Search results for ""Aarhus University Press""
Aarhus University Press The League of Nations: Perspectives from the Present
The League of Nations – Perspectives from the Present is an accessible and richly illustrated edited volume displaying a wide variety of cutting-edge research on the many ways the League of Nations shaped its times and continues to shape our contemporary world. A series of bite-size studies, divided into three thematic parts, investigates how the League affected the world around it and the lives of the people became part of this ‘first great experiment’ in international organisation. Recent research has reinterpreted the League as a laboratory of global economic, political and humanitarian governance. Expanding on this, the volume aims to show that the League is an ‘academic site’, where international history – as a discipline – has re-invented itself by integrating new approaches from social, cultural and media history. With an introduction by Director-General Michael Møller of the United Nations Organisation in Geneva, this work is a timely reminder of the fragile, varied and enduring history of multilateralism, on the centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
Aarhus University Press Lutheranism and the Nordic Spirit of Social Democracy: A Different Protestant Ethic
One man’s way of thinking about God has decisively shaped the political and economic rise of Nordic social democracy. 500 years ago, Martin Luther’s writings led to the Reformation in the Nordic countries, and his values and beliefs shaped more than just the church. Lutheranism is one of the most important influences on the Nordic welfare system and a general belief in social democracy. Indeed, Nordic social democracy itself can be seen as a modern form of religion, or “secular Lutheranism”.In Lutheranism and the Nordic Spirit of Social Democracy, Robert Nelson, an American observer and professor of political economy at the University of Maryland, brings a fresh perspective to the interrelated questions of religion, national identity, and governance in the Nordic world. Exploring how Lutheranism never went away as the true path to a new heaven on earth, Nelson shows how the form of Lutheran Nordic religion and culture changed radically, while its substance remained surprisingly unaltered.
Aarhus University Press At Forandre Verden: En Laesning AF Platons Politiske Filosofi I Staten
Aarhus University Press Material Koinai in the Greek Early Iron Age and Archaic Period
The ancient Greek word koine was used to describe the new common language dialect that became widespread in the ancient Greek world after the conquests of Alexander the Great. Modern scholars have increasingly used the word to conceptualise regional homogeneities in the material culture of the ancient Mediterranean.In this volume, twenty scholars from various disciplines present case studies that focus on the fundamental question of how to perceive and the social and cultural mechanisms that led to the spread and consumption of material culture in the Greek early Iron Age. Combined the chapters provide a critical examination of the use of the koine concept as a heuristic tool in historical research and discuss to what degree similarities in material culture reflect cultural connections.The volume will be of interest scholars interested in archaeological theory and method, the social significance of material culture, and the history of the ancient Greek world in the first half of the first millennium BC.
Aarhus University Press An Argument on Rhetorical Style
This book interprets rhetorical style within a theoretical frame, and it aims to give a more unifying account than has been given in most publications on style. The aim is to establish the concept of rhetorical style that will not only achieve a greater conceptual consensus, but also help make it both powerful and useful in line with other concepts in the practical and critical disciplines of rhetoric. The examination of rhetorical style is aimed at conceptual development based on theoretical reflection and rhetorical analysis. The goal is to achieve a clearer understanding of some of the ways in which rhetorical style supplies the conceptual frameworks for reflecting, perceiving, arguing, and gaining influence in practical life.
Aarhus University Press Questions: Between identity and difference
Aarhus University Press Human Comes First: The Christian Theology of N.F.S. Grundtvig
The Christian theology of N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) is based on the principle that humankind, created in God's image, has retained a divine spark og that image, which can welcome God's gift of grace and salvation. Human Comes First illustrates this principle through a selction of Grundtvig's articles, teachings, sermons, letters and speeches from half a century of his theological activity.As part of its agenda to digitalise and translate Grundtvig's vast output, the Grundtvig Study Centre at Aarhus University is pleased to publish this third volume in the series 'N.F.S. Grundtvig: Works in English'. Volume 1. The School for Life (2011), contains Grundtvig's major writings on education, and Volume 2. Living Wellsprings (2015) contains a selction of his hymns, songs, and poems. Future volumes will deal with his politics and his philosophy.
Aarhus University Press Rhythm: Advanced Studies
In Rhythm - Advanced Studies, Erik Højsgaard, composer and professor of aural training at the Royal Danish Academy of Music, provides a detailed guide to reading and understanding advanced use of rhythm. The 451 exercises and their corresponding notes allow those professionally involved with music to further develop their technical and practical skills in this specific area. The book also includes exercises aimed at developing modern composition techniques.Danish professor and composer Per Nørgård writes:"The many aspects of aural training in this book by Erik Højsgaard have been inspired by his deep insight into western music and its thousand-year-old traditions. Written with a clarity that allows for rhythm and polyphony to be presented in an understandable form, Højsgaard’s book is both musical and entertaining. There is no doubt that one gains new insights and musical joys after working through the book’s exercises."
Aarhus University Press Bringing Culture Back In: Human Security & Social Trust
Aarhus University Press Da Skolen Tog Form: 1780-1850
Aarhus University Press Vængesø and Holmegård: Ertebølle Fishers and Hunters on Djursland
Aarhus University Press Functional Disorders & Medically Unexplained Symptoms: Assessment & Treatment
Aarhus University Press Dark Continent?: Images of Africa in European Narratives about the Congo
Aarhus University Press Romantik 03: Journal for the Study of Romanticisms
Aarhus University Press Medieval Archaeology in Scandinavia & Beyond: History, Trends & Tomorrow
Aarhus University Press Mobilitet Og Tilknytning: Migrantliv I Et Globaliseret Danmark
Aarhus University Press Saturated Sensorium: Principles of Perception & Mediation in the Middle Ages
Aarhus University Press Representational Machines: Photography & the Production of Space
Aarhus University Press Splendid Isolation: The Eruption of the Laacher See Volcano & Southern Scandinavian Late Glacial Hunter-Gatherers
Aarhus University Press Europe & its Interior Other(s)
Aarhus University Press Petras, Siteia: 25 Years of Excavations & Studies
Aarhus University Press Depicting the Dead: Self-Representation and Commemoration on Roman Sarcophagi with Portraits
Aarhus University Press Thorald Brendstrup: I Gulalderens Skygge
Aarhus University Press Deutsche auf der Flucht
Endlich befreit. Die Erleichterung in Dänemark im Frühjahr 1945 war groß. Allerdings war dies keine große Hilfe für die über 200.000 deutschen Flüchtlinge, die in den letzten Kriegsmonaten auf der Flucht vor der Roten Armee ins Land kamen. Der Zufall wollte, dass die in Dänemark gestrandeten Flüchtlinge von der Gnade ihrer dänischen Gastgeber abhingen. Die Deutschen träumten von einem neuen Leben, doch Dänemark war soeben erst von einer verhassten Besatzungsmacht befreit worden. Deswegen waren die Flüchtlinge nicht sonderlich populär – sie trafen auf Ablehnung bei den Dänen und bei den Behörden bis die letzten deutschen Flüchtlinge im Februar 1949 ausreisen konnten. Sie dokumentierten ihre Schicksale in Briefen und Tagebüchern, die in einer globalen Welt mit großen Flüchtlingsströmen eine zeitlose, aktuelle Geschichte erzählen.Treten Sie mit John V. Jensen, Kurator beim Museumsverbund Varde, hinter den Stacheldraht und tauchen Sie ein in eine Geschichte von Unglück, Leid und einem kleinen Hoffnungsschimmer.
Aarhus University Press Kalydon in Aitolia I & II -- 2-Volume Set: Danish / Greek Field Work 2001-2005
Aarhus University Press Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens Vol. X
PoDIA 10 features articles presenting the results from archaeological sites in Cyprus and at Sikyon, Greece, the activities of Danish philhellenes, and a re-evaluation of the significance of an archaic Attic Sphinx in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen. Kristina Winther-Jacobsen analyses and discusses the ceramics and associated burial customs from two tombs in Cyprus from the Hellenistic-Roman period. Silke Müth and her team of researchers offer a preliminary report on the excavations and accompanying research in Old Sikyon 2018-2019. It is in the same connection that M. Arenfeldt Christensen presents a case study of human skeletal material from an Archaic grave in Sikyon, uncovered in 2019. Annette Højen Sørensen and Helge Wiingaard discuss the role of the Danish diplomat and minority expert as a Philhellene and present his collection of antiquities at Haderslev Cathedral School in Denmark in the light of the extraordinary circumstances in the first half of the 20th century which formed the borderland not only between Denmark and Germany but also between Greece and Turkey. John Lund discusses the activities of Frederik Scholten in Greece and the Greek world during the period around the Greek Revolution and presents his drawings from this period. Finally, Ingrid Strøm makes a case for adding the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek marble sphinx to the oeuvres of the Moscophoros Master and for rendering it a more central position in the studies of Early Attic marble sculpture.
Aarhus University Press Performative Urban Design
Aarhus University Press Instant City @ Roskilde Festival
Aarhus University Press Learning Perspective
Aarhus University Press Tools for Sustainable Development
Aarhus University Press Perspectives on e-Government: Technology & Infrastructure, Politics & Organisation, Interaction & Communication
Aarhus University Press Time, Reality & Transcendence in Rational Perspective
Aarhus University Press Emotions in Learning
Aarhus University Press Technology Policy Meets the Public
Aarhus University Press Designerly Entrepreneurship
Aarhus University Press Heritage & Change in the Arctic: Resources for the Precent & the Future
Aarhus University Press Future Challenges: For Health & Healthcare in Europe
Aarhus University Press Art of Arts Integration: Theoretical Perspectives & Practical Guidelines
Aarhus University Press Terminus: The End in Literature, Media & Culture
Aarhus University Press Visions, Challenges & Strategies: PBL Principles & Methodologies in a Danish Global Perspective
Aarhus University Press Changing Education Through ICT in Developing Countries
Aarhus University Press Rise of China & the Impact on Semi-Periphery & Periphery Countries
Johns Hopkins University Press Dreams: Brief Books about Big Ideas
A short but engaging look at why we dream.In Dreams, researcher Melanie Gillespie Rosen explores the philosophy, biology, and psychology of dreaming. She introduces historical theories from Aristotle to Descartes and evaluates current theories on the nature and purpose of dreams. Dreams may help consolidate memories our brains deem important while clearing out unnecessary ones, they may reflect anxieties, or they may have no purpose at all.In Reflections, a series copublished with Denmark's Aarhus University Press, scholars deliver 60-page reflections on key concepts. These books present unique insights on a wide range of topics that entertain and enlighten readers with exciting discoveries and new perspectives.
Johns Hopkins University Press Sleep: Brief Books about Big Ideas
A short but engaging analysis of why we sleep and how to improve our sleep hygiene.In Sleep, psychologist Christine Parsons lays out the benefits of sleeping for our bodies, minds, and societies. The negative effects of chronic sleep deprivation include correlations with Alzheimer's disease, relationship problems, and car crashes. To combat sleep deprivation, Parsons studies the effects of melatonin and caffeine and the importance of light and the circadian rhythm on the quality of our sleep. She provides helpful tricks, training, and therapy to overcome the most common obstacles to better sleep hygiene. Exploring different sleep styles and choices, Parsons assesses which ones work and which ones don't—helping lead us to a better night's rest. In Reflections, a series copublished with Denmark's Aarhus University Press, scholars deliver 60-page reflections on key concepts. These books present unique insights on a wide range of topics that entertain and enlighten readers with exciting discoveries and new perspectives.
Johns Hopkins University Press Democracy: Brief Books about Big Ideas
A short but engaging look at democracy: what it is, how it compares to other forms of rule, and why it makes a difference.What is democracy? And even if it can be defined, can true democracy ever be achieved? Without a definition, dictators can pose as democrats and the oppressed can see despotism as the answer to their prayers. But true democracy, author Svend-Erik Skaaning argues, will not automatically solve the world's problems. It is contentious and unfair, even as it keeps tyrants at bay. In Democracy, Skaaning defines democracy, charts its rise, revival, and resurgence across history and nations, and discusses when democracy has made a difference—and when and why it has failed. ReflectionsIn Reflections, a series copublished with Denmark's Aarhus University Press, scholars deliver 60-page reflections on a key concept that encapsulates their years of study and research. These books present unique insights on a wide range of topics and concepts—everything from love, trust, and play to corruption, welfare, and sleep—that entertain and enlighten readers with exciting discoveries and new perspectives.
Johns Hopkins University Press Brains: Brief Books about Big Ideas
A short but engaging exploration of the brain.In Brains, scientist Leif Østergaard explores our most complicated and mysterious organ. From the dissection of Einstein's brain to research on how to map networks of neurons, Østergaard deconstructs the different parts of the brain and provides an engaging overview of its essential functions. He explains how we store information in the synapses of neural networks and how these networks carry commands to our muscles and internal organs and receive sensory input from our skin, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Delving into the subconscious, we learn what our brains are doing while we daydream and how neurotransmitters play a role in addiction. In this fascinating book, Østergaard reveals how this enigmatic organ is even more complex than we thought it was.In Reflections, a series copublished with Denmark's Aarhus University Press, scholars deliver 60-page reflections on key concepts. These books present unique insights on a wide range of topics that entertain and enlighten readers with exciting discoveries and new perspectives.
Johns Hopkins University Press Welfare: Brief Books about Big Ideas
A short but engaging look at how nations have succeeded and failed at welfare.In Welfare, political scientist Carsten Jensen examines how the Danish welfare model leads to some of the highest levels of happiness, education, and health in the world. He argues that this welfare model is a success story because it has created a remarkable level of equality and forged strong links between people and public institutions. Jensen probes four central questions about this model: Why do Danes support the welfare state? Which historic events and people have enabled such intimate links to arise between the state and welfare? How much welfare do Danes actually get? And finally, how has Denmark been able to combine welfare and wealth, and how viable will this model be in the future?In Reflections, a series copublished with Denmark's Aarhus University Press, scholars deliver 60-page reflections on key concepts. These books present unique insights on a wide range of topics that entertain and enlighten readers with exciting discoveries and new perspectives.
Johns Hopkins University Press Questions: Brief Books about Big Ideas
A short but engaging look at how questions shape our thinking.Why do we ask questions? In Questions, Pia Lauritzen explores the philosophy behind questions and probes how they function as both a development tool and a bridge to understanding. She speculates that the question is the essential characteristic that distinguishes human beings from animals and that it is the key to understanding why we think and act as we do. Basic human phenomena like surprise and doubt, ignorance and curiosity–which all articulate a questioning mode of dealing with the world–may well be the reason why human beings developed language. Yet the diverse ways that different languages and cultures treat questions reflects and reinforces crucial cultural differences. Ultimately, Lauritzen argues, the question is the key to understanding the inner logic that links all major themes in the history of Western philosophy. In Reflections, a series copublished with Denmark's Aarhus University Press, scholars deliver 60-page reflections on key concepts. These books present unique insights on a wide range of topics that entertain and enlighten readers with exciting discoveries and new perspectives.