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Recolectores Urbanos Editorial Fundamentos arquitectura paisaje patrimonio
Ediciones Morata, S.L. Educarse en la era digital
Encuadernación: Rústica.La era digital requiere aprendizajes de orden superior que ayuden a vivir en la incertidumbre y la complejidad. Requiere a su vez, desarrollar hábitos intelectuales, en gran medida no conscientes, que preparen para un escenario en el cual casi todo es más accesible, complejo, global, flexible y cambiante; exige la capacidad de afrontar niveles elevados de "ambigüedad creativa", la capacidad para reconstruir, desaprender, arriesgar y aprovechar los errores como ocasiones de aprendizaje, desenvolverse en la ambigüedad y en la incertidumbre como condición de desarrollo creativo de las personas y los grupos humanos.En Educarse en la era digital, Angel Pérez Gomez, reflexiona sobre cómo ocupamos nuestro tiempo escolar en el aprendizaje de datos, en la apropiación memorística de informaciones y tareas rutinarias de bajo nivel y se nos escapa la tarea de ayudar a formar el pensamiento crítico y creativo, el desarrollo armónico de sus emociones, la búsqueda de su
Ediciones Akal La evaluación como aprendizaje evaluacióncalificación
Los títulos de la colección 'Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior' tienen como objetivos fundamentales: - Orientar a los diferentes colectivos de la comunidad universitaria para el diseño de los estudios de Grado. - Clarificar conceptos clave propios del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. - Ofrecer información sobre los elementos más relevantes del diseño de las nuevas titulaciones. Escritos por diversos especialistas, constituyen, por tanto, una herramienta imprescindible para abordar las reformas que propone el llamado 'proceso de Bolonia'.
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Operaciones administrativas de compraventa
Esta obra desarrolla los contenidos del módulo profesional de Operaciones Administrativas de Compraventa del Ciclo Formativo de grado medio de Gestión Administrativa, perteneciente a la familia profesional de Administración y Gestión.;El libro se estructura en 12 unidades, que cubren los siguientes contenidos: empresa y actividad comercial, el contrato de compraventa, pedido, expedición y entrega de las mercancías, la factura, tipos de factura, el impuesto sobre el valor añadido, los regímenes especiales del IVA, medios de pago al contado, pago aplazado: letra de cambio, pagaré y el recibo normalizado, gestión de existencias, valoración y control de existencias, trabajo con FactuSOL.;Los contenidos y documentos de esta obra reflejan la realidad actualizada de los procedimientos administrativos relacionados con la compraventa. Asimismo, se ofrecen útiles actividades resueltas y numerosas actividades propuestas para proporcionar una visión práctica y actualizada de los temas estudiados y
Gobierno de Navarra. Fondo de Publicaciones Amadís San Jorge y la polítita del dragón Don Tritonel de España
ESIC Editorial Comunicación total
Las empresas transmiten multitud de mensajes, ya sean voluntarios o involuntarios. Somos lo que decimos, pero también la manera en cómo lo decimos y la actitud con la que transmitimos: creando empleo, despidiendo trabajadores, haciendo publicidad, patrocinando eventos, gestionando crisis, lanzando productos, actuando en las redes sociales, etc.El profesional o directivo debe entender, liderar y compartir pero, sobre todo, debe saber comunicar. Y COMUNICACIÓN TOTAL proporciona las herramientas para lograrlo con éxito, documentadas con numerosas experiencias y best practice profesionales, alguna de las cuales pasan inadvertidas no sólo a los ciudadanos de a pie, sino a responsables de la comunicación en empresas, organizaciones e instituciones.COMUNICACIÓN TOTAL es un manual que proporciona una visión multidisciplinar e integrada del Marketing y la Comunicación; ayuda a crear, gestionar y producir planes de publicidad y comunicación; perfeccionar estrategias de RR.PP.; adoptar deci
Visor libros, S.L. Cancionero moderno de obras alegres
Esta divertidísima obra es una edición facsímil de la publicada en Londres, en el año 1875, por H. W. Spirrtual. Comienza el libro con un diálogo (llamado ) entre el Duque de Rivas y Antonio Alcalá Galiano y continúa con poemas de: Bretón de los Herreros, José Espronceda, Juan Nicasio Gallego, Luis de Góngora, Francisco Quevedo, Ventura de la Vega, etc.
J.P.Tarcher,U.S./Perigee Bks.,U.S. Getting Back to Happy: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Reality, and Turn Your Trials into Triumphs
LID Editorial Empresarial Corporate Reputation: The Scientific Evidence Behind Corporate Reputation Management
Reputation is a strategic asset for all companies. Businesses with a good reputation are able to stand out, attracting the attention of investors and retaining the loyalty of customers and employees. "Reputation" can be somewhat of a vague form, but this book provides measurement tools and models for rigorous management of a company's reputation. Written by three leading practitioners and thinkers, this is a definitive and modern handbook to help companies and executives manage their corporate reputation and brand in today's highly competitive marketplace.
Image Comics Spawn Origins, Volume 11
Reprints Spawn issues 126-138 (12 issues). Oversized HC format with bonus material.Contains the stories and artwork that helped cement the Spawn legacy. Featuring hyper-detailed art by Angel Medina (The Incredible Hulk, Sensational Spider-Man), and stories by legendary Spawn scribe Brian Holguin with Todd McFarlane. Collects SPAWN #126-138
Anaya Educación Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino
" Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino " , estrenada en 1835, es la obra más conocida del duque de Rivas, considerada por muchos críticos como la obra que marca el triunfo del Romanticismo en España. Su protagonista, un adinerado indiano procedente de una familia caída en desgracia, ha de mantener a escondidas su relación amorosa con Leonor, una joven aristócrata, puesto que su padre, el marqués de Calatrava, no considera a Don Álvaro digno de su linaje. Los dos enamorados deciden escapar, con tan mala fortuna que son sorprendidos por el marqués, que resulta muerto por accidente. Este hecho es el desencadenante de una serie de dramáticos sucesos que parecen guiar inevitablemente a todos los personajes a su trágico destino.El éxito de esta obra radica en la acertada combinación de elementos, tanto formales como temáticos, que sentaron las bases del drama romántico que luego reproducirán tantas otras obras. El amor, el honor y el sino son los ejes que vertebran esta historia plagada de ven
New World Publications Inc.,U.S. Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification Indo-Pacific
Flamingo Rampant 47,000 Beads
Other Press LLC Isaac's Torah: A Novel
Image Comics Spawn Deluxe Hardcover, Volume 5
This deluxe, oversized, and slip cased hardcover edition presents 25 previously released, sold-out issues of classic Spawn stories, in an all-new size and format. Additional material includes color and black-and-white cover galleries, never-before-seen art, and all the bonus material from the six-issue trade paperbacks and 12-issue hardcovers. This is the absolute top tier of the Spawn: Origins family of books! It doesn't get any better than this! Collects SPAWN #101-125
Image Comics Spawn Origins, Volume 22
A grizzly murder in Rat City puts NYC Cops Sam and Twitch at odds with Al Simmons. But unbeknownst to them is that Clown is running around in the possessed body of...Jason Wynn!!Collects SPAWN #129-134
Image Comics Spawn Origins, Volume 24
Nyx journeys through Hell, frees THE REDEEMER, wakes Al from his coma, and restores his powers in full...and that is just the beginning. Collects SPAWN #141-146
Editorial Kairos Mahabharata
Idea & Design Works Star Trek: Year Five Deluxe Edition--Book One
Editorial Castalia, S.A. Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino
El estreno en 1835 de Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino supuso en medio de disputas y polémicas, el afianzamiento del drama romÁntico en España, que se prolongarÁ hasta 1844, año del Don Juan Tenorio de Zorrilla. ApoyÁndose en Leyendas andaluzas, el duque de Rivas define con maestría el que serÁ el prototipo de héroe romÁntico: gallardo, aliente, apasionado, entregado a un ideal amoroso, víctima de la intransigencia, los perjuicios sociales y el viejo concepto del honor, y perseguido por un destino aciago, a quien únicamente el suicidio permite reafirmar su libertad individual y exteriorizar su rebeldía y nihilismo. Ningún otro escritor consigue fundir tan genialmente estilo culto y llano, verso y prosa, en una acción de desbordada y enloquecida originalidad.
Editorial Periferica El Escritor En Su Paraíso: Treinta Grande Autores Que Fueron Bibliotecarios
Linkgua Antología
John Wiley & Sons Inc Platelet Proteomics: Principles, Analysis, and Applications
The purpose of the book is to introduce platelets, and their functional role in thrombotic and cardiovascular disease, justifying the relevance of platelet proteomics research. Focus then shifts to the recent developments on mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics. This chapter shows potential applications for platelet proteomics not yet carried out. It includes examples of post-translational modifications (PTMs) analysis in platelets. The second part of the book focuses on the main research done so far on platelet proteomics. This includes general proteome mapping by non-gel based separation methods (MudPit), analysis of the general platelet proteome and signaling cascades by gel-based separation methods (2-DE), sub-proteome analyses (secretome/releasate, membrane proteins, organelles). Finally, the last section links the platelet transcriptome and application to disease. This section is highly relevant and includes chapters on proteomics, transcriptomics, functional genomics, systems biology, and their applications to platelet-related diseases.
Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press De Gabo A Mario
Two extraordinary storytellers, Gabriel García Márquez (affectionately known as Gabo) and Mario Vargas Llosa the novelist and the literary critic star in one of the most fervent friendships that the world of literature has ever seen. These same friends, ten years later, end their friendship with an infamous punch to the face. But before things fell apart under the guidance of these two men who would later win Nobel Prizes, a group of writers, the best of Latin America, met, celebrated, lived and wrote together sharing exciting adventures and shared experiences the stuff that literary genius is made of.
Demeter Press RAPE CULTURE 101: Programming Change
Many people have been victims of rape, but we are all victims of what has been called a “rape culture.” This topic deserves more attention towards education and prevention, and not just on the college campus. Rape culture is an idea that links rape and sexual violence to the culture of a society, and in which commonly-held beliefs, attitudes and practices normalize, excuse, tolerate, and even condone rape. This edited collection examines rape culture in the context of the current programming–attitudes, education, and awareness. Contributors explore changing the programming in terms of educational processes, practices and experiences associated with rape culture across diverse cultural, historical, and geographic locations. The complexity of rape culture is discussed from a variety of contexts and perspectives, as this volume contains interdisciplinary academic submissions from educators and students, as well as experiential accounts from members of various community settings who are doing work aimed at making a positive difference towards programming change.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Wonder Boy: Tony Hsieh, Zappos and the Myth of Happiness in Silicon Valley
Wonder Boy is a riveting investigation into the turbulent life of Zappos visionary Tony Hsieh, whose radical business strategies revolutionized both the tech world and corporate culture, based on rigorous research and reporting by two seasoned journalists. Tony Hsieh's first successful venture was in middle school, selling personalized buttons. At Harvard, he made a profit compiling and selling study guides. In 1998, Hsieh sold his first company to Microsoft for $265 million. About a decade later, he sold online shoe empire Zappos to Amazon for $1.2 billion. The secret to his success? Making his employees happy. At its peak, Zappos's employee-friendly culture was so famous across the tech industry that it became one of the hardest companies to get hired at, and CEOs from other companies regularly toured the headquarters. But Hsieh's vision for change didn't stop with corporate culture: Hsieh went on to move Zappos headquarters to Las Vegas and personally funded a nine-figure campaign to revitalize the city's historic downtown area. There, he could be found living in an Airstream and chatting up the locals. But Hsieh's forays into community-revival projects spun out of control as his issues with mental health and addiction ramped up, creating the opportunity for more enablers than friends to stand in his mercurial good graces. Drawing on hundreds of interviews with a wide range of people whose lives Hsieh touched, journalists Angel Au-Yeung and David Jeans craft a rich portrait of a man who was plagued by the pressure to succeed but who never lost his generous spirit.
Brepols N.V. Famagusta: Vol. II: History and Society
Nova Science Publishers Inc Electrochemical Properties & Applications of Ionic Liquids
Linkgua Tanto Vales Cuanto Tienes
Linkgua Azucena Milagrosa
Orion Publishing Co A Year at the Chateau: As seen on the hit Channel 4 show
THE ENTERTAINING AND HEARTWARMING SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER.Like many couples, Dick and Angel had long dreamed of living in France, but where others might settle for a modest bolthole in the French countryside, the Strawbridges fell in love with a 19th-century fairytale château, complete with 45 rooms, seven outbuildings, 12 acres of land and its own moat.Throwing caution to the wind, Dick and Angel swapped their two-bedroom flat in East London for an abandoned and derelict castle in the heart of the Loire valley and embarked on the adventure of a lifetime with their two young children Arthur and Dorothy.Sharing their full journey for the first time, A Year at the Château follows Dick and Angel from when they first moved to France in the depths of winter and found bedrooms infested with flies, turrets inhabited by bats, the wind rattling through cracked windows, and just one working toilet, which flushed into the moat, through to the monumental efforts that went into readying the château for their unforgettable wedding and their incredibly special first Christmas.Along the way we'll read glorious descriptions of rural life in France, with charming characters, delicious food and wonderful seasonal produce, together with the extraordinary list of renovations and restorations Dick and Angel completed, many of which were never shown on TV.As warm and entertaining as their much-loved show, A Year at the Château is a truly irresistible story of adventure and heart, epic ambitions and a huge amount of hard graft.
Linkgua El Aniversario
Linkgua Arias Gonzalo
Waterhouse Press Grant's Blaze
Duke University Press Writing across Cultures: Narrative Transculturation in Latin America
Ángel Rama was one of twentieth-century Latin America's most distinguished men of letters. Writing across Cultures is his comprehensive analysis of the varied sources of Latin American literature. Originally published in 1982, the book links Rama's work on Spanish American modernism with his arguments about the innovative nature of regionalist literature, and it foregrounds his thinking about the close relationship between literary movements, such as modernism or regionalism, and global trends in social and economic development.In Writing across Cultures, Rama extends the Cuban anthropologist Fernando Ortiz's theory of transculturation far beyond Cuba, bringing it to bear on regional cultures across Latin America, where new cultural arrangements have been forming among indigenous, African, and European societies for the better part of five centuries. Rama applies this concept to the work of the Peruvian novelist, poet, and anthropologist José María Arguedas, whose writing drew on both Spanish and Quechua, Peru's two major languages and, by extension, cultures. Rama considered Arguedas's novel Los ríos profundos (Deep Rivers) to be the most accomplished example of narrative transculturation in Latin America. Writing across Cultures is the second of Rama's books to be translated into English.
American Society for Training & Development Leaving ADDIE for SAM Field Guide: Guidelines and Templates for Developing the Best Learning Experiences
Make your foray into successive approximations successful and as easy as possible.In the 2012 bestseller, Leaving ADDIE for SAM, learning professionals were introduced to the Successive Approximation Model (SAM) and the Savvy Start—the key to a successful project kick-off. Together, these concepts incorporate contemporary Agile processes that simplify design and development, yielding more energetic and effective learning experiences. This companion Field Guide provides the job aids, tools, and templates you need to put the SAM methodology in motion and take your ISD practice to new heights. Complete with a foreword by Michael Allen, this book is an essential resource to create better, faster training products and “move the needle” on current training efforts.In this book, you will:• Apply the principles and concepts behind Leaving ADDIE for SAM.• Update your training products with these contemporary, Agile design processes.• Use the job aids, tools, and templates provided to work on actual projects.
Orion Publishing Co A Year at the Chateau: As seen on the hit Channel 4 show
THE ENTERTAINING AND HEARTWARMING SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER.Like many couples, Dick and Angel had long dreamed of living in France, but where others might settle for a modest bolthole in the French countryside, the Strawbridges fell in love with a 19th-century fairytale château, complete with 45 rooms, seven outbuildings, 12 acres of land and its own moat.Throwing caution to the wind, Dick and Angel swapped their two-bedroom flat in East London for an abandoned and derelict castle in the heart of the Loire valley and embarked on the adventure of a lifetime with their two young children Arthur and Dorothy.Sharing their full journey for the first time, A Year at the Château follows Dick and Angel from when they first moved to France in the depths of winter and found bedrooms infested with flies, turrets inhabited by bats, the wind rattling through cracked windows, and just one working toilet, which flushed into the moat, through to the monumental efforts that went into readying the château for their unforgettable wedding and their incredibly special first Christmas.Along the way we'll read glorious descriptions of rural life in France, with charming characters, delicious food and wonderful seasonal produce, together with the extraordinary list of renovations and restorations Dick and Angel completed, many of which were never shown on TV.As warm and entertaining as their much-loved show, A Year at the Château is a truly irresistible story of adventure and heart, epic ambitions and a huge amount of hard graft.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets
Build or brush up on the foundation you need to be a sophisticated fixed income professional with this proven book Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today’s Markets has been a valued resource for practitioners and students for over 25 years. Clearly written, and drawing on a myriad of real market examples, it presents an overview of fixed income markets; explains the conceptual frameworks and quantitative tool kits used in the industry for pricing and hedging; and examines a wide range of fixed income instruments and markets, including: government bonds; interest rate swaps; repurchase agreements; interest rate futures; note and bond futures; bond options and swaptions; corporate bonds; credit default swaps; and mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. Appearing a decade after its predecessor, this long-awaited Fourth Edition is comprehensively revised with: An up-to-date overview, including monetary policy with abundant reserves and the increasing electronification of market All new examples, applications, and case studies, including lessons from market upheavals through the pandemic New material on fixed income asset management The global transition from LIBOR to SOFR and other rates
Die Gestalten Verlag Scandinavia Dreaming : Nordic Homes, Interiors and Design: Scandinavian Design, Interiors and Living: Volume 2
Image Comics Spawn Origins, Volume 21
ISSUES 123-128 Collected together for the first time.Spawn Origins Vol. 21 collects the fan favorite Angel Medina run. With Wynn and Clown plotting against an injured Al Simmons how can he possibly survive?Collects SPAWN #123-128
Orion Publishing Co The Château - Forever Home: The instant Sunday Times Bestseller, as seen on the hit Channel 4 series Escape to the Château
Take a journey to Château-de-la-Motte Husson in the spellbinding memoir from Sunday Times bestselling authors, Dick and Angel Strawbridge.Dick and Angel recount the newest and biggest challenges they faced on the journey to transforming their once derelict and abandoned château in France's Pays de la Loire into a thriving family home and sustainable business.When the Covid-19 pandemic engulfs the world, the château faces a new challenge and the Strawbridges must find ways to adapt in order to keep their dream life in France alive. From the cancellation of the wedding season to finding new ways to complete renovations, living in an isolated bubble whilst continuing to film their TV series through to life after the pandemic, this is Dick and Angel at their most honest and heartfelt, revealing many details never seen on TV.As entertaining, warm and irresistible as ever, Join Dick and Angel on their remarkable journey to find their family's forever home.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Evolved: An Illustrated Guide to Evolution
Follow the story of evolution! The illustrated children's book is a beautiful introduction to the evolution of species over millions of years.What's made animals survive and naturally go extinct? Why are fish scaled? Why do birds have wings? Find out about the changing animal anatomy discoveries made by Swedish zoologist, Charles Linneas.Animals and evolution are fascinating subjects to teach little minds. Discover the ways that animals have adapted to survive and the amazing reasons behind these adaptations. The illustrated guide includes:- Perfect for kids ages 7+, with facts suitable for key stage 2 learning - Stunning illustrations available on every page- Many different animal features (such as eyes, scales, claws, hair and many more), as well as feature, spreads on topics like fast evolution- Highly accessible text of a key schooling subject Children ages 7 years and older will be delighted by the scientific facts in the wildlife book. It's filled with incredible bits of information that pique a keen interest in the natural world, evolution, and the animal kingdom. The book highlights that evolution is an ongoing process and allows kids to look at the world around them and notice the continuing evolution of species. Evolved also features more in-depth explanations of animal body parts, how they work, and how they're different from other species. Children will understand how evolution made certain elements of the natural world unnecessary and others integral to survival. Explanations of Charles Linneas' classification system of all living things are included and give kids, adults, and educators a fantastic reference to the magnificent living world.
Image Comics Spawn: Origins Volume 19
In 1992, legendary writer and artist Todd McFarlane unleashed his iconic antihero, Spawn, on the world. In so doing, he launched the most successful independent comic book in history — and the world would never be the same! Spawn: Origins Volume 19 features the stories and artwork that helped cement the Spawn legacy. Relive the excitement of this groundbreaking series, collected in this accessibly priced format with exclusive bonus content, including cover galleries, b/w art, classic quotes from Todd McFarlane, and an exclusive, digitally painted cover by Clayton Crain.
Springer International Publishing AG Sketches of Physics: The Celebration Collection
This book is a journey through the wonders of physics, the special thousandth volume of the renowned Lecture Notes in Physics book series. From quantum physics to solar physics, this volume showcases the beauty of physics in various fields. Written by series editors and colleagues, these essays are accessible to non-specialists and graduate-level students alike, making for an intriguing read for anyone interested in learning about physics beyond their own field of study. Explore the historical development of the series with two insightful forewords.List of essays: A New Era of Quantum Materials Mastery and Quantum Simulators In and Out of Equilibrium Evaluation and Utility of Wilsonian Naturalness The Geometric Phase: Consequences in Classical and Quantum Physics The Coming Decades of Quantum Simulation Insights into Complex Functions Exploring the Hottest Atmosphere with the Parker Solar Probe A Primer on the Riemann Hypothesis
Emerald Publishing Limited Translating Knowledge Management Visions into Strategies
There is a critical point of failure for every knowledge management effort: when the strategy is isolated from the organization, and when there is no vision anchoring the strategy. Strategy is not a starting point, but a step in the process of creating a sustainable foundation for knowledge management efforts. Given that most knowledge management professionals do not have a grounding in vision development, this backwards approach puts any knowledge management effort at a disadvantage from the very beginning. In the four sections of this book, expert authors Monique Ceruti, Angel Williams and Denise Bedford guide readers through the building blocks of turning knowledge management visions into strategies. They enable professionals to demonstrate their value to the organization's strategic future, as well as empowering readers to take a lead in developing a future vision, and to help establish a foundation for a 21st century knowledge organization. Providing knowledge management professionals with a roadmap for success within their organizations, this is an unmissable book for any professional or researcher tasked with creating new strategies for knowledge management organizations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Orthogonal Sets and Polar Methods in Linear Algebra: Applications to Matrix Calculations, Systems of Equations, Inequalities, and Linear Programming
A unique, applied approach to problem solving in linear algebra Departing from the standard methods of analysis, this unique book presents methodologies and algorithms based on the concept of orthogonality and demonstrates their application to both standard and novel problems in linear algebra. Covering basic theory of linear systems, linear inequalities, and linear programming, it focuses on elegant, computationally simple solutions to real-world physical, economic, and engineering problems. The authors clearly explain the reasons behind the analysis of different structures and concepts and use numerous illustrative examples to correlate the mathematical models to the reality they represent. Readers are given precise guidelines for: * Checking the equivalence of two systems * Solving a system in certain selected variables * Modifying systems of equations * Solving linear systems of inequalities * Using the new exterior point method * Modifying a linear programming problem With few prerequisites, but with plenty of figures and tables, end-of-chapter exercises as well as Java and Mathematica programs available from the authors' Web site, this is an invaluable text/reference for mathematicians, engineers, applied scientists, and graduate students in mathematics.
Image Comics Spawn Origins Volume 13
Fresh from surviving the tortures of hell, Spawn learns he harbors many souls within him that help him beat back the monsters of Armageddon. Meanwhile, God is not in his Heaven, and all is wrong with the world. The goddess Kali is doing some head-hunting in India, while the Angel Zera takes on the Forgotten Ones in a battle to control the hosts of Heaven. Wanda's family is being torn apart as Spawn bares his heart to Cyan, and a new foe; The Disciple stands between Spawn and preventing the apocalypse. Collects Spawn Issues #152 - 163