Search results for ""Author Paul""
Farrar, Straus and Giroux Howdie-Skelp: Poems
Little Brown and Company The Ground Beneath Us: From the Oldest Cities to the Last Wilderness, What Dirt Tells Us about Who We Are
Minotaur Books,US The Poacher's Son
Game warden Mike Bowditch returns home one evening to find an alarming voice from the past on his answering machine: his father, Jack, a hard-drinking womanizer who makes his living poaching illegal game. An even more frightening call comes the next morning from the police: They are searching for the man who killed a beloved local cop the night before - and his father is their prime suspect. Jack has escaped from police custody, and only Mike believes that his tormented father might not be guilty.
Hachette Books This Is a Call
This Is a Call, the first in-depth, definitive biography of Dave Grohl, tells the epic story of a singular career that includes Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, and Them Crooked Vultures. Based on ten years of original, exclusive interviews with the man himself and conversations with a legion of musical associates like Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme, DC punk legend Ian MacKaye, and Nevermind producer Butch Vig, this is Grohl's story. He speaks candidly and honestly about Kurt Cobain, the arguments that almost tore Nirvana apart, the feuds that threatened to derail the Foo Fighters's global success, and the dark days that almost caused him to quit music for good. Dave Grohl has emerged as one of the most recognizable and respected musicians in the world. He is the last true hero to emerge from the American underground. This Is a Call vividly recounts this incredible rock 'n' roll journey.
MIT Press Ltd The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Culture(s)
Penguin Books Ltd Clear Bright Future A Radical Defence of the Human Being
Ingram Psychology
Oxford University Press By Accident or Design: Writing the Victorian Metropolis
'Ohe banks of the Thames it is a tremendous chapter of accidents'. As Henry James surveys London in 1888, he sums up what had fascinated urban observers for a century: the random and even accidental development of this unprecedented form of human settlement, the modern metropolis. By Accident or Design: Writing the Victorian Metropolis takes James at his word, arguing that accident was both a powerful metaphor and material context through which the Victorians arrested the paradoxes of metropolitan modernity and reconfigured understandings of form and change. Paul Fyfe shows how the material conditions of urban accidents offer new and compelling modes of analysis for intellectual and literary history. Through extensive archival study and interdisciplinary analysis of urban-industrial accidents, risk management, and civic improvements, By Accident or Design reclaims the metropolis as ground zero for some of the most important thinking about causation in the nineteenth century. It demonstrates the centrality of interdependent concepts of design and accident not only to metropolitan discourse, but also to current critical discourse about the formal and circulatory dynamics of Victorian metropolitan writing. Thus, this book offers a new vocabulary for the dialectics of the modern city and the signature forms of writing about it, including the newspaper, the illustrated periodical, the industrial novel, and urban broadsheets.
Oxford University Press Inc The 99 Percent Economy: How Democratic Socialism Can Overcome the Crises of Capitalism
We live in a time of crises - economic turmoil, workplace disempowerment, unresponsive government, environmental degradation, social disintegration, and international rivalry. In The 99 Percent Economy, Paul S. Adler, a leading expert on business management, argues that these crises are destined to deepen unless we radically transform our economy. But despair is not an option, and Adler provides a compelling alternative: democratic socialism. He argues that to overcome these crises we need to assert democratic control over the management of both individual enterprises and the entire national economy. To show how that would work, he draws on a surprising source of inspiration: the strategic management processes of many of our largest corporations. In these companies, the strategy process promises to involve and empower workers and to ensure efficiency and innovation. In practice, this promise is rarely realized, but in principle, that process could be consolidated within enterprises and it could be scaled-up to the national level. Standing in the way? Private ownership of society's productive resources, which is the foundation of capitalism's ruthless competition and focus on private gain at the cost of society, the environment, and future generations. Adler shows how socialized, public ownership of our resources will enable democratic councils at the local and national levels to decide on our economic, social, and environmental goals and on how to reach them. The growing concentration of industry makes this socialization step ever easier. Democratic socialism is not a leap into the unknown, Adler shows. Capitalist industry has built the foundations for a world beyond capitalism and its crises.
Penguin Putnam Inc When Friendship Followed Me Home
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Charlie's Good Tonight: The Life, the Times, and the Rolling Stones: The Authorized Biography of Charlie Watts
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Pallbearers Club
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Cabin at the End of the World
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Backstage Pass: The Starchild’s All-Access Guide to the Good Life
NATIONAL BESTSELLERThe New York Times bestselling author and front man and rhythm guitarist of KISS grants fans an all-access backstage pass to his personal life and shows them how to pursue a rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle of their own, offering hard-won advice from a music legend.In this follow-up to his popular bestseller Face the Music, the Starchild takes us behind the scenes, revealing what he’s learned from a lifetime as the driving force of KISS, and how he brings his unique sensibility not only to his music career but to every area of his life—from business to parenting to health and happiness.Backstage Pass takes you beyond the makeup as Paul shares fascinating details about his life—his fitness routine, philosophy, business principles, how he maintains his inspiration, passion, and joy after nearly 50 years of mega success including selling out tours, 100 million albums sold and an art career that has amassed over 10 million dollars in sales. Divulging more true stories of the Rock & Roll Hall of Famer’s relationships, hardships, and pivotal moments, it also contains intimate four-color, never-before-seen photos from Paul’s personal collection, and offers surprising lessons on the discipline and hard work that have made him one of the healthiest and most successful rock ‘n’ roll icons in history.This is the book for fans who love living large, but also want to take control and move ahead in everyday life. Paul shows you how you can rock ‘n’ roll all night and party every day—without missing a beat.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc All Against All: The Long Winter of 1933 and the Origins of the Second World War
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Disappearance at Devil's Rock
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Unwritten Rules of Baseball: The Etiquette, Conventional Wisdom, and Axiomatic Codes of Our National Pastime
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Heroes: from Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar to Churchill and De Gaulle
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Spider's House
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Mystic Horse
Prentice Hall (a Pearson Education company) Star Boy
HarperCollins Publishers Unlocking Japanese with Paul Noble
Learn Japanese in no time with Paul Noble's tried-and-tested method. Ever tried to learn Japanese and found it too hard?Bestselling language coach Paul Noble has a quick and easy way to get you back on track with his unique tried-and-tested method. Keeps things simple with three basic rules; don’t skip anything, don’t try to memorize anything and cover up to test yourself. A fun, jargon-free way to learn Easy-to-understand Japanese pronunciation PROVEN to work; Paul can teach anyone a language, even people who think they’re incapable Paul’s course teaches you how to speak Japanese more effectively, giving you the building blocks to form a huge range of conversations. This is a practical way to learn the aspects of language that you’ll actually need and use; from booking a hotel room to navigating a menu, Paul will effortlessly build your confidence and give you the tools to handle any vacation situation. You will unlock a range of vocabulary you already know. There is nothing so complicated in foreign languages that it cannot be made simple.” Paul Noble A quick, easy and fun way to unlock your basic language skills. Perfect for beginners, this book will give you all the information you need to build basic conversations and get by on your travels.
HarperCollins UK Students Book 5 Collins International Primary Maths
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Runas nordicas
Una guía completa y práctica sobre este antiguo oráculo basado en el alfabeto rúnico de los nórdicos Las runas nórdicas son un sistema mágico potente y profundamente transformador que brinda a los lectores contemporáneos acceso a la antigua tradición de las culturas del norte de Europa. Las runas tienen profundas resonancias dentro del mundo nórdico pagano, de diosas y dioses, gigantes, enanos, guerreros y magos, que han influido mucho en el trabajo de J. R. R. Tolkien, entre otros. La tradición nórdica atribuye el descubrimiento de las runas al “padre de todo”, Odín, un dios de la inspiración y la sabiduría secreta, además de prototipo mítico de los magos rúnicos, quienes establecieron el patrón para obtener su conocimiento.Runas nórdicas aborda tres áreas principales: su tradición, la hist
mandelbaum verlag eG Das Katzenkonzil
Cardo Verlag Über dem Rauschen
BMU Media GmbH Git Handbuch für Einsteiger Gekürzte Ausgabe
Arco Verlag GmbH Das Lügenlabyrinth
Sutton Verlag GmbH Die Eichsfelder Eisenbahnen Eine nostalgische Bilderreise
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Tutanchamuns Vermächtnis
Bunte Dimensionen Augsburg 1521 Band 1
Media Maria Ein Lied für Nagasaki
Reprodukt Stadt aus Glas
Pour Le Merite Unternehmen Barbarossa
Schiler & Mücke GbR Khaneye delpazir Eine gemtliche Wohnung
Vitalis Verlag GmbH Rbezahl Der Herr des Riesengebirges
Fink Kunstverlag Josef Kirchen und Klster der Zisterzienser in Deutschland sterreich und der Schweiz Das evangelische Erbe in kumenischer Nachbarschaft
Schmetterling Verlag GmbH LinksNietzscheanismus Eine Einfhrung
Rimbaud Verlagsges mbH Gedichte Franz Dt
Merve Verlag GmbH Geschwindigkeit und Politik Ein Essay zur Dromologie
Merve Verlag GmbH Fahren fahren fahren
CMZ Verlag Der kleine Kölner
Kehrer Verlag Here / Still / Now
Panini Verlags GmbH Wolverine Origin
Ullstein Paperback Sarg niemals nie