Search results for ""author irma""
Boekdiva Uitgewers The Tame Ways of Wild Animals
Francke-Buch GmbH Ein Zuhause in Afrika
Idea Group,U.S. Bioinformatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
As a result of experimental techniques, the combination of biology and computer science was initiated to classify and process an expanding number of biological observations. Bioinformatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications highlights the area of bioinformatics and its impact over the medical community with its innovations that change how we recognise and care for illnesses. This publication provides significant research and the most recent observations that are useful for researchers, practitioners, and academicians involved in the many aspects of bioinformatics.
Königshausen & Neumann forgotten writers
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose, Handlist X: Manuscripts in Scandinavian Collections
'The Index of Middle English Prose' will ultimately locate, identify and record all extant Middle English prose texts composed between c.1200 and c.1500. The initial volumes, the 'Handlists' give descriptions of each item in a particular collection, with identification, categorisation, and full bibliographical data. This volume examines libraries in Scandinavia containing Middle English prose texts: the Royal Library of Copenhagen, Denmark, the Royal Library of Stockholm, theUniversity Library of Uppsala, Sweden, and the SchA|yen Collection in Oslo, Norway. An extensive collection of alchemical writings in Copenhagen is listed for the first time. Medical texts are well represented, including Lanfrank's surgery and a Canutus treatise in Copenhagen, and the famous medical miscellanies in Stockholm. Uppsala has a number of religious works. The SchA|yen Collection is a private MS collection ontaining items of Middle English prose. IRMA TAAVITSAINEN is a researcher and member of the staff of the English Department at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
Phaidon Press Ltd Viktor & Rolf: Cover Cover
A celebration of the quirky, surprising, and often spectacular work of Dutch fashion designers Viktor & Rolf Conceived and designed by acclaimed graphic designer Irma Boom, this book brings to life the legendary conceptual creations of Dutch duo Viktor & Rolf. Entirely made up of 8-page gatefolds, each of which relates to a specific show, with images, sketches, and quotes showcasing that particular collection, it elevates bookmaking to an entirely new level while referencing the dramatic layers that feature in the designers' work. Exploring Viktor & Rolf's signature stunning style, this book is the ultimate homage to the spectacle of fashion.
Francke-Buch GmbH Und ber uns die Sterne
Francke-Buch GmbH Pontenilo
Francke-Buch GmbH Das Kind aus dem versteckten Dorf
Francke-Buch GmbH Hinter dem Orangenhain
Königshausen & Neumann TraumLeben
hanserblau Die Gräfin
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Dynamics and Income Distribution: The Selected Essays of Irma Adelman, Volume II
Dynamics and Income Distribution brings together Irma Adelman’s pioneering applications of econometrics, as well as papers on the poverty and income distribution implications of growth and development. The volume combines some early papers on business cycles and long swings with other pieces focusing on just economic development.With a firm emphasis on the dynamics of income inequality, this volume includes empirical study of how inequality changes with economic development and the conceptual development of dynamic indices of income inequality. Professor Adelman’s papers draw on quantitative simulation models and the experience of specific countries to discuss policies to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality. The author argues that trickle-down processes are not likely to reduce poverty sufficiently rapidly. Land reform and the equal access to education need to be focused in order to generate the initial conditions for equalizing economic development. Economic development and poverty reduction, she suggests, require an emphasis on education, on institutions determining access to jobs and resources, and on labour-intensive types of economic growth. With its companion volume, Institutions and Development Strategies, this collection of selected essays makes a significant contribution by improving access to Irma Adelman’s pioneering work on the economics and policy of development.
Deep Vellum Publishing Nostalgia Doesnt Flow Away Like Riverwater
A story of separation and displacement in two fictionalized voices: a person who has migrated, without papers, to the United States for work, and their partner who waits at home. Nostalgia Doesn't Flow Away Like Riverwater / Xilase qui rié di' sicasi rié nisa guiigu' / La Nostalgia no se marcha como el agua de los ríos is a trilingual collection by one of the most prominent Indigenous poets in Latin America: Irma Pineda. The book consists of 36 persona poems that tell a story of separation and displacement in two fictionalized voices: a person who has migrated, without papers, to the United States for work, and that person's partner who waits at home, in the poet's hometown of Juchitán, Oaxaca. According to Periódico de Poesía, a journal based at UNAM (Mexico's national university), when it was published in 2007, this book established Pineda one of the strongest poets working in Zapotec, the [Mexican] Native language with the largest literary production.
Alma Books Ltd My Life in Agony: Confessions of a Professional Agony Aunt
As Cosmopolitan’s professional agony aunt for the last forty years, Irma Kurtz has had to deal with the most intimate problems of successive generations of readers, while having to keep up with the changing mores and attitudes in British and American society. In these memoirs, she looks back on the seismic transformations that have taken place over the last four decades, as well as her own hectic and often difficult life as a single mum from America living in London. Warm, funny and perceptive, brimming with wisdom and insight, My Life in Agony is a meditation on the subjects that tend to concern and confuse us the most – from mother-daughter relationships through to eating disorders, office politics and those perennial areas of interest: love and sex.
Prentice Hall (a Pearson Education company) Joy of Cooking: 1931 Facsimile Edition
G&G Verlagsges. Mein schlaues Ferienheft Mathematik 2. Klasse Volksschule
G&G Verlagsges. Mein schlaues Ferienheft Deutsch 3. Klasse Volksschule
University of Toronto Press Canadian Books for Young People/Livres canadiens pour la jeunesse, 3e
Speel Je Wijs Verbeelden en Verbinden: mindfulness en kunst
Tafelberg Publishers Ltd Red Tide
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones El desafío de emprender en el siglo XXI herramientas para desarrollar la competencia emprendedora
El libro presenta el trabajo que, desde la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, OEI, se viene realizando, centrado en el apoyo a las diferentes iniciativas y proyectos que propicien que las personas puedan mejorar sus niveles de competencias y, a su vez, acciones encaminadas a mejorar sus condiciones de vida; todo ello a través del desarrollo de una cultura emprendedora que impulse el aprender a emprender de manera individual y colectiva. El libro es una muestra concreta del compromiso institucional con la formación y el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Es el resultado del esfuerzo de diferentes sectores de la sociedad que han decidido promover acciones transformadoras. Se espera que contribuya a ampliar las respuestas a las preguntas que hoy se plantean los diferentes actores sociales respecto al emprendimiento, el trabajo, las competencias y su relación con la educación formal y no formal.La obra, que cuenta además con abundante material práctico en sus Anexos, será de suma
Lukas Verlag Magistrale der Moderne
Juventa Verlag GmbH Unterstützung von geflüchteten Menschen über die Lebensspanne
G&G Verlagsges. Mein schlaues Ferienheft Mathematik 1. Klasse Volksschule
Fordham University Press Shining Eyes, Cruel Fortune: The Lives and Loves of Italian Renaissance Women Poets
This book presents the life stories of twelve extraordinary women who lived passionately and recorded in poetry their happiness and heartbreaks. Our English translations of their poetry are intended to make their poems seem to speak their thoughts, and we have included a CD with sixty-eight of their poems recorded in Italian literature, so that we do in fact hear their thoughts. In addition, several chapters take up some controversial art-historical problems centered on one or another of the women, suggesting possible solutions. This copiously illustrated, interdisciplinary book of 239 poems—“poetry-in-context”--- is not an anthology; together with the CD of readings, and the challenging art-historical discussions of several paintings, it is unique. There is no other similar book.
Fordham University Press The Italian Presence in American Art, 1860-1920
Like a magic potion, Italianita has seeped through the stream of American aesthetic consciousness ever since Benjamin West stepped onto Italian soil in 1760. The first period of this artistic phenomenon was investigated in The Italian Presence in American Art, 1760-1860 and the book at hand thus continues this intellectual exploration in its development during the following sixty years. Those decades between the Civil War and World War I brought to a climax the growing sense of American continental nationhood, and this strengthened perception of national identity was reflected in American art. A synthesis was achieved in which American values and images were fused with the great tradition flowing from its Italian source. Among the themes that arise from this examination of the role that Italy played in shaping American art is first and foremost the struggle to resolve the issue of what American art ought to express: our European heritage or our cultural independence. This question penetrates to the heart of the most widely debated topic in present-day American culture - multiculturalism. The reader may well find previously unconsidered relationships between our past and present, and may be led to reconsider problems posed by the conflicting needs of unity and diversity in our nation. Other themes that appear in these essays deal with the development of American wealth and its role in influencing the taste of the period, and with feminism. In these pages it will be noticed how very closely American art mirrors the American Experience. While all art reflects the cultural context in which it is created, the nature of American art, predominantly Romantic-Realism, makes the link between idea and image particularly visible. What becomes evident is that "the Italian presence" was almost never a simple matter of direct influence; rather it was an experience for American artists that afforded them, above all, insight and inspiration. Italy was America's muse.
G&G Verlagsges. Mein schlaues Ferienheft Deutsch 2. Klasse Volksschule
G&G Verlagsges. Mein schlaues Ferienheft Deutsch 4. Klasse Volksschule
Afterhours Bobo: The Travelling Hound
G&G Verlagsges. Mein schlaues Ferienheft Mathematik 4. Klasse Volksschule
Imaginarium 5 al da
En este libro las frutas y verduras hablan! Y te cuentan lo importante que es comer sanoPara aprender que hay que comer alimentos naturales como frutas, verduras, legumbres, etc Las protagonistas cuentan los beneficios de una dieta equilibrada, llena de vitaminas, minerales, agua Con un menú muy sano y rico para cada día de la semana
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Authentizitt in der psychoanalytischen Begegnung Ausgewhlte Schriften
G&G Verlagsges. Mein schlaues Ferienheft Mathematik 3. Klasse Volksschule
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc The Arts in Contemporary Healing
Presents a holistic, object relations and arts-based model of healing for use in the mediation of difficult or catastrophic changes. Fascinating case vignettes are drawn from the practices of many creative arts therapists and artists, illustrating the healing function of artmaking. A holistic, object relations and arts-based model of healing is presented, for use to mediate difficult or catastrophic changes. Fascinating case vignettes are drawn from the practices of many creative arts therapists and artists, illustrating the healing function of artmaking.
G&G Verlagsges. Mein schlaues Ferienheft Deutsch 1. Klasse Volksschule
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Environmental Research
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Innovation for Sustainable Tourism
Offering conceptual, empirical and policy contributions from leading international scholars in the field, this comprehensive Handbook investigates a broad range of innovations and new approaches to tourism aimed at enhancing sustainability.Examining the ongoing competitiveness that exists in 21st Century tourism within a global market environment, chapters expand the debate on how innovation can tackle current challenges including providing clean energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With climate change and environmental degradation intensifying, this Handbook reviews the urgent system changes needed, as well as considering social dimensions in order to provide cohesion between innovation and tourism. Furthermore, it highlights the important role of policy and governance to allow collective action for the public good while paying greater attention to human values.Researchers and scholars of tourism studies, including tourism management and tourism geography, will find the suggested innovations and debates informative and illustrative. This innovative Handbook will also be an excellent guide for practitioners and policy-makers embedding new and improved ‘ways of doing’ to promote and provide for sustainable tourism.
Exisle Publishing Where the Heart Is
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Monitoraggio E Manutenzione Delle Aree Archeologiche: Cambiamenti Climatici, Dissesto Idrogeologico, Degrado Chimico-Ambientale
Random House Children's Books Never Talk to Strangers by Buckett George Author ON Apr152009 Hardback
If you are hanging from a trapezeAnd up sneaks a camel with bony knees,Remember this rule, if you please—Never talk to strangers.This book brilliantly highlights situations that children will find themselves in—whether they’re at home and the doorbell rings, or playing in the park, or mailing a letter on their street—and tells them what to do if a stranger (always portrayed as a large animal, such as a rhino) approaches. Colorful, ’60s-style “psychedelic” artwork and witty, lively rhyme clearly spell out a message about safety that empowers kids, and that has never been more relevant.Irma Joyce wrote many Golden Books during the 1960s.George Buckett was a popular children’s book illustrator during the 1960s.
A reflection about the traditions and divisions between boy and girl's clothing. Why can’t we dress as we like? Leo loves to wear costumes: pirate, superhero, knight... he also likes to put on a lavender skirt, but the day he decided to go out with it, someone mistakes him for a girl. He gets very angry. Can’t a boy play and put on a skirt? Years ago, girls weren´t allowed to wear pants...
Image Comics Everyday Hero Machine Boy
"Creators Kniivila (Year of the Dog) and Vuong (The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn) present a funny, uncommonly charming mash-up of martial arts, superhero, and sci-fi comics. The rare all-ages title that will entertain, and perhaps even enthrall, adolescents and adults alike." --- Library Journal (Starred Review) When a machine boy falls to earth, his heart is awoken for the first time. As he learns to be human, he struggles to override his own programming and become a hero, from rising stars Tri Vuong and Irma Kniivila. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... Machine Boy! When Machine Boy falls from the sky into the domed city of Mega 416, he leaves a wake of destruction in his path... until Karate Grandpa is able to turn on his heart. Now, Machine Boy wants nothing more than to become a hero! Whether he is fighting giant bugs in the school's basement, rescuing cats from trees, or making the perfect spaghetti sauce, Machine Boy is always looking for the best way to help others. But when his heart begins to interact dangerously with other debris from space, Machine Boy wonders if he can be a power for good after all. Rising stars Tri Vuong and Irma Kniivila create a funny and engaging all-ages adventure that asks-can you override your own programming? Included in Everyday Hero Machine Boy, is a two-page READER'S GUIDE. The full TEACHER'S GUIDE is available on
Prestel Jil Sander By Jil Sander
The iconic fashion designer offers unprecedented access into her career and personal history with this once-in-a-lifetime publishing event. The complete, official retrospective, designed by Irma Boom-one of the world's leading book designers-in close collaboration with Jil Sander herself, is packed with special features, that will make it a highly coveted collectors' item. For decades the name Jil Sander has evoked the philosophy of less is more-a minimalist aesthetic using highest quality materials and employing exquisite craftsmanship to the effect of poetic purity. Designed and produced as impeccably as her clothing, this beautiful book offers unprecedented access into Sander's remarkable history as a designer, and international businesswoman. Rich in archival material, and glimpses into the life of its famously publicity-shy subject, this book tells how Sander started in the 1960s and quickly established herself as a discriminating designer unfazed by trends. When the world finally caught up to her brand, in the late 80s and 90s, the Sander name became one of the most prestigious in all of fashion. Adhering to her core principles was the key to success with her own label. The book recapitulates her foray into the world of cosmetics and her later partnership with Uniqlo, where she created the special line +J. A further focus is given to her cooperation with leading architects on the architecture and interior design of her multinational flagship stores. Every aspect of Sander's career is interwoven in this fascinating story. The result is an elegant manifestation of the Jil Sander name-a story of integrity and grit, sumptuously packaged and timeless.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO La falda morada de Leo
A reflection about the traditions and divisions between boy and girl's clothing. Why can’t we dress as we like? Una reflexión sobre las tradiciones y las divisiones entre la ropa de chico y la de chica. ¿Por qué no podemos vestir como nos apetece? Leo loves to wear costumes: pirate, superhero, knight... he also likes to put on a lavender skirt, but the day he decided to go out with it, someone mistakes him for a girl. He gets very angry. Can’t a boy play and put on a skirt? Years ago, girls weren´t allowed to wear pants... A Leo le encanta disfrazarse. De pirata de superhéroe, de caballero… También le gusta ponerse una falda morada, pero el día en que decidió salir a la calle con ella, una señora mayor pensó que Leo era una niña y él se enfadó mucho. ¿No puede un niño jugar y ponerse una falda? Hace años, a las niñas no les dejaban ponerse pantalones…
Amazon Publishing Man Down
In Irma Venter’s follow-up to the electric Hard Rain, Ranna Abramson returns home to the lion’s den to resurrect a long-dead past and save the man she loves. Ranna Abramson wants to disappear. But she knows she can’t keep running when a former enemy tracks her down in Mumbai with dire news: her onetime lover, journalist Alex Derksen, has disappeared back home in South Africa. Torn between her desire for him and fear of a homecoming, Ranna knows she’s the only one who can find him. But only two things in South Africa would welcome her—the inside of a cell or the bottom of a grave. There, to the police she’s the prime suspect in three murders. To the press, she’s the Black Widow serial killer. Despite her instinct to stay away, Ranna makes the journey. But the key to finding Alex lies in her painful past. And to uncover it, she’ll need to unravel a web of secrets tied to a long-forgotten crime. Even if she finds Alex before it’s too late, Ranna must answer for past sins…or risk losing him forever.