Search results for ""lynne rienner publishers inc""
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Confronting Homelessness: Poverty, Politics, and the Failure of Social Policy
Whose fault is homelessness? Thirty years ago the problem exploded as a national crisis, drawing the attention of activists, the media, and policymakers at all levels—yet the homeless population endures to this day, and arguably has grown. David Wagner offers a major reconsideration of homelessness in the US, casting a critical eye on how we as a society respond to crises of inequality and stratification.Incorporating local studies into a national narrative, Wagner probes how homelessness shifted from being thesubject of a politically charged controversy over poverty and social class to posing a functional question of socialservice delivery. At the heart of his analysis is a provocative insight into why we accept highly symbolic policies that dampen public outrage, but fail to address the fundamental structural problems that would allow real change.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Police in War: Fighting Insurgency, Terrorism, and Violent Crime
Frustrated efforts in both Iraq and Afghanistan give urgency to the question of how to craft effective, humane, and legitimate security institutions in conflict-ridden states - and whether legitimate policing can in fact be developed in the midst of insurgency and terrorism. David H. Bayley and Robert M. Perito confront these questions head on. Against the backdrop of failed US attempts to train police forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bayley and Perito explore the role of the local police as an element of successful peace operations and counterinsurgency campaigns. Their analysis ranges from the specifics of training to the larger arena of broad institutional reform. Equally practical and grounded in theory, their work offers crucial guidance on the role and training of local police forces that must grapple daily with the challenges of ongoing conflicts. This book confronts the issue of how to craft effective, humane, and legitimate security institutions in postconflict states - and whether legitimate policing can in fact be developed in the midst of insurgency and terrorism.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Women Behind Bars: Gender and Race in U.S. Prisons
Today's prisons are increasingly filled with poor, dark-skinned, single mothers locked up for low-level drug involvement, with serious ramifications for the corrections system. ""Women Behind Bars"" offers the first comprehensive exploration of the challenges faced by incarcerated women in the United States. Young and Reviere show conclusively that serving time in prisons designed by and for men not only does little to address what landed women, particularly women of color, there in the first place, but also undermines their prospects for an improved life on the outside. Using a multifaceted race/class/gender lens, the authors make a convincing argument that women in prison are punished twice: first by their sentences, and again because the policies that govern time behind bars were not designed to address women's unique problems and responsibilities.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Anthropology of Anger: Civil Society and Democracy in Africa
Many scholars have argued that the ongoing democratization process in Africa is doomed to fail because the political reforms have been essentially imposed by external donors. Others have challenged the very roots of the current changes, alleging that Africa needs cultural and economic adjustments before being ready for sustainable democracy. Celestin Monga argues that both views are wrong. African peoples, he demonstrates, have been trying for decades to challenge authoritarianism, but their patterns of behaviour could not be captured by the classical tools used for measuring political participation and political culture. ""The Anthropology of Anger"" sheds light on the continent's long tradition of an indigenous form of activism. Analyzing social changes from a grassroots perspective, Monga shows that the quest for freedom in Africa is deeply entrenched. He goes beyond discussion of anger, ethnic conflicts and despair to provide new frameworks for understanding Africa's internal social dynamics, and to reveal how Africa - an unusual political ""market"" with highly creative political entrepreneurs - is renewing democratic theory.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Varieties of State Crime and Its Control
This book is a valuable addition to the growing literature on state crime. The cases are well researched and well explored. The international approach, and international sampling of authors, is extremely valuable, as is each contributor's discussion on potential control.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Ending Homelessness: Why We Haven't, How We Can
Despite billions of government dollars spent in the attempt, we are no closer than we were three decades ago to solving the problem of homelessness. Why? And what can we do about it? Tackling these questions, the authors of Ending Homelessness explore the complicated and often dysfunctional relationship between efforts to address homelessness and the realities on the street.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Making Sense of International Relations Theory
What does it mean to adopt a realist, or a world systems, or a green approach to international relations? Does the plethora of “isms” have any relevance to the real world of global politics and policymaking? Making Sense of International Relations Theory addresses these questions by illustrating theories in action.With the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the US and its allies as a common point of reference, each contributor presents a particular framework for interpreting world affairs. This structure offers students tangible examples of how theory is used in practice and at the same time highlights the explanatory differences among theories. Incorporating extensive introductory sections, the book is uniquely designed to explore alternative ways of understanding current events—to assist students in making sense of, as well as with, IR theory.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Understanding Contemporary India
Even stronger than its outstanding predecessor, the third edition of Understanding Contemporary India provides context for and evaluates more than a decade of challenges and changes in India. Entirely new chapters on geography, politics, the economy, international relations, religion, and environmental challenges, along with updated material throughout (including the impact of the novel coronavirus), result in an indispensable volume that describes and analyzes the paradoxical nature of the world's largest and most diverse democracy.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Connecting Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation
Can postconflict states achieve both peace and justice as they deal with a traumatic past? What role does reconciliation play in healing wounds, building trust, and rectifying injustices? This provocative book, incorporating the frameworks of both peace/conflict studies and transitional justice, explores the core challenges that war-torn states confront once the violence has ended.The book is organized around a series of questions, each one the subject of a chapter, with each chapter presenting a wide range of practical examples and case studies. The author also stakes out a position on each question, encouraging readers to evaluate and respond to ideas, practices, and strategies. Narratives are a notable feature of the work, with the human consequences of war and peace highlighted throughout.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Prison Life in Popular Culture: From the Big House to Orange is the New Black
Through the centuries, prisons were closed institutions, full of secrets and shrouded in mystery. But modern media culture has opened the gates. Dawn Cecil explores decades of popular culture—from Golden Age Hollywood films to YouTube videos, from newspapers to beer labels, hip-hop music, and children's books—to reveal how prison imagery shapes our understanding of who commits crimes, why, and how the criminal justice system should respond.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Substance Use and Abuse: Exploring Alcohol and Drug Issues
In this comprehensive introduction to the study of substance use and abuse, the authors explore both the personal and the societal consequences of alcohol and drug problems. A series of provocative chapters also helps students to navigate the unique problems facing women, adolescents, college students, the elderly, racial minorities, and the GLBT community. Trends in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and policy are all thoroughly covered. Among its many outstanding features, the book: puts a human face on the problems of alcohol and drug addiction; highlights the implications of theory and research for policy and practice; includes thematic discussion questions and an inventory of key concepts and terms; and, emphasizes readability for a challenging but not overly technical approach. This is a comprehensive, accessible introduction to the study of substance use, abuse, and treatment.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc New Southern Politics
Current through the November 2012 elections, The New Southern Politics seamlessly integrates a thematic overview of the distinctive political, social, and economic life of eleven southern states with a detailed state-by-state focus. This new edition includes entirely new maps and the latest available data for Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.Among other appealing features, the text: Provides essential historical context Highlights vital dimensions of political culture Profiles significant figures and events from the real world of politics Incorporates coverage of controversies and trends Suggests a well-defined organisational structure for courses The result is an innovative and readable introduction designed to engage students and scholars alike.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Africa: Unity, Sovereignty, and Sorrow
Though the demise of one or another African state has been heralded for nearly five decades, the map of the continent remains virtually unchanged. By and large, these states are judged failures. And yet they endure. Pierre Englebert asks: why do these oppressive and exploitative, yet otherwise ineffective, structures remain broadly unchallenged? Why do Africans themselves, who have received little in the way of security, basic welfare, or development, continue to embrace their states and display surprising levels of nationalist fervor? He finds his answer in the benefits that sovereign weak states offer to Africa's regional and national elites - and to those who depend on them.Englebert carefully articulates the manner in which international sovereignty is translated into domestic legal command - and the sorrow that ensues. He also offers some corrective 'policy fantasies'. Effectively combining theory, cross-national quantitative methods, and case studies, his book reveals a pattern of reproduction of a predatory, dysfunctional state in which human integrity is sacrificed to its territorial counterpart.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc International Law: Classic and Contemporary Readings
Covering subjects ranging from treaties and dispute resolution to the environment, human rights, and terrorism, this anthology is unique in revealing the influence of international law on political behavior.The third edition has been updated with 13 new chapters that discuss emerging actors and structures, address the most pressing current issues, and consider the future evolution of the international legal system.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World
This lucidly written book, thoroughly updated, provides both an assessment of the current state of development theory and an extensive survey of the impact of evolving policies and practices throughout the developing world. Rapley critically traces the evolution of development theory from its strong statist orientation in the early postwar period, through the neoclassical phase, to the present emerging consensus on people-centered development. New to the third edition is a chapter on "postdevelopment" thought, as well as increased attention to the challenges posed by weak states and by critical environmental issues. Using a wide range of examples, Rapley shows where and how various approaches to development have worked or failed continuing to confront the question of why development remains so far out of reach for so many poor countries.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Putting Theory to Work: Implementing Situational Prevention and Problem-oriented Policing
Situational crime prevention and problem-oriented policing (POP) have made rapid progress during the past two decades. But these two related approaches have in the past neglected implementation, the stage when prevention measures are put into practice. The contributing authors to this volume are all researchers with a long-standing interest in crime prevention, who have also been directly involved in implementing situational or problem-oriented projects. Their chapters provide both practical guidance and general principles concerning how to get the most out of crime prevention projects. Chapter topics include: lessons derived from POP projects; the role of project management in community safety initiatives; conflicts and tensions in implementing crime reduction measures; a case study of POP implementation without self-interest; how central agencies should support local programs; mistaking tactics for strategy in crime reduction initiatives; lessons from England on success and failure; mindsets, set minds and implementation; and, guidance and good practice in crime prevention.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Israel's National Identity: The Changing Ethos of Conflict
In a country whose citizens have experienced prolonged exposure to intractable conflict, are there unique features to be found in Israeli society’s core beliefs? And how—and to what effect—have those beliefs changed across the decades? To answer these questions, the author deeply explores Israel’s political culture. The author focuses especially on two circular processes: the two-way relationship between the course of the Arab-Israeli conflict and Israel’s national identity; and efforts by leaders to shape that national identity while, in turn, shifts in public opinion exert influence on leadership positions. Drawing on extensive data including speeches, party platforms, school texts and curriculums, and public opinion polls, she offers both a unique analysis and a rich reference resource.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Corporate Actors in Global Governance: Business as Usual or New Deal?
What part do/should corporate actors play in global governance? With regard to concerns over such issues as public health, education, human rights, and the environment, they arguably are influential. But what is the actual nature of their engagement, and what motivates it? What challenges do they face when they assume more responsibility in these spheres? Are they responsive to the normative environments in which they operate? In answering these questions, the authors of Corporate Actors in Global Governance offer an empirically rich picture of the often contentious governance roles of corporations in today’s global political economy.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc African Development: Making Sense of the Issues and Actors
Both authoritative and accessible, African Development introduces the issues, actors, and institutions at play in development trajectories across sub-Saharan Africa. This new edition, thoroughly updated, includes an entirely new chapter devoted to key demographic trends in the region, especially rapid urbanization and the distinct “youth bulge.” There is also a review of major democratic gains and disappointments since 2011; analysis of renewed internal armed conflicts; and attention to the contemporary sovereign debt crisis relative to the structural adjustment debt of earlier decades. The book uniquely brings to life the collective impact of history, economics, and politics on development in the region.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Disability and Identity: Negotiating Self in a Changing Society
The author offers a sweeping examination of disability identity, tracing its history and parsing the shifting forces that have shaped individual and societal understandings of ability and impairment across time. The author focuses on the relationship between societal views and the self-conceptions of people with mental and physical impairments. The author also illuminates the impact of the disability rights movement, life-course dynamics, and race and gender in creating a diversity of disability identities. Her seminal work reveals the remarkable resilience of individuals in the face of profound social and material barriers, at the same time that it enhances our understanding of the construction and experience of “difference” in our changing society.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Dorm Room Dealers: Drugs and the Privileges of Race and Class
Why do affluent, upwardly mobile college students - who have everything to lose and little to gain - choose to sell drugs? Why do law enforcement officers largely overlook drug dealing on college campuses? With rich, lively details, A. Rafik Mohamed and Erik Fritsvold deliver unprecedented insight into the world of college drug dealers - and offer an important corrective to the traditional distorted view of the US drug trade as primarily involving poor minorities. Drawing on three years of fieldwork at a predominately white private university, their exceptional ethnography skilfully explores issues of deviance, race, and stratification in the US war on drugs. The book offers novel insight into the world of college drug dealers, exploring issues of deviance, race, and stratification in the US War on Drugs.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Postconflict Development: Meeting New Challenges
With the proliferation of civil wars since the end of the Cold War, many developing countries now exist in a ""postconflict"" environment, posing enormous development challenges for the societies affected, as well as for international actors. Postconflict Development addresses these challenges in a range of vital sectors, security, justice, economic policy, education, the media, agriculture, health, and the environment, in countries around the globe. The authors focus on the need to move beyond emergency relief to create new social and economic structures that can serve as the foundations for a lasting peace. Prosperity, they acknowledge, does not guarantee peace; but a lack of economic development will almost certainly lead to renewed violence. This conviction informs their thorough discussion of the policy dilemmas confronted in postconflict situations and a range of concrete, successful approaches to resolving them.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Voices from Mutira: Change in the Lives of Rural Gikuyu Women, 1910-95
Documenting the changes occurring since the 1984 study, this edition provides a collection of life histories from the women of Mutira. Two new introductory chapters frame the life histories within the context both of significant macro-level transitions in Kenya and current thinking on gender.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Front Line Diplomacy: Humanitarian Aid and Conflict in Africa
This text considers the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance and the extent to which it sustains or prolongs conflict. It addresses three themes: how emergency aid can exacerbate conflict; how to minimize negative consequences of aid; and how humanitarian aid might contribute to peace building.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Educated and Ignorant: Learning in the Lives of Ultraorthodox Jewish Women
This ethnography investigates the meaning of learning in the lives of ultra-orthodox Jewish women. Presenting a picture of the Gur Hassidic community in Israel, the author explores the relationship between women's literacy and their subordination. She finds that ultra-orthodox women are taught to be ignorant. These women perform the role of being ignorant only as educated women can. Preserving their social and emotional ties with the community, they are at the same time able to observe their surroundings, and even their own worlds, as if from the ""outside"". This duality creates the social and personal conditions that allow them to accept their subordination, even at the end of the 20th century.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc US Policy Toward Africa: Eight Decades of Realpolitik
The author draws on both the documentary record and his years of on-the-ground experience to provide a uniquely comprehensive survey and interpretation of nearly eight decades of US policy toward Africa. Tracing how this policy has evolved across successive administrations since 1942 (beginning with President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s third term in office), the author illuminates the debates that have taken place at the highest levels of government; shows how policy toward Africa has been affected over the years by US relations with Europe, the Soviet Union, the Middle East, and most recently China; and points to the increasing reliance of Western economic interests on Africa’s natural resources. His deeply informed narrative reveals the roles not only of circumstance and ideology, but also of personalities, in the formulation and implementation of US foreign policy.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Africa’s Totalitarian Temptation: The Evolution of Autocratic Regimes
Disappointment with the ability of democracy to deliver economic rewards in much of Africa—and with the persistence of instability, corruption, and poor governance in democratic regimes—has undermined democracy’s appeal for many on the continent. At the same time, many external actors are expressing sympathy for regimes that have demonstrated an ability to impose stability and deliver economic growth, despite the limits placed on their citizens’ freedom. In this context, the author asks: Is totalitarianism emerging as an acceptable alternative to democracy in Africa? And if so, with what consequences? The author draws on extensive research in countries across the continent to thoroughly explore the dilemma of the totalitarian temptation.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc The Fates of African Rebels: Victory, Defeat, and the Politics of Civil War
What determines the outcome for rebels in contemporary African civil wars? How are “victory” and “defeat “measured? Is there any connection between a rebel group’s organization and its fate? What implications do the answers to these questions have for policymakers concerned with ongoing armed conflicts? Addressing these issues and more the author explores the relationship between rebel groups and regime politics in Africa.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Latin America's Left Turns: Politics, Policies, and Trajectories of Change
This accessible, up-to-date look at Latin American politics explores how—and to what effect—diverse forces on the left have not only captured the imagination of vast swathes of the continent’s population, but also taken hold of the reins of government. The authors assess the multiple currents of Latin America's left turns, considering their origins, their relationships to political parties and social movements, and their performance in office. They also consider the challenges faced by such leaders as Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales, and ""Lula"" da Silva in efforts to address long-standing socioeconomic inequalities. Explicitly comparative and enhanced with solid empirical material, the book offers a thoughtful commentary on Latin America’s changing political environment.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Mountains Forgotten by God: the Story of a Moroccan Berber Family
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Campus Security: Situational Crime Prevention in High-density Environments
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Asia Pacific in World Politics
Capturing the most recent currents in world affairs—without sacrificing historical context—the second edition of Asia Pacific in World Politics reflects more than a decade of new developments.The focus on the region’s major state actors has now been broadened to include an entirely new chapter on India and greatly expanded treatment of both Russia and Australia. The role of international organizations is also thoroughly covered, as are the conflicts involving Taiwan and Korea and the complexities of international politics in Southeast Asia.Incorporating discussions of security broadly defined, political economy, development, human rights, refugees, and much more, this up-to-date text offers an introduction to Asia Pacific’s dynamic role in world politics that will encourage students to engage with contemporary issues and debates.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Understanding Contemporary Asia Pacific
Understanding Contemporary Asia Pacific provides a comprehensive introduction to one of the most complex and rapidly changing regions in the world today. This thoroughly revised new edition reflects more than a decade of major developments in the region (encompassing China, Japan, the Koreas, and all of the ASEAN member states), including the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. With accessible discussions of history, politics, economics, international relations, society, and culture, it provides the tools essential to understanding the dynamic Asia Pacific and its influence in the global arena.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Gender, Crime, and Justice: Exploring the Dynamics
Exactly what role does gender play in crime, and in the criminal justice system? Addressing this two-part question from the perspective of the offender, the victim, the community, and the overall justice system, AndrewWilczak provides an accessible introduction to the full range of issues involved. Notably, this comprehensive text: • features an inclusive focus on both men and women • encompasses theory, as well as realities on the ground • draws on popular culture • challenges students to ask difficult questions • ties concepts to students’ own lives • incorporates an intersectional approach Designed to simultaneously engage and instruct, the book is ideally suited for classroom use.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Making Sense of Social Problems: New Images, New Issues
Internet addiction. Cell-phone-distracted drivers. Teen suicide. Economic recession. The health risks of trans fats. The carefully selected collection of case studies in Making Sense of Social Problems is designed to help students understand and critically evaluate a wide range of contemporary social issues.The cases are organised to highlight a series of key elements: why "objective" claims deserve critical attention how advocates bring attention to issues why expert interpretations may change over time the role of the media in shaping or distorting concerns the consequences of public policy The introduction, conclusion, and section notes provide a coherent framework for the text. Reflecting the promise of the constructionist approach, the result is a powerful set of tools for systematically investigating social problems. It can be used to advantage as a "stand-alone," as well as with such texts as Joel Best's Social Problems.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc White-Collar Crime: The Abuse of Corporate and Government Power
When does cutting corners in pursuit of corporate profit become a crime? When should the misdeeds of government officials warrant a prison sentence? This introduction to the complex problem of white-collar crime provides students with a set of tools for exploring the abuse of corporate and government power.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc People Building Peace II: Successful Stories of Civil Society
Individuals can make a difference working for peace worldwide. That is the message of People Building Peace II, an inspiring collection of stories of how ""ordinary"" men and women have played a crucial part in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Thematic chapters, illustrated with compelling case studies, present new trends in the role of civil society in conflict transformation. The cases reflect the variety of activities initiated and sustained by a broad range of actors, including women's groups, youth groups, and faith-based organizations. Such topics as reconciliation, dialogue, networking, and traditional methods of conflict resolution are among the topics throughly explored, as are the successful initiatives of lesser-known NGOs. The resulting rich tapestry, an outcome of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, is an invaluable compendium of best practices and lessons learned, and at the same time a stirring call to action.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc State Legitimacy and Development in Africa
It is typically taken for granted that African economies perform poorly, but there are a small but significant number of success stories on the continent. This study explores what accounts for Africa's average stagnation, and for the wide regional variations in developmental fortunes.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Understanding Contemporary Asia Pacific
Covering China, Japan, the Koreas, and all of the ASEAN member states, ""Understanding Contemporary Asia Pacific"" provides a comprehensive introduction to one of the most complex and rapidly changing regions in the world today. This accessible, up-to-date volume is designed to be used as a core text for ""Introduction to Asia"" and ""Asian Politics"" courses and also as a supplement in a variety of discipline-oriented curriculums. The authors cover history, politics, economics, and international relations, as well as such topics as the role of the military, population and urbanization, environmental issues, women and development, ethnicity, and religion. Maps, photographs, suggestions for further reading, and an appendix of basic political data enhance the text.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc A Peacekeeper in Africa: Learning from UN Interventions in Other People's Wars
The author offers a rare window into the real world of UN peacekeeping missions in Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The author’s story is one of presidents and prelates, warlords and warriors, heroes and villains, achievements and disappointments—and innocent people caught in the midst of deadly violence. As he shares his front-line experiences, he reflects on the reasons for successes and failures and on the qualities that leaders need to successfully guide efforts to rebuild peace and prosperity in devastated societies. Not least, he also considers the UN’s future role in conflict prevention and peacekeeping in a climate of increasing resistance to intervention in “other people’s wars.”
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc European Union and the Member States
Can the European Union survive repeated economic crises? If it survives, will it stay as it is or take on a new form? This new edition of The European Union and the Member States, fully revised and updated, addresses these questions as it explores the complex relationship between the EU and each of its now 28 members.The country chapters follow a common format, considering: How and in what areas does EU policy affect, and how is it affected by, the member states? What mechanisms do the member states use to implement EU policy? What is each state’s compliance record? Covering the full range of political, economic, and social issues, the authors offer an insightful discussion of the interplay of EU initiatives with strong, existing national policies and traditions.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance
The third edition of the award-winning International Organizations has been thoroughly revised and updated to take into account new developments and shifting power relations since 2009, as well as the most current scholarship.As before, the authors provide a comprehensive, in-depth examination of the full range of international organizations. New features of the book include attention to a broader range of theoretical approaches, to the increasing importance of regional organizations, and to emerging forms of governance. And new case studies highlight the governance dilemmas posed by the Libyan and Syrian civil wars, human trafficking, LGBT rights, climate change, and more.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Global Communication and World Politics: Domination, Development and Discourse
Reflecting the profound changes that are taking place in the world system, this book charts a conceptual framework for understanding emerging patterns of global politics and communication. Tehranian begins by tracing the evolution of the world system from its agrarian origins into today's post-industrial, information-based "pancapitalism". He then draws out the implications of that evolution for global systems of domination, development, and discourse in the context of fragmentation. A study of the complexities of relations between the Islamic and Western worlds demonstrates how systemic distortions in cross-cultural communication have led to tragedies in world politics. The concluding chapter, addressing the pathology of physical and cultural violence, reflects on the possibility of transforming existing conflicts into creative tensions based on the acknowledgement of differences.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Negotiating Extra-territorial Citizenship: Mexican Migration and the Transnational Politics of Community
The dominant nation-state model of citizenship, in which political identity and state territory are congruent, is increasingly unable to resolve the contradictions created by global mass migration. Fitzgerald's careful ethnographic fieldwork in Michoacan, Mexico, and Southern California supports a process-based model of extra-territorial citizenship, in which migrants claim citizenship in their places of origin even when they are physically absent. Fitzgerald explains why many Mexican migrants based in the United States want to be ""taken into account"" in the politics and development of their home communities. He focuses on the consequences of ""transnational"" political attitudes and behavior for migrant-sending communities. The analysis has important implications for proposals being discussed in Mexico to extend voting rights in Mexican elections to migrants based abroad and to give them representation in the Mexican Congress. The monograph is written in a highly accessible style and is illustrated with numerous photographs by the author.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Undocumented Latino Youth: Navigating Their Worlds
Though often overlooked in heated debates, nearly 1.8 million undocumented immigrants are under the age of 18. How do immigration policies shape the lives of these young people? How do local and state laws that are seemingly unrelated to undocumented communities negatively affect them? Marisol Clark-Ibáñez delivers an intimate look at growing up as an undocumented Latino immigrant, analyzing the social and legal dynamics that shape everyday life in and out of school.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Understanding Revolution
Understanding Revolution concisely, but thoroughly, explains one of the most fundamental sources of political change in the modern world. Designed to be accessible to undergraduate students, the book systematically explores such questions as: What should be defined as a revolution?; Is there a "typical" pattern to the course of a revolution?; What are the roles of ideologies, structures (e.g., the state, class structures in the international system), and individuals in shaping revolutions?; What causes groups to mobilize behind revolutionary leaders?; What happens after a revolutionary group assumes power, or fails?. The discussion highlights points of agreement and debate within the social science literature, and brief case studies of revolutions and revolutionary movements bring concepts to life.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Building Democracy in Latin America
The third edition of this historically and theoretically grounded analysis of the democratic experience in Latin America reflects important developments both in the region and in the comparative politics literature.Placing the subject in a normative context, John Peeler gives significant attention to the adequacy of a purely electoral concept of democracy. He also addresses the problems that economic globalization pose for building vital democracies. One focus of this new edition is the recent 'left turn' in Latin America, which has seen the majority of the region's countries elect presidents with socialist or social democratic stances that directly challenge the previously dominant free market, neoliberal ideology.