s life and work.Beauvoir's clandestine affair with Jacques Bost and sexual relationships with various young women challenge the conventional picture of Beauvoir as the devoted companion of Jean-Paul Sartre. At the same time, her account of completing her novel She Came to Stay at a time when Sartre had just begun Being and Nothingness questions the traditional view of Beauvoir’s novel as merely illustrating Sartre’s philosophy.Wartime Diary also traces Beauvoir's philosophical transformation as she broke from the prewar solipsism of She Came to Stay in favor of the postwar political engagement of The Second Sex. Beauvoir's emerging existentialist ethics reflect the dramatic collective experiences of refugees fleeing German invasion and life under Nazi occupation. The evolution of her thought also reveals the courageous reaffirmation of her individuality in constructing a humanist ethics of freedom and solidarity.This edition also features previously unpublished material, including her musings about consciousness and order, recommended reading lists, and notes on labor unions. In providing new insights into Beauvoir’s philosophical development, the Wartime Diary promises to rewrite a crucial chapter of Western philosophy and intellectual history.
Bircher-Benner Bircher-Benner Manual Vol. 24: Manual for prevention of dementia and Alzheimer's disease
This manual is based on the knowledge and Decades of experience of a medical centre of state-of-the-art healing, the globally renowned Bircher-Benner clinic, now called the Center for Scientific natural medicine Bircher-Benner. This manual is a great help for patients in that it supports their active contribution to the healing and prevention of disease. It gives patients insight into the scientific basis and causes of their disease, and provides valuable instructions for dietetics, care and physical applications. The manual explains dietetics in a gradual manner - ready for simple, practical applications -- and provides tasty, diverse, tried-and-tested diet recipes from the Bircher-Benner-Klinik. For the doctor, this book is a great time saver and valuable aid in guiding patients.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Correspondance
Our Daily Bread Publishing God Hears Her Creative Journaling Edition: 365 Devotions for Women by Women
The Catholic University of America Press Handbook for Curates: A Late Medieval Manual on Pastoral Ministry
Guido of Monte Rochen’s Handbook for Curates became the most popular pastoral manual at the close of the Middle Ages as thousands of copies were printed in Europe. Composed of a mixture of practical “how to” and theological instruction, the Handbook taught pastoral basics to everyday priests. As such, it is an essential and vibrant source on late medieval religion and parish practice, which this full-length translation makes available in English for the first time. The Handbook is divided into three parts: sacraments and their administration, the sacrament of penance, and basic catechesis. Together they reflect Guido’s mission to facilitate the fundamental duties priests were expected to fulfill for souls under their charge. Guido explains constituent parts of each sacrament, how each is done, who receives it, and what problems might arise in its practice. In step with broader religious currents of his day, Guido treats penance extensively, addressing topics from instances of the deadly sins to how to question penitents in confession. His Handbook concludes with explanations of the Creed, Lord’s Prayer, and Ten Commandments for the benefit of his readers and their flocks.To help contemporary students and scholars understand fully the Handbook’s richness as a historical source, the introduction situates it within the intellectual milieu of late medieval Christianity. Guido is well acquainted with the vagaries of real life in a parish and a sense of compassion underlies his directives. Evidence of readers’ hands-on engagement abounds in the annotations that were written in the book’s margins. Examination of both the content of such comments and their location within the text suggests how Guido’s readers sought to translate his advice into practice.
Elsevier Masson SAS Essentials for Nursing Practice
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Nature and Psychology: Biological, Cognitive, Developmental, and Social Pathways to Well-being
This volume is comprised of contributions to the 67th Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, which brought together various research disciplines such as psychology, education, health sciences, natural resources, environmental studies to investigate the ways in which nature influences cognition, health, human behavior, and well-being. The symposium is positioned to explore two proposed mechanisms in the most depth: 1) the psycho-evolutionary theory of stress recovery and 2) Attention Restoration Theory. The contributions in the volume represent research guided by both of these posited mechanisms, rigorously examine these theories and processes, and share methodological innovations that can be utilized across programs of research. This volume will be of great interest to researchers on natural environments, practitioners and clinicians working with an environmental lens at the intersection of psychology, social work, education and the health sciences, as well as researchers and students in environmental and conservation psychology. Chapter 5 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth: A Research Perspective
Women?s entrepreneurship research and the understanding of factors influencing the growth of women-owned business have advanced significantly over the last decade. Yet, challenges remain. Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth provides wide-ranging insights on the challenges that women entrepreneurs face growing their businesses and how these may be addressed. This volume is rooted in research and considers growth challenges, provoking thought and enriching the current literature on gender and entrepreneurship. Part I highlights how contextual factors, and especially social and familial settings of entrepreneurs, have a differential impact on men and women. Part II examines strategies, constraints and enablers of growth and performance. The authors aptly demonstrate that a well-focused gender lens is necessary to better explain the phenomenon of women?s entrepreneurship. Extending previous studies about women?s entrepreneurship, this volume is unique in its application of research from the Diana Project, a path-breaking initiative dating from 1999 to study female entrepreneurial success. Contributions from an international cast of authors make this a comprehensive and broadly appealing reference work.Lending a fresh perspective to the field, this book will serve not only as a learning tool and teaching implement but will cultivate further progress in women?s entrepreneurship. As such, it is ideally suited for students and scholars of entrepreneurship and women?s studies, policy-makers, economic development analysts and gender researchers.
Kogan Page Ltd Take the Lead: How Women Leaders are Driving Success through Innovation
The business world is in need of more powerful and insightful female leaders. Discover the strategies and inspiration you need to Take the Lead. Only 26% of leadership positions in business are occupied by women. This book explores how we can close this prevailing gender gap before offering practical strategies on how you can Take the Lead as a business leader. Combining academic rigour with corporate expertise, this book features first-hand research and interviews with female leaders within global organizations to offer the strategies and insights that will propel you to success. From managing conflict and building confidence to growing your network and shaping your career, Take the Lead offers the strategies and inspiration you need to boost your leadership skills and establish yourself as a successful and influential changemaker.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Aid to the MRCP PACES, Volume 3: Station 5
An Aid to the MRCP PACES Volume 3: Station 5 is a brand new, fully updated edition of the best-selling PACES revision guide to address the newest Station, covering Integrated Clinical Assessment, with content guided by the experiences of PACES candidates.The cases and scenarios have been written in accordance with the latest examining and marking schemes used for the exam providing an invaluable training and revision aid for all MRCP PACES candidates.In order to fully support candidates taking the exam, this trilogy of best-selling revision aids is now presented as:An Aid to the MRCP PACES Volume 1: Stations 1 and 3, Fourth Edition9780470655092An Aid to the MRCP PACES Volume 2: Stations 2 and 4, Fourth Edition9780470655184An Aid to the MRCP PACES Volume 3: Station 5, Fourth Edition9781118348055
Fordham University Press Gestures: The Study of Religion as Practice
This concluding volume of the Future of the Religious Past series approaches contemporary religion through the lens of practice: the rituals, performances, devotions, and everyday acts through which humans do religion. In spite of predictions about the inevitability of secularism, religion in the twenty-first century remains stubbornly resilient, and Gestures: The Study of Religion as Practice offers a new vantage point from which to see the religious as a category shaped and reshaped by modernity and to encounter religion not as something bounded by doctrines and sacred texts but as lived experience. Twenty-four globally based scholars look to practice to examine such diverse phenomena as human rights, memory, martyrdom, dress and fashion, colonial legacies, blasphemy, mass political action, and the future of secularism.
University Press of Florida The Materialization of Time in the Ancient Maya World: Mythic History and Ritual Order
New understandings of how Maya people expressed timekeeping in daily lifeThis book discusses the range of ways the ancient Maya people made time tangible through their architecture, arts, writing, beliefs, and practices. These chapters show how the Maya incorporated cyclicality and expanded dimensionality into the built environment, embedding notions of time in shared political and economic institutions, religious and philosophical traditions, and mythology.Beginning several millennia ago, the Maya observed and calculated the solar year cycle and scheduled collective activities that integrated cities, towns, and villages over great distances. Their timekeeping approaches evolved from commemorative ceremonial architectural complexes starting around 1000 BCE to the formal public inscription of calendar jubilees on stone monuments, the use of calendar almanacs, written prophetic and historical accounts, and the customs of modern priest shamans. Contributors to this volume discuss everyday examples of how the Maya kept time through these practices, including divining with snail shells, laying out center designs with creation stories and star patterns, singing those stories while drinking from vases depicting mythic history, and embedding symbolic temporal deposits within their buildings and living areas. This comprehensive volume includes analyses of groundbreaking recent discoveries, such as the early center of Aguada Fénix and the connections it shows between Maya and Olmec timekeeping. By sharing how the Maya crafted a cosmological sense of time into their daily lives, The Materialization of Time in the Ancient Maya World addresses and rethinks the most famous intellectual feature of this civilization.A volume in the series Maya Studies, edited by Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Suggestibility in Legal Contexts: Psychological Research and Forensic Implications
A comprehensive survey of the theory, research and forensic implications related to suggestibility in legal contexts that includes the latest research. Provides a useful digest for academics and a trusted text for students of forensic and applied psychology A vital resource for legal practitioners who need to familiarize themselves with the subject Includes practical suggestions for minimizing witness suggestibility in interviews Features topics that focus on suggestibility at each stage - from witnessing a crime through to trial
Elsevier Health Sciences Osborn's Brain
Combining informative, meticulously crafted prose with more than 4,000 high-quality images, Osborn's Brain, third edition, is a comprehensive, easy to understand, and visually stunning learning curriculum from highly esteemed author Dr. Anne G. Osborn. This fully revised edition provides a solid framework for understanding the complex subject of brain imaging, integrating relevant information from Dr. Osborn's entire career of accumulated knowledge, experience, and interest in neuropathology, neurosurgery, and clinical neurosciences. While neuroradiologists will find intriguing, thought-provoking insights included especially for them in every chapter, Osborn's Brain is an excellent review resource for physicians at all levels of expertise-from seasoned radiologists and neurosurgeons to new and senior residents or fellows. Combines essential anatomy with gross pathology and imaging, clearly demonstrating why and how diseases appear the way they do and helping readers think clearly about diagnoses, types of diagnoses, and the various pathologies that can affect the brain Guides readers through the "must know aspects of neuroimaging and neuropathology (brain trauma, stroke, vascular lesions, etc.) before zeroing in on such topics as infections, demyelinating and inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, toxic-metabolic-degenerative disorders, and congenital brain malformations Provides state-of-the-art coverage on such topics as new brain tumor entities, the effects of emerging viral illness such as COVID-19 on the brain, and recently delineated/named diseases (e.g., HIV-associated CD8 encephalitis) Features more than 4,000 stunning, high-resolution radiologic images and 100+ detailed, full-color medical illustrations, all of which are annotated to describe the most clinically significant features; and includes robust, digital-only galleries that contain hundreds of additional images that further illustrate each chapter Includes up-to-date nomenclature based on the 5th edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors, Central Nervous System, including a complete revision, expansion, and updating of CNS neoplasms with new entities, revised grading criteria, diagnostic molecular pathology, and nomenclature Contains Dr. Osborn's trademark summary boxes for a quick review of essential facts, signature graphics with additional radiological and pathologic correlations, and up-to-the-minute literature references Includes an eBook version?that enables you to access all text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Imaging Anatomy Brain and Spine
This richly illustrated and superbly organized text/atlas is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Written by global leaders in the field, Imaging Anatomy: Brain and Spine provides a thorough understanding of the detailed normal anatomy that underlies contemporary imaging. This must-have reference employs a templated, highly formatted design; concise, bulleted text; and state-of- the-art images throughout that identify the clinical entities in each anatomic area. Features more than 2,500 high-resolution images throughout, including 7T MR, fMRI, diffusion tensor MRI, and multidetector row CT images in many planes, combined with over 300 correlative full-color anatomic drawings that show human anatomy in the projections that radiologists use. Covers only the brain and spine, presenting multiplanar normal imaging anatomy in all pertinent modalities for an unsurpassed, comprehensive point-of-care clinical reference. Incorporates recent, stunning advances in imaging such as 7T and functional MR imaging, surface and segmented anatomy, single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans, dopamine transporter (DAT) scans, and 3D quantitative volumetric scans. Places 7T MR images alongside 3T MR images to highlight the benefits of using 7T MR imaging as it becomes more widely available in the future. Presents essential text in an easy-to-digest, bulleted format, enabling imaging specialists to find quick answers to anatomy questions encountered in daily practice. Includes the Expert ConsultT version of the book, allowing you to search all the text, figures, and references on a variety of devices.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Study Guide for Essentials for Nursing Practice
Corresponding to the chapters in Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition, Study Guide for Essentials for Nursing Practice reinforces your understanding of key nursing ideas. Each chapter includes a Preliminary Reading, Case Study questions, a Chapter Review, Study Group Questions, and directions to help you create your own personalized Study Chart for the chapter. In addition, each Chapter Review includes many different kinds of questions to keep learning the material interactive and fun! Answers and rationales included on the Essentials for Nursing Practice Evolve Each chapter includes a case study with related questions allowing students to apply what they've learned. Chapter review questions include matching, short answer, multiple choice, and true/false questions provide students with evaluation and test-taking practice. Study group questions make it easier for students to review material with their peers site. Skills performance checklists help you measure your mastery of important nursing procedures. Study charts in select chapters helps provide focus and structure for students reviewing the material and key concepts. NEW! Content completely updated to match Nursing Essentials 9th Edition. NEW! Chapter on Complementary and Alternative Therapies, addresses content that is now included on the NCLEX® exam. NEW! Preliminary Readings sections provide you with an easy reference point to the related text chapter.
Royal Society of Chemistry Bio-inspired Materials and Sensing Systems
Can scientists and engineers replicate Nature and develop systems that operate in extreme environments? Bio-inspiration is an established concept which is developing to meet the needs of the many challenges we face particularly in defence and security. This book explores the potential of bio-inspired materials and sensing systems together with examples of how they are being implemented. It is not an exhaustive study of the subject but provides an overview of how bio-inspired or -derived approaches can be used to enhance components, systems and systems of systems for defence and security applications. Readers will gain an awareness of the complexity and versatility of bio-inspired components as well as an understanding of how these technologies can be applied in a variety of operational scenarios. Consideration is given to using a conceptual model that can be deployed in distributed or autonomous operations. Using this model, bio-inspiration with behavioural science plays a major role in identification, movement, searching strategies and pattern recognition for chemical and biological detection. Examples focus on both learning new things from nature that have application to the defence and security areas and adapting known discoveries for practical use by these communities. This graduate level monograph provides an increased awareness of the need for more sophisticated, networked sensors and systems in the defence and security communities and will be of interest to both specialists in this area and science and technology generalists.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Skills Performance Checklists for Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques
Track your performance of clinical nursing skills with convenient checklists! Skills Performance Checklists makes it easy to document and assess your proficiency in all of the more than 200 skills and procedures presented in Perry & Potter's Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10th Edition text. Follow these checklists step by step, and mark the completion of each step. Perforated pages make it easy to submit your work to instructors for evaluation. It's an excellent tool for building and assessing essential nursing skills! More than 200 skills performance checklists are included, with step-by-step instructions for each of the basic, intermediate, and advanced nursing skills in the Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10th Edition textbook. Thorough and convenient documentation of skill mastery makes it easier to evaluate your performance of each skill. Perforated pages make it easy to submit forms to instructors during clinical skills lab. F NEW! Updated content ensures that each checklist reflects the latest accepted clinical practice.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Cloherty y Stark. Manual de neonatología
Práctico, informativo y fácil de leer, Cloherty y Stark. Manual de neonatología ofrece un enfoque actualizado del diagnóstico y el tratamiento médico de las condiciones y afecciones más frecuentes y complejas que se presentan en el recién nacido durante el periodo neonatal. Creado por expertos provenientes de los principales departamentos y programas de enseñanza de neonatología en Estados Unidos, y editado por los doctores Eichenwald, Hansen, Martin y Stark, este popular manual ha sido actualizado en su totalidad para reflejar los avances más recientes en el campo, proporcionando a los médicos de las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN), a los residentes de pediatría y neonatología, y al personal de enfermería neonatal una guía concisa y de acceso rápido a la información clave sobre la atención integral del neonato. Esta 9.ª edición describe los enfoques actuales y prácticos para la evaluación y el tratamiento de las afecciones del feto y neonato, tal como se practican en servicios clínicos que incluyen la atención prenatal y posnatal de lactantes con problemas médicos y quirúrgicos, tanto rutinarios como complejos. Además, incluye abundante contenido de apoyo para familiares del binomio neonatal: lactancia materna, cuidados del desarrollo, duelo y toma de decisiones, y dilemas éticos.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Families of Adults with Autism: Stories and Advice for the Next Generation
Families of Adults with Autism is a collection of real-life stories of people on the autism spectrum growing up, as told by their parents and siblings.The individual accounts explore the challenges that families of people with autism have faced, and the techniques they have used to improve the quality of their children's lives, from mega-doses of vitamins and dietary changes to intensive interaction. The contributors also relate how they have worked with their children or siblings to help them to function at their highest possible level, be it showing an awareness of their environment, holding down a full-time job in a local store, competing in the Special Olympics, or achieving international recognition as an artist.This book will offer practical and heartwarming advice to families who are affected by autism spectrum disorders, and provide insights for professionals working with people with ASDs.
Simon & Schuster Not All Princesses Dress in Pink
Celebrate girl power in this exuberant, mischievously illustrated picture book that shows little princesses that they can be whoever they want to be!Not all princesses dress in pink. Some play in bright red socks that stink, blue team jerseys that don’t quite fit, accessorized with a baseball mitt, and a sparkly crown! Princesses come in all kinds. Some jump in mud puddles and climb trees, play sports and make messes—all while wearing their tiaras! Not every girl has a passion for pink, but all young ladies will love this empowering affirmation of their importance and unlimited potential.
Aarhus University Press In-Between: Exploring Small Cracks of Everyday Life
In-Between: Exploring Small Cracks of Everyday Life is an anthology comprising contributions from a group of social scientists all preoccupied with the possibilities and potentials of working ethnographically. The chapters of the book investigates a range of small everyday life ‘cracks’ – a notion covering unnoticed, withdrawn and overlooked phenomena alike, and which designate the metaphorical interstices and in-betweens that influence and affect most aspects of everyday experience, the comprehensive field also subject to ethnographic inquiry. The chapters in the anthology are all based on original fieldwork and explore different cracks occurring in-between humans as well as in-between humans and non-human entities.A distinct element of the book as a whole is that it comprises experiments in terms of both ethnographic writing approaches as well as with the construction of analytical objects. The argument consistently going through the separate chapters, as well as through the volume in entirety, is that the many wondrous, mysterious, odd and puzzling phenomena encountered in everyday life are not necessarily grasped best by the application of strictly rational and rigorous academic approaches. To the contrary, and as the authors all demonstrate in their own manner, social science can also seek to fathom these sides of human existence with analytical explorations that are both sensitive, bold and infused with responsive and creative intensity.
Association for Scottish Literary Studies A Song of Glasgow Town: The Collected Poems of Marion Bernstein