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Peeters Publishers Les premières années du roi Zimrî-Lîm de Mari. Première partie
Le tome XXXIII des Archives royales de Mari avait pour but de réunir les textes qui ont trait aux premières années du règne de Zimrî-Lîm, le dernier roi de Mari. Vu la quantité du matériel épigraphique à disposition, il doit être en fait complété par un tome XXXIV. Ce premier volume fait apparaître les figures politiques majeures qui ont administré les Bord-de-l’Euphrate comme on appelait alors le royaume de Mari, soit surtout Bannum et Sumu-hadû, des personnalités dont la réalité avait été mal perçue. Un second volume doit réunir les textes qui concernent en majorité les Nomades mâr yamîna, les soi-disant Benjaminites, qui après avoir aidé au renversement du pouvoir instauré par le roi d’Ékallatum, Samsî-Addu, (RHM) se sont rebellés contre le nouveau monarque. Il doit réunir la documentation qui concerne deux générations de rois bédouins ainsi que ceux qui ont aidé le roi de Mari à venir à bout des rebelles. Ces ouvrages ARMT XXXIII et XXXIV cherchent à établir la chronologie des textes, autant ceux qui ont déjà été publiés (et aujourd’hui souvent difficiles d’accès) que ceux qui étaient encore inédits. Les chercheurs disposeront ainsi d’une documentation qui va de la prise de Tuttul par les gens de Zimrî-Lîm, au repli des forces d’Eshnunna, abandonnant leur projet de dominer la partie orientale du RHM. Le cadre géographique est tout entier dans la Syrie actuelle, mais inclut pour une bonne part de la documentation qui concerne l’Ouest de la Haute-Djéziré, le Taurus, la vallée du Balih, et l’amont de l’actuelle Der ez-Zor, toutes contrées mal documentées jusqu’à présent pour l’époque dite «amorrite», soit le XVIIIe siècle avant notre ère. Une telle entreprise a son utilité dans la mesure où elle présente l’ensemble de la documentation disponible, tout en respectant l’unité des dossiers, ce qui n’a pu qu’entraîner des chevauchements dans la documentation, tous les dignitaires n’étant pas apparus ni disparus au même moment. Elle a, naturellement, ses fragilités dans la mesure où aucune lettre n’est explicitement datée et où plusieurs documents ont pu se croiser, sans compter que la plupart du temps il est difficile de connaître le suivi des opérations annoncées, certains programmes pouvant être abandonnés. L’état matériel de la documentation laisse, en outre, beaucoup à désirer, les tablettes cunéiformes ayant été trouvées par grandes masses difficilement gérables. Le travail d’édition a été opéré à partir d’un jeu de transcriptions et d’une couverture photographique que l’on pourra consulter sur la base de données ARCHIBAB.
Archaeopress La ocupación cazadora-recolectora durante la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno en el oeste de Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil: geoarqueología de los sitios en la formación sedimentaria Touro Passo
This book presents the results obtained during geoarchaeological studies carried out in the locality of Touro Passo, municipality of Uruguaiana, Brazil. There, the Paleoindian sites studied by the team of the PRONAPA-National Archaeological Research Program in the 1960s and 1970s were relocated and others with excellent study potential have been recognized. The archaeological sites are located in the alluvial plains of the Uruguay River and the Touro Passo Stream and correspond to the late Pleistocene-early Holocene transition. The geoarchaeological approach allowed the understanding of the stratigraphic sequence and the processes of formation and post-depositional disturbance of the archaeological sites in a fluvial environment. Archaeological excavations, soundings, stratigraphic profile surveys, sequence correlations and numerical dates were carried out. The dispersion of artifacts on the surface and cave erosion was recorded, and a lithic taphonomy study was carried out. Four Paleoindian sites located in the Touro Passo Formation were analyzed: Barranca Grande, RS-I-66: Milton Almeida, RS-I-69: Laranjito and Casualidade. The new chronologies obtained for the initial period of human occupation in the region represent a scientific advance for the study of hunter-gatherer occupations during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene in the triple border of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. | Este libro presenta los resultados obtenidos durante los estudios geoarqueológicos realizados en la localidad Touro Passo, municipio de Uruguaiana, Brasil. Alli se reubicaron los sitios paleoindios estudiados por el equipo del PRONAPA-Programa Nacional de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en las décadas de 1960 y 1970 y han sido reconocidos otros con excelente potencial de estudio. Los sitios arqueológicos están situados en las planicies aluviales del Río Uruguay y del Arroyo Touro Passo y corresponden a la transición Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno temprano. El enfoque geoarqueológico permitió la comprensión de la secuencia estratigráfica y los procesos de formación y perturbación postdepositacional de los sitios arqueológicos en ambiente fluvial. Fueron realizadas excavaciones arqueológicas, sondeos, relevamiento de perfiles-estratigráficos, correlaciones de secuencias y fechados numéricos. Se registró la dispersión de los artefactos en superficie y en las cárvavas de erosión, y se realizó, un estudio de tafonomía lítica. Se analizaron 4 sitios paleoindios situados en la Formación Touro Passo: Barranca Grande, RS-I-66:Milton Almeida, RS-I-69: Laranjito y Casualidade. Las nuevas cronologías obtenidas para el período inicial de ocupación humana en la región, representan un avance científico para el estudio de las ocupaciones cazadoras-recolectoras durante el Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno temprano en la triple frontera Brasil, Argentina y Uruguay.
Paulist Press International,U.S. Hadewijch: The Complete Works
"Each volume has been critically chosen, lucidly translated and excellently introduced by internationally acknowledged scholars. (The publisher) must be praised for its selectivity, overall book format, original cover designs by contemporary artists, and indexes for each volume." Theological Studies Hadewijch: The Complete Works translation and introduction by Mother Columbia Hart, O.S.B., preface by Paul Mummers, S.J. "May God give us a renewed mind For noble and free love, To make us so new in our life That Love may bless us And renew, with new taste, Those to whom she can give new fullness; Love is the new and powerful recompense Of those whose life renews itself for Love alone." Hadewijch (A Beguine of the 13th Century) Belonging to the early thirteenth century, Hadewijch brings us a spiritual message of extraordinary power. She was endowed in no less degree than St. Teresa of Avila with the gifts of visionary mysticism and literary genius. She felt herself strongly a woman, as can be seen from her choosing to join the women's movement of her day, that of the Beguines, who dedicated themselves to a life of true spirituality without taking the veil. Hadewijch understood that she was called to communicate to others the profound knowledge of the things of God granted to her in her mystical life. She directed her apostolate to some younger Beguines, and nearly all her writings, both prose and poetry, were intended for them. She mentions other spiritual friends, some in distant countries. Her experiences and her message, however , however, remained hidden; she attained to no celebrity among her contemporaries. The way of immediate fame was for other women mystics. St. Hildegard (1098-1179), the visionary and writer, enjoyed high reputation Clairvaux, and crowned heads. Hadewijch's contemporary, St. Lutgard (1183-1246), was widely known for her visions of the Sacred Heart, which won her the friendship of persons like the Master General of the Dominican Order and Duchess Marie of Brabant (daughter of King Louis VIII of France), and after her death made her tomb a place of pilgrimage. Where Hadewijch was buried, however, no one knows and her writings, after passing through the hands of John of Ruusbroec and his circle, were lost to sight until the nineteenth century. Since the rediscovery of Hadewijch, her importance has been progressively appreciated, and the hidden dimension of her life is now open so that we may share it according to the particular needs of our own day. †
University of Minnesota Press Gunflint Falling: Blowdown in the Boundary Waters
Stories from survivors of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness’s epochal weather disaster On July 4, 1999, in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), a bizarre confluence of meteorological events resulted in the most damaging blowdown in the region’s history. Originating over the Dakotas, the midsummer windstorm developed amid unusually high heat and water-saturated forests and moved steadily east, bearing down on Fargo, North Dakota, and damaging land as it crossed the Minnesota border. Gunflint Falling tells the story of this devastating storm from the perspectives of those who were on the ground before, during, and after the catastrophic event—from first-time visitors to the north woods to returning paddlers to Forest Service Rangers. The pre-dawn forecasts from the National Weather Service in Duluth for that Sunday of the holiday weekend predicted the day would be “warm and humid. Partly sunny with a thirty percent chance of thunderstorms.” But as the afternoon and evening settled over the Boundary Waters, the first eyewitness accounts began to tell a dramatic and terrifying story. Five friends camping on Lake Polly watched in wonder as the sky turned green and the winds began to whip. They scrambled to pull canoes on shore and secure tarps when a tree snapped and struck one of them in the head, rendering her unconscious. Three women enjoying their last day of a camping trip near the end of the Gunflint Trail took shelter in their tent as winds increased. Water drenched the nylon walls as trees crashed around them, one flattening the tent and pinning a woman beneath its weight. A family vacationing at their cabin dodged falling trees and strained against straight-line winds as they sprinted from the cabin to the safest place they knew: a crawl space underneath it. They watched in awe as trees snapped and toppled, their twisted root balls torn out of the water-logged earth—as they prayed their cabin would hold. By the time the storm began to subside, falling trees had injured approximately sixty people, and most needed to be medevacked to safety. Amazingly, no one died. The historic storm laid down timber that would later blaze in the Ham Lake fire of 2007, ultimately reshaping the region’s forests in ways we have yet to fully understand.
Fordham University Press New Men: Reconstructing the Image of the Veteran in Late-Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture
Scholars of the Civil War era have commonly assumed that veterans of the Union and Confederate armies effortlessly melted back into society and that they adjusted to the demands of peacetime with little or no difficulty. Yet the path these soldiers followed on the road to reintegration was far more tangled. New Men unravels the narrative of veteran reentry into civilian life and exposes the growing gap between how former soldiers saw themselves and the representations of them created by late-nineteenth century American society. In the early years following the Civil War, the concept of the “veteran” functioned as a marker for what was assumed by soldiers and civilians alike to be a temporary social status that ended definitively with army demobilization and the successful attainment of civilian employment. But in later postwar years this term was reconceptualized as a new identity that is still influential today. It came to be understood that former soldiers had crossed a threshold through their experience in the war, and they would never be the same: They had become new men. Uncovering the tension between veterans and civilians in the postwar era adds a new dimension to our understanding of the legacy of the Civil War. Reconstruction involved more than simply the road to reunion and its attendant conflicts over race relations in the United States. It also pointed toward the frustrating search for a proper metaphor to explain what soldiers had endured. A provocative engagement with literary history and historiography, New Men challenges the notion of the Civil War as “unwritten” and alters our conception of the classics of Civil War literature. Organized chronologically and thematically, New Men coherently blends an analysis of a wide variety of fictional and nonfictional narratives. Writings are discussed in revelatory pairings that illustrate various aspects of veteran reintegration, with a chapter dedicated to literature describing the reintegration experiences of African Americans in the Union Army. New Men is at once essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the origins of our concept of the “veteran” and a book for our times. It is an invitation to build on the rich lessons of the Civil War veterans’ experiences, to develop scholarship in the area of veterans studies, and to realize the dream of full social integration for soldiers returning home.
Harvard University Press When Police Kill
“A remarkable book.”—Malcolm Gladwell, San Francisco ChronicleDeaths of civilians at the hands of on-duty police are in the national spotlight as never before. How many killings by police occur annually? What circumstances provoke police to shoot to kill? Who dies? The lack of answers to these basic questions points to a crisis in American government that urgently requires the attention of policy experts. When Police Kill is a groundbreaking analysis of the use of lethal force by police in the United States and how its death toll can be reduced.Franklin Zimring compiles data from federal records, crowdsourced research, and investigative journalism to provide a comprehensive, fact-based picture of how, when, where, and why police resort to deadly force. Of the 1,100 killings by police in the United States in 2015, he shows, 85 percent were fatal shootings and 95 percent of victims were male. The death rates for African Americans and Native Americans are twice their share of the population.Civilian deaths from shootings and other police actions are vastly higher in the United States than in other developed nations, but American police also confront an unusually high risk of fatal assault. Zimring offers policy prescriptions for how federal, state, and local governments can reduce killings by police without risking the lives of officers. Criminal prosecution of police officers involved in killings is rare and only necessary in extreme cases. But clear administrative rules could save hundreds of lives without endangering police officers.“Roughly 1,000 Americans die each year at the hands of the police…The civilian body count does not seem to be declining, even though violent crime generally and the on-duty deaths of police officers are down sharply…Zimring’s most explosive assertion—which leaps out…—is that police leaders don’t care…To paraphrase the French philosopher Joseph de Maistre, every country gets the police it deserves.”—Bill Keller, New York Times“If you think for one second that the issue of cop killings doesn’t go to the heart of the debate about gun violence, think again. Because what Zimring shows is that not only are most fatalities which occur at the hands of police the result of cops using guns, but the number of such deaths each year is undercounted by more than half!…[A] valuable and important book…It needs to be read.”—Mike Weisser, Huffington Post
John Wiley & Sons Inc Developing Managerial Skills in Engineers and Scientists: Succeeding as a Technical Manager
If you’re an engineer or scientist who has suddenly been thrust into the world of management, you may find yourself thinking that managing people is more of a challenge than your former highly technical job. Veteran management consultant Michael K. Badawy couldn’t agree more. He says, "The primary problems of engineering and R&D management are not technical—they are human." Badawy offers real help for the human side of technical management in his classic Developing Managerial Skills in Engineers and Scientists. Since 1982, thousands of technical executives, supervisors, managers, and students have turned to this classic for hands-on management techniques. This thoroughly revised second edition hones in on issues facing today’s technical manager: Total Quality Management Technological entrepreneurship Cross-functional teams Success requirement for project management Interdepartmental interfacing Educating technologists in managing technology As a 21st century technical manager, you hold the reins to a corporation’s most powerful resource—technology, the key to profitability and growth in an increasingly technological era. Using the tools in this practical management reference, you can become the kind of manager whom corporations will be battling for: an excellent manager who understands people, administrations, and technology. You’ll learn how to organize, coordinate, and allocate resources while setting goals and troubleshooting. Instructive case studies of both successful and struggling technical managers clearly illustrate management do’s and don’ts. You’ll also find immediately applicable techniques and tips for managerial success. Badawy focuses on the technical manager in action with concrete approaches that always address the specific needs of the manager. Among the topics covered are preventing managerial failure; practical mechanisms that strengthen technologists’ management skills; issues in career planning and development, decision making and evaluation of engineering and R&D efforts; and strategic thinking and planning skills. Badawy’s down-to-earth language and practical examples bridge the gap between theory and practice, making it a snap for both the novice and the initiated to translate theory into everyday solutions. Plus, you’ll find career guidance as well as up-to-the-minute coverage of current managerial training programs. A bounty of tables, charts, and diagrams further enhance Developing Managerial Skills in Engineers and Scientists, making this volume indispensable to all those technical professionals interested in becoming 21st century managers.
National Science Teachers Association Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity: Student Edition
How do our bodies manage to heal wounds, build the stamina to run marathons, and give us the energy—even while we’re sleeping—to keep us alive and functioning? Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity prompts high school students to explore fascinating questions like these. It takes a new approach to teaching essential ideas about food, human body systems, matter and energy changes, and chemical reactions.Developed by a team of scientists and science educators and then tested in classrooms, the 14 phenomena-based lessons in this book follow a coherent sequence. They unfold in two main sections: (1) making sense of the matter changes involved in human growth and (2) making sense of the energy changes involved in human growth and activity. Matter and Energy is unique because it does the following: Targets important ideas about changes in both physical and biological systems within the same unit. The book first engages students in seeing the usefulness of the ideas in making sense of phenomena in simple physical systems. Then it shows how to apply these ideas to make sense of related phenomena in complex biological systems. This interdisciplinary approach reflects the way science is practiced in the real world. Supports all three dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards. Disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science practices are all integrated in this unit. Emphasizes important relationships between mathematics and science. Students interpret data sets and graphs to provide evidence for claims. They also do simple computations to explain puzzling phenomena—for example, why does energy have to be added to ignite a marshmallow even though the burning marshmallow releases lots of energy? Builds on the middle school unit Toward High School Biology (also published by NSTA Press). Together the two units help students deepen their understanding of matter and energy changes in plants and animals and the role of chemical reactions in the growth, repair, and activity of living organisms. Matter and Energy for Growth and Activity, Student Edition provides all the student handouts with the teaching tips and sample answers found in the Teacher Edition removed. A set of online resources includes the interactive media, videos, and handouts required to use these experiential lessons. Between both books, you have the support you need to help your students turn abstract ideas into applicable knowledge—a critical first step in learning.
Lehigh University Press Theatre in Dublin, 1745–1820: A Calendar of Performances
Theatre in Dublin,1745–1820: A Calendar of Performances is the first comprehensive, daily compendium of more than 18,000 performances that took place in Dublin’s many professional theatres, music halls, pleasure gardens, and circus amphitheatres between Thomas Sheridan’s becoming the manager at Smock Alley Theatre in 1745 and the dissolution of the Crow Street Theatre in 1820. The daily performance calendar for each of the seventy-five seasons recorded here records and organizes all surviving documentary evidence pertinent to each evening’s entertainments, derived from all known sources, but especially from playbills and newspaper advertisements. Each theatre’s daily entry includes all preludes, mainpieces, interludes, and afterpieces with casts and assigned roles, followed by singing and singers, dancing and dancers, and specialty entertainments. Financial data, program changes, rehearsal notices, authorship and premiere information are included in each component’s entry, as is the text of contemporary correspondence and editorial contextualization and commentary, followed by other additional commentary, such as the many hundreds of printed puffs, notices, and performance reviews. In the cases of the programs of music halls, pleasure gardens, and circuses, the playbills have generally been transcribed verbatim. The calendar for each season is preceded by an analytical headnote that presents several categories of information including, among other things, an alphabetical listing of all members of each company, whether actors, musicians, specialty artists, or house servants, who are known to have been employed at each venue. Limited biographical commentary is included, particularly about performers of Irish origin, who had significant stage careers but who did not perform in London. Each headnote presents the seasons’s offerings of entertainments of each theatrical type (prelude, mainpiece, interlude, afterpiece) analyzed according to genre, including a list of the number of plays in each genre and according to period in which they were first performed. The headnote also notes the number of different plays by Shakespeare staged during each season and gives particular attention to entertainments of “special Irish interest.” The various kinds of benefit performance and command performances are also noted. Finally, this Calendar of Performances contains an appendix that furnishes a season-by-season listing of the plays that were new to the London patent theatres, and, later, of the important “minors.” This information is provided in order for us to understand the interrelatedness of the London and Dublin repertories.
New York University Press Dependency and Japanese Socialization: Psychoanalytic and Anthropological Investigations in Amae
"Surprisingly readable and studded with nuggets of insight." The Daily Yomiuri "This insightful, well-written, fascinating book offers new understandings, not only of Japan, but also of American culture. It is essential for those in anthropology, psychology, sociology, and psychiatry who are interested in culture, as well as those in law and the business community who deal with Japan." Paul Ekman, Ph.D.,Director, Human Interaction Laboratory, Langley Porter Institute, University of California, San Francisco "[A] thoughtful cross-cultural study of development...His work can only enhance the still evolving psychoanalytic theory of preoedipal development as it is being derived mostly from psychoanalytic research on child-parent interaction in American families." Calvin F. Settlage, M.D. "Johnson's ambitious and exhaustive synthesis of anthropological and psychological treatments of dependency raises interesting questions. . . Johnson alerts the reader to issues of universalism and relativity and leads us to ask, 'What would psychoanalysis be like, if it had originated in Japan?'" Merry I. White, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University ". . . Johnson's erudite and critical re-examination of human dependence succeeds to re-profile dependence meaningfully and revives our interest in this major aspect of human experience. Indeed, much food for thought for both psychoanalysts and anthropologists." Henri Parens, M.D., Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Institute Western ideologies traditionally emphasize the concepts of individualism, privacy, freedom, and independence, while the prevailing ethos relegates dependency to a disparaged status. In Japanese society, the divergence from these western ideals can be found in the concept of amae (perhaps best translated as indulgent dependency) which is part of the Japanese social fiber and pervades their experience. For the Western reader, the concept of amae is somewhat alien and unfamiliar, but in order to understand the Japanese fully, it is essential to acquire a familiarity with the intensity that accompanies interdependent affiliations within their culture. To place amae in the proper context, Johnson critically examines the western attitudes toward dependency from the perspectives of psychoanalysis, psychiatry, developmental psychology, and anthropology. Johnson traces the development of the concept and uses of the term dependency in academic and developmental psychology in the West, including its recent eclipse by more operationally useful terms attachment and interdependency. This timely books makes use of the work of Japanese psychiatrist Takeo Doi, whose book The Anatomy of Dependence introduced the concept of amae to the West. Johnson goes on to illuminate the collective manner in which Japanese think and behave which is central to their socialization and educational practices, especially as seen in the stunning success of Japanese trading practices during the past twenty years. A major emphasis is placed upon the positive aspects of amae, which are compared and contrasted with attitudes toward dependency seen among other nationalities, cultures, and groups in both Western and Asian societies. Complete with a glossary of Japanese terms, Dependency and Japanese Socialization provides a comprehensive investigation into Japanese behavior.
Facet Publishing RDA Glossary
The four-year RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project included a major expansion of the standard to align RDA: Resource Description and Access with the IFLA Library Reference Model, which is the conceptual basis of RDA. This expansion included the addition of several new entities and hundreds of new elements. The RDA Glossary features the complete terminology for RDA as it was constituted for the 15 December 2020 release to the RDA Toolkit. It includes: an alphabetical listing of all RDA entities, elements, vocabulary terms and other RDA-related terms a label and definition for all entries and, where needed, a scope note, inverses and cross-references two indexes: an RDA Elements Index, which organizes RDA elements by their domain entities to give users an idea of the structure of RDA, and an RDA Controlled Vocabularies Index, which is organized by element. Developed and maintained by the RDA Steering Committee (RSC) as part of its oversight of the standard, this glossary will be a useful tool for both training and daily reference for students, instructors and cataloguers.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Knowledge Encyclopedia Earth!: Our Exciting World As You've Never Seen It Before
Explore planet Earth like you've never known before with this perfect children's encyclopedia for a young explorer.Forming part of a fantastic series of kid's educational books, this bold and brilliant kid's encyclopedia uses ground-breaking CGI imagery to reveal the world as you've never seen it before. Informative, diverse in subject matter, easy-to-read and brimming with beautiful graphics, young learners can explore the incredibly detailed cross-sections and cutaways that reveal the inner workings of the world around them, featuring floods, hurricanes, volcanoes, deserts and more.This charming children's encyclopedia opens the world in new ways:- Packed with facts, charts, timelines, and illustrations that cover a vast range of topics. - Encompassing a visual approach with illustrations, photographs and extremely detailed 3D CGI images.- Crystal clear text distills the key information.- DK's encyclopedias are fact-checked by subject experts to offer accuracy beyond online sources of information.Knowledge Encyclopedia: Earth! covers everything you need to know about Earth in glorious technicolour detail alongside easy explanations and fun facts to spark young minds to find out about our planet and how it works. The perfect encyclopedia for children aged 9-12, ideal for inquisitive minds, young learners can discover an array of fascinating facts, such as what's inside Earth, and why is it so hot under the surface? How did our planet come about, and what did it look like in the beginning? How are mountains formed and why are forests important? What happens when glaciers melt and how can we stop climate change? Encourage youngsters to explore habitats and ecosystems - inside caves, among enormous redwoods, on the savannahs, or deep down under the oceans. This extraordinary encyclopedia fuels your imagination using its jaw-dropping visual approach to explain everything from what keeps Earth in its place to the great diversity of plants, animals, and people who live on it, why it is unique and how it is changing.Explore, Discover And Learn!DK's Knowledge Encyclopedia: Earth uncovers the marvels of our world in unprecedented detail and with stunning realism. Encompassing engaging facts about Earth, including a closer look at nature, diving into the human body, the amazing world of science and our world's history, you can spend quality time exploring the our universe with your children, accompanied by impressive visuals to engage their senses. A must-have volume for curious kids with a thirst for knowledge, this enthralling encyclopedia is structured in such a way that your child can read a bit at a time, and feel comfortable to pause and ask questions. Doubling up as the perfect gift for young readers, who are always asking questions about our planet! At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. This thrilling kid's encyclopedia is part of the Knowledge Encyclopedia educational series. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they complete the collection and discover diverse facts about the world around them. Dive into the deep blue with Knowledge Encyclopedia Ocean! Travel back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth with Knowledge Encyclopedia Dinosaur! And hone your knowledge on how the human body works with Knowledge Encyclopedia Human Body! Whatever topic takes their fancy, there's an encyclopaedia for everyone!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Share This: The Social Media Handbook for PR Professionals
Share This is a practical handbook to the biggest changes taking place in the media and its professions by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Social Media Panel. The book was conceived and written by more than 20 public relations practitioners representing a cross-section of public, private and voluntary sector expertise using many of the social tools and techniques that it addresses. The book is split into 26 chapters over eight topic areas covering the media and public relations industry, planning, social networks, online media relations, monitoring and measurement, skills, industry change and the future of the industry. It’s a pragmatic guide for anyone that works in public relations and wants to continue working in the industry. Share This was edited by Stephen Waddington with contributions from: Katy Howell, Simon Sanders, Andrew Smith, Helen Nowicka, Gemma Griffiths, Becky McMichael, Robin Wilson, Alex Lacey, Matt Appleby, Dan Tyte, Stephen Waddington, Stuart Bruce, Rob Brown, Russell Goldsmith, Adam Parker, Julio Romo, Philip Sheldrake, Richard Bagnall, Daljit Bhurji, Richard Bailey, Rachel Miller, Mark Pack, and Simon Collister.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Thunderbird on Global Business Strategy
THUNDERBIRD on Global Business Strategy No matter what line of business you are in, produce or biotech, apparel or semiconductors-you can be sure that right now an ambitious management team in some distant part of the globe is devising a strategy to undermine your position and steal away your hard-won customer base. Only a decade ago, that might have seemed like an idle threat. But when you consider the awesome power of the Internet to connect foreign competitors with suppliers and markets anywhere in the world with a keystroke not to mention the precipitous toppling of political barriers to free trade over the past decade it becomes clear that your company's competitive future now depends on your ability to think and act globally. For more than fifty years, Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management, has been preparing students to take their places as international business leaders. The only business school in North America to focus exclusively on global business, Thunderbird has been ranked number one in graduate international management education by U.S. News & World Report every year since 1995. Now, Thunderbird on Global Business Strategy brings together the best thinking in the field from the experts at Thunderbird. Written by an all-star team of past and present Thunderbird faculty members, each a well-known expert in his or her area of specialization, the book not only alerts you to both the dangers and opportunities inherent in today's global business environment, but also arms you with the knowledge, skills, and tools you need to meet those challenges and seize those opportunities. Packed with case studies chronicling the experiences of management at top international companies worldwide, it fills you in on what you must know about managing global crises; forming and managing global alliances; cross-cultural management; managing global supply chains; navigating various legal systems; exploiting international financial markets; the role of the Internet in global business; protecting intellectual property; and much more. Read Thunderbird on Global Business Strategy and find out what it takes to survive and thrive in today's hypercompetitive global business environment. With campuses in Glendale, Arizona, Archamps, France, and Tokyo, Japan, THUNDERBIRD, THE AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT, is North America's leading graduate school for global business. The first institution to offer an international management degree, it has been training international business leaders since 1946. All the Best Thinking from the Leading Lights in Global Strategy In the twenty-first century, every business is a global business. That means that your competitive future depends on acquiring as complete a picture as possible of both the challenges posed by today's borderless business environment as well as the opportunities for increased profits it presents. Now this book gives it to you. Written by the world-renowned experts at Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management, this is your one-stop guide to running a global business. Over the course of more than a dozen chapters, liberally illustrated with fascinating case studies, you'll be armed with the understanding and skills you need to: * Form and manage global alliances * Manage global business crises * Manage a global supply chain * Develop global IT strategies * Exploit international financial markets * Protect intellectual property
Pan Macmillan The Accidental Duchess: From Farmer's Daughter to Belvoir Castle
'The Duchess does indeed seem a remarkable woman . . . this is an engaging book' – Lynn Barber, Daily TelegraphWhen Emma Watkins, the pony-mad daughter of a Welsh farmer, imagined her future, she imagined following in her mother's footsteps to marry a farmer of her own. But then she fell in love with David Manners, having no idea that he was heir to one of the most senior hereditary titles in the land. When David succeeded his father, Emma found herself the chatelaine of Belvoir Castle, ancestral home of the Dukes of Rutland.She had to cope with five boisterous children while faced with a vast estate in desperate need of modernization and staff who wanted nothing to change – it was a daunting responsibility.Yet with sound advice from the doyenne of duchesses, Duchess ‘Debo’ of Devonshire, she met each challenge with optimism and gusto, including scaling the castle roof in a storm to unclog a flooding gutter, being caught in her nightdress by mesmerized Texan tourists and disguising herself as a cleaner to watch filming of The Crown. She even took on the castle ghosts . . .At times the problems she faced seemed insoluble yet, with her unstoppable energy and talent for thinking on the hoof, she won through, inspired by the vision and passion of those Rutland duchesses in whose footsteps she trod, and indeed the redoubtable and resourceful women who forged her, whose homes were not castles but remote farmhouses in the Radnorshire Hills.Vividly written and bursting with insights, The Accidental Duchess will appeal to everyone who has visited a stately home and wondered what it would be like to one day find yourself not only living there, but in charge of its future.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks
Lonely Planet's Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Watch Old Faithful erupt, spot wildlife and climb Mt Teton; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and begin your journey now! Inside the Lonely Planet's Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Travel Guide: User-friendly highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices, emergency information, park seasonality, hiking trail junctions, viewpoints, landscapes, elevations, distances, difficulty levels, and durations Focused on the best hikes, drives, and cycling tours Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, camping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, summer and winter activities, and hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Contextual insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, geology, wildlife, and conservation Over 40 trail and park maps Useful features- Travel with Children,Clothing and Equipment, andDay and Overnight Hikes Covers Yellowstone National Park area, Mammoth Country, Roosevelt Country, Canyon Country, Lake Country, Norris, Geyser Country, Bechler Region, Grand Teton National Park area, Jackson and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, our most comprehensive guide to these two national parks, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less traveled. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA's National Parks for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveler since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travelers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 12 international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveler's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Quick and Easy Air Fryer Cookbook: 100 Keto Friendly Recipes to Cook in Your Air Fryer: Volume 8
Combining a favorite diet with a clean way to cook, the Quick & Easy Air Fryer Cookbook brings delicious keto recipes to an appliance that seems like it was made specifically for it. Organized by favorite types of dishes (Breakfast, Sides, and Desserts) and Star Ingredients (Chicken, Pork, Vegetables) in such a way that discovering your new favorite recipes are only a turn of the page away. Each recipe is complete with keto macros to assist the health-conscious easily find out their percentages of proteins, calories, net carbs, total fat, trans fats, and fiber they consume with each meal. While this book is an excellent addition to the culinary library of keto or air fryer aficionados, introductions to both the keto diet and the air fryer make this a great pick for beginners as well. If you haven’t already heard about what a keto diet is, it involves a diet made predominantly of proteins and excludes carbohydrates. It’s named keto after the raised ketone levels in the blood that curb appetite and increase fat burning. A keto diet comes with strict guidelines, and through air frying your food, you’ll be left with a delectable meal free of any complex carbohydrates and full of flavor. These easy, fast, step-by-step instructions accompanied with mouth-watering photography throughout, are an excellent source of inspiration and portal to delicious weekday dinners as well as quick recipes for easy entertaining. Air fried dinners are quick and tasty, making them a prime choice for families that are on the go and busy working singles as well. By catering to your keto lifestyle and your love for the air fryer, you no longer have to sacrifice health, time, or taste to get a delicious dinner. Along with delicious recipes that stand on their own, separate sections of key keto staples to build out your own recipes, are included in the back of the book. Crumb coating to add a crispy crunch to any recipe is ideal for air frying and can inspire new keto-friendly recipes. Recipes for sweet and savory keto doughs for when you want to treat yourself to a nostalgic pre-diet craving. Not to mention some of the delicious keto-friendly sauces that will please just about everyone, such as: Korean Gochujang Coconut Curry Peanut Sauce General Tso Sauce Tikki Marsala Sauce Tzatziki Sauce Teriyaki Marinade Additional delicious, crowd-pleasing recipes are bound to be instant favorites. Recipes such as: French Toast Egg Loaf Avocado Fries Flank Steak with Chimichurri Chicken Crust Pizza Cajun Shrimp Cheddar and Chive Cauli-tots Jalapeno Popper Zucchini Boat Cheesecake Hand Pie Treat yourself to these crispy, keto, air-fried delights in the Quick & Easy Air Fryer Cookbook. Discover today’s top trending health and wellness topics with the Everyday Wellbeing series from Chartwell Books. From smart eating habits to personal growth advice, these engaging lifestyle guides give you the expert tips and life hacks you need to help you make good choices while practicing mindfulness and self-love. Whether you want to explore cooking with new ingredients like adaptogens and CBD, or make it a priority to incorporate self-care into your daily routine, these brightly colored take-along handbooks have the tools you need to succeed. Other titles in the series include: The Celery Juice Cookbook, Adaptogens, The CBD Handbook, The Complete Guide to Self-Care, Air Fryer Instant Pot Cookbook, and The Plant-Based Cookbook.
Octopus Publishing Group Free Spirit: A Memoir of an Extraordinary Life
"I read Free Spirit all in one go as I literally couldn't put it down.Tanya Sarne's courage and resilience are utterly awe-inspiring.You could read no better book than this on the zeitgeist of London and Hollywood in the Sixties and Seventies and the fashion world of the Eighties and Nineties." - Joanna Lumley "Wherever it was at, Tanya seemed to be. This is an honest, amusing depiction of life as founder of Ghost, the British fashion brand much loved by woman of all shapes and ages. As well as navigating life through the Sixties and onwards, here is a story of a woman boss juggling motherhood, marriage, romance and every other thread of life's rich tapestry." - Alexandra Shulman"Tanya Sarne's Ghost very quickly became the show that all the girls wanted to do - Kate Moss, Helena Christensen, Naomi Campbell, etc. It was really incredible casting and the girls LOVED the clothes. The party after the show was the 'party of the week' - she put a great crowd together and everyone turned up. You just wanted to be part of Tanya's gang because she's magnetic, kind and really funny." - Sam McKnight"Sarne's new memoir, Free Spirit, is a real-life picaresque novel that takes our heroine, nee Tanya Gordon, from London in the final days of the Second World War to Hollywood and from innocence to experience; from being a lonely housewife then a single mother to the boss of a fashion label worn by superstars and supermodels." - The Glasgow Herald''Inspiring, intelligent, brave, plain spoken and wild, Tanya Sarne's memoir tells the story of a woman who is tirelessly optimistic, brilliantly pragmatic and fiercely true to herself. At once a fighter and a dreamer, she has overcome the challenges her personal and professional life have thrown at her with extraordinary tenacity, humour and grace." - Susannah Frankel"If there's a woman out there who doesn't have an old Ghost dress hanging in her wardrobe, can you please tell me exactly what you were wearing in the nineties?" - Alyson Walsh @thatsnotmyage Free Spirit tells the extraordinary life story of Tanya Sarne and her triumphs, setbacks and survival.Hers is a tale of resilience, of second and third chances and of global fashion success as the founder of Ghost, with a fanbase described by Marie Claire in the Nineties as 'bigger than the Spice Girls'.Tanya's story is so much more than simply an account of incredible international fashion success (and excess). The only child of refugee parents, her life ranged from the London of the Swinging Sixties to the glamour and darkness of Hollywood in the early Seventies, to virtual destitution and abandonment with two small children in a Brazilian fishing village - all before she even dreamt of starting her own business ... or becoming one of the inspirations (with her daughter and Lynne Franks) for Absolutely Fabulous.From busking with Andrew Loog Oldham before he managed the Rolling Stones, to being invited to stay with Sharon Tate the night of the Manson murders, Tanya is one of those people who seems to have fitted more into one life than most of us would fit into nine. But, above all, she is that still all-too-rare thing, a female entrepreneur who achieved true global success solely as a result of her own hard work and talent and entirely on her own terms.'Tanya had an amazing life in Hollywood. She was a real survivor. And then she sort of knew nothing about fashion and she found herself in the fashion business just to pay the rent and survive. And then from there, she built up her own business. It's an amazing, remarkable success story.' - Lynne Franks
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd Mexico: The Passenger
Brimming with intricate research and enduring wonder, The Passenger is a love-letter to global travel The Passenger collects the best new writing, photography, and reportage from around the world. Its aim, to break down barriers and introduce the essence of a place. Packed with essays and investigative journalism; original photography and illustrations; charts, and unusual facts and observations, each volume offers a unique insight into a different culture, and how history has shaped it into what it is today. “When you hold it your hands, The Passenger takes you back to another time, one when travel literature had a scent, and texture.”—Paco Nadal, El País “These books are so rich and engrossing that it is rewarding to read them even when one is stuck at home.”―The TLS “[The Passenger] has a strong focus on storytelling, with pages given over to a mix of essays, playlists and sideways glances at subcultures and thorny urban issues.”—MONOCLE “Half-magazine, half-book… think of [The Passenger] as an erudite and literary travel equivalent to National Geographic, with stunning photography and illustration and fascinating writing about place.”— (Best series of the year – 2021) “The Passenger readers will find none of the typical travel guide sections on where to eat or what sights to see. Consider the books, rather, more like a literary vacation--the kind you can take without braving a long flight in the time of Covid-19.”—Publisher's Weekly IN THIS VOLUME: Guadalupe Nettel on Mexico City・Elena Reina on femicide・Yasnaya Aguilar on indigenous languages and racism・Valeria Luiselli on Frida Kahlo and “fridolatry”・Dario Aleman on the Mayan Train project, and much more… Mexico: once synonymous with escape and freedom, better known nowadays for widespread violence, narcotraffic, and migration. Sea, beaches, ancient ruins, tequila: under the patina of mass tourism there's a complex, neurotic country trying to carve out a place for itself in the shadow of its hulky neighbour. The most populous Hispanic country in the world, 89 indigenous languages are spoken: a contradictory legacy reflected in its political, social, religious (and food!) culture. With a fifth of the population identifying as indigenous, rediscovering and revaluing the country's pre-Columbian roots informs much of public debate. The controversial Mayan train project connecting Mexico's Caribbean resorts with the South's archaeological sites, crossing (and compromising) communities and forests, is a perfect example of the opposition between the two souls of the country. It's the drive towards resolving this contradiction, or better still learning to live with it, that will define the Mexico of the future.
Quirk Books Thomas Jefferson's Creme Brulee: How a Founding Father and His Slave James Hemings Introduced French Cuisine to America
In 1784, Thomas Jefferson made a deal with one of his slaves, 19-year-old James Hemings. The Founding Father was traveling to Paris to serve as ambassador to France. Jefferson wanted to bring James along for a particular purpose - to master the art of French cooking. And if James was willing to go along with the plan, Jefferson would grant his freedom. Why? Because the American diet circa 1784 was appalling. Meats were boiled. Spices were limited. Vegetables were mushy and overcooked. Bread was stale. Although Jefferson had never sampled French cuisine, he had read about it, and he wanted to bring its secrets back to the United States. So the two men journeyed to Paris. James Hemings was apprenticed under several master French chefs for three years before taking over as Chef de Cuisine in Jefferson's house on Paris' Champs d'Elysees, where he prepared extravagant meals for Jefferson's many guests. Meanwhile, Jefferson studied the cultivation of French crops (especially French grapes for winemaking), and researched how they might be replicated in American agriculture. When the men returned home in 1789, they brought Americans the gifts of: champagne (up until then, Americans had preferred sweet wines such as sherry and port); pasta (and a rudimentary pasta machine); Pomme de terre frites a cru, en petites tranches (Potatoes, fried in deep fat while raw, cut into small slices ...a.k.a. French Fries); Mac and Cheese!; Creme Brulee; and a host of other innovations. "Thomas Jefferson's Creme Brulee" tells the remarkable story of a Founding Foodie who transformed American agriculture - and the chef who transformed our dinner tables. This narrative nonfiction book includes six of James' recipes (reproduced in his own handwriting!) and six more from Jefferson himself. This rollicking adventure is great fun for fans of history, food, and France.
Encounter Books,USA Wounds That Will Not Heal: Affirmative Action and Our Continuing Racial Divide
Racial preference policies first came on the national scene as a response to black poverty and alienation in America as dramatically revealed in the destructive urban riots of the late 1960s. From the start, however, preference policies were controversial and were greeted by many, including many who had fought the good fight against segregation and Jim Crow to further a color-blind justice, with a sense of outrage and deep betrayal. In the more than forty years that preference policies have been with us little has changed in terms of public opinion, as polls indicate that a majority of Americans continue to oppose such policies, often with great intensity. In Wounds That Will Not Heal political theorist Russell K. Nieli surveys some of the more important social science research on racial preference policies over the past two decades, much of which, he shows, undermines the central claims of preference policy supporters. The mere fact that preference policies have to be referred to through an elaborate system of euphemisms and code words- "affirmative action," "diversity," "goals and timetables," "race sensitive admissions"- tells us something, Nieli argues, about their widespread unpopularity, their tendency to reinforce negative stereotypes about their intended beneficiaries, and their incompatibility with core principles of American justice. Nieli concludes with an impassioned plea to refocus our public attention on the "truly disadvantaged" African American population in our nation's urban centers-the people for whom affirmative action policies were initially instituted but whose interests, Nieli charges, were soon forgotten as the fruits of the policies were hijacked by members of the black and Hispanic middle class. Few will be able to read this book without at least questioning the wisdom of our current race-based preference regime, which Nieli analyses with a penetrating gaze and an eye for cant that will leave few unmoved.
NewSouth, Incorporated The Meanest and 'Damnest' Job: Being the Civil War Exploits and Civilian Accomplishments of Colonel Edmund Winchester Rucker During and After the War
Most Civil War histories focus on the performance of top-level generals. However, it was the individual officers below them who actually led the troops to enact the orders. Some of these were remarkably effective. One such officer was Edmund Winchester Rucker. He was a force to be reckoned with, both during the Civil War and in his post-war business ventures. He was courageous, tough and resourceful, and achieved significant results in every assignment. During the campaign by the United States Army to capture the upper Mississippi River, Rucker and his faithful Confederate artillerists, with only three operable cannons, held off the entire Federal fleet which possessed 105 heavy guns. Later, in East Tennessee, Rucker’s duties included punishing saboteurs and conscripting unwilling local citizens into the Confederate Army. He described these assignments as: "The meanest and damnest [sic] duty a soldier had to perform." Following the battles for Chattanooga, he served with General Nathan Bedford Forrest as a cavalry brigade commander, earning high merits for his performance. Rucker’s leadership was a major factor in the Confederate victory in the Battle of Brices Cross Roads, which has been called "History’s Greatest Cavalry Battle." Subsequent to the Battle of Nashville, Rucker was wounded and captured; although his left arm was amputated, this did not impede his future achievements. After the war, Colonel Rucker and General Forrest became business partners in a railroad-building project. Rucker did well from this venture and became one of the wealthiest early entrepreneurs in Birmingham. In recognition of his many accomplishments, Fort Rucker Alabama was named in his honor. This first biography on his life examines, at a fast-moving pace, the military and business accomplishments of this outstanding leader who left his mark on both the Civil War and Southern industry of the time.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Antibiotic Era: Reform, Resistance, and the Pursuit of a Rational Therapeutics
In The Antibiotic Era, physician-historian Scott H. Podolsky narrates the far-reaching history of antibiotics, focusing particularly on reform efforts that attempted to fundamentally change how antibiotics are developed and prescribed. This sweeping chronicle reveals the struggles faced by crusading reformers from the 1940s onward as they advocated for a rational therapeutics at the crowded intersection of bugs and drugs, patients and doctors, industry and medical academia, and government and the media. During the post-World War II "wonder drug" revolution, antibiotics were viewed as a panacea for mastering infectious disease. But from the beginning, critics raised concerns about irrational usage and overprescription. The first generation of antibiotic reformers focused on regulating the drug industry. The reforms they set in motion included the adoption of controlled clinical trials as the ultimate arbiters of therapeutic efficacy, the passage of the Kefauver-Harris amendments mandating proof of drug efficacy via well-controlled studies, and the empowering of the Food and Drug Administration to remove inefficacious drugs from the market. Despite such victories, no entity was empowered to rein in physicians who inappropriately prescribed, or overly prescribed, approved drugs. Now, in an era of emerging bugs and receding drugs, discussions of antibiotic resistance focus on the need to develop novel antibiotics and the need for more appropriate prescription practices in the face of pharmaceutical marketing, pressure from patients, and the structural constraints that impede rational delivery of antibiotics worldwide. Concerns about the enduring utility of antibiotics-indeed, about a post-antibiotic era-are widespread, as evidenced by reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, academia, and popular media alike. Only by understanding the historical forces that have shaped our current situation, Podolsky argues, can we properly understand and frame our choices moving forward.
Oxford University Press Inc Governing Security After War: The Politics of Institutional Change in the Security Sector
Security assistance has become the largest component of international peacebuilding and stabilization efforts, and a primary tool for responding to civil war and insurgency. Donors and peacekeepers not only train and equip military and police forces, they also seek to overhaul their structure, management, and oversight. Yet, we know little about why these efforts succeed or fail. Efforts to restructure security forces in Iraq, Libya, South Sudan, Timor-Leste, and the Democratic Republic of Congo ended amidst factional fighting. Similar efforts in Liberia, Sierra Leone, El Salvador, Mozambique, and Bosnia and Herzegovina helped to transform security forces and underpin peace. What accounts for the mixed outcomes of efforts to restructure security forces after civil war? What is the role of external involvement on these outcomes? In Governing Security After War, Louis-Alexandre Berg examines the political dimensions of security governance through systematic, cross-country comparison. Berg argues that the extent to which state policymakers adopt changes to the management and oversight of security forces depends on internal political dynamics, specifically the degree to which leaders need to consolidate power. The different political strategies leaders pursue, in turn, affect opportunities for external actors to influence institutional changes through means such as conditions on aid, norm diffusion, or day-to-day participation in decision-making. Drawing on an original dataset of security governance and field research in Liberia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Timor-Leste, as well as mini-case studies of Iraq, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Somalia, Berg draws out novel implications that help explain the recurrence of civil war and the impact of foreign aid on peacebuilding. Moreover, Berg provides practical recommendations for navigating the political challenges of institutional change in conflict-affected countries. Ultimately, Governing Security After War seeks to explain the success and failure of international assistance in war-torn countries and sheds light on the politics of peacebuilding.
Cornell University Press To Follow in Their Footsteps: The Crusades and Family Memory in the High Middle Ages
When the First Crusade ended with the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099, jubilant crusaders returned home to Europe bringing with them stories, sacred relics, and other memorabilia, including banners, jewelry, and weapons. In the ensuing decades, the memory of the crusaders' bravery and pious sacrifice was invoked widely among the noble families of western Christendom. Popes preaching future crusades would count on these very same families for financing, leadership, and for the willing warriors who would lay down their lives on the battlefield. Despite the great risks and financial hardships associated with crusading, descendants of those who suffered and died on crusade would continue to take the cross, in some cases over several generations. Indeed, as Nicholas L. Paul reveals in To Follow in Their Footsteps, crusading was very much a family affair.Scholars of the crusades have long pointed to the importance of dynastic tradition and ties of kinship in the crusading movement but have failed to address more fundamental questions about the operation of these social processes. What is a "family tradition"? How are such traditions constructed and maintained, and by whom? How did crusading families confront the loss of their kin in distant lands? Making creative use of Latin dynastic narratives as well as vernacular literature, personal possessions and art objects, and architecture from across western Europe, Paul shows how traditions of crusading were established and reinforced in the collective memories of noble families throughout the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Even rulers who never fulfilled crusading vows found their political lives dominated and, in some ways, directed by the memory of their crusading ancestors. Filled with unique insights and careful analysis, To Follow in Their Footsteps reveals the lasting impact of the crusades, beyond the expeditions themselves, on the formation of dynastic identity and the culture of the medieval European nobility.
New York University Press Pocahontas and the English Boys: Caught between Cultures in Early Virginia
The captivating story of four young people—English and Powhatan—who lived their lives between cultures In Pocahontas and the English Boys, the esteemed historian Karen Ordahl Kupperman shifts the lens on the well-known narrative of Virginia’s founding to reveal the previously untold and utterly compelling story of the youths who, often unwillingly, entered into cross-cultural relationships—and became essential for the colony’s survival. Their story gives us unprecedented access to both sides of early Virginia. Here for the first time outside scholarly texts is an accurate portrayal of Pocahontas, who, from the age of ten, acted as emissary for her father, who ruled over the local tribes, alongside the never-before-told intertwined stories of Thomas Savage, Henry Spelman, and Robert Poole, young English boys who were forced to live with powerful Indian leaders to act as intermediaries. Pocahontas and the English Boys is a riveting seventeenth-century story of intrigue and danger, knowledge and power, and four youths who lived out their lives between cultures. As Pocahontas, Thomas, Henry, and Robert collaborated and conspired in carrying messages and trying to smooth out difficulties, they never knew when they might be caught in the firing line of developing hostilities. While their knowledge and role in controlling communication gave them status and a degree of power, their relationships with both sides meant that no one trusted them completely. Written by an expert in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Atlantic history, Pocahontas and the English Boys unearths gems from the archives—Henry Spelman’s memoir, travel accounts, letters, and official reports and records of meetings of the governor and council in Virginia—and draws on recent archaeology to share the stories of the young people who were key influencers of their day and who are now set to transform our understanding of early Virginia.
New York University Press Black Fundamentalists: Conservative Christianity and Racial Identity in the Segregation Era
Reveals the history of Black Fundamentalists during the early part of the twentieth century As the modernist-fundamentalist controversy came to a head in the early twentieth century, an image of the “fighting fundamentalist” was imprinted on the American cultural consciousness. To this day, the word “fundamentalist” often conjures the image of a fire-breathing preacher—strident, unyielding in conviction . . . and almost always white. But did this major religious perspective really stop cold in its tracks at the color line? Black Fundamentalists challenges the idea that fundamentalism was an exclusively white phenomenon. The volume uncovers voices from the Black community that embraced the doctrinal tenets of the movement and, in many cases, explicitly self-identified as fundamentalists. Fundamentalists of the early twentieth century felt the pressing need to defend the “fundamental” doctrines of their conservative Christian faith—doctrines like biblical inerrancy, the divinity of Christ, and the virgin birth—against what they saw as the predations of modernists who represented a threat to true Christianity. Such concerns, attitudes, and arguments emerged among Black Christians as well as white, even as the oppressive hand of Jim Crow excluded African Americans from the most prominent white-controlled fundamentalist institutions and social crusades, rendering them largely invisible to scholars examining such movements. Black fundamentalists aligned closely with their white counterparts on the theological particulars of “the fundamentals.” Yet they often applied their conservative theology in more progressive, racially contextualized ways. While white fundamentalists were focused on battling the teaching of evolution, Black fundamentalists were tying their conservative faith to advocacy for reforms in public education, voting rights, and the overturning of legal bans on intermarriage. Beyond the narrow confines of the fundamentalist movement, Daniel R. Bare shows how these historical dynamics illuminate larger themes, still applicable today, about how racial context influences religious expression.
Scholastic US Bob Books Stories: The New Puppy
Level 1 Storybook Stage 3: Developing Readers Appeals to: Ages 3-7 Reading Ages: 6 to 7 Lexile Level: 330L Jack and Anna want a new puppy, but Mom and Dad are not so sure. A puppy is a lot of work. Jack and Anna promise they will help out. What kind of adventures will they have with a new puppy in the house? 30 full-colour pages build comprehension and endurance. This book includes: sight words, words to sound out simple sentences. This book is perfect to read alongside Bob Books: Stage 3 Developing Readers books, or on its own. ABOUT BOBS BOOKS Bob Books is America's no.1, award-winning, learning-to-read series trusted for over 40 years. Bob Books is a true first reader series, designed to make helping children learn to read simple and straightforward. The clean layout, short words, and simple phonics make learning to read a fun and natural step for a child that knows the alphabet. Companion workbooks extend children's reading journey by allowing them to practice the skills learned in the books. Bob Books is designed to give young children the tools to cross from learning letters to reading words. The award-winning beginning reader book sets start slowly and progress from books with three letter words, to books with more than one sentence per page. By meeting children at the right level, parents are often amazed at how quickly their child is able to sound out words when reading their first Bob Book. Bob Books covers four reading stages... Pre-Readings Skills Recognize shapes, patterns, and other pre-reading skills Stage 1: Starting to Read From learning the alphabet to sounding out your first words Stage 2: Emerging Readers Sentences become longer and sight words are introduced Stage 3: Developing Readers Words and sentences become longer, and new rules are introduced
Scholastic US Bob Books Stories: Cupcake Surprise
Level 1 Storybook Stage 3: Developing Readers Appeals to: Ages 3-7 Reading Ages: 6 to 7 Lexile Level: 60L Jack and Anna want to make cupcakes as a surprise for Dad's birthday. Jack and Anna end up being surprised as they mix up the batter. Will the cupcakes end up being a good surprise? 28 full-colour pages build comprehension and endurance. This book includes: sight words, words to sound out simple sentences. This book is perfect to read alongside Bob Books: Stage 3 Developing Readers books, or on its own. ABOUT BOBS BOOKS Bob Books is America's no.1, award-winning, learning-to-read series trusted for over 40 years. Bob Books is a true first reader series, designed to make helping children learn to read simple and straightforward. The clean layout, short words, and simple phonics make learning to read a fun and natural step for a child that knows the alphabet. Companion workbooks extend children's reading journey by allowing them to practice the skills learned in the books. Bob Books is designed to give young children the tools to cross from learning letters to reading words. The award-winning beginning reader book sets start slowly and progress from books with three letter words, to books with more than one sentence per page. By meeting children at the right level, parents are often amazed at how quickly their child is able to sound out words when reading their first Bob Book. Bob Books covers four reading stages... Pre-Readings Skills Recognize shapes, patterns, and other pre-reading skills Stage 1: Starting to Read From learning the alphabet to sounding out your first words Stage 2: Emerging Readers Sentences become longer and sight words are introduced Stage 3: Developing Readers Words and sentences become longer, and new rules are introduced
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Violence: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Causes, Consequences, and Cures
A comprehensive overview of the integrative study of violence Violence continues to be one of the most urgent global public health problems that contemporary society faces. Suicides and homicides are increasing at an alarming rate, particularly in younger age groups and lower-income countries. Historically, the study of violence has been fragmented across disparate fields of study with little cross-disciplinary collaboration, thus creating a roadblock to decoding the underlying processes that give rise to violence and hindering efforts in research and prevention. Violence: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Causes, Consequences, and Cures assembles and organizes current information into one comprehensive volume, introducing students to the multiple sectors, disciplines, and practices that collectively comprise the study of violence. This innovative textbook presents a unified perspective that integrates the sociological, biological, politico-economic, structural, and environmental underpinnings of violence. Each chapter examines a distinct point of learning, beginning with an overview of the content and concluding with discussion questions and an analytical summary. The chapters focus on key domains of research encouraging interdisciplinary investigation and helping students to develop critical analytical skills and form their own conclusions. Fills a significant gap in the field by providing a coherent text that consolidates information on the multiple aspects of violence Examines current legal, medical, public health, and policy approaches to violence prevention and their application within a global context Illustrates how similar causes of violence may have dissimilar manifestations Presents a multidisciplinary examination of the symptoms and underlying processes of violence Offers a thorough yet accessible learning framework to undergraduate and graduate students without prior knowledge of the study of violence More than just an accumulation of facts and data, this essential text offers a broad introduction to a thinking process that can produce rigorous scholarship across disciplines and lead to a deeper understanding of violence in its many forms.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Black Republic: African Americans and the Fate of Haiti
In The Black Republic, Brandon R. Byrd explores the ambivalent attitudes that African American leaders in the post-Civil War era held toward Haiti, the first and only black republic in the Western Hemisphere. Following emancipation, African American leaders of all kinds—politicians, journalists, ministers, writers, educators, artists, and diplomats—identified new and urgent connections with Haiti, a nation long understood as an example of black self-determination. They celebrated not only its diplomatic recognition by the United States but also the renewed relevance of the Haitian Revolution. While a number of African American leaders defended the sovereignty of a black republic whose fate they saw as intertwined with their own, others expressed concern over Haiti's fitness as a model black republic, scrutinizing whether the nation truly reflected the "civilized" progress of the black race. Influenced by the imperialist rhetoric of their day, many African Americans across the political spectrum espoused a politics of racial uplift, taking responsibility for the "improvement" of Haitian education, politics, culture, and society. They considered Haiti an uncertain experiment in black self-governance: it might succeed and vindicate the capabilities of African Americans demanding their own right to self-determination or it might fail and condemn the black diasporic population to second-class status for the foreseeable future. When the United States military occupied Haiti in 1915, it created a crisis for W. E. B. Du Bois and other black activists and intellectuals who had long grappled with the meaning of Haitian independence. The resulting demand for and idea of a liberated Haiti became a cornerstone of the anticapitalist, anticolonial, and antiracist radical black internationalism that flourished between World War I and World War II. Spanning the Reconstruction, post-Reconstruction, and Jim Crow eras, The Black Republic recovers a crucial and overlooked chapter of African American internationalism and political thought.
University of Pennsylvania Press Electing the President, 2008: The Insiders' View
Just weeks after the November 2008 election, the Annenberg Public Policy Center's Kathleen Hall Jamieson and's Brooks Jackson gathered top strategists and consultants for postelection analysis. Nicolle Wallace, Ambassador Mark Wallace, Jon Carson, Steve Schmidt, Bill McInturff, and Chris Mottola from the McCain-Palin camp met with David Plouffe, David Axelrod, Joel Benenson, Jim Margolis, and Anita Dunn, their counterparts from the Obama-Biden camp to share their insights into one of the most unusual presidential elections in American history. Representatives of the Democratic and Republican National Committees and the major independent expenditure groups did the same. In the resulting book, Electing the President, 2008, the consultants who managed the 2008 presidential campaign retrace the decisions that shaped the historic presidential election. Like Electing the President, 2000 and Electing the President, 2004, this work permits readers to eavesdrop on the first cross-campaign discussion that occurred in the nation after Election Day. These political experts assess the importance of new factors ranging from campaign spending to the performance of the press corps, from the effect of the Internet on news cycles to the influence of Tina Fey. Democratic and Republican insiders explain the strategies behind the debates and advertising, reveal what their internal polls showed, and share what they did well and poorly in their efforts to elect the forty-fourth president of the United States. In addition to insider commentary, Electing the President, 2008 presents political communications and strategy researchers with an election timeline and polling data from the National Annenberg Election Survey. This book offers a ringside seat to what may prove to be the most pivotal political contest for a long time to come. An included DVD features selected video of the proceedings.
Princeton University Press A Carnival of Revolution: Central Europe 1989
This is the first history of the revolutions that toppled communism in Europe to look behind the scenes at the grassroots movements that made those revolutions happen. It looks for answers not in the salons of power brokers and famed intellectuals, not in decrepit economies--but in the whirlwind of activity that stirred so crucially, unstoppably, on the street. Melding his experience in Solidarity-era Poland with the sensibility of a historian, Padraic Kenney takes us into the hearts and minds of those revolutionaries across much of Central Europe who have since faded namelessly back into everyday life. This is a riveting story of musicians, artists, and guerrilla theater collectives subverting traditions and state power; a story of youthful social movements emerging in the 1980s in Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and parts of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Kenney argues that these movements were active well before glasnost. Some protested military or environmental policy. Others sought to revive national traditions or to help those at the margins of society. Many crossed forbidden borders to meet their counterparts in neighboring countries. They all conquered fear and apathy to bring people out into the streets. The result was a revolution unlike any other before: nonviolent, exuberant, even light-hearted, but also with a relentless political focus--a revolution that leapt from country to country in the exciting events of 1988 and 1989. A Carnival of Revolution resounds with the atmosphere of those turbulent years: the daring of new movements, the unpredictability of street demonstrations, and the hopes and regrets of the young participants. A vivid photo-essay complements engaging prose to fully capture the drama. Based on over two hundred interviews in twelve countries, and drawing on samizdat and other writings in six languages, this is among the most insightful and compelling accounts ever published of the historical milestone that ushered in our age.
O'Reilly Media Programming with QT 2e
The popular open source KDE desktop environment for Unix was built with Qt, a C++ class library for writing GUI applications that run on Unix, Linux, Windows 95/98, Windows 2000, and Windows NT platforms. Qt emulates the look and feel of Motif, but is much easier to use. Best of all, after you have written an application with Qt, all you have to do is recompile it to have a version that works on Windows. Qt also emulates the look and feel of Windows, so your users get native-looking interfaces. Platform independence is not the only benefit. Qt is flexible and highly optimized. You'll find that you need to write very little, if any, platform-dependent code because Qt already has what you need. And Qt is free for open source and Linux development. Although programming with Qt is straightforward and feels natural once you get the hang of it, the learning curve can be steep. Qt comes with excellent reference documentation, but beginners often find the included tutorial is not enough to really get started with Qt. That's where Programming with Qt steps in. You'll learn how to program in Qt as the book guides you through the steps of writing a simple paint application. Exercises with fully worked out answers help you deepen your understanding of the topics. The book presents all of the GUI elements in Qt, along with advice about when and how to use them, so you can make full use of the toolkit. For seasoned Qt programmers, there's also lots of information on advanced 2D transformations, drag-and-drop, writing custom image file filters, networking with the new Qt Network Extension, XML processing, Unicode handling, and more. Programming with Qt helps you get the most out of this powerful, easy-to-use, cross-platform toolkit. It's been completely updated for Qt Version 3.0 and includes entirely new information on rich text, Unicode/double byte characters, internationalization, and network programming.
Diversion Books Zone to Win: Organizing to Compete in an Age of Disruption
Over the last 25 years, Geoffrey Moore has established himself as one of the most influential high-tech advisors in the world—once prompting Conan O’Brien to ask “Who is Geoffrey Moore and why is he more famous than me?” Following up on the ferociously innovative ESCAPE VELOCITY, which served as the basis for Moore’s consulting work to such companies as Salesforce, Microsoft, and Intel, ZONE TO WIN serves as the companion playbook for his landmark guide, offering a practical manual to address the challenge large enterprises face when they seek to add a new line of business to their established portfolio. Focused on spurring next-generation growth, guiding mergers and acquisitions, and embracing disruption and innovation, ZONE TO WIN is a high-powered tool for driving your company above and beyond its limitations, its definitions of success, and ultimately, its competitors. Moore’s classic bestseller, CROSSING THE CHASM, has sold more than one million copies by addressing the challenges faced by start-up companies. Now ZONE TO WIN is set to guide established enterprises through the same journey. “For any company, regardless of size or industry, ZONE TO WIN is the playbook for succeeding in today’s disruptive, connected, fast-paced business world.” —Marc Benioff, CEO, Salesforce “Once again Geoffrey Moore weighs in with a prescient examination of what it takes to win in today’s competitive, disruptive business environment.” —Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft "With this book, Geoffrey Moore continues to lead us all through ever-changing times...His work has changed the game of changing the game!" —Gary Kovacs, CEO, AVG “ZONE TO WIN uses crystal-clear language to describe the management plays necessary to win in an ever-disrupting marketplace. Regardless of your level of management experience, you will find this book an invaluable tool for building long-term success for your business.” —Lip-Bu Tan, President and CEO, Cadence Design Systems
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Modern Dental Assisting
Easily master all aspects of dental assisting with the most up-to-date and trusted text available. For more than 45 years, students and practitioners alike have relied on Modern Dental Assisting for its cutting-edge content, easy-to-grasp writing style, step-by-step procedures, and top-notch visuals. And the new 14th edition is no exception. With updated content - including the latest technological advancements, clinical photographs, and coverage of cultural diversity and how it relates to patient care - this new edition will guide you from your first day of class all the way to your first job in dental assisting. Comprehensive, cutting-edge content presented in an approachable writing style aids comprehension. Step-by-step procedures for general and expanded functions include helpful color-coding and photos. Chapter features include recall questions throughout; boxes on infection control and CDC practices; and end-of-chapter elements regarding patient education, law and ethics, future trends, and critical thinking. Key terminology list offers definitions, visual highlights within chapter discussions, and an alphabetized list in the glossary with cross-references to chapter locations. Learning and performance outcomes address didactic knowledge and clinical skills mastery. NEW! Expanded coverage of digital technology topics in general dentistry and dental specialties prepares you to work in modern dental settings. NEW! Additional illustrations enhance an already stellar art program, with more than 1,700 images. NEW! Consistent chapter organization with modernized learning outcomes help you understand important topics more easily. UPDATED! Dentrix Learning Edition based on Dentrix G7.3, available for download on the companion Evolve website, gives you experience working with practice management software. UPDATED! Revised Dentrix exercises on the Evolve companion website correlate with the updated Dentrix Learning Edition software.
Penguin Books Ltd Sorry for Your Trouble: The Irish Way of Death
The Irish do death differently.Funeral attendance is a solemn duty - but it can also be a big day out, requiring sophisticated crowd control, creative parking solutions and a high-end sound system. Despite having the same basic end-of-life infrastructure as other Western countries, Irish culture handles death with a unique blend of dignified ritual and warm sociability.In Sorry for Your Trouble, Ann Marie Hourihane holds up a mirror to the Irish way of death: the funny bits, the sad bits, and the hard-to-explain bits that tell us so much about who we are. She follows the last weeks of a woman's life in hospice; she witnesses an embalming; she attends inquests; she talks to people working to prevent suicide; she follows the team of specialists working to locate the remains of people 'disappeared' by the IRA; and she visits some of Ireland's most contested graves. She also explores the strange and sometimes surprising histories of Irish death practices, from the traditional wake and ritual lamentations to the busy commerce between anatomists and bodysnatchers. And she goes to funerals, of ordinary and extraordinary people all over the country - including that of her own father. 'I had joined a club,' she writes, 'the club of people who have lost someone very close to them.' And then, with her family, she sets about planning a funeral in the middle of a pandemic.Sorry for Your Trouble sheds fresh, wise and witty light on a key pillar of Irish culture: a vast but strangely underexplored subject. Rich, sparkling and eye-opening, it is one of the best books ever written about Irish life.___________________________'A beautiful, insightful reflection on a very, very peculiar country's approach to the oddest experience of them all' RYAN TUBRIDY'Hugely moving and illuminating. All of life, somehow, is here' TANYA SWEENEY, IRISH INDEPENDENT'Moving, comforting and funny' BUSINESS POST
Troubador Publishing Under the Enemy Sky
My granddaughter was studying recent history at school, a year or two back and the course of her studies were embracing the events of the Second World War; Classroom activities included an exhibition of War time photos and relics, that might be gathered together and I was incumbent on relatives etc, familiar with the era, to see what they might have in the loft! I was able to contribute a Tin hat (steel helmet in modern day parlance) and a gas mask, both inherited from my Father who was a stalwart member of the A. R. P at that time. More about the A. R. P later. I was also asked to provide a brief account of my re-collections of the period, which, no doubt, would be included in any essays on the subject to complete her studies. I later realised that I was 5 years of age in 1939 and 11 years when the conflict finally ended in 1945, there was also the 'benefit' of living in Croydon, for most of the duration, I might have a great deal more to recall than this brief summary for the classroom, on two sheets of paper. I began to realise that memories, long forgotten, buried in time, were coming to the fore and if she was writing an essay. I might be able to write a book. In those early days my home town was near enough centre stage to much of the aerial action during the Battle of Britain and the ongoing conflict, above our heads, over the years. The area endured endless overflying of enemy raiders, attacking targets near and far, night and day, and was at the receiving end of attacks from V 1 and V 2 capons during the later stages of the War; it was also an area to witness the responding hordes of Allied bombers as they over flew us, from bases far inland, reaching out to targets in the Nazi heartland. I set about writing this account in earnest.
Hodder & Stoughton She Landed By Moonlight: The Story of Secret Agent Pearl Witherington: the 'real Charlotte Gray'
On the night of the 22 September 1943 Pearl Witherington, a twenty-nine-year-old British secretary and agent of the Special Operations Executive (SOE), was parachuted from a Halifax bomber into Occupied France. Like Sebastian Faulks' heroine, Charlotte Gray, Pearl had a dual mission: to fight for her beloved, broken France and to find her lost love. Pearl's lover was a Parisian parfumier turned soldier, Henri Cornioley, who had been taken prisoner while serving in the French Logistics Corps and subsequently escaped from his German POW camp. Agent Pearl Witherington's wartime record is unique and heroic. As the only woman agent in the history of SOEs in France to have run a network, she became a fearless and legendary guerrilla leader organising, arming and training 3,800 Resistance fighters. Probably the greatest female organiser of armed maquisards in France, the woman whom her young troops called 'Ma Mère', Pearl lit the fires of Resistance in Central France so that Churchill's famous order to 'set Europe ablaze', which had brought SOE into being, finally came to pass. Pearl's story takes us from her harsh, impoverished childhood in Paris, to the lonely forests and farmhouses of the Loir-et-Cher where she would become a true 'warrior queen'. Shortly before Pearl's death in 2008, the Queen presented her with a CBE in Paris. While male agents and Special Force Jedburghs received the DSO or Military Cross, an ungrateful country had forgotten Pearl. She had been offered a civilian decoration in 1945 which she refused, saying 'There was nothing civil about what I did.' But what pleased her most was to receive her Parachute Wings, for which she had waited over 60 years. Two RAF officers travelled to her old people's home and she was finally able to pin the coveted wings on her lapel. Pearl died in February 2008 aged 93.
Stanford University Press Inside Nuclear South Asia
Nuclear-armed adversaries India and Pakistan have fought three wars since their creation as sovereign states in 1947. They went to the brink of a fourth in 2001 following an attack on the Indian parliament, which the Indian government blamed on the Pakistan-backed Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist organizations. Despite some attempts at rapprochement in the intervening years, a new standoff between the two countries was precipitated when India accused Lashkar-e-Taiba of being behind the Mumbai attacks late last year. The relentlessness of the confrontations between these two nations makes Inside Nuclear South Asia a must read for anyone wishing to gain a thorough understanding of the spread of nuclear weapons in South Asia and the potential consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent. The book begins with an analysis of the factors that led to India's decision to cross the nuclear threshold in 1998, with Pakistan close behind: factors such as the broad political support for a nuclear weapons program within India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the intense rivalry between the two countries, the normative and prestige factors that influenced their behaviors, and ultimately the perceived threat to their respective national security. The second half of the book analyzes the consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent. These chapters show that the presence of nuclear weapons in South Asia has increased the frequency and propensity of low-level violence, further destabilizing the region. Additionally, nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan have led to serious political changes that also challenge the ability of the two states to produce stable nuclear détente. Thus, this book provides both new insights into the domestic politics behind specific nuclear policy choices in South Asia, a critique of narrow realist views of nuclear proliferation, and the dangers of nuclear proliferation in South Asia.
Little, Brown Book Group Blood Truth
'To die for' SUZANNE BROCKMANN'Frighteningly addictive' PUBLISHERS WEEKLY 'Delicious, erotic, and thrilling' NICOLE JORDAN _____________________As a trainee in the Black Dagger Brotherhood's program, Boone has triumphed as a soldier and now fights side by side with the Brothers. Following his sire's unexpected death, he is taken off rotation against his protests-and he finds himself working with Butch O'Neal, former homicide cop, to catch a serial killer: Someone is targeting females of the species at a live action role play club. When the Brotherhood is called in to help, Boone insists on being a part of the effort-and the last thing he expects is to meet an enticing, mysterious female . . . who changes his life forever.Ever since her sister was murdered at the club, Helaine has been committed to finding the killer, no matter the danger she faces. When she crosses paths with Boone, she doesn't know whether to trust him or not-and then she has no choice. As she herself becomes a target, and someone close to the Brotherhood is identified as the prime suspect, the two must work to together to solve the mystery...before it's too late. Will a madman come between the lovers or will true love and goodness triumph over a very mortal evil?_____________________Find out why readers are OBSESSED with the Black Dagger Brotherhood...'Intriguing, adrenaline-pumping' BOOKLIST 'Insanely good! . . . Intensely romantic and straight up flipping steamy, violent and gruesome, heartbreaking and deep. Her addictive writing tells a story like none other' Goodreads reviewer'I can't get enough of these sexy, tough, intriguing vampires' Amazon reviewer'Emotional by epic proportions' Kobo reviewer'The Black Dagger Brotherhood is a twisting, often surprising, but always awesome read' Amazon reviewer'The story had me captivated the whole way' Kobo reviewer'Each and every character is compelling' Amazon reviewer'A must read' Goodreads reviewer
Oxford University Press Inc Contesting Conformity: Democracy and the Paradox of Political Belonging
Americans valorize resistance to conformity. "Be yourself!" "Don't just follow the crowd!" Such injunctions pervade contemporary American culture. We praise individuals such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Steve Jobs who chart their own course in life and do something new. Yet surprisingly, recent research in social psychology has shown that, in practice, Americans are averse and at times, even hostile to individuals who express traits associated with non-conformity, such as individuality, free judgment, and creativity. This disjunction between our public rhetoric and practice raises fundamental questions: Why is non-conformity valuable? Is it always valuable-or does it pose dangers as well as promise benefits for democratic societies? What is the relationship between non-conformity as an individual ideal and democracy as a form of collective self-rule? Contesting Conformity provides a new interpretive lens to the writings of Alexis de Tocqueville, John Stuart Mill, and Friedrich Nietzsche to investigate non-conformity and its relationship to modern democracy. While there are important differences among them, all three thinkers worry that certain aspects of democracy--namely, the power of public opinion, the tyranny of social majorities, and the commitment to moral equality--encourage conformity, thus suppressing dissent, individuality, and creativity. Taken together, Tocqueville, Mill, and Nietzsche show us that to the extent that we are committed to democracy, we must find ways to foster non-conformity, but we must do so within certain moral and political constraints. Drawing new insight from their work, Jennie Ikuta argues that non-conformity is an intractable issue for democracy. While non-conformity is often important for cultivating a just polity, non-conformity can also undermine democracy. In other words, democracy needs non-conformity, but not in an unconditional way. This book examines this intractable relationship, and offers resources for navigating the relationship in contemporary democracies in ways that promote justice and freedom.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Blazing World: A New History of Revolutionary England
A WATERSTONES, TELEGRAPH, ECONOMIST AND NEW YORKER BOOK OF THE YEAR A major new history of England's turbulent seventeenth century and how it marked the birth of a new world 'This is a wonderful book, exhaustively researched, vigorously argued and teeming with the furious joy of seventeenth-century life' The Times 'A brilliant, bloody account of England's most dramatic century . . . Thrilling' Telegraph The seventeenth century began as the English suddenly found themselves ruled by a Scotsman, and ended in the shadow of an invasion by the Dutch. Under James I, the country suffered terrorism and witch panics. Under his son Charles, state and society collapsed into civil war, to be followed by an army coup and regicide. For a short time – for the only time in history – England was a republic. There were bitter struggles over faith and no boundaries to politics. In the coffee shops and alehouses of plague-ridden London, new ideas were forged that were angry, populist and almost impossible for monarchs to control. Despite the radical changes that transformed England, few today understand the story of this revolutionary age. Leaders like Oliver Cromwell, Charles II, and William of Orange have been reduced to caricatures, while major turning points like the Civil War and the Glorious Revolution have become shrouded in myth and misunderstanding. Yet the seventeenth century has never been more relevant. The British constitution is once again being contested, and we face a culture war reminiscent of when the Roundheads fought the Cavaliers. From raw politics to religious divisions, civil wars to witch trials, plague to press freedoms, The Blazing World is the story of a strange but fascinating century, told in sparkling detail. Drawing on vast archives, Jonathan Healey refreshes our understanding of public figures while simultaneously taking us into the lives of ordinary people to illuminate a revolutionary society that forged a new world.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Abide Bible Journal - John, Paperback, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Do you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible Journals are designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that come from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. This journal volume of the Book of John will help you develop Scripture-engagement habits to help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in the Word.This Abide Bible Journal is designed to help you focus on the message of this section of the Bible. The format is ideal for personal or group study as each handy journaling paperback includes individual book introductions, a single-column Scripture layout, and powerful passage-specific prompts with light journaling lines opposite each page of Scripture.Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, the Abide Scripture engagement prompts are based on four ways of engaging deeply with the Bible: Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant Journal: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life Contemplate: Follow the simple 4-step practice of feasting in God’s Word Features include: Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NET Typeface Thick paper suited for journaling Brief book introductions Innovative Scripture-engagement prompts Handheld size for personal and group study Flexible sewn binding Stunning cover artwork by Stephen Crotts
Archaeopress Excavation of the Late Saxon and Medieval Churchyard of St Martin’s, Wallingford, Oxfordshire
MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) undertook excavations over 2003-4 at the former St Martin’s churchyard, Wallingford, Oxfordshire. St Martin’s, one of perhaps eight churches of late Saxon Wallingford, was located in a prominent position in the centre of the burh. No middle Saxon activity was found and the earliest remains consisted of a layer sealing the natural subsoil which contained a probable late Saxon lead cross. Earliest use of the churchyard has been dated to the late 10th to early 11th century by radiocarbon dating, and burials continued until the end of the 14th century, serving a dwindling parish population, before the cemetery rapidly fell out of use thereafter. No burials post-date 1412. Part of the cemetery has not been disturbed by the present development. The unexcavated areas and previous post-medieval and modern disturbances has meant the original size of the cemetery remains unknown. A late Saxon mortar mixer found on the site has added to a growing number of this distinctive early constructional feature. While its presence indicates the vicinity of the late Saxon church, no foundations of St Martin’s church appear to have survived cellar digging and quarrying for gravel that occurred in the early 18th century. Osteological analysis of 187 of the 211 excavated skeletons of the cemetery has depicted a lay population which was almost equally split between males and females, with only a slight bias towards males. Their distribution showed no observable cluster within the churchyard by age or gender. A high proportion of children is notable but newborns and very young children were comparatively rare. The significance of this is unclear since so many disarticulated remains were also present due to later disturbance. Both degenerative pathologies and inherited conditions affecting bone were noted, as were a high frequency of trauma, some of it violent. Generally the population could be shown to have led healthy early lives compared to other urban assemblages, although evidence of tuberculosis and iron deficiency suggest that living conditions and diet at the heart of medieval Wallingford were far from ideal. Within the excavated area of the cemetery, a number of the burials demonstrated known pre-Conquest burial rites and there are some aspects which may be peculiar to the area, suggesting local variations to common rites. Eight pre-Conquest burials had their heads supported mostly by stones, but one had his head supported by two disarticulated skulls. One 30-40 year old male was buried wearing a pierce scallop-shell, presumably a pilgrim badge from Santiago de Compostella. Four burials were interred in stone-built cists and these ranged from a c1 year old to adults of both sexes. A further six burials lay in stone-built cists without a cover. All post-Conquest burials were earth-cut examples.
Heartwood Publishing Venice Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Venice: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips Explore Venice with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the city's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place in this breath-taking Italian city. Let Marco Polo show you all this wonderful city has to offer. With water everywhere and not a car or scooter in sight, no other place is as fun to explore as Venice. Experience the wonderful atmosphere of this traffic-free city: whether walking along its alleys, crossing its bridges or relaxing in a gondola on the Grand Canal, this practical, pocket-sized guide shows you all the highlights. Your Marco Polo Venice Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little known secrets that offer a real insight into the city where you can discover hidden areas of the lagoon on traditional wooden barges, the most delicious ice cream in town and creative cuisine served on an idyllic terrace Best of – find the best things to do if you’re travelling on a budget, the best things to do with the kids, the best things to do if it rains and the best things to do if you’re looking for an authentic Venice experience Sightseeing – all of the top sights are organised by areas of the city so you can easily plan your day Discovery Tours – 4 specially tailored tours that will get you to the heart of Venice, on foot or by boat. Experience Venice’s unique charm, historic canals, magnificent buildings, hand-picked restaurants and the best local activities with these personal tours Venice in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide Venice includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the city to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip Get in the holiday mood – before even leaving home, get in to the holiday mood with Marco Polo’s spotify playlist featuring songs related to the travel destination along with the best apps, blogs, film and book recommendations Useful Italian phrases - the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by Pull-out map – we’ve included a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Venice to show you around this unique city. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything Venice has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
Heartwood Publishing Tenerife Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Let Marco Polo Tenerife guide you around this beautiful Spanish island Explore Tenerife with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the island's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands has to offer… Discover the deep blue Atlantic fringed by fine beaches, rugged coastlines and gorges, dense forests and Badlands, all crowned by the mighty volcano of Mount Teide soaring above its bizarre lava field. This practical, pocket-sized Tenerife guide takes you to attractive colonial towns, to museums and churches. Sit down with the locals in quaint bars, enjoy the traditional cuisine and drink the local wines. Surfing, diving, hiking, cycling, enjoying the nightlife or simply being lazy there's no such thing as boredom here. Marco Polo Tenerife Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little-known secrets that offer a real insight into this wonderful island Best of – find the best things to do if you’re travelling on a budget, the best things to do with the kids, the best things to do if it rains and the best things to do if you’re looking for an authentic Tenerife experience Sightseeing – all of the top sights are organised by areas of the island so you can easily plan your trip Discovery Tours – specially tailored tours will get you to the heart of Tenerife. Experience the unique character of the island with these personal tours Tenerife in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide Tenerife includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the island to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip Useful Spanish phrases – the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by Get in the holiday mood – before even leaving home, get in to the holiday mood with Marco Polo’s spotify playlist featuring songs related to the travel destination along with the best apps, blogs, film and book recommendations Pull-out map – we’ve included a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Tenerife to show you around this fabulous island. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything Tenerife has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
Studies in Photography Surveying the Anthropocene:: Environment and Photography Now
A thought-provoking combination of visually powerful imagery and comment *Includes 260 stunning photographs by more than 50 international contributors *Keynote essay by Patricia Macdonald *Features an interview with Dan Bailey and George Monbiot *Includes essays by Robert Macfarlane, Owen Logan, Kate Brown, Siobhan Lyons, Andrew Simms, Natasha Myers, Ayelen Liberona, Jared Diamond, Leslie Hook, Adam Nicolson Surveying the Anthropocene presents a range of approaches to image-making concerning the environment by some of the best artist-photographers working worldwide, alongside texts by some of the most illuminating writers on environmental questions, at a pivotal moment in the human relationship with the planet. Photographic approaches to environmental imagery have altered fundamentally in recent decades, largely as a result of increasing socio-ecological awareness. This insightful international survey, with a strong representation from Scotland, considers the varied range of current working practices of a representative selection of artist-photographers, both renowned and emerging, whose image-making explores human-caused environmental change. It concentrates particularly on work which relates to the types of impact, on climate and the web of life, that are sufficiently significant and globally widespread to appear in the future record of the rocks as a new geological epoch - the Anthropocene. The concept of the Anthropocene has engaged the attention and imagination of a wide range of commentators from very different backgrounds and walks of life. It therefore provides an excellent context in which to discuss, in an open and cross-disciplinary way, the range of responses of artist-photographers and cultural writers to our present global situation of multiple, interconnected environmental and social crises - and the options for human ingenuity in addressing these. Contributing photographers Jack Aeby, Antoine d'Agata, Benoit Aquin, Mandy Barker, Olaf Otto Becker, Daniel Beltra , Alex Boyd, Marilyn Bridges, Alicia Bruce, David Buckland, Edward Burtynsky, Anne Campbell, Thomas Joshua Cooper, Cortis & Sonderegger, Dalziel + Scullion, Pedro David de Oliveira Castello Branco, Bryan Debus, Susan Derges, Terry Evans, Tim Flach, Hamish Fulton, Sophie Gerrard, Lorne Gill, Emmet Gowin, Alexander Hamilton, J.J. Harrison, Louis Helbig, Zig Jackson/Rising Buffalo, Chris Jordan, Aleksandr Kupny, Chrystel Lebas, Ayelen Liberona, Timo Lieber, Owen Logan, Patricia & Angus Macdonald, Pradip Malde, Katie Blair Matthews, Meryl McMaster, Gideon Mendel, Richard Misrach, Fabrice Monteiro, Simon Norfolk, Susanne Ramsenthaler, Paul Souders, Jamey Stillings, Thomas Struth, Timm Suess, Klaus Thymann, Chris Wainwright, Greg White, Pinar Yoldas Scientists and photographers, some unnamed, from: Federal government of the United States; United States Department of Energy;, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA: Hannah A. Bullock; Azaibi Tamin;, NASA: including Jeff Schmalz (MODIS) Contributing writers Dan Bailey, Tobia Bezzola, Barbara Bloemink, Kate Brown, Jared Diamond, William A. Ewing, Jared Farmer, Willis E. Hartshorn, Leslie Hook, Siobhan Lyons, Robert Macfarlane, Bill McKibben, George Monbiot, Pete Moore, Jason Arunn Murugesu, Natasha Myers, Adam Nicolson, Andrew Simms