Search results for ""Author Grant""
Pennsylvania State University Press The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (668–631 BC), Aššur-etel-ilāni (630–627 BC), and Sîn-šarra-iškun (626–612 BC), Kings of Assyria, Part 3
This is the final installment in a tripartite critical edition of the inscriptions of the last major Neo-Assyrian king, Ashurbanipal, and the members of his family.The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period 5/3 provides reliable, up-to-date editions and English translations of 106 historical inscriptions written in the Akkadian and Sumerian languages. These inscriptions account for all certainly identifiable and positively attributable inscriptions of Ashurbanipal discovered in Babylonia, in the East Tigris Region, and outside of the Assyrian Empire, together with inscriptions of some members of Ashurbanipal’s family—his wife Libbāli-šarrat, as well as his sons and successors Aššur-etel-ilāni and Sîn-šarra-iškun—and loyal officials. Each text edition is accompanied by an English translation, brief introduction, catalogue of exemplars, commentary, and bibliography. In addition to a critical introduction to the sources, RINAP 5/3 also includes relevant studies of various aspects of Ashurbanipal’s reign and the final years of the Assyrian Empire; translations of the “Chronicle Concerning the Early Years of Nabopolassar” and the “Fall of Nineveh Chronicle”; photographs of objects inscribed with texts of Ashurbanipal, Aššur-etel-ilāni, and Sîn-šarra-iškun; indexes of museum and excavation numbers and selected publications; and indexes of proper names.Expertly prepared by three leading philologists, this eagerly awaited work will be a key reference for Assyriologists, Near Eastern historians, biblical scholars, and scholars of ancient languages for decades to come.
Pearson Education (US) Deep Learning Illustrated: A Visual, Interactive Guide to Artificial Intelligence
"The authors’ clear visual style provides a comprehensive look at what’s currently possible with artificial neural networks as well as a glimpse of the magic that’s to come."—Tim Urban, author of Wait But Why Fully Practical, Insightful Guide to Modern Deep LearningDeep learning is transforming software, facilitating powerful new artificial intelligence capabilities, and driving unprecedented algorithm performance. Deep Learning Illustrated is uniquely intuitive and offers a complete introduction to the discipline’s techniques. Packed with full-color figures and easy-to-follow code, it sweeps away the complexity of building deep learning models, making the subject approachable and fun to learn.World-class instructor and practitioner Jon Krohn—with visionary content from Grant Beyleveld and beautiful illustrations by Aglaé Bassens—presents straightforward analogies to explain what deep learning is, why it has become so popular, and how it relates to other machine learning approaches. Krohn has created a practical reference and tutorial for developers, data scientists, researchers, analysts, and students who want to start applying it. He illuminates theory with hands-on Python code in accompanying Jupyter notebooks. To help you progress quickly, he focuses on the versatile deep learning library Keras to nimbly construct efficient TensorFlow models; PyTorch, the leading alternative library, is also covered.You’ll gain a pragmatic understanding of all major deep learning approaches and their uses in applications ranging from machine vision and natural language processing to image generation and game-playing algorithms. Discover what makes deep learning systems unique, and the implications for practitioners Explore new tools that make deep learning models easier to build, use, and improve Master essential theory: artificial neurons, training, optimization, convolutional nets, recurrent nets, generative adversarial networks (GANs), deep reinforcement learning, and more Walk through building interactive deep learning applications, and move forward with your own artificial intelligence projects Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Liverpool University Press (u)Mzantsi Classics: Dialogues in Decolonisation from Southern Africa
An Open Access edition of this book will be available on publication on the Liverpool University Press and African Minds websitesThough Greco-Roman antiquity (‘classics’) has often been considered the handmaid of colonialism, its various forms have nonetheless endured through many of the continent’s decolonising transitions. Southern Africa is no exception. This book canvasses the variety of forms classics has taken in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and especially South Africa, and even the dynamics of transformation itself. How does (u)Mzantsi classics (of southern Africa) look in an era of profound change, whether violent or otherwise? What are its future prospects? Contributors focus on pedagogies, historical consciousness, the creative arts and popular culture. The volume, in its overall shape, responds to the idea of dialogue – in both the Greek form associated with Plato’s rendition of Socrates’ wisdom and in the African concept of ubuntu. Here are dialogues between scholars, both emerging and established, as well as students – some of whom were directly impacted by the Fallist protests of the late 20-teens. Rather than offering an apologia for classics, these dialogues engage with pressing questions of relevance, identity, change, the canon, and the dynamics of decolonisation and potential recolonisation. The goal is to interrogate classics – the ways it has been taught, studied, perceived, transformed and even lived – from many points of view.
John Murray Press The Ultimate Sales Book: Master Account Management, Perfect Negotiation, Create Happy Customers
If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset. From sales strategy and account management to negotiation and customer service,THE ULTIMATE SALES BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Discover the main themes, key ideas and tools you need and bring it all together with practical exercises.This is your complete course in successful selling. ABOUT THE SERIESULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Judge Dredd: Inferno
FIRE AND GRICE!When some Judges break the law, they get sent to the penal colony on Titan – the toughest prison ever made, where only the strong survive. Grice is one such inmate – a former Judge sent to Titan for attempting to stop democratic reform in Mega-City One. Driven to insanity and aching for revenge on Judge Dredd who he blames for his downfall, Grice and an army of renegade convicts have taken control and are preparing to unleash hell on the ‘Big Meg’ with the help of a deadly virus!This action-packed story from Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman), Mark Millar (Kick-Ass) and Carlos Ezquerra (Bloody Mary) takes no prisoners!
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. All-Star Future Shocks
Future Shocks – the testing ground for those who wish to work for the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic, 2000 AD. Most never make it to publication. But for the lucky few who manage to harness enough Thrill-Power to produce these mini sci-fi classics, fame and notoriety awaits!This anthology of supreme sci-fi and horror storytelling features the work of the industry’s greatest talents, including Brian Bolland, Kevin O’Neill, Alan Grant, Peter Milligan, Steve Dillon, Glenn Fabry, Frazer Irving, Mark Millar, Alan Davis, John Higgins, Brendan McCarthy, Grant Morrison and Neil Gaiman amongst many others.
Hay House Business Time, Money, Freedom: 10 Simple Rules to Redefine What's Possible and Radically Reshape Your Life
Grand Central Publishing The 9th Man
Image Comics Spawn Compendium, Color Edition, Volume 1
FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FULL COLOR!TODD McFARLANE unleashed his signature creation, SPAWN, in 1992. In doing so, he created the most successful independent comic book in history. Add in collaborations with industry giants ALAN MOORE, FRANK MILLER, TONY DANIEL, and GRANT MORRISON, and SPAWN’s future as alegend was sealed.Collected now in full color, McFARLANE’s hyper-detailed artwork comes to life like never before. Relive all the excitement of everyone’s favorite anti-hero with this new collection.Collects SPAWN #1-50
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Tax Policy and Uncertainty: Modelling Debt Projections and Fiscal Sustainability
Presenting innovative modelling approaches to the analysis of fiscal policy and government debt, this book moves beyond previous models that have relied upon the assumption that various age-specific rates and policy variables remain unchanged when it comes to generating government expenditures and tax revenues. As a result of population ageing, current policy settings in many countries are projected to lead to unsustainable levels of public debt; Tax Policy and Uncertainty explores models that allow for feedbacks and uncertainty to combat this.Applicable to any country, the models in the book explore the optimal timing and extent of tax changes in the face of anticipated high future debt. Chapters produce stochastic debt projections, including probability distribution of debt ratios at each point in time. It also offers important analysis of fiscal policy trade-offs as well as providing advice on when and by how much tax rates should be increased.Economics scholars focusing on fiscal policy will appreciate the improved models in this book that allow both for uncertainty and feedback effects arising from responses to increased debt. It will also be helpful to economic policy advisors and economists in government departments.
CABI Publishing Free Time and Leisure Participation: International Perspectives
In the 21st century free time is an increasingly precious resource. At the same time, leisure has never been more vital for ensuring individual and social health, wellbeing and quality of life. Around the world, governments and industry have responsibilities and opportunities to ensure provision of facilities for rest and play. To do this they require information on trends in free time and leisure in the community.This book is an expanded and updated edition of a previous work entitled World Leisure Participation: Free Time in the Global Village, by the same editors (CABI, 1996). It brings together the results of the most recent national leisure participation surveys from 15 countries, including three countries not previously covered. The book also includes increased coverage of time-budget surveys and new themes such as public policy dimensions. It also examines the methodological problems and challenges of conducting national surveys in the field, and their future prospects.
Rowman & Littlefield Education for Citizenship: Ideas and Innovations in Political Learning
This book addresses the challenge of education for citizenship at a specific, concrete level. It offers examples of efforts to create among our students a new set of what Tocqueville called mores or culturally defining 'habits of the heart' which will enhance citizenship, foster a sense of connectedness to a community stretching beyond the university, and ultimately, support the practices, basic values, and institutions necessary for the democratic process.
Tyndale House Publishers Ephesians
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Nature of the English Revolution Revisited: Essays in Honour of John Morrill
New insights into the nature of the seventeenth-century English revolution - one of the most contested issues in early modern British history. The nature of the seventeenth-century English revolution remains one of the most contested of all historical issues. Scholars are unable to agree on what caused it, when precisely it happened, how significant it was in terms of political, social, economic, and intellectual impact, or even whether it merits being described as a "revolution" at all. Over the past twenty years these debates have become more complex, but also richer. This volume brings together new essays by a group of leading scholars of the revolutionary period and will provide readers with a provocative and stimulating introduction to current research. All the essays engage with one or more of three themes which lieat the heart of recent debate: the importance of the connection between individuals and ideas; the power and influence of religious ideas; and the most appropriate chronological context for discussion of the revolution. STEPHEN TAYLOR is Professor in the History of Early Modern England at the University of Durham. GRANT TAPSELL is Lecturer in Early Modern History, University of Oxford and Fellow and Tutor at Lady Margaret Hall. Contributors: Philip Baker, J. C. Davis, Kenneth Fincham, Rachel Foxley, Tim Harris, Ethan H. Shagan, John Spurr, Grant Tapsell, Stephen Taylor, Tim Wales, John Walter, Blair Worden
Princeton University Press Volcanoes: Crucibles of Change
Whenever a volcano threatens to erupt, scientists and adventurers from around the world flock to the site in response to the irresistible allure of one of nature's most dangerous and unpredictable phenomena. In a unique book probing the science and mystery of these fiery features, the authors chronicle not only their geologic behavior but also their profound effect on human life. From Mount Vesuvius to Mount St. Helens, the book covers the surprisingly large variety of volcanoes, the subtle to conspicuous signs preceding their eruptions, and their far-reaching atmospheric consequences. Here scientific facts take on a very human dimension, as the authors draw upon actual encounters with volcanoes, often through firsthand accounts of those who have witnessed eruptions and miraculously survived the aftermath. The book begins with a description of the lethal May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens--complete with an explanation of how safety officials and scientists tried to predict events, and how unsuspecting campers and loggers miles away struggled against terrifying blasts of ash, stone, and heat. The story moves quickly to the ways volcanoes have enhanced our lives, creating mineral-rich land, clean thermal energy, and haunting landscapes that in turn benefit agriculture, recreation, mining, and commerce. Religion and psychology embroider the account, as the authors explore the impact of volcanoes on the human psyche through tales of the capricious volcano gods and attempts to appease them, ranging from simple homage to horrific ritual sacrifice. Volcanoes concludes by assisting readers in experiencing these geological phenomena for themselves. An unprecedented "tourist guide to volcanoes" outlines over forty sites throughout the world. Not only will travelers find information on where to go and how to get there, they will also learn what precautions to take at each volcano. Tourists, amateur naturalists, and armchair travelers alike will find their scientific curiosity whetted by this informative and entertaining book.
Taylor & Francis Inc Creating Spiritual and Psychological Resilience: Integrating Care in Disaster Relief Work
Creating Spiritual and Psychological Resilience explores the interface between spiritual and psychological care in the context of disaster recovery work, drawing upon recent disasters including but not limited to, the experiences of September 11, 2001. Each of the three sections that make up the book are structured around the cycle of disaster response and focus on the relevant phase of disaster recovery work. In each section, selected topics combining spiritual and mental health factors are examined; when possible, sections are co-written by a spiritual care provider and a mental health care provider with appropriate expertise. Existing interdisciplinary collaborations, creative partnerships, gaps in care, and needed interdisciplinary work are identified and addressed, making this book both a useful reference for theory and an invaluable hands-on resource.
Tyndale House Publishers Revelation
ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK INSTITUTE Equitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure
Developing Asia's demand for high-quality, integrated infrastructure requires a steady but equitable supply of land. However, obtaining rights over land can be complicated by hurdles imposed by geography, settlement patterns, conflicting cultures, sociopolitical factors, and land use problems unique to each country. This timely volume identifies policies that can balance the rights and interests of first nations' peoples, informal settlers, and rural landowners against the development imperatives of land procurement for the greater public good. It provides instructive case studies of the state of Asian land registration, eminent domain, and redevelopment in situations of vulnerable communities. The collected chapters also propose and assess some promising models that might be customized to local conditions, such as long-term land leasing with options to buy. This is a companion volume to ADBI Press' pioneering series of titles (all available through Brookings Press)--Infrastructure for a Seamless Asia; Financing Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific: Capturing Impacts and New Sources; and Principles of Infrastructure: Case Studies and Best Practices. This volume will be of interest to policymakers, practitioners, academics, and students.
Cambridge University Press The Death Arts in Renaissance England: A Critical Anthology
The first-ever critical anthology of the death arts in Renaissance England, this book draws together over 60 extracts and 20 illustrations to establish and analyse how people grappled with mortality in the 16th and 17th centuries. As well as providing a comprehensive resource of annotated and modernized excerpts, this engaging study includes commentary on authors and overall texts, discussions of how each excerpt is constitutive and expressive of the death arts, and suggestions for further reading. The extended Introduction takes into account death's intersections with print, gender, sex, and race, surveying the period's far-reaching preoccupation with, and anticipatory reflection upon, the cessation of life. For researchers, instructors, and students interested in medieval and early modern history and literature, the Reformation, memory studies, book history, and print culture, this indispensable resource provides at once an entry point into the field of early modern death studies and a springboard for further research.
Tyndale House Publishers Hebrews
James Currey Reading Marechera
Variously understood as literary genius and enfant terrible of African literature, Dambudzo Marechera's work as novelist, poet, playwright and essayist is discussed here in relation to other free-thinking writers. Considered one of Africa's most innovative and subversive writers, the Zimbabwean novelist, poet, playwright and essayist Dambudzo Marechera is read today as a significant voice in contemporary world literature. Marechera wrote ceaselessly against the status quo, against unqualified ideas, against expectation. He was an intellectual outsider who found comfort only in the company of other free-thinking writers - Shelley, Bakhtin, Apuleius, Fanon, Dostoyevsky, Tutuola. It is this universe of literary thought that one can see written into the fiction of Marechera that this collection of essays sets out to interrogate. In this important and timely contribution to African literarystudies, Grant Hamilton has gathered together essays of world-renowned, established, and young academics from Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia in order to discuss the important literary and philosophical influences that course through Marechera's prose, poetry and drama. From classical allusion to the political philosophy of anarchism, this collection of new research on Marechera's work makes clear the extraordinary breadth and quality of thought that Marechera brought to his writing. Grant Hamilton is Assistant Professor of English Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is the author of On Representation: Deleuze and Coetzee on the Colonized Subject (Rodopi, 2011), as well as a number of articles on contemporary African, postcolonial, and world literatures. He is currently working on his second book, Deleuze and African Literature.
John Wiley & Sons Inc SAP: An Executive's Comprehensive Guide
Crucial Help for Getting the Most from Today's Information Systems Technology Deciding what type of information systems your company will need to stay competitive into the twenty-first century is a highly complex and risky exercise. SAP: An Executive's Comprehensive Guide provides the information you need to assess your options realistically and make the most informed decisions possible. Written by a team of business, financial, and information systems professionals who have extensive experience with SAP system implementations at Fortune 500 companies, this book: * Explores the strategic role of client/server enterprise computing now and in the next century * Helps you to evaluate your company's long-term IS requirements * Offers an impartial look at SAP R/3 strengths and weaknesses * Outlines the costs and benefits involved in implementing SAP R/3 * Helps you decide whether SAP R/3 is right for your organization * Shows you how to make SAP R/3 an integral part of process redesign * Covers all key technical SAP aspects of concern to IS professionals
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Epidemiología clínica
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Health Care Management
Main headings: Special research forum on management issues in nursing. - Clinical and technological issues in health care management. - Organizational and strategic issues in health care management.
Tyndale House Publishers Romans
Central Recovery Press Making Your Crazy Work For You: From Isolation to Self-Acceptance, Compassionate Empathy, and Love
In Irrelationship and Relationship Sanity, Mark Borg, Grant Brenner, and Daniel Berry posit that a hard lesson for many is learning to turn to others for the support and affection necessary for survival. Instead, we cut ourselves off from the ones we purportedly love the most and enter a state of irrelationship, a defensive mechanism to avoid true intimacy. This may temporarily alleviate our anxiety, but eventually leaves us living tepid and numbingly predictable lives. Over time, these carefully managed lives begin to wear thin, and we may experience break-through panic and damaging conflict. Making Your Crazy Work For You introduces a new concept: self-irrelationship, in which we inhibit ourselves from realizing our potential by shutting down our emotions and creativity. When we are cut off from ourselves—our feelings and desires—this state leads to a crazy-making, self-imposed isolation. We are making our crazy work against us, leaving us without an authentic sense of our own needs and without a capacity for true self-compassion and self-love.Each chapter features new case studies, exercises, and tools for addressing what effects self-irrelationship has on an individual who hasn’t been successful in forging or keeping a relationship but wants to be in a healthy one. This book answers questions the authors often receive on their popular blog, such as: How can I better understand irrelationship if I am single? How can I use what I’ve learned so I don’t repeat the irrelationship cycle in the future? What if I’m the only one in my relationship who sees irrelationship as a problem? Drawn from the authors' experience in clinical practice, this book will help readers to reverse unhealthy behavior patterns so they can feel good about themselves by learning to access their genuine emotions, needs, and ideas.
Figure 1 Publishing Dana Claxton: Fringing the Cube
Known for her expansive multidisciplinary approach to art making Vancouver-based Dana Claxton, who is Hunkpapa Lakota (Sioux), has investigated notions of Indigenous identity, beauty, gender and the body, as well as broader social and political issues through a practice which encompasses photography, film, video and performance. Rooted in contemporary art strategies, her practice critiques the representations of Indigenous people that circulate in art, literature and popular culture in general. In doing so, Claxton regularly combines Lakota traditions with “Western” influences, using a powerful and emotive “mix, meld and mash” approach to address the oppressive legacies of colonialism and to articulate Indigenous world views, histories and spirituality. This timely catalogue will be the first monograph to examine the full breadth and scope of Claxton’s practice. It will be extensively illustrated and will include essays by Claxton’s colleague Jaleh Mansoor, Associate Professor in the Department of Art History, Visual Art & Theory at the University of British Columbia; Monika Kin Gagnon, Professor in the Communications Department at Concordia University, who has followed Claxton’s work for 25 years; Olivia Michiko Gagnon, a New York–based scholar and doctoral student in Performance Studies; and Grant Arnold, Audain Curator of British Columbia Art at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Health Care Management: Strategy and Policy Perspectives on Reforming Health Systems
System wide health reform has become the norm across the globe, forcing health care delivery organizations to critically examine the ways in which they are structured and operate on a day to day basis. Resource scarcity has become common while at the same time, quality and clinical outcomes become the basis upon which these organizations are measured and compared with one another. This volume of "Advances in Health Care Management" includes contributions from key academic thought leaders from around the world who critically examine how health reform impacts the macro, meso and micro level strategy and policy decisions of healthcare organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Biennial Review of Health Care Management
This is the second biennial volume reviewing the state-of-the-art on a wide variety of micro and macro health care management topics in the popular "Advances in Health Care Management" series. It proudly showcases reviews of both empirical and conceptual research in specific areas of health care management, including topics in three basic areas: reviews of empirical and conceptual research on health care industry-specific topics, e.g., role of physicians; reviews of empirical and conceptual research on different types of health care organizations focusing on issues specific to such organizations or their segments of the health care industry, e.g., hospitals, managed care organizations; and, reviews of empirical and conceptual research on health care organizations focusing on topics or variables which cover various sub-disciplines of management, e.g., organizational change or entrepreneurial opportunity recognition. New and established scholars discuss such topics within their expert area of research, as well as emerging themes and divergent views, giving their unique perspective on the directions that will help build theory and improve the practice of health care management.
Sage Publications Ltd The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods
Online research methods are popular, dynamic and fast-changing. Following on from the great success of the first edition, published in 2008, The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods, Second Edition offers both updates of existing subject areas and new chapters covering more recent developments, such as social media, big data, data visualization and CAQDAS. Bringing together the leading names in both qualitative and quantitative online research, this new edition is organised into nine sections: 1. Online Research Methods 2. Designing Online Research 3. Online Data Capture and Data Collection 4. The Online Survey 5. Digital Quantitative Analysis 6. Digital Text Analysis 7. Virtual Ethnography 8. Online Secondary Analysis: Resources and Methods 9. The Future of Online Social Research The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods, Second Edition is an essential resource for anyone interested in the contemporary practice of computer-mediated research and scholarship.
Springer International Publishing AG A Case-Based Approach to Hip Pain: A Pocket Guide to Pathology, Diagnosis and Management
Hip pain is one of the most common reasons for patient visits to orthopedic, physiatrist, primary care and sports medicine offices. Most books that cover this topic review it as a chapter within a larger book on orthopedics as a whole, or they focus on one specific aspect of hip pathology, such as osteoarthritis. This practical text is an evidence-based, user-friendly review of the literature for the breadth of hip pathologies that present to the busy practitioner. Opening with a review of the relevant anatomy, subsequent chapters discuss bursitis and tendonitis, labral tears, impingement syndrome, and osteoarthritis. Additional chapters cover hip pain in the pediatric patient, sports trauma and fractures, and rheumatologic and infectious disease considerations. And while reviewing pathology and its diagnosis and treatment is important, proceeding through real case studies is extremely valuable in bringing the diagnosis and treatment of hip pathologies to life, hence an engaging section of clinical case material rounds out the presentation.Taken together, A Case-Based Approach to Hip Pain will be an ideal resource for musculoskeletal medicine practitioners of all types.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Business Valuation and Bankruptcy
An essential guide to business valuation and bankruptcy Business Valuation and Bankruptcy helps you-whether you are an accountant dealing with a troubled company, a lender, an investor, a bankruptcy and restructuring lawyer/financial advisor, or a private equity player-to focus on solving everyday and case determinative disputes when creditors, lenders, and debtors have differing views of value. Introducing valuation issues early on in the restructuring/bankruptcy process so you can plan accordingly, this book offers Many real life case examples, case descriptions, and tables to demonstrate the applicable sections of the Bankruptcy Laws A review of the methods, applications, pros and cons of restructuring with the basic tools to understanding it A description of the life cycle of a troubled company and the various stages of a restructuring An analysis of the valuation issues that confront practitioners in the real world of application of the law Business Valuation and Bankruptcy is written in terms that are common to bankruptcy professionals and is essential, timely reading for players in the bankruptcy and restructuring environment.
Broadview Press Ltd The Type-Writer Girl
Juliet Appleton is an officer’s daughter who is forced to make her own way in the world after her father’s death. Having been trained in typewriting and shorthand, she obtains employment at a law office, only to find that she cannot bear to work with her unpleasant colleagues and employer.Juliet possesses some of the characteristics of the infamous "New Woman": she has attended Girton College, she smokes cigarettes, and she travels the countryside on her bicycle. After various adventures, Juliet finds a new opportunity as a type-writer girl for a publishing company. She falls in love with her employer, and he with her, but complications inevitably ensue.At the end of the nineteenth century, the Canadian-born Grant Allen was a prolific professional author of popular science texts on evolution as well as a fiction writer. The Type-Writer Girl (1897) is one of only two novels he wrote under a female pseudonym, possibly to lend credibility to his first-person female narrator. The Type-Writer Girl invokes tensions typical of the fin de siècle concerning evolution, technology, and the role of women.This Broadview edition provides a reliable text at a very reasonable price. It contains textual notes but no appendices.
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Ultrasound, 2-Volume Set: Expert Consult: Online and Print
Clinical Ultrasound has been thoroughly revised and updated by a brand new editorial team in order to incorporate the latest scanning technologies and their clinical applications in both adult and paediatric patients. With over 4,000 high-quality illustrations, the book covers the entire gamut of organ systems and body parts where this modality is useful. It provides the ultrasound practitioner with a comprehensive, authoritative guide to image diagnosis and interpretation. Colour is now incorporated extensively throughout this edition in order to reflect the advances in clinical Doppler, power Doppler, contrast agents. Each chapter now follows a consistent organizational structure and now contains numerous summary boxes and charts in order to make the diagnostic process practical and easy to follow. Covering all of the core knowledge, skills and experience as recommended by the Royal College of Radiologists, it provides the Fellow with a knowledge base sufficient to pass professional certification examinations and provides the practitioner with a quick reference on all currently available diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound imaging procedures. Individual chapters organized around common template therefore establishing a consistent diagnostic approach throughout the text and making the information easier to retrieve. Access the full text online and download images via Expert Consult. Three brand new editors and many new contributing authors bring a fresh perspective on the content. Authoritative coverage of the most recent advances and latest developments in cutting edge technologies such as: colour Doppler, power Doppler, 3D and 4D applications, harmonic imaging, high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) microbubble contrast agents, interventional ultrasound , laparoscopic ultrasound brings this edition right up to date in terms of the changes in technology and the increasing capabilities/applications of ultrasound equipment. New sections on musculoskeletal imaging. Addition of coloured text, tables, and charts throughout will facilitate quick review and enhance comprehension.
Skyhorse Publishing The Long Distance Runner's Guide to Injury Prevention and Treatment: How to Avoid Common Problems and Deal with Them When They Happen
An indespensible safety guide for professional athletes, coaches, lifelong runners, and beginners. For any runner who loves hitting the pavement and conquering half-, full-, and ultra-marathons, getting injured is a terrifying, and often heartbreaking, setback. Yet, almost three-quarters of long distance runners will suffer from a serious injury several times in their athletic career. Although it may be impossible to completely avoid injury, The Long Distance Runner's Guide to Injury Prevention and Treatment is a vital source to help those who love to run understand some of the most common causes of injuries, and learn how to best avoid and treat athletic ailments. In this book, expert editors and long-time runners Brian Krabak and Grant Lipman combine valuable insights, tips, and tactics from more than a dozen medical professionals who specialize in treating endurance athletes. With chapters on important and diverse topics such as proper nutrition, muscular ailments, skeletal injuries, medical illnesses caused by racing and proper recovery, The Long Distance Runner's Guide to Injury Prevention and Treatment is a must-have on the shelf of every runner.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Skeletal Trauma of the Upper Extremity
From the sternoclavicular joint to the distal phalanx, Skeletal Trauma of the Upper Extremity is a practical, one-volume resource covering all aspects of upper limb trauma and surgery. Comprehensive in scope, it features a multidisciplinary, step-by-step approach to evaluation and management, including concise background information and a detailed focus on practical points and surgical techniques. Written by global experts in traumatology, sports medicine, shoulder, elbow, and hand surgery, this richly illustrated guide brings you into the operating room with leaders in the field. Offers detailed, practical guidance from the originators and/or masters of each procedure, along with multiple, illustrated surgical technique descriptions. Includes pearls and pitfalls, preoperative evaluation and indications, surgical techniques, rehabilitation, and management of complications. Features tables and figures throughout that clearly demonstrate surgical tips and tricks. Identifies controversial topics and covers current challenges such as arthroscopic coracoclavicular/acromioclavicular joint reconstruction, reverse total shoulder arthroplasty for proximal humerus fracture, total elbow arthroplasty for fracture, interosseous membrane reconstruction of the forearm, and many more. Contains more than 500 high-quality illustrations, including anatomical and surgical illustrations, surgical photographs, ultrasounds, and x-rays. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Monacelli Press Designs for Living: Houses by Robert A. M. Stern Architects
In Designs for Living, Roger H. Seifter, Randy M. Correll, Grant F. Marani, and Gary L. Brewer, who lead the residential practice at Robert A.M. Stern Architects, present fifteen houses the firm has completed over the past ten years. From contemporary interpretations of the shingle style to robust Mediterranean designs, the houses are stylistically diverse reflecting RAMSA’s deep knowledge of history and precedent. Each partner provides insight into the design process and his individual approach to working with clients. Houses are located in dramatic settings from Napa and Sonoma to the spectacular coastline of the Hamptons and New England. Whether overlooking the ocean or nestled into the mountainside, these remarkable houses reveal the architects’ emphasis on the importance of context and their dedication to exploring the nature of place and environment. Each house invokes the vernacular architectural heritage particular to its region while gracefully reflecting its natural surroundings. Connecting contemporary lifestyles to traditional American aesthetics, these residences are exceptional both for their timelessness and their ability to evoke a conversation with the past - a dialogue the RAMSA partners believe lies at the heart of architecture.
Taylor & Francis Inc Foodborne Viral Pathogens
Viral transmission through contaminated food and water claims hundreds of thousands of lives every year, particularly affecting children in developing nations. Foodborne viral pathogens are associated with gastroenteritis and hepatitis, causing widespread epidemics that affect all populations and demographics worldwide. Foodborne Viral Pathogens comprehensively covers the predominant etiological viral agents of foodborne disease, including norovirus, hepatitis A virus, hepatitis E virus, astrovirus, sapovirus and rotavirus, and several emerging viruses and prions. By improving food safety awareness and viral detection, and through promotion of global food safety standards, our ability to cope with and control foodborne disease will be enhanced. Foodborne Viral Pathogens includes a detailed review of the molecular biology, potential vaccines, and available antiviral treatments of all major foodborne viral pathogens and prions. Written by specialists and leading virologists, this book features techniques used for typing, viral detection, strategies for control, and viral risk assessments. This book is intended as a detailed handbook for food microbiology and medical applications and will be a useful guide for anyone with an interest in foodborne disease.