Search results for ""de gruyter""
De Gruyter Objekte des Krieges: Präsenz & Repräsentation
Military objects are popular items in literature and the fine arts, and have often been elaborately designed. However, the discussion of the artistic aspects of militaria is not only based on the relationship between the real, present artefact and the objects represented in the respective medium.The material properties, handling, and cultural inscriptions of the historic artefacts are often the basis of complex artistic redesigns and transformations, which in turn release the potential for the design of military artefacts. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, the book is devoted to the dichotomous condition of objects of war and their representation in art and literature.
De Gruyter Museum – Exhibition – Cultural Heritage / Museum – Ausstellung – Kulturelles Erbe: Changing Perspectives from China to Europe / Blickwechsel zwischen China und Europa
From the 18th century onwards, the museum as an institution has seen an upsurge which especially in Europe and in China has led to new creations and to the redesigning of established facilities in recent years. Simultaneously, the scholarly reflection on exhibitions has become an academic discipline in its own right. The term and the phenomenon of cultural heritage, being a seemingly counter-directed movement between local, regional and national reference points on the one hand and global sites representing the entire heritage of humankind on the other, compose the background music to a recent cultural evolution labelled glocalization. The essays shed light on the complex developments by taking different perspectives and elaborating the present situation by means of contemporary examples.
De Gruyter Archive für Literatur
De Gruyter Praxishandbuch Nachlassinsolvenzverfahren
De Gruyter Bilder als Denkformen: Bildwissenschaftliche Dialoge zwischen Japan und Deutschland
Die deutschsprachige Bildwissenschaft hat in Japan große Resonanz gefunden, die allerdings weitestgehend auf das heimische Publikum beschränkt geblieben ist. Fragestellungen um die bildliche Gestaltung von „Natur", „Kunst" und „Wissen" haben dabei eine eigene kulturelle Note erhalten, die durch den japanischen Verständnishorizont geprägt ist. Hinzu kommt eine unbefangene Einbeziehung der Neurologie, wie sie sich in Deutschland bisher nicht durchsetzen konnte. Bilder als Denkformen versammelt erstmals übersetzte Textbeiträge zur europäischen Kulturgeschichte und empirischen Ästhetik, die ausgewählten deutschen Positionen gegenübergestellt sind. Die Bildwissenschaft wird hierbei als gemeinsamer methodischer Rahmen diskutiert, der kulturelle Perspektiven sichtbar machen soll, ohne experimentelle Erkenntnisse auszuschließen.
De Gruyter 2018/2019
De Gruyter Cmr
De Gruyter Episcopal Networks in Late Antiquity: Connection and Communication Across Boundaries
Recent studies on the development of early Christianity emphasize the fragmentation of the late ancient world while paying less attention to a distinctive feature of the Christianity of this time which is its inter-connectivity. Both local and trans-regional networks of interaction contributed to the expansion of Christianity in this age of fragmentation. This volume investigates a specific aspect of this inter-connectivity in the area of the Mediterranean by focusing on the formation and operation of episcopal networks. The rise of the bishop as a major figure of authority resulted in an increase in long-distance communication among church elites coming from different geographical areas and belonging to distinct ecclesiastical and theological traditions. Locally, the bishops in their roles as teachers, defenders of faith, patrons etc. were expected to interact with individuals of diverse social background who formed their congregations and with secular authorities. Consequently, this volume explores the nature and quality of various types of episcopal relationships in Late Antiquity attempting to understand how they were established, cultivated and put to use across cultural, linguistic, social and geographical boundaries.
De Gruyter Portable Moving Images: A Media History of Storage Formats
This media history explores a series of portable small cameras, playback devices, and storage units that have made the production of film and video available to everyone. Covering several storage formats from 8mm films of the 1900s, through the analogue videotapes of the 1970s, to the compression algorithms of the 2000s, this work examines the effects that the shrinkage of complex machines, media formats, and processing operations has had on the dissemination of moving images. Using an archaeological approach to technical standards of media, the author provides a genealogy of portable storage formats for film, analog video, and digitally encoded video. This book is a step forward in decoding the storage media formats, which up to now have been the domain of highly specialised technicians.
de Gruyter Strafvollzugsgesetze: Bund Und Länder
De Gruyter Ikonische Formprozesse: Zur Philosophie des Unbestimmten in Bildern
Unbestimmtheit in Bildern ist widerständige Störung. Subtile Schattierungen eines sich verbreitenden und stärker werdenden Farbtons oder die brandversehrte Oberfläche einer Bronze erzeugen Effekte abseits des Schauplatzes künstlerischer Intention. Die Genese des Bildes im Werk- wie auch im Wahrnehmungsprozess ist immer auch ein Rückgang ins Unbestimmte. Die Beiträge des Bandes diskutieren den Begriff "ikonische Formprozesse" und überprüfen ihn an Artefakten: er umfasst jene Phänomene, die Übergänge zwischen natürlichen und symbolischen Formen herstellen. In der Wirksamkeit von Kunstwerken zeigt sich diese Kontinuität; sie halten die in sie investierte vorsymbolische Qualität in besonderem Maße virulent. Das Buch liefert so Bausteine zu einer Theorie ikonischer Formprozesse.
De Gruyter Dynamis of the Image: Moving Images in a Global World
Images are not neutral conveyors of messages shipped around the globe to achieve globalized spectatorship. They are powerful forces that elicit very diverse responses and can resist new visual hegemonies of our global world. Bringing together case studies from the field of media, art, politics, religion, anthropology and science, this volume breaks new ground by reflecting on the very power of images beyond their medial exploitation. The contributions by Hans Belting, Susan Buck-Morss, Georges Didi-Huberman, W.J.T. Mitchell, and Ticio Escobar among others testify that globalization does not necessarily equal homogenization, and that images can open up alternative ways of picturing what is to come.
De Gruyter Raw Flows. Fluid Mattering in Arts and Research
The word ‘fluid’ describes a phenomenon as well as a material property. Of special interest is how aspects of fluidity influence the active and direct handling of materials and how its special characteristics are expressed in experimental practices and thinking patterns. The motivation for focusing on fluidity as a prerequisite for ‘becoming’ and the nature of processes originated from the art-based ‘Liquid Things’ research project. As this subject covers a very wide spectrum, the approach was modified to allow the participation of several disciplines; the book draws on the philosophy of science, hydrodynamics, and the cultural sciences, and focuses on the role of fluidity in cognitive and experience processes with the aim of establishing a grammar of ‘movable’ materials.
de Gruyter Kant-Lexikon: Studienausgabe
De Gruyter Tomb – Memory – Space: Concepts of Representation in Premodern Christian and Islamic Art
From an intercultural perspective, this book focuses on aesthetic strategies and forms of representation in premodern Christian and Islamic sepulchral art. Seeing the tomb as an interface for eschatological, political, and artistic debate, the contributions analyze the diversity of memorial space configurations. The subjects range from the complex interaction between architecture and tomb topography through to questions relating to the funereal expression of power and identity, and to practices of ritual realization in the context of individual and collective memory.
De Gruyter Höfische Bäder in der Frühen Neuzeit: Gestalt und Funktion
Trotz Miasmen-Angst und Sittenstrenge war das Bad stets ein fester Bestandteil der frühneuzeitlichen Hofkultur, der bislang nicht umfassend untersucht wurde. Die Beiträge widmen sich Architektur, Ausstattung und Funktion von Schlossbädern seit der italienischen Renaissance bis zur Französischen Revolution. Komplexe ikonographische Deutungen und vielfältige Antikenbezüge in Architektur und Ausstattung veranschaulichen den hohen Anspruch des höfischen Bades. Neben noch bestehenden oder rekonstruierbaren Räumen geht es ebenso um Badedarstellungen in den Bildkünsten, wie etwa in den Gemälden der Dames au bain. Im Fokus steht die Rolle des Bades hinsichtlich eines bestimmten Verständnisses von Herrschaft oder höfischen und adeligen Lebens, eines Machtanspruchs und dessen Legitimierung.
De Gruyter Handbuch Literatur & Philosophie
De Gruyter Privatrechtsdogmatik Im 21. Jahrhundert: Festschrift Für Claus-Wilhelm Canaris Zum 80. Geburtstag
De Gruyter Margot Pilz - Meilensteine / Milestones: Von der performativen Fotografie zur digitalen Feldforschung / From Performative Photography to Digital Field Studies
Margot Pilz gehört zu den Konzept- und MedienkünstlerInnen der ersten Stunde. Bereits ihre frühen fotografischen Arbeiten zeigen einen experimentellen und performativen Ansatz. Konzeptuell ist das Werk durch die avantgardistische Szene der 1960er- und 1970er-Jahre geprägt. Die Bedeutung ihrer performativen Arbeiten in der Fotografie als auch ihre Vorreiterrolle im Bereich der Neuen Medien und der digitalen Kunst werden hier erstmals dargestellt. Als eine der ersten Künstlerinnen verwendet sie den Computer in ihren Arbeiten. Margot Pilz ist eine Grenzgängerin, die in ihrem Werk wagemutig neue Techniken und Materialien auslotet und gesellschaftliche Tabus und Stereotypen aufzeigt. Radikal, aktionistisch und feministisch, selbstbestimmt sind Charakteristika ihrer Biographie und ihres Werkes.
De Gruyter §§ 724-802l
De Gruyter Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe
This handbook comprises an in-depth presentation of the state of the art in word-formation. The five volumes contain 207 articles written by leading international scholars. The XVI chapters of the handbook provide the reader, in both general articles and individual studies, with a wide variety of perspectives: word-formation as a linguistic discipline (history of science, theoretical concepts), units and processes in word-formation, rules and restrictions, semantics and pragmatics, foreign word-formation, language planning and purism, historical word-formation, word-formation in language acquisition and aphasia, word-formation and language use, tools in word-formation research. The final chapter comprises 74 portraits of word-formation in the individual languages of Europe and offers an innovative perspective. These portraits afford the first overview of this kind and will prove useful for future typological research. This handbook will provide an essential reference for both advanced students and researchers in word-formation and related fields within linguistics.
De Gruyter 40 Years World Heritage Convention Popularizing the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage Heritage Studies 3
Since the adoption of the World Heritage Convention in 1972, the notion that cultural and natural heritage need to be protected and properly utilized has gained popularity. This title discusses these developments and suggests potential solutions in order to deal with such unintended trends.
De Gruyter Praktische Kindergastroenterologie
De Gruyter Hermeneutik des Gesichts: Das Bildnis im Blick aktueller Forschung
The portrait has been characterized as an art-form of contradictions since its very beginnings to the art of today. The genre is faced with the challenge of recording an individual and his or her character as a strictly specified object and, at the same time, of creating a work of art in its own right. Hence, various forms of portraiture are faced with an aesthetic conflict of solutions that oscillate between similarity to the subject and greatly abstracted works of invention. This volume collects the contributions of the homonymous "International Warburg College" of the University of Hamburg and is dedicated to the genre of portraiture across various media as well as its entire thematic range. Case studies by international authors examine the broad range of issues involved in this genre: from the exploration of the individual in the portrait, to the political function of the genre; from the stylization of the individual to mask, role, and type; and to the artists' strategies of presentation in the self-portrait.
De Gruyter Introduction to English Linguistics
The new and updated third edition of this highly successful textbook contains an additional chapter that presents modern empirical research methods in the form of exemplary small-scale studies. In these projects the authors invite the reader to develop and address research questions from phonetics/phonology, morphology and syntax. The pertinent experimental and corpus-linguistic techniques are introduced and students are familiarized with some basic statistical tools necessary for the analysis of the data.The major difference between this book and its potential competitors lies in its hands-on didactic orientation, with a strong focus on linguistic analysis and argumentation. Language and linguistic theory are approached from a strictly empirical perspective: given a certain set of data to be accounted for, theoretical and methodological problems must be solved in order to analyze and understand the data properly. The book is not written from the perspective of a particular theoretical framework and draws on insights from various research traditions. Introduction to English Linguistics concentrates on gaining expertise and analytical skills in the traditional core areas of linguistics, i.e. phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. The chapter on "Extensions and applications" widens the perspective to other areas of linguistic research, such as historical, socio- and psycholinguistics. Each chapter is accompanied by exercises and suggestions for further reading. A glossary and an index facilitate access to terms and topics.
De Gruyter Designing Adaptive Virtual Worlds
Designing adaptive virtual worlds takes the design of places for education, entertainment, online communities, business, and cultural activities in 3D virtual worlds to a new level. The place metaphor provides a rich source of styles and examples for designing in 3D virtual worlds. This book is one of the first design books in the field showing how those styles can be captured in a design grammar so that unique places can be created through computational agents responding to the changing needs of the people in the virtual world. Applying the techniques introduced in this book has immediate implications on the design of games and functional places in existing virtual world platforms such as Second Life, OpenSim and Active Worlds as well as future virtual worlds in which the boundaries between digital and physical environments blur.
de Gruyter Pschyrembel Sozialmedizin Und Public Health
De Gruyter Verträge der Energiewirtschaft
De Gruyter Multilevel Models: Applications using SAS®
Interest in multilevel statistical models for social science and public health studies has been aroused dramatically since the mid-1980s. New multilevel modeling techniques are giving researchers tools for analyzing data that have a hierarchical or clustered structure. Multilevel models are now applied to a wide range of studies in sociology, population studies, education studies, psychology, economics, epidemiology, and public health. This book covers a broad range of topics about multilevel modeling. The goal of the authors is to help students and researchers who are interested in analysis of multilevel data to understand the basic concepts, theoretical frameworks and application methods of multilevel modeling. The book is written in non-mathematical terms, focusing on the methods and application of various multilevel models, using the internationally widely used statistical software, the Statistics Analysis System (SAS®). Examples are drawn from analysis of real-world research data. The authors focus on twolevel models in this book because it is most frequently encountered situation in real research. These models can be readily expanded to models with three or more levels when applicable. A wide range of linear and non-linear multilevel models are introduced and demonstrated.
De Gruyter Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
For more than 100 years the KLUGE has set the standard as dictionary with regard to the origin and history of words of the German language. The first edition was published in 1883, and since that time it has been continually updated and revised. The KLUGE traces the history of the origin and changes in meaning of approximately 13,000 German words and loanwords that entered German. The etymological dictionary is not only an invaluable aid for linguists and language historians, it is also a treasure trove for anyone interested in the etymological origins of our vocabulary. From Aal to Zypresse, the KLUGE provides comprehensive information on the origin and changes in form and meaning of all common German words, thus creating a “biography” for each word. In addition to the dictionary, KLUGE provides a concise introduction into the terminology of historical vocabulary research and an extensive bibliography on German etymology. The new KLUGE represents a unique source of knowledge. Furthermore, it is a reliable guide to the origins of the language we use daily, – surprising discoveries are guaranteed! The eBookPlus offers fine grained search criteria: headword, century of first documentation, words in foreign languages, literature references and full text. Completely in new official German orthography Represents current status of linguistic and etymological research Contains numerous new entries and articles With up-to-date references to every headword
De Gruyter Bundesberggesetz
De Gruyter Der Bilderatlas Mnemosyne
De Gruyter Selbstbetrachtungen: Griechisch - Deutsch
De Gruyter Die Nikomachische Ethik
De Gruyter Bilder der Macht: Venezianische Repräsentationsstrategien beim Staatsbesuch Heinrichs III. (1574)
Venedig war bereits im 16. Jahrhundert berühmt für seine prächtigen Feiern. Keinem anderen Staat war es gelungen, die Festkultur so erfolgreich zur Repräsentation politischer Macht und als Medium zur Imagekonzeption einzusetzen. Thema des Buches sind die Festlichkeiten zu Ehren Heinrichs III., der Venedig im Jahr 1574 besuchte. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sah sich die Republik gezwungen, ihre Stellung als christliche Macht neu zu definieren. Sie hatte zwar 1571 mit der Heiligen Liga einen Sieg gegen die Türken bei Lepanto errungen, schloss aber 1573 einen Separatfrieden mit dem Osmanischen Reich. Der Aufenthalt des französischen Königs wurde als aufwendiges „Multimediaspektakel“ inszeniert, mit dem vordergründig der Ehrengast gefeiert wurde, dessen wahre Funktion jedoch in der Glorifizierung und Legitimierung des venezianischen Staates lag. Evelyn Korsch analysiert die angewandten Repräsentationsstrategien anhand von nonverbalen Kommunikationsformen wie Ritualen, Bild- und Musikwerken sowie der Topographie. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Mittel, die Venedig zur Imagekonzeption und Prestigesteigerung einsetzte, modernen Marketingstrategien entsprechen.
De Gruyter Frühe Neuzeit
de Gruyter Thinking Queerly
De Gruyter Rural Revival
When most of their jobs disappear, how do communities survive? In the hard-hit area explored in this book the Bonavista Peninsula, on the island of Newfoundland many residents transitioned into everyday entrepreneurs such as restauranteurs. Rural Revival explains how these business owners developed a place rich in entrepreneurial capital. The author draws on six years of ethnographic fieldwork in the area: observations from listening, watching and learning with people in their everyday settings. Camera work opened doors to people's ventures and their lives. The many photographs in this book bring you deeply into a sense of presence among the people and their natural settings. To interpret the findings from fieldwork, the author draws on rural sociology and economic anthropology. He shows how people transformed the value of once-neglected things in the house economy into assets for tourists, leaving the market economy. He uses theories of cross-sector partnerships to show the ways in
De Gruyter Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolves around creating and utilizing intelligent machines through science and engineering. This book delves into the theory and practical applications of computer science methods that incorporate AI across many domains. It covers techniques such as Machine Learning (ML), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Deep Learning (DL), and Large Language Models (LLM) to tackle complex issues and overcome various challenges.
De Gruyter Thriving After Workplace Bullying
The targets of workplace bullies often suffer long after the bullying stops. Resentment, anger, emotional pain, and even physical ailments can prevent them from moving forward with their lives. How can people who have been bullied at work grow from victim to survivor? Thriving After Workplace Bullying Journey from Victim to Survivor, tells the stories of the survivors of workplace bullying focusing on their resilience, how they moved past the hurt, and crucially, how they changed from perceiving themselves as a victim to feeling empowered. This book delves into what workplace bullying is, its costly impact on both the target and organization, and through in-depth studies and interviews, helps us understand how to avoid workplace bullying. Thriving After Workplace Bullying is essential reading for organizational leaders, Human Resources professionals, and anyone invested in employee welfare.