Search results for ""mundi""
Faber Music Ltd Salvator Mundi
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Mappa Mundi
The medieval Mappa Mundi showed the real world hedged about with wonders. Philip Gross's new poems are as vividly observed and sometimes fabulous as the traveler's tales of antiquity. Like those creatures in the margins of old maps they are hybrids of real longings, truth and lies. Each is a journey, open-ended and surprising, giving glimpses of the Middle East, the Pacific North-West, or a Europe of lost spas. These poems explore the spaces that can open between buildings in a city street, in the shifting lights of love aging, or in the gaps between words. Heady and sobering, unsettling, celebratory, they come home with findings from the real world of the senses, heart, and mind. A Poetry Book Society Recommendation.
Poetry Wales Press Artes Mundi
Ttarttalo, S.L. Gloria mundi
Diogenes Verlag AG Anima mundi
The Melos Press Mappa Mundi
Alianza Editorial Kaputt Mundi
Estamos en 1944, cuando las tropas alemanas hace ya cuatro meses que han ocupado Roma, la capital de su aliado italiano, la que en tiempos de su máximo esplendor, en la Antigüedad, fuera denominada " caput mundi " , 'cabeza del mundo'. Allí se encuentra el melancólico y distinguido comandante de la Wehrmacht Martin Bora, quien recibe el encargo de investigar el suicidio de una joven y alocada secretaria de la embajada del Reich. Con la ayuda del inspector de policía Sandro Guidi y en una ciudad tan hermosa como triste, donde se mezclan las matanzas de resistentes con un mundo del que el lujo y la opulencia se resisten a desparecer, Bora se irá abriendo paso a través de obstáculos y falsas apariencias hasta obtener todas las respuestas.
Huerga y Fierro Editores Basura mundi
Autumn Hill Books Anima Mundi
FISCHER, S. Anus Mundi
University of Hertfordshire Press Mappa Mundi
As portrayed in this monograph, sculptor Simeon Nelson's work examines human attempts to define, order, and classify nature throughout the ages, questioning how human understanding of the natural world has evolved in relation to the changing fashions of scientific and artistic inquiry.
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Rota Mundi Tarot
FISCHER Taschenbuch Anus Mundi Fnf Jahre Auschwitz
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Interpretes Mundi - Deuter Der Welt
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Mappae Mundi of Medieval Iceland
An innovative, interdisciplinary approach to the understudied Icelandic mappae mundi. The Icelandic mappae mundi (maps of the world), drawn between c. 1225 and c. 1400, are contemporary with the breathtaking rise of its vernacular literary culture, and provide important insights into the Icelanders' capacious geographical awareness in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. However, in comparison with those drawn elsewhere, among them the English Hereford mappa mundi, they have received little critical attention. This book explores the Icelandic mappae mundi not only for what they reveal about the Icelanders' geographical awareness, but as complex registers of Icelandic national self-perception and imagining, situating them in their various literary, intellectual, and material contexts. It reveals fully how Icelanders used the cartographic medium to explore fantasies of national origin, their political structures, and place in Europe. The small canon of Icelandic world maps is reproduced here photographically, with their texts presented alongside English translations to enable a wider understanding.
Harrassowitz Studien Zu Paulinus Venetus. de Mapa Mundi
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Norma mundi la lucha por el derecho internacional
Imaginar un mundo gobernado por el derecho, por leyes iguales para todos, es hoy, como en otras épocas, pensar una utopía. Sabemos que la norma internacional carece de la fuerza coactiva que sería precisa para extender el principio de legalidad más allá de nuestras fronteras y que las relaciones internacionales, ahora como en el pasado, reflejan fielmente la correlación de fuerza de los distintos países que conforman la comunidad internacional. Tal vez no pueda ser de otra manera. Algunos juristas sostienen que pertenece a la identidad de las diversas naciones la defensa de sus intereses o la aspiración a su supervivencia.Sin embargo, las difíciles relaciones internacionales, los perennes conflictos armados o las enormes desigualdades entre las poblaciones que viven en las diferentes zonas del planeta obligan, una y otra vez, a pensar en esa utopía, en una norma mundi que gobierne la sociedad internacional y sirva para superar la violencia de las relaciones entre los distintos paíse
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Wolfgang Beltracchi: The Return of Salvator Mundi
In recent years, painter and legendary art forger Wolfgang Beltracchi has opened a new chapter of his career. The core of his latest work is an extensive series of paintings, titled The Greats, that have been put on sale as digital artworks using NFT technology. Its starting point was the Salvator Mundi, a painting attributed to Leonardo da Vinci and sold in 2017 in an auction at Christie’s in New York for $450m to an unknown buyer. Beltracchi studied the picture meticulously and created several hundred versions of the motif in a variety of styles, ranging from high renaissance to pop art, or depicting Jesus in the personification of Mick Jagger or Mao Zedong. The result is a fascinating game of deception with the disputed painting and its symbolism. This large-format book combines photographic insights into Beltracchi's everyday life in the studio by renowned Swiss photographer Alberto Venzago with a documentation of The Greats collection. Texts are contributed by Stanford University professor emeritus Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, German philosophers Peter Sloterdijk and Markus Gabriel, German journalist Ulrike Posche, German finance executive Leonhard Fischer, Swiss-based cryptocurrency and NFT expert Hansen Wang, Swiss art dealer Guido Persterer, and Alberto Venzago. A conversation between Beltracchi and Swiss writer and philosopher René Scheu rounds out this volume that describes and interprets the phenomenon of this extraordinary artist from a range of perspectives.
Station Hill Press,U.S. ARCANA MUNDI: Selected Works 1979 - 2000
Arcana Mundi is a stunningly reproduced collection of works on paper by a celebrated artist living in upstate New York. Sexually charged images of dream-like "power animals" reflecting human states absorb the viewer into participation in a world of magical hazard and psychic exploration. Jan Harrison writes that her work "is concerned with the paradox of the power of nature with regard to our own sense of order and justice. Through communion with animal nature, I link instinct and intellect, showing the duality of knowledge and innocence as two sides of the psyche of the world."
Ridinghouse Amor Mundi: The Collection of Marguerite Steed Hoffman
Amor Mundi: The Collection of Marguerite Steed Hoffman delves deep into this remarkable singular collection. Over two volumes, Amor Mundi presents an edited selection of over 400 works of modern and contemporary art from the Collection of Marguerite Steed Hoffman, from the pieces brought together by Marguerite Steed and her late husband Robert Hoffman (1947–2006) to more recent outstanding acquisitions. Over 30 authors – artists and art historians – explore this fascinating collection, addressing specific artworks as well as the motivations behind the collection’s creation and ongoing evolution. Created over the course of a two-year period, great care has been taken to reflect the collection's key artists, canonical works, and the issues and debates that have helped shape its direction for more than a quarter of a century. By highlighting the art and artists as well as the ideological principles underlying the collection, it is hoped that Amor Mundi will shed some light on how to interpret this extraordinary collection of modern and contemporary art as well as communicating something about the personality of the woman who assembled it. Texts by Martin Jay, Renée Green, Susan L. Aberth, Sarah Celeste Bancroft, Renate Bertlmann, Anna Katherine Brodbeck, Susan Davidson, Gavin Delahunty, TR Ericsson, Tamar Garb, Robert Gober, Rachel Haidu, Merlin James, Wyatt Kahn, Ragnar Kjartansson, Anna Lovatt, Leora Maltz-Leca, Nic Nicosia, Charles Ray, Mark Rosenthal, Dana Schutz, Barry Schwabsky, Richard Shiff, Raphaela Simon, Michelle Stuart, Kirsten Swenson, Mary Weatherford, Terry Winters. Interviews by Martin Jay and Marguerite Steed Hoffman, Gavin Delahunty and Isabelle Graw
Outland Entertainment Animus Mundi: Tales of the Spirit of Place
Tales of guardian spirits and divine powers by Seanan McGuire, Ken Liu, Alethea Kontis, Laura Anne Gilman, Scott Edelman and more. Guardian spirits. Divine presences. Demonic powers. Ghosts. The concept of "genius loci" is indeed an ancient one, found in nearly every human mythology. Genius Loci is a huge anthology of 31 all-new fantasy and science fiction stories drawing on the rich tradition of place-as-person. Within its pages, the authors present stories of sentient deserts, beneficent forests, lonely shrubs, and protective planetary spirits, highlighted by the fantastic art of Lisa A. Grabenstetter and Evan M. Jensen., and edited by Jaym Gates.
Brepols N.V. Fra Mauro's Mappa Mundi and Fifteenth-century Venice
Indiana University Press Spiritus Mundi: Essays on Literature, Myth, and Society
This collection of a dozen major essays written in recent year is vintage Frye—the fine distillation of a lifetime of originative thinking about literature and its context. The essays in Spiritus Mundi—the title comes from one of Yeat's best known poems, "The Second Coming," and refers to the book that was supposedly the source of Yeat's apocalyptic vision of a "great beast, slouching toward Bethlehem"—are arranges in three groups of four essays each. The first four are about the "contexts of literature," the second are about the "mythological universe," and the last are studies of four of the great visionary or myth-making poets who have been enduring sources of interest for Frye: Milton, Blake, Yeats, and Wallace Stevens.The volume is full of agreeable surprises: a delightful piece on charms and riddles is followed by an illuminating essay on Shakespearean romance. Like most of the other essays in the book, these two are compressed and elegant expositions of ideas that in the hands of a lesser writer would have required a book. In another selection Frye rescues Spengler from neglect and argues for the inclusion of The Decline of the West among the major imaginative books produced by the Western world. Elsewhere he advances the case for placing Copernicus in a pantheon composed primarily of literary figures. OF particular interest are several essays in which Frye comments personally and reflectively on the influence he has had on the study of literature and the reactions elicited by his work. In "The Renaissance of Books" he dissents from the opinion of the McLuhanites that the written word is showing signs of obsolescence and argues that books are "the technological instrument that makes democracy possible."As the dozen essays collected here amply attest, Northrop Frye continues to be the most perceptive and most persuasive exponent of the power of mythological imagination—or as he himself calls it, "the mythological habit of mind"—written in English.
Classiques Garnier Le Cymbalum Mundi: Avec Un Dossier Et Des Textes d'Accompagnement
Ediciones Sígueme, S.A. Manual de Teologa Espiritual Epistemologa e interdisciplinariedad Lux Mundi Spanish Edition
University of Pennsylvania Press The Chronicle of Theophanes: Anni mundi 6095-6305 (A.D. 602-813)
The most important illuminating source that survived from the two centuries termed "the dark ages of Byzantium" is the chronicle of the monk Theophanes (d. 817 or 818). In it Theophanes paints a vivid picture of the Empire's struggle in the seventh and eighth centuries both to withstand foreign invasions and to quell internal religious conflicts. Theophanes's carefully developed chronological scheme was mined extensively by later Byzantine and Western record keepers; his chronicle was used as a source of information as well as a stylistic model. It is the framework upon which all Byzantine chronology for this period must be based. Important topics covered by the Chronicle include: The Empire's struggle to repel explosive Arab expansionism and the Bulgar invasion. The iconoclastic controversy, which caused civil war within Byzantium and led to schism between the churches of Constantinople and Rome. The development of the Byzantine thematic system, the administrative and social structure that would bring the Empire to the height of its power and prosperity. Almost all the sources used by Theophanes have perished, leaving his chronicle as the most important historical literature from this period. Turledove's translation makes available in English this crucial primary text for the study of medieval Byzantine civilization.
Lo leo muy Travesas por crmenes reales e imaginarios Imago Mundi Band 311
Por qué nos fascina tanto el crimen, qué dice de nosotros como individuos y como sociedad? Qué maneras ha buscado el género negro de representar la faceta más tenebrosa del ser humano, colocando a nuestra altura un espejo perturbador frente al cual apartamos la vista, pero que a la vez nos atrae irremediablemente?Lo leo muy negro es un ensayo sobre ficción, crimen y vida que aborda el género negro desde múltiples ángulos: sus páginas exploran desde aspectos históricos hasta el perfil de autores clásicos y las claves de la obra de algunos de los autores contemporáneos más destacados, sin olvidar cómo dialogan novelas y ensayos negrocriminales con producciones audiovisuales de ayer y de hoy. En última instancia, este libro recurre a la literatura de crímenes para hablar del lado oscuro de todos nosotros.
Brepols N.V. Pictura Et Scriptura: Textes, Images Et Hermeneutique Des Mappae Mundi (Xiiie-Xvie Siecles)
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Critical Companion to English Mappae Mundi of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
First full collection on the seven most significant English mappae mundi from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Mappae mundi (maps of the world), beautiful objects in themselves, offer huge insights into how medieval scholars conceived the world and their place within it. They are a fusion of "real" geographical locations with fantastical, geographic, historical, legendary and theological material. Their production reached its height in England in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, with such well-known examples as the Hereford map, the maps of Matthew Paris, and the Vercelli map. This volume provides a comprehensive Companion to the seven most significant English mappae mundi. It begins with a survey of the maps' materials, types, shapes, sources, contents, conventions,idiosyncrasies, commissioners and users, moving on to locate the maps' creation and use in the realms of medieval rhetoric, Victorine memory theory and clerical pedagogy. It also establishes the shared history of map and book making, and demonstrates how pre-and post-Conquest monastic libraries in Britain fostered and fed their complementary relationship. A chapter is then devoted to each individual map. An annotated bibliography of multilingual resourcescompletes the volume. DAN TERKLA is Emeritus Professor of English at Illinois Wesleyan University; NICK MILLEA is Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. Contributors: Nathalie Bouloux, Michelle Brown. Daniel Connolly, Helen Davies, Gregory Heyworth, Alfred Hiatt, Marcia Kupfer, Nick Millea, Asa Simon Mittman, Dan Terkla, Chet Van Duzer.
Yale University Press Art and Optics in the Hereford Map: An English Mappa Mundi, c. 1300
A single, monumental mappa mundi (world map), made around 1300 for Hereford Cathedral, survives intact from the Middle Ages. As Marcia Kupfer reveals in her arresting new study, this celebrated testament to medieval learning has long been profoundly misunderstood. Features of the colored and gilded map that baffle modern expectations are typically dismissed as the product of careless execution. Kupfer argues that they should rightly be seen as part of the map’s encoded commentary on the nature of vision itself. Optical conceits and perspectival games formed part of the map’s language of vision, were central to its commission, and shaped its display, formal design, and allegorical fabric. These discoveries compel a sweeping revision of the artwork’s intellectual and art-historical genealogy, as well as its function and aesthetic significance, shedding new light on the impact of scientific discourses in late medieval art. Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Herb Lester Associates Ltd Metal Mappa Mundi: A global survey of heavy metal's biggest names and it most
Johns Hopkins University Press Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A Collection of Ancient Texts
Magic, miracles, daemonology, divination, astrology, and alchemy were the arcana mundi, the "secrets of the universe," of the ancient Greeks and Romans. In this path-breaking collection of Greek and Roman writings on magic and the occult, Georg Luck provides a comprehensive sourcebook and introduction to magic as it was practiced by witches and sorcerers, magi and astrologers, in the Greek and Roman worlds. In this new edition, Luck has gathered and translated 130 ancient texts dating from the eighth century BCE through the fourth century CE. Thoroughly revised, this volume offers several new elements: a comprehensive general introduction, an epilogue discussing the persistence of ancient magic into the early Christian and Byzantine eras, and an appendix on the use of mind-altering substances in occult practices. Also added is an extensive glossary of Greek and Latin magical terms. In Arcana Mundi Georg Luck presents a fascinating-and at times startling-alternative vision of the ancient world. "For a long time it was fashionable to ignore the darker and, to us, perhaps, uncomfortable aspects of everyday life in Greece and Rome," Luck has written. "But we can no longer idealize the Greeks with their 'artistic genius' and the Romans with their 'sober realism.' Magic and witchcraft, the fear of daemons and ghosts, the wish to manipulate invisible powers-all of this was very much a part of their lives."
El berrinche poltico 20152020 Los aos que sacudieron la democracia espaola Imago Mundi Spanish Edition
El tablero político de nuestro país ha sufrido grandes cambios en los últimos tiempos que han transformado la política: desde la ruptura del bipartidismo en 2015 a la consolidación del primer gobierno de coalición, hasta culminar con la crisis provocada por la pandemia de la COVID-19, cuya excepcionalidad abrió las costuras nuestro sistema democrático.Qué peligros entraña tener un Congreso tan polarizado ideológicamente? Cómo debemos enfrentarnos a la complejidad de los conflictos territoriales tras el 1-O de 2017? Acaso el multipartidismo se ha consolidado en forma de bibloquismo izquierda-derecha? Por qué vamos hacia un modelo cada vez más cesarista de los partidos políticos? Qué consecuencias ha tenido el uso creciente del marketing en política, ante las sucesivas repeticiones electorales?La politóloga y periodista Estefanía Molina, que ha vivido de primera mano todos estos acontecimientos como cronista parlamentaria en el Congreso, pretende dar respuesta en este libro
Qu bello ser vivir sin cultura La cultura como antdoto frente a los peligros de la idiotizacin Imago Mundi Spanish Edition
El mundo digital, las nuevas tecnologías y las redes sociales están transformando nuestra vida cotidiana, y estos cambios se reflejan en áreas tan importantes como el trabajo, la enseñanza, las relaciones sociales o la economía. Cada vez vivimos más conectados, lo que provoca que nos sintamos atados y vigilados y que el deseo de consumir algoritmos aumente, mermando nuestro poder de decisión y nuestro espíritu crítico. Al mismo tiempo, somos adictos a esta tecnología y sentimos angustia y confusión cuando nos desconectamos del continuo torrente de estímulos e información que recibimos a través de las pantallas.Pero cómo podemos protegernos de las redes sociales en la nueva realidad? Y en medio de esta gran transformación social y cultural, cuál es el papel del arte, la literatura, la lectura, las bibliotecas, la escritura, las ideologías o las creencias? Cómo podemos saber la verdad cuando estamos rodeados de tantas noticias falsas, de populismos políticos o de la ficticia sensación
Que no te len con la comida Una gua imprescindible para saber si ests comiendo bien Imago Mundi Spanish Edition
Por el autor del blog Gominolas de petróleo, con más de 12 millones de visitas.Plátanos ecológicos, carne libre de antibióticos, galletas enriquecidas con vitaminas, yogures que ayudan a nuestras defensas? Para comer de forma segura y saludable no hace falta complicarse la vida. Tampoco es necesario contar calorías ni hacer malabares. El problema es que tenemos un despiste tremendo. No es de extrañar. A diario recibimos una enorme cantidad de información poco rigurosa e incluso contradictoria. Una copa de vino diaria es buena para el corazón o peligrosa para la salud? Y si nos fijamos en la publicidad, aún es peor: qué significa que un paté de atún es natural? Por si fuera poco, no tenemos los conocimientos suficientes para interpretar adecuadamente las etiquetas de los alimentos y evitar que nos engañen. En definitiva, el mundo de la alimentación de hoy se puede resumir con tres palabras: desinformación, desconocimiento y desconfianza.En su primer libro, Miguel Ángel Luru
Classiques Garnier de Mundi Caelestis Terrestrisque Constitutione Liber - La Creation Du Monde Celeste Et Terres: La Creation Du Monde Celeste Et Terrestre
University of Alberta Press Mappae Mundi: Representing the World and its Inhabitants in Texts, Maps, and Images in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
This catalogue showcases some of the treasures of the University of Alberta's Map and Special Collections, as well as other U of A Libraries, particularly in terms of resources to aid in the study of the cultures of Medieval and Early Modern Europe. The curators have focused on "facsimiles," and one of the ways to view the exhibit is in terms of the art of the facsimile, from early twentieth-century black-and-white photographs to twenty-first-century colour, digital photographs on CD-ROM. A second theme is ancient book production, from the papyrus roll through the medieval parchment codex, down to the modern printed book. The curators have also considered representations of the world and its inhabitants: humans in their many activities and occupations, animals wild and tame, and monsters that dwelled in those parts of the world just beyond the boundary of the known.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Justice Between Simplification and Formalism A Discussion and Critique of the World Bank Sponsored Lex Mundi Project on Efficency of Civil Procedure 45 Veroffentlichungen Zum Verfahrensrecht
Theatrum Mundi Performing Projections
Performing Projections explores the two-year collaboration between Theatrum Mundi and Jayden Ali, Unit Leader of the Spatial Practices programme at Central Saint Martins. Combining the voices of students, educators, and practitioners the publication is centred around one fundamental question: Can performance-making be a craft for architectural thinking? The studio was an experimental testbed where methodologies were developed using the techniques of scoring, staging, rehearsing, and improvising to raise provocative questions about who has the right to access, occupy, use, and remake our urban environments. Edited by Cecily Chua and Jayden AliContributors: Abby Bird/ Andrea Cetrulo/ Andrea Luka Zimmerman/ Andreas Lang/ Annie Dermawan/ Awais Ali/ Callum Brown/ Cameron Bray/ Cecily Chua/ Dhara Bhatt/ Elahe Karimnia/ Jake Johnson/ Jayden Ali/ John Bingham-Hall/ Kleanthis Kyriakou/ Lydia Hyde/ Mollie Griffiths/ Olivia Sutherill/ Rebecca Faulkner/ Sara Lohse / Yibeijia Li.
Theatrum Mundi It's Always A Work In Progress: C'est Un Chantier Permanent
Theatrum Mundi Sonic Urbanism: Resonances In A New Field
Theatrum Mundi Interior Realms