Search results for ""author anne""
Rowman & Littlefield Haunted Restaurants, Taverns, and Inns of Texas
Loaded with tangy tales of spirits who inhabit places where you can spend a night or have a bite to eat. Listed by city, each haunted locale provides in-depth history about the spirited occupants, current facts and additional references.
Tourbillon What About: Philosophy
Do we always have to share? What is money for? What are there wars? Curious kids have lots of questions about life. What AboutTM Philosophy is a Q&A book that offers easy-to-understand answers to a wide range of compelling questions that real kids asked. The informative and thought-provoking content has been thoroughly reviewed by philosophy experts and paired with quirky cartoons to encourage children to find out more. This answer book is a welcome compendium for those who have ever asked “What about . . . ?”
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Helen Levitt / Henri Cartier-Bresson. Mexico
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Widerhall: Die Dialektik der Aufklärung in Amerika
Die Dialektik der Aufklärung (1944) von Theodor W. Adorno und Max Horkheimer ist eine inzwischen zum Klassiker gewordene Krisenschrift. Geprägt durch europäische, amerikanische und jÃ"dische Erfahrungen hat das Buch eine ambivalente Rezeption erfahren. Lange Zeit wurde das Werk kaum beachtet, bevor es in den Sechzigerjahren zu einem SchlÃ"sseltext der Neuen Linken wurde. Nur zögerlich entschieden sich die Autoren 1969 zu einer Wiederauflage. Heute steht die Schrift vornehmlich unter dem Verdikt einer "pessimistischen Wende" und der Abkehr vom materialistischen, interdisziplinären Forschungsprogramm des frÃ"hen Frankfurter Instituts fÃ"r Sozialforschung hin zu einer resignativen Naturgeschichte. Vor allem in den Vereinigten Staaten â dem Land, das die exilierten Kritischen Theoretiker nachhaltig geprägt hatte â stieÃ� die Radikalität des Buches eher auf Ablehnung. Bisher ist kaum versucht worden, die amerikanische Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte durch das Prisma von Adornos und Horkheimers Philosophischen Fragmenten hindurch zu betrachten und damit der amerikanischen Dialektik der Aufklärung auf die Spur zu kommen. Ausgehend von der Rezeptions- und Entstehungsgeschichte des Werks widmet sich der Sammelband diesem Vorhaben und vereint Beiträge aus der Philosophie, der Soziologie sowie der Geschichts- und Literaturwissenschaften. Die Amalgamierung von europäischen und amerikanischen Traditionsbeständen in der Kritischen Theorie wird dabei als Herausforderung und Potenzial zugleich verstanden werden: als Möglichkeit, Erkenntnisse Ã"ber die Neue und die Alte Welt zu erlangen.
Springer International Publishing AG Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity: 18th International Conference, iConference 2023, Virtual Event, March 13–17, 2023, Proceedings, Part II
This two-volume set LNCS 13971 + 13972 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity, held in March 2023.The 36 full papers and the 46 short papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 197 submissions. They cover topics such as: Archives and Records, Behavioral Research, Information Governance and Ethics, AI and Machine Learning, Data Science, Information and Digital literacy, Cultural Perspectives, Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital, Social Media and Digital Networks, Libraries, Human-Computer Interaction and Technology, Information Retrieval, Community Informatics, and Digital Information Infrastructure.
CABI Publishing Health Benefits of Organic Food: Effects of the Environment
Public concern over impacts of chemicals in plant and animal production on health and the environment has led to increased demand for organic produce, which is usually promoted and often perceived as containing fewer contaminants, more nutrients, and being positive for the environment. These benefits are difficult to quantify, and potential environmental impacts on such benefits have not been widely studied. This book addresses these key points, examining factors such as the role of certain nutrients in prevention and promotion of chronic disease, potential health benefits of bioactive compounds in plants, the prevalence of food-borne pesticides and pathogens and how both local and global environmental factors may affect any differences between organic and conventionally produced food. With contributions from experts in a broad range of related disciplines, this book is an essential resource for researchers and students in human health and nutrition, environmental science, agriculture and organic farming.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume IX: Soldiers, Weapons and Armies in the Fifteenth Century
Special edition of a volume which has become the leading forum for debate on aspects of medieval warfare, looking at warfare in the fifteenth century. The articles in this volume focus on the fifteenth century. Several draw on the substantial archives of the Burgundian polity, focusing particularly on the Flemish shooting guilds, spying, and the provision of troops by towns. Theurban emphasis continues with a study of the transition from "traditional" artillery to gunpowder weaponry in Southampton, and a comparison of descriptions of military engagements in the London Chronicles and in Swiss town chronicles. Welsh chronicling of the battle of Edgecote (1469) is also reviewed, and there is a re-assessment of Welsh involvement in the Agincourt campaign. English interests in France are pursued in two further papers, one consideringthe personnel of the ordnance companies in Lancastrian Normandy and the other examining the little-known French attacks on Gascony in the early years of the fifteenth century. Contributors: Frederik Buylaert, Jan Van Camp, Bert Verwerft, Adam Chapman, Laura Crombie, Andy King, Barry Lewis, Randall Moffett, Guilhem Pepin, Andreas Rémy, Bastian Walter
CABI Publishing Visual Soil Evaluation: Realizing Potential Crop Production with Minimum Environmental Impact
Visual Soil Evaluation provides land users and environmental authorities with the tools to assess soil quality for crop performance. An important tool for ensuring food security, this book appraises the use of visual soil evaluation in determining the potential of different land types for carbon storage, greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient leaching. Providing a guide to diagnosing and rectifying soil problems, it includes: - Full colour illustrations throughout to show variation of soil quality and aid evaluation - A broad range of land types, from abandoned peats to prime arable land - Assessment of soil structure after quality degradation such as compaction, erosion or organic matter loss Essential reading for students, researchers and scientists interested in soil science and crop production, this book is also a valuable tool for policy makers and environmental authorities. A useful handbook assessing yield potential across a range of scales, it places visual soil evaluation in the context of the future sustainable intensification of agriculture.
Little, Brown & Company My First Veggie Bible Stories
Join the VeggieTales characters as they share favorite Bible stories and introduce young readers to the Bible. Guaranteed to appeal to little ones, My First Veggie Bible Stories brings fans a collection of twelve favorite Bible stories. With retellings of stories selected from the Old and New Testaments, this book serves as an ideal introduction to the Bible for little ones, with the signature charm of a brand beloved by kids and long trusted by parents. Told with simple, engaging language, the stories are accompanied by bright, colorful illustrations featuring Bob, Larry, Junior Asparagus, Laura Carrot, and other favorite VeggieTales characters. This padded board book is just the right companion for little ones, perfect for on-the-go reading or family storytime.
Seagull Books London Ltd The Production of Local Knowledge: History and Politics in the Work of René Zavaleta Mercado
This book offers the first comprehensive examination of the work of Bolivian political thinker Rene Zavaleta (1939 84), whose ideas were a key influence on many of the indigenous activists and ideologues who have transformed Bolivian politics and economics in recent years. Luis Tapia, a political analyst who has worked closely with many of the central figures in today's Bolivian government, presents a detailed panorama of Bolivian history that sets Zavaleta's analyses in context and helps readers and activists alike understand the history and ideological currents that underpinned the rise of the neo-indigenous movement in the twenty-first century. "Tapia is the greatest scholar of the work of his countryman." Jaime Ortega Reyna, SciELO Mexico
Rutgers University Press New Perspectives on Environmental Justice: Gender, Sexuality, and Activism
Women make up the vast majority of activists and organizers of grassroots movements fighting against environmental ills that threaten poor and people of color communities. New Perspectives on Environmental Justice is the first collection of essays that pays tribute to the enormous contributions women have made in these endeavors.The writers offer varied examples of environmental justice issues such as children's environmental health campaigns, cancer research, AIDS/HIV activism, the Environmental Genome Project, and popular culture, among many others. Each one focuses on gender and sexuality as crucial factors in women's or gay men's activism and applies environmental justice principles to related struggles for sexual justice. The contributors represent a wide variety of activist and scholarly perspectives including law, environmental studies, sociology, political science, history, medical anthropology, American studies, English, African and African American studies, women's studies, and gay and lesbian studies, offering multiple vantage points on gender, sexuality, and activism.Feminist/womanist impulses shape and sustain environmental justice movements around the world, making an understanding of gender roles and differences crucial for the success of these efforts.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition
Clickety Books Chatty Bat
Ebury Publishing How To Be Parisian: Wherever You Are
Four fabulous, smart, savvy French women offer up their highly amusing insider take on Parisian life, love and liberty. Full of personal anecdotes, life lessons and photographs, this is the only guide you'll need to channelling your inner Parisienne and oozing that certain 'je ne sais quoi'...'This saucy guide to French chic has a charming authorité. It's also curiously persuasive' --'Lighthearted fun' -- ***** Reader review'Full of quirky charm and one-liners' -- ***** Reader review'A charming book, truly French' -- ***** Reader review'This book just makes me fall in love with Paris even more than before' -- ***** Reader review'Couldn't put this book down since I picked it up' -- ***** Reader review'Better read with a glass of wine than a cup of tea' -- ***** Reader review***************************************************************************************How To Be Parisian brilliantly deconstructs the French woman's views on culture, fashion and attitude.Bohemian free-thinkers and iconoclasts, Anne Berest, Caroline De Maigret, Audrey Diwan and Sophie Mas cut through the myths in this gorgeous, witty guide to Parisienne savoir faire.These modern Parisiennes say what you don't expect to hear, just the way you want to hear it.They are not against smoking in bed, and are all for art, politics and culture, making everything look easy, and going against the grain. They will take you on a first date, to a party and through a hangover. They will tell you how to be mysterious and sensual, make your boyfriend jealous, the right way to approach weddings and the gym, and they will share their address book in Paris for where to go at the end of the night, for a birthday, for a smart date, for vintage finds and much more.Full of wit and self-deprecating humour, and full of life lessons, photographs and personal anecdotes, How To Be Parisian explains those confusing subjects of clothes, makeup, men, culture and lifestyle as only a true Parisienne can.
University of British Columbia Press Getting Wise about Getting Old: Debunking Myths about Aging
A grey tsunami is sweeping the land, wreaking social and financial havoc in its wake. Sound familiar? This myth about aging, along with twenty-eight others, is the focus of Getting Wise about Getting Old, which paints a far more accurate and nuanced portrait of old age. In it, experts debunk myths and persistent stereotypes about aging on a broad array of social issues – from retirement (seniors are low-performance workers) to housing (most older adults live in long-term care accommodation), and violence (senior women are not victims of sexual assault) to political participation (seniors are conservative and resistant to change) – deconstructing and countering them with the latest findings. The work of two leading research groups in Quebec, the short and accessible chapters of this vitally important book contribute to a better understanding of the social challenges, as well as the advantages, of an aging society.
University Press of Southern Denmark Flexible Childhood?: Exploring Children's Welfare in Time & Space
Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers Temps Et Modalité: L'Anglais, Le Français Et l'Allemand En Contraste
Manchester University Press The Matter of Art: Materials, Practices, Cultural Logics, C.1250–1750
Materials carried the meaning of early modern art. Transformed and crafted from the matter of nature, art objects were the physical embodiment of both the inherent qualities of materials and the forces of culture that used, refined and produced them. The study of materials offers a new approach to this important period in the history of art, science and culture, linking the close study of painting, sculpture and architecture to much wider categories of the everyday and the exotic. Drawing on research and models from anthropology, material culture and the history of art, scholars in The matter of art explore topics as diverse as Inka stonework, gold in panel painting, cork platforms for shoes, and the Christian Eucharist.
Monthly Review Press,U.S. !Brigadistas!: An American Anti-Fascist in the Spanish Civil War
Aurora Metro Publications All Talk: Monologues for Young People
These powerful, contemporary monologues share the courage, conflicts and joys of characters facing difficult decisions. Developed through consultation with young people, they offer a range of authentic, memorable voices to stimulate discussion and participatory drama work.
Tuttle Publishing Japanese Stories for Language Learners: Bilingual Stories in Japanese and English (Online Audio Included)
A great story can lead a reader on a journey of discovery#8212;especially if it's presented in two languages! Beautifully illustrated in a traditional style, Japanese Stories for Language Learners offers five compelling stories with English and Japanese language versions appearing on facing pages. Taking learners on an exciting cultural and linguistic journey, each story is followed by detailed translator's notes, Japanese vocabulary lists, and grammar points along with a set of discussion questions and exercises. The first two stories are very famous traditional Japanese folktales: Urashima Taro (Tale of a Fisherman) and Yuki Onna (The Snow Woman). These are followed by three short stories by notable 20th century authors: Kumo no Ito (The Spider's Thread) by Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) Oborekaketa Kyodai (The Siblings Who Almost Drowned) by Arishima Takeo (1878-1923) Serohiki no Goshu (Gauche the Cellist) by Miyazawa Kenji (1896-1933) Reading these stories in the original Japanese script—and hearing native-speakers read them aloud in the accompanying free audio recording—helps students at every level deepen their comprehension of the beauty and subtlety of the Japanese language. Learn Japanese the fun way#8212;through the country's rich literary history. All audio content is alternatively accessible on the Tuttle Publishing website.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Historischer Atlas der antiken Welt
Vom 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. bis ins 15. Jahrhundert n. Chr. - der Pauly-Atlas lädt Schüler, Studenten und alle Interessierten auf eine einzigartige Reise durch die Antike ein. 168 vierfarbige Karten im Atlasformat führen durch die historischen Entwicklungen und Strömungen im Vorderen Orient, der Mittelmeerwelt, des griechischen Ostroms, der islamischen Welt und der christlich geprägten germanischen Reiche. Ein ebenso ausführlicher, wissenschaftlicher und spannender Kommentar begleitet jeden Welt- und Zeitausschnitt: Zahlreiche Tabellen, historisch-geografische Skizzen, Stadtpläne und Stammbäume veranschaulichen den Text und lassen so Seite für Seite Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur lebendig werden.
Wolters Kluwer Health Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy
Now with Lippincott Connect! Learn more HERE. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage and engaging, storytelling approach, the bestselling Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 9th Edition, guides students from initial anatomy and foundational science courses through clinical training and practice. A popular resource for a variety of programs, this proven text serves as a complete reference, emphasizing anatomy that is important in physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery. The 9th Edition reflects the latest changes in the clinical application of anatomy as well as preparation for the USMLE while maintaining the highest standards for scientific and clinical accuracy. NEW! Sex and gender content clarifies important gender considerations and reflects an equitable focus on female as well as male anatomy. Updated medical imaging and integrated surface anatomy within each chapter clearly demonstrates the relationship between anatomy, physical examination, and diagnosis. Extensively revised Clinical Blue Boxes highlight the practical applications of anatomy, accompanied by helpful icons, illustrations, and images that distinguish the type of clinical information covered. Updated introduction establishes the foundational understanding of systemic information and basic concepts essential to success from the classroom to the dissection lab. Revised comprehensive surface anatomy photographs ensure accurate, effective physical examination diagnoses with integrated natural views of unobstructed surface anatomy and illustrations superimposing anatomical structures with landmarks for more accurate physical examination. Insightfully rendered, anatomically accurate illustrations, combined with many photographs and medical images, strengthen comprehension of anatomical concepts and retention of “mental images” of anatomical structures. Bottom Line boxes provide detailed summaries at a glance and underscore the “big-picture” perspective. Illustrated tables clarify complex information about muscles, veins, arteries, nerves, and other structures for easy study and review. Chapter outlines help students find key information quickly and efficiently.
Wolters Kluwer Health Grant's Atlas of Anatomy
Now with Lippincott Connect! Learn more HERE. For more than seventy-five years, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy has maintained a tradition of excellence while continually adapting to meet the needs of each generation of students. The updated fifteenth edition is a visually stunning reference that delivers the accuracy, pedagogy, and clinical relevance expected of this classic atlas, with new and enhanced features that make it even more practical and user-friendly. Illustrations drawn from real specimens, presented in surface-to-deep dissection sequence, set Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy apart as the most accurate reference available for learning human anatomy. These realistic representations bring structures to life and provide students with the ultimate lab resource. NEW Illustration overviews highlight the autonomic nerves to clarify nerve and muscle innervations. NEW and updated images reflect the latest clinical insights through: 15 NEW Illustrations 160 revised figures NEW and updated surface anatomy images NEW pulses photos Renowned, high-resolution, dynamically colored illustrations organized in dissection sequence enable the formation of 3-D constructs for each body region and provide detailed, realistic reference during dissection. Tables detail muscles, vessels, and other anatomic information in an easy-to-use format ideal for review and study. Enhanced medical imaging includes more than 100 clinically significant MRIs, CT images, ultrasound scans, and corresponding orientation drawings to help students confidently apply the laboratory experience to clinical rotations. Color schematic illustrations reinforce the relationships of structures and anatomical concepts in vibrant detail.
Nodin Press Lucia Morning in Sweden
Johns Hopkins University Press Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method
More than twenty years after Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method was first published in English, this extraordinary collection remains a classic. The book brings together essays about Renaissance witchcraft, National Socialism, sixteenth-century Italian painting, Freud's wolf-man, and other topics. In the influential centerpiece of the volume Carlo Ginzburg places historical knowledge in a long tradition of cognitive practices and shows how a research strategy based on reading clues and traces embedded in the historical record reveals otherwise hidden information. Acknowledging his debt to art history, psychoanalysis, comparative religion, and anthropology, Ginzburg challenges us to retrieve these cultural and social dimensions. In his new preface, Ginzburg reflects on how easily we miss the context in which we read, write, and live. Only hindsight allows some understanding. He examines his own path in research during the 1970s and its relationship to the times, especially the political scenes of Italy and Germany. Was he influenced by the environment, he asks himself, and if so, how? Ginzburg uses his own experience to examine the elusive and constantly evolving nature of history and historical research.
Penguin Young Readers Being You: A First Conversation About Gender
A board book bestseller – now in picture book! Developed by experts in the fields of early childhood development and activism against injustice, this topic-driven book offers clear, concrete language and imagery to introduce the concept of gender. This book serves to normalise and celebrate the range of gender identities, preferences, and pronouns, and recognise the institutionalised ideas about gender that feminists are working to correct. While young children are avid observers and questioners of their world, adults often shut down or postpone conversations on complicated topics because it's hard to know where to begin. Research shows that talking about issues like race, gender, and our bodies from the age of two not only helps children understand what they see, but also increases self-awareness, self-esteem, and allows them to recognize and confront things that are unfair, like discrimination and prejudice. These books offer a supportive approach that considers both the child and the adult. Illustrative art accompanies the simple and interactive text, and the backmatter offers additional resources and ideas for extending this discussion.
Carcanet Press Ltd A Responsibility to Awe
Rebecca Elson's A Responsibility to Awe reissued as a Carcanet Classic. A Responsibility to Awe is a contemporary classic, a book of poems and reflections by a scientist for whom poetry was a necessary aspect of research, crucial to understanding the world and her place in it, even as, having contracted terminal cancer, she confronted her early death. Rebecca Elson was an astronomer; her work took her to the boundary of the visible and measurable. `Facts are only as interesting as the possibilities they open up to the imagination,’ she wrote. Her poems, like her researches, build imaginative inferences and speculations, setting out from observation, undeterred by knowing how little we can know.
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House Teddy Tales and Rhymes: And Other Bear Necessities
Teddy-themed stories, songs, rhymes and games, specially selected for younger listenersPolar bears, brown bears, honey bears and grizzly bears: here are a host of irresistible bears of all sorts and sizes - from Arabella Squeezenik's very unusual teddybear to Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Bear and the Goblin. Presented by Anne Rosenfeld and Andrew Branch, and with playful music and sound effects, this delightful collection makes ideal listening at bedtime, story time or in the car.Includes: Round and Round the Garden; Some Bears; One Teddy Two Teddy; Little Bear; My Teddy Bear; Polar Bear; Snow Bears; The Brown Bear; The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears; Algy; Ten Little Teddy Bears; The Grizzly Bear; Fuzzy Wuzzy; The Story of Arabella Squeezenik's Bear; The Bear Went over the Mountain; Bear Hunt; The Watching Bear; Bruin's Mistake; Bear; There Was an Old Person of Ware; Great Aunt Flora; The Captive; Zoo Bear; The Story of the Bear and the Goblin; My Brother; Bear 1; The Bear in Our House; Bear 2; The Story of Arabella Squeezenik's Birthday; Round and Round the Garden (reprise); The Lost Bear; Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.Production creditsPresented by Anne Rosenfeld and Andrew BranchMusic by Bernard Graham ShawCello: Julia VohralikProduced by Colin SmithTrack listing1 Round and Round the Garden/Some Bears/One Teddy Two Teddy/Little Bear/My Teddy Bear2 Polar Bear/Snow Bears/The Brown Bear3 The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Part 14 The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Part 25 Algy/Ten Little Teddy Bears6 The Grizzly Bear/Fuzzy Wuzzy 7 The Story of Arabella Squeezenik's Bear, Part 18 The Story of Arabella Squeezenik's Bear, Part 29 The Story of Arabella Squeezenik's Bear, Part 310 The Bear Went Over the Mountain11 Bear Hunt12 The Watching Bear/Bruin's Mistake/Bear/There Was an Old Person of Ware13 Great Aunt Flora/The Captive/Zoo Bear14 The Story of the Bear and the Goblin, Part 115 The Story of the Bear and the Goblin, Part 216 The Story of the Bear and the Goblin, Part 317 The Story of the Bear and the Goblin, Part 418 My Brother19 Bear 1/The Bear in Our House/Bear 220 The Story of Arabella Squeezenik's Birthday Part 121 The Story of Arabella Squeezenik's Birthday Part 222 The Story of Arabella Squeezenik's Birthday Part 323 Round and Round the Garden (reprise)/The Lost Bear24 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear© 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P) 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Yale University Press Bamigboye: A Master Sculptor of the Yoruba Tradition
The first publication on the Yorùbá master sculptor Moshood Olúṣọmọ BámigbóyèBámigbóyè: A Master Sculptor of the Yorùbá Tradition is the first monograph dedicated to the 50-year career of the Nigerian artist Moshood Olúṣọmọ Bámigbóyè (ca. 1885–1975). One of the most important Yorùbá sculptors of the twentieth century, Bámigbóyè is best known for the spectacular masks that he carved for religious festivals known locally as Ẹpa. Weighing up to 80 pounds and measuring over 4 feet tall, with intricate superstructures that could feature dozens of finely carved individual figures, these masks represent some of the most complex and elaborate works of Yorùbá art ever made. With 190 illustrations, this sumptuous volume presents masterpieces from Bámigbóyè’s workshop now housed in collections in America, Europe, and Nigeria. Essays situate Bámigbóyè’s work as part of Africa’s oldest and most dynamic art traditions and consider his sculpture in relation to contemporary Yorùbá art, culture, politics, and religion. With new and archival photographs and incorporating oral histories conducted with the artist’s family and community, this catalogue fills a critical void in African art-historical scholarship.Distributed for the Yale University Art GalleryExhibition Schedule:Yale University Art Gallery (September 9, 2022–January 8, 2023)
V&R Unipress Transkulturelle Perspektiven.: Zum Prozess der Integration und Akkulturation von "GastarbeiterInnen" in Bremen
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Vienna Yearbook of Population Research / Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 2022, Vol. 20: Special Issue on Demographic Aspects of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Consequences
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement
Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement This new edition continues to be an authoritative reference to the scientific foundations underpinning clinical orthodonticsThe newly and thoroughly revised Third Edition of Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement delivers a comprehensive reference for orthodontic trainees and specialists.It is fully updated to include new chapters on personalized orthodontics as well as the inflammatory process occurring in the dental and paradental tissues. It is heavily illustrated throughout, making it easier for readers to understand and retain the information discussed within. The topics covered range from bone biology, the effects of mechanical loading on tissues and cells, genetics, tissue remodeling, and the effects of diet, drugs, and systemic diseases.The Third Edition of Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement features seven sections that cover subjects such as:The development of biological concepts in orthodontics, including the cellular and molecular biology behind orthodontic tooth movementMechanics meets biology, including the effects of mechanical loading on hard and soft tissues and cells, and biological reactions to temporary anchorage devicesInflammation and orthodontics, including markers for tissue remodeling in the gingival crevicular fluid and salivaPersonalized diagnosis and treatment based on genomic criteria, including the genetic influences on orthodontic tooth movementRapid orthodontics, including methods to accelerate or decelerate orthodontic tooth movementPerfect for residents and PhD students of orthodontic and periodontal programs, Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement is also useful to academics, clinicians, bone biologists, and researchers with an interest in the mechanics and biology of tooth movement.
Scarecrow Press The Commedia dell'Arte in Naples: A Bilingual Edition of the 176 Casamarciano Scenarios
Commedia dell'arte, an improvised performance art that flourished in the 16th and 17th centuries, vanished leaving very few traces. What remain, besides some intriguing descriptions, are about a dozen manuscript collections of plot outlines, or scenarios, often written in dialect, which the Italian professional actors must have used to guide them through each drama, from scene to scene and act to act. Only a few such collections have ever been published in Italian, and far fewer in English translation. The present volume remedies this situation by providing bilingual access to the largest known collection of scenarios: the Casamarciano manuscripts of Naples. There are 176 decipherable scenarios in the source's two volumes. They record some important early examples of plays or operas that would later become famous, like the legend of the stone guest (cf. Molière's Don Juan ou, Le Festin de Pierre, or Mozart's Don Giovanni), preserved in this manuscript under the title "Comvitato de Pietra." They also give us a rare glimpse into living cultural traditions that were at the root of modern theater. Stock characters like clueless Pulcinella and cunning Coviello, jealous lovers and lecherous fathers, swaggering soldiers, mystified strangers, and clever chambermaids—all conspire to bring to life an art form too long hidden in indecipherable Italian manuscripts. This book received a 2001 Weiss/ Brown Publication Subvention Award from the Newberry Library. The award supports the publication of outstanding works of scholarship that cover European civilization before 1700 in the areas of music, theater, French or Italian literature, or cultural studies. It is made to commemorate the career of Howard Mayer Brown.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Sherlock Holmes Mysteries
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Organising Care in a Time of Covid-19: Implications for Leadership, Governance and Policy
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to radical transformations in the organisation and delivery of health and care services across the world. In many countries, policy makers have rushed to re-organise care services to meet the surge demand of COVID-19, from re-purposing existing services to creating new ‘field’ hospitals. Such strategies signal important and sweeping changes in the organisation of both ‘COVID’ and ‘non-COVID’ care, whilst asking more fundamental questions about the long-term organisation of care ‘after COVID’. In some contexts, the pandemic has exposed the fragilities and vulnerabilities of care systems, whilst in others, it has shown how services are organised to be more resilient and adaptive to unanticipated pressures. The COVID-19 pandemic presents a rare opportunity to examine empirically and to develop new theoretical frameworks on how and why health systems adapt to such unusual and intense pressures. International contributors consider how responses to COVID-19 are transforming the organisation and governance of health and care services and explore questions around strategic leadership at local, regional, national and transnational level. The book offers unique insight and analysis on the dynamics of policy-making, the organisation and governance of care organisations, the role of technologies in governing, the changing role of professionals and the possibilities for more resilient care systems.
James Currey ALT 29 Teaching African Literature Today
Brings together experiences of teachers of African literature from around the world in the context of technological change. Focuses on theoretical and pedagogical approaches to the teaching of African Literature on both sides of the Atlantic and beyond. The publication of Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart in 1958 drew universal attention not only to contemporary African creative imagination, but also established the art of the modern African novel. In 1986, Wole Soyinka became the first African to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, and opened the 'gate' for other African writers. By the close of the 20th century, African Literature had gained world-wide acceptance and legitimacy in the academy and featured on the literature curriculum of schools and colleges across the globe. This specialissue of African Literature Today, examines the diverse experiences of teachers of African Literature across regional, racial, cultural and national boundaries. It explores such issues as student responses, productive pedagogical innovations, the impact of modern technology, case studies of online teaching, teaching Criticism of African Literature, and teaching African Literature in an age of multiculturalism. It is intended as an invaluable teacher's handbook and essential student companion for the effective study of African Literature. Ernest Emenyonu is Professor of Africana Studies at the University of Michigan-Flint, USA; the editorial board is composed of scholars from US, UK and African universities Nigeria: HEBN
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Cultural Impact in the German Context: Studies in Transmission, Reception, and Influence
Examines, then employs the metaphor of cultural impact in an effort to understand how culture works in the German-speaking world. How to gauge the impact of cultural products is an old question, but bureaucratic agendas such as the one recently implemented in the UK to measure the impact of university research (including in German Studies) are new. Impact isseen as confirming a cultural product's value for society -- not least in the eyes of cultural funders. Yet its use as an evaluative category has been widely criticized by academics. Rather than rejecting the concept of impact, however, this volume employs it as a metaphor to reflect on issues of transmission, reception, and influence that have always underlain cultural production but have escaped systematic conceptualization. It seeks to understand how culture works in the German-speaking world: how writers and artists express themselves, how readers and audiences engage with the resulting products, and how academics are drawn to analyze this dynamic process. Formulating such questions afresh in the context of German Studies, the volume examines both contemporary cultural discourse and the way it evolves more generally. It links such topics as authorial intention, readerly reception, intertextuality, andmodes of perception to less commonly studied phenomena, such as the institutional practices of funding bodies, that underpin cultural discourse. Contributors: David Barnett, Laura Bradley, Rebecca Braun, Sarah Colvin, Anne Fuchs, Katrin Kohl, Karen Leeder, Jürgen Luh, Jenny McKay, Ben Morgan, Gunther Nickel, Chloe Paver, Joanne Sayner, Matthew Philpotts, Jane Wilkinson. Rebecca Braun is Executive Dean of the College of Arts, Social Sciences, & Celtic Studies at the National University of Ireland in Galway and Lyn Marven is Lecturer in German at the University of Liverpool.
New York University Press What Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know
Up-beat, pragmatic, and chock full of advice, What Works for Women at Work is an indispensable guide for working women. An essential resource for any working woman, What Works for Women at Work is a comprehensive and insightful guide for mastering office politics as a woman. Authored by Joan C. Williams, one of the nation’s most-cited experts on women and work, and her daughter, writer Rachel Dempsey, this unique book offers a multi-generational perspective into the realities of today’s workplace. Often women receive messages that they have only themselves to blame for failing to get ahead—Negotiate more! Stop being such a wimp! Stop being such a witch! What Works for Women at Work tells women it’s not their fault. The simple fact is that office politics often benefits men over women. Based on interviews with 127 successful working women, over half of them women of color, What Works for Women at Work presents a toolkit for getting ahead in today’s workplace. Distilling over 35 years of research, Williams and Dempsey offer four crisp patterns that affect working women: Prove-It-Again!, the Tightrope, the Maternal Wall, and the Tug of War. Each represents different challenges and requires different strategies—which is why women need to be savvier than men to survive and thrive in high-powered careers. Williams and Dempsey’s analysis of working women is nuanced and in-depth, going far beyond the traditional cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approaches of most career guides for women. Throughout the book, they weave real-life anecdotes from the women they interviewed, along with quick kernels of advice like a “New Girl Action Plan,” ways to “Take Care of Yourself”, and even “Comeback Lines” for dealing with sexual harassment and other difficult situations.
Bristol University Press Creating Participatory Research: Principles, Practice and Reality
What is participatory research, and how can participatory methods be implemented in practice? This valuable textbook provides an accessible, pragmatic how-to guide for using participatory methods in research. Drawing on their variety of experience in the field, the authors: • outline the principles of participatory research; • explore the practice of utilising participatory methods; • lay out the realities of using such approaches within a range of settings. Providing practical advice, real-world examples, and packed with reflective questions, top tips and suggested further reading, this book will be an essential resource for students and researchers alike.
Yale University Press Mondo Cane
The provocative and often comic Belgian art duo Jos de Gruyter and Harald Thys present in book form their collaborative contribution to the 2019 Venice Biennale The Belgian artists Jos de Gruyter (b. 1965) and Harald Thys (b. 1966) have collaborated for more than two decades on artworks in a variety of media, including film, photography, drawing, painting, and sculpture; they are known for thought-provoking works, often imbued with an antic sense of humor. The pair was selected to represent Belgium at the 2019 Venice Biennale, and this book accompanies and documents their exhibit, also titled Mondo Cane. The book is composed of a series of original, illustrated texts, written alternately in English, French, German, Dutch, and Italian. The texts are intended to evoke a variety of human conditions in an environment reminiscent of present-day Europe. Its title refers to a 1962 Italian film that documented—in a style intended to provoke Western audiences—cultural practices from around the world. Lavishly illustrated and designed by the artists themselves, this book both reflects de Gruyter and Thys’s contribution to the Venice Biennale and is a work of art in its own right.Distributed for MercatorfondsExhibition Schedule:Belgian Pavilion of the 58th Venice Biennale (May 8–November 24, 2019)Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels (Spring 2020)
Yale University Press Textures: Pour approfondir la communication orale et écrite
Language proficiency emerges not solely as mastery of discrete skills, but also through one’s ability to express ideas fully in a variety of cultural contexts. This innovative French‑language textbook employs a holistic approach that integrates listening, reading, writing, and conversation—placing communication at the heart of the learning experience. It provides intermediate‑level students with the interpretive tools necessary for literary and cultural studies. There are interactions with a variety of texts and media, including short stories, poems, essays, images, and podcasts.
Kerber Verlag Thomas Bang: Apparatus for Unstable Conditions
This monograph presents a thorough overview of the work of the Danish artist Thomas Bang (b. 1938). Essays by four Danish art historians trace his years as a painter in the early 1960s, his subsequent development as a sculptor in the late 1960s, and his activity on the New York art scene through the 1980s. The primary emphasis of the book is on Bang’s three-dimensional work and the analysis of the range of issues on which his object- and installation-oriented work has been focused for several decades. Thomas Bang has throughout his career focused on various issues of fragility and vulnerability as physical as well as psychological states. The emphasis of his sculpture is on creating a broad field of operations, where alterations of apparent initial intentions and meaning are gradually established in the development of the work.
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA Images in Action: The Southern Andean Iconographic Series
Images in Action presents interpretations of a large corpus of art and iconography from the Southern and South-Central Andes, bringing together some of the most esteemed scholars in the field. More than thirty authors, all with extensive experience in the Southern Andes, examine artifacts, artworks, textiles, archaeology, and architecture to develop creative new insights on the cultural interactions between people in prehistoric western South America. The volume’s nearly seven hundred images are fully referenced in the text and are archived in a comprehensive, searchable online database.
International Polar Institute Press The Right to a Father
In the ’40s and ’50s many men from Denmark traveled to Greenland to work. Here they met Greenlandic women—which more than once resulted in pregnancies. Many of these men then returned to Denmark, which meant that the children grew up as illegitimate children without even knowing their fathers. One of these children was Anne Sofie Hardenberg, who was teased all through her childhood for having a Danish father—and an absent one at that. By the age of 17 she gathered the courage to write to her father. To her surprise he was very glad to hear from her, and wished to make her a part of his family. Unluckily they only got three weeks together—then he died in a car accident… This book is Anne Sofie’s memoir accompanied by photos and letters between her and her Danish family. Today, still, there is a problem with the legal rights of this generation of “fatherless” children.
Bircher-Benner Bircher-Benner 18 Manual for headache and migraine: Dietary instructions for the prevention and treatement of hedaches and migraines, with recipes, detailed advice and a treatment plan developed by a medical centre dedicated to the state-of
HOW TO CURE MIGRAINES NATURALLY AND PERMANENTLY WITHOUT MEDICATION. This Manual will show you the path of permanent healing your headache by treating the causes instead of the symptoms, without any medication. It is based on the latest scientific findings and decades of experience at a centre of most modern medicine and healing arts, the famous Bircher-Benner Clinic in Switzerland. This manual is a great help for you in that it makes possible your active contribution to the healing and prevention of migraine and other headaches. It gives you insight into the scientific basis and causes of your disease, and provides valuable instructions for dietetics, care and physical applications, based on scientific evidence. For the physician it is a great help and time-saver in guiding his patients: a must for anyone who suffers from headaches.