Search results for ""author daniel"
Simon Spotlight Daniel Finds a New Friend: Ready-To-Read Ready-To-Go!
Editorial Trotta, S.A. La vida sobre una columna vida de Simeón Estilita vida de Daniel Estilita
Un estilita era un anacoreta que vivía sobre una columna, de la que no se bajaba jamás. El fundador de esta espectacular forma de vida ascética fue el sirio Simeón (m. 459), que la practicó durante treinta y siete años en su país natal. Tuvo muchos imitadores en el Oriente cristiano durante los siglos siguientes. El primero de ellos fue el también sirio Daniel, que vivió sobre su columna cerca de Constantinopla entre 460 y 493. Ambos estilitas atrajeron en vida a muchedumbres de peregrinos procedentes de todo el mundo cristiano y, como se puede apreciar en sus Vidas, llegaron a tener gran influencia tanto sobre la gente corriente como sobre dignatarios y emperadores.La Vida de Simeón Estilita, atribuida a su discípulo Antonio, es uno de los testimonios principales sobre las hazañas ascéticas y los milagros de este santo. Breve en extensión y simple en su concepción, gozó de gran popularidad desde muy pronto. Ya en el siglo VI fue traducida al latín.La Vida de Daniel Estilita, deb
£18.00 Au bonheur des ogres de Daniel Pennac Questionnaire de lecture
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd James M. Buchanan, Gary S. Becker, Daniel Kahneman and Vernon L. Smith
This groundbreaking title brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates' careers and main published works. This landmark title will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Simon Spotlight Daniel Goes on an Egg Hunt: Ready-To-Read Pre-Level 1
Simon Spotlight Daniel Goes on an Egg Hunt: Ready-To-Read Pre-Level 1
Nancy Paulsen Books Daniel's Good Day
Daniel finds the poetry in the everyday activities of his own neighborhood, in this gorgeous companion to Ezra Jack Keats Award winner Daniel Finds a Poem.The people in Daniel's neighborhood always say, "Have a good day!" But what exactly is a good day? Daniel is determined to find out, and as he strolls through his neighborhood, he finds a wonderful world full of answers as varied as his neighbors. For Emma, a good day means a strong wind for kite flying. For the bus driver, a good day means pleases and thank-yous. A good day is bees for the gardener, birthdays for the baker, and wagging tails for the mail carrier. And, for Daniel's grandma, a good day is a hug from Daniel! And when Daniel puts all these good days together, they make a lovely poem full of his neighbors' favorite things.Micha Archer's vivid collages bring to life one special day, and her inviting text celebrates a vibrant community and an appreciation for the many simple things that give us joy.
Penguin Books Ltd The Penguin Book of the British Short Story: 1: From Daniel Defoe to John Buchan
'A bold anthology ... alive with provocations and insights' John Carey, Sunday Times'The Boy-scouts mistook my signal, and have killed the postman. I've had very little practice in this sort of thing, you see'The British short story tradition is probably the richest, most varied and historically extensive in the world. This new anthology celebrates the full diversity and energy of its writers, subjects and tones, from the story's origins with Defoe, Swift and Fielding, to the 'golden age' of the fin de siècle and Edwardian period, ending with the First World War. Including the most famous authors as well as some magnificent, little-known stories never republished since their first appearance in magazines and periodicals, these stories are by turns topical and playful, ghostly and theatrical, rumbustious and sublime.Edited with an introduction by Philip Hensher
Square Fish Most Dangerous Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War
Most Dangerous is the award-winning nonfiction account of an ordinary man who wielded the most dangerous weapon: the truth.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Critique textuelle de l'Ancien Testament. Tome 3: Ézéchiel, Daniel et les 12 Prophètes
WW Norton & Co Strong As Death Is Love: The Song of Songs, Ruth, Esther, Jonah, and Daniel, A Translation with Commentary
These five late biblical books offer readers a range of pleasures not usually associated with the Bible. They are artful, entertaining literary works—innovative, even startling. Women often stand centre stage. The Song of Songs, a celebration of young love, frankly sensuous, with no reference to God, offers some of the most beautiful love poems of the ancient world. The story of Esther’s shrewd triumph is a secular entertainment that mixes farce with sly sexual comedy. The character of Ruth embodies the virtues of loyalty, love and charity in a harmonious world. Enigma replaces harmony in Daniel, whose feverish dreams envision the end of time. And the traditions of prophecy are recast in the tale of a fish that swallows Jonah. Alter’s translation restores the original power of these popular books.
Orion Publishing Co Magic Burns: A Kate Daniels Novel: 2
Kickass mercenary Kate Daniels is back in another breakneck urban fantasy adventure. She's ready to take care of anyone who gets in her way . . .Down in Atlanta, tempers - and temperatures - are about to flare . . .As a mercenary who cleans up after magic gone wrong, Kate Daniels has seen her share of occupational hazards. Normally, waves of paranormal energy ebb and flow across Atlanta like a tide. But once every seven years, a flare comes, a time when magic runs rampant. Now Kate's going to have to deal with problems on a much bigger scale: a divine one.When Kate sets out to retrieve a set of stolen maps for the Pack, Atlanta's paramilitary clan of shapeshifters, she quickly realises much more is at stake. During a flare, gods and goddesses can manifest - and battle for power. The stolen maps are only the opening gambit in an epic tug-of-war between two gods hoping for rebirth. And if Kate can't stop the cataclysmic showdown, the city may not survive . . .Readers are hooked on Magic Burns:'This book is perfect!! . . . I love Kate. I love Kate so much my heart hurts . . . Yes Kate, go samurai on their sorry asses! Yes Kate, give them the middle finger!!' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'There aren't enough stars in the sky. That's the Combined Magical and Miraculous Ilona Andrews-Kate Daniels Effect' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'An interesting heroine that is confident, skilled in her field, funny, occasionally lonely, caring despite herself and lives according to an ethical code . . . Five stars, again and again' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Kate Daniels, could you be more awesome? Nope. This book rocked my world! . . . highly recommended to the discerning urban fantasy reader who likes a great heroine, kickbutt action, wonderful world-building, and intriguing secondary characters' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Celtic mythology, witch covens, lots of ass kicking and HOT shapeshifters? Yes please' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Magic Burns has everything I loved about Magic Bites and then some. The flare just ups the ante, making everything more urgent, more exciting, and more important' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'These characters sneak up on you, rip you open, and embed themselves into your heart and mind. I feel like I'm Kate, and that all her friends also belong to me' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Be still my beating heart - Bran, Curran and Derek. That ending, that battle. Kate Daniels is a seriously cool and kick arse heroine. All over fabulous book and series. Steeped in myths and great characters' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence (with featured article "What Makes a Leader?" by Daniel Goleman)(HBR's 10 Must Reads)
In his defining work on emotional intelligence, bestselling author Daniel Goleman found that it is twice as important as other competencies in determining outstanding leadership. If you read nothing else on emotional intelligence, read these 10 articles by experts in the field. We've combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you boost your emotional skills--and your professional success. This book will inspire you to: * Monitor and channel your moods and emotions * Make smart, empathetic people decisions * Manage conflict and regulate emotions within your team * React to tough situations with resilience * Better understand your strengths, weaknesses, needs, values, and goals * Develop emotional agility This collection of articles includes: "What Makes a Leader" by Daniel Goleman, "Primal Leadership: The Hidden Driver of Great Performance" by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee, "Why It's So Hard to Be Fair" by Joel Brockner, "Why Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions" by Andrew Campbell, Jo Whitehead, and Sydney Finkelstein, "Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups" by Vanessa Urch Druskat and Steve B. Wolff, "The Price of Incivility: Lack of Respect Hurts Morale--and the Bottom Line" by Christine Porath and Christine Pearson, "How Resilience Works" by Diane Coutu, "Emotional Agility: How Effective Leaders Manage Their Negative Thoughts and Feelings" by Susan David and Christina Congleton, "Fear of Feedback" by Jay M. Jackman and Myra H. Strober, and "The Young and the Clueless" by Kerry A. Bunker, Kathy E. Kram, and Sharon Ting.
Campgrafic Editors Daniel B Updike y la historia de la tipografa en Espaa
mareverlag GmbH Die wirklich wahren Abenteuer und außerordentlichen Lehrjahre des Teufelskerls Daniel Bones
Archaeopress Easter Island Archaeology/Arqueologia en Rapa Nui (Isla de Pascua): A Tribute to Daniel Schávelzon on the 30th anniversary of the Center for Urban Archaeology at the University of Buenos Aires/Homenaje a Daniel Schávelzon a los treinta años
This well illustrated volume presents in its introduction a personal history of Daniel Schávelzon’s experience of Easter Island during his youth before collecting all the papers and work he produced in 2014 leading up to his retirement.
Elsevier Health Sciences Daniels and Worthinghams Muscle Testing
Orion Publishing Co Magic Bites: A Kate Daniels Novel: 1
Kate Daniels is about to enter a world of gritty magic and dangerous mystery! Vampires, necromancers and mages abound on the city streets, with one kickass heroine in the middleFuture Atlanta is an interesting place to live: one moment magic dominates, and cars stall and guns fail. The next, technology takes over and the defensive spells no longer protect your house from monsters.Here skyscrapers topple under the onslaught of magic; the Pack, a paramilitary clan of shapechangers, prowl through the ruined streets; and the Masters of the Dead, necromancers driven by their thirst for knowledge and wealth, pilot blood-crazed vampires with their minds. Kate Daniels likes her sword a little too much, and she has a hard time controlling her mouth. The magic in her blood makes her a target, and she's spent most of her life hiding in plain sight. But when Kate's guardian is murdered, she must choose to do nothing, and remain safe, or to risk her life by pursuing his preternatural killer. Hiding is easy, but the right choice is rarely easy ...Readers are hooked on Magic Bites:'Everything in this story has an edge to it . . . there is humour, but it's of the drier, more wry, and grimmer variety . . . The stakes are particularly high in this novel, in ways that you need to read to find out' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'[Kate] is tough, smart, mouthy and a little arrogant. She is my favourite kind of heroine. She doesn't give in to lengthy emotional blabbering or emotional breakdowns so I love her!' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I want to add a gazillion more starts to my rating . . . I love the concept of the shifting magic and technology' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Kate is a kickass heroine. She knows how to use her sword better than she knows how to walk in high heels. She is fierce, strong, reliable, faithful to her friends' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'I love this book. I love this world. I love Kate. It's still my favourite series. It's fantastic, it's a great start, and if you haven't read it yet, DO IT. And then remember that the books just get better from here, exponentially better' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Watkins Media Danielle Collins Face Yoga
Have you ever thought why every workout you have ever done stopped at the neck? Or wondered why traditional yoga calms the mind, tones the body but forgets the face? Are you looking for a natural way to look and feel younger and healthier? Danielle Collins, TV''s Face Yoga Expert, believes we should all have the opportunity to look and feel the very best we can for our age and to care for our face, body and mind using natural and holistic techniques. Her method requires just 5 minutes a day and could not be easier to get started. Integrating practical facial exercises with inspirational lifestyle tips, including diet and skincare, Danielle Collins'' Face Yoga is a revolutionary new programme to help you achieve healthier, firmer, glowing skin..
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Hellenismus Und Judentum: Vier Studien Zu Daniel 7 Und Zur Religionsnot Unter Antiochus IV.
De Gruyter Daniel Kehlmann Und Die Gegenwartsliteratur: Dialogische Poetik, Werkpolitik Und Populäres Schreiben
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Hellenismus und Judentum: Vier Studien zu Daniel 7 und zur Religionsnot unter Antiochus IV.
Cottage Door Press Daniel Tiger Hora de IR Al Baño / Potty Time! (Spanish Edition)
Penguin Putnam Inc Magic Rises: A Kate Daniels Novel
Ediciones Deusto La pizarra de Daniel Lacalle las 10 reformas económicas imprescindibles para una España de futuro
España ha conseguido salir de la crisis con un ajuste cercano a 15 puntos de PIB y lo ha hecho exportando más a pesar de la ralentización de nuestros socios comerciales, creando un millón de puestos de trabajo a pesar del estancamiento del empleo en la Eurozona, y sin acudir a mayor endeudamiento, ya que la deuda total de España no ha aumentado. Crecemos a un ritmo del 3% y superamos las expectativas de consenso, pero falta mucho por hacer. Daniel Lacalle analiza los diez puntos esenciales para acometer las reformas que necesita España a la hora de continuar creciendo y creando empleo, centrado en cuatro grandes grupos básicos: -Sostenibilidad del Estado de Bienestar. -Educación para el emprendimiento. -Fiscalidad para el crecimiento. -Productividad, investigación y sector exterior en un mundo globalizado. España puede salir de la crisis más reforzada que nunca. Daniel Lacalle explica cómo, dando soluciones reales que se han llevado a cabo en países de nuestro entorno con éxito.
John Murray Press The Daniel Prayer: The Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations by Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham
Many people today find that their prayers don't 'work'. And like a broken phone or TV remote, they throw prayer out as unnecessary 'clutter' in their busy lives. Anne Graham Lotz has found that while prayer does work, sometimes the 'pray-ers' don't. So she has turned to the prophet Daniel for help.The Daniel Prayer is born deep within your soul, erupts through your heart, and pours out on your lips - words created by and infused with the Spirit of God, quivering with spiritual electricity. It's really not an everyday type of prayer. It's a prayer birthed under pressure, sometimes heartache or grief. It can be triggered by a sudden revelation of hope: an answer to prayer, a promise freshly received, a miracle that lies just over the horizon . . . This book will help you to pray - effectively - for your nation, for your family, and for yourself. In it, Anne answers such questions as... Does God only hear the prayers of good people?How do I know the God to whom I pray will listen?How do I know God cares about my prayer?How do I know God will answer my prayer?Why should I pray at all?Does it matter where I am when I pray?Are words in prayer all that matter, or does my attitude affect prayer? And most crucial of all - what difference does my prayer actually make? Join Anne in a thrilling discovery of prayer that really works.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Straw House, Wood House, Brick House, Blow: Four Novellas by Daniel Nayeri
Peeters Publishers Commentaire D'Iso'dad De Merv Sur L'Ancien Testament, V. Jeremie, Ezechiel, Daniel: V.
WW Norton & Co Strong As Death Is Love: The Song of Songs, Ruth, Esther, Jonah, and Daniel, A Translation with Commentary
These five late biblical books offer readers a range of pleasures not usually associated with the Bible. They are artful, entertaining literary works—innovative, even startling. Women often stand centre stage. The Song of Songs, a celebration of young love, frankly sensuous, with no reference to God, offers some of the most beautiful love poems of the ancient world. The story of Esther’s shrewd triumph is a secular entertainment that mixes farce with sly sexual comedy. The character of Ruth embodies the virtues of loyalty, love and charity in a harmonious world. Enigma replaces harmony in Daniel, whose feverish dreams envision the end of time. And the traditions of prophecy are recast in the tale of a fish that swallows Jonah. Alter’s translation restores the original power of these popular books.
Peeters Publishers Lexikon Der Agyptischen Gotter Und Gotterbezeichnungen Band VIII: Register: Bearbeitet Von Lothar Goldbrunner, Christian Leitz, Daniela Mendel, Daniel Von Recklinghausen Und Bettina Ventker
This volume contains the register to the Lexikon der agyptischen Gotter und Gotterbezeichnungen, published in 2002 in 7 volumes.
Quart Publishers Daniele Marques: De Aedibus 32
Rowman & Littlefield The Thief-Taker Hangings: How Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Wild, and Jack Sheppard Captivated London and Created the Celebrity Criminal
After the Glorious Revolution, a not so glorious age of lawlessness befell England. Crime ran rampant, and highwaymen, thieves, and prostitutes ruled the land. Execution by hanging often punished the smallest infractions, and rip-roaring stories of fearless criminals proliferated, giving birth to a new medium: the newspaper. In 1724, housebreaker Jack Sheppard—a "pocket Hercules," his small frame packed with muscle—finally met the hangman. Street singers sang ballads about the Cockney burglar because no prison could hold him. Each more astonishing than the last, his final jailbreak took him through six successive locked rooms, after which he shimmied down two blankets from the prison roof to the street below. Just before Sheppard swung, he gave an account of his life to a writer in the crowd. Daniel Defoe stood in the shadow of the day's literati—Swift, Pope, Gay—and had done hard time himself for sedition and bankruptcy. He saw how prison corrupted the poor. They came out thieves, but he came out a journalist. Six months later, the author of Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders covered another death at the hanging tree. Jonathan Wild looked every bit the brute—body covered in scars from dagger, sword, and gun, bald head patched with silver plates from a fractured skull—and he had all but invented the double-cross. He cultivated young thieves, profited from their work, then turned them in for his reward—and their execution. But one man refused to play his game. Sheppard didn't take orders from this self-proclaimed "thief-taker general," nor would he hawk his loot through Wild's fences. The two-faced bounty hunter took it personally and helped bring the young burglar's life to an end. But when Wild's charade came to light, he quickly became the most despised man in the land. When he was hanged for his own crimes, the mob wasn't rooting for Wild as it had for Sheppard. Instead, they hurled stones, rotten food, and even dead animals at him. Defoe once again got the scoop, and tabloid journalism as we know it had begun.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Reformed Historical Theology: Georg Sohn (1551-1589), Herman Rennecherus (1550-?), Jacob Kimedoncius (1554-1596), Daniel Tossanus (1541-1602)
Die Zeit von 1583 bis 1622 ist fër Heidelberg eine Periode des Streites, besonders zwischen Reformierten und Lutheranern. Neben der Abendmahlslehre steht die Prädestinationslehre im Zentrum der Auseinandersetzungen. Die reformierten Heidelberger Theologen sahen diese Lehre nicht als spekulatives Modethema an, sondern als die Grundlage fër Trost und Gewissheit, so wie es sich auch in den Dordrechter Canones findet. Nam Kyu Lee behandelt vier, ausgewählte Heidelberger Theologen; Georg Sohn (1551-1589), Herman Rennecherus (geb. 1550), Jakob Kimedoncius (1554-1596), Daniel Tossanus (1541-1602). Die Lehre Georg Sohns hat dogmengeschichtlich eine besondere Bedeutung. Untersucht sind seine seelsorgerliche Motivation, seine Lehre und deren Struktur, sowie die Spuren Melanchthons, die sich in seinen Ansichten wieder finden. Herman Rennecherus betont durch seine Goldene Kette des Heils die seelsorgerliche Bedeutung der Prädestinationslehre. Hierbei ist auch darauf hinzuweisen, dass seine goldene Kette dem Werk Golden Chain von William Perkins vergleichbar ist und anhand dessen der Unterschied in der Entwicklung der Heilsordnung zwischen Großbritannien und dem europäischen Festland deutlich wird.Jacob Kimedoncius geriet mit Samuel Huber, der schon einige Bëcher gegen die Heidelberger Theologen geschrieben hatte, in heftigen Streit darëber, fër wen Christus gestorben sei. Daniel Tossanus behandelt nicht nur die Behauptungen der Scholastiker und der Lutheraner, sondern auch die Verschiedenheit zwischen Melanchthon und Genf und ferner zwischen verschiedenen Heidelberger Theologen. Er vergleicht den so genannten Supralapsarismus mit dem Infralapsarismus und stellt sich selbst dabei als Supralapsarianer heraus.
Penguin Books Ltd Skippy Dies: From the author of The Bee Sting
Paul Murray's Skippy Dies is a tragicomic masterpiece about a Dublin boarding schoolLONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2010Ruprecht Van Doren is an overweight genius whose hobbies include very difficult maths and the Search of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. Daniel 'Skippy' Juster is his roommate. In the grand old Dublin institution that is Seabrook College for Boys, nobody pays either of them much attention. But when Skippy falls for Lori, the frisbee-playing siren from the girls' school next door, suddenly all kinds of people take an interest - including Carl, part-time drug-dealer and official school psychopath. . .A tragic comedy of epic sweep and dimension, Skippy Dies scours the corners of the human heart and wrings every drop of pathos, humour and hopelessness out of life, love, Robert Graves, mermaids, M-theory, and everything in between.'That rare thing, a comic epic. . . Murray is a brilliant comic writer, but also humane and touching, and he captures the misery and elation, joy and anxiety of teenage life' David Nicholls, Guardian'Novels rarely come as funny and as moving as this utterly brilliant exploration of teenhood and the anticlimax of becoming an adult . . . one of the finest comic novels written anywhere' Eileen Battersby, Irish Times'I loved Skippy Dies . . . three novels fused into one ignited tragicomic tour de force' Ali Smith, Times Literary Supplement Books of the Year'An unforgettably exuberant saga set in an Irish boys' school. The insulting repartee is Shakespearean, the minor characters hilarious, and Murray captures the fleeting joys and lasting sorrows of adolescence perfectly' Emma Donoghue, Daily Telegraph'A triumph . . . brimful of wit and narrative energy' Sunday Times'The sprawling brilliance of Paul Murray's darkly comic second novel works on many different levels . . . When you finish the last page, you may be tempted to start all over again' Metro
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trygve Haavelmo, James J. Heckman, Daniel L. McFadden, Robert F. Engle and Clive W.J. Granger
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates' careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd Intelligent Fitness: The Smart Way to Reboot Your Body and Get in Shape (with a foreword by Daniel Craig)
‘Without Simon Waterson’s help and guidance, I literally wouldn’t have made it through fifteen years of playing James Bond ... It’s been an honour working with him.’ Daniel Craig_________________________‘Working with Simon is the nearest you get to actually being a superhero, in the sense you are at your absolute peak of physical health. That makes you feel incredibly robust in these challenging times.’ Benedict Cumberbatch_________________________Drawing on his vast experience as the elite trainer who transformed Daniel Craig’s physique for five James Bond films, Simon Waterson reveals how to enhance your energy, sleep and confidence with his intelligent approach to fitness.A former marine, and now the film industry’s most in-demand fitness trainer, Simon Waterson’s client list reads like a who’s who of A-list actors. He has transformed Daniel Craig into the formidable James Bond for five blockbuster films, shaped Chris Evans into superhero Captain America, trained Chris Pratt for Guardians of the Galaxy and prepared actors such as Thandiwe Newton and John Boyega for the recent Star Wars films.Sharing his practical and highly accessible approach to reimagining your body and transforming your fitness, Simon encourages you to focus on training, recovery and nutrition to build on your performance, rather than aesthetic. This is a training manual for any age and any fitness level, packed with expert advice and achievable goals that will motivate you to reboot your body.
Peeters Publishers Commentaire D'Iso'dad De Merv Sur L'Ancien Testament, V. Jeremie, Ezechiel, Daniel: T.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Der Judische Mai '68: Pierre Goldman, Daniel Cohn-Bendit Und Andre Glucksmann Im Nachkriegsfrankreich
Frech Verlag GmbH 24 DAYS ESCAPE Der Escape Room Adventskalender Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe und die verlassene Insel
Houghton Mifflin Daniel's Pet
Last Gasp,U.S. Daniel's Ride
Vitasta Publishing Pvt.Ltd Daniel's Diary
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Daniel Neuberger the younger and Anna Felicitas Neuberger: The ceroplastic oeuvres 1621–1680 and 1650–1731
After working in Augsburg and Vienna they came to Regensburg in 1663. Their sculptural reliefs for Emperor Ferdinand III on Ovid brought issues of Empire, iconography and artistic creation into focus. The attached catalogue of works deals with the provenance, restauration, iconography, analysis and reception of their oeuvre. This study provides valuable evidence that a re-evaluation of ceroplastics is long overdue within the canon.