Search results for ""louisiana""
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art German Art in the Louisiana Collection: Louisiana Library
Capstone Press Louisiana
Bold Kids Louisiana
You may be wondering where to go in Louisiana. This book will give you some Louisiana Facts you may not know. In addition to the beautiful scenery, this state is home to some of the best restaurants in the United States. Discover some of the city''s most popular restaurants and discover what makes them unique. Learn more about New Orleans and its history. You may be surprised to learn that there are several other interesting cities and landmarks in Louisiana. Listed below are some of the best. Before the Civil War, Louisiana was mostly under Confederate control, but the Union quickly reclaimed it. The defeat of the Confederacy in the Civil War led to the end of slavery in the state. However, the large numbers of Blacks who had fled Louisiana soon began to fight discrimination. In fact, the first law promoting equality between races was passed in Louisiana in 1964. Louisiana Facts about race and ethnicity include the number of Native American tribes and the state''s ties to the United S
History Press Louisiana Scoundrels
Pelican Publishing Company Haunted Louisiana
Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd Louisiana Black
Arcadia Publishing Louisiana Crawfish
University of New Orleans Press Louisiana Midrash
Sleeping Bear Press Little Louisiana
Simon & Schuster Louisiana Purchase
Uncharted Territory In 1803 President Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from the French for $15,000,000. The purchase made President Jefferson's dream of extending the U.S. west of the Mississippi River come true. Now the much larger United States had difficult questions to answer: How would Louisiana be governed? How would it be divided into states? Would those states be free states or slave states? What would happen to the Native Americans? It would take over one hundred years, a war over slavery, and the creation of thirteen new states before these questions could be answered.
America Through Time Abandoned Sulphur, Louisiana
Sourcebooks Louisiana Baby
Caffine Nights Publishing Louisiana Republic
Sourcebooks, Inc NightNight Louisiana
Aladdin Paperbacks Swamp: Louisiana, 1851
Simon & Schuster Swamp: Louisiana, 1851
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Sleepless in Louisiana
Rose Metal Press The Louisiana Purchase
St Martin's Press My Louisiana Sky
Louisiana State University Press Jay Ducotes Louisiana Outdoor Cooking
From Venison Grillades to Coconut Chili-Chocolate Tarts and much in between, Jay Ducote's Louisiana Outdoor Cooking features more than 150 recipes fun and easy enough to make in the backyard. It also tells the remarkable story of how this Baton Rouge-based chef achieved national culinary celebrity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Louisiana: A History
Covering the lively, even raucous, history of Louisiana from before First Contact through the Elections of 2012, this sixth edition of the classic Louisiana history survey provides an engaging and comprehensive narrative of what is arguably America’s most colorful state. Since the appearance of the first edition of this classic text in 1984, Louisiana: A History has remained the best-loved and most highly regarded college-level survey of Louisiana on the market Compiled by some of the foremost experts in the field of Louisiana history who combine their own research with recent historical discoveries Includes complete coverage of the most recent events in political and environmental history, including the continued aftermath of Katrina and the 2010 BP oil spill Considers the interrelationship between Louisiana history and that of the American South and the nation as a whole Written in an engaging and accessible style complemented by more than a hundred photographs and maps
History Press Vintage Louisiana Signs
Pelican Publishing Company Louisiana Animals ABC
Waterford Press Louisiana Nature Set
Pelican Publishing Co Haunting of Louisiana, The
Arcadia Publishing University of Louisiana Monroe
Pelican Publishing Company It's Raining in Louisiana
Jonglez Publishing Secret Louisiana Guide
Let Secret Louisiana guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating Louisiana travel guide book and let our local experts show you the well-hidden treasures of this fascinating city.
Hometown World ABCs of Louisiana
Lluny de Louisiana
Una novella magistral i un gran fresc històric sobre l?aventura d?Espanya al cor d?Amèrica del Nord.Després d?anys de colonització, la família Girard accepta la controvertida decisió del seu país, França, de cedir a Espanya el 1763 part de les indòmites terres del Mississipí; malgrat això, patirà les conseqüències de les rebellions dels seus compatriotes, la guerra de nord-americans contra anglesos per la independència dels Estats Units i la lluita desesperada dels indis nadius per la supervivència dels seus pobles. En uns temps tan convulsos, la Suzette Girard i l?Ishcate, indi de la tribu kaskaskia, lliuraran la seva pròpia batalla: preservar el seu amor de les amenaces del món que els ha tocat viure. Tot això forma una novella captivadora i monumental que travessa les quatre dècades en què Espanya va posseir les llegendàries terres de Louisiana.Van perseguir els seus somnis a la riba del Mississipí. Les seves vides van ser més grans que el riu.
Pelican Publishing Company All Aboard, Louisiana!
Pelican Publishing Co Louisiana Indian Tales
Louisiana State University Press Hungry for Louisiana: An Omnivore's Journey
Food sets the tempo of life in the Bayou State, where people believed in eating locally and seasonally long before it was fashionable. In Hungry for Louisiana: An Omnivore's Journey award-winning journalist Maggie Heyn Richardson takes readers to local farms, meat markets, restaurants, festivals, culinary competitions, and roadside vendors to reveal the love, pride, and cultural importance of Louisiana's traditional and evolving cuisine. Focusing on eight of the state's most emblematic foods-crawfish, jambalaya, snoballs, Creole cream cheese, fileia©, blood boudin, tamales, and oysters-Richardson provides a fresh look at Louisiana's long culinary history. In addition to concluding each chapter with corresponding recipes, these vignettes not only celebrate local foodways but also acknowledge the complicated dynamic between maintaining local traditions and managing agricultural and social change. From exploring the perilous future of oyster farming along the threatened Gulf Coast to highlighting the rich history of the Spanish-Indian tamale in the quirky north Louisiana town of Zwolle, Richardson's charming and thoughtful narrative shows how deeply food informs the identity of Louisiana's residents.
Louisiana State University Press Fonville Winans' Louisiana: Politics, People, and Places
This remarkable book, first published twenty years ago, continues to offer a singular window into the customs, politics, and places of twentieth-century Louisiana. This dazzling collection of landscapes and portraits drawn from the lifework of internationally renowned photographer Fonville Winans (1911- 1992) grants readers the opportunity to see his memorable photographs of the people- from oystermen to beauty queens- and the places- from salt mines to cane fields- that exemplify the Pelican State's enchanting culture and ecology. Featuring more than 100 black-and-white photographs spanning Winans' career, this book showcases his eye for authenticity as he captures a wide array of subjects, from politicians to ordinary citizens, and exotic locales to classic Louisiana landscapes. Providing commentary and historical background, Cyril E. Vetter contextualizes Winans' popular images of the state's icons, including Huey P. Long and Edwin Edwards; depictions of festival revelers and fishing rodeos; and glimpses into the Creole and Cajun communities that skirted the Gulf Coast. Yet the photographer's most critical legacy, as Vetter contends in a new introduction, may lie in his scenes of swamps and seascapes that either no longer exist or are currently threatened with extinction. Both nostalgic and refreshing, the perceptive and intriguing images found in Fonville Winans' Louisiana feature the state at its best, as a place of diversity and distinction.
Sourcebooks, Inc The Spooky Express Louisiana
History Press Louisiana Legends and Lore
Pelican Publishing Company It's Hot in Louisiana
Mountain Press Publishing Company Roadside History of Louisiana
Government Institutes Inc.,U.S. Louisiana Environmental Law Handbook
Written by one of the nation's leading environmental law firms, this handbook provides concise, easy-to-understand explanations of your state compliance obligations. You'll get complete coverage of hazardous and solid waste disposal; air, water, and natural resources regulations; the state organizational structure; required permits and reports; the relationship between federal and state regulations; and more.
Arcadia Publishing Louisiana Images of America
Pelican Publishing Co Mandy's Favorite Louisiana Recipes
Ghost House Publishing Ghost Stories of Louisiana
Our World of Books Count to Sleep Louisiana
History Press (SC) Haunted Lafayette Louisiana Haunted America
Pelican Publishing Co Today Is Monday in Louisiana
Louisiana State University Press Swamper: Letters from a Louisiana Swamp Rabbit
Swamper, a fictitious swamp rabbit, lives in the bottomland hardwood forest, or overflow swamp, which is a very real environment. In twelve ""letters"" addressed to his human friends, Swamper shares his vivid observations about life in a Louisiana swamp. With excitement and captivating detail Swamper explains ecological concepts such as food webs, energy flow, decomposition, and reproduction. He recounts adventures like escaping his predators, the great horned owl and the red fox, and swimming for his life after a flood forces him to find higher ground. The observant swamp rabbit even describes the seasonal migration of birds and the monthly phases of the moon. While educating readers about the interconnected life cycles found in a natural habitat, Swamper's first-hand account of the richness and value of the wetlands will also help them develop a deeper appreciation for this delicate ecosystem. Written for 8- 12-year-olds, the content aligns with life science and environmental science educational standards for 4th through 7th grades. Also Includes:A glossary of key termsQuestions and a creative activity for each letterBiologically accurate drawings of animals and habitatColor photographs of the environmentSupplementary online resources for teachers and parents
Louisiana State University Press Louisiana and the Gulf South Frontier, 1500-1821
Bound together by social, demographic, and economic commonalities, the territory extending from East Texas to West Florida occupies a unique space in early American history. A masterful synthesis of two decades of scholarly work, F. Todd Smith's Louisiana and the Gulf South Frontier, 1500-1821 examines the region's history from the eve of European colonization to the final imposition of American hegemony.The agricultural richness of the Gulf Coast gave rise to an extraordinarily diverse society: development of food crops rendered local indigenous groups wealthier and more powerful than their counterparts in New England and the West, and white demand for plantation slave labor produced a disproportionately large black population compared to other parts of the country. European settlers were a heterogeneous mix as well, creating a multinational blend of cultures and religions that did not exist on the largely Anglo-Protestant Atlantic Coast.Because of this diversity, which allowed no single group to gain primacy over the rest, Smith's study characterizes the Gulf South as a frontier from the sixteenth century to the early years of the nineteenth. Only in the twenty years following the Louisiana Purchase did Americans manage to remove most of the Indian tribes, overwhelm Louisiana's French Creoles numerically and politically, and impose a racial system in accordance with the rest of the Deep South.Moving fluently across the boundaries of colonial possessions and state lines, Louisiana and the Gulf South Frontier, 1500-1821 is a comprehensive and highly readable overview of the Gulf Coast's distinctive and enthralling history.