Search results for ""author ronald"
Johns Hopkins University Press Death and Representation
Death is a subject of increasing interest in virtually all academic disciplines, yet there is surprisingly little theoretical work on the representation of death in literary contexts. Death and Representation offers a unique collection of international and interdisciplinary essays, rich in cultural perspectives but sharing a relatively common vocabulary. It provides models for a number of interrelated approaches-including psychoanalytic, feminist, and historical-with essays by prominent and promising scholars. Contributors are Ernst van Alphen, Mieke Bal, Regina Barreca, Elisabeth Bronfen, Carol Christ, Sander Gilman, Sarah Webster Goodwin, Margaret Higonnet, Regina Janes, Ellie Ragland-Sullivan, Rajeswari Sunder Rajan, Ronald Schleifer, Charles Segal, and Garrett Stewart.
Pearson Education Human Resources Administration in Education with Enhanced Pearson eText Access Card Package Allyn Bacon Educational Leadership
Ronald W. Rebore has 22 years of experience as a central office administrator: nine year as the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance with the Lindbergh School District; five years as the Superintendent of Schools for the Valley Park School District; and eight years as the Superintendent of Schools for the Special School District of Saint Louis County. He is currently a Professor in the College of Education and Public Service at Saint Louis University. He was the Missouri State President of the Association of School Business Officials in addition to serving on various committees of the Association of School Business Officials International. He has also served as an evaluator for the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. During his professional career, Professor Rebore has conducted numerous workshops and seminars on educational leadership and ha
Little, Brown Book Group Maya Prophecy
According to the Maya calendar, there have been four Suns. At the end of every Sun, the world has experienced a cataclysm and civilisation has collapsed. The current Sun ends on 23 December 2012 - what does that mean for us? Maya Prophecy provides a clear and accessible introduction to the Maya warnings for our future. Dr Ronald Bonewitz explores how all aspects of Maya culture provide support for the accuracy of the Maya prophecy, from the planning of Maya cities and temple systems to the Maya system of mathematics. Discover full details of the prophecy and how it will affect your life; the sophistication of Maya astronomy and the accuracy of the Maya number system.Combining evidence from other cultures as well as the Maya, this book explains exactly what has been foretold and how we can prepare for the future.
Columbia University Press Indian Esoteric Buddhism: A Social History of the Tantric Movement
Despite the rapid spread of Buddhism-especially the esoteric system of Tantra, one of its most popular yet most misunderstood forms-the historical origins of Buddhist thought and practice remain obscure. This groundbreaking work describes the genesis of the Tantric movement in early medieval India, where it developed as a response to, and in some ways an example of, the feudalization of Indian society. Drawing on primary documents-many translated for the first time-from Sanskrit, Prakrit, Tibetan, Bengali, and Chinese, Ronald Davidson shows how changes in medieval Indian society, including economic and patronage crises, a decline in women's participation, and the formation of large monastic orders, led to the rise of the esoteric tradition in India that became the model for Buddhist cultures in China, Tibet, and Japan.
Indiana University Press Looking toward Ararat: Armenia in Modern History
As a new independent Republic of Armenia is established among the ruins of the Soviet Union, Armenians are rethinking their history—the processes by which they arrived at statehood in a small part of their historic homeland, and the definitions they might give to boundaries of their nation. Both a victim and a beneficiary of rival empires, Armenia experienced a complex evolution as a divided or an erased polity with a widespread diaspora.Ronald Grigor Suny traces the cultural and social transformations and interventions that created a new sense of Armenian nationality in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Perceptions of antiquity and uniqueness combined in the popular imagination with the experiences of dispersion, genocide, and regeneration to forge an Armenian nation in Transcaucasia. Suny shows that while the limits of Armenia at times excluded the diaspora, now, at a time of state renewal, the boundaries have been expanded to include Armenians who live beyond the borders of the republic.
Johns Hopkins University Press Play-by-Play: Radio, Television, and Big-Time College Sport
The phenomenal popularity of college athletics owes as much to media coverage of games as it does to drum-beating alumni and frantic undergraduates. Play-by-play broadcasts of big college games began in the 1920s via radio, a medium that left much to the listener's imagination and stoked interest in college football. After World War II, the rise of television brought with it network-NCAA deals that reeked of money and fostered bitter jealousies between have and have-not institutions. In Play-by-Play: Radio, Television, and Big-Time College Sport noted author and sports insider Ronald A. Smith examines the troubled relationship between higher education and the broadcasting industry, the effects of TV revenue on college athletics (notably football), and the odds of achieving meaningful reform. Beginning with the early days of radio, Smith describes the first bowl game broadcasts, the media image of Notre Dame and coach Knute Rockne, and the threat broadcasting seemed to pose to college football attendance. He explores the beginnings of television, the growth of networks, the NCAA decision to control football telecasts, the place of advertising, the role of TV announcers, and the threat of NCAA "Robin Hoods" and the College Football Association to NCAA television control. Taking readers behind the scenes, he explains the culture of the college athletic department and reveals the many ways in which broadcasting dollars make friends in the right places. Play-by-Play is an eye-opening look at the political infighting invariably produced by the deadly combination of university administrators, athletic czars, and huge revenue.
Oxford University Press Love: A Very Short Introduction
Although there are many kinds of love, erotic love has been celebrated in art and poetry as life's most rewarding and exalting experience, worth living and dying for and bringing out the best in ourselves. And yet it has excused, and even been thought to justify, the most reprehensible crimes. Why should this be? This Very Short Introduction explores this and other puzzling questions. Do we love someone for their virtue, their beauty, or their moral or other qualities? Are love's characteristic desires altruistic or selfish? Are there duties of love? What do the sciences - neuroscience, evolutionary and social psychology, and anthropology - tell us about love? Many of the answers we give to such questions are determined not so much by the facts of human nature as by the ideology of love. Ronald de Sousa considers some of the many paradoxes raised by love, looking at the different kinds of love - affections, affiliation, philia, storage, agape, but focusses on eros, or romantic love. He considers whether our conventional beliefs about love and sex are deeply irrational and argues that alternative conceptions of love and sex, although hard to formulate and live by, may be worth striving for. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Transcript Verlag The Mediatization of the O.J. Simpson Case: From Reality Television to Filmic Adaptation
F. Scott Fitzgerald once said: ?Show me a hero, and I'll write you a tragedy.? In the 1990s, nobody fell deeper than O.J. Simpson. Once considered a national treasure, the athlete was accused of brutally slaying his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ronald Goldman on June 12, 1994. Within days, the media and public developed an unprecedented obsession with the story, turning a murder investigation and trial into a sensationalized reality show. Tatjana Neubauer examines the mediatization, deliberate manipulation, and the simplification of popular criminal trials for profit on television. She demonstrates that TV conflated legal proceedings into entertainment programming by commodifying events, people, and places.
Collective Ink What`s Still Right with the Church of England – A future for the Church of England
Can the Church of England survive the 21st century? What needs to change and what remains? How does the Church deal with contemporary challenges and how are these related to the situation it faced in 1966? This book is an evaluation of Bishop Ronald Williams' 1966 book What's Right with the Church of England identifying the issues of that time with reference to the issues still facing the Church of England today. These include perception and position, resources and finance, ethics, ecumenism, a liberal church in a liberal society, ministry for today, marketing, and a contemporary parochial ecclesiology. Many of the issues from 1966 have not changed but the context is significantly different requiring different responses.
Annick Press Ltd The Paper Bag Princess
Over five million copies in print! When the fiercest dragon in the whole world smashes Princess Elizabeth’s castle, burns all her clothes, and captures her fiancé, Prince Ronald, Elizabeth takes matters into her own hands. With her wits alone and nothing but a paper bag to wear, the princess challenges the dragon to show his strength in the hopes of saving the prince. But is it worth all that trouble? Readers the world-over have fallen in love with this classic story of girl power. Now a newly designed Classic Munsch edition will introduce the tale to a new generation of young feminists.
Oxford University Press On the Nature of the Universe
`Therefore this terror and darkness of the mind Not by the sun's rays, nor the bright shafts of day, Must be dispersed, as is most necessary, But by the face of nature and her laws.' Lucretius' poem On the Nature of the Universe combines a scientific and philosophical treatise with some of the greatest poetry ever written. With intense moral fervour Lucretius demonstrates to humanity that in death there is nothing to fear since the soul is mortal, and the world and everything in it is governed not by the gods, but by the mechanical laws of nature. By believing this, men can live in peace of mind and happiness. Lucretius bases his argument on the atomic theory expounded by the Greek philosopher Epicurus. His poem explores sensation, sex, cosmology, meteorology, and geology through acute observation of the beauties of the natural world and with moving sympathy for man's place in it. Sir Ronald Melville's accessible and accurate verse translation is complemented by an introduction and notes situating Lucretius' scientific theories within the thought of 1st century BCE Rome and discussing the Epicurean philosophy that was his inspiration and why the issues Lucretius' poem raisies about the scientific and poetical views of the world continue to be important. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Harvard University Press Reagan's Legacy in a World Transformed
Since Ronald Reagan left office in 1989, the global community has witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union and the integration of Europe, the War on Terror and the Arab Spring, a hot Chinese economy and a major international recession. Reagan’s Legacy in a World Transformed brings together scholars from diverse disciplines and persuasions to assess the fortieth president’s policies and their ongoing impact today, and to offer a timely retrospective on his complex legacy.The authors consider the influence of Reagan’s free-market ideas on economic globalization, showing how deregulation succeeded in spurring economic expansion. In foreign policy, Reagan favored significant increases in military spending (“peace through strength”) and an assertive agenda abroad. His break with détente in dealing with the Soviet Union, notably expressed in his 1982 March of Freedom speech, effectively restored the early Cold War strategy of rolling back communism. More than twenty years later, President George W. Bush invoked this speech in describing his goals in the Middle East—a striking example of how Reagan’s ideas affected the post-9/11 world.In contrast with his hawkish stance on defense, Reagan’s efforts to reduce nuclear arsenals, negotiated with Mikhail Gorbachev, constitute one of his enduring contributions to stability. Although Reagan’s policies soared on rhetoric rooted in ideological conviction, the president engaged in pragmatic internationalism when a multilateral approach served America’s interests. He believed that America had a special mission as a moral leader and beacon of freedom, a view that continues to inform U.S. foreign policy.
Lexington Books Tempered Strength: Studies in the Nature and Scope of Prudential Leadership
Moral leadership matters. As world politics enters a new and dangerous era, judgment, constancy, moral purpose, and a willingness to overcome partisan politicking are essential for America's leaders. Tempered Strength finds the alternative standard of leadership that Americans are seeking in the classical philosophy of prudence. Ethan Fishman's new work brings together leading American political scientists—including Ronald Beiner, Kenneth L. Deutsch, and George Anastaplo—to discuss the evolution of a standard of prudential leadership both reasonable in nature and practical in scope. Section One studies the meaning of prudence and its evolution in the history of political science from Aristotelian phronesis to Xenophon, Thomas Aquinas, Edmund Burke, and Michael Oakeshott. Section Two demonstrates how the theory of prudential leadership can be applied to practical political issues.
Church Publishing Inc Plainsong Psalter
This book contains the one hundred fifty psalms of David set to plainsong psalm tones with antiphons as selected and compiled by Howard E. Galley, Jr. Originally, they were published in The Psalter section of his The Prayer Book Office. Where no antiphons exist in that resource, editor James Litton has followed the work of Dr. Richard Crocker and Ronald Haizlip in the Gradual Psalms both in choice of psalm tone and method of pointing or other current resources.This psalter is intended for use in the Daily Office. Contains a preface, an introduction and performance notes. The Appendix also contains examples of the psalm tones and their various endings.
Church Publishing Incorporated The Plainsong Psalter
This book contains the one hundred fifty psalms of David set to plainsong psalm tones with antiphons as selected and compiled by Howard E. Galley, Jr. Originally, they were published in The Psalter section of his The Prayer Book Office. Where no antiphons exist in that resource, editor James Litton has followed the work of Dr. Richard Crocker and Ronald Haizlip in the Gradual Psalms both in choice of psalm tone and method of pointing or other current resources.This psalter is intended for use in the Daily Office. Contains a preface, an introduction and performance notes. The Appendix also contains examples of the psalm tones and their various endings.
Harvard University Press Audible Punctuation: Performative Pause in Homeric Prosody
Audible Punctuation focuses on the pause in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, both as a compositional feature and as a performative aspect of delivery, arguing for the possibilities and limits of expressing phrases in performance. Ronald Blankenborg’s analysis of metrical, rhythmical, syntactical, and phonological phrasing shows that the text of the Homeric epic allows for different options for performative pause—a phonetic phenomenon evidenced by phonology.From the ubiquitous compositional pauses in sense and metrical surface structure, Audible Punctuation selects the pauses that, under specific phonetic circumstances, double as rests of some duration during a performance. In this way, Blankenborg identifies those places in the verses that a performer of Homeric poetry was most likely to have used as opportunities to pause. The distribution of pauses over Homer’s hexameters proves to be irregular and unpredictable because phonological phrases and grammatical clauses differ considerably in the way they terminate. The mismatch of prosodic and other levels of phrasing draws attention to the need to reassess stylistic issues, notably enjambment.
Rowman & Littlefield Kennedy and Reagan: Why Their Legacies Endure
It's been fifty years since JFK's assassination and nearly twenty since Ronald Reagan disappeared from public life. While they never ran head-to-head, they developed their legacies in competing ways and those legacies battle each other even today. The story of one illuminates the other, and explains our expectations for the presidency and whom we elect. Even though one is the model Democrat and the other the model Republican, their appeal is now bipartisan. Republicans quote Kennedy to justify tax cuts or aggressive national defense; Democrats use Reagan's pragmatism to shame Republicans into supporting tax increases and compromise. Partly a "comparative biography" that explores John F. Kennedy's and Ronald Reagan's contemporaneous lives from birth until 1960, Scott Farris's follow-up to his widely praised Almost President shows how the experiences, attitudes, and skills developed by each man later impacted his presidency. Farris also tackles the key issues--civil rights, foreign affairs, etc.--that impacted each man's time in office. How did previous life experiences form their views on these issues, and how do their dealings around each issue compare and contrast? Bookended by an examination of their standing in public opinion and how that has influenced subsequent politicians, plus an exploration of how the assassination of Kennedy and attempted assassination of Reagan colored our memories, this book also shows how aides, friends and families of each man have burnished their reputations long after their presidencies ended.
Princeton University Press The Rise and Fall of Modern American Conservatism: A Short History
The Rise and Fall of Modern American Conservatism tells the gripping story of perhaps the most significant political force of our time through the lives and careers of six leading figures at the heart of the movement. David Farber traces the history of modern conservatism from its revolt against New Deal liberalism, to its breathtaking resurgence under Ronald Reagan, to its spectacular defeat with the election of Barack Obama. Farber paints vivid portraits of Robert Taft, William F. Buckley Jr., Barry Goldwater, Phyllis Schlafly, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush. He shows how these outspoken, charismatic, and frequently controversial conservative leaders were united by a shared insistence on the primacy of social order, national security, and economic liberty. Farber demonstrates how they built a versatile movement capable of gaining and holding power, from Taft's opposition to the New Deal to Buckley's founding of the National Review as the intellectual standard-bearer of modern conservatism; from Goldwater's crusade against leftist politics and his failed 1964 bid for the presidency to Schlafly's rejection of feminism in favor of traditional gender roles and family values; and from Reagan's city upon a hill to conservatism's downfall with Bush's ambitious presidency. The Rise and Fall of Modern American Conservatism provides rare insight into how conservatives captured the American political imagination by claiming moral superiority, downplaying economic inequality, relishing bellicosity, and embracing nationalism. This concise and accessible history reveals how these conservative leaders discovered a winning formula that enabled them to forge a powerful and formidable political majority.
Grey Stone Books The Welsh Three Thousand Foot Challenges: A Guide for Walkers and Hill Runners
This is the 2010, 2nd edition of the full-colour handbook for walkers and runners in the Welsh 3000s traverse, the Paddy Buckley Round, The Snowdon Horseshoe, Snowdon Ascents and the Welsh 1000 metres race. Roy Clayton guides walkers through the route, while experienced fell runner, Ronald Turnbull, gives the necessary advice for runners, and for walkers who wish to step up the pace in the tradition of the greats like Joss Naylor, Eric Beard and Colin Donnelly. The original "Welsh Three Thousand Foot Challenges" book has already been a success, with several reprints. This new edition includes up-to-date information with colour photographs and maps bringing the stunning mountain scenery to life. If you want to do the Welsh Three Thousands and you want to know how to train to do a fast time, or you just want to make sure you have a good chance of a successful completion, this book is the only choice.
Pennsylvania State University Press Old Testament Theology: Flowering and Future
In this extensively revised and updated edition of The Flowering of Old Testament Theology, Professor Ollenburger provides help for beginning theological students, who are frequently overwhelmed by the proliferation of volumes dealing with Old Testament theology, to say nothing of the variety of approaches used in these works. This textbook has been re-issued with a new title, Old Testament Theology: Flowering and Future, and is now divided into five convenient sections—Part 1: The Background, Part 2: Old Testament Theology’s Renaissance: Walther Eichrodt through Gerhard von Rad, Part 3: Expansion and Variety: Between Gerhard von Rad and Brevard Childs, Part 4: From Brevard Childs to a New Pluralism, and Part 5: Contexts, Perspectives, and Proposals.Selected essays include key theological statements of Otto Eissfeldt, Walther Eichrodt, Theodorus C. Vriezen, George E. Wright, Gerhard von Rad, Walther Zimmerli, John L. McKenzie, Ronald E. Clements, Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Samuel L. Terrien, Claus Westermann, Brevard S. Childs, Rolf Knierim, Horst D. Preuss, Walter Brueggemann, Paul R. House, Bernhard W. Anderson, Erhard S. Gerstenberger, Hartmut Gese, Phyllis Trible, Jon D. Levenson, John H. Sailhamer, Gunther H. Wittenberg, James Barr, R. W. L. Moberly, and Mark G. Brett.An appendix contains Johann P. Gabler’s 1787 seminal essay on biblical theology. An extensive bibliography and indexes of authorities and Scripture references conclude the volume.
University of Toronto Press Privacy in the Age of Shakespeare
For at least a generation, scholars have asserted that privacy barely existed in the early modern era. The divide between the public and private was vague, they say, and the concept, if it was acknowledged, was rarely valued. In Privacy in the Age of Shakespeare, Ronald Huebert challenges these assumptions by marshalling evidence that it was in Shakespeare's time that the idea of privacy went from a marginal notion to a desirable quality. The era of transition begins with More's Utopia (1516), in which privacy is forbidden. It ends with Milton's Paradise Lost (1667), in which privacy is a good to be celebrated. In between come Shakespeare's plays, paintings by Titian and Vermeer, devotional manuals, autobiographical journals, and the poetry of George Herbert and Robert Herrick, all of which Huebert carefully analyses in order to illuminate the dynamic and emergent nature of early modern privacy.
Penguin Books Ltd Queen Elizabeth II: Her Life in Our Times
From Sarah Bradford, the best-selling author of George VI, Elizabeth and Diana, the definitive biography of Queen Elizabeth II, now celebrating the Platinum Jubilee -- her 70th year on the throneElizabeth II has lived through the Abdication, the Blitz and World War Two, the sex and spy scandals of the swinging sixties, the Cold War and the nuclear threat, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and a global pandemic. She has known 14 US Presidents including JFK, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, and other world leaders like President Mandela and Pope John XXII. Her Prime Ministers have ranged from Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher to Boris Johnson. Her own family experiences, a mixture of happiness and crisis, weddings and divorces, and, in the case of Diana, violent death, have been lived in the glare of tabloid headlines. More than 2 billion people watched the wedding of her grandson Prince William to Catherine Middleton in 2010 shortly before she made the first State Visit to Ireland by a British monarch for 100 years. Our world has changed more in her lifetime than in any of her predecessors': the Queen has remained a calm presence at the centre, earning the respect of monarchists and republicans. How has she done it?'Bradford has a real grasp of history and the ability to make it spark into new life' Sunday Telegraph'Bradford's forte, ever since she was a history-mad girl, is thinking herself into other lives' Daily Telegraph
Beech Stave Press Inc Ex Anatolia Lux: Anatolian and Indo-European Studies in honor of H. Craig Melchert on the occasion on his sixty-fifth birthday
In this volume, nearly forty internationally recognized researchers have come together to celebrate the work of the famous Anatolianist and Indo-Europeanist H. Craig Melchert. The topics range widely, covering not only the grammar and lexicon of Anatolian languages but also Tocharian, Latin, Phrygian, and many others. Some of the essays represent major new contributions to the field that no specialist can afford to overlook. Both long-established scholars such as J. David Hawkins, Anna Morpurgo Davies, Harry A. Hoffner, Jr., Jay Jasanoff, Norbert Oettinger, Calvert Watkins, and the late Roberto Gusmani, as well as younger scholars such as Alexandra Daues, Petra Goedegebuure, Alwin Kloekhorst, Ronald Kim, and Jeremy Rau have contributed the fruits of cutting-edge research in Melchert's honor. A complete bibliography of Melchert's works is included, and the volume closes with a word-index. One colour plate presents a previously unpublished Hieroglyphic Luvian inscription. Contributions in English, German, Italian.
Edinburgh University Press Deleuze and Education
How Deleuze's philosophy informs the interdisciplinary and multi-faceted problematic of education. The 12 original essays in this volume look at contemporary debates on teaching and learning across the broad territory of educational theory and philosophy of education. Moving from the formal to post-formal mode of education, the contributors explore education as an experimental and experiential process of becoming grounded in life that represents the becoming - Other of Deleuze's thought. It features contributors that include Ronald Bogue and James Williams. It addresses contemporary debates on ethics, social experience & educational futures, subjectivity & creativity, pedagogy and literacy, mathematics, arts & science education.
The University of Chicago Press Music and the Racial Imagination
"A spectre lurks in the house of music, and it goes by the name of race", write Ronald Radano and Philip Bohlman in their introduction. Yet the intimate relationship between race and music has rarely been examined by contemporary scholars, most of whom have abandoned it for more enlightened notions of ethnicity and culture. Here, a distinguished group of contributors confront the issue head on. Representing an unusually broad range of academic disciplines and geographic regions, they critically examine how the imagination of race has influenced musical production, reception and scholarly analysis, even as they reject the objectivity of the concept itself. Each essay follows the lead of the substantial introduction, which reviews the history of race in European and American, non-Western and global musics, placing it within the contexts of the colonial experience and the more recent formation of "world music". Offering a bold, new revisionist agenda for musicology in a postmodern, postcolonial world, this book should appeal to students of culture and race across the humanities and social sciences.
New York University Press Who Will Care For Us?: Aging and Long-Term Care in Multicultural America
"An important contribution to the on-going national dialogue concerning the need for planning for an increasingly aged population and its impact on our social, political, medical, economic institutions." --Wisconsin Bookwatch "Based on their assessments of the levels of need for the long-term care among African-American, Latino, and non-Latino white older persons, the authors offer viable and attractive possible alternatives to institutionalization in the long-term care of the elderly." --Nurse Practitioner "A major contribution. Should be a part of every course on social gerontology, long-term care, the demography of aging, or formal/informal support networks of the elderly." --Robert Joseph Taylor, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan America is getting older. By the year 2010, almost one in five Americans will be 65 years of age or older.The combined forces of low fertility and longer life spans among all racial and ethnic groups have resulted in a disproportionate increase in the number of individuals over 65 and an even faster increase in the proportion of those individuals over eighty-five. As a result, the nation faces an unprecedented challenge in addressing the economic, medical, and long-term care needs of this older population at the same time that it assures the welfare of the young. The growth of the cost of the long-term care of the elderly is one of the major forces behind recent increases in Medicaid expenditures, and any reformed health care financing system will have to find ways of providing high quality long-term care to older Americans at a reasonable cost. In a racially and culturally diverse nation like the United States, official policy regarding the care of the elderly simply cannot be based on the assumption that the elderly are a culturally and socially monolithic population. The cultural, social, and economic situations of the elderly simply differ too greatly and the family's role in their care is affected by important cultural and social factors. In Who Will Care for Us? Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel argue that policies based on the assumption of a homogenous population will fail to take advantage of the opportunities that ethnic and cultural diversity offer for the long-term care of the elderly. The authors examine the great racial and ethnic diversity among the elderly in the contemporary U.S. in terms of living arrangements, economic well-being, and reliance on formal and family-based sources of support. Based on their assessments of the levels of need for long-term care among black, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white older persons, they offer viable and attractive possible alternatives to institutionalization in the long-term care of the elderly.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Behavioral Economics of John Maynard Keynes: Microfoundations for the World We Live In
Keynes’ macroeconomic revolution is based on his microfoundations of economic behavior derived from ‘casual’ observations but impressively substantiated by rigorous research in behavioral economics and neurology. Ronald Schettkat argues that the allegation of the missing microfoundations in Keynes’ theory is false. Instead, both Keynes’ theory and behavioral economics relate to humans in ‘the economy we live in’, differing substantially in their fundamentals from the neoclassical model.Showing that Keynes’ micro has much in common with Behavioral Economics, the book starts with the fundamentals ranging from the methodological approach to economics as a real versus an axiomatic science and the consequences for knowledge building methods (interviews, observations, experiments), the rationality and equilibrium concepts to the functioning of markets, before delving into the topics in greater detail.Providing a thorough theoretical grounding in economics, this book will be a discerning read for economists, students of economics, political science, sociology and psychology as well as for the general public.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC I and Thou
'The publication of Martin Buber's I and Thou was a great event in the religious life of the West.' Reinhold Niebuhr Martin Buber was a prolific and influential teacher and writer, who taught philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem from 1939 to 1951. Having studied philosophy and art at the universities of Vienna, Zurich and Berlin, he became an active Zionist and was closely involved in the revival of Hasidism. Recognised as a landmark of twentieth century intellectual history, I and Thou is Buber's masterpiece. In this book, his enormous learning and wisdom are distilled into a simple, but compelling vision. It proposes nothing less than a new form of the Deity for today, a new form of human being and of a good life. In so doing, it addresses all religious and social dimensions of the human personality. Translated by Ronald Gregor Smith
Humanix Books ALL AMERICAN
THE TRUTH WILL ENDURE. IT MUST.But our history is in danger of being rewritten by the progressive left and the “woke” mob.In PROFILES IN FREEDOM: HEROES WHO SHAPED AMERICA , Carl Higbie shines a light on the real heros of American history.Ronald Reagan warned in his 1989 farewell address: “If we forget what we did, we won’t know who we are. I’m warning of an eradication of the American memory that could result, ultimately, in an erosion of the American spirit.”The “woke” mob tries to silence voices of reason. They try to remeasure by their liberal, progressive standards our historical heroes who made an impact on our country. They must redefine everything to fit their narrative. They don’t teach our actual history because they hope that by ignoring it, we will forget, for when it’s
Duke University Press Ralph Ellison: The Next Fifty Years
While Ralph Ellison is perhaps best known for his novel Invisible Man, he was also a significant twentieth-century intellectual, having authored numerous essays and papers that shaped thought on subjects from jazz to liberalism. Ralph Ellison: The Next Fifty Years gathers outstanding scholars in the fields of American and African American studies to engage Ellison’s theoretical and critical writings.Several essays in this collection focus on an area of Ellison’s thinking that has yet to be adequately scrutinized—his study of, and writing about, music, specifically jazz and the blues. Although not a systematic philosopher of music, Ellison exhibited the seriousness and rigor associated with the critical musical writings of Theodor Adorno and Edward Said. Other essays in this special issue examine salient questions raised by Ellison’s work, including the nature of the connection between the novel and the democratic mind, Vietnam and the crisis of liberal society, and the problematic of modernism and freedom. Ralph Ellison addresses the ways in which Ellison’s writings about art were also efforts to think about and discuss political agency.Contributors. Jonathan Arac, Kevin Bell, Adam Gussow, Ronald A. T. Judy, Robert O’Meally, Donald E. Pease, Barry Shank, Hortense Spillers, Kenneth Warren, Alexander G. Weheliye, John Wright
Indiana University Press The End of the Holocaust
In this provocative work, Alvin H. Rosenfeld contends that the proliferation of books, films, television programs, museums, and public commemorations related to the Holocaust has, perversely, brought about a diminution of its meaning and a denigration of its memory. Investigating a wide range of events and cultural phenomena, such as Ronald Reagan's 1985 visit to the German cemetery at Bitburg, the distortions of Anne Frank's story, and the ways in which the Holocaust has been depicted by such artists and filmmakers as Judy Chicago and Steven Spielberg, Rosenfeld charts the cultural forces that have minimized the Holocaust in popular perceptions. He contrasts these with sobering representations by Holocaust witnesses such as Jean Améry, Primo Levi, Elie Wiesel, and Imre Kertész. The book concludes with a powerful warning about the possible consequences of "the end of the Holocaust" in public consciousness.
Penguin Books Ltd The Challenge of Pain
Pain has many valuable functions. It can be a warning or force us to rest our bodies. Yet most ongoing chronic pain, such as unrelenting backache or headache, has no discernable cause and diminishes countless lives. Over the years a scientific revolution has taken place in chronic pain research and therapy. A major catalyst for this was the introduction of the gate theory' by Professor Ronald Melzack and Professor Patrick D. Wall, which argued that pain is a unified stream of experience generated by the brain, incorporating a whole host of psychological functions. Their now-classic book, with a new introduction taking in all the latest medical developments, examines every facet of pain: the psychological and clinical aspects, the physiological evidence, the major theories of pain and the developments in its control. The challenge in the twenty-first century is to look at how memories, personal and social expectations, genetics, gender, aging and stress patterns al
Penguin Books Ltd The Shooting Party
Anton Chekhov's only full-length novel, this Penguin Classics edition of The Shooting Party is translated and edited by Ronald Wilks, with an introduction by John Sutherland.The Shooting Party centres on Olga, the pretty young daughter of a drunken forester on a country estate, and her fateful relationships with the men in her life. Adored by Urbenin, the estate manager, whom she marries to escape the poverty of her home, she is also desired by the dissolute Count Karneyev and by Zinovyev, a magistrate, who knows the secret misery of her marriage. When an attempt is made on Olga's life in the woods, it seems impossible to discover the perpetrator in an impenetrable web of lust, deceit, loathing and double-dealing. One of Chekhov's earliest experiments in fiction combines the classic elements of a gripping mysterywith a short story of corruption, concealed love and fatal jealousy.Ronald Wilks's brilliant new translation of this work is the first in over seventy years. It brilliantly captures the immediacy of the dialogue that Chekhov was later to develop into his great dramas. This edition also includes an introduction by John Sutherland, suggestions for further reading and explanatory notes.Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) was born in Taganrog, a port on the sea of Azov. In 1879 he travelled to Moscow, where he entered the medical faculty of the university, graduating in 1884. During his university years, he supported his family by contributing humorous stories and sketches to magazines. He published his first volume of stories, Motley Tales, in 1886, and a year later his second volume In the Twilight, for which he received the Pushkin Prize. Today his plays, including 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull', and 'The Cherry Orchard' are recognised as masterpieces the world over. If you enjoyed The Shooting Party, you might like Chekhov's Plays, also available in Penguin Classics.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Rock Me on the Water: 1974--the Year Los Angeles Transformed Movies, Music, Television and Politics
"An electric story filled with gripping personalities, compelling backstage histories, and a clear message for the divided America of today: the forces that fear change can win for a time, but in America the future always gets the last word. A lyrical recreation of a magical moment.”—Jake TapperNow in paperback, an exceptional cultural history from Atlantic Senior Editor Ronald Brownstein—“one of America's best political journalists” (The Economist)—tells the kaleidoscopic story of one monumental year that marked the city of Los Angeles’ creative peak, a glittering moment when popular culture was ahead of politics in predicting what America would become. Los Angeles in 1974 exerted more influence over popular culture than any other city in America. Los Angeles that year, in fact, dominated popular culture more than it ever had before, or would again. Working in film, recording, and television studios around Sunset Boulevard, living in Brentwood and Beverly Hills or amid the flickering lights of the Hollywood Hills, a cluster of transformative talents produced an explosion in popular culture which reflected the demographic, social, and cultural realities of a changing America. At a time when Richard Nixon won two presidential elections with a message of backlash against the social changes unleashed by the sixties, popular culture was ahead of politics in predicting what America would become. The early 1970s in Los Angeles was the time and the place where conservatives definitively lost the battle to control popular culture.Rock Me on the Water traces the confluence of movies, music, television, and politics in Los Angeles month by month through that transformative, magical year. Ronald Brownstein reveals how 1974 represented a confrontation between a massive younger generation intent on change, and a political order rooted in the status quo. Today, we are again witnessing a generational cultural divide. Brownstein shows how the voices resistant to change may win the political battle for a time, but they cannot hold back the future.
Penguin Books Ltd The Little Demon
A dark classic of Russia's silver age, this blackly funny novel recounts a schoolteacher's descent into sadism, arson and murder.Mad, lascivious, sadistic and ridiculous, the provincial schoolteacher Peredonov torments his students and has hallucinatory fantasies about acts of savagery and degradation, yet to everyone else he is an upstanding member of society. As he pursues the idea of marrying to gain promotion, he descends into paranoia, sexual perversion, arson, torture and murder. Sologub's anti-hero is one of the great comic monsters of twentieth-century fiction, subsequently lending his name to the brand of sado-masochism known as Peredonovism. The Little Demon (1907) made an immediate star of its author who, refuting suggestions that the work was autobiographical, stated 'No, my dear contemporaries ... it is about you'. This grotesque mirror of a spiritually bankrupt society is arguably the finest Russian novel to have come out of the Symbolist movement.Fyodor Sologub was born in St Petersburg in 1863. His first two novels Bad Dreams (1896) and The Little Demon (1907) were drawn from his own experiences as schoolmaster in a remote provincial town. For many years Sologub could not find a publisher for The Little Demon but when in 1907 the novel was at last published - to immediate and resounding success - he was able to leave his restricting career and devote himself to literature. In 1921 his wife committed suicide and Sologub died a few years later in 1927. Ronald Wilks studied Russian language and literature at Trinity College,Cambridge, after training as a Naval interpreter, and later Russian literature at London University. He has translated many works from Russian for Penguin Classics, including books by Gorky, Gogol, Pushkin, Tolstoy and Chekhov.
Penguin Books Ltd The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
One of the BBC's '100 Novels That Shaped Our World''A sublimely funny book ... it is a book to be read by all ... unforgettable and universal' Candia McWilliamRomantic, heroic, comic and tragic, unconventional schoolmistress Jean Brodie has become an iconic figure in post-war fiction. Her glamour, unconventional ideas and manipulative charm hold dangerous sway over her girls at the Marcia Blaine Academy - 'the crème de la crème' - who become the Brodie 'set', introduced to a privileged world of adult games that they will never forget. Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie was adapted into a successful stage play, and later a film directed by Ronald Neame and starring Maggie Smith.
Princeton University Press George Cruikshank: A Revaluation - Updated Edition
One of the most important British graphic artists of the nineteenth century, George Cruikshank (1792-1878) illustrated over 860 books, including several by Charles Dickens, and produced a vast number of etchings, paintings, and caricatures. The ten essays collected here first appeared in a special limited edition. In a new preface written for this paperback edition, Robert Patten shows how the insights of these seminal essays have been amplified by recent exhibitions and scholarship. The introduction by John Fowles has been retained and an index has been added. In addition to the many Cruikshank illustrations reproduced in the volume, there are original drawings by contemporary artists David Levine and Ronald Searle.
Princeton University Press Immorality
This book explores a much-neglected area of moral philosophy--the typology of immorality. Ronald D. Milo questions the adequacy of Aristotle's suggestion that there are two basic types of immorality--wickedness and moral weakness--and argues that we must distinguish between at least six different types of immoral behavior. Originally published in 1984. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Boardroom Realities: Building Leaders Across Your Board
Praise for Boardroom Realities "Authored by a 'who's who' roster of governance experts, Boardroom Realities covers the latest trends in board leadership and performance as well as talent management for the board and the C-suiteall critical topics for any director serious about board service today." Kenneth Daly, president and CEO, National Association of Corporate Directors "If leadership and effectiveness in the boardroom were important in a more benign environment, they're absolutely vital in today's tumultuous times. Boardroom Realities provides a modern and detailed road map to help steer chairmen, CEOs, and boards through these uncharted governance waters." Peter Weinberg, partner, Perella Weinberg Partners "Jay Conger's Boardroom Realities offers a unique perspective on governance through leadership, rather than compliance, and should compel all directors to revisit the focus of board deliberations, especially at this time of unprecedented economic and financial turmoil." Alison A. Winter, cofounder, WomenCorporateDirectors, and a corporate director for Nordstrom, Inc. "Boardroom Realities is a very comprehensive compilation of useful insights on key issues that boards must deal with every day. It's an excellent resource for board members as well as members of management who must work together to ensure good governance on behalf of shareholders." Ronald D. Sugar, chairman of the board and CEO, Northrop Grumman Corporation "Jay Conger has collected critical insights and the latest thinking on board leadership from many of today's foremost governance thinkers. Boardroom Realities is a must for your board and for any comprehensive corporate governance library." Ralph D. Ward, publisher, Boardroom INSIDER, and author, The New Boardroom Leaders
MIT Press From Signal to Symbol The Evolution of Language Life and Mind Philosophical Issues in Biology and Psychology
A novel account of the evolution of language and the cognitive capacities on which language depends.In From Signal to Symbol, Ronald Planer and Kim Sterelny propose a novel theory of language: that modern language is the product of a long series of increasingly rich protolanguages evolving over the last two million years. Arguing that language and cognition coevolved, they give a central role to archaeological evidence and attempt to infer cognitive capacities on the basis of that evidence, which they link in turn to communicative capacities. Countering other accounts, which move directly from archaeological traces to language, Planer and Sterelny show that rudimentary forms of many of the elements on which language depends can be found in the great apes and were part of the equipment of the earliest species in our lineage. After outlining the constraints a theory of the evolution of language should satisfy and filling in the details of the
Baker Publishing Group Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality
Why the call to Love Thy Body? To counter a pervasive hostility toward the body and biology that drives today's headline stories: Transgenderism: Activists detach gender from biology. Kids down to kindergarten are being taught their bodies are irrelevant. Is this affirming--or does it demean the body? Homosexuality: Advocates disconnect sexuality from biological identity. Is this liberating--or does it denigrate biology? Abortion: Supporters deny the fetus is a person, though it is biologically human. Does this mean equality for women--or does it threaten the intrinsic value of all humans? Euthanasia: Those who lack certain cognitive abilities are said to be no longer persons. Is this compassionate--or does it ultimately put everyone at risk? In Love Thy Body, bestselling author Nancy Pearcey goes beyond politically correct slogans with a riveting expos of the dehumanizing worldview that shapes current watershed moral issues. Pearcey then turns the tables on media boilerplate that misportrays Christianity as harsh or hateful. A former agnostic, she makes a surprising and persuasive case that Christianity is holistic, sustaining the dignity of the body and biology. Throughout she entrances readers with compassionate stories of people wrestling with hard questions in their own lives--their pain, their struggles, their triumphs. "Liberal secularist ideology rests on a mistake and Nancy Pearcey in her terrific new book puts her finger right on it. In embracing abortion, euthanasia, homosexual conduct and relationships, transgenderism, and the like, liberal secularism . . . is philosophically as well as theologically untenable."--Robert P. George, Princeton University "Wonderful guide."--Sam Allberry, author, Is God Anti-Gay? "A must-read."--Rosaria Butterfield, former professor, Syracuse University; author, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert "An astute but accessible analysis of the intellectual roots of the most important moral ills facing us today: abortion, euthanasia, and redefining the family."--Richard Weikart, California State University, Stanislaus "Highly readable, insightful, and informative."--Mary Poplin, Claremont Graduate University; author, Is Reality Secular? "Unmasks the far-reaching practical consequences of mind-body dualism better than anyone I have ever seen."--Jennifer Roback Morse, founder and president, The Ruth Institute "Love Thy Body richly enhances the treasure box that is Pearcey's collective work."--Glenn T. Stanton, Focus on the Family "Essential reading . . . Love Thy Body brings clarity and understanding to the multitude of complex and confusing views in discussions about love and sexuality."--Becky Norton Dunlop, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow, The Heritage Foundation "Pearcey gets straight to the issue of our day: What makes humans valuable in the first place? You must get this book. Don't just read it. Master it."--Scott Klusendorf, president, Life Training Institute
Liberty Fund Inc Adam Smith & the Wealth of Nations DVD
This DVD is an introduction to modern economics and the importance of free markets. The DVD is narrated by Dr Benjamin A Rogge of Wabash College and was prepared with the advice of Professors Ronald H Coase of the University of Chicago and E G West of Carleton University. From his childhood in Scotland through his university days in Oxford and on to his academic career, the film examines the events and influences that made Adam Smith the father of economics. The film delineates the original brilliance of Adam Smith's ideas that culminated in his masterwork, 'The Wealth of Nations'. Students come to understand the central concepts that Smith presented in 'The Wealth of Nations', and they see how those concepts made our modern world possible.
Tuttle Publishing Chinese Bridges: Living Architecture from China's Past
Bridges, the least known and understood of China's many wonders, are one of its most striking and resilient feats of architectural prowess.Chinese Bridges brings together a thorough look at the marvels of Chinese bridge design from one of the world's leading experts on Chinese culture and historical geography, Ronald G. Knapp. While many consider bridges to be merely utilitarian civil engineering, the bridges of China move beyond that stereotype, as many are undeniably dramatic, even majestic and daring. Chinese Bridges illustrates in detail 20 well-preserved ancient bridges along with descriptions and essays on the distinctive architectural elements shared by the various designs. For the first time in an English-language book, Chinese Bridges records scores of newly discovered bridges across China's vast landscape, illustrated with over 400 color photographs, as well as woodblock prints, historical images, paintings and line drawings.
Oxford University Press The Gauntlet
As Peter wanders around the ruined castle of Carreg Cennen he makes an amazing discovery - a rusted metal gauntlet. As he slips it on to his hand he is transported back to the fourteenth century, to a time when his Norman ancestors held the castle. Accepted as the eldest son of Sir Roger de Blois, Peter learns how to hawk, fight, and shoot a longbow. But, when a rebellion arises, it's up to Peter to escape from the besieged castle and fetch help. Ronald Welch is celebrated as one of the best writers of historical fiction for children and this thrilling story has been captivating readers for many years with its combination of fast-paced adventure and authentic historical detail. This edition also features the original black and white illustrations that bring the story and the era vividly to life.
Mango Media Memories from the Microphone: A Century of Baseball Broadcasting
Voices of the GameCurt Smith is “…the voice of authority on baseball broadcasting.” —USA Today#1 New Release in Photography, Baseball Statistics, Photo Essays, and Photojournalism In this second in a series of Baseball Hall of Fame books, celebrate the larger-than-life role played by radio and TV baseball announcers in enhancing the pleasure of our national pastime.Commemorate the 100th anniversary of baseball broadcasting. The first baseball game ever broadcast on radio was on August 5, 1921 by Harold Wampler Arlin, a part-time baseball announcer on Pittsburgh’s KDKA, America’s first commercially licensed radio station. The Pirates defeated the Phillies 8-5.An insider’s view of baseball. Now you can own Memories from the Microphone and experience baseball from author Curt Smith. He has spent much of his life covering baseball radio and TV, and previously authored baseball books including the classic Voices of The Game.Relive baseball’s storied past through the eyes of famed baseball announcers. Organized chronologically, Memories from the Microphone charts the history of baseball broadcasting. Enjoy celebrated stories and personalities that have shaped the game—from Mel Allen to Harry Caray, Vin Scully to Joe Morgan, Ernie Harwell to Red Barber.Also discover: Images from the Baseball Hall of Fame’s matchless archive Anecdotes and quotes from Curt Smith’s original research Interviews with broadcast greats Little-known stories, such as Ronald Reagan calling games for WHO Des Moines in the 1930s Accounts of diversity in baseball broadcasting, including the TV coverage of Joe Morgan and earlier Hispanic pioneers Buck Canel and Rafael (Felo) Ramirez A special section devoted to the Ford C. Frick Award and inductees since its inception in 1978 Also take a nostalgic trip down baseball's memory lane with other Baseball Hall of Fame books: Picturing America’s Pastime, So You Think You Know Baseball, and Baseball Memories and Dreams.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Roads to Glory: Late Imperial Russia and the Turkish Straits
Until now, it has been accepted that the Turkish Straits - the Russian fleet's gateway to the Mediterranean - were a key factor in shaping Russian policy in the years leading to World War I. Control of the Straits had always been accepted as the major priority of Imperial Russia's foreign policy. In this powerfully argued revisionist history, Ronald Bobroff exposes the true Russian concern before the outbreak of war: the containment of German aggression. Based on extensive new research, Bobroff provides fascinating new insights into Russia's state development before the revolution, examining the policies and personal correspondence of its policy makers. And through his detailed examination of the rivalries and alliances of the Triple Entente, he sheds new light on European diplomacy at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Princeton University Press Leonhard Euler: Mathematical Genius in the Enlightenment
An acclaimed biography of the Enlightenment's greatest mathematicianThis is the first full-scale biography of Leonhard Euler (1707–1783), one of the greatest mathematicians and theoretical physicists of all time. In this comprehensive and authoritative account, Ronald Calinger connects the story of Euler's eventful life to the astonishing achievements that place him in the company of Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss. Drawing on Euler's massive published works and correspondence, this biography sets Euler's work in its multilayered context—personal, intellectual, institutional, political, cultural, religious, and social. It is a story of nearly incessant accomplishment, from Euler's fundamental contributions to almost every area of pure and applied mathematics in his time—especially calculus, mechanics, and optics—to his advances in shipbuilding, telescopes, acoustics, ballistics, cartography, chronology, and music theory.
Princeton University Press "They Can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else": A History of the Armenian Genocide
Starting in early 1915, the Ottoman Turks began deporting and killing hundreds of thousands of Armenians in the first major genocide of the twentieth century. By the end of the First World War, the number of Armenians in what would become Turkey had been reduced by 90 percent--more than a million people. A century later, the Armenian Genocide remains controversial but relatively unknown, overshadowed by later slaughters and the chasm separating Turkish and Armenian interpretations of events. In this definitive narrative history, Ronald Suny cuts through nationalist myths, propaganda, and denial to provide an unmatched account of when, how, and why the atrocities of 1915-16 were committed. Drawing on archival documents and eyewitness accounts, this is an unforgettable chronicle of a cataclysm that set a tragic pattern for a century of genocide and crimes against humanity.