Search results for ""author peter prinz"
The Catholic University of America Press Letters of Peter Abelard, Beyond the Personal
The Romantic Tale of Peter Abelard and Heloise has been widely known for centuries. The legend relates in part to the letters exchanged between the two, years after Abelard had been castrated at the behest of Heloise's vindictive uncle, Fulbert. These ""personal"" letters form the basis for bestselling compilations of works by Abelard and Heloise in translation, such as the recently revised Penguin ""The Letters of Abelard and Heloise"" or the new Hackett Abelard and Heloise, ""The Letters and Other Writings"". They hold fascination for the light they shed on the relationship between the man and woman, as teacher and student, lovers, husband and wife, monk and nun, abbot and mother superior, and much more. The popularity of the ""personal"" letters has generated considerable fanfare for the publication of another set of correspondence printed under the title ""The Lost Love Letters of Heloise and Abelard"". The authorship of all these letters has been contested repeatedly, with the last-mentioned collection being the center of a present firestorm. Generally ignored have been nearly a dozen other letters or letter-like texts, unassailably the work of Peter Abelard. Jan M. Ziolkowski's comprehensive and learned translation of these texts affords insight into Abelard's thinking over a much longer sweep of time and offers snapshots of the great twelfth-century philosopher and theologian in a variety of contexts. Broadening our panorama of the twelfth-century Renaissance, the picture presented by these texts complements, complicates, and enriches Abelard's autobiographical letter of consolation and his personal letters to Heloise.
Random House USA Inc Sanditon and Other Stories: Introduction by Peter Washington
Harvard Business Review Press Peter F. Drucker on Globalization
Schwarzkopf + Schwarzkopf Peter Behrens Der Clown mit der Trommel
Müry Salzmann Verlags Gmb Warum ich beschloss Peter Pakesch zu mgen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Keynesian Revolution and its Economic Consequences: Selected Essays by Peter Clarke
The Keynesian Revolution and its Economic Consequences is a study of John Maynard Keynes as a publicist, expert and theorist and of the economic doctrines associated with his name. It examines the Keynesian revolution in economic theory and policy and shows how Keynesianism as a school of thought departed from the substance of Keynes's own thinking and policy prescription.Peter Clarke places the 'historical' Keynes in the context of his own times and examines the subsequent institutionalization of Keynes. The author presents an historical account of Keynes's own thinking and influences, and offers a reassessment and a non-technical explanation of Keynesian policies, notably budget deficits. The author explores Keynes's major works and ideas within a political context, concluding that greater emphasis should be placed on his ideas about uncertainty and confidence, his thoughts on the complementary roles of public opinion and expertise, his commitment to the politics of persuasion and his challenge to entrenched vested interests. The Keynesian Revolution and its Economic Consequences will be of interest to historians and scholars of economic thought and economic policy as well as economic historians.
Edition Tintenfaß Der Struwwelpeter koreanisch und deutsch Deobeogmeoli Peter
Stocker Leopold Verlag Schnapsbrennen Mit Anhang Kornbrand von Peter Jger
Goldmann TB Die Engelsmhle Peter Hogart ermittelt 2 Thriller
Hatje Cantz Peter Linde Busk: Who speaks of Victory? To endure is all
Coupling defeat and despair with rebellious humor, Danish artist Peter Linde Busk explores the grotesque conditions of human existence. Populating his works with tragic and awkward figures like fallen heroes, jesters, or outlaws in abstract spaces of detailed ornamentation, his figurations are meticulously composed using a great variety of textures and techniques, and often incorporate random material relics from previous works. Similarly, his titles are wry quotes or poetic fragments: it is from Rilke that Peter Linde Busk has borrowed the title of the book, Who speaks of victory? To endure is all. This richly illustrated monograph features a major essay by art historian Maria Fabricius Hansen juxtaposing Linde Busk’s work with medieval mosaics and the grotesques of Renaissance art. A catalogue raisonné of works from 2015 to 2022 is supplemented by short prose texts and a playlist by writer Minna Grooss that suggests a sound track to the materially emphatic works by Linde Busk.
Edition Tintenfaß Hwedhel Peder Konin The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Fonthill Media Ltd Peter Owen, Not a Nice Jewish Boy: Memoirs of a Maverick Publisher
In this wry, candid and sometimes poignant memoir, Peter Owen recalls his lonely Jewish boyhood in Nazi Germany and migration to England where he survived the London Blitz, a teenage dalliance with aspiring actress Fenella Fielding, and working with a motley variety of book publishers. He founded his eponymous publishing firm in 1951, becoming one of the youngest publishers in Britain. A pioneer of books on social themes, gay and lesbian writing and literature in translation, Owen’s authors included ten Nobel laureates and brought Hermann Hesse, Ezra Pound and Anaïs Nin to a wider audience. Enjoying their success, he and his wife Wendy were memorably stylish and eccentric figures at the literary parties of the 1960s and 1970s. Owen describes his often hilarious encounters with many of those he published, including John Lennon, Yoko Ono and Salvador Dalí, his adventures in Japan with Yukio Mishima and Shūsaku Endō, and in Morocco with Tennessee Williams and Paul and Jane Bowles. As one of the last of the great émigré publishers, his death in 2016 aged 89 signalled the end of a literary era.
Random House USA Inc Wordsworth: Poems: Edited by Peter Washington
Hatje Cantz Peter Jellitsch (Bilingual edition): Artifacts of the Future
Even though we often hardly give it a second thought, we spend virtually every moment of our lives in two worlds: the analog world and the world of digital information, signals and networks. Whether visualizing invisible data streams or tracking down cell phone towers disguised as palm trees, Peter Jellitsch's works constantly revolve around the connections between real and artificially produced reality. Using means of repetition, fragmentation, and maximization and minimization, he creates images that are filled with abstract-looking textures and have a cartoon-like style. The publication Artifacts of the Future provides a broad insight into Jellitsch's current series of works of the same name.
Waterbrook Press (A Division of Random House Inc) Browning: Poems: Edited by Peter Washington
Random House USA Inc Akhmatova: Poems: Edited by Peter Washington
Ignatius Press Peter: Keys to Following Jesus
Reclam Philipp Jun. Geschichten von Peter Hase und seinen Freunden
Pixelraush Der Fall Peter B. und die Folgen
Anaconda Verlag J.M. Barrie Peter Pan. Schmuckausgabe mit Silberprägung
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time Vol. 11
Capstone Press Peter Pan in Mummy Land: A Graphic Novel
Maney Publishing Understanding Materials: A Festschrift for Sir Peter Hirsch
Penguin Young Readers Group Beatrix Potters Nursery Rhyme Book Peter Rabbit
Knaur Taschenbuch Teufelsleib Ein neuer Fall fr Peter Brandt
De Gruyter Alte und Neue Peter-Pauls-Kirche Coswig
Die Alte Kirche Coswig ist nicht nur Coswigs ältestes erhaltenes Gebäude, sondern auch ein spätgotisches Bauwerk aus vorreformatorischer Zeit. 1497 erbaut und den Aposteln Petrus und Paulus geweiht, wurde die Kirche bereits im 17. Jahrhundert zu eng, wovon mehrere Umbaumaßnahmen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte zeugen. Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts war Coswig nunmehr so groß, dass man einen Kirchenneubau beschloss und die Neue Kirche Coswig, von Woldemar Kandler im Stil der Neorenaissance erbaut, 1903 eingeweiht wurde. Dem Widerstand gegen den Abriss der Alten Kirche ist es zu verdanken, dass seit mehr als hundert Jahren die Alte und Neue Kirche nebeneinander bestehen.
Stone Arch Books Peter Pan in Mummy Land: A Graphic Novel
Tellwell Talent Peter Porcupine: First Day of Class
Scripture Union Publishing Diary of a Disciple - Peter and Paul's Story
Sheep falling from the sky, bald heads, fiery heads and wrinkly noses, boys falling out of windows, people throwing rocks, storms and shipwrecks, prisons and fish biscuits?! How could all of this be part of just one story? Well. Dr Luke has a story to tell – a story about a man called Peter and a man called Paul. It’s a totally epic tale, a stunning super-saga, a page-turning, jaw-dropping dazzler of a yarn – and it’s all here, in one book, just waiting for you to get stuck in… Diary of a Disciple: Peter and Paul’s story is a contemporary retelling of the book of Acts. Written in a quirky, contemporary, accessible style, Diary of a Disciple offers a way into the Bible for the next generation.
Quercus Publishing Bleeding Heart Yard: Breathtaking new thriller from Ruth Galloway's author
FROM THE #1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE DR RUTH GALLOWAY MYSTERIESA propulsive new thriller set in London featuring Detective Harbinder Kaur. A murderer hides in plain sight - in the police.DS Cassie Fitzherbert has a secret. When she was at school, she and her friends were responsible for the death of a fellow pupil. Decades later, Cassie is happily married and loves her job as a police officer.Her husband persuades her to go to a school reunion and another ex-pupil, Garfield Rice, is found dead, supposedly from a drug overdose. As Garfield was an eminent MP and the investigation is high profile, it's headed by Cassie's new boss, DI Harbinder Kaur. Trouble is, Cassie can't shake the feeling that one of her old friends is behind it.Is Cassie right, or was Garfield murdered by one of his political cronies? It's in Cassie's interest to skew the investigation so that it looks like the latter and she seems to be succeeding. Until someone else is killed...PRAISE FOR ELLY GRIFFITHS:'Elly Griffiths writes with a sharp, smart eye and great elegance' PETER JAMES 'Great on character and suspense' VAL MCDERMID'One of my flat-out favourite contemporary suspense writers' AJ FINN
Policy Press Fighting poverty, inequality and injustice: A manifesto inspired by Peter Townsend
This important book makes a vital academic and political statement in the cause of social justice. It begins with an appreciation of the seminal contributions of Peter Townsend (1928-2009), and applies them to contemporary policy debates. It brings together many of the leading contributors to current debates in this field and provides a compelling manifesto for change for students and researchers in the social sciences, policy makers and practitioners, and everybody with an interest in creating a more equal and socially just society.
Peeters Publishers Peter in the Early Church: Apostle - Missionary - Church Leader
Comprising the papers read at the 68th meeting of the Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense, which was held in 2019, Peter in the Early Church: Apostle – Missionary – Church Leader reflects the abundance and striking variety of literary and non-literary early Christian traditions about Peter. Such variety has in the past led researchers to describe the figure of Peter as malleable. By adopting a wide range of scholarly ways of reading texts or posing questions, as is now characteristic of New Testament studies, the papers in this volume reflect and develop further recent challenges to the classic binaries of canonical vs. non-canonical, orthodox vs. heterodox or heretical, elite vs. popular, core vs. marginal, and “pure” vs. syncretistic. Thus in addition to demonstrating the productivity of plotting the various embodiments of Peter and their manifold interrelationships, this volume opens up new vistas and raises new questions about this most central yet enigmatic figure of early Christian memory.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of 2 Peter and Jude: The Promise Of His Coming
The letters of 2 Peter and Jude form a robust pair, with their distinctive overlap in theme and wording. These letters are sometimes overlooked, yet their message for today's church is powerfully relevant. Both their writers aim to expose false guides who bewitch young believers. In response, they set before the churches bedrock conditions of survival, providing inspiring and always practical guidance on Christian growth. Without a maturing knowledge of God, churches (then as now) would be destabilised by destructive and heretical teaching.
Outlook Verlag Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens: in large print
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays in Honor of Peter C. B. Phillips
These essays honor Professor Peter C.B. Phillips of Yale University and his many contributions to the field of econometrics. Professor Phillips's research spans many topics in econometrics including: non-stationary time series and panel models partial identification and weak instruments Bayesian model evaluation and prediction financial econometrics and finite-sample statistical methods and results. The papers in this volume reflect additions to and amplifications of many of Professor Phillips' research contributions. Some of the topics discussed in the volume include panel macro-econometric modeling, efficient estimation and inference in difference-in-difference models, limiting and empirical distributions of IV estimates when some of the instruments are endogenous, the use of stochastic dominance techniques to examine conditional wage distributions of incumbents and newly hired employees, long-horizon predictive tests in financial markets, new developments in information matrix testing, testing for co-integration in Markov switching error correction models, and deviation information criteria for comparing vector autoregressive models.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd My Beloved Man: The Letters of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears
It's a life of the two of us.' The complete surviving correspondence between Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears. To read these letters is to climb up a wall and peer into the secret garden of two giants.' From the Foreword by FIONA SHAW This volume comprises the complete surviving correspondence between Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears. The 365 letters written throughout their 39-year relationship are here brought together and published, as Pears intended, for the first time. While the correspondence provides valuable evidence of the development of Britten's works, more significant is the insight into his relationship with Pears and their day-to-day life together. Entertaining to read, domestic and intimate, the letters provide glimpses of cultural and artistic life in the twentiethcentury, including pacifism and conscientious objection, critical assessments of music and other artists, transport and communications development in the twentieth century, the 'Aldeburgh corpses', art collecting, gossip, everyday life in an English country house, the development of the Aldeburgh Festival, performance practice in early music, looking after dachshunds, travel, and a host of other topics. Above all, when read together, Britten and Pears's letters allow the clearest possible look 'behind the scenes' of one of the most productive creative partnerships of the twentieth century. VICKI P. STROEHER is Professor of Music History at Marshall University where she isalso Coordinator of the Music History & Literature area. NICHOLAS CLARK is the Librarian at the Britten-Pears Foundation at The Red House, Britten and Pears's home in Aldeburgh, Suffolk. JUDE BRIMMER is an Archivist at the Britten-Pears Foundation.
Hodder & Stoughton Washington Shadow: Peter Cotton Thriller 2: The second 'addictive' spy thriller
Book 2 in the Peter Cotton spy thriller series, for fans of John le Carré and Robert Harris.'Addictive' Sunday Telegraph'Monroe provides terrific and convincing historical atmosphere; I am delighted that she is writing more Peter Cotton novels' The TimesThe war is over. The game has begun.September 1945. Bankrupt and desperate, Britain sends John Maynard Keynes to boom town Washington to beg for a loan. Under cover of the backup team, agent Peter Cotton is sent to investigate the break-up of America's wartime intelligence agency. Cotton finds himself caught up in a world of shadows involving an extraordinarily attractive woman from the US State Department, a Soviet ex-tank commander claiming to be his opposite number, a contrarian African academic, an ambitious, quick-tempered boss from the world of misinformation . . . and an Anglo-American conspiracy that will change the world of post-war intelligence for ever.The Peter Cotton spy thriller series:Book 1: The Maze of CadizBook 2: Washington ShadowBook 3: IcelightBook 2: Black BearShort story: Redeemable
Random House What If... Wanda Maximoff and Peter Parker Were Siblings
Wanda and Peter Parker embrace great responsibility in the next adventure of an epic multiversal series that reimages iconic Marvel origin stories.So many worlds, so little time. Infinite possibilities, creating infinite realities. Long have I watched death court the Scarlet Witch. But ... what if Wanda didn't have to suffer her grief alone?All Wanda has ever known is her friendly little neighborhood in Queens. As an infant, after her parents died, she was adopted into a family where her doting Aunt May and Uncle Ben will always be at the breakfast table. One that includes her idiot brother, Peter Parker, who thinks hiding a spider bite, joining a secret fight club, and becoming a super hero are somehow good ideas.When Wanda's own powers emerge, blood, chaos, and suspicion follow in their wake. But as she harnesses her power under the guidance of Doctor Strange, Peter is standing beside her in the Sanctum Sanctorum. And as they try to pro
Verlag F'Ur Moderne Kunst Peter Jellitsch: The Way You Moved Through Me
Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk By Peter David Omnibus Vol. 5
Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk By Peter David Omnibus Vol. 4
Random House USA Inc The Mystery of Edwin Drood: Introduction by Peter Washington
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time Vol. 9
Upon winning a fighting tournament and being crowned the world’s strongest warrior, Peter Grill discovers a downside to his newfound fame. Women of all species, from ogres to elves, are scrambling over each other for his seed to ensure they have the strongest babies possible. Poor Peter just wants to settle down with his lovey dovey fiancée, but he’ll have to outmatch, outwit, and outrun a harem of very determined monster girls to do so!
Marvel Comics Captain Marvel: Genis-vell By Peter David Omnibus
Kregel Publications,U.S. 1 Peter – A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching
Alfred Publishing Company Peter Gunn First Year Charts for Jazz Ensemble