Search results for ""author barbara"
Barbara Fiore Editora Alas y olas
Para conseguir aquellas alas, la condición era clara: ?Nunca usarás la facultad del vuelo para conocer la intimidad de los otros?. Él accedió. Y fue sincero cuando mintió al decir que cumpliría. Y cumplió por mucho tiempo.Durante años olvidó su pasado de tierra y voló entre las aves. Su cuerpo no conoció la vejez, aunque tampoco el placer. Ni arrugas ni abrazos, así era la vida en el aire. Y así fue, hasta que una tarde de tormenta voló bajo, cerca del mar. La mujer desvalida en su barca llena de agua, alcanzó a verle y dejó por un instante de pensar en la muerte para desear estar a su lado. Eso le salvó la vida. Esa fue la llamada. Él, aunque lo intentó, no pudo ya dejar de mirarla ni de preguntarse cómo soportaba ella, en las noches del mar, esa soledad que le asomaba a los ojos y que era idéntica a su soledad de años de vivir en el aire. Atosigado por la curiosidad, pensó que haberse mostrado en la tormenta le daba derecho a una breve mirada a la intimidad de la mujerUn viaj
Verlag Barbara Budrich Higher Education Research – What Else?: "The Story of a Lifetime In Conversations with Anna Kosmützky and Christiane Rittgerott"
The founder of higher education research in Germany, Ulrich Teichler, looks back on more than five decades of higher education research. The economic miracle and university expansion, the student movement, experiments and crises of the 1970s, organisational breakdown, reunification, internationalisation, ranking and management cult – all these are historical stages that are reflected in higher education and science. Ulrich Teichler, directly involved, reports with openness and humour, presenting clever analyses.. Higher education research and Ulrich Teichler – one is not conceivable without the other. Anyone involved in German and European higher education research – that is, research that has higher education as its subject matter – will not be able to avoid his name. Ulrich Teichler was the founding director and for many years the director of the International Center for Higher Education Research at the University of Kassel, one of the first higher education research centers at a German university. The student protest of the late 1960s is only one of the drastic events that Ulrich Teichler reports on. Other upheavals in higher education, politics and society are also remembered, recounted and – this is his great strength – analyzed by Ulrich Teichler as a contemporary witness. Readers experience exemplarily how a research field is established, how international impulses have an effect, how a research scene emerges and how it deals with the economic cycles of its research field. Since the beginnings of university research in the late 1970s, the research scene has grown enormously and has changed considerably – not least due to a change of generations. As before, however, the observation remains that Ulrich Teichler has had a strong influence on higher education research over all these years. This constellation was the reason for two scientists of the successor generation – Anna Kosmützky and Christiane Rittgerott – to look back on more than five decades of university research together with Ulrich Teichler and to talk to him about his life as a scientist, about research strategies, managing a research center and much more. He answered the questions posed to him with his typical openness, enthusiasm for providing information, and humour.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Political Science in the Digital Age – Global Perspectives
Digitalization is not only a new research subject for political science, but a transformative force for the discipline in terms of teaching and learning as well as research methods and publishing. This volume provides the first account of the influence of digitalization on the discipline of political science including contributions from 20 different countries. It presents a regional stocktaking of the challenges and opportunities of digitalization in most world regions. The digital transformation is an example of technological change that will have massive implications for politics and society. It involves a sweeping set of changes that many have likened to the Industrial Revolution. The digital revolution has generated extraordinary opportunities for political scientists, but it also raises serious questions about politics, issues like privacy, regulatory oversight, international conflicts and democracy. Many of these problems are old, but digitalization has magnified their difficulties and importance. The ambivalence of digitalization not only includes multiple aspects for political processes, for communication and for interaction in the political realm, but likewise for our discipline. Digitalization is both a research subject as well as a transformative force for our discipline in terms of teaching and learning, research methods, data collection and management, but also influencing publishing and consultancy.
Barbara Fiore Editora El perrito que quería tener amigos
En su primer libro para el público infantil el renombrado artista Yoshimoto Nara nos cuenta la simple historia de un cachorro tan grande que nadie repara en él, hasta que un día una niña trepar tan alto como sea necesario para poder verlo y convertirse en su amiga.El perrito que quería tener amigos es un hermoso cuento de un artista para que la infancia tiene un mágico atractivo.Siempre estaba solo y triste. A veces pensaba:Por qué nunca viene nadie que quiera ser mi amigo?, porque me sentía muy solo y muy triste.Nó, es mentira. os explicaré por qué estaba tan solo y triste.La verdad es que
Verlag Barbara Budrich The Role of Local Political Elites in East Centr – A Descriptive Inquiry into Local Leadership in Six Transitional Democracies of the Region
How does the elite continue to affect the evolution of local communities in the developing region of former Sovietized Europe? This book is concerned with the issue of local leadership in the countries of East-Central Europe. It is an attempt to examine, with a comparative method, the profile and the role of the local political elites (members of the Municipal Councils) in six towns in six transitional democracies of the region.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Chinese Migrant Parents and Complementary Schooling in Germany: A Sociolinguistic Ethnography
How do parents cooperate with each other, what value do they attach to their interaction and how is the degree of cooperation related to social status? The study takes a close look at the social relationships among various groups of Chinese parents at a Chinese Mandarin language school in a metropolitan city in Germany. Taking an ethnographic approach, it captures a vivid picture of the parental social interactions in and outside the Chinese school setting. The study reveals the significance of social interactions, discussing it in relation to the parents' socioeconomic backgrounds and individual migrant trajectories.
Barbara Gladstone Gallery,US Michael Williams
This book covers the last three years of work by Los Angeles–based painter Michael Williams (born 1978), focusing on exhibitions in New York, Zurich and Brussels. For Williams, reinventing the formalism of painting is a vehicle for understanding his experience in the world.
Peeters Publishers Authority, Privacy and Public Order in Islam: Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of L'Union Europeenne Des Arabisants Et Islamisants, Cracow, Poland 2004
This book contains selected papers delivered during the 22nd Congress of L'Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, held in Poland, from 29th September to 4th October 2004. The proceedings have been arranged into four thematic sections: (1) Theology and Philosophy, (2) Literature, (3) History of State and Society, and (4) Philology and Linguistics, though quite a number of the papers were of an interdisciplinary character. The authors of the 37 publications presented in this volume represent the international academic community and present in their articles the results of the latest research and studies into the areas touching on history, culture, literature, religion and art to mention a few. They constitute various attempts to answer the following questions: What is the meaning of Authority? and What is the place of the individual in Society? The book is essential source reading for specialists and students. This book is also recommended to all those who wish to become better acquainted with the problems and issues of the Arab-Muslim world.
Galaxia Gutenberg, S.L. Tierno bárbaro
Bohumil Hrabal escribió Tierno bárbaro en 1973, en unos años en que su obra estaba prohibida por el régimen político instalado en el poder tras la invasión de Checoslovaquia por parte del ejército soviético que puso fin a la Primavera de Praga. Hrabal vive solo en su casa en el bosque de Kersko, inhabilitado por los comunistas para cualquier empleo. Está cerca de cumplir los sesenta años, y la nostalgia se apodera a menudo de él. Nostalgia de los años cincuenta, cuando era feliz en sus trabajos de metalúrgico, de prensador de papel viejo, de tramoyista en un teatro; de los años sesenta, cuando se convirtió en una figura literaria de renombre internacional; de sus amigos desaparecidos, como el pintor y poeta Vladimír Boudník, vecino suyo durante muchos años, con quien descubrió las vanguardias artísticas de los años cincuenta y sesenta, y con quien compartió tantas bodas en casa y un acerado sentido del humor negro. Boudník se suicidó en diciembre de 1968, pocos meses después de que los
Hassell Street Press Angélique in Barbary
Alfred Music Ostinato Barbaro: Sheet
Darf Publishers Ltd The Barbary Corsairs
Dover Publications Inc. Bartok, B.Allegro Barbaro and Othe
Lehigh University Press Thomas Barclay (1728-1793): Consul in France, Diplomat in Barbary
Long overdue, this is the first-ever biography of Thomas Barclay (1728-93), the first American consul to serve the United States abroad and the first representative to successfully negotiate for America in North Africa, then known as Barbary. It is the account of an Ulster-born immigrant earning his fortune as a Philadelphia merchant and then losing it as he gives priority to his adopted country's fight to gain and build its independence. Thomas Barclay's association with Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams brings new insights into the personalities of these men and the international issues they and America faced when peace returned - among them the Barbary corsairs. Challenged by the absence of Barclay letter-books and collections of private writings, the authors traveled widely and dug deeply to tap primary source material in the U.S., Great Britain, France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, and Morocco.
Random House USA Inc Barbary Shore: A Novel
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Barbar Rosa
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Barbary Pirates 15th-17th Centuries
For the best part of three centuries the 'corsairs' or pirates from the 'Barbary' coasts of North Africa dominated the Western and Central Mediterranean. They made forays far into the Atlantic, preying on the shipping and coastal settlements across Christian Europe, ranging from Greece to West Africa and the British Isles. In the absence of organized European navies they seldom faced serious opposition, and the scope of their raiding was remarkable. As well as piracy and slave-raiding they fought as privateers, sharing their spoils with the rulers of the port-cities that provided them with ships, men, and a ready market. This book examines their development and their style of fighting, chronicles their achievements and failures, and illustrates their appearance and that of their ships, explaining why they were so feared and effective.
S&s/Saga Press Barbary Station Volume 1 Shieldrunner Pirates
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Un bárbaro en París: Textos sobre la cultura francesa / A Barbarian in Paris. Wr itings about French Culture
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Bartok Allegro Barbaro Sheet Alfred Masterwork Edition
Panini Verlags GmbH Conan der Barbar
O'Brien Press Ltd The Stolen Village: Baltimore and the Barbary Pirates
Panini Verlags GmbH Conan der Barbar
Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskab The Barbar Temples
Panini Verlags GmbH Conan der Barbar Bd 2 Rache und Ende des Barbaren
Pan Macmillan A Few Green Leaves
‘Barbara Pym is one of my most favourite novelists. Few other writers have given me more laughter and more pleasure’ - Jilly Cooper, author of The Rutshire Chronicles series‘I'm a huge fan of Barbara Pym’ - Richard Osman, author of The Thrusday Murder Club Barbara Pym was an incomparable chronicler of ordinary, quiet lives. With warmth, humour, precision and great vividness, she gave her best characters an independent life we recognize as totally familiar. In A Few Green Leaves, her last novel, her heroine is Emma Howick, anthropologist. Through her eyes Barbara Pym examines in her own ironic and individual style the quiet revolution in English village life, combining the rural settings of her earliest novels with the themes and characters of her later works. The result is a compelling portrait of a town that seems to be forgotten by time, but which is unmistakably affected by it. Romance shares the pages with death in this engaging novel that is the culmination of Barbara Pym’s acclaimed writing career.'I'd sooner read a new Barbara Pym than a new Jane Austen' - Philip Larkin, author of A Girl in Winter'Barbara Pym is the rarest of treasures; she reminds us of the heart-breaking silliness of everyday life' - Anne Tyler, author of The Accidental Tourist'A modern Jane Austen' - Alexander McCall Smith, author of The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series
HarperCollins Publishers Inc 28 Barbary Lane: Tales of the City Books 1-3
Panini Verlags GmbH Conan der Barbar Classic Collection
Cherry Lane Music Co ,U.S. The Essential Barbra Streisand
Penguin Putnam Inc My Name Is Barbra
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Goodbye Barbary Lane: Tales of the City Books 7-9
Panini Verlags GmbH Conan der Barbar Classic Collection
The University of Chicago Press White Slaves, African Masters – An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives
Some of the most popular stories in 19th-century America were sensational tales of whites captured and enslaved in North Africa. This book gathers together a selection of these Barbary captivity narratives, which significantly influenced early American attitudes toward race, slavery, and nationalism. Though Barbary privateers began to seize North American colonists as early as 1625, Barbary captivity narratives did not begin to flourish until after the American Revolution. During these years, stories of Barbary captivity forced the US government to pay humiliating tributes to African rulers, stimulated the drive to create the US Navy and brought on America's first post-revolutionary war. These tales were also used both to justify and to vilify slavery. The accounts collected here range from the 1798 tale of John Foss, who was ransomed by Thomas Jefferson's administration for tribute totalling a sixth of the annual federal budget, to the story of Ion Perdicaris, whose (probably staged) abduction in Tangier in 1904 prompted Theodore Roosevelt to send warships to Morocco and inspired the 1975 film "The Wind and the Lion". Also included is the unusual story of Robert Adams, a light-skinned African American who was abducted by Arabs and used by them to hunt negro slaves; captured by black villagers who presumed he was white; then was sold back to a group of Arabs, from whom he was ransomed by a British diplomat. These tales open a chapter of early American literary history, and shed light on the more familiar genres of Indian captivity narrative and American slave narrative.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Corsairs and Captives Narratives from the Age of the Barbary Pirates
From the mid-sixteenth to the early nineteenth centuries, Barbary corsairs from North Africa swarmed the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, seizing enormous amounts of booty and tens of thousands of captives, hauling them back to the slave markets in their home ports and auctioning them off to the highest bidder. The conflict between these Barbary corsairs and Europe was military, but not just that; religious, but not just that; social and economic, but not just that either. Above all, it was a human conflict, with all the confusion, blurred lines, and inherent messiness of such things, and the narratives it generated were more complicated than simple swashbuckling pirate tales. _Corsairs & Captives_ presents a collection of these narratives, all based directly on primary-source documents, a number of which are translated into English for the first time. They include biographies of four renegade corsair captains (Europeans who converted to Islam and became corsairs), descriptions of s
Johns Hopkins University Press Captives and Countrymen: Barbary Slavery and the American Public, 1785–1816
In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the Barbary States captured and held for ransom nearly five hundred American sailors. The attacks on Americans abroad-and the government's apparent inability to control the situation-deeply scarred the public. Captives and Countrymen examines the effect of these acts on early national culture and on the new republic's conception of itself and its position in the world. Lawrence A. Peskin uses newspaper and other contemporaneous accounts-including recently unearthed letters from some of the captive Americans-to show how information about the North African piracy traveled throughout the early republic. His dramatic account reveals early concepts of national identity, party politics, and the use of military power, including the lingering impact of the Barbary Wars on the national consciousness, the effects of white slavery in North Africa on the American abolitionist movement, and the debate over founding a national navy. This first systematic study of how the United States responded to "Barbary Captivity" shows how public reaction to international events shaped America domestically and its evolving place in the world during the early nineteenth century.
Panini Verlags GmbH Conan der Barbar Bd1 Leben und Tod des Barbaren
Verlag Peter Lang Le Barbare: Images Phobiques Et Réflexions Sur l'Altérité Dans La Culture Européenne
Piper Verlag GmbH Karl der Groe Der heilige Barbar
Cherry Lane Music Co ,U.S. What Matters Most - Barbra Streisand
Vintage Publishing Pirates Of Barbary: Corsairs, Conquests and Captivity in the 17th-Century Mediterranean
From the coast of Southern Europe to Morocco and the Ottoman states of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli, Christian and Muslim seafarers met in bustling ports to swap religions, to battle and to trade goods and sales - raiding as far as Ireland and Iceland in search of their human currency.Studying the origins of these men, their culture and practices, Adrian Tinniswood expertly recreates the twilight world of the corsairs and uncovers a truly remarkable clash of civilisations Drawing on a wealth of material, from furious royal proclamations to the private letters of pirates and their victims, as well as recent Islamic accounts, Pirates of Barbary provides a new perspectives of the corsairs and a fascinating insight into what it meant to sacrifice all you have for a life so violent, so uncertain and so alien that it sets you apart from the rest of mankind.
Panini Verlags GmbH Conan der Barbar Classic Collection
Skyhorse Publishing The Barbary Corsairs: Pirates, Plunder, and Warfare in the Mediterranean, 1480-1580
Birkhäuser Patterns 2 Muster in Design Kunst und Architektur
Barbara Glasner, interior designer, curator; Petra Schmidt, author and consultant; Ursula Schöndeling, research associate.
Panini Verlags GmbH Conan der Barbar Classic Collection Bd 3
Yale University Press Barbra Streisand: Redefining Beauty, Femininity, and Power
An enthralling appreciation of the monumentally gifted popular artist and cultural icon who challenged Hollywood’s standards of beauty and glamour Barbra Streisand has been called the “most successful...talented performer of her generation” by Vanity Fair, and her voice, said pianist Glenn Gould, is “one of the natural wonders of the age.” Streisand scaled the heights of entertainment—from a popular vocalist to a first-rank Broadway star in Funny Girl to an Oscar-winning actress to a producer and director. But she has also become a cultural icon who has transcended show business. To achieve her success, Brooklyn-born Streisand had to overcome tremendous odds, not the least of which was her Jewishness. Dismissed, insulted, even reviled when she embarked on a show business career for acting too Jewish and looking too Jewish, she brilliantly converted her Jewishness into a metaphor for outsiderness that would eventually make her the avenger for anyone who felt marginalized and powerless. Neal Gabler examines Streisand’s life and career through this prism of otherness—a Jew in a gentile world, a self-proclaimed homely girl in a world of glamour, a kooky girl in a world of convention—and shows how central it was to Streisand’s triumph as one of the voices of her age.
Brepols N.V. The Villa Barbaro at Maser: Science, Philosophy, and the Family in Venetian Renaissance Art