Search results for ""author bruce"
Capstone Press Football Goats: The Greatest Athletes of All Time
Post Hill Press 60 Stories about 30 Seconds: How I Got Away with Becoming a Pretty Big Commercial Director Without Losing My Soul (or Maybe Just Part of It)
Skyhorse Publishing The Mark of the Scots: Their Astonishing Contributions to History, Science, Democracy, Literature, and the Arts
Encounter Books,USA The Fracturing of the E.U.
Skinner House Books In Later Years: Finding Meaning and Spirit in Aging
Drawing on scores of personal interviews, this straightforward, yet introspective, volume of actual accounts provides a real sense of the challenges and blessings of aging. Unlike many books on the topic, IN LATER YEARS focuses particularly on older people - those in their late seventies, eighties and nineties. Interviewees thoughtfully share their joys, regrets, accomplishments and things left unfinished, while, also, considering the ways they cope with diminishing physical and mental abilities. Weaving these personal reflections and accounts together, Marshall explores questions of meaning and spirituality that, ultimately, reveal larger themes and hold up the opportunities for discovery, connection and renewal available to us in advanced age. The book, also, serves as an invaluable resource for family members and carers, suggesting ways to understand and help with the issues that arise as people grow old. Detailed appendices provide tips and a simple curriculum for gathering and facilitating group discussions.
Fulcrum Publishing Lewis and Clark: Doctors in the Wilderness
A vivid account of the dangers, emergencies, and doctoring on America's most famous expedition of discovery.
Baylor University Press Greco-Roman Associations, Deities, and Early Christianity
Understanding associations in the Greco-Roman world enhances the study of the rise of early Christianity—whether at the micro-level of interpreting particular texts or at the macro-level of assessing the spread of Christ-devotion in the pre-Constantinian era. The twenty-five contributions contained within Greco-Roman Associations, Deities, and Early Christianity enlarge our perspectives on the extent to which Greco-Roman associations bring features of Christian origins into relief.Thematic studies include associational social reputation; women in associations; deities and devotion; financial strategies of group maintenance; care for the poor; varieties of group identity; refinements of terminological and conceptual apparatus; funerary practices; occupational groups; and the alleged role of Christianity in the demise of associations. Studies of particular phenomena include 1 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians, Paul's Collection, Hebrews, a late first-century Christian family, 1 Clement, and Clement of Alexandria.While the essays cover a wide spectrum of topics, they retain a clear focus on aspects of corporate life within ancient associations as comparanda for the study of early Christ-groups within their social milieu. These essays, all kept to a disciplined length, represent the work of impressive scholars from a range of interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and international contexts. The volume's symposium of voices and lively scholarly exchange productively expand current conversations about Greco-Roman associations, deities, and early Christianity.
Starscape Books Zeus: Water Rescue: Dogs with a Purpose
Starscape Books Shelby's Story: A Puppy Tale
St Martin's Press Love, Clancy: Diary of a Good Dog
Taylor & Francis Criminal Justice Internships Theory Into Practice 9Th Edition
Criminal Justice Internships: Theory into Practice, 9th Edition, guides the student, instructor, and internship site supervisor through the entire internship process, offering advice and information for use at the internship site as well as for pre-planning and assessment activities. With more and more programs offering or requiring internships as a graduation requirement, McBride offers students a means of enhancing their credentials and gaining a foothold in a competitive job market.Students learn basics such as choosing an internship site at either a public agency or a private firm, rÃsumà writing techniques, effective use of social networks, interviewing skills, and the importance of setting and developing goals and assessing progress. The book also serves as a reference tool for professors and supervisory personnel who assist and supervise students during their internships. Divided into four sectionsâPre-internship Considerations, Professional Concerns, Role of
Aris & Phillips Ltd The Late Nubian Settlement at Arminna West
University Press of America Objectivity, Communication, and the Foundation of Understanding
This phenomenological investigation of lived experience suggests that human understanding inevitably relies on objectivist comprehensions due to ethical imperatives that are necessitated by communal existence. The analysis also indicates that human understanding and human communication can be considered commensurate processes that are oriented toward maintaining these objectivist comprehensions through the integration of meanings and the reconciliation of disparate meanings. Contents: Acknowledgments; INTRODUCTION; The Beginning of a Sojourn; The Intellectual Context; Dominant Themes; An Overarching Theme; Human Understanding; Statement of the Problem; Phenomenological Methodology; Researching the Lifeworld; Evidence Collection and Analysis; A MATERIAL DOMAIN; Specific Dimensional Concepts; Univocality; Narration and Description; Discussion; A SOCIAL DOMAIN; Fairness; Honesty; Trust; Responsibility; The Use of 'Right': A Special Case in Realist Discourse; Discussion; ANTINOMIES; Combining Realist and Hermeneutic Views; 'Rights' as Relative Entities; Discussion; SYNTHETIC DISCOURSE; Realist Parables and Formational Rationality; Transformational Rationality and Epiphanous Experiences; Discussion; JUSTIFICATION; Justifying; Exemplars of Justificatory Discourse; Discussion; INTEGRATION; Summary of Interpretative Effort; Consistency and Coherence; Human Understanding; Integrity and the Integration of Understanding; CONCLUSION; Objectivity and Cosmographical Necessity; The Critical and Ethnographic Studies; Future Research; Wider Implication and a Personal Transformation; Appendix A: Initial Contact Letter; Appendix B: Aide Memoir; Appendix C: Synthetic Discourse Examples; References; Index.
Stackpole Books Exit Rommel The Tunisian Campaign 194243 Stackpole Military History Series
Commanding the legendary Afrika Korps in the sands of North Africa during World War II, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel burnished his reputation as the Desert Fox.
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Book of Proverbs: Chapters 15-31
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?
Starscape Books Toby's Story: A Puppy Tale
University Press of America The LDS Worldview: A New Interpretation of Christianity
On April 6, 1830, six people organized a church called the Church of Christ which others soon began calling the 'Mormon Church.' Eventually, the founder of the church, Joseph Smith, named it The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1838. Since its humble beginnings, the Mormon church has grown to over nine million members internationally. The LDS Worldview is an anthropological and sociological study of the worldview of the Latter-day Saints (Mormons).
Arcadia Publishing Dallas Aviation
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Within Plain Sight: A Detective Byron Mystery
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Beneath the Depths: A Detective Byron Mystery
Springer Wahrnehmungspsychologie
Einführung in die Wahrnehmung.- Grundlagen der Sinnesphysiologie.- Das Auge und die Retina.- Der visuelle Kortex und darüber hinaus.- Die Wahrnehmung von Objekten und Szenen.- Visuelle Aufmerksamkeit.- Handeln.- Bewegungswahrnehmung.- Farbwahrnehmung.- Tiefen- und Größenwahrnehmung.- Hören.- Hören in einer Umgebung.- Musikwahrnehmung.- Sprachwahrnehmung.- Die Hautsinne.- Die chemischen Sinne.
D Giles Ltd Discovering the Civil War
'Discovering the Civil War' peels back 150 years of accumulated analysis, interpretation, and opinion to reveal a Civil War that is little-known. Featuring over 250 letters, diaries, photos, maps, petitions, receipts, patents, amendments and proclamations from the incomparable holdings of the National Archives, it takes a fresh look at the Civil War through little-known stories, seldom-seen documents, and unusual perspectives. Grouped into themes such as "Spies and Conspiracies," "Prisoners and Casualties," "Global War," and "Raising Armies," this new book looks beyond the battlefield to the experiences of ordinary people - be they the names of men listed in the "substitute book" who were paid to replace draftees, or firsthand accounts of the Battle of Gettysburg at the Gettysburg veterans 75th anniversary reunion in 1938. Famous documents, such as the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, are juxtaposed with innovative wartime patents, including a multipurpose device that could serve as a tent, knapsack, or blanket, and a message in Chinese script asking for Confederate ships to be barred from Chinese ports - proving that the Civil War became a truly international struggle.
This landmark book presents a careful selection of the most important literature in the philosophy and methodology of economics - an area that has grown explosively in the last twenty years. This important and timely three volume reference collection contains the best of the recent work together with a number of classic articles by economists and philosophers. It focuses in the main on articles and papers that have not been previously reprinted and presents in an accessible form important material that is scattered throughout the literature.
New Harbinger Publications The OCD Workbook: Your Guide to Breaking Free from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, 3rd Edition
If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), chances are that your persistent obsessive thoughts and time-consuming compulsions keep you from enjoying life to the fullest. But when you are in the habit of avoiding the things you fear, the idea of facing them head-on can feel frightening and overwhelming. This book can help.The OCD Workbook has helped thousands of people with OCD break the bonds of troubling OCD symptoms and regain the hope of a productive life. Endorsed and used in hospitals and clinics the world over, this valuable resource is now fully revised and updated with the latest evidence-based approaches to understanding and managing OCD. It offers day-to-day coping strategies you can start using right away, along with proven-effective self-help techniques that can help you maintain your progress. The book also includes information for family members seeking to understand and support loved ones who suffer from this often baffling and frustrating disorder. Whether you suffer with OCD or a related disorder, such as body dysmorphic disorder or trichotillomania, let this new edition of The OCD Workbook be your guide on the path to recovery.This new edition will help you:Use self-assessment tools to identify your symptoms and their severityCreate and implement a recovery strategy using cognitive behavioral self-help tools and techniquesLearn about the most effective medications and medical treatmentsFind the right professional help and access needed support for your recoveryMaintain your progress and prevent future relapse
University Press of New England Tiber Eternal River of Rome
Crossway Books The Man Christ Jesus: Theological Reflections on the Humanity of Christ
Jesus faced all the challenges that we face as humans, and yet remained faithful to his Father through the Spirit. Ware helps us to explore Christ’s nature and to learn to follow in His steps.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Landscape Site Grading Principles: Grading with Design in Mind
A complete guide to site grading for designers and other visual learners Grading With Design in Mind: Landscape Site Grading Principles is a comprehensive guide to grading, written specifically from the design perspective. Heavily illustrated and non-technical, this book meets the needs of designers and visual learners by presenting the principles and methods of site grading with less emphasis on engineering, and a strong focus on the effect on the overall aesthetic. Written by a professor in America's number-one ranked undergraduate landscape architecture program, the book guides readers step-by-step through the process of solving various grading problems in real-life scenarios. Landscape designers, landscape architects, and engineers need to have a deep understanding of site grading as the foundation of any project. Grading plans must not only solve practical requirements, but also create landforms that contribute to the aesthetic ambition of the overall site and architectural design concept. Grading With Design in Mind takes a highly visual approach to presenting modern grading techniques and considerations, providing designers the guidance they need to become competent in site grading while understanding the design implications of the subject. Features include: Numerous illustrations to support the text Step-by-step examples Professional grading plans Studying the professional grading plans helps readers better understand the real-world application of grading principles in different situations. Site grading is a complicated topic with plenty of on-site variables, but Grading with Design in Mind breaks it down into clear, concise instruction with value to both professionals and students in the field of landscape design.
WW Norton & Co Living in a Microbial World
This text is written for students taking a general microbiology course, or a microbiology-based course for non-science majors. The conversational style and use of practical, everyday examples make the essential concepts of microbiology accessible to a wide audience. Even so, the text maintains scientific rigour with clear explanations spanning the breadth of microbiology, including health, evolution, ecology, food production, biotechnology and industrial processes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biennial Review of Counseling Psychology: Volume 1, 2008
Created to keep pace with changes in the psychological fields, the Biennial Review of Counseling Psychology addresses key developments in theory, research, and practice. New areas that have evolved in counseling psychology are discussed, and each chapter is written by current front-runners in the field. The content presented is relevant for science, education and training, public interest and diversity, and professional practice. Unlike academic journals, the contributions to the Biennial Review do not represent spontaneous submissions, but carefully planned and written chapters pursued and researched by the editorial committee. Topics covered include adult psychotherapy, multicultural counseling, college counseling and mental-health services, and psychosocial issues and treatment techniques with recent immigrants. A perfect source for those interested in continuing education, this first volume of the Biennial Review is a significant contribution to the literature and an indicator of the potential of future volumes.
Forge A Dog's Journey
Forge A Dog's Journey
University of California Press Christmas: A Candid History
Written for everyone who loves and is simultaneously driven crazy by the holiday season, "Christmas: A Candid History" provides an enlightening, entertaining perspective on how the annual Yuletide celebration got to be what it is today. In a fascinating, concise tour through history, the book tells the story of Christmas - from its pre-Christian roots, through the birth of Jesus, to the holiday's spread across Europe into the Americas and beyond, and to its mind-boggling transformation through modern consumerism. Packed with intriguing stories, based on research into myriad sources, full of insights, the book explores the historical origins of traditions including Santa, the reindeer, gift giving, the Christmas tree, Christmas songs and movies, and more. The book also offers some provocative ideas for reclaiming the joy and meaning of this beloved, yet often frustrating, season amid the pressures of our fast-paced consumer culture. Did you know for three centuries Christians did not celebrate Christmas? Puritans in England and New England made Christmas observances illegal. St. Nicholas is an elf in the famous poem "The Night Before Christmas". President Franklin Roosevelt changed the date of Thanksgiving in order to lengthen the Christmas shopping season. Coca-Cola helped fashion Santa Claus' look in an advertising campaign.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Stormwater: Concept, Purpose, Design
This professional reference tool combines basic concepts ofhydrology with the latest applications for landscape architectureand site engineering--including effective, eco-friendly, andpeople-friendly design methods for: * Wetlands construction * Groundwater recharge * Infiltration * Porous pavements * Stream restoration * Water harvesting Stormwater management is an essential component of all landscapearchitecture and site engineering projects. Introduction toStormwater helps solve environmental problems that arise in theprocess of planning, implementing, and evaluating the builtenvironment. This useful guide is of singular importance to landscapearchitects, civil engineers, architects, wetlands scientists, andother environmental professionals who must comply withever-changing government regulations. Concepts such as drainage,runoff quality, and drought control are presented in aneasy-to-learn, nontechnical format, using case studies drawn fromall regions of the United States. Over 200 charts, tables,photographs, and examples aid in conceptualization andcalculations. Each chapter contains exercises to ensure that theuser acquires applied skills essential to professional licensureexams and practice in the field, as well as information on relatedsoftware.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Kalman Filtering, Least-Squares and Modeling: A Practical Handbook
This book is intended primarily as a handbook for engineers who must design practical systems. Its primary goal is to discuss model development in sufficient detail so that the reader may design an estimator that meets all application requirements and is robust to modeling assumptions. Since it is sometimes difficult to a priori determine the best model structure, use of exploratory data analysis to define model structure is discussed. Methods for deciding on the “best” model are also presented. A second goal is to present little known extensions of least squares estimation or Kalman filtering that provide guidance on model structure and parameters, or make the estimator more robust to changes in real-world behavior. A third goal is discussion of implementation issues that make the estimator more accurate or efficient, or that make it flexible so that model alternatives can be easily compared. The fourth goal is to provide the designer/analyst with guidance in evaluating estimator performance and in determining/correcting problems. The final goal is to provide a subroutine library that simplifies implementation, and flexible general purpose high-level drivers that allow both easy analysis of alternative models and access to extensions of the basic filtering. Supplemental materials and up-to-date errata are downloadable at
Columbia University Press National Collective Identity: Social Constructs and International Systems
With the dissolution of Cold War tensions, as new states take shape around the world and as nationalist and ethnic conflicts come to characterize the international order, questions of national identity have become pivotal for peacekeepers, policymakers, and scholars. In National Collective Identity, Rodney Hall illustrates how centuries-old dynastic traditions have been replaced in the modern era by nationalist and ethnic identity movements.This book delineates three epochal changes in the international system: from the medieval, feudal-theocratic order to the dynastic-sovereign system in the sixteenth century, the territorial sovereign system in the seventeenth century, and finally, after the American and French Revolutions, the national sovereign system. In rich historical detail, this book reexamines a broad spectrum of international conflicts--including the Seven Years War, the Napoleonic wars, the Franco-Prussian War, the First World War, and the Cold War and its aftermath--in terms of the shifting sands of state identities through time.Arguing for the need to make a clear distinction between nation and state--one that has largely been overlooked in recent international relations studies on nationalism--Hall shows how an understanding of this dichotomy can help forecast the development of new states over time. National Collective Identity ascribes transformative power to social actors rather than viewing them as merely conditioned by the self-perpetuating logic of the state. In so doing, Hall presents a new theoretical model that accounts for human agency as an integral component of national systems.
The University of Chicago Press Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the Transition to Postmodernity
Smith argues that, while much of postmodern thought is rooted in Nietzsche and Heidegger, it has ironically attempted, whether unwittingly or by design, to deflect their philosophy back onto a modern path. Other alternative paths emanating from both Nietzschean and Heideggerian thought that might more powerfully speak to postmodern culture have been ignored. Nietzsche and Heidegger, Smith suggests, have made possible a far more revolutionary critique of modernity then even their most ardent postmodern admirers have realized. Smith contends that the influences on the postmodern in the thought of Nietzsche and Heidegger are founded in a new vision of praxis liberated from theory. Ultimately, these philosophers do transcend the nihilism often found in the guise of postmodernism. Their thought is, moreover, consistent with the possibility of limited constitutional government and the rule of law. Smith's book takes a step toward recovering these possibilities and posing the fundamental questions of politics and ethics in ways that have heretofore been closed off by late-modern thought.
Random House USA Inc Escape from Alcatraz: The True Crime Classic
University of Chicago, Middle East Documentation Center Ismaili and Fatimid Studies in Honor of Paul E. Walker
A collection of essays on Ismaili and Fatimid studies in honour of Paul E. Walker, former Director of the American Research Center in Egypt.
Manohar Publishers and Distributors History of the French in India
Rowman & Littlefield Population Geography: Tools and Issues
This text provides a comprehensive introduction to population geography, grounding students in the tools and techniques that are commonly used to describe and understand population concepts. Arguing that an understanding of population is essential to prepare for the future, Newbold provides undergraduates with a thorough grasp of the field.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nationalism: Past as Prologue
The "mother" discipline of organizational behavior has deep roots in psychology, particularly industrial and organizational psychology. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that new and theoretically incommensurate findings involving human moral behavior have been met with calls for a more psychologically informed investigation of ethical behavior in organizational contexts (DeCremer and Tenbrunsel, 2012; Reynolds and Ceranic, 2009). This project, aimed at a fuller understanding of the psychology of ethical behavior, typically falls under the label of Organizational Ethical Behavior (OEB).
Piccadilly Books,U.S. Make Money Reading Books, 3rd Edition: How to Start & Operate Your Own Home-Based Freelance Reading Service