Search results for ""Author Howard""
Johns Hopkins University Press Inside NASA: High Technology and Organizational Change in the U.S. Space Program
Inside NASA explores how an agency praised for its planetary probes and expeditions to the moon became notorious for the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger and a series of other malfunctions. Using archival evidence as well as in-depth interviews with space agency officials, Howard McCurdy investigates the relationship between the performance of the American space program and NASA's organizational culture. He begins by identifying the beliefs, norms, and practices that guided NASA's early successes. Originally, the agency was dominated by the strong technical culture rooted in the research-and-development organizations from which NASA was formed. To launch the expeditions to the moon, McCurdy explains, this technical culture was linked to an organizational structure borrowed from the Air Force ballistic-missile program. Changes imposed to accomplish the lunar landing-along with the normal aging process and increased bureaucracy in the government as a whole-gradually eroded NASA's original culture and reduced its technical strength.
Taylor & Francis Inc Community-Based Programs and Policies: Contributions to Social Policy Development in Health Care and Health Care-Related Services
This collection is focused on the provision of community-based programs and activities in health and related long-term care services that have contributed, or may in the future contribute, to social policy development. Several of the articles in this collection deal with community-based health and long-term care program and policy initiatives that have been facilitated through federal programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Older Americans Act. The implementation of some of these community-based programs have significantly influenced social policy thinking regarding the beneficial effects of integrating medical and social aspects of health and long-term care services, as well as the health care team approach to the delivery of health and long-term care services. Another dimension addressed is the impact of interest groups, such as family caregivers, in advancing social policy that supports the efforts of community-based family care givers in providing services to patients in need.The underlying theme is how such local community programs have contributed in a variety of ways to the development of social policies at the community level that in many ways focus on the integration of health and related long-term care services and a health care team approach to the provision of such services. The book will be of interest to community development courses in Schools of Social Work and other health professions such as Nursing and Public Health. It will also be of interest to health policy programs in public administration and other social sciences.This book was published as a special issue of Social Work in Public Health.
Princeton University Press How Old Are You?: Age Consciousness in American Culture
Most Americans take it for granted that a thirteen-year-old in the fifth grade is "behind schedule," that "teenagers who marry "too early" are in for trouble, and that a seventy-five-year-old will be pleased at being told, "You look young for your age." Did an awareness of age always dominate American life? Howard Chudacoff reveals that our intense age consciousness has developed only gradually since the late nineteenth century. In so doing, he explores a wide range of topics, including demographic change, the development of pediatrics and psychological testing, and popular music from the early 1800s until now. "Throughout our lifetimes American society has been age-conscious. But this has not always been the case. Until the mid-nineteenth century, Americans showed little concern with age. The one-room schoolhouse was filled with students of varied ages, and children worked alongside adults...[This is] a lively picture of the development of age consciousness in urban middle-class culture." --Robert H. Binstock, The New York Times Book Review "A fresh perspective on a century of social and cultural development."--Michael R. Dahlin, American Historical Review
Elsevier Health Sciences Nursing Interventions Classification NIC
Little, Brown & Company Our 50-State Border Crisis: How the Mexican Border Fuels the Drug Epidemic Across America
Howard G. Buffett has seen first-hand the devastating impact of cheap Mexican heroin and other opiate cocktails across America. Fueled by failing border policies and lawlessness in Mexico and Central America, drugs are pouring over the nation's southern border in record quantities, turning Americans into addicts and migrants into drug mules--and killing us in record numbers. Politicians talk about a border crisis and an opioid crisis as separate issues. To Buffett, a landowner on the U.S. border with Mexico and now a sheriff in Illinois, these are intimately connected. Ineffective border policies not only put residents in border states like Texas and Arizona in harm's way, they put American lives in states like Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Vermont at risk. Mexican cartels have grown astonishingly powerful by exploiting both the gaps in our border security strategy and the desperation of migrants--all while profiting enormously off America's growing addiction to drugs. The solution isn't a wall. In this groundbreaking book, Buffett outlines a realistic, effective, and bi-partisan approach to fighting cartels, strengthening our national security, and tackling the roots of the chaos below the border.
MIT Press Carbon Capture
Nova Science Publishers Inc Gemcitabine: Pharmacology, Clinical Uses & Potential Side Effects
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Barclay Miniature Toy Vehicles, Transports, Cars, Trucks, and Trains 1932-1971: A Comprehensive Catalog and Price Guide
This is the first comprehensive catalog and price guide covering all four ranges of miniature toy vehicles produced by Barclay Manufacturing Company, Inc. (New Jersey) from 1932 to 1971. It covers nearly 2,000 variations of these toys along with a history of the company, the manufacturing process, detailed identification grids and explanations, rarity notations, pricing ranges, a biography, and over 650 color photos. Barclay began producing miniature transports and trains in the early 1930s and added trucks and cars in the 1950s. All four ranges were produced until the company closed in 1971. The toys were colorful, well-designed, inexpensive, and popular throughout the period they were produced. The appendix includes pictures of related toys. Since most of these toys do not identify the manufacturer and many variations are rare, the book is indispensable for anyone interested in collectable toys.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Barclay Toys: Transports & Cars, 1932-1971: Transports & Cars 1932-1971
The Barclay Manufacturing Company of New Jersey produced wonderful, now highly collectible toy cars and car transports from 1932 through 1971. This book is the first to provide comprehensive catalog listings and prices for every known variation and color of all car transports and cars made by Barclay, in all four separate series. With few exceptions, these beloved vehicles were not marked with the manufacturer’s name or country of origin. Over 75 beautiful, full color images display these cars and transports, allowing easy identification for the very first time. The detailed text provides a history of the company, an enumeration of the four series, the production methods and painting techniques of each series, various packaging techniques employed by Barclay, identification and pricing guidelines, and fourteen identification charts. Values are found in the text.
Simon & Schuster Outsiders
One of the most groundbreaking sociology texts of the 20th century, Howard S. Becker’s Outsiders revolutionized the study of social deviance.Howard S. Becker’s Outsiders broke new ground in the early 1960s—and the ideas it proposed and problems it raised are still argued about and inspiring research internationally. In this new edition, Becker includes two lengthy essays, unpublished until now, that add fresh material for thought and discussion. “Why Was Outsiders a Hit? Why Is It Still a Hit?” explains the historical background that made the book interesting to a new generation coming of age in the 60s and makes it of continuing interest today. “Why I Should Get No Credit For Legalizing Marijuana” examines the road to decriminalization and presents new ideas for the sociological study of public opinion.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Python for Cybersecurity: Using Python for Cyber Offense and Defense
Discover an up-to-date and authoritative exploration of Python cybersecurity strategies Python For Cybersecurity: Using Python for Cyber Offense and Defense delivers an intuitive and hands-on explanation of using Python for cybersecurity. It relies on the MITRE ATT&CK framework to structure its exploration of cyberattack techniques, attack defenses, and the key cybersecurity challenges facing network administrators and other stakeholders today. Offering downloadable sample code, the book is written to help you discover how to use Python in a wide variety of cybersecurity situations, including: Reconnaissance, resource development, initial access, and execution Persistence, privilege escalation, defense evasion, and credential access Discovery, lateral movement, collection, and command and control Exfiltration and impact Each chapter includes discussions of several techniques and sub-techniques that could be used to achieve an attacker's objectives in any of these use cases. The ideal resource for anyone with a professional or personal interest in cybersecurity, Python For Cybersecurity offers in-depth information about a wide variety of attacks and effective, Python-based defenses against them.
The Funny Book Company The Heretics of De'Ath
John Wiley & Sons Inc Helical Piles: A Practical Guide to Design and Installation
An unbiased, comprehensive review of helical pile technology and applications Helical piles have risen from being merely an interesting alternative for special cases to a frequently requested, more widely accepted deep foundation adopted into the 2009 International Building Code. The first alternative to manufacturer-produced manuals, Howard Perko's Helical Piles: A Practical Guide to Design and Installation answers the industry's need for an unbiased and universally applicable text dedicated to the design and installation of helical piles, helical piers, screw piles, and torque anchors. Fully compliant with ICC-Evaluation Services, Inc., Acceptance Criteria for Helical Foundation Systems and Devices (AC358), this comprehensive reference guides construction professionals to manufactured helical pile systems and technology, providing objective insights into the benefits of helical pile foundations over driven or cast foundation systems, and recommending applications where appropriate. After introducing the reader to the basic features, terminology, history, and modern applications of helical pile technology, chapters discuss: Installation and basic geotechnics Bearing and pullout capacity Capacity verification through torque Axial load testing, reliability, and sizing Expansive soil and lateral load resistance Corrosion and life expectancy Foundation, earth retention, and underpinning systems Foundation economics Select proprietary systems IBC and NYC Building codes Covering such issues of concern as environmental sustainability, Helical Piles provides contractors and engineers as well as students in civil engineering with a practical, real-world guide to the design and installation of helical piles.
RBA Libros Albert de Adelaida
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Schatten ber Innsmouth Eine Horrorgeschichte
Rowman & Littlefield Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives
To be human is to be biased. From this simple truth, nationally recognized diversity expert Howard J. Ross explores the biases we each carry within us. Incorporating anecdotes from today’s headlines alongside case studies from over 30 years of diversity consulting, Ross helps readers understand how unconscious bias impacts our day-to-day lives and, particularly, our daily work lives. And, he answers the question: “Is there anything we can do about it?” by providing examples of behaviors that the reader can engage in to disengage the impact of their own biases. Originally published in 2014, the updated edition draws new examples from today’s headlines such as the #me too Movement, police shootings, and bias in the ever more partisan Trump era.
Scarecrow Press Dine Bibliography to the 1990s: A Companion to the Navajo Bibliography of 1969
The Navajo are the largest tribe of Indians in the United States and, due in part to a fascination with their relative isolation, have been analyzed in numerous documentaries. In this timely supplement to the Navajo Bibliography, Howard M. Bahr engages in a unique postmodern approach to his bibliography of the Navajo culture by combining health-related, artistic, economic, religious, social, scientific, and other literature on the Navajo into one study. The bibliography skillfully downplays disciplinary boundaries by unifying literature that has previously only offered separate classification and access. The more than 6,300 entries are selectively annotated and cover Navajo literature from 1970 to 1990, as well as newly discovered literature, including Franciscans' literature, that was not included in the original Navajo Bibliography. This bibliography is not only the most comprehensive bibliography to date in its coverage of more than two decades of new material, but the only source that supplements the professional literature with local and cultural works. An exhaustive resource that effectively doubles the expanse of Navajo literature surveyed and indexed, Diné Bibliography to the 1990s is an invaluable tool that both highlights the literature already available and expands such data to include coverage of genres that have been previously underrepresented.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Citizen Tom Paine
Johns Hopkins University Press Investment in Learning
Each passing year sees the steady rise of tuition costs for American higher education. Issues of student loans, direct lending to institutions, and federally subsidized grants are a staple of news reporting. As colleges and universities across America grapple with ever-tightening budgetary restrictions, they develop new strategies to provide quality services to an increasing student body with decreasing income from endowments, donations, and government programs. For their part, students must grapple with a more competitive job market, and the prospect of unemployment after graduation. As we near the end of the century, many educators, academics, and even potential students are asking an important question: Are our colleges and universities worth what they cost? In this classic study of higher education, Howard K. Bowen discusses the value of higher education to the individual and society, arguing that the nonmonetary benefits so far outweigh the monetary benefits that "individual and social decisions about the future of higher education should be made primarily on the basis of nonmonetary considerations." Responding to demands for efficiency and accountability, Investment in Learning is still as applicable today as it was twenty years ago.
Festa Verlag Namenlose Kulte
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Cthulhu Geistergeschichten
Collective Ink Free Marcus Katz: A Curated Collection of Yelp Reviews - A Novel
Woven into his odd, chatty Yelp reviews of restaurants, stores and services, 22-year-old Aspie Marcus Katz chronicles in vivid detail how, after the death of his doting mother, he is railroaded by the Los Angeles probate court into an abusive conservatorship. When his bullying conservator tries to warehouse him in a run-down, dead-end group home, intending to drain his inheritance, Marcus runs away to Oregon, pursued by his conservator, on a risky, ill-advised road trip to meet up with fellow Aspie Durinda, a devoted fan of his now viral Yelp reviews. She lives with others also on the autism spectrum on a collective farm in rural Oregon. It is here that Marcus hopes to make a stand and finally take control of his life.
Collective Ink Some Books Aren't For Reading: A Novel
Mitchell Fourchette is on a mission to retrieve his priceless, first-edition copy of The Old Man and the Sea, inscribed on the flyleaf by Papa Hemingway himself. He unearthed it at the bottom of a bin of castoffs at a thrift store in Anaheim, and then Helmet-Head, Mitchell’s moped-driving book-scout competitor and nemesis, filched it. How, after an auspicious start at Hotchkiss and Yale, then a great job in advertising and a loving young family did Mitchell manage to lose it all and fall so far from grace? That is something that he can’t help but contemplate while crusading through the dark recesses of Los Angeles as he struggles to retrieve his treasured book from a dishevelled, moped-driving Moriarty. 'Storytelling like T.C. Boyle, characters worthy of Robert Stone. Howard Marc Chesley creates compelling drama from everyday events, turning the life of an internet bookseller into a thriller. I couldn't stop reading.' David Webb Peoples, Writer of Blade Runner and Unforgiven
New York University Press Haven of Liberty: New York Jews in the New World, 1654-1865
Haven of Liberty chronicles the arrival of the first Jews to New York in 1654 and highlights the role of republicanism in shaping their identity and institutions. Rock follows the Jews of NewYork through the Dutch and British colonial eras, the American Revolution and early republic, and the antebellum years, ending with a path-breaking account of their outlook and behavior during the Civil War. Overcoming significant barriers, these courageous men and women laid the foundations for one of the world’s foremost Jewish cities.
Johns Hopkins University Press On the Other Hand: Left Hand, Right Brain, Mental Disorder, and History
Since the late Stone Age, approximately 10 percent of humans have been left-handed, yet for most of human history left-handedness has been stigmatized. In On the Other Hand, Howard I. Kushner traces the impact of left-handedness on human cognition, behavior, culture, and health. A left-hander himself, Kushner has long been interested in the meanings associated with left-handedness, and ultimately with whether hand preference can even be defined in a significant way. As he explores the medical and cultural history of left-handedness, Kushner describes the associated taboos, rituals, and stigma from around the globe. The words "left" and "left hand" have negative connotations in all languages, and left-handers have even historically been viewed as disabled. In this comprehensive history of left-handedness, Kushner asks why left-handedness exists. He examines the relationship-if any-between handedness, linguistics, and learning disabilities, reveals how toleration of left-handedness serves as a barometer of wider cultural toleration and permissiveness, and wonders why the reported number of left-handers is significantly lower in Asia and Africa than in the West. Written in a lively style that mixes personal biography with scholarly research, On the Other Hand tells a comprehensive story about the science, traditions, and prejudices surrounding left-handedness.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Health Care in the United States: Organization, Management, and Policy
A one-stop resource covering American health care and the challenges it faces In the newly revised Second Edition of Health Care in the United States: Organization, Management, and Policy, distinguished health and organizational researcher Dr. Howard P. Greenwald delivers a comprehensive exploration of the US health care system and the challenges its practitioners, professionals, and consumers face. From organization to management, financing, and evaluation, this book discusses the critical concepts, trends, and features of this sprawling set of interlocking systems. It also examines the historical origins of modern health care and how it delivers services to over 300 million Americans. Readers will discover: Modern controversies in American health care that animate political debate and discussion, including the Affordable Care Act. Discussions of the health care labor force, as well as its history, background, and crucial challenges. Possible future directions for US health care, including preventive medicine, new policy initiatives, and proposals for reform. Written for students and professionals working in or studying health care management, health policy, public health, medical sociology, or anthropology, social work, or political science, this latest edition of Health Care in the United States is also a fascinating read for members of the general public curious about one of the most important services they'll ever interact with.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Power Up: Taking Charge of Your Financial Destiny
A proven survival guide for these economically rocky, debt-ridden times Millions of people suffer financial hardship due to job loss and a variety of other factors. What you need to do in order to take control of your financial destiny includes changing the way you confront and deal with everyday pressures related to shopping, advertising, credit cards, keeping up with the Joneses, and spending money. In Power Up, Howard Dvorkin—founder of Consolidated Credit Counseling Services—draws on his years of experience helping thousands of people overcome devastating financial hardship. He provides you with time-tested strategies and powerful tools to rebuild your financial life on a solid and enduring foundation. Besides discussing guidelines for creating a realistic budget and sticking to it, Dvorkin also shares tips on how to learn to live without credit cards—and love doing it—as well as puts you in a better position to understand the difference between what you want and what you need. Filled with effective budgeting tools, worksheets, and other valuable forms Provides a look at the tricks that lenders and credit card companies use to make you a slave to debt Offers ideas on how to redirect your urge to shop into activities that satisfy your deeper needs and methods to improve your fiscal psychology Contains priceless advice on how to educate your kids about money and personal finance Do you want a chance to start over again with a clean slate? Do you want the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're in charge of your financial destiny? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it's time to Power Up!
University of California Press Ultimate Price: The Value We Place on Life
How much is a human life worth? Individuals, families, companies, and governments routinely place a price on human life. The calculations that underlie these price tags are often buried in technical language, yet they influence our economy, laws, behaviors, policies, health, and safety. These price tags are often unfair, infused as they are with gender, racial, national, and cultural biases that often result in valuing the lives of the young more than the old, the rich more than the poor, whites more than blacks, Americans more than foreigners, and relatives more than strangers. This is critical since undervalued lives are left less-protected and more exposed to risk. Howard Steven Friedman explains in simple terms how economists and data scientists at corporations, regulatory agencies, and insurance companies develop and use these price tags and points a spotlight at their logical flaws and limitations. He then forcefully argues against the rampant unfairness in the system. Readers will be enlightened, shocked, and, ultimately, empowered to confront the price tags we assign to human lives and understand why such calculations matter.
University of California Press Ultimate Price: The Value We Place on Life
How much is a human life worth? Individuals, families, companies, and governments routinely place a price on human life. The calculations that underlie these price tags are often buried in technical language, yet they influence our economy, laws, behaviors, policies, health, and safety. These price tags are often unfair, infused as they are with gender, racial, national, and cultural biases that often result in valuing the lives of the young more than the old, the rich more than the poor, whites more than blacks, Americans more than foreigners, and relatives more than strangers. This is critical since undervalued lives are left less-protected and more exposed to risk.Howard Steven Friedman explains in simple terms how economists and data scientists at corporations, regulatory agencies, and insurance companies develop and use these price tags and points a spotlight at their logical flaws and limitations. He then forcefully argues against the rampant unfairness in the system. Readers will be enlightened, shocked, and, ultimately, empowered to confront the price tags we assign to human lives and understand why such calculations matter.
University of Illinois Press Changing the Playbook: How Power, Profit, and Politics Transformed College Sports
"In Changing the Playbook, Howard P. Chudacoff delves into the background and what-ifs surrounding seven defining moments that redefined college sports. These changes involved fundamental issues--race and gender, profit and power--that reflected societal tensions and, in many cases, remain pertinent today: the failed 1950 effort to pass a Sanity Code regulating payments to football players; the thorny racial integration of university sports programs; the boom in television money; the 1984 Supreme Court decision that settled who could control skyrocketing media revenues; Title IX's transformation of women's athletics; the cheating, eligibility, and recruitment scandals that tarnished college sports in the 1980s and 1990s; the ongoing controversy over paying student athletes a share of the enormous moneys harvested by schools and athletic departments. A thought-provoking journey into the whos and whys of college sports history, Changing the Playbook reveals how the turning points of yesterday and today will impact tomorrow."
Georgetown University Press American Traitor: General James Wilkinson's Betrayal of the Republic and Escape from Justice
A fresh examination of the life and crimes of the highest-ranking federal official ever tried for treason and espionage American Traitor examines the career of the notorious Gen. James Wilkinson, whose corruption and espionage exposed the United States to grave dangers during the early years of the republic. Wilkinson is largely forgotten today, which is unfortunate because his sordid story is a cautionary tale about unscrupulous actors who would take advantage of gaps in the law, oversight, and accountability for self-dealing. Wilkinson’s military career began during the Revolutionary War and continued through the War of 1812. As he rose to the rank of commanding general of the US Army, Wilkinson betrayed virtually everyone he worked with to advance his career and finances. He was a spy for Spain, plotted to have western territories split from the United States, and accepted kickbacks from contractors. His negligence and greed also caused the largest peacetime disaster in the history of the US Army. Howard W. Cox picks apart Wilkinson’s misdeeds with the eye of an experienced investigator. American Traitor offers the most in-depth analysis of Wilkinson’s court-martial trials and how he evaded efforts to hold him accountable. This astounding history of villainy in the early republic will fascinate anyone with an interest in the period as well as readers of espionage history.
Encounter Books,USA The Poor Side of Town: And Why We Need It
This book combines a critique of more than a century of housing reform policies, including public and other subsidized housing as well as exclusionary zoning, with the idea that simple low-cost housing—a poor side of town—helps those of modest means build financial assets and join in the local democratic process. It is more of a historical narrative than a straight policy book, however—telling stories of Jacob Riis, zoning reformer Lawrence Veiller, anti-reformer Jane Jacobs, housing developer William Levitt, and African American small homes advocate Rev. Johnny Ray Youngblood, as well as first-person accounts of onetime residents of neighborhoods such as Detroit’s Black Bottom who lost their homes and businesses to housing reform and urban renewal. This is a book with important policy implications—built on powerful, personal stories.
Canongate Books Pay or Play
Princeton University Press Random Walks in Biology: New and Expanded Edition
This book is a lucid, straightforward introduction to the concepts and techniques of statistical physics that students of biology, biochemistry, and biophysics must know. It provides a sound basis for understanding random motions of molecules, subcellular particles, or cells, or of processes that depend on such motion or are markedly affected by it. Readers do not need to understand thermodynamics in order to acquire a knowledge of the physics involved in diffusion, sedimentation, electrophoresis, chromatography, and cell motility--subjects that become lively and immediate when the author discusses them in terms of random walks of individual particles.
University of California Press Art Worlds, 25th Anniversary Edition
This classic sociological examination of art as collective action explores the cooperative network of suppliers, performers, dealers, critics, and consumers who - along with the artist - "produce" a work of art. Howard S. Becker looks at the conventions essential to this operation and, prospectively, at the extent to which art is shaped by this collective activity. The book is thoroughly illustrated and updated with a new dialogue between Becker and eminent French sociologist Alain Pessin about the extended social system in which art is created, and with a new preface in which the author talks about his own process in creating this influential work.
Image Comics Hey Kids! Comics! Volume 3: The Schlock of the New
It all begins with a generation of artists who view their life’s work as dismal failures and a waste of that life…in service to a medium that refuses to die, grinding its way through generation after generation…until it collides with creatives who can’t even begin to imagine why anyone would ever want to do anything else. This is the history of comic books, alongside the misbegotten midwife whose growth, whose refusal to truly grow, serves as its decades-long and distorted mirror… Fandom. Collects HEY KIDS! COMICS! VOL. 3: THE SCHLOCK OF THE NEW #1-6
Austin Macauley Publishers The Journal
The Funny Book Company The Domesday Book (No, Not That One)
The Funny Book Company The Garderobe of Death
Andersen Press The Mightiest Bite
Purdue University Press Transleithanian Paradise: A History of the Budapest Jewish Community, 1738-1938
Transleithanian Paradise: A History of the Budapest Jewish Community, 1738–1938 traces the rise of Budapest Jewry from a marginal Ashkenazic community at the beginning of the eighteenth century into one of the largest and most vibrant Jewish communities in the world by the beginning of the twentieth century. This was symptomatic of the rise of the city of Budapest from three towns on the margins of Europe into a major European metropolis.Focusing on a broad array of Jewish communal institutions, including synagogues, schools, charitable institutions, women's associations, and the Jewish hospital, this book explores the mixed impact of urban life on Jewish identity and community. On the one hand, the anonymity of living in a big city facilitated disaffection and drift from the Jewish community. On the other hand, the concentration of several hundred thousand Jews in a compact urban space created a constituency that supported and invigorated a diverse range of Jewish communal organizations and activities. Transleithanian Paradise contrasts how this mixed impact played out in two very different Jewish neighborhoods. Terézváros was an older neighborhood that housed most of the lower income, more traditional, immigrant Jews. Lipótváros, by contrast, was a newer neighborhood where upwardly mobile and more acculturated Jews lived. By tracing the development of these two very distinct communities, this book shows how Budapest became one of the most diverse and lively Jewish cities in the world.
Rowman & Littlefield Aspects of Samuel Johnson: Essays on His Arts, Mind, Afterlife, And Politics
Howard D. Weinbrot's Aspects of Samuel Johnson: Essays on His Arts, Mind, Afterlife, and Politics collects earlier and new essays on Johnson's varied achievements in lexicography, poetry, narrative, and prose style. It considers Johnson's uses of the general and the particular as they relate to the reader's role in the creative process, his complex approach to the concept of literary genre, and his resolutely un-Humean view of skepticism. It examines the ways in which Johnson's reputation as a critic and biographer was challenged and affirmed after his death, and it demonstrates that Johnson was known and admired in eighteenth-century France until Boswell's portrait of Mr. Oddity replaced Dictionary Johnson. The book concludes with four essays concerning the vexed controversy regarding Johnson and Jacobitism and Johnson's political affiliation in Hanoverian Britain. Aspects of Samuel Johnson consolidates old ground and breaks new ground during the 250th anniversary of the appearance of his Dictionary of the English Language.
Barcharts, Inc Art Appreciation
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Working in the Countertransference: Necessary Entanglements
Countertransference responses within the therapist pose a formidable challenge for the clinician, who must carefully examine reactions that may be distressing. These potentially disruptive responses, however, are a valuable source of understanding that can deepen the therapeutic process. This book presents numerous manifestations of countertransference interactions and how they influence treatment, and gives guidelines for effective clinical interventions.
Pearson Education Human Services
Festa Verlag Cthulhu Horrorgeschichten