Search results for ""author paul f."
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Paul's Offer of Leniency (2 Cor 10:1): Populist Ideology and Rhetoric in a Pauline Letter Fragment (2 Cor 10:1-13:10)
Donald Dale Walker advances biblical lexicography by carefully identifying and illustrating a semantic field present in 2 Corinthians 10-13, with particular focus on the key terms praytes and epeieikeia. For each of these words the author has also crafted detailed definitions. In addition, this study contributes to the recent interest in the investigation of Paul and politics by outlining the ideology of good rule and showing how it guided Paul's christological imagination. By attributing popular ideas of good rule to Christ, Paul forged a rhetoric that he could use to promote his agenda in Corinth. The rhetoric of populist appeal is also the key to understanding Paul's self-presentation in 2 Corinthians 10-13. By pressing the implications of good rule, this study breaks new ground in the analysis of Paul's rhetorical ethos, expanding the discussion beyond the limited instructions of ancient handbooks to reveal the apostle's modest populism (which incorporates his philosophical irony). Combining lexicographical insight, political theories, and rhetorical ethos creates a comprehensive reading strategy that integrates 2 Corinthians 10 -13.
Academica Press The Prague Circle: Franz Kafka, Egon Erwin Kisch, Max Brod, Franz Werfel and Paul Kornfeld, and Their Legacies
A group of mostly Jewish German-speaking writers, the Prague Circle included some of the most significant figures in modern Western literature. Its core members, Franz Kafka, Max Brod, Franz Werfel, Paul Kornfeld, and Egon Erwin Kisch, are renowned for their seminal dramas, lyric poetry, novels, short stories, and essays on aesthetics. The writers of the Prague Circle were bound together not by a common perspective or a particular ideology, but by shared experiences and interests. From their vantage point in the Bohemian capital during the early decades of the twentieth century, they witnessed first-hand the collapse of the familiar and predictable, if not entirely comfortable, monarchical old order and the ascent of an anxious and uncertain modern era that led inexorably to fascism, militarization, and war. In order to deal with their new challenges, they considered strategies as diverse and oppositional as the members of the Prague Circle themselves. Their responses were shaped to various degrees by Catholicism, Zionism, expressionism, activism, anti-activism, international solidarity with the working class, and transcendence. Stephen Shearier explores how these authors aligned themselves on the spectrum of the Activism Debate, which preceded the much studied Expressionist Debate by a generation. This study examines the critical reception of these influential literary figures to determine how their legacies have been shaped.
Vida Publishers El Pensamiento de Paul Ricouer: Ecos de la Hermenéutica Bíblica En La Propuesta Ética
Manchester University Press Pistols in St Pauls
Investigating a series of cutting-edge acoustic experiments in twentieth-century Britain, this unique book reveals how exciting new ideas from science and music had a lasting effect on architectural design. -- .
WW Norton & Co Sonic Wind: The Story of John Paul Stapp and How a Renegade Doctor Became the Fastest Man on Earth
Sixty years ago, cars and aeroplanes were deathtraps waiting to happen. Today, both are safer than they were, thanks in part to a pioneering US Air Force doctor’s research on seatbelts and ejection seats. The exploits of John Paul Stapp (1910–1999) come to life in this biography of a man who was once blasted across the desert in his Sonic Wind rocket sledge, only to be slammed to a stop in barely a second. The experiment put him on the cover of Time magazine and allowed his swashbuckling team to gather the data needed to revolutionise car and aeroplane design. From the high-altitude balloon tests that ensued to the battles for car safety legislation, Craig Ryan’s book is as much a history of the transition into the Jet Age as it is a biography of the man who got us there more safely.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Abraham's Faith in Romans 4: Paul's Concept of Faith in Light of the History of Reception of Genesis 15:6
The concept of faith is at the core of Paul's theology, and the classic assage for his understanding of pistis is Genesis 15:6. After discussing the history of scholarship on the Pauline concept of faith, Benjamin Schließer explores the literary, tradition-historical and structural questions of Genesis 15 and offers a detailed exegesis of verse 6 with its fundamental terms "count", "righteousness", and "believe". He then points to the theological significance of this testimony on Abraham for the Jewish identity; it comes into sight in a multifaceted and nuanced process of reception, from later Old Testament texts (Psalm 106; Nehemiah 9) to a broad array of literature from Second Temple Judaism (Septuagint, Sirach 44, Jubilees 14, 4QPseudo-Jubilees, 4QMMT, 1Maccabees, Philo). In the final and most substantial step, he asks about Paul's "hermeneutics of faith": How does Paul, in his exegesis of the Genesis quote in Romans 4, come to view Abraham as the father of all believers? What is the concept of faith that he develops on the basis of Genesis 15:6? Taking into account the manifold textual and thematic links between Romans 4, Romans 3:21-31, and Romans 1:16-17, a unique, twofold structure of "faith" discloses itself: Pistis designates first a divinely established sphere of power, i.e., a new, christologically determined salvation-historical reality, and second human participation in this reality, i.e., individual believing in the community of believers. Particularly the first aspect is generally overlooked in modern scholarship.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Freedom, Necessity, and the Knowledge of God: In Conversation with Karl Barth and Thomas F. Torrance
Paul D. Molnar discusses issues related to the concepts of freedom and necessity in trinitarian doctrine. He considers the implications of “non-conceptual knowledge of God” by comparing the approaches of Karl Rahner and T. F. Torrance. He also reconsiders T. F. Torrance’s “new” natural theology and illustrates why Christology must be central when discussing liberation theology. Further, he explores Catholic and Protestant relations by comparing the views of Elizabeth Johnson, Walter Kasper and Karl Barth, as well as relations among Christians, Jews and Muslims by considering whether it is appropriate to claim that all three religions should be understood to be united under the concept of monotheism. Finally, he probes the controversial issues of how to name God in a way that underscores the full equality of women and men and how to understand “universalism” by placing Torrance and David Bentley Hart into conversation on that subject.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sonic Wind: The Story of John Paul Stapp and How a Renegade Doctor Became the Fastest Man on Earth
Sixty years ago, cars and airplanes were still deathtraps waiting to happen. Today, both are safer than ever, thanks in part to one pioneering air force doctor’s research on seatbelts and ejection seats. The exploits of John Paul Stapp (1910–1999) come to thrilling life in this biography of a Renaissance man who was once blasted—faster than a .45 caliber bullet—across the desert in his Sonic Wind rocket sled, only to be slammed to a stop in barely a second. The experiment put him on the cover of Time magazine and allowed his swashbuckling team to gather the data needed to revolutionize automobile and aircraft design. But Stapp didn’t stop there. From the legendary high-altitude balloon tests that ensued to the ferocious battles for car safety legislation, Craig Ryan’s book is as much a history of America’s transition into the Jet Age as it is a biography of the man who got us there safely.
Hodder & Stoughton Lie With Me: The gripping crime suspense thriller for 2023 from the Sunday Times bestselling author - a Richard & Judy Bookclub Pick
THE UNPUTDOWNABLE RICHARD & JUDY BOOK CLUB PICK AND SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLER THAT EVERYONE IS RAVING ABOUT. OVER 100K COPIES SOLD.'Utterly gripping' Daily Mail 'A killer twist' Woman & Home'I loved every page' Clare MackintoshLonglisted for the Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Novel of the YearShortlisted for the British Book Awards Crime Novel of the YearA few little lies never hurt anyone. Right?Wrong.Paul has a plan. He has a vision of a better future, and he's going to make it happen. If it means hiding or exaggerating a few things here and there, no harm done. But when he charms his way on to a family holiday...And finds himself trapped among tensions and emotions he doesn't understand...By the time he starts to realise that however painful the truth is, it's the lies that cause the real damage...Well, by then, it might just be too late.***Sabine Durrant's brilliant new novel, Sun Damage, is available now***
Classiques Garnier Bulletin de la Societe Paul Claudel: La Fabrique d'Un Opera - La Creation Du Soulier de Satin
Les Editions Du Cenacle Fiche de lecture Les Mots de Jean-Paul Sartre (Analyse littéraire de référence et résumé complet)
De Gruyter Das Tor zur Welt der Bonner Republik: Entwicklung, Bau und Bedeutung des Passagierterminals von Paul Schneider-Esleben am Flughafen Köln/Bonn
Im Reisealltag werden Passagierterminals an Flughäfen zumeist beiläufig wahrgenommen. Mit ihrem Fokus auf Effizienz bei der »Abfertigung« von Reisenden rangieren diese Verkehrsbauten nicht unter den Top Ten bekannter Architekturdenkmäler. Gleichwohl haben Ikonen wie Eero Saarinens TWA Flight Center in New York Architekturgeschichte geschrieben. Beispiele für herausragende Verkehrsbauten gibt es jedoch auch in Deutschland: Als es in den 1950er Jahren galt, den Regierungsflughafen Köln/Bonn auszubauen, fanden von Ingenieuren geleistete Planungen und baukünstlerische Ideen zueinander. Der nach Entwürfen des Architekten und Designers Paul Schneider-Esleben (1915–2005) errichtete, 1970 eingeweihte Terminal vereint Funktionalität, zeitgenössische Modernität und hohen gestalterischen Anspruch bis ins Detail. Diese Studie zeichnet erstmals den Planungs- und Entwurfsprozess in seinen wesentlichen Schritten nach. Anhand zeitgenössischer Schrift- und Bildquellen würdigt sie das Gebäude im historischen Zusammenhang. Zudem fragt sie danach, inwiefern die innovative Köln/Bonner Lösung für nachfolgende Flughafenbauten Vorbildcharakter hat. Die Treppenhalle des Passagierterminals von Paul Schneider-Esleben am Flughafen Köln/Bonn.
BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship) The BRF Book of 365 Bible Reflections: with contributions from BRF authors, supporters and well-wishers
The Bible is at the heart of BRF’s work, and this special anniversary collection is a celebration of the Bible for BRF’s centenary year. Bringing together a fantastically wide-ranging writing team of authors, supporters and well-wishers from all areas of BRF’s work, this resource is designed to help us go deeper into the story of the Bible and reflect on how we can share it in our everyday lives. Including sections which lead us through the Bible narrative as well as thematic and seasonal sections, it is the perfect daily companion to resource your spiritual journey. Contributors include: Ian Adams, John Bell, Inderjit Bhogal, Amy Boucher Pye, Stephen Cottrell, Steven Croft, Mark Greene, Isabelle Hamley, Bob Hartman, Bev Jullien, Krish Kandiah, Paul Kerensa, Ann Lewin, Bex Lewis, Chine McDonald, Lucy Moore, Rob Parsons, John Pritchard, Jennifer Rees Larcombe, Pam Rhodes, Margaret Silf, Jo Swinney, Stephen Timms, Graham Tomlin and Justin Welby.
Baker Publishing Group Defending Shame: Its Formative Power in Paul's Letters
Our culture often views shame in a negative light. However, Paul's use of shame, when properly understood and applied, has much to teach the contemporary church. Filling a lacuna in Pauline scholarship, this book shows how Paul uses shame to admonish and to transform the minds of his readers into the mind of Christ. The author examines Paul's use of shame for moral formation within his Jewish and Greco-Roman context, compares and contrasts Paul's use of shame with other cultural voices, and offers a corrective understanding for today's church. Foreword by Luke Timothy Johnson.
Harvard Common Press Paul Kirks Championship Barbecue Barbecue Your Way to Greatness With 575 LipSmackin Recipes from the Baron of Barbecue
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Pointing Out Persuasion in Philemon: Fifty Readings of Paul's Rhetoric From the Fourth to the Eighteenth Century
D. Francois Tolmie offers a comprehensive overview of the various ways in which commentators interpreted the rhetoric of the Letter to Philemon from the fourth to the eighteenth century. For this purpose, fifty commentaries that appeared during this period are scrutinised one by one in order to determine the different ways in which commentators understood the rhetorical situation reflected by the letter and how they explained Paul's persuasive strategy. The author concludes with a thorough overview of broad tendencies that may be discerned in this regard. He reflects on the numerous ways in which commentators interpreted and expanded the meagre details offered by the letter to imagine a rhetorical situation that made sense to them. He also explains how consensus developed on certain matters, but, at the same time, how a diversity of views developed on other issues.
The New Press Paul Robeson No One Can Silence Me The Life of the Legendary Artist and Activist Adapted for Young Adults
Pan Macmillan The Creative Writing Coursebook: Forty-Four Authors Share Advice and Exercises for Fiction and Poetry
A fully updated comprehensive guide for improving and practicing your creative writing, including contributions from Ali Smith and Kit de Waal The Creative Writing Coursebook, edited by Julia Bell and Paul Magrs, takes aspiring writers through three stages of essential practice: Gathering – getting started, learning how to keep notes, making observations and using memory; Shaping – looking at structure, point of view, character and setting; and Finishing – being your own critic, joining workshops and finding publishers.Fully updated and including a foreword by Marina Warner and contributions from forty-four authors such as Kit de Waal and Amy Liptrot, this is the perfect book for people who are just starting to write as well as for those who want some help honing work already completed. Filled with a wealth of exercises and activities, it will inspire budding writers to develop and hone their skills. Whether writing for publication, in a group or just for pleasure this comprehensive guide is for anyone who is ready to put pen to paper.
Calkins Creek Alice Paul and the Fight for Women's Rights: From the Vote to the Equal Rights Amendment
Simon & Schuster Mr President How Long Must We Wait Alice Paul Woodrow Wilson and the Fight for the Right to Vote
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Blessing for the Nations and the Curse of the Law: Paul's Citation of Genesis and Deuteronomy in Galatians 3,8-10
Jeffrey Wisdom interprets Paul's citation of Genesis and Deuteronomy in Gal 3.8-10. He surveys the promise to Abraham to bless all nations and the curse of the covenant in the Jewish scripture.Blessing for the nations is an important part of God's covenant purpose for Abraham's descendants from the start. The curse of the covenant is consistently connected with the motifs of failure to do all the law and of the abandonment of the Lord for other gods. Jeffrey Wisdom then identifies and analyzes the various strands of the postbiblical Jewish literature that cite the promise of blessing for the nations and the curse of the covenant. He further argues an interpretation of Gal 3.8-10, in which the importance for Paul's argument of blessing for the nations and the curse on those who are disloyal to the Lord is stressed. Paul's call to preach the gospel to the gentiles and his defense of the truth of the gospel provide the context for the connection between the gospel and the promise to Abraham of blessing for the nations in Gal 3.8, a blessing which has always been God's purpose for Abraham's descendants. The interpretation of Gal 3.10 then builds on this insight. Those who are of works of the law are identified as the troublemakers who have preached another gospel to the Galatians and thereby have been disloyal to God and his purpose for Abraham's descendants. Paul cites Deut 27.26 to support this assertion that they have been disloyal to God and therefore are under the curse. Jeffrey Wisdom traces this interpretation of Gal 3.8-10 through to 3.13-14 and supports it by other traces of the same perspective on the gospel and the curse in Galatians.
HarperCollins Publishers Learn Mandarin Chinese with Paul Noble for Beginners – Complete Course: Mandarin Chinese Made Easy with Your Bestselling Language Coach
No grammar tests. No memory drills. No chance of failure. Welcome to Learn with Paul Noble – a unique, tried and tested language learning method that has been used by almost a million people to speak fluently and confidently in no time at all. Take a simple, relaxed approach to learning a language that has been proven to succeed time and time again. Unlike more traditional language learning courses, Paul Noble’s unique method has no grammar tests, no memory drills and no chance of failure. Whatever your experience with languages, whether you’re an absolute beginner or someone with basic knowledge who wants to improve their ability, this is the course to get you speaking Italian quickly, easily, and effortlessly. Just listen, interact and learn wherever you are. In this Audio CD, Paul will introduce you to the basics of the Mandarin Chinese language and guide you through over 15 hours of practical, everyday scenarios that will build your confidence. You will learn a huge range of vocabulary in no time at all, and be able to quickly make your new knowledge work for you in a variety of everyday scenarios. Two native-speaking Mandarin experts (male and female) will help you to perfect your pronunciation as you progress through the course. Language learning has finally become fun, enjoyable and accessible. An accompanying booklet is also included to use as a reference and revision tool. This Audio CD is Part One of a three-part course. Once you’ve finished Part One, download Learn Mandarin Chinese with Paul Noble for Beginners – Part Two. The accompanying booklet is also available here:
Medieval Institute Publications Authority of Images / Images of Authority: Shaping Political and Cultural Identities in the Pre-Modern World
Focusing on language's political power, these essays discuss how representation, through language norms, plays and court spectacles, manipulations and adaptations of texts and images, both constitutes and reflects a cultural milieu. The volume brings together various disciplinary approaches, offering a complex appreciation of these questions. While a core of the essays focuses on France, the contributions engage a broad range of geographical contexts, from Byzantium to eastern Germany and England from the early centuries of the Common Era to the seventeenth century, revealing the prevalence and persistence of the key interconnected issues of images and authority. Contributors: Carla Bozzolo; Philippe Caron; Robert L. A. Clark; Paul Cohen; Thomas Conley; Jean-Philippe Genet; Douglas Kibbee; Gillette Labory; Nicole Pons; Mara R. Wade.
Hansebooks Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben von Jean Paul Friedrich Richter: Erster Band, zweite Abteilung
The History Press Ltd Worthing at War: The Diary of C. F. Harriss
Of all the historical documents charting Worthing's past, few are more important than a wartime diary called 'Hotchpot', compiled with religious dedication by Broadwater resident C.F. Harriss. Mr Harriss was a retired lawyer who lived with his wife in Rectory Gardens throughout the Second World War, and his diary, now in the hands of West Sussex Library Service, charts in intimate detail the daily lives of people during this turbulent time. Mr Harriss hoped the giant tome, split into two volumes, would assist future historians attempting to probe through the mists of oblivion. He wrote, 'It was written at the time and so supplied an exact and vivid record of wartime life, a true and intimate example, in the colour of the moment, of what ordinary citizens felt, thought and said.' The diary is remarkable chiefly on account of Mr Harriss's literate and informed manner. As well as describing events in wartime Worthing, it provides what is almost certainly an accurate commentary on civilian morale as news of the progress of the war reaches a seaside town. \The diarist is a 'character' and his personality inflects his account, but he is above all knowledgeable and articulate and his daily entries are a pleasure and an education to read.
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Three Excerpts from our Town and simple Gifts Arranged for Saxophone Quartet Satb by Paul Cohen Score and Parts
University of Nebraska Press Murder and Counterrevolution in Mexico: The Eyewitness Account of German Ambassador Paul von Hintze, 1912-1914
Admiral Paul von Hintze arrived in Mexico in the spring of 1911 to serve as Germany’s ambassador to a country in a state of revolution. Germany’s emperor Wilhelm II had selected Hintze as his personal eyes and ears in Mexico (and concomitantly the neighboring United States) during the portentous years leading up to the First World War. The ambassador benefited from a network of informers throughout Mexico and was closely involved in the country’s political and diplomatic machinations as the violent revolution played out. Murder and Counterrevolution in Mexico presents Hintze’s eyewitness accounts of these turbulent years. Hintze’s diary, telegrams, letters, and other records, translated, edited, and annotated by Friedrich E. Schuler, offer detailed insight into Victoriano Huerta’s overthrow and assassination of Francisco Madero and Huerta’s ensuing dictatorship and chronicle the U.S.-supported resistance. Showcasing the political relationship between Germany and Mexico, Hintze’s suspenseful, often daily diary entries provide new insight into the turmoil of the Mexican Revolution, including U.S. diplomatic maneuvers and subterfuge, as well as an intriguing backstory to the infamous 1917 Zimmermann Telegram, which precipitated U.S. entry into World War I.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Peter's Legacy in Early Christianity: The Appropriation and Use of Peter's Authority in the First Three Centuries
John-Christian Eurell studies how Peter's authority is portrayed to create legitimacy in Christian texts. Peter emerges as a central figure in the diverse early Christian movement and is used to discuss theological legitimacy. The main divide is between those who argue that legitimate theology should have a conservative point of departure based on traditional material handed down from the earthly Jesus and an apostolic succession based on interpersonal relations and those who argue in favour of a more progressive point of departure which places emphasis on contemporary charismatic experiences. These perspectives are utilised by groups of various theological persuasions to argue their own position. Peter is seen as a positive and negative example for both these ways of creating legitimacy.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) "Make Disciples of All Nations": The Appeal and Authority of Christian Faith in Hellenistic-Roman Times
The "Great Commission," which Jesus gave to his disciples according to Matthew 28:19-20, is seen in Christianity as the origin of the mission and the practice of baptism in the church. This text has undergone a great deal of intensive exegesis. In the last 300 years in particular, it was the basis for the missionary work done by many Western churches in all parts of the world, and apart from its significance for the motivation and validation of religious mission, this text was also used as a means of strengthening colonial ideas and interests in developing countries. This volume deals with aspects of the early Christian mission. The articles, which were presented originally at a symposium which took place from 30 September to 1 October 2014, cover problem areas in New Testament exegesis (Gospels, Acts, Paul and Deutero-Pauline letters) as well as in church history (referring to traditions of mission in Africa and Asia), and together they provide an introduction into possible interpretations and perspectives that emerge when reading selected literature attentively.
Books on Demand Paule das kleine Stinktier
Glanz-Verlag Der faule Paule Zottelbr auf Reisen
Headline Publishing Group Another Woman's Husband: From the bestselling author of The Secret Wife and The Manhattan Girls, a captivating historical novel of the love and betrayal behind The Crown
From the bestselling author of The Secret Wife and The Manhattan Girls, Another Woman's Husband will be adored by all fans of The Crown. Wallis Simpson is brought enticingly to life in this gripping, moving novel about two women thrust into the spotlight, followed by scandal, touched by loss.'One of my favourite books of this year. Fascinating, glamorous and utterly compelling... historical fiction at its best' Tracy Rees, author of The Hourglass.'With superb story-telling and a lush backdrop of period detail...a novel that is impossible to put down, about two women who are impossible to forget. I loved it!' Hazel GaynorTwo women who challenged the Crown.Divided by time. Bound by a secret...1911At the age of fifteen, carefree Mary Kirk and indomitable Wallis Warfield meet at summer camp. Their friendship will survive heartbreaks, separation and the demands of the British Crown until it is shattered by one unforgivable betrayal...1997Rachel's romantic break in Paris with her fiancé ends in tragedy when the car ahead crashes. Inside was Princess Diana. Back in Brighton, Rachel is haunted by the accident, and intrigued to learn the princess had visited the last home of Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, only hours before the crash. Soon, the discovery of a long-forgotten link to Wallis Simpson leads Rachel to the truth behind a scandal that shook the world...Readers love ANOTHER WOMAN'S HUSBAND:'Riveting! I thoroughly enjoyed this intriguing tale of friendship and betrayal' Rosanna Ley'I devoured Another Woman's Husband in a few days. This has bestseller written all over it.' Louise Beech'With seamless ease Gill evokes the events and characters of two eras...with great verve and a smattering of delicious fictional licence. Delightful' Liz Trenow'Gill Paul has taken two of the twentieth century's most enigmatic women, one revered, the other reviled, and woven them into a deft story of friendship and betrayal' Kate Riordan'Compelling and full of surprises ****' The Lady'Sheds light on a scandal and a love story which deserves to be read by many. A fascinating read which made me lose several hours to this story. I have no hesitation in recommending it and am keen to see what time in history Gill Paul will turn her hand to next' Shaz's Book Blog
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Brass Mix, Book 2, Piano Accompaniment F: 8 new pieces for Brass, Grades 4 & 5
Brass Mix is an original series of graded pieces that can be played by any brass instrument. Book 2 covers Grades 4 & 5 and contains 8 new pieces for solo brass and piano, specially commissioned from some of today's most dynamic composers for brass. The pieces showcase a diverse range of styles and align with ABRSM grade levels. Many are featured on the ABRSM 2023 Brass syllabus and in addition, all are ideal choices for Performance Grade exams.Key features:-one piece at each grade and list of the ABRSM 2023 Brass syllabus, for all instruments -distinctive and engaging repertoire from which to build a programme for a Practical or Performance Grade exam - a single student book that can be used by treble- and bass-clef brass including Eb Tuba -separate Bb, Eb and F piano accompaniment books -a downloadable part for Bb Tuba. Contents: Rapscallion [Andrea Price] Sunday at the Boulevard [Christopher Augustine] Horizon [Clare Elton] Cumbianita para Ti [Shanti Paul Jayasinha] Lethe [Callum Au] By the River [Shanti Paul Jayasinha] A Postcard from Wasdale [Florence Anna Maunders] Koli [Shri Sriram]
University of Chicago Press The Cross and the Flag Papal Diplomacy and John Paul IIs Struggle Against the Tyranny of the Possible
V&R unipress GmbH Der wirkliche Mensch als möglicher: Paul RicÅurs Anthropologie als Grundlagenreflexion der Theologie
Universitatsverlag Winter Characters in New British Hard Science Fiction: With a Focus on Genetic Engineering in Paul McAuley, Alastair Reynolds and Brian Stableford
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Knowledge and Religious Authority in the Pseudo-Clementines: Situating the 'Recognitions' in Fourth Century Syria
The Pseudo-Clementines are best known for preserving early "Jewish Christian" traditions, but have not been appreciated as a resource for understanding the struggles over identity and orthodoxy among fourth-century Christians, Jews, and pagans. Using the work of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, Nicole Kelley analyzes the rhetorical strategies employed by the Recognitions. These strategies discredit the knowledge of philosophers and astrologers, and establish Peter and Clement as the exclusive stewards of prophetic knowledge, which has been handed down to them by Jesus. This analysis reveals that the Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions is not a jumbled collection of earlier source materials, as previous interpreters have thought, but a coherent narrative concerned primarily with epistemological issues. The author understands the Recognitions as a reflection of complex rivalries between several types of Christian and non-Christian groups such as that found in fourth-century Antioch or Edessa.
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Kinder entdecken Paul Klee Die kunterbunte Fundgrube fr den Kunstunterricht 1 bis 6 Klasse
Reclam Philipp Jun. Lektreschlssel zu Tambin la lluvia Film von Paul Laverty Drehbuch und Icar Bollan Regie
Peeters Publishers John Paul II and World Politics: Twenty Years of Search for a New Approach. 1978-1998
One of the few works done recently on the international position of the Holy See. Drawn from a series of lectures given by Colombo Sacco, an Italian diplomat, at the University of Milan and at the Catholic University of Leuven, the book examines the first twenty years of Pope Wojtyla's pontificate, highlighting the Vatican's increasing involvement in international politics. Thus, it illustrates Karol Wojtyla's thought in this field and his guidelines for the development of international law: human rights, the rights of peoples and nations, the right of humanitarian intervention, development cooperation. The volume is completed by an essential bibliography and a selectiion of primary sources.
Ignatius Press We're on a Mission from God: Generation X Guide to John Paul II, the Catholic Church, and the Real Meaning of Life
B&H Publishing Group To Live Is Christ Joining Pauls Journey of Faith
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Integration Policies at the Local Level: Housing Policies for Migrants: Examples from New York City, St. Paul, Antwerp, Vienna and Stuttgart
Polaris Publishing Limited Rugby Has F***ing Laws, Not Rules: A Guided Tour Through Rugby’s Bizarre Law Book
The laws of rugby are as extensive as they are confusing, their nuances and interpretations argued over relentlessly by rugby fans around the world and virtually impenetrable to those who are new to the game. In an effort to provide some much-needed clarity, Paul Williams takes an irreverent, hilarious, p*ss-taking tour through the labyrinth that is rugby's rule book – or, for the pedantic, rugby’s law book. Hilarious, off-beat and (surprisingly) insightful, this is the perfect gift for rugby fans all around the world.
Duncker & Humblot Siegfried Katterle (1933-2019): Sein Werk Im Lichte Der Politischen Theologie Von Paul Tillich