Search results for ""author louise"
Penguin Books Ltd Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol.1
'This isn't just any cookery book. It is Mastering the Art of French Cooking, first published in 1961, and it's a book that is a statement, not of culinary intent, but of aspiration, a commitment to a certain sort of good life, a certain sort of world-view; a votive object implying taste and appetite and a little je ne sais quoi. Julia Child was like Amelia Earhart, or Eleanor Roosevelt: she was a hero who'd gone out there and made a difference. Her books are a triumph, and also a trophy' A. A. Gill, The Times
Alfred A. Knopf Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1: A Cookbook
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Grain Boundaries and Crystalline Plasticity
The main purpose of this book is to put forward the fundamental role of grain boundaries in the plasticity of crystalline materials. To understand this role requires a multi-scale approach to plasticity: starting from the atomic description of a grain boundary and its defects, moving on to the elemental interaction processes between dislocations and grain boundaries, and finally showing how the microscopic phenomena influence the macroscopic behaviors and constitutive laws. It involves bringing together physical, chemical and mechanical studies. The investigated properties are: deformation at low and high temperature, creep, fatigue and rupture.
Roaring Brook Press Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Legendary icon Muhammad Ali, known worldwide as "The Greatest", immortalized those words by becoming one of the most significant and celebrated athletes of the 20th Century. Now, his epic story is retold for the next generation as a stunning graphic novel. Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali chronicles Ali's journey from humble beginnings as Cassius Clay in Louiseville, Kentucky to his meteoric rise to Olympian and Heavyweight Champion of the world. Bringing readers through major moments of his life, this graphic biography pays reverent tribute to Ali the fighter, the poet, and the inspiration he quickly became.
WW Norton & Co Thomas Mann: New Selected Stories
A towering figure in the pantheon of twentieth-century literature, Thomas Mann has often been perceived as a dry and forbidding writer—“the starched collar,” as Bertolt Brecht once called him. But in fact, his fiction is lively, humane, sometimes hilarious. In these fresh renderings of his best short work, award-winning translator Damion Searls casts new light on this underappreciated aspect of Mann’s genius. The headliner of this volume, “Chaotic World and Childhood Sorrow” (in its first new translation since 1936)—a subtle masterpiece that reveals the profound emotional significance of everyday life—is Mann’s tender but sharp-eyed portrait of the “Bigs” and “Littles” of the bourgeois Cornelius family as they adjust to straitened circumstances in hyperinflationary Weimar Germany. Here, too, is a free-standing excerpt from Mann’s first novel, Buddenbrooks—a sensation when it was first published. “Death in Venice” (also included in this volume) is Mann’s most famous story, but less well known is that he intended it to be a diptych with another, comic story—included here as “Confessions of a Con Artist, by Felix Krull.” “Louisey”—a tale of sexual humiliation that gives a first glimpse of Mann’s lifelong ambivalence about the power of art—rounds out this revelatory, transformative collection.
Roaring Brook Press Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali
'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.' Legendary icon Muhammad Ali, known worldwide as 'The Greatest', immortalised those words by becoming one of the most significant and celebrated athletes of the 20th Century. Now, his epic story is retold for the next generation as a stunning graphic novel. Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali chronicles Ali's journey from humble beginnings as Cassius Clay in Louiseville, Kentucky to his meteoric rise to Olympian and Heavyweight Champion of the world. Bringing readers through major moments of his life, this graphic biography pays reverent tribute to Ali the fighter, the poet, and the inspiration he quickly became.
Abrams Under the Sign of the Moon
A gastronomic exploration of Mirazur, the “best restaurant in the world,” and the creative vision of chef Mauro Colagreco. Step into the magical and delicious world of chef Mauro Colagreco’s Mirazur, the three-Michelin–starred restaurant situated along the French Riviera at the foot of the mountains and overlooking the sea. Colagreco’s much-lauded cuisine takes its inspiration from the natural world and the terroir surrounding Mirazur; his personal garden, which brims with aromatic herbs and fragrant citrus trees just across from the restaurant; his Italian Argentinian heritage; and his background training with leading French chefs Bernard Louiseau, Alain Passard, Alain Ducasse, and Guy Martin. More than just a cookbook, Mauro and Laura Colagreco’s Mirazur: Under the Sign of the Moon unearths the chef’s unique vision and earth-honoring philosophy for food. The sustainable gastronomy transla
The University of Chicago Press Hooked
How does a novel entice or enlist us? How does a song surprise or seduce us? Why do we bristle when a friend belittles a book we love, or fall into a funk when a favored TV series comes to an end? What characterizes the aesthetic experiences of feeling captivated by works of art? In Hooked, Rita Felski challenges the ethos of critical aloofness that is a part of modern intellectuals' self-image. The result is sure to be as widely read as Felski's book, The Limits of Critique. Wresting the language of affinity away from accusations of sticky sentiment and manipulative marketing, Felski argues that being hooked is as fundamental to the appreciation of high art as to the enjoyment of popular culture. Hooked zeroes in on three attachment devices that connect audiences to works of art: identification, attunement, and interpretation. Drawing on examples from literature, film, music, and paintingfrom Joni Mitchell to Matisse, from Thomas Bernhard to Thelma and LouiseFelski brings the langu
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Lipid Signaling in Plants
Phospholipidshavelongbeenknownfortheirkeyroleinmaintainingthebilayer structureofmembranesandinphysicallyseparatingthecytosolfromorganelles andtheextracellularspace. Inthepastdecade,acompletelynovelandunexpected functionemerged,full?llingacrucialroleincellsignaling. Itwasthediscoveryin animalcells,thatagonist-activatedcellsurfacereceptorsledtotheactivationofa phospholipase C (PLC), to hydrolyze the minor lipid, phosphatidylinositol 4- bisphosphateintotwosecondmessengers,inositol1,4,5-trisphosphate(InsP)and 3 2+ diacylglycerol(DAG). WhileInsP diffusesintothecytosol,whereitreleasesCa 3 2+ from an intracellular store by activating a ligand-gated Ca -channel, DAG remainsinthemembranetorecruitandactivatemembersoftheproteinkinase Cfamily. Overtheyears,avarietyofotherlipidbased-signalingcascadesweredisc- ered. Theseinclude,phospholipaseA,generatinglyso-phospholipidsandfreefatty acids(tobeconvertedintoprostaglandinsandleukotrienes),phospholipaseD,to generatethelipidsecondmessenger,phosphatidicacid(PA),andphosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), generating a distinct set of polyphosphoinositides (PPI) ph- phorylated at the D3-position of the inositol ring, all with separate signaling functions. Sphingolipids,representinganotherimportantgroupofsignalinglipids, alsocameacross. Themajorityoftheselipid-basedsignalingpathwayshavebeendiscoveredin plantcellstoo. Moreover,theyhavebeenfoundtobeactivatedinresponsetoa widevarietyofbioticandabioticstresssignals,butalsotobebasicallyinvolvedin plantgrowthanddevelopment. Whilemanyoftheenzymes,lipids,andtheirtargets involved arewell conserved, major differences with the mammalian paradigms havealsoemerged. Thisbookhighlightsthecurrentstatusofplantlipidsignaling. Allchaptershave beenwrittenbyexpertsinthe?eldandcoverinformationforbothbeginnersand advancedlipidologists. PartIincludesphospholipases(Chaps. 1-3),partII,lipid kinases (Chaps. 4-7), part III, lipid phosphatases (Chaps. 8-9), part IV, ix x Preface inositolphosphates and PPI metabolism (Chaps. 10-13), part V, PA signaling (Chaps. 14-17),andpartVI,additionallipidsignals,e. g. oxylipins,NAPEand sphingolipids(Chaps18-20). Ithasbeenagreatpleasuretobetheeditorofthis bookandtobeawitnessofthislipid-signalingadventure. Amsterdam,June2009 TeunMunnik Contents PartI Phospholipases PhospholipaseAinPlantSignalTransduction...3 Gu..ntherF. E. Scherer TheEmergingRolesofPhospholipaseCinPlantGrowth andDevelopment...23 PeterE. DowdandSimonGilroy PlantPhospholipaseD...39 WenhuaZhang,XiaoboWan,YueyunHong,WeiqiLi,andXueminWang PartII Kinases Phosphatidylinositol4-PhosphateisRequiredforTip GrowthinArabidopsisthaliana ...65 AmyL. SzumlanskiandErikNielsen PIP-KinasesasKeyRegulatorsofPlantFunction ...79 TillIschebeckandIngoHeilmann PlantPhosphatidylinositol3-Kinase...95 YureeLee,TeunMunnik,andYoungsookLee DiacylglycerolKinase...107 StevenA. AriszandTeunMunnik xi xii Contents PartIII Phosphatases SignalingandthePolyphosphoinositidePhosphatasesfromPlants ...117 GlendaE. Gillaspy PhosphatidicAcidPhosphatasesinSeedPlants...131 YukiNakamuraandHiroyukiOhta PartIV PPIMetabolism InsP inPlantCells ...145 3 YangJuIm,BrianQPhillippy,andImaraYPerera InositolPolyphosphatesandKinases...161 JillStevenson-PaulikandBrianQ. Phillippy PhosphoinositidesandPlantCellWallSynthesis ...175 RuiqinZhong,RyanL. McCarthy,andZheng-HuaYe ImagingLipidsinLivingPlants ...185 JoopE. M. VermeerandTeunMunnik PartV PASignaling PhosphatidicAcid:AnElectrostatic/Hydrogen-BondSwitch?...2 03 EdgarEduardKooijmanandChristaTesterink NitricOxideandPhosphatidicAcidSignalinginPlants...223 AyelenM. Diste'fano,M. LucianaLanteri,ArjentenHave, CarlosGarc?'a-Mata,LorenzoLamattina,andAnaM. Laxalt 3-Phosphoinositide-DependentProteinKinaseisaSwitchboard fromSignalingLipidstoProteinPhosphorylationCascades...243 ChristineZalejskiandLa'szlo'Bo..gre PartVI AdditionalLipidSignals DiacylglycerolPyrophosphate,ANovelPlantSignalingLipid...263 EmmanuelleJeannette,SophieParadis,andChristineZalejski OxylipinSignalingandPlantGrowth...277 AlinaMosblech,IvoFeussner,andIngoHeilmann Contents xiii FattyAcidAmideHydrolaseandtheMetabolismof N-AcylethanolamineLipidMediatorsinPlants...293 KentD. ChapmanandElisonB. Blanca?or SphingolipidSignalinginPlants...307 LouiseV. MichaelsonandJohnathanA. Napier Index ...323 Contributors Steven A. Arisz Section Plant Physiology, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences,UniversityofAmsterdam,SciencePark904,NL-1098XH,Amsterdam, TheNetherlands ElisonB. Blanca?or SamuelRobertsNobleFoundation,PlantBiologyDivision, Ardmore,OK73401,USA,eblanca?or@noble.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Statistical Analysis of Time Series
The Wiley Classics Library consists of selected books that havebecome recognized classics in their respective fields. With thesenew unabridged and inexpensive editions, Wiley hopes to extend thelife of these important works by making them available to futuregenerations of mathematicians and scientists. Currently availablein the Series: T. W. Anderson Statistical Analysis of Time SeriesT. S. Arthanari & Yadolah Dodge Mathematical Programming inStatistics Emil Artin Geometric Algebra Norman T. J. Bailey TheElements of Stochastic Processes with Applications to the NaturalSciences George E. P. Box & George C. Tiao Bayesian Inferencein Statistical Analysis R. W. Carter Simple Groups of Lie TypeWilliam G. Cochran & Gertrude M. Cox Experimental Designs,Second Edition Richard Courant Differential and Integral Calculus,Volume I Richard Courant Differential and Integral Calculus, VolumeII Richard Courant & D. Hilbert Methods of MathematicalPhysics, Volume I Richard Courant & D. Hilbert Methods ofMathematical Physics, Volume II D. R. Cox Planning of ExperimentsHarold M. S. Coxeter Introduction to Modern Geometry, SecondEdition Charles W. Curtis & Irving Reiner Representation Theoryof Finite Groups and Associative Algebras Charles W. Curtis &Irving Reiner Methods of Representation Theory with Applications toFinite Groups and Orders, Volume I Charles W. Curtis & IrvingReiner Methods of Representation Theory with Applications to FiniteGroups and Orders, Volume II Bruno de Finetti Theory ofProbability, Volume 1 Bruno de Finetti Theory of Probability,Volume 2 W. Edwards Deming Sample Design in Business Research Amosde Shalit & Herman Feshbach Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Volume1 --Nuclear Structure J. L. Doob Stochastic Processes NelsonDunford & Jacob T. Schwartz Linear Operators, Part One, GeneralTheory Nelson Dunford & Jacob T. Schwartz Linear Operators,Part Two, Spectral Theory--Self Adjoint Operators in Hilbert SpaceNelson Dunford & Jacob T. Schwartz Linear Operators, PartThree, Spectral Operators Herman Fsehbach Theoretical NuclearPhysics: Nuclear Reactions Bernard Friedman Lectures onApplications-Oriented Mathematics Gerald d. Hahn & Samuel S.Shapiro Statistical Models in Engineering Morris H. Hansen, WilliamN. Hurwitz & William G. Madow Sample Survey Methods and Theory,Volume I--Methods and Applications Morris H. Hansen, William N.Hurwitz & William G. Madow Sample Survey Methods and Theory,Volume II--Theory Peter Henrici Applied and Computational ComplexAnalysis, Volume 1--Power Series--lntegration--ConformalMapping--Location of Zeros Peter Henrici Applied and ComputationalComplex Analysis, Volume 2--Special Functions--IntegralTransforms--Asymptotics--Continued Fractions Peter Henrici Appliedand Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 3--Discrete FourierAnalysis--Cauchy Integrals--Construction of ConformalMaps--Univalent Functions Peter Hilton & Yel-Chiang Wu A Coursein Modern Algebra Harry Hochetadt Integral Equations Erwin O.Kreyezig Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications WilliamH. Louisell Quantum Statistical Properties of Radiation All HasanNayfeh Introduction to Perturbation Techniques Emanuel ParzenModern Probability Theory and Its Applications P.M. Prenter Splinesand Variational Methods Walter Rudin Fourier Analysis on Groups C.L. Siegel Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume I--EllipticFunctions and Uniformization Theory C. L. Siegel Topics in ComplexFunction Theory, Volume II--Automorphic and Abelian integrals C. LSiegel Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume III--AbelianFunctions & Modular Functions of Several Variables J. J. StokerDifferential Geometry J. J. Stoker Water Waves: The MathematicalTheory with Applications J. J. Stoker Nonlinear Vibrations inMechanical and Electrical Systems