Search results for ""author luna""
Austin Macauley Publishers Will You into My Will
Willford Press Educational Systems: International Perspectives
Grand Central Publishing Dogstrology: Unlock the Secrets of the Stars with Dogs
Grand Central Publishing Catstrology: Unlock the Secrets of the Stars with Cats
Cooper Square Publishers Inc.,U.S. The Great Southwest Activity Book
Activity book featuring Southwest-themed mazes, word-finds, jumbles, connect-the-dots.
riva Verlag Easy Korea
Cambridge University Press Bilingualism in Action: Theory and Practice
Bilingual language behaviour is driven by numerous factors that are usually studied in isolation, even though individual factors never operate alone. Bringing together key insights from psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, Luna Filipović presents a new model of bilingual language processing that captures bilingualism within and across minds. The model enables readers to explain traditional puzzles in the field, and accounts for some apparently contradictory reports in different studies. It shows how theory can be applied in practice and how practice feeds back into theory, with mutual benefits. Bilinguals are studied in action, when they interact with other bilinguals or monolinguals, when they recall witnessed events in real life and in the lab and when they translate and interpret for the benefit of monolinguals. This interdisciplinary take on bilingualism in action will lead to new research on bilingualism itself, and to applications in forensic linguistics and translation studies.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Psyche and Eros Intl/E
Simon & Schuster Thriller Night
Listas guapas limpias
Una estudiante regresa al barrio humilde en el que se crió para pasar un verano junto a su abuela enferma. Todo lo que ocurrirá durante ese largo agosto le cambiará para siempre.Es el comienzo del verano y la protagonista de Listas, guapas, limpias quiere dejar a su novio, pero hay algo que se lo impide. También hay algo que le hace dudar cuando llega a una fiesta llena de desconocidos y le piden que sea ella la que ponga la próxima canción; o cuando está con su madre en el supermercado del barrio y tiene que escoger una marca de pizza congelada para la cena; o incluso cuando está hablando con su amiga de infancia, Yaiza, y no es capaz de sincerarse sobre sus planes de futuro. Ese sentimiento paralizador no es otra cosa que su conciencia pisoteando cada una de las grandes o pequeñas decisiones que deberá tomar ahora que a ojos de todos ya es una mujer adulta.A través de una primera persona íntima pero también ácida, en este primer asalto a la ficción de la periodist
Aladdin Paperbacks Glimpse the Future
Simon & Schuster Glimpse the Future
Hayle Medical Hpv: A Handbook to Infections with Human Papillomavirus
Hardie Grant Books (UK) The Book of Luck
In an increasingly uncertain world, people are seeking more and more ways to navigate life's challenges and seize opportunities. The Book of Luck is a fun and practical gift book that explores the world of luck and shows you how by simply shifting your mindset and adopting certain practices, you can increase your chances of experiencing luck in all aspects of your life. Featuring 60 beautifully illustrated lucky symbols from all around the world – including the talismanic Daruma doll to the whimsical Maneki-neko – alongside daily affirmations, everyday rituals, gratitude mediations and vision boards, The Book of Luck will teach you how you can leverage these symbols and actions to overcome obstacles and create a positive environment that encourages luck to flow into your lives. Whether you are preparing for a crucial job interview, navigating the challenges of moving house, or gearing up for a high-stakes presentation, this b
In the heart of fabled Arabia, young Aladdin enters a mysterious cave in search of a lamp of great power, beginning an extraordinary adventure with enchanted palaces, imposter sorcerers, a beautiful princess and a genie!
Kensington Publishing Distance
Había una fiesta
La historia de unarave que salió mal, marcada por el costumbrismomillennial y el descubrimiento del feminismo a través de un grupo de turistas posadolescentes.Todo empieza y todo termina con esta fiesta: la que protagonizan cuatro jóvenes a las que los demás miran como si viajaran solas aunque ellas sepan que no pueden estar mejor acompañadas. Nadia, Jero, María y Paula tienen 18 años y se encuentran de viaje en la costa de Nápoles. Están a punto de cruzar el umbral de la vida adulta y esas vacaciones improvisadas prometían convertirse en las que iban a definir el resto de sus vidas. Entre la euforia de la adolescencia, los paisajes idílicos de Sorrento, las conversaciones sobre sexo y religión y una música ligera que les acompaña en los auriculares en todo momento, las cuatro deberán afrontar un episodio traumático que lo romperá sus expectativas en mil pedazos.Con una prosa sencilla y directa que unas veces recuerda a las autoras
Kitsune Books La Guia de la Felicidad Para La Bruja Moderna
Tectum Verlag Missbrauch Mit Den Missbrauchten: Mehr Traume, ALS Die Katholische Kirche Zerstoren Kann
Aladdin Paperbacks Monstrous Matchmakers
Aladdin Paperbacks Double Double Twins and Trouble
DEAD SOFT Verlag Finding Ky
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd The Modern Witch's Guide to Happiness: Self-care rituals, mystic guidance and magick spells to harness your power
Unleash your inner witch, learn the secrets of modern magick, and find joy every day with The Modern Witch’s Guide to Happiness.Discover everything you need to know to unlock your inner witch with this essential guide. Learn how to use tarot cards and healing crystals, how to embrace your psychic power and dispel toxic energy, and how to harness the magick of nature to become the happiest and most grounded version of yourself.Written in layman’s terms, this book offers practical activities such as spellcraft, finding your own rituals, and how to use magickal herbs effectively. Coupled with positive affirmations and advice on spiritual self-care, The Modern Witch’s Guide to Happiness is the perfect handbook to guide you on your magickal journey.
Random House USA Inc Star Leads the Way Disney Wish
Orion Publishing Co Dogstrology: Unlock the Secrets of the Stars with Dogs
With the help of a collection of sweet and hilarious dog pictures, DOGSTROLOGY will unlock all the secrets of the stars that you need to know, including...- Each of the signs at their best and worst (and the perfect pup to illustrate them)- The common traits of each element and modality in the zodiac- What do you and your 'sister sign' have in common? Find out, with the perfect dog photo to complement it...- And of course: the right dog for you, based on your star sign!
A tornado whirls through Kansas and lifts a house off the ground with Dorothy and her dog, Toto, inside! They land in a magical place filled with new friends, and they?ll have plenty of adventures before heading home.
Caliente Ensayo
Unahistoria personal deamor y placerLuna Miguel brinda en Caliente su narración más íntima sobre el deseo, el amor plural y la creación literaria; iluminadoras entrevistas en torno al placer y el autoplacer, y una lúcida lectura de una larga estirpe de escritoras que lo arriesgaron todo en su literatura, como Louise Glück, Cristina Morales, Annie Ernaux, Marina Tsvietáieva, H. D., Renée Vivien o Chris Kraus.Con inteligencia y provocación (Zenda), la autora se impone #decir con rabia todo lo que no debo# (El Cultural de ElMundo), y así, por medio de confesiones, reflexiones y citas, sin respiro, audaz y reveladora, vuelve a tocarnos con su mejor obra hasta la fecha.La crítica ha dicho...Con la disciplina de una relación estable y el fogonazo del lío de una noche, Luna organiza la biblioteca perfecta del ardor; pléyade, red, "sistema solar" para hacer colisionar nuestros tibios cuerpos celestes. Escritura y lec
Ama. Madre en euskera, o quizá la tercera persona del presente del verbo amar. Pero también las memorias de un joven abogado que descubre que la literatura ni siquiera puede embellecer las miserias de la vida -la precariedad, el desamor, o el duelo-.Nuestros padres nos mandaban a un colegio concertado, y después a una universidad privada sin saber muy bien por qué. Nos ponían en manos de brujos que conocían los secretos del éxito. Un máster: la palabra mágica de los chamanes. De esta forma, confiando en una alquimia que no conocían, ahorraban durante sus vidas, desgastaban sus rodillas, sus nudillos, sus zapatos, y nos martilleaban siempre con la misma frase: que no íbamos a heredar nada salvo los estudios que nos pagaban.El título de este libro alude a la voz euskera que significa madre, y también a la tercera persona del presente del verbo amar, y es justamente en esa intersección donde José Ignacio Carnero despliega una narración elegante y llena de belleza alred
Aladdin Paperbacks Monstrous Matchmakers
Simon & Schuster Thriller Night
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Ana en el aire
Tagträumer Verlag Anam Fear
£8.34 publishing Ich die letzte Medici. Life is a Story
Orion Publishing Co Psyche and Eros: The spellbinding and hotly-anticipated Greek mythology retelling that everyone’s talking about!
'A riotous adventure, populated by a cast of vivid, glittering characters' JENNIFER SAINT'An enthralling tale of adventure, romance, and star-crossed lovers' SUE LYNN TANNTHE GOD OF LOVE HAS FINALLY MET HIS MATCH...Born into an era of heroes, a prophecy claims that Psyche - Princess of Mycenae - will defeat a monster feared even by the gods themselves. Rebelling against society's traditions, she spends her youth mastering blade and bow, preparing to fulfil her destiny.But she is soon caught up in powers beyond her control, when the jealous Aphrodite sends the God of Desire, Eros, to deliver a fatal love-curse. The last thing Eros wants is to become involved in the chaos of the mortal world, but when he is pricked by the very arrow intended for Psyche, he is doomed to love a woman who will be torn from him the moment their eyes meet.Thrown together by fate, headstrong Psyche and world-weary Eros will face challenges greater than they could have ever imagined. And as the Trojan War begins and the whole of the heavens try to keep them apart, will they find their way back to each other before it's too late?A stunning, exciting and hotly-anticipated feminist retelling of one of the greatest love stories in Greek mythology. Luna McNamara's exquisitely written debut will appeal to fans of Madeline Miller, Jennifer Saint and Susan Stokes-Chapman.Praise for Psyche and Eros:'A fabulously entertaining retelling, full of magic, humour and heart' ELODIE HARPER'This spellbinding, witty feminist retelling of the Greek myth is a must read' WOMAN'S OWN'Every page is a breathless, swoonworthy adventure' ROSHANI CHOKSHI'Psyche and Eros refigures for our times a classic tale of disguise and revelation, of improbable passion tested by fate' GREGORY MAGUIRE'Evocative and lyrically spun...Psyche and Eros is a pure delight' REBECCA ROSS'A tender, meditative, bittersweet tale of one of literature's most ancient themes: love unfolding through self-discovery in the face of death' MAYA DEANE'Fiercely feminist and deeply romantic, Psyche and Eros has the allure...and the epic quality of ancient myth, tinged with...modern wit' AVA REID'One simply falls into the pages and is taken along on a fun, imaginative' KATHERINE J. CHEN
Orion Publishing Co Catstrology: Unlock the Secrets of the Stars with Cats
With the help of a collection of sweet and hilarious cat pictures, CATSTROLOGY will unlock all the secrets of the stars that you need to know, including...- Each of the signs at their best and worst (and the perfect cat to illustrate them)- The common traits of each element and modality in the zodiac- What do you and your 'sister sign' have in common? Find out, with the perfect cat picture to complement it...- And of course: the right cat for you, based on your star sign!
Simon & Schuster Welcome to Peculiar: Double, Double, Twins and Trouble; Thriller Night; Monstrous Matchmakers; Glimpse the Future
Cooper Square Publishers Inc.,U.S. Richard Scarry's Best Counting Book Ever/ El Mejor Libro Para Contar De Richard Scarry
Learn to count from 1 to 10 in English and Spanish with Willy Bunny and friends
Weltenbaum Verlag Ära der Dunkelheit
FISCHER, S. Da waren Tage
Disney Publishing Group DisneyPixar Inside Out 2 Go to Sleep Anxiety
North Star Editions Game On! The Legend of Zelda
It’s game on, Legend of Zelda fans! This title explores the inception and evolution of the Legend of Zelda, highlighting the game’s key creators, super players, and the cultural crazes inspired by the game. Special features include side-by-side comparisons of the game over time and a behind-the-screen look into the franchise. Other features include a table of contents, fun facts, a timeline and an index. Full-color photos and action-packed screenshots will transport readers to the heart the Legend of Zelda empire! Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Joe Biden
This biography introduces readers to Joe Biden including key events from Biden’s life, his achievements as US senator and vice president, his charitable contributions, and his historic selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate. Information about his childhood, family, and personal life is included. A timeline, fast facts, and sidebars provide additional information. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
Simon & Schuster Double, Double, Twins and Trouble
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Psyche and Eros
Cooper Square Publishers Inc.,U.S. Richard Scarry's Best Counting Book Ever / El Mejor Libro Para Contar De Richard Scarry
Learn to count from 1 to 10 in English and Spanish with Willy Bunny and friends
Cooper Square Publishers Inc.,U.S. Los Tres Pequenos Jabalies / the Three Little Javelinas
Dover Publications Inc. Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology: Second Edition
Edition W GmbH Um mich herum Geschichten